! FOR SALE HOCSE9 Ij!)3l). LARGE 8 room plastered House. 3 rooms up. couiq oe mios in id apt. Two lots variety of fruit. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 045 S. Com' 1. Ph. 4500 Eve. 9536. a260 W630. LIVING rin.. din. rm. breakfast nook, kitchen, 2 B. H. Elect, a. w. heater, ihake exterior. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 943 8. Com'l. Ph. 4390 Eve. 9536. 260 $a.WO. 'J B. R. hse, near St. Vincent school. Unfinished upstair, fireplace, base ment, furnace. Good condition inside and out. Possession 2 weeks. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Com'l. Ph. 4590 Eve. 9536. a260 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION SI0.OUO 4 D. n. home large L. R.. Hwd. firs. Double plumbing, large lot. located E. of State bides., within walking dlst. Olson & Reeve. Realtors 945 8. Com'l. Ph. 4500 Eve. 9536. a260" 7i7Ort. N. laraa L. R.. with fireplace, Hwd. firs., D. R.. Master B. R. down with three up. double plumbing, full basement, sawdust burner, curncr lot. double garage, very neat and clean. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 045 8. Com'l. Ph. 4590 Eve. 0536. a260 FOR SALE HOUSES 4-ROOM HOUSE in West Salem, almost new. nice lawn, parage, etc. nuuw. 1018 Seventh St. W. Salem. aHafl BY OWNER Em le wood Dlst 7-rm. mod. home English type, i-nrnace, auto, eiec hot water' heater, full cement basement, parage. Lice. lot. choice shrubs. Close to schools and bus. 1410 Nebraska. Ph 8226. a258 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION . RED ROOM HOME, nice trees and shrubs 3 extra lots, fine location. 14200. West Salem Realty Co. 1233 EDGE WATER ST. PHONE! 5109 B 2.W" NEAR LESLIE (59.10. 2 B. R. home, near bus. fireplace, basement, furnace, furniture can be bought, Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Com'l. Ph. 4590 Eve. 0336. a2g0 Beautiful Brick Bungalow East 3 RDRMS. Lovely big llv. rm, lEC. fireplace. Tills home Is unfinished Sz the owner will sell us Is- Vou finish like you want It This will be a beautiful home when finished. See Mr. BOYD tor more par ticulars. Rich L. Reimann. Realtor 201 S. HIGH ST. Ph. 3722. a360 2-Bdrm. Unfinished Hse. SOt'TII ON Hlway 991 mi'e city limit. $3500 1 aOO down, bee san- oui" Rich L. Reimann Realtor 201 S. HIGH ST. Ph. 31S2. .260 FOR SALE FARMS $4250 10 ACRES H miles N. on river road. 5-rm. hse. One acre of strawberries, balance ready for crop, close to school, chance to paint up the buildings and make some money on this onel H. W. Heers M. O. Humphreys 3035 PORTLAND RD. Ph. 7820. b259 EXCLUSIVE 125 ACRES ONE OF OREGON'S best small ranches, goad soil. 60 acre under cultivation, 20 acres prunes, family orchard. 200.000 ft. timber, nice house, neat as a pin. $1100. West Salem Realty Co. 1233 EDOEWATER ST. PHONE! 5109 BY OWNER t ROOM APT.. 3 sleeping rooms, also Hvini quarters for owner. Ph. 8250. 1010 Oak. M280 $1:1.10. Living- room, kitch., bedroom bath, fireplace, full basm., sawdust furnace. Call Omer Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 1717 Center Ph. 21540 Eve. 21731a20q- 16.100 VACANT 2 bedroom home. North. Utility room In basin, plastered, wood pipe furnace, larae living room. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 1717 Center Pil. 21549 Eve.21731 a260" H;jj(tO. 3 bedroom English type in High land dlst. Full finished basm. Bawdust heat, wired for ranKe. Lot aO X 120. Call Ray Davis. v - Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 1717 Center Ph. 21540 Eve. 2173la2l tuwffl ENGLISH Style 3-bedroom homo. .Basement, sawdust heat. elec. water sier. garasc. This home is In extra fcood condition. Located close to bus line Call O. V. HUME with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 8. High. Phone 4121. a260 $8.100 ATTRACTIVE ranch type 2-bedrm. home on "a A. close In. lovely setting. Large fir trees, nice view. hse. 3 years old. Hdw. floors, gas heat. V blinds. City water. Call MR. WALTERS Huff Rea! Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. Com'l. Ph. 3793. Eves. 9441. a200 "$l 'f t 00 A L M O ST NEW modern house, close In South. 3 bedrms, double plumb ing, bsmt., auto. heat. Fireplace, hwd. floors. Phone OOI fi BURT PICHA. REALTORS Ofc'-iy 337 North High St. a260 NEW THREE bedm. home, LR, DR. Kit, nook. hwd. firs. Fireplace, elec. hont. double garage, good location $11,000. Phone "Elmer" Amundson 39-1 A BURT PICHA. liEALTORS iX 337 North Hiah St. a259 $3200.00 l-ROOM HOUSE Sz garage. 100x100 lot. West Salem. vauawi wove nam m- Chas Hudkinr & Son 275 State St. Phone 9494 259 55 Acres LOCATED ON Corvallls-Waldport htgh- way. Alsea river runs w tne door, w acres of black silt loam under cult., balance pasture and ".mber. Good chicken house, barn and old house. You can shoot a deer off the back porch and fish off the front porch. Full price only $37 jO. H. W. Heers M. O. Humphreys 3033 PORTLAND RD. Ph. 7820. b259 NEW ELECTRICALLY Heated 5-rm home. Nice location. Fireplace, narawooa Wired for range. Fireplace In basement. Completely insulated. S10. 500. COMPLETELY FURNISHED 5-room home NORTH Creek lot. Basement, miunic. trnys. Wired for ranae. Beautiful lawn, shrubs. Oarai:c 811,000. P. H. Bell, Realtor G. P. Armstrong 402 aUARDIANBLDa Ph. 9fl.?25S' ForS.LEb OWNER 3-bedroom home. Phone 8331. a25?t IMMEDIATE POSSESSION NEW 5-RM. HOME, hwd. floors, oil heat, auto, water heater. 2 bedrms. dose to school St bus. S6300. Call Mr. pardner. OOin BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High St. 4-RM. HOUSE, north on small lot. unfin ished attic, close to bus Sz school. Price $2250 Cash. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. HIGH 5838 S-ROOM MOD. borne. Walnut Park. Extra lare lot. Price $8500. CLOSE IN 6-rm. well built home with base, St furnace, located In the heart of Salem. Price? J7000. Good terms. SUBSTANTIAL Modern Larger Home. Beautiful grounds 93x326, with outdoor fireplace, fruit, small chick houses. double gnrase. On bus. Price S12.000. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. HIGH 5818 i A259- $3,-5l NEW 2 bedroom house in Turner. Oregon. Bath, sidewalks, on two lots. In nice neighborhood. 11700 down, balance on contract. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS. Ph. 3793. Et;es. 0441. 258" S! . tWO T W O B E D R O O M house, lot 50 X 130. Call Ray Davis. . Huff Real Estate l'o. rtTALTORS fi70 S. Com REALTORS. Ph. 3703. Eve9441.a2;8' Kt.'!M 1 BEDROOM house on i acre good ground, oatn. eiectric m tarn at Penn 4 corners. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. BPi.Tnfl 970 S. Com REALTORS. Ph. 3793. Eves. 9441-. a238 S7.1MKI STRICTLY modern English type 3 bedroom nome. nuiommig ' ace. fireplace, lot 50 x 120 in nice dlst. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. RTALTORS S. Com. REALTORS. Ph. 3793. Eves. 9441. a258 .-.mi attractive 2 bedroom nome. verv n'ce location cbm. wuumuuui rrIl (mm nail to Wall. Open StfllP way. Automatic sas furnace, beautiful lawn Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. DPiTTnns 970 S. Com REALTORS. Ph. 3793. Bvw. 9441. a258 W.H50 IMMEDIATE possession. 3 bed rooms on one floor, close downtown, iii'inir mnm. firerilnce. new auto matic sawdust burner. A good buy. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. RTTALTORS ' 970 S. Com REALTORS. Ph. 3793. Eves. 9441.a258" NICE-CLEAN 5-room home. 175 S. 18th. Immediate possession. Sea MR. GOODWIN- with Hawkins' & Roberts, Inc. REALTORS Phone 4108. After 68715; 1363 Phone 13 1 15 A. Willamette Soil HAS 4 A. Young Filbert, 3 A. blackberrlei St Boysenberries. 2 A. strawberries, t A. ready for something else. Small home, good barn, chicken house, elec tricity, good well. On paved road. 1 mi west of Hubbard. Thla is n good farm for jio.oooi see MR. boyd. Rich L Reimann. Realtor 201 8. Hlnh St. Ph. 3722. b260' CAN'T BEAT THISt n FARM Sinn Dpr acre, nbout S prunes, some clterries. apples, pears. 4 kinds of berries. About 3 A. pasture & timber, 8 A. seeded to oats A: vtech. ba!. farm land. Eood soil, ccntly rolllni;. Good dralnattc. House 4-R. Barn & hen house. One ml of town. For sale only by LOUIS BECHTEL and MRS. NEED HAM. 341 State St. Room 4. b2:8 AUTOMOBILES Al-TOMOBITES If you want delivery soon on a New Car SELL us your present car NOW YOU will receive the present hlsh market value in CASH and place yourself id a preferred position with us tor delivery of a New Car aj soon as they are available. We Don't Believe It Will Be Too Long Now. Loder Bros. 465 CENTER ST. PHONE 8133 "Our 17th year In Salem. Oreon" "Oldsmoblle Sales and Service." "Home of Good Used Cars." q23B" "You Will ALWAYS Find a Better USED CAR" and Make a BETTER Deal" at Loder Bros. 465 Center St. Ph. 6133 'Our 17th year in Salem. Oregon. " "OMsinobile 8:iles and Service." ' Home of Oood Used Cars." t1b9 AUCTIONS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE ACRE wooded lot on Cherry Ave. or River Road. North. Phone "Elmer" Amundson QOIA BURT PICHA. REALTORS Q6lJ 337 North Htji, St, bb259 S ACRES EAST. Oood soil, family fruits, elec. pumo. Modern 6-rm. house. aa. Brim, chick house, close to school. Price S5800. NORTH I ACRE Rood soil, small house, wired ranae. Price S2600. RIVER VIEW I ACRE SOt'TII on paved road. A food butldinit site 1000. Terms. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. HIOH 3838 bb259 DANDY ACREAGES with fine modern houses, close in. Consult LUSE REALTY Oregon Bid. Ph. 7952. bb258 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION: 6 acres with modern 7 room home, basement, furn ace, bath. 3 A. filberts & walnuts. Fam ily orchard. Near Hopewell. $7500. P. H. Bell Realtor G P. Armstrong 402 GUARDIAN BLDO. Ph. 4098. bb258 MOREDN 6 room house. Close In. oil heat. 1227 N. 4th. Ph. 7502. SUBURBAN NORTHEAST LIVING-ROOM, kitchen, two bedrooms, one acre of land. barn, poultry hou.se. family orchard, double caraee. utility room. Priced to sell IMMEDIATELY 1 Only $0500. NORTHEAST LIVING-ROOM, dining-room, kitchen and nook, bath, one bedroom down, three bedrooms and 14 bath up. Hardwood floors, fireplace, wired for electric rge. Excellent location, full basement, back yard fenced, lots of shrubs and flowers. CLOSE TO TOWN TWO LOTS Three bedrooms, living room, dinini room, kitchen, fireplace, base ment, unfinished upstairs, double par age, wired for ranie. lota or fruit.-figs, peaches, apples, plums, pears, walnuts, close to bus, schools, and town. McKillop Real Estate Agency 169 So. High St. Phone 5131 GOOD 8-RM. HOCSE clos In, fine big lot. Owners leaving. 55500. 8 BEDRM. HOUSE. Large lot north, and furnished, good condition. 55750. Terms. LUSE REALTY, Oregon Bldg. Ph. 7952. a258 NICE NEW home of 5 rma. with unfin ished attic. H.W. floors. Venetian blinds, extra modern kitchen. Full basement Elec. water heater, fruit room. Posses sion In one week. See Mil. GOODWIN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. S(l"fi0. 8 A. dandv modern 2 B. R. home. Elect. W. Svstem. Out Vdis.. lame brn. 2 A. strawberries, and 2 A. boy.-;enber- ries. Just planted on new son. a mi from Salem. Oteon 5' Reeve. Rppltnrs 945 8. Com'l. Ph. H590 Eve. 9538. bb260' STOCKED and EQUIPPED SSSOO-.'HI A. 2 hsM, lare barn, equipped with m'.lklns unit, plenty of old bldgs., ovr 3000. taken off thU place last vear. walnut, cherries. 4 A o; berries, sprintc in pasture. Olson & Reeve. Realtors 045 S. Com'l. Ph. 4590 Eve. 9536. bb280' SILVERTON SPFCIATS NO CHARGE FOR FINANCING J. C. MORLEY Hops Wool Real Estate IM A. .1 MI, from Sllverton. 6-rm. modern home, wired for elec. stove. Ht. wnler heater. Dairy barn 80x40. Silo. Op-nRe. ch!ctc-n hse. Family orehard. nuts. M A. in farming, 2 A. In timber. H ml. from school. Price $200 an icre. Permanently Iniured rason for selling. AI.SO 8-RM. modern hse. Excellent con ation. IMMEDIATE PO3SFSS10N! Lot 80x250. Fine itarden land. Oood chicken hf. Rnbbit hutches. Fruit. Close in $4201. Tprms. J. C. MOR.!ty755 N. Water St. SILVERTON. Ph. 1134 c280 Sl'DTELI.'R Community Auction. Acros from talntroumis on biiverion rona. Every Wednesday. 10 a. m. Livestock, furniture, poultry, miscellaneous. 1 pinto ririinr oony. well brolte. PRE-WAR FI'RNITI'RE 1 bedroom suite. platform springs, mattress: i i'-pc. liv ing room suite: 1 breakfast set: 1 ice box. 50 lbs. 1 9x12 wool run and pad: 2 lamp table.: 1 occasional chair. 1 4 plate G. E elec. range. 1 4-(t. Leonard ec refrlf. LIVESTOCK will be sold at 1 p. m. Con sign your livestock ana lurnuure ia this auction. Cnll or write us early about your consignment so we can ad vertise it.. SEE US ABOUT YOUR FARM AUCTION Manager LANE SUDTELL 20 Silver ton Rond. Phone 6098. Snfcrn. Auctioneer OREN SUDTELL. 0138 S. W. Palatine Hill. ATwater 5390 Port land. dd258 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK MODERN 2-Bedroom hou.c and vnraae and one acre close in. Keizer district. Prlci S8500. Trms. m ACRES 5 miles S. Dallas. SO acre in cultivation, bp I. timber pasture. Run ning water. Very fair houe barn. Elec. Hunts, bath & toilet. Price $4500. Llbcnl terms. S .M. EARLE or VICK BROS. 208 North Hlch St. IT'S BOUNTIFUL You can Brow any thing on this 46 are mace. Just 8 Salem. 43 in cult. Family orchard, good well, water sys. 0-rm. hse. Barn, earn bp, hog hse. Chick hse. & brooder. On cream route. STOCKED St EQ TIPPED 5ft acres. Rob erts Dlst. Good rich soil, one 4-rm. hse. not too good, 1 Rood 3-rm. hse. Good barn, l'i ml. school. Gravel road. S8500. THE WINNER 22 Acres every ft. In cult. Soil perfect, location perfect, lays per fect. 4-rm. hre. Barn. 4'j ml. Salem. new tractor St equipment, 12 tons hay $10,500. HOME & BUSINESS Lovely 4-bedroom home, with store bldg., stotK et tures. 200 ft. highway frontage. Very good shape, good location. EXCELLENT VALUE 5 rooms As dinette, utility room. 6li yrs. old, wired for elec. range. $7900. Lawrence Real Estate LOANS A INS -Phone 7508457 Court Evenings 2-2212. c258' WANTED REAL ESTATE FAT A CANNER cowji for beef. Dairy cow.?, heifers, bulls, veal. Fat hogs, sows. stRji. boars. Mkt. price. E. C. McCan dlMi. Rt. 5, box 373. Ph. 8117. Across from Water Ball Park on South 2.ith ea;a REALTORS Phone 4108. After 88715. a262 BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME of 6 rms. - Plfnt.v nf built-lns. aood Dlumbinc. elec tric water heater, wired for electric ranne. Double earase, close to school. 4'4 acres, variety of fruit and nuts. Can be subdivided in attractive home sites. Price $12,500. See JOE HUTCHISON wllb- Leo N. Childs, inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261 a260 ATTRACTIVE BUY in a well located North I-story home of 6 cheerful rooms. Paved street, near bus and school. Garage. W Price $4500 Kt. N. VOORHEES with 7 Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261 a260 Si;.107 RMS. (3 B.R.I Dbl. plumbing. garase. can easily oe mzae sia. -ner lot. both Sts, paved. Exceptionally cood location. Olson & Reeve. Realtors 045 S. Com'l. Ph. 4590. Eve. 9338 a258 CANADIAN OWNER SAYS SELL AT PRE-WAR PRICE tfERE is A HOME that Is worth the mon ey! A 7-rm 3 bdrms. home with 2 nre- plares. Harawooo noors. nice Mn.uru with lots of built-ins. Has nice bathrm. fc shower upstairs with lav. downstairs Full bmt- with furnace heat. Wired for elec ransc. There is a 4-rm. house ad joining. A new water system, outbuild ings to care for 6000 chickens and a nice barn and brooder house. There are sev eral ranse houses. There arc 35 acres of land that Is planted to all kinds ot fruli and nuts. A beautiful view ot the valley and mountain. The price has been cut for a quick sale several thous and dullara. See MR. LARSEN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Phone 4108. REALTORS 25B r.nnn -.'.nxi iinMF and V. acre. Garden Road. Lots of bullt-ins St breakfast nook. Wired for elec. range. Nice gar den space with fruit and berrlei. See MR. GOODWIN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. REALTORS Ph. 4103. After SSllb. a260' FOR SALE LOTS FAIRMOUNT HILL 8-ROOM modern home. Has 4 bedrooms and den. double plumbing, garaue for 2 cars. Beautiful lawn and ahrubs. Price $13,700. Call O. V. HUME with State Finance Co. REALTORS 133 S. High St. Phone 4121. fl259 Journal Want Ads Pav BUILDING SITES EXCELLENT BUILDING Tracts south. Re n,i Hut i:, nnrl ncre tracts. S375 up. I a. TRACTS east, extra good soli. Located on good road. J830 up. Terms. Call O. V. HUME With State Finance Co. REALTORS " 153 S. Hl"h St. Phone 4121. a259J for sale h Owner: 5 acres. 2 houses on place One good 6 rooms and bath and" nthrr snnrl rm roam. GaraRe. barn and hen house. Electric water system. Some wood, year around creek on place Cow. hay. tractor, disc. 48 hens go with place. On good coast highway. Plenty logging and sawmill work. Lots or hunting and fishing. Price $3800 l.i mile from Valley Junction towarda Heho John Schlag. bb258 WANTED LISTINGS On housea J3000 to to SBOOO Prompt courteous service, see MR. GOODWIN witn Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. REALTORS Phone 4108. After 68715. ca258' IF YOU WANT TO SELL JUICKLY. SEE NELSON & NELSON Rm 300-2 Masonic BWff. 405 State St Ph 4419. Eves. 21350 or 8280. Realtors. 5 Acres of Strawberries' ON CORNER near Keizer school, 4-room plastered house. This place will pay for Itself in 2 years. Also Ideal for subdivi sion. Full price $6850. Th la won't last. Call 7820. ' H. W. Heers M. 0. Humphreys 3035 PORTLAND ROAD bb3S9 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 12I A 80 CULTIV. 25 acres oak timber St pasture, extra good bldgs. 5-room mod. house, base, furnace, fplace. wired for ran. spring water to house, nice fruit & nut trees. Price 116.000. 40 ACRES, creek, well built 2 B.R. home, barn with 5 stanchions, some fruit. Price 17000. $2000 down. 5 miles south. 48 ACRES, crossed -fenced. 12 . acres of prunes, 2 acres timber. Good 4-bedrm. houe, wired for range. Barn. Oood creek. 12 miles of Salem. Including stock S0500. WE HAVE "i0 Other farm to choose from. C. H. SANDERS 23 1 N. HIGH 5838 b259 Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES . I FOR SALE HOUSES LEE OHMART & CO.. REALTORS ON THE SKYLINE ROAD 9 BEDROOMS $4500 HAS LTVING-ROOM 1 bedroom, kitchen with nook and bath down. 2 bedrooms up. fireplace, wired lor range, garage. Lot 100x150. North. NICE HOME t LIVING-ROOM, kitchen with nook, 3 bed rooms, bath, no upstairs, full base ment, auto sawdust furnace, fireplace, wired for range. garae. Extra deep lot. located north $6500. NORTH SUMMER STREET MODERN S-BEDROOM home, itving-room. dining-room. 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bath down. 1 bedroom up. full base ment, furnace and elec. water beater. Part hardwood floors, fireplace, wired for range. Garage. Excellent location, nice lot. priced at $9000 including elec. range, refrig. and washing machine. 0.95 ACRES Of land, no building. 2'i acres of 6-year-old filberts, some cherry trees located about T-i miles from town $2000. SWEOLE SCHOOL DISTRICT It ACRES and a 3-bedroom home, lights, elec water system, bath, wired tor range. All under cultivation. 1 A fil berts 110.500. Will sell home and 7 acres of land for 18000. NICE HOME WITH 1 APT DOWNSTAIRS has llvtm-room. den. 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bath Upstairs has complete apt. with bath, private entrance. Full basement, auto, aawdust furnace, elec water heater, double gar aze. Large corner lot. outside fireplace, shrubs trees and flowers. Well located North. Priced at 19500. Nelson News NEWLY DECORATED CREEK HOME CLOSE IN E. L.R.. dinette, kit. 2 bedrms Sz large unfinished attic, bath, hwd. firs., fplace. bmi., turn. Oar. Nice creek frontage. $7600. NEW 1 BDRM. CITY EDGE ',4 ACRE outside city south. Fronts on 2 streets. 2 bdrms., L.K.. tt.ii.. nwu. lira. Utility rm. L. trays, attached gar. Fruit, nuts, city water, elec. water heater & oil circulator with largo storage tank included. $6950. VERY GOOD SUBURBAN 4 RDRM. HOME on bus. air conditioning automatic oil turn. 675 gal. oil storage, Elect, water system, wired for elec rge. Chicken house, cow shed. dbl. gar. Fruit St nuts, choice 2',t acres N.E. $12,000. 1 acre for less. HOME AND INCOME .V FCRNISHED APT8. rentlna for $139 per month. Imm. available, walking d'.st. city center. or saie compwieiy iuiu Ished. 17850. CLOSE IN 2 ACRES ON PAVED D St. 3 mins. from state cap Itol. Surrounded by new subdivision $1800. FINISH THIS l-RM. S.E. Some bath fixtures on hand but not installed, wood rantte, new cir fittntnr heatpr. bedrm. it L.R. furniture, foundation for 3-rm. cabin on same lot $2650 Cash. 1 ACRE QUINARY FAIRLY NEW 3-rm. home witn bath. ec. water heater, fpiace, aho 3-rm. cabin, woodthed, pump house, etc. ip tiifse no NOT meet your require ments, tell us what you want We may have it. Nelson & Nelson CHET L NELSON THEO. O. NELSON REALTORS Rm 300-2 Masonic Bldg. 495 Slate St Ph 4419. Eves. 21350 or 8280. c2S3' ill Court St. PHONE 9680 Eve. & Sun. 3779 S37.W 10 A. UNIMPROVED, 10x14 cabin i hj11s Kizcr district. St mm -i HOUSES, 12 ',3 A. Barn, chicken hse.. shop. Year around creek, spring and elec. water system. 3 cows, 3 dozen ih1elcns. K.viKW) " A. 70 A. cult., rest Is range rd ttmhpr 2 vear 'round creeks. springs. New 7-rm. house, completely furn. with maiiosany furn.. full base ment. Wood furn. Party room la base men:. Near Corvaiin. S12..VHI is A. 7-rm. bungalow, barn. chicken house, some machinery. SJO.IHM ?03 A. in Polk County, near Sa lem. 150 A. cult. 40 A. pasture. Good 1 room house. 2 barns, chicken house. S2.vwxt 1 ft A 10 A. fruit. 8-rm. house, basement, sawdust turn. Barn, chicken house. Alio 10 other houses. All rented, Abrams & kins. Inc. 411 Majonie Bldg. Phona eiss Insurance UK. Loans c263' WANTED LISTINGS LOTS HOMES ACRE AOE FARMS APARTMENTS BUSINESS Your call will receive Immediate action TT 11 ' n 1 Unas nuaKins cz son 275 STATE ST. Phone 9494 LISTINGS urgently needed See Salem Realty Co. 1233 tsagewaier si. Phone 5109 MAY WE HELP You Sell Your Property? Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 7660." NOTICE! If your property Is for sale rent or exchange, list it with us. we have all kinds cash .buyers. STATE FINANCE CO REALTORS 153 S. High St. WE ARE In need of good homes to sell In or near Salem. If you wisn to usi your property for sale, see QHAHEftHUttar BKUC. J .AL,i WIVO 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 413L ; WANTED MSTrvns OF City property. Surburb: and country homes for quick salel Im mediate attention Is given all calls. Lee Ohmart & Co., REALTORS 477 Court St. Ph 9680 After 6 p.m Sz Sundays Ph. 3779ci BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LOVELY COURT of 6 individual, house! marh fiirl hed. have I rep aces, garaaej Close in. Consult LUSE REALTY. Ore, aon building, rn. wai. cuwa FOR RENT SOUTH HIGH strert store room to rent October first State Finance Bldg (formerly Salem Hotel Bldg.) STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S High St Phone4121 J FLOOR Sander (or rent. Montgomery WANTED TO RENT Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Oct. 30, 194511 K U SALE MISCELLANEOUS -BEDROOM Furn home in or near Sa lem. We will uke the very best of care of your property. Pli 2-4123 between 8 and 5. Mr. Thompson. Ja261 sts KEWtKO. unfurnished house; Up keep guaranteed. Piione 5083. Ja260 WANTED 1 or 2 bedroom furn. or un furnished house or apt. by returned service man. wife, child. Call Portland Oeneral Elec. Line Dept. J. H. Sals bury. Ja260 SKI HI' WARD to anyone who wilt find a small furnished hoiie or apt. for lady employed by the stale. Ph. 4171 Exten sion 276. Ja260 STATE EMPLOYE, veteran, wife and" 10 year old daughter wants furnished ap artment, cottage or house. Permanent. Phone 5332. Ja2e2 FURNISHED .APARTMENT wanted for weather bureau man and wife. Perm anent tenants. Phone 6151 days.Ja259 SMALL HOI'ST. or Apt- by working army wife, husband overseas. Ph. 4(44 after 3 p. m. ia259 AX APARTMENT or room for returned veteran and wile. References. No chil dren or pets, both working days. Ph. 6484. Ja2Sfl CHRISTIAN young couple needs 1 or 2 rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Perm anent. No children. Phone 4361 Ja2l RETURNED VETERAN wants 5 or 6 room furnished or unfurnished house. Perm anent. Phone 3325. Ja261 $10 REWARD, returned service man and wife desire small lurulshed apartment or house. Permanent, no children or pets. Ph. 21583. Ja258 FREE PAlNTINO, papering and carpenter work in the little noun or apt. Just rent to us two. Call Stan Preskett at 3633 from 9 to 5 or see ui at 1325 State St. a258 FIND YOI'R POST-WAR CAREER in AUTO BODY Si FENDER WOri. tncma Ing metal work. WELDING and spray painting Eiwy to learn now in your spare time. Chance for good job or a shop of your own. We'll show you how. Here's one of the most profitable branches of the big Auto business. Get the facts. Write today! Auto-Crafrs Training, box 343 Capital Journal. e258 YEARLING Herford baby beef. 550 to 600 lbs Ph. 4966 week days. 22307 eve. Rt. 4. box 479. Salem. Ore. 1 mile from West Sa'em biidge on Dallas highway Orvllle E. Shryder e258 PART ARABIAN mare, very gentle. Ex cellent buggy. " harness, stock saddle, hay and straw. Call at Box 629 Eat Turner road. e258 REGISTERED Guernsey or short horn bull rvice at vour place. Fn. but cjij FOR SALE WOOD I" GREEN SLAB St ednlng. Triple load (14. Sawdust, Ph. 5831. wally Par GREEN SLAB 16" mill wood. Double toad and sawdust. Highway Fuel uo aaao Fairgrounds. ee274' DRY 10" SLAB. Phone 6444. FRESH CUT sawdust. Ph 6683 ee265 " SLAB WOOD hnd Edelngs l'l cor. loaJOSO Immediate Delivery Ph fi83 SAVE MONEY NOW Haul your own bone drv 16" slab Si edKinitf white ttiey are available Oregon Fuel Co, 3555 Port land Road ec264' SINGLE MAN wants housekeeping room or small apt Box 337. Capital Journal. Ja2o8 LOST AND FOUND LOST: BOSTON Bull dog. License No. 4314 on harness. Phone 7177 daytime. k2G0 LOST: SPUN Silver Link Bracelet, keep sake. Reward. Ph. 22934. k 260 LOSTTRlbAY,Oct." 26 Tan billfold. Re turn to owner. Receive reward. Mrs. W. H. Keller. Rt. 6, Bx 655H. k258 LOST Womcns brown billfold. Sat. afternoon. All credentials inside are of no value to anyone except owner. Keep money and mail all credentials. LOST. Ladies Hamilton wrist watch. Re ward. Ph 4171 Ext 442. Bet 8 Sz 5. k25S' MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR PAINTING. Ph. 9309. RIVER SILT Excellent Mason Sand, fill dirt, all kinds of grav el Commercial Sand & Gravel Co. Ph. 21966 or 23100. TRADE 1042 Super DeLuxa Ford coach for cheaper car. This car can oa seen from 9 a. m. till 4 p. m. Sat. A- Sun. at 12th Si State St. Mobile station. q258 WANT LATE MODEL CAR. Will pay cash I Phone 5280. q POULTRY Pertillrer. dry. no straw, by sack or yard. Phone 22861. Lees' Hat chery, n VA NTEP MISCELLANEOUS WANTED fancy work, crochet, doll. aprons, etc. 303 a. Winter St. na259 CLEAN WHITE rncs wanted Will pay 5c per :b. Hoae liros., 350 state St. na WANTED: llHKt Comics, Sundales 293 N. Commercial. na260 FINANCIAL 5-. NET EARNING ON VOt'R surplus money by buying a first mortgage on real estate. Loans run lor 3 or 5 years. Amounts 1500 to 110.006, You can't beat this kind of Investment for safety and net return. STATE FINANCE COMPANY 153 South HWh St. r USED FURNITURE. Phone 9185. PERSONAL, READING. KNOW THE TRUTH. 2361 State PJ04 MOTHERS! Have Your Treaaurcd BABY'S SHOES BRONZED ONLY $7.50 Name and Birth Date put on FREE! Limited time only. For FREE pick-up service send post card to AMERICAN METALLIC ARTS P. O. Box 102. Monmouth. Oregon. P260 MADAME MARLENE: Gifted reader, helps and advises those In trouble. In love business, marriage. Tells names and dates without asking any finest ions, Facts, no promises. Test readings free. Satisfaction assured. Portland. 1321 8. W. Broadwny near Jefferson St. p280 Personal Finance Co. Makes Loans FOR HOUSE and CAR Repairs, doctor and dentist bills, or to buy aulas. lurnitura livestock. 10 05 a month repays tlQO loan in full in 12 months. Loans mud on livestock, salary furniture or auto to farmers, office employees, factory workers, skilled and unskilled. Coma In. write or phone. Service U privaf and prompt. Personal Finance Co. Room 12.1 Second floor New Blieh Bldl. Ptione 3191518 State St. Lie. S-123 M-165. K. Gallinger. Mzr. I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself from this date on. Lillian M. Dunn. p260 AUTOMOBILES CASH for '34 to '36 passenger car in good cond. Ph. 6613. 1645 Berry.q260 FOR SALE '29 model A roadster. New. cut-down top and upholstery. New paint job. Special 16 in. wneei. 85 t, ruoDtr. 490 S. 14th St; Q260 HOUSE TRAILER tor sale or trade, double plywood with air space, metal coverea, Bendlx brakes, good tires. Innerspring d:v bed. seeps 4. Built-in Ice box, Kitchen equipment including electric appliances. Detachable 9 x 12 enclosed awning. 1470 N. 16lh. 7 to 8 a. m. or after 5. qzw FOR SALE; Model A '31 Roadster, '33 Chevrolet coupe, good cond. 559 N. Lib erty. (lower bell) after 5. Q259' H WILLYS DeLuxe Sedan 1345 North 18lh. Q2o9' 36 MASTER Ciiev. Sedan, radio, header, good rubber. J450. Ph. 584S. Q262" GOOD 16" GREEN Edgings. Immedtat delivery 16 per load Oregon Fue ( o ee259 MEN b HATS cleaned and blocked 75C LEo SPRINGER. 464 Court St. 0i2S: FO'JR CORNERS Welding Si Blacksmith Sho is now open lot business welding brazinn Sz cable St taoe splicing W Rostov prop m256 SOUTH SALEM Radio Shop Rep. St parts All makes. Prompt ser. 1201 S. Com'l. Phone 6050. m274 Dental Plate Repair 2-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASFS DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph BldK. State Sz Commercial Sts SALEM Phone sail m- FOR SALE 1940 Pontine 4-door Deluxe sedan. Excellent condition. All new rubber. Mizht consider cattle as part. 1838 Chev. truck in A-l condition with stock rack and good rubber. Might consider cattle as part. Rt. 1. Box 92, Jefferson, on Salem-Buena Vista road near Sidney school. Q258 FOR SALE POULTRY TURKEYS. 26 white rabbits. 24 N.H pullets. Call after 6:30 eves. 506 South 19th. Phone 24030. 1258" READV-TO-I.AV (elected Hampshire pul lets Ph 22861 Lee's Hatchery r WANTED HELP WANTED Experienced secretary for permanent position. Appointment may be made for Wed. A. M. Ph. 4171. Ext. 229. 11253" SALESWOMAN age 20-35 in Jewelry store. Must be able to do somn typins. Perm anent position- top salary. Reference required. Box 346. COOKS WANTED at Lausanne Hall. Will amette University. Call Miss Jack. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Good hours, no Sunday. Schneider's Coff"e Shop. 159 South High. B2 WANTED: GIRL for breakfast shift 6:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Apply Blue mrc Restaurant. B2S .MEN TO Qualify for position of break- nifn. nzes 21 to 33. APPIlcanw win or allowed compensation during student period provided they qualify and enter service. Apply local agent Oregon Elec tric Railway. 264 BEAUTY OPERATOR wanted. Guarantee and commission. Opportunity oi mak ing high monthly earning. Write Bent rice Jonas, Sweet Home or call S. H. 3312. PART TIME service station man. Phone 9814. 8258 HEAVY HAULING, excavation and mtd building, land clearing, oozcr wort: ditching, basement ' excavation, aand gravel, crushed rock, mason sand, con crete mix rement. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 1405 N FRONT ST.. SALEM. OREGON Phone 9408 or 21924. m' WANTED: Good used car. Lata model preferred. Phone 4547. Q273 Directory APPLIANCE REPAIRS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BOY'S TAN camel hair overcoat, Rlze 8: 6 Kaynee shirts, size : a pra. Knicxers size 10 St 12: 1 pair never worn. 1 pr. oxfords s'.ze 3. All In good condition. Phone 6469. Ti260 It OR 4 ROOM new linings. 22788. izc Enameled circulator, Rt. 6. box 394. Ph n282 35. Dry edging St nOOFTNO MATERIAL lOOCf, ASPHALT, Slate coated Shingles. Red or Oreen Snuare Butt-tSq. 5.93. Hex Type Sq. 4.50 105 -lb. Diamond Point; roll 2.90. 90-lb. roil 2 28 65-lb. roll 2.13 4S-Ib. roll 1.50 WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. Salem. Oregon n2A5a GIRL for general office work. Must be able to take dictation and handle cash. Student Just out of school considered Hogg Bros.. 260 Slate St. WANTED An apple grader and packer, long job Apply Puritan Cider Wks . West Salem. g259 WANTED: CASHIERS. Checkers. Food clerks. No experience necessary, good pay to start and during training. Excel lent opportunities for men between IE and 40 Openings in following towns: Molalla. Albany. Cottane Grove. Rose burg. Myrtle Point. Couqiillle. Coos Bay. North Bend See Ted Mfdlord. District Manager. Safeway Stores. Inc. McGil chrlst Bldg. Ph 5611. a Rrr.TAmJ: tncom E TWIN BUNGALOWS. Each has one bed room, living room. Kitcnen wim oum lns and bath. Garages. Out-of-town own er jay sell at the low fiaure of 15000. Delay will mean you will mls another fine opportunity. See A. E. DANI-ELSON with Leo N. Childs, Inc. . REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261. cd260 Kino. SERVICE Station. 2 pumps and tanks. 1 acre, small hse. chicken hse. East. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 8. Com'l. Ph. 4590 Eve. 9536. Cd260 SMALL RESTAURANT on busy street, do ing 140 per day. Ideal et-up for man St wire. Living apt. can be rented. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Com'l. Ph. 4590Eve1j53flcd353' ii-ACRE on Portland road at a busy Interaction. S:ore building with mod ern living quarters. Immediate possess ion. Owner 3095 Portland Road. cd259 FURNITURE FOR SALE PRE-WAR Davenport, chairs, beds. DR. set and misc. Call 3456. d2-9 5-ROOM HOUSE OP PRE-WAR FINE QUALITY FURNITURE BEAUTIFUL 8-pc. wal. dining set Maple 4-poster bedroom suite 8-pc. very fine wal. Twin Bedroom suite, complete Simmons' Studio Couch Mahoxany Desk Several Occasional Chair Oood Daveno 2 very f:ne Swing Rockert 6-way Indirect Floor Lamp 3 End Tables B bright Furniture Co. 4fJ COURT ST. PH. 7511 ' d?' WANTED FURNITURE IF YOU HAVE furniture !o sell call or we Rum Brlgiit Ph 7511 453 Court da" CAVA-FOR YOUR used furniture. Ph Tiflfl. &ta: Street Furn. 1900 State BOYS-GIRLS to set pins. Easy, pleasant work. Good pay 335 NL Hlnh Stg253" WE NEDMEc7iANicsfor both day and night shifts Top wages. Best of work- in enndlllons Permanent employment See Dewey at Lodf'r Bros.. 405 Cen'er St.. "Olomoblle Sales and Service." "Our 17th year in Salem. Orcsnri " "Home of Oood Used Cars."' g273" WANTED: CASHIERS, Checkers. Food clerks No experience npcessary. good pay to 'start and during training. Excel lent opportunities for a man between 18 and 40 See Ted Medford. District Man ager. Safeway Stores. Inc. McGtlchrlst Bldg, Ph. 561 L I MEAT CUTTERS wanted, excellent oppor tunities for the right m"n APPiy m person to T. M Medford. Safeway Dlst office, McGilchrlst Bldg. Ph. 561L g" DEMI-TASSE and Miniature Lamps, our specialty. Beverly s Antique Shop, no Electric. Phone 23431. nana A0-LI1. ICEBOX, very good condition 494 University St. Ph. 9655. nzou- TAni.E TOP aas range. 1003 South Com in e rc laL nana OUTBOARD MOTOR. 1942 Evlnrude 3.4 h.p. With Simplex starter, slightly used, good condition. 990 SaglnawSt. n26Q KING TROMBONE, excellent condition. Ladles muskrnt coat, size 16-18. Rt. 1 BoxjTL Brooks on Highway 09- ' n260 SMALL ELEC. refrigerator. Pli. 8065. n20o fx pert liENnix and commercial and domestic refrigeration service. Ralph Johnson Appliances, 333 Center. Ph 4036 ARCH SUPPORTS ARCH SUPPORTS made to order. Writ for details. The Arcn support service Salem. Oregon. AI'TOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE 540 Chemeketa. Phone 7838. autcTdrakes MIKE PA NEK 275 South Com'l Ph. 5161 Brake and wheel aligning specialist i BULLDOZER BULLDOZING) LEVELING St Call A. Benson, Snlcm 6305, CE M E NT WO R K . GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING C R. ELLIS, 1905 N 10th St. Ph 4071 cTlIM NE Y SW E E P AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS 191ft CHEVROLET: LWB 191 DODGE PICK-UP 1545. Herrall-Owen Co. 235 S Commercial. Ph. 3169. AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 5th FLOOR GUARDIAN BLDO. License No. M-180 OENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS and HOY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE Si LOANS State Lie. No's. S-136 and M-182. 136 S. Commercial St. Tel. 9166. r WE LOAN on Farm. Residential and Busi ness Property. Will buy mortgages, con tracts. HAWKINS Si KUtUittlB, IPi"--. REALTORS. Ouardian Blda. r $ MONEY $ REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS Wa Buy Real EstaU Uortgagea and Contracts STATE FINANCE CO. Lie. S-216 M-223 153 8. High 8t. T FARM and CITY LOANS 4'. and 5 Prorrmt Service Minimum Datalli Will Pay Cash for Real Estate Contract ano iiecono. Martgt CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 7163 I TRANSPORTATION WANTED FROM one to four passenger J, who are interested in trip to wpoxana, via Seattle, or vicinity. Call 21372 Sa lem for particulars. x25i LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF TRADE-MARK Notice Is here-by given that Langendorl United Bakeries. Inc.. a Delaware corpor ation, whose principal place of buslneaa Is 1160 McAllister street. Ban Francisco. California, has adopted and registered In the office of the Secretary of State of Oregon, a trade-mark consisting of tha word "Zest" for use on breakfast cereal In prepared form. uct. is, ju, nov, FURNACES CHIMNEYS vacuum clean rd ENSLEY 771 S. 21st. Ph. 7176. Q262 ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES WE REPAIR. Buy and Sell Irons, healer, toasters, hotplates, etc. Hutson'j Elec trical Flxlt Shop, 271 N. Com'l. Q282 EXTERMINATOR COCKROACH EXTERMINATION Service Ph. 3056. LEE CROSS. 1360 N. 17th. 0274 .ARGE WOOD circulator, 8814 or 21533. 760 N. 14th. W260" SPOOL RED. milk glass lamp, old dishes and vases. Ph. 2-1443 after 6 p.m. n259 CIliNA CLOSET, wardrobe, two-wheel trailer, swival desk chair, am. desk, oc casional table. Hydraulic Jack. 1285 N. Capitol. Ph. 7881. n258" Gini.S DRESSES St Coats 9 to 12 yrv Shoes 4j to 5'.i In No. 1 condition. Cnll at 2405 Center St. Ph. 8600. n203 SPIT, and Delicious apples II and up. 536 N. nth. Ph. 21853. Bring boxes. n259 ciiROMALOX automatic side arm electric water heaters. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 2i5 N. Liberty. h2B3 LADIES BICYCLE. Ladies black wool coat. s:m- 16. fur collar. Ladles brown rain coat. Size 18. 1010 Oak St. H2M UERGER Wood Furnace, good condition. lUfiO South huh. wi. oaaa. iwoa- CRPFS. Dark and Li r tit 5c per lb. D - Anjou and fall Butter pears, ftwo sev eral varieties of apples. Bring cont. Eriiput Anderson, Orchard Heights Rd 1 mile off Wallace Road. n258 WANT fountain gtrL The Spa. WOMEN LAUNDRY HELP wanted No ex penence necessary Appij Salem Laun dry Co. 263 SmUji HjhBt WANTED POSITIONS BUILDING WRECKER. Exp. Ph. 5752. 11261' GEN. YARD work. Wood Si sawdust put In. Pn. S449, 6-7 p. m. h263 CHILDREN CARED FOR. Ph. 5957. h262 WOMAN S7 with 2'.i year old daughter, would like permanent housekeeping Job for respectable man or with ne child. Plain, comfortable home where I can take full charge and we can feel "at home." Preler someone that will appre ciate homemaker. be conaenial and co operate to make real home lor all con cerned. Must be strait business propov Von. Am not looking for romance or foolishness, someone that likes chil dren and don't expsct them to grow up overnight. Write full particulars. Box 344 Capital Journal. H262 TntKRION PAJNTING. Ph. 6796 h279 DEPENDABLE ALTERATIONS, quick ser- vice 534 N Winter. Ph. 21879. h275 WELLD RI I, TnG. M." D Enloe. Rt 6 Box 32IL. Salem. Oregon 1st house south 01 Bwegie scnooi EDUCATION PIANO LESSONS, SI lesson. Ferry 8'.. Phone 7888 REGISTER NOW foi our post-war Sing er and recent a free tewing co'irx Rir a Singer or havt your Old one repaired Singer Sewinr Center. W Hoi'i HUh prion1 3i2 FOR RENT SLEEPINO ROOM. 468 Ll?1 Sl "goodlbed PIANOS H, L. Stiff. J258 Brcithaups for flowers. Dial 0105. FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOWELL FUNERAL HOME Ph. 1672. LAWNMOWKR SHARPENING MACHINE GRINDING St repairing, J. P. Dougherty. 2130 fairgrounds wa o-ioi' STEAM BATH and Maasaga. Ph. S731. MISIC LESSONS SPANISH and HAWAIIAN guitar, mando lin, banjo, etc. 1533 uouri. tn. aow MATTRESSES CAP1TFAL-BEDDING. Phone 4069. 0281' MOVING AND DELIVERY HOY'S DELIVERY and pickup aervtee. 145 S. Church. Phone 5387. Q269; PAINTING AND PAPERHANOINO EXPERIENCED paper hanger. Ph. 3015 PAINTING, spray or brush. Also Interior painting. Roofs repaired. Harry Bereter. Rt. 4. BOX 387 0272 D EC OR AT I N G and General repair. P 8522 JERRY JOHNSON. Phone 3492. PHOTOGRAPHY KIKFPLACE SET 20 3-Plnce bedrooi with spring and mattress i hooking Knapp si. PHOTO COPYING. Enlargements. Beau tiful true-to-life copies of photos or snap shots, no matter how small. Hand colnr tng a specialty. Bis nop Studio. 520 State 13 EVENHI'DE Outboard Motor, 2 horse Phone 6837. n:58!. MEAT CASES. One 20-ft. Blrkenwald trip le Rlaw with 'j h-P. water cooled comp. Two 10-It. Fredrick 4 Blnss, each with '.a h.p. air cooled coin p. Cond. first class- Se Paul Woodruff at Saving Cen ter. Salem or West Salem. n FOR SALE Beautiful satin wood gold trimmed French bedroom set. Twin Complete. Alo curly maple dining set. modern. Call even and Sat. and Sun days. 14,j0 Chemeketa. n26l APPLEsT H varieties; Oolden Hubbard squa.ih: pure Idaho honey. 2 miles N of und-rpass on 99 highway. n2G0 FOR YOUR Halloween Parties Drink A Enjoy Pure Apple Juice marie dally lrom selected Ripe Apples. PURITAN CIDER WORKS. West Sajcnv n25 CATERPILLAR 60 tractor with winch Laudie Krosman. ScloOregon n2&8 C02 (DRY ICE) fire extinguisher. 125.50 C II. Fowler, PhJ650. "278 WAtT(INS PRODUCTS Ph. 2-3413 J M Sleinhtrr n"& AUTOMATIC GAS water heater, 20-30-40 gal Ralph Johnson Appll. Valley Motor Bldg. Ph.4u36. n3I ATMORAVS. Ozone Sell or rent II C Puah Phone 224 "8 P.O Box 463; n270 WE BUY Sz sell furiiHute. tools, stoves, disiie. nio'.ors. raaios. electric appli ances. hou.eho;d goods KMGMAN'3. 285 N. CommerclaL Phone 9885 n' WOOL DRESSES, sport clothes, suits. cuais and forma Is. Siz"a 12 to 42. Worn but slightly. Phone 4845 n270 POULTRY FERTILIZER. Get It now II ptr yard. Paone 22861. Lee's Halchery n GARDEN Sand travel, crushed rock and Rrndy Mlx-d Concrete WALLINO SAND and GRAVEL CO. Phone 6561. FOR I It EE Estimates Ph. 3703. SAND St GRAVEL Garden Sand. Crushed Rock, Ready Mixed Concrete. Walling band et uravci ua Ph. 8561. SEWERS KOTO-ROOTER SEWER SERVICE Sew ers and drams cleaned. Frte estimute Prompt service Ph 5327. o SE P I IC TANKS C LEA N Y. D GET MYPKIC;e before you get your work done Ph. 7404. Perm, resident West Sa lin. Kenneth Hamel. 1143 8th St. o264 SPRAYING A PRUNING SPRAYING St Pruning. Phone 22303. o261 TRANSFER St STORAGE iJirai nr dm'nnre transfer storage But' ner oils, hrluueis. Trucks to Portland daily. Agent, Pierce Auto Freight. "n eluding California point. Larmer Trans Sz Sioratte Ph. 3131. ' O WEATHER STRIPPING FREE Estimates. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 5965 VACUUM CLEANERS FREE Inspection In your home, author ized Hoover service. We service all makes of cleaners. Hogg Bros. Ph. 9149. o WINDOW-CLEANING C. II. WINDOW CLEANING Co Window cleaning, wall cleaning and waxing. Ph 48J6 O280 WINDOWS. FLOORS, Woodwork cleaned Acme Window Cleaners. Ph. 3337.-398 N Liberty. Pacific Trailways Set Up New Terminal Bend, Ore., Oct. 30 W) Paci fic Trailways will start operat ing an eastern terminal at Salt Lake City within about 60 days, the company reported today af ter approval of a bid to extend its Portland-Boise route to the Utah city. The interstate commerce com mission will issue a certificate within 30 days and the company expects to have schedules oper ating in another 30. Buses now operate between Portland and Boise via Bend, Burns and On tario, Ore. The ICC decision was delayed pending a ruling on an overland Greyhound Stages petition op posing the service. Crazy Fox Bites Young Alaska Gi Juneau, Alaska, Oct. 30 U.R Officials said today that a young girl from Flat, Alaska, had been bitten by a "crazy" fox and that she had been. taken to Fairbanki for hospitalization. Although there have been nu merous recent reports of "crazy foxes" in the Circle, Inoko, mid dle Kuskowim river and Good News bay districts, territorial wild life agents here said they did not believe the animals which reportedly attempted to attack humans were afflicted with rabies. Ray'Woolford, wild life agent, requested the bodies of any of the animals be sent here for ex amination. Woolford said he be lieved the foxes were suffering from some form of distemper. Picture Puts Police On Trail of Slayer Tacoma. Wash., Oct. 30 UH Detective Captain W. E. Farrar said today that the publication of the picture of a crudely-made blanket and a little hag in which the body of a baby girl was found last week has put author ities on the trail of the infant's slayer. The body, wrapped in a blood soaked newspaper, had been stuffed along with a home-made blanket into the bag and thrown into a ditch near the approach to the old narrows bridge. Cor oner Paul Mcllingcr said the babv had been killed by a blow on the head shortly after birth. Police said that after publica tion of the pictures one of the suspects left hurriedly, appar ently for southern California, where police are endeavoring to trace her. PROFESSIONAL Pnonr lVInn KAW'INfi CLEAN1NO 8ERV1CF. U. B. CBOSS Piions im. A Salem Lot tiSi A.M., Wn ry Degree, 7; Lodge No. 4. A.F. Si Wed.. Oct. '31, M. M. 30 PJ11. 358"