1 W SALE HOUSES WEST SALEM ERN S room home. liv. rm. dinette, .It. 3bd. rms, bath, full ba.. rum., laun ' 4ty trays, grape arbor and fireplace "L lh back yard, 10300. Call Mr. Byrklt. J West Salem Realty Co. 1. 1U3 Miewarter St. 'PHONE! slog 268' WALKING DISTANCE SOUTH TjptOELLENT location. Flu older type 6 ;i .mm I plastered home. Full basement, -furnace, completely furnished with tm ' '- gstdlate post. 17500. West Salem Realty Co. -1113 BdiewaMr St. PHONE! 5109 'BOUSE, new, mdn. unfinished but llve i ble. 1 ml. east Waldport. Alsea bay (:.. W. Eckman'a slough. ?i acre Inst. bulb g rnd. Soon pay off. Cabin site. .--Elect, city water. S8730 cash. Dainy ' Day. Waldport. Ore. a 2 68 Beautiful Creek Property ' 1 Km HOME located north east In very :lei!rable dljitrlct. Home beautifully dec-.-.'.)'.; Mated Inside, large comfortable rooms, bd. rms., full basement, outside fire place on creek bank. Let me show you this property. If a good buy at 47900. Bee Mr. Boyd. ' Rich L. Reimann, Realtor Ml S. HUll Ph. 3722 28 FOR SALE HOUSES IIIHIO S RM. home north. Near school and dim. 11300 down ana nannce line rent. Call Mr. Waluri. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 976 8. Commercial flt. Phone 3793. Tftre. Ph. 9441. a268 SH.ooo SEE THIS Jovely new home east, off Center St. liv. rm. with fireplace and laree windows to floor, dining rm., kitchen, dinette, 3 bedrooms, stairs to attic, hardwood floors. Basement room with fireplace, oil furnace, lane lot. Call Mr., Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. Commercial fit. Phone 3793. Tve. Ph. 9441. a260 Our Best Buy M A. all under plow, 35 A. now aeeded, paved road, 14 ml. east, e room oun galow type home, large new sradr A barn, cost 33300. Only 38500 with slock and tools. NO BETTER SOIL Borders on lake Lablih. 38 acres. 30 un der plow, 10 A orchard, 2'i A. Waver dam. i room house with bath. Old barn. Price $15,730. C. H. Sanders, 331 N. Hllb. 5838. b288 JM-MO IMMEDIATE possession. Neat 3 bedroom home, newly remodeled. Vi acres. 4 miles euu A good buy. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. Commercial St. Phone J703. Eve. Ph. 9M1. aW Walnut Park District! 3 BEDROOM modren home. $8850. 2 B. It. mod. horn? iu floor furnace, nice yard. Price $8300. C. H. Sanders. 331 N. High. 5838. a268 SJK.IO. NEW house furnished. 1 bed rm. untln. attic, electric water neater, elec tric rante, refrigerator, double Karate, basement, furnace, immediate possess ion. MBLVIN JOHNSON 735 Court St. Ph. 3723. 4267 , CREEK HOME kUMOY mountain scenery right In town. Very nice two bedroom house, large living room, corner nook overlooking patio and beautifully landscaped lawn and creek. Out of town owner says SELL THIS WEEK ; Priced for ACTION. CHAS. HUDKINS : & SON - i 175 State St. Ph. 9494. ' a268 $8.10(1. 5 RM. hse. In food condition, plss- tered, bath, close to school SSAOO B RM. hse. one 6 rm. and one I rm. apt., bath with each, close to dui ana school. MBLVIN JOHNSON 735 Court St. Ph. 3723. . a267 ROOMY COTTAGE 9 ROOM plastered home all on one floor. Oarage. Paved street, ciom to scnooi and bus, north. Price 1500. Bee K. N. Voorhees with Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9361. a269 WHY PAY REST BUM. Small hse. with 3 lots, 3 bits, from b" bus. immediate poss. I Olson . & Reeve, Realtors J 'j 945 B. Com'l. Ph. 4500. Eve. 9536. a360 . .fS70fl. 5'rm. hwd. firs, in L. R. & D. R-. out of city limits, double garage, chick . n hse. near school and bus. 3 Olson & Reeve. Realtors g-45 S. Com'l. Ph. 4590. Eve. 9536. a269' .nr30. 4 RO f iKtir 0U V Vrnlture ROOM plastered hse.. utility rm. and sen. very neat, ana cicau. on be bouaht. Olson & Reeves Realtors ; 45 S. Com'l. Ph. 4590., Eve. 9536. a269 6 M.V.. NICE 4 rm. hse. in good district Mouth., fireplace, full bsmt. furnace, ( Wired for range, elect, hot water heat- r. Close to schools, lane back yd., ith trues can be bouiht furnished. lson & Reeve, Realtors W9 45 8. Com 1. Ph. 4590. Eve. 9536. a38B' $75. N, 3 bedroom., larte L. rm. and Sn. rm., Hwd. firs. Fireplace, lull base Iment with sawdust furnace, fenced in 2 back yd. with out-side fireplace. fclson &. Reeve, Realtors 1 946 S. Com'l. Ph. 4590. Eve. 9536. a269' ENOLEWOOD DISTRICT I, Ml. HERE Is jour chance to move In lo a cheap hse. until yours can oe duui. 3 rm. and bath, elect., stove and elect, hrtt water heater aoes. bison & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Com'l. Ph. 4590. Eve. 9536. a369' ,OVELY 4 bedrm. house, east side, fine setting, oil heating system, able, piumo- ina. sio.ooo. terms. Luse iteany, ore. Bldg. Ph. 7952. a26T ROOMS, base, furnace, hdw. floor, ex rUent condition. North. $8500. Terms. Willamette Real Estate 172 S. Liberty. Ph. 7113. a267 Close to Sr. High! MODERN HOME consisting; ot 4 bed ooms, hwd. floors in living, din inn. ana hall, oil furnace in base, loi is x uu, Price $9500, ,i cash. O. H. BANDERS 23! N. High. 5838. a268' if' ROOM house north, on small lot. Un finished attic, close to bus and scnooi. Price S2250. cash. (LOSE IN 6 rm. well built home with base. and. furnace, price 37000. Terms. C. H. SANDERS 331 N. High 5838. . . . 2flT QUICK POSSESSION b BEDROOM, bath. L. R., D. R. nook. hwd. firs., fireplace, eiec. not water. bsmt. wired for range, garage, large lot J6290. ra. "Timer ' Amunason. KICK 3 bedr, time., L. K. D. R. K and bath, piaatered, large ioi, iamiiy iruit, north, I60GO. Ph. "Elmer' Amundson. 337 North High street. 289 B210 QOI A BORT PICHA. REALTORS uwj j as7 M0rth High street. a269' Redecorated Inside and Out I ROOM home. Hollywood district. Partly furnished, aulck possession, price 7od. Bliven - Alderin - Cooney REALTORS 4-M OrMon Bids. Ph. 7904 Kve. S918. a267- Bungalow for Large Family GOOD 8-rm. dwelling. Large living room. dining room, 5 bedrooms. Keaecoraira, floor re-sanaea aown-siairs. immw late possession. Price SA650. North. BLIVEN -ALD EN -COONEY REALTORS 430 Oregon Bide. Phone 7904, Eve. 8918 367 3se:i fl rms. com p. turn., auto, hot water, elec. range, some fuel. ? Dins, from school, 6 blka. from high school, on bus line. Lot 100x100. 51800 will handle. Owner. 1734 Nebraska Ave. 272 t HOUSES on lot 50x330. Room for more houses. No incumbrances, cash, imj Brooks Ave. i FAIRMOUNT HILL tO.vm LIVING RM.. dining rm.. kitchen. breaklast nook. 2 B.Rs on 1st floor, same on 2nd floor, only furnished. 2nd rents tbo per mo. Hdw. floors, sawdust neat. Fireplace. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 1717 Center Bt Phone 21549. Eves. 21731. a269J 840-5 NORTH. 4 room house on paved H, street. Close to school. Call Omer huii. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 1717 Center St. P.lone 21549. Eves. 31731. a269 4.!00 e ROOM house, lot I00xl50. Fire place, wired for range, nice oak shade. xiua irees. uaii nay uavis. Huff Real Estate Co. - REALTORS 1717 Center St Phone 21540; Eves. 21731. a269' Journal Want Ads Pay .-ROOM HOME located at 570 Statesman St. Wired for range, oarage, nnown oy appointment only, price sow. Call O. V. HUME with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 8. High St. Ph. 4131. a26' flioo N.E. Entirely modern, Just redec orated. Spotlessly clean, hdwd. floors throughout. 2 bedrooms, living rm. din lng rm. kitchen. Bath, basement, party room. auto, air conditioning oil furn ace, laundry trays, on pavement. New dist. 4 years old. A Real Homei Olson & Reeve, Realtors CREEK PROPERTY 17,000 NORTH. 4 bedroom houM good rendition. iust reaecoraiea. ijoveiy mi. and baih. Large lot. well located, . full hattm. Call Mrs. Patzer. with R. E. Meredith, Realtor 176 South Commercial Ph sail aaes S6.:i00. S Rm. modern home, well located N. Close to school and bus. can Mrs. Patzer with R. E. Meredith, Realtor 178 South Commercial Ph. 6841 aaea EXCEPTIONALLY NEAT and clean, furn ished 5 room plastered house. 3 bed rooms, bath, utility room with laun dry trays. Furniture Includes late model electric refrigerator, cabinet radio. washing machine, oil circulator: all furniture In excellent condition. You can move right in. Price S62j0. Rostein & Adolph. Inc. 110'j N. Commercial St. Ph 3030 a267 S ROOM house with nook and utility room; 2 nice large bedrooms. Wired for electric range; electric water heater and oil circulator go with the place. 2 lots with good garden space, price waQ. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. 110'i N. Commercial St. Ph 3030 a287' BY OWNER; S room plastered house, 3 bedrooms, utility, bath, garage. Fur nished, including eiec. remgrrator. oil circulator. Nice lot. 1320 Waller, Salem. 275 EAST- GOOD t -BEDRM. Plastered home. Hwd. floors, basement, L. trays, lurnace. Wired for range. Olassed-ln back porch. Oarase. Bus by door. An exceptional buy at ssioo. OOlfi BURT PICHA REALTORS 0dXJ M7 North Hiah St. a267' BY OWNER Large house, good condition, at 1010 OAK. Phone 8250. aasr NICE 8 BDRM. home on North Liberty flt. Extra large lot, bsmt. Only S530O for quick sale, sea MR. gcxjjjwin witn Hawkins & Roberts, lnc, REALTORS Phone 4106. After ft 8715. R261 FOR SALE LOTS 10 LOTS IDTAL SETUP for business with 3 lots facing Commercial fit. i lots lor res idents or Motor Courts. J850O. j SAon LOT on Trade St.. navtnc Pd. SSSO. NICE lot in N. Salem,, east front. close to bus ana scnooi. MBLVIN JOHNSON 725 Court St. Ph. 3723. a287' DESIRABLE LOTS SELLING FAST BUY NOW BUILD LATER 3-50x300 LOTS south Salem, S650. 3 LARGE tree covered lots 8. 12th Bt. out side city I550-S75D. 14 ACRE ind 14 acre view lots 81000 to 11250. U ACRE lots on "Hilltop" highest hill south ot saiem s.oo. CHAS. HUDKINS - & SON 275 State St. Phone 9490. 370' i AND ACRE tracts South. Restricted Hume with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High St. Ph. 4121. aa269 FOR SALE FARMS CLOSE TO SALEM 101 ACRES best soil in valley, ,7-rm. modern house. 2 bath rooms, all in perfect couditoln Inside and out. Deep well. Large oarn accomodates j gur, mr.it houM. machine shed, chicken house, hog house, all In good repaid. 20 acres river bottom soil. Water right to large lake furnishes plenty water for irri gation. Engine. 5-tn. pump, pipe and flumes included. 275 State Si. Ph. 9494 M69' a acmes s. EasL some oak and fir timber, peaches, grapes, fair house. no Darn ,eieci. avi.ore. " S ,50 down. 1mm. poss. C. H. Sanders, 231 PI. HUII. Zi. w ACRES for sub-divlslon on Dallas Hwy cKi.n Ph. "Elmer" Amundson. I HURT rxutlA. nuu.iujva 337 North High street. b38B" 3210- POK SALE HOUSES Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOPSES LEE OHMART & CO.. REALTORS NORTH 30TH STREET Co.Y S-ROOM home, 3 bedrooms. living room with fireplace, dining-room, kitch en and bath, no basement 14600. I BEDROOM HOME UviG-ROOM. din lng-room. 3 bedrooms. Kiicnen and bath, ill on one floor, gar In good condition, newly painted inside and out. Located North (6000. NORTH SUMMER S BEDROOMS UvrNQ.KOOM dining-room, 3 bedrooms. K'tcncD and bath down. 1 bedroom, up. full basement, furnace, elec. water beal- Part hardwood floors, fireplace, wir ed for range, lot 50x123. Price includes ec range, refer and washing machine I90O0. NICE HOME WITH INCOME DOWNSTAIRS HAS 5 good-aiied rooms and complete nam, nas i wum .. up. full bath, separate outside entrance, double garage. Full basement, auto. .,-h.i.k fiimaM. elec. water heater. Large corner lot. 5 walnut and filbert trees, well kept yard, outside fireplace and fish pond. Apt. rents for 140 e month, wen locaten noun ivjvu. ON THE DALLAS HI WAY BUSINESS WUJlrLLlL nft AbnE. ut.i-a.i'. ' equipped. Also' small apartment, has eiec. waier Taicin, -.--.. nearly 1 acre of land blway frontage. Will sell lock, stock and barrel for 16500. FILBERTS t acre of filberts. 6 and 13 years old. Barcelona and Duchlllaa. cover crop is veatch. fenced on 2 sides. Located about II miles norm tw town. imwv. 477 Court St. PHONE 9680 Eve. & Sun. 3779 FOR SALE FARMS AUTOMOBn.ES EQUIPPED 7 ARM ! ACRES well located on good road. Part In Irrigation. Good well with a 1300 gaL elec. water system. Modern 4 bedroom home; good 10 stanchion barn with running water, concrete stalls and gutters. Large partitioned henhouse. Complete turkey equipment for 1250 turkeys; about 18 ton hay In barn: 8 milk cows, new milking machine; 10-20 tractor on rubber. Drill, harrow, disc, plows, all farm machinery necessary to go. AU for 813.000. See A. E. DanleUon. with Leo N. Childs, Inc. b269 17 ACRES bordering on Lake Lablsh. About 1' acres of beaver dam land in cultivation, about l'. acres of the other land in cultivation. Balance pas ture. Soundly built 2 bedroom house that needs papering and painting. Well, electricity. It does not have plumbing or electric water system. Price S370D. Spend some money and your labor on ' this place and It will be equal to the best acreages. Rosten & Adolph. Inc. UO'.i N, Commercial St. Ph. 3030 b'J67 FOR SALE by owner 20 acre farm in Pruitland. 2 story modern home, double garage.' good barn, other outbuildings, family fruit, Willamette soil, across from Pruitland school and church, 4 miles east of Salem on center St. Rt. 6. Box 270. b371 12 ACRE SUBURBAN LOVELY HOME NEW MODERN 3-bdrm. home, big liv. rm with fireplace, large dm. rm, deluxe kitchen. Has utility rm with gas heater in aaraae. There is a small cnicten use. Also barn for 2 cows. A family orchard and bal. of land in crops. This la one of the best located places close in on Center St. 818,500. Terms. Bee Mn. LAASEN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Phone 4108. REALTORS D268' ND1TH: a ACRES on navement 4 rm. semi-modern new bouse, oond small barn and chicken bouse. Very toad bur at 16500. R, E. Meredith, Realtor 176 S. 'Commercial. Ph. 8841. b27a CANADIAN OWNER SAYS SELL AT PRE-WAR PRICE HERE IS A HOME that is worth the mo ney: A 7-rm 3 bdrm. home with 3 fire places. Hdwd. floors, nice kitchen with lots of built-lns. Has nice bathrm. and shower ifoata rs with lav. downstairs. Full bsmt. with furn. heat. Wired for elec. range. There is a 4-rm. nouse ad joining. A new water system, out biags. to care for 6000 chickens, and a nice barn and brooder hse. There are several range houses. There are 25 acres of land thai is planted to all kinds of fruit and nuts. A beautiful view of the valley and mountains. The price has been cut for a quick sale several thousand doll ars. See MR. LARS EN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Phone 4108. REALTORS b!07 FOR SALE ACREAGE 11 ACRES CLOSE IN SIX-RM. house, bath wired for Xlee. ranee, elec. water system, friut room. garage, out try house, barn all fenced, large frontage on paved road, suitable for sub-division. See MRS. NEEDHAM or Louis BechteL 341 State St., Room 4 bb27a 30 A Walnut Orchard LOCATED NORTH. One of the finest or chards In the valley. Only 3 mi. from Salem on Black Top road. This or chard produced well over 20 tons nuts this year. See Mr. Boyd. Rich L. Reimann, Realtor 30i e. Hign pn. 3122. oosab 8 Acres Orchard PRUNES, cherries, a Doles, few walnuts. Located east near 4 corners. Good soil. level land, on good gravel road. S4O00. See Mr. Boyd. . Rich L. Reimann, Realtor jo 1 a, riign, pn. zth. do 20 A. Orchard Royal A. Cherries and Filberts BEAUTIFUL, view property located west of Salem on hill above Holm an Park. Has wonderful building site. Small house on property. See Mr. Boyd. Rich L. Reimann, Realtor 201 0. Hign St. Ph. 3722. 00269' WOULD YOU like to own an attractive suburban home? Well located on paved road ana ous line; close to school. Ap proximately '.i acre tract, some trees. excellent soil. 6 room house with plumb ing ,buiit-Ins, oil circulator heater and drums, kitchen range, garage, poultry house, small barn, pump bouse, well and electric water system. Possession soon. Price 16700. See Leo N. Childs, Inc. SUBURBAN HOMES 14300 J-BOOM HOME and W acre North. 1 block to bus. 2-car garage. Garden space. 147 iW 4 -ROOM, late constructed home on Liberty rd. acre, garden, Karaite S7SOO HM ACRKS East. Neat fl-room home. garage. Equipt. to keep chickens. Lois 01 iruit an3 nut trees. Call O. V. HUME with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 S. High St. Phone 4121. bb2C8' OWNER LEAVING SALEM IS PERCENT discount on 5 acres King wood view property, Nice three bed room home, oil dr., auto. elec. water tur... over 100 yards inlaid linoleum. Owner will sell latest elec. re I rig. and range to purchaser; also other Items lurnlture at reasonable price. 275 State St. Ph. 9494 bb268 SUBURBAN 3 BDRM. HOME VERY NICK home with bath, oil heat, elec. hot water, Venetian bunas, wired for elec. range. Has a nice yaia, chicken hse., brooaer nse. and Darn. 10 A. ot ground all in cultivation. 1 A. filberts. A. cherries. Located only 4 miles out and ail lor snauui see UK. McMiLUN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. TEN ACRES ALL PLOW LA.D, gooa Road, electric line, no diuks. rrice aw. Grabenhorst Bros. CHEMAWA DISTRICT NEARLY SIX Acres with bt acres In Hearing Boy sen berries, 2 bedrm, home with plumbing and lights. Barn, fine location. Price 1 10. Dull; 16000 down. bai. 4 years at 4';. int. Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty 01. 4131. bb268' 3 ACKEd good soil East, close school, bus, stores, large house, barn. Price SoBUO. 4 ACSfcS good o;i East on paved road. 6 large rooms in house, wired range. Good small barn, cnlcg. house, gas. Price louu. C. H. Sanaers, 2J1 N. Hiun. 583a. bb26T KE1ZSR DISTRICT z'i ACRES, mi. of garaea soil, 4 room cottage, dru.ed well, elec. pump. tn SJ 1 au. Immeo. possession. 4 LUIS lns.ae cUy tat. Price 82000. 1 LOT Soutn, capital, paving paid 4450. 3 LUi'S river roaa norm, U0u. ac Al lied Dumoeck or w. a. Saueressig. Rm. 3 Ladd At UQ Bank Bids. bbibt Buy and Build WE ARE ottering some mighty fine 5 acre tracts with large frontage on good gravel road. Located N. E. Price 1160, ft cash. . U ACRES, unimproved. N. E., 14500. ..1 ACRE tracts, paved road, 1300. o. h. canoer. an n. nign. 9939. 003 es- 41. EAST acre. 2 brm., D. Rm, hwd. firs., fireplace, elect, water system. Elec trio water heater. Oood location. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 943 S. Com'L Ph. 4590. Kvt. $ltt. bb 39 Trade In YOUR CAR NOW WHILE PRICES ARE STILL HIGH TAKE YOUR NEW CAR DELIVERY LATER - - - SEE US FOR FULL, . CORRECT DETAILS. SALEM Automobile Co., Inc. HOME OF CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH QUALITY USED CARS PHONE 4673 FOR SALE ACREAGE BEAUTIFUL SETTING AMONG large fir trees, strictly mod. 8 B. R, home, plumb, up and down, 011 furnace in base., nice barn, chick. house, gar., creek and 6 acres ot good soil. , Price 115.800. C. a. SANUEAU) - 331 ti, Hign oasn bb368 $47511. DANDY 1 acre with filberts, fal- nuts and variety or iruu. eman rue, wired for range. Oood well water sys tem. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Com'l. Ph. 4S90. Eve 9536. bb269 S3 100. ; A. Nearly new 5 . room house. With unHnlshed attic. Engnsn type, double garage. Elect. W. system. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Mom'l. Ph. 4590. Eve 9536 bb269 REAL ESTATE 4 BD. RM. HOME. 3 large lots, wired for r.n ISS7S. 3 BD. RM. HOME on Creek. Only $7900. for quick sale. t SM. HOUSES, nearly '1 A. 30 fruit trees. 8c h. bus & store 2 urns. 1700. S-ROOM HOUSE 13600. 3-BD, RM. Home 11300 down. 12 A. NUT & Fruit Farm, l ' a. ruoeris. l'i A. walnuts. 4 A. prunes, some cher ries, bal. hay and pasture, creek. 15850. Terms. CHICKEN Rabbit Farm. Edga of city 38950. 1 A. S-RM. mod. home 16500. FILLING STA. Store, school lunch on h 1 Kit wavs 2500 Cash dn. will handle. NEARLY NEW 5-rm. modern Cape Cod style home. Oil neat, narawooa noor throughout. V. blinds. Insulated wea ther stripped. On bus line. 16875. CALL E. E. ORIMM Rich L. Reimann, Realtor CHOICE LOTS I CHOICE LOTS, Kins wood Terrace. Ex tra fine building site. 13200. West Salem Realty Co. 1233 Edgewater St. PHONE! 5109 C2681 WALNUT PARK 5-ROOM HOUSE, auto. heat. S years eld. Wired for range. Living room, carpeted from wall to wall. $8500. West Salem Realty Co. 1233 Edgewater St. PHONE! 5109 C26S' DALLAS HOME NEWLY PAINTED. 3 bedrooms, air con dltioned home, with fplace, full base ment, sawdust furnace, wired for range. Lovely garden with pool 86850. West Salem Realty Co. 1233 Edgewater St. . PHONE! 5io9 2 ACRES ON PAVEMENT near Reiser. Extra good sou. pine building site siooo. West Salem Realty Co. 1233 Edgewater St. PHONE! 5109 c26B INDEPENDENCE HOME YOU CAN'T Beat This! Lovely 4-bdroom home in Independence. Plastered Inter ior. Large living rm, hdw. floors tt fplace. Corner lot. Nice shrubs. Plenty of garden space, only 14800. West Salem Realty Co. 1233 Edgewater St. PHONE! 5109 . C268 iH3no4 rms. & bath, fruit rm bsmt., gar., 2 lots, ea. 50x100. BE. . WM0-7 rms., 4 bdrm.v, lull bsml, wood 1 urn., small lot. SE. $4ftio4 rms. & bath. lge. back porch gar. Lot 50x120, Includes furn., oil elrc, wood range, llvlngrm. set, refrigerator, washing machine, etc. M-.'Mi 7-rms. & bath. 3 bdrm i,, full bsmt., wood. firs. Lot 67x67. N. $?A0 5-rm, unfurnished. ',i acre, Neai aiummum plant. 411 Ma.ionic Bid. Ph. 6155 Insurance Mtg. Loans c26fl' KEIZER DIST 8 acres nicely located on pavement nice home sites, all or any pan mereoi soju.uo per acre. HOME St INCOME 7 -unit aotmt. hie. aiso nice nome, close In, 814,000, fully furnished and operating. WEST SALEM home 4c 3 lots, nicely lo cated, a-rm. hse., iruit, nuts, aofe fur nlture, 15230. A DANDY Just 4 ml. Salem 10 acres ail In cultivation, 2 A. strawberries, 1 of boyeen berries, 1 in thornless black- oerries, acres ready to plant to berries, 6-rm. hse., milk, hse., born, chick, hse., bus by door, ml. school, cream sep tractor, cow. 2 calves. 2 doz. chickens. 110-fi. well., elec. water system. 113.500. LAWRENCE REAL ESTATE. 'LOANS it IN LAWKEflCB REAL ESTATE, Loans 4b Insurance Phone 7304 457 Court Std Eves. 2-23-3 C267 SUBURBAN 1 ACRE CLOSE IN ON PARK AVE 2 BEDROOMS, LIVINO AND DINING KCKJM. KITCHEN AND BATH; 2-CAR GARAGE, 80-FT. DRILLED WELL WITH ELECTRIC PRESSURE SYSTEM. 33 FULL GROWN FILBERTS. SOME AS SORTED FRUIT TREES. LARGE OAR- DSN SPACE 16300. GOOD LOCATION, ENOLEWOOD, 4 BLK8 f'KOM SCHOOL, 2 BEDROOMS. 1 UP. 1 DOWN. VERY NICE UVINO ROOM WITH riREPUlCE. DINETTE, KIT CHEN J BATH. HARDWOOD FLOORS, DANDY BASEMENT WITH FURNACE. ELECTRIC HOT WATER HEATER, WIRED FOR ELEC. RANGE, OUTSIDE FIREPLACE. FENCED BACK YARD. iiUVbi,X SHRUBS 17950. TODAY'S SPECIAL! 3 HOUSES ON I LOT LOCATED IN MONMOUTH. LAROE HOUSE, HAS ONE 2-KOOM AND ONE 5-ROOM APT. OTH ER 2 HOUSES 4 ROOMS AND BATH. ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS. WIRED FOR FI.ECTRIC RANGES. INCOME $125 PER MONTH. WHERE CAN YOU BEAT THIS AT 14500? Severin Realty Co. 212 NORTH HIGH ST. 4 0 16 Journal Want Ads Pay AUTOMOBILES SEE AM TO SELL YOUR CAR OR TRUCK We Pay Top Prices and no arguing We still have excellent Bargains in Trucks of all kinds Sam's Motor Co, 455 Chemeketa Street OPPOSITE DOWNTOWN FtRB HALL Phone 7817 REAL ESTATE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION of 6 acres N. of Salem. Modern 1 room nouse, oanr ment. furnace, bath. Double garage. Chicken house, 3 A filberts and wal nuts. Family orchard. Water right. $7500. P. H. Bell, Realtor G. P. Armstrong 402 Guardian. 4806 C267 HERE IS a nice home on South 16th Bt., LAY. rm., in. rm., mtura wn.. lots of built-lns. breakfast-nook. 2 bed rms.. nice bath. Venetian blinds, lot 06x108. elec. water heater and oil cir culator included, poss. at once. $4950. Silverton, Ore. 4-m. hse. with bath, fireplace, k acre ground. $3200. Vernonla, Ore. 4-rm. hsr. with bath, 3 lots, fruit trees. U3U 10 1 1 puce. Larsen Home & Loan Co. 164 S. Com 1 St. Ph. 8380 C287 Nelson News Some Less Expensive Properties $-!S00 5 acres Crolsan creek Rd It In cultivation. $tflO0 Comb. L. R.. D. R.. Kit. 2 bedrms.. shower bath, gas circuiaior. amm. bra water heater, miscel. fruit, nuts, fallc. ta bus. $81505 acres. 4 rm. unfinished house. 4 miles south. 13'iOO ?0 acres, 6 miles southeast S acre wood lot. s&too 5 rooms and bath, unfinished at tic, close in southeast, range Included, ii.wo 2 acres, near Lsbf.h, 5 rm. home. chicken house, wooa snea, variety ot fruit. $4,100 8. River Rr., 6'i acres. 4 rm. cottage, miscel. fruit, elc. water system. I&MM 1 acre north, 20 minutes drive. L. R.. dinette. Kit., 2 txirm.. oain, on first fir., fplace. lec. water heater, large variety fruits, 18 filbert. 10 walnuts, produces substantial income. 3 rm. cabin rents for $12.30, elc. water ays tm. mi mo house, fruit room. $7M New. 2 bdrm. home, on 2 front lot. all hdw. 1 rs.. auim. 011 neat er. 200 gal. storage, can be handled with :;oo. IF NONE OF THESE meet your require ments, tell us what you want we proo. ably have iU Nelson & Nelson OHET X. NELSON THEO. O. NELSON REALTORS Rm. 300-3 Masonlo Bldg 495 State St. Ph. 4410, Eves. 21350 or 8260. c386 Ph. 4419, Eves. 2-1350 or 8280. c2S7 WANTED REAL ESTATE Want Listings OF HOUSES, acreags, farms and business properties. Willamette Real Estate 172 S. Liberty. Ph. 7113. a287 F YOU WANT' TO SELL JUICKLY, BEE NELSON & NELSON Rm 300-2 Masonic Bldg. 495 State Bt. Ph 4419. Eves. 21350 or 8280. Realtors. WANTED LISTINGS ' LOTS HOMES ACREAGE FARMS A PARTMENTS BUSINESS Your call will receive Immediate action. Chaa. Hudkins & Son 275 STATE ST. Phone 9494 caa LISTINGS urgently needed. Sea West Salem Realty Co 1333 Edgewater su Phone 5109 MAY WE HELP You Sell Your Property? Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 7660 NOTICE1 If your property Is for sale rent or exchange, list It with us. Wa have all kinds cash buyers. STATE FINANCE OO REALTORS 153 S. High Bt. WE ARE In need of good homes to sell in or near saiem. if you wisn to list your property for lale, see GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Phone 4131. ( WANTED LISTINGS OF City property. Surburban and country homes for quick satel im mediate attention Is given all calls. Lee Ohmart & Co., REALTORS '477 Court St. Ph 9680 After 6 p.m JU Sundays Ph 3779 ea EXCHANGE KEAL ESTATE HOUSE TO TRADE for small acreage. 275 McNary. West Salem. cb272 BU SIN ESS OP PORTlfN ITIES $ INDIVIDUAL modern furnished houses In a court, each has garage. Very close In and on creek. $21,000. LUSE REALTY Oregon Bldg. Ph. 7052. Cd267 HOME AN DINCOME CLOSE IN. well kept, part furn. home, revenue, no per mo., mat we can mii lor $700013000 down, worth youi consideration. DOWNTOWN GAS STATION selling s.ock and equipment. 1700 will handle. FOR RENT Downtown rear room suitable for electric rrpalr shop. C. H. SANDERS, 231 N. High 5838 cd26S Income Investment WE HAVE an excellent proposition pur- is, net on investment. Apartment house. North 6 blocks from Banks. Has 7 apts. completely furnished. $21,000. See Mr. Boyd. Rich L. Reimann, Realtor REALTORS 201 S. High Ph. 3722. Cd269 INVESTIGATE! WHY LET YOUR MONEY LAV IDLE WHEN IT CAN EARN 14? WE HAVE A 7-UNIT FURNISHED APARTMENT COURT LOCATED IN A NEARBY TOWN THAT WILL NET 14 ON A 116,000 INVESTMENT. TERMS. Severin Realty Co. 212 N. HIGH 8T. 4 0 16 Cd268' GROCERY STORE ON 99E Oood oppor tunity to start in business with small outlay of ready cash. Stock tt fix tures for M350 3 gas pumps, living auarterg, gross sales have averaged $3000 monthly for the past year. Rent for bldg. $2$. Lawrence Real Estate LOANS St INS 457 Court Bt Phone 7506 Svenlnga 3-3312. cd36l BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES KILLING STATION located east. Doing a good ousiness, rias a neat attrac tive 3 B. R. home and 1 acre around. Price $15,000. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 S. Hlth St. Ph. 4121. cd2S8 INCOME PROPERTY . .LOCATED 5 blocks from downtown. Bid. and rurnlture in best of condition. 7 apts. each with bath. Income 1328 per month. Price furnished 131,000. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Ph. 4131. cd369 SALES GIRLS, Metropolitan, 136 N. Com mercial. C2S1' Business Opportunities NINE RENTALS HAS FIVE-ROOMS FOR OWNER INCOME OVER $335 A MO. $23,000.00. GROCERY STORE and Locker 8ystrm. Has 100 Lockers doing very good busi ness. ONLY $7500. DANCE HALL Has lunch counter. Also has three-story house 2.76 acres of ground. We Also have the Following for Sale SEVERAL Grocery Stores ranging from S5250 to J 10.000. Printing Plant Beer Tavern Apartment Houses Bakery Restaurant Service Station McKillop Real Estate Agency 169 So. High St. Phone 5131 Cd267 DISHWASHERS wanted at Lausanne Hall. wuiaraciifl university, till miss Jck. 9265. 8267 GIRL WANTED for Night Work. Top wages. Robin's Barbecue, Ph. 9003. g367 TURKEY PICKER. Piece work, average over tl per hr. picking every day, 8 to 5. Washington Creamery, Murdoch St.. West Salem. g" SALESWOMAN age 30-35 In Jewelry store. Must be able to do some typing Perm anent position, top salary. Reference required Box 346. g INCOME PROPERTY HOME REMODELED into 2 Apts. Income $80 per month. Both apts. well furn ished. Has basement, auto gas furnace. Corner lot. 2-car garage. Price $5800. Terms. Call O. V. HUME with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 8. Hlg h St. P h 1 2 1. cd26S IN ONE OF OREGON'S BEST and fast growing cities, grocery store, meat mar ket and locker room. This equipment is new and of the very best, power saw. 100 gal. hot water heater. 1800 lb. meat grinder, metal benches, 310 lockers, at! rented, quick trerse room, cooler room. Fairbanks wall scale. Three computing scales, one globe sheer, three cash reg isters, meat case and all other equip ment needed for a first class place. The lot is 78x83 'i feet, building 58x62 with plenty of parking space. You also have a garage, utility room and a 5-room modern home. Lockers and grocery store will bring In 35000 per year. This Is a real setup and will stand up under any one's investigation. Larsen Home & Loan Co. GEN. YARD work. Wood At sawdust put p". 9449. 5: 30-7 p.m. h269 BUILDING WRECKER. Exp. Ph. S753. REALTORS 185 S Commercial St. ed287 FURNITURE FOR SALE SMALL TABLE radio, like new, round mirror, 2 scatter ruas and smoke stand All 340. 375 Marlon. dH68 BACK R OO r CLEAN UP SALE 8-PIECE solid oak dining set 119-75 Daveno yn.ib Oak Dressers S v. 7ft Davenport S22.75 Kitchen Cabinet $ 6.75 Cabinet Base .1 $ 3 75 Leather Morris Chair 9.75 Baby Carriage S 4.S3 Sanitay Couch ..-$ 4.75 9x9 Axmlnster Rug .'...I 9.75 50 lb. Stone Lined Ice Box $10.75 Velour Couch 5.00 Oak Library Table $ 3 00 50 gal. Oil Drum St Oil $-00 Bird Cage $ 3-00 BRIGHT FURNITURE CO. 453 Court St. Phone 7511. d267' PRE-WAR davenport and chair set. Call at 1070 On met street. W6B WANTED FURNITURE SEE US before you sell or advertise your lurnlture. Sudteu community Auction. 20 Silverton Road. daCflT IF YOU HAVE furniture to sell call or see Russ Bright Ph 7511453 Court. CASH FOR YOUR used furniture. PI 7306. State Street, Furn. 1900 State. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK POSSE MEMBERS ATTENTION FOR SALE: Beautiful golden sorrel geld ing with flaxen mane and tall. Has 3 stocking leet and maze in lace. Stands about 16 hands and Is 7 years old. He is well broken and afraid of nothing. Can be seen at Jack Forsyth . mile east of Carver on Estacada Road. e267 REGISTERED Guernsey or short horn bull service at your place. Ph. 8147. e273 LIVESTOCK WANTED FAT CANNER cows for beef. Dairy cows, heifers, bulls, veal, rat hogs, sows, tags, boars. Mku price. E. C. McCan- dish. Rt. 3, box 373, Ph. 8147. Across from Waters Ball Part on South 25th. ea285" RABBITS PAYING HIGHEST prices for rabbit skin West Side Fur Co., West Salem, eb'386 RABBITS WANTED All slues. Top prices. Also furs. We need more rabbits get Into this profitable business now! A very profitable full time proposition. Breeding a toe It or sate. New Zealand, Chinchillas, Angoras. Supplies, hardware cloth, nspthalene flakes, stretchers, etc, M. R. Otten, Mgr. HARDER RABBIT FARMS 3405 Cherry Ave. Ph. 2-1384, eb286 FOR SALE WOOD ifl" SLAB Rnd edging, l'i cords 110.50. Phone 0S83. Immediate delivery. eeao2 16" GREEN SLAB At edging. Triple load $14. Sawdust. Ph. 6881. Wally Park, ee275 GREEN SLAB 16" mill wood. Double load and sawdust. Highway Fuel Co. 2390 Fairgrounds. M274" DRY 16" SLAB. Phone 6444. FOR SALE POULTRY 45 N.n. RED pullets, 6 mos. Ralph Marsh, Rt. 2, Box 190. or H. L. Pearcy Nursery. f367 2V4 to 3 LB. Fryers for sale: $1 each. Will deliver orders of 2 or more after 8 p.m. or Saturday afternoon. Call 6425. 1268' PRODUCE SPECIAL- WANTED HELP PHARMACEUTICAL SALESMAN, experl. enced. To sell directly to physicians. Es sential Industry. Nationally known con cern. Real opportunity for right man Box 363, Capital Journal. g2S7' CLAIMS INTERVIEWERS AND CLAIMS DEPUTIES! for permanent positions with Bute Unemployment Compensa tton Commlislon In Oregon. Veterans preference, Salary $1 40-3245. Apply by Nov. 17 to Merit system council, flic Mead Bldg., Portland 4. Ore, g26V EXPERIENCED girl. Capital Variety Store. Call 1263 Bt a It. 2U WANTED: Reliable woman to care for year-old baby and clean Wed. and Sat. 75c per hour. Phone 11339 a367 NEED MAN to call on service dealers. Can give 20 year franchise to qualified man. Safety Seal Co.. 175 8. High St. a 311 ELDERLY MAN for Sunday watchman Salem Parking service, 145 S. Church, g26T' WAITRESS and fountain girl. Black and White coffee shop. 1964 tt. Capital. Ph. 9767 or 3319. c264 ASSISTANT bookkeeper. Apply at Coun'.y' clerk's office. g268 DIST. SALES MGR. Operate local br. of Ig. Portland Jobbrr. Est. In community, success. Background, airess. capable of dealing with local merchants. Panel truck pref. car necess. Unusual earninis with drawing acct. Writ for Interview your city. Box 356 Capital Journal. g267 MIDDLE AGED Woman wanted for light housekeeping. Board St room, good sal ary. No children. References rcauired. Write Bo 357 Capital Journal. $370 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Nov. 9, V?4o 13 WANTED HELP WANT MIDDLE AGED Woman for maid service. Call Mrs. Wolfe, 3184 Hotel SalenjL ?7 OPPORTUNITY for permanent position Young lady, age 20-26. Qualifications: High school education, neat appearance and free to travel surrounding territory. Earnings to start $125 month plus travel expense. For details apply In person. Miss Campbell, Hotel Salem, 12 to 1 noon, and 5 to 8:30 p.m. s267 BOYS GIRLS over 14 yrs. to set pins. Easy pleasant work, good pay alter school and evenings and Saturday and Sunday afternoon. 335 N. High St. g369 WE NEED MECHANICS tor both day and nigni snuis. iop wages, seat or work ing conditions. Permanent employment. See Dewey at Loder Bros., 465 Center St. "Oldsmobile Sales and Service." "Our 17th year In Salem, Oregon." "Home of Good Used Cars." g273 WOMEN LAUNDRY HELP wanted. No ex perience necessary Apply Salem Laun dry Co. 263 South High Bt . g WANTED POSITIONS INTERION PAINTING. Ph. 6796. h379 WELL DRILLING. U. D Enloe, Rt. 6. Box 331 L. Salem. Oregon. 1st house south of Swegle school. h'374 EDUCATION PIANO LESSONS, $1 lesson. Call 396 rcrry si. Mione 7hh nnz77 REGISTER NOW foi your post-war Sing er and receive a tree sewing course Ren- a Singer or have your old one repaired Singer Stiwlng Center. W Soul. High. Phone 3513. hh FOR RENT Business or Store Property For Rent 5 x inft BUILDING tinder construction and could be remodeled to suit, tenant. 1900 block North Commercial. Ph. 6006. GOOD USED PIANOS H. U Stiff. SOUTH HIGH street store room to rem October first state rtnanc Hidg formerly Salem Hotel Bldg. I STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S High St Phone 4121. WANTED TO RENT BUSINESS MAN wants room for 3 mos. in private home. Write card. 175 8 High St. Harvey M. Hill. J a 260 THREE YEARS MARRIED. Wedding gifts still unpacked. We do need a home a one or two bedrm., furn. or uniurn, house or apt. will do. Call Mrs. Victor Collins, 4659. Ja269 WILL BUY. reasonable amount of furn iture to get 4 or 6 room living quarters. Box 358, Capital Journal. Ja26B FOR BALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Ladles' shoes, Peacock br FOR SALE Man's dark grn. wool over pumps. 5'i A: br. kid sandles, 6AAJ wli. pumps 6i AA, brown alligator specalors. 7AA, blk. kid sling pumps, 7AA: russett pumps. 7 A A: blk. and wht, spectators, 7AA. Ph. 5009. 602 N. Winter, n268 FOR SALE Remington elect, razor, uke new. rn. suou, ao? n. winter. n268 3 BURNER table top electric ange. New, never oecn used. Apartment house size. Sell 399 or trade for larger size. C. U Allison. Rt. 2 box 498-T, Shady Lane Ave. 'i mile north of Alumni urn plant. mile east. n268 TABLE MOD EL radio' electric broileT heater, corn popper, hot plate, sandwich aril, 1 new 42 long two-piece man's suit. 1 new 44 long two-piece suit. 230 South 14th. - n268 t.tft FORD 4 door Deluxe sedan with built in radio and gasoline heater. New tires, body in excellent condition. Be low ceiling. Call 2-1200. n267 GOOD I5-GAL gas water heater 315. Joe's uaroer otiop. in south Church. n268 SMALL Sears A Roebuck garden tractor sioo. Ph. 4133 during office hours. n:ea DAVENPORT and chair. 665 Patterson, west saiem. n372 SEWING MACHINE for sale. 2373 Lee St. n268 1 COMBINATION wood and gas range. i mans bike, 1 girl's bike. 1360 North Liberty. n268 NAVY COAT $20, 2 suit coats, both for 35. Waves. Size 16 yrs. Ph. 3302. n268 MONTAG RANGE with colli, good con dition, 125. 113Q ti. Hth St. n268 WASHING MACHINE, all metal Coolerator Ice Box. Bedroom set and Iron Bed. 674 N. 20th. Salem, Ore. n267 GAS RANGE, aaa grill, good cond. Ph. 31803. 005 N. Capitol. n26T FOR SALE: One four-tone horn $10. and one three-tone horn 36. Also lady's Bulova wrist watch with ruby mount ings. Original price 1300. Sell tor 3175. Joe W. Oppek, Rt. 2, Box 253. Salem, Oregon. n267 FOR SALE: Wedding ring set: engage ment ring. One large diamond t two small rubles. Original price $230. Will sell for 3130 cash. Joe W. Oppek. Rt. 2. Box 252, Salem, Oregon. n367 BARGAINS IN stoves, toasters, brk. sets, beds, chests, chairs, rarkers & end :a birs. B.-cs. St Sun. 2442 Lee St. nJ67 '31 MODEL A 2-door sedan, good tires At motor. 14 ft. boat, oars 6s oar locks inc. King saxophone, E-flat alto with case. Exc. cond. Ph. 8742 after 6 p.m. u267 FOR SALE: Outboard motor. 1940 model. i ',i norseponcr, $. or win trade for ft horse and pay difference. Phone 7601. . n267 BEER BY the case. Green Spot Market, 520 North If lull. n274 double BED, spring and mattress. Pre war. 2005 N. 4tll. n36T APPROXI. 75 feel or unpalnted picket fence, $25, can be seen at 1145 Hood. n267 MONARCH electric range, apartment size, practically new. Ph. 7708. 11369 RIVER SILT Excellent Mason Sand, fill dirt, all kinds of grav el. Commercial Sand & Gravel Co. Ph. 21966 or 23100. INFANT KI7.E .baby bed with mattress. Like new. $7.CaU 4659. n269 FOR SALE: West lng house automatic mint cooler. Capacity four 10-gallon cans. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n287 FOR SALE: Kromex well and tree plat? ters lor your Thanksgiving and Christ mas turkey. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty, n267 DELUXE IRON PADS and covers. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n367 VETERAN WANTS unfurnished or turn, house or apartment. Ph. 23118, reward. J a 211 BUSINESS COUPLE mom, bath and breakfast or board. Central. Box Nn. 359 Capital Journal. Ja368 FURNISHED Apartment by two business women perm. 1415 South Commercial. Mrs. Glow. Ja267 RETURNING VETERAN, wife, child, need apartment or house Immediately. Call 91105. ja26T RETURNED serviceman, wife and child need permanent apartment or house, furnished or partly furnished. Im mediately. Phone 9410. Ja276 PERMANENT state employe will lrase 2 or 3 bedroom modern nouse. Adults. References. Call 5932 before 5:30 p.m. J a 287 MAN AND WIFE want 3 or 4 room apart ment. Permanent. Ph. 6249. jaZ67 3 ADULTS WANT 2 or S room apt. Im mediately. Morris Case, Ph. 6133. Loder Bros. Ja270 fill REWARD for 2-bedroom house or Apartment in or near town. Ph. 21097. Ja269 CHRISTIAN middle-aged couple need to rent furnished apartment or house with garage. No drinking or smoking. Call 21794 or 24136. Ja2B9 EX-SERVICE professional man des perately needs 2 bedroom bouse lo rent. Ph. 4504 or 21173. J$2flT MAN & WIFE want 2 rm. or more furn. or unfurn. house or apt, Bill Culps. 712 South 14th, or call Loder Bros, Ph 6133. Jnzai LOST AND FOUND SCOTTIE DOG found. Ph. 3155 or 5720 k?68 LOST: WEDDING ring, gold, 5 diamonds. Reward call Main 70 or P.O. Box 24, Silverton. k267 MISCELLANEOUS t KITTENS to give away. 255 East Wilson. m2' HOME FOR Fox Terrier dog. Ph. a- m. mioa AUTO REPAIR shop, general overhauling and tune-up. Kenneth Adams, 1705 N. Fifth. m27l MEN'S HATH cleaned and blocked. 75c. LES BPIUNOKH. 464 Court St. m28B- SALEM RUG and Upholster Cleaners. Ph. 4708. m287 SOUTH SALEM Radio Shop Rep. it parts All makes. Prompt ear. 1201 8. Com'L Phono 6050. m274 Dental Plate Repair 2-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg, State At Commercial 8ts. SALEM Phone 3311 m HEAVY HAULING, excavation and road building, land clearing, dozer work ditching, basement excavation, aaud gravel, crushed rock, mason sand, con crete mix. cement. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ALMOST NEW rose brocade easy chair. 160, 1750 is. cnurcn. n209 GOOD DIAMOND ring. $133. Ph. 8280. coat, size, 38. Lady's blk. wool coat and bik. and wool tweed with velvet trim. :ze 14-16. Prewar navy duck collaps ible baby buggy. All Hems clean, ex cellent cond. Ph. 6909, 603 H. Winter. Journal Want Ads Pay IRON AND EXTENSION CORDS. Y EATER APPLIANCE GO. 2fi5North Liberty. 287 FLUORESCENT-desk lamps. Ideal for student's study dek. YEATKR APPLIANCE CO. 259 North Liberty. n387 fluorescent "kitchen units and bath room brackets. YRATKR APPLIANCE CO. 253 North Liberty. 367 ELECTRIC hot plates, double burner" $7 single burners J 3. 30. YEATER APPLIANCE OO. 255North Liberty. n287 FLASHLIGHTS, complete with batteries. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n367 STEEL WOOL for cleaning pots and pans. YEA TEW APPLIANCE CO. 355 North Liberty. n2fl7 PLASTIC KOTE paint for Indoor useT Gives a cellophane-like linlsh. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n267 ALUMINUM pancake griddles and French iry Da sue is. YEATER APPLIANCE OO. ' 255 North Liberty. n267 GIFT VOX and range condiment selsT YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n267 PIN -IT-UP and boudoir lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255North Liberty. n263. ILLUMINATED wor id globes and hou.se numbers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 North Liberty. n2fl7" ' ELECTRIC SOLDERING Irons and ex haust fans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 236 North Liberty. n267 PORTABLE TYPEWRITER table, check writer, file en", small show case. 2DL N. Commercial St, n2U9 RED FOX shuwl collar, mothproof rd. Worn very little. $8.00. Ph. 7471, nliSS WHITE MODEL gas range. McNary, Wel Salem, Radio. 275 nJTJ WOOD OR COAL jacket type water heat er. Plume 7B14. n269 SPARTAN CONSOLE radio, $20. Frank Doollttle, 495 N. Commercial. niiii9 11" DELTA band saw, 8-tnch Delta table saw and 4-lnch jointer. 315 6. lMii. Call alter 4 p.m. nitSJ MYRTLE WOOD gifts.' Just" received our largest shipment. Pemberton s, 1K30 S. 12th St. nJ72 TROMBONE, excellent condition. Good lady's muskrai lur euu I, size 10-18, and mbc. Items. 180 South 19th St. ni6 BREAKFAST NOOK table and 4 chairs. Ph. 7322. 693 N. 17lhSt. n3bg bYstOFFEK TAKES" "a "bedroom sets, one twin; 9x12 wool rug; club chair; child's crib At htsh chair. Must sell imme diately. 1630 Roosevelt. nJti7 WELDERS new or used for rent, for sale. 197 8. Com 1. St. Salem. Ore, Ph 5l'rt. ti2ti9 CLETRAC TRACTOR, 30x40. with Isaac son Hydraulic angle and tilted bulldozer. Landle Krosinan, Bcio, Ore. n3B GENUINE CROFT EASTER LILY BULB planting stock for sale or trade in on late model pickup or passenger car. Only limned amount available. Write Bnx 352 Capital Journal. nl!80 en's TRAILERS bu)l$ ny alie, any sine., Prompt attention. All steel frame. Mar-, tin Bros. Trailer Manufactures. 265 Sheitoii street. Ph.8J82. niiad I OR 4 ROOM ilMEnarneled circulator,! new linings, $35, Ru 6, box 394. Ph.; 22786. n282 (Concluded on Page 12) Lodges 5& Pacific Lodge No. SO. A.P. it A.M. M M. Degree, Friday, Nov. 9, 7:00 p.m. 2S9' Central lodge No. 18. Knights o( Pythias meets every second and fourth Wednesday at 8 p.m., 248 North Commercial -