FOR SALE HOUSES Beautiful Creek Property Only $7900.00 r"OU MUST see ibis to fully appreciate it. 7 Rms. 3 bdrms. beautiful kitchen & batli. AH rooms are large, comfortable Sz clean Beautiful landscaping, outdoor frill, on banlc of creelt. Shown by appt. only. Call 3722. Rich'L. Reimann, Realtor 201 S. HIGH ST. 8257 Small 5-Rm. Home Only $2500.00 LOCATED OUTSKIRTS of Silverton. 7 D J inclUOea Willi numc. una iw - Ions at this price. Call 3722. Rich L. Reimann, Realtor 301 B. HIUH BT. asat- CANADIAN OWNER SAYS SELL AT PRE-WAR PRICE IhERE IS A HOME that is worth the mon- ey A 7-rm. 3 oar ma. nunie wiui t places. narawDDa uwis, nice iw.tncu with lots of bullt-lns. Has nice bathrm. is shower upstairs with lav. downstair. Full bsmt. with furnace heat. Wired for elec. rang. There is a 4-rm. ad Joining. A new water system, outbuild inns to care for 6000 chickens and a nice barn and brooder house. There are sev 1 cral range houses. There are 25 acres of land that Is planted to all kinds of fruit and nuts. A beautiful view of the valley and mountains. The price has been cut for a quick sale several thous and dollar. See MR. LARS EN with Hawkins & Roberts, inc. Phone 4108. REALTORS a25B' FOR SALE ROUSES Walnut Park 3 LOVELY ROOMS with fas furnace. An unusual amount or builtlns. Oarage and nice shrubs. 18.500. W. B. Sullivan 1601 Chemeketa Phone 31413 Orchard with Home Site ACRES Roral Anne cherrlu. Pine view property beyond King wood Heights S4500. West Salem Kealty Co. 1233 Edgewater St. PHONE! 5io9 84 ACRES located east of Pratum about 40 acres in cultivation. Balance pasture and timber. 3 bedroom house with full bath, spring water, small barn. 3 poul try houses. Price 18.000. hv cash will handle. 'i ACRES located North with food 3 bedroom plastered nouse. iarae aairy barn with 18 stanchions. 3 hog houses. Family orchard; excellent soli. Price J8S00 which includes about 15 tons of hay and horse machinery. Livestock and tractor can be purchased. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. UO'i N. Commercial Bt. Ph. 3030. b256 e257 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. West Salem home. 3 additional lota. Good location. 84200. West Salem Realty Co. 1233 Edgewater St. PHONE! 5109 a 35 7 THIS NICE 20 Acre Farm has 3 bdrm. hOUSe, a ISO cniCKen nou.n it sou. new bB garage and nice barn for 8 cows. Spring water In the pasture. Family berry patch and orchard. Vacant at this time so can have possession at once. Priced at only $6850. Terms. See MR. LARSEN With Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Phone 4108. REALTORS a258 76?3. About 8 years old. 3 bed rm. home. Hdwd. floors, oil furnace, fireplace, a very nice home. Call Omer Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 717 Center St. Ph. 21549 ' Eves. 31731 a257 GOOD 7-BM. HOME and acre. Garden Boad. Lots of bullt-lns Sz breakfast nook. Wired for elec. range. Nice gar den space with fruit and berries. See n fioonWlN with (Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. REALTORS 'h. 4108. After 8 8715. a260 $435(1. Owner leaving. Must sell, 8 rm. house. 2 lots. Variety of iruit, norm. Call Raloh Maddy. Olson & Reeves Realtors Phone 4590. Eves. 21090. a257' COMPLETELY FURNISHED I CREEK LOT within walking distance. I r.ivinr An dinine rooms, fireplace, hard- I v wood floors. 3 bedrooms, bath, kitchen. Beautiful lawn. $11,000. v IMMEDIATE POSSESSION meILVLECTRICALLY heated 5-rm. home. mce location, comletely Insulated. Fire place in basement, wired for range. P. H. Bell, Realtor G. P. Armstrong 402 OUARDIAN BLDO. Ph. 4B96. a256' UAYESVII.L DISTRICT. About i acre with nice 2 bedroom with at' tached garage. Deep well with electric water system. Small chicken nouse. va riety of fruit and berries. Price 15800, LATE BUILT suburban home in lovely setting of oak trees. Large living room with fire Place, large kitchen, 3 nice bedrooms and bath downstairs, upstairs partially finished In one large room. Part hardwood floors, wired for elec tric range, gas water heater. Bus by the door. Located Northeast. ince wouu. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. 110 14 N. Commercial Bt. Phon 3030 8256' GOOD 8-RM. house, double garage, fine large lot ana waiKins ai.v-ance, oniy 15500 iLUSE REALTY Oregon Bldg, Ph. 7952 B255J 6-ROOM MOD. home. Walnut Park. Extra lance lot. Price ssaoo. CLOSE IN 6-rm. well built home with base. St lurnace. Buy inis ior investment, price J7000. Terms. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. HIGH 5838 a257' SS050 NICE 4 rm. house In good dis trict jinuth. Fireplace, lull oamem. furnace, wired for range., elec. hot water heater. Close to schools. Large backyard with trees, can oe Dougm mr nished for S6600. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 045 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4500. Eves. 0536. a255 very NICE 2 -bedroom home. S. near Les- lie school. Full basement, nice lawn. wired lor electric range Sz hot water heater, excellent location, furnished or unfurnished. JOB SPURLOCK R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1833 N. Capitol. Ph. 3031 or 8360. a256' NICE SUBURBAN HOME on pavement 4 miles out. 10 A. good 2 bedroom house, chicken house St barn, filberts St fam ily orchard. WiU. silt soil. Electric wa ter system. JOE SPURLOCK ' . R. A. Forkner, Realtor '1853 N. Capitol. Ph. 3031 or 8360. a256' t-BEDROOM Home close in. North Salem, m A. fine garden soil. On paved street, close to bus. Inside city limits. Large unfinished attic. JOE SPURLOCK R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. Capitol. Ph. 3031 or 8360. a256' 14700 BARGAIN OLD TYPE duplex home, located on cor ner lot in No. 3 business zone, huwuiuj' 1 LENT INCOME POSSIBILITIES. CALL Coburn L. Grabenhorst with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 . Liberty St. Ph. 4131. a255 VACANT 7-ROOM HOUSE, good condition, base ment, wood furnace, sleeping porch, 6 lots with fruit and nut, trees, dus n block, price Jo(au. uooa terms. ALFRED DUMRBCK or W. A. SAUERESSIO Rm. 3 Ladd At Bush Bank Bldg. 0255' by owner 3 bedroom home, hdwd. firs. All on one floor, s oiocks to grace, junior high and high school. 5 yrs. old. Nice yard and neighborhood. 115,000. Phone 6170 for appointment. a256 litMUi rmr and nook, attached garage, Oil heat. Can be bought either with or without furniture. Locates norm. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 845 S. Com'l. Ph. 4590. Eve. 9536. a256' afiflOftsmiTIl nonr Leslie Jr. High. 2 B.R. Living room with fireplace, kitchen, full basement, lurnace. Electric range, ra dio, wood In basement, Nice back yard, Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 B. Com'l. Ph. 4590. Eve. 9536. a258' S.S7S NORTH: English type 3 B.R. home. Firenlnce basement, sawdust furnace. Air conditioned, enclosed back yard with outdoor fireplace. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 845 8. Com'l. Ph. 4590. Eve. 9536. a256' 42no4-RM. HOUSE with 3 lots, nea: school and bus. W. Salem. Kitchen rangi included. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Com'l. Ph. 4590. Eve. 9536. a256' WHY PAY RENT? SIMM GARAGE HSE. 20x24 on Vs A. talk, from cttv llmtti Elect, water S?S tern. Two nice walnut trees in front yd. IrOlson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Com'l. Ph. 4590. Eve. S536. a25B' VACANT1 MTOO VERY NEAT and clean 3-rm. hse. with small lot. Elect, range and elect. water heater. En? le wood dist. snow: br appointment. See Raloh Maddy. Olson & Reeve, Realtors S45 S. Com'l. Ph. 4590. Evts. J1090 n2S6' Special iianfl rvwNtasnn if .t, price FOR 3 HOUSES on one acre ground. City water, gas Sz elect. Fruit trees, chicken nouse. close to bus line. This is a ea Bargain! H. W. Heers M. 0. Humphreys Phone 78303035 Portland Rd. a256' 3 BEDROOM home, oil heater Included. Ven. blinds, utility room, very close in, furniture can be bought, pnone to 730 Market. 256' Journal Want Ads Pay i;.lo NEW 4-rra. home. Immediate pos session. Call Omer Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 1717 Center St. Phone 21549 Eves. 21731 a25T SUBURBAN 10400 COMPLETELY furnished California style home, '.i A. Fireplace, now. nrs. fiirn.m Vnrv hut of furniture. Orlen tl ruis. elec. refrlff.. stove St all kinds of garden tools. Close to bui St Rrhnnl. Immediate possession. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 845 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eves. 9538. a255 98300 NICE 3 bedroom home north. In lovely dist. liv. ana oinina comoi- tion, kltcn., nam, iiriace, iuu n lshed bsmt. Sawdust piped furnace. Wired for range. Outside fireplace. On lot 50x120. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. Commercial St Phone 3793. Eve. Ph. 9441. aara1 S7900 LIV. ROOM, dining rm., kitchen, nnnlr. 3 ttMrooms. IireDiace. IUH iiiiiau- ed bsmt. with oil piped furnace. On nice lot, 50x120. In nice dist. Poss. 30 days. Call Ray Davis. Huff -Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. Commercial St. Phone 3793. Eve. Ph. 944L 365 FOR SALE FARMS Howell Prairie FARMS. We have several very fine Howell Prairie farms that are priced to sen. from 35 acres to 130 acres. If you are Interested In a farm In tiiis fine district, let us tell you about them. W. B. Sullivan 1801 Chemeketa Phone 21413 McKILLOP'S Improved and Uimproved r arms We have a Large Selection listed for sale See or Call Us . Before Buying Phone 5 13 1 McKillop Real Estate Agency . 169 South High St. Salem, Oregon If you want delivery soon on a New Car SELL us your present car NOW YOU will receive the present high market value in cash and place yourself in a preferred position with us for delivery of a New Oar as soon as they arc available. We Don't Believe It Will Be Too Long Now. Loder Bros. 465 CENTER ST. PHONE 8133 "Our 17th year In Salem. Oregon" "Oldsmoblle Sales and Service." "Home of Good Used Cars." q259 WHO WANTS a nice little home In Ver- nonla. Ore.? J lots with fruit trees, good 4-room house with bath 11200. IF YOU WANT some close-in lots for your future home here Is your chance. South Winter At Mission, 2 blocks to school, new city park will be Just across street. Only 4 lots left. Larsen Home & Loan Co 164 S Com'l. St. Ph. 8389. c256 D2561 ATTRACTIVE BUT IN a 16 acre farm 5 miles North, near Lake Labia n. l acre Beaver Dam land, balance best of dark fertile soil. Family orchard. 5 -room house, garage, barn, well wltn electric water system. Price 1 12, 000. Part terms. Leo N. Childs, Inc. b257' TEN ACRES few miles out on gravel road. Part cleared, balance pasture and tim ber. Small creek, few fruit trees. 3-room house, garage, price nsoo. part terms. SEE Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9261. b257 126 A. 1(0 Cultlv. 35 A. oak timber St pas. turn, extra aood bides. 5-room mod. house, base., furnace, fplace. wired range, spring water to house, nice fruit and nut trees. Price $16,000. 10 ACRES, creek, well built 2 B.R. home. barn with 5 stanchions, some fruit. Price noon rziKJu aown. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. HIQH 5838 b356 FOR SALE ACREAGE 15500 LOOK GOOD! 1 acre with 100 ft. front with 3 modern houses on 99 Hi way, close In. Good location for cab Ins. City water and gas. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. "4590. Eves. 9536. bb2S5 19400 LOVELY 3 bedroom ranch type home. 3 years oia. uompjewiy m nished. On i acre, close In. Nice view, hardwood Iloors. fireplace, automatic gas furnace. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. Commercial Bt. Phone 3793. Eve. Ph. 9441. tlbb $7000 '! BEDROOM home, completely fur nished. . near scnooi. uwa north. Nice clean home. Very nice lurnlture. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. Commercial St. Phone 3793. Eve. Ph. 944L a255 tOKOfl I MM. possession. ' B room home east. Bsmt., lurnace, wirea ior rimr, newly decorated. Paved street. Near bus. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. Commercial St. Phone 3793. Eve. Ph. 9441. a25S fi-ROOM HOUSE; S2100 down. Unfurnished or may be had furnisneo, wun iour lots, fruit, nuts, grapes, lots of garden space. Open for Inspection after 6 p.m. 609 Locust. 1mm. possession. For sale by owner. BY OWNER 3 -bedroom house with 2-room Apt. Si garage in iuu oasemeni, one block from Marlon Square. 1180 Smith Bt. - 256 BY OWNER leaving town. 6 acres. 2 bed room modern homt. Automatic on lurn oe, electric water ays tern. 1 acre of youngberrles. walnuts, filberts, pears, prunes. Small barn, double garage. All buildings less than 3 yrs. old. 450 foot frontage on Pacific highway. Ideal lo cation for gas station and auto court. Just north of Woodburn city limits $9500. Call Woodburn 2201. a 256 EN OLE WOOD 3 bed rm. Turn, including late model gas range ana eiec. reiria. large unfinished attic, gar., utiUty rm. rn-nT- iBBfi Kansas a256 FOR SALE LOTS CORNER LOT IDEAL LOCATION, size 55x100. Must be seen to be appreciaieu. niuc-,ivU. See LOUIS BECHTEL. or MRS. NEED HAM. 341 State St. Room 4. aa255 1S0X150-FOOT LOT LOCATED NINE BLOCKS from City cen ter large 9-rm. house, corner lot. A REAL VALUE ! EXCELLENT COURT SITE. Price waou. CALL Coburn L. Grabenhorst with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. ga25S' VTFW LOTS KINGWOOD HEIGHTS, Ben Vista Park and Mt. View Tracts. Large scenic lots. Price 730 ana up. CALL Coburn L. Grabenhorst with Grabenhorst Bros. n.i a TJhfrt St. Ph. tttl. iS5 FOR SALE FARMS ..ti inv nnin OPPORTUNITY 0 ACRES. rlde frontaw on paved Rd. All ..Zr ...m in bearing fruit. Mm. houae. elec. pnmpln r'n" ".K," barn. EXUfciJwi. rv - Price $10,000. , , CALL Coburn L. Orafaenhorat with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 s. Liberty SI ,br FOR SALE HOUSES I FOR SALE HOUSES LEE OHMART & CO., REALTORS V 3 BEDROOMS S4500 HAS LIVING -ROOM. 1 bedroom, kitchen with nook and bath down. 2 bedrooms up. fireplace, wired for range, garage. Lot 100x130. North.. NICE HOME UVING-ROOM. kitchen with nook, 3 bed rooms, bath, no upstairs, fun case ment, auto, sawdust furnace, fireplace, wired for range, garage. Extra deep lot. located north J6SO0. NORTH SUMMER STREET MODERN 3-BEDROOM home, llvlnr-room. dining-room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bath down. 1 bedroom up. full base ment, furnace and elec. water heater. Prt hardwood floors, fireplace, wired for range. Garage. Excellent location. Wee lot, priced at- 19000 including elec. rang, refrig. and washing machine. ON THE SKYLINE ROAD ... .nova f i.nd. no buildings. 34 acres of 6-year-old filberts, some cherry trees, located about ?tt mile from town I20UU. SWEGLE SCHOOL DISTRICT ii acres and a 3-bedroom home, lights. ,! ." t.m. bath, wired lot ' .i. ..... riiltlvatlon. 1 A. fll- berts-110.500. Will sell noma and 7 acrea ol iaiw wi-w. vrf trrTC WTTH 1 APT. DOWN'STAIBS ha, Uvlni-room. den. J bedroom, aucnen -uu h,, complete apt. wltn batn. private nir.nce. PuU baiement. auto, sawduit furnace, elec. water heater, double far. " ' . . -.n.r int. ouu de fireplace. aSruba. tree, and Ilowen. Well located Nortn. rncea a. .... 477 Court St. PHONE 9680 Eve. & Sun. 3779 15 34 Acres VPRV CLOSE IN North between 99 high way and Silverton roao. Has oeautuui fir grove with open air theater on one corner. All kinds of fruit and nut trees. Has greenhouse and older type 5 room house and garage. Lays just about per fect to sub-divide. This property u worth the money. J 10,500. W. B. Sullivan 1601 Chemeketa Phone 21413 bb25T View Property IN WEST SALEM. On hill In West Salem, almost 4 acres. Beautiful spot for coun try home. Has lots of nice trees and Joins 13,000 and 114,000 homes, price 13,500 W. B. Sullivan 1601 Chemeketa Phone 31413 bb337' S ACRES Good soil, family fruits, elec. duuid. Modern fi-rm. house, ens. barn, chick house, close to school. Price $5800 uasn. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. HIGH 5838 bb256 SEVERAL FINE Acreaaes with lovely bldgs close to Salem: also farms, variable Sizes. LOSE REALTY. Oregon Bldg. Phone 7952 bbafiS1 FURNISHED 9400 ATTRACTIVE suburban home on H A. Fireplace, hwd. floors, furnace. Good furniture, expensive rugs, elect, appli ances, garden tools. Close to school and bus. Only 3 yrs. old. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Com'l. Ph. 4590.Eve. 9536. bb256 B ACRES, nice house, living room, den, bath with shower, kitchen, nook, two bedrooms, dbl. garage, ut'.iuy rm, on heat. elec. water htr. Barn, chick hse. Fruit, city water, beautiful view. Can easily be divided. Chas. Hud kins & Son 275 State St. Phone 9494 bb266 FOR SALE by Owner: 5 acres. 2 houses on nlace. One aood 6 rooms and bath and other good one room. Garage, barn and hen house. Electric water system. Some wood, year around creek on place. Cow, hay. tractor, disc. 18 hens go with place. On good coast highway. Plenty logging and sawmill work. Lots of hunting . and fishing. Price 13800. mi from Valley Junction towards Hebo. John Schlag. bb258 It ACRE TRACT on paved road, close Id near Pac Hwy. norm, a uooa Buy. Conlact "Elmer" Amundson. Phone OOI A BURT PICHA, REALTORS axj 337 Nortn Hl(!n st tb25ft SEVERAL 1, 2, and ft acre tracts. Will, silt loam soil. Good home sites, close to town, transportation and schools. Priced rlghtl contact ' Elmer Amunoson. OOI A BURT PICHA. REALTORS JU 337 North High St. bb2S5' REAL ESTATE FRUIT FARM 10 acres with 4 -room hse. shower, wired for electric range 12000 down, balance 120 monthly. 13500 In all. HARD TO BEAT THIS 7-room hse.. com' blnatlon living Sz dining room, 2 bed rooms down, 1 up. full bsmt. with turn ace. hardwood firs downstairs, lovely kitchen Sz bath. Nice lawn St shrubs. Lo cated north 110,000. MODERN HOME At PRODUCTIVE FARM 15 acres fertile soli. 250 ft. highway frontage. 250 ft. river frontage, 3 acres In mixed orchard, 2 new planting Boy senberrtes. '.i acre fir timber, lovely 6 room house with nook, completely fur. nlshed with the best. Full bsmt, nice yard with sunken garden, fireplace and lishpool. Only t miles Saiem. FINANCIAL SECURITY 3e IN DEPEND, . ENCE In the country 100 acres, 7-room hse, bath, garage, poultry hse, 2 silos, 50 tons hay, all silage, some machinery and grain. Lawrence Real Estate L3ANS INS. Phone 7506457 Court Evenings 3-2212. c255' ACTION LIST TOUB PROPERTY with us out of state buyers and returning service men need homes St acreage. We have over 100 buyers on our waiting list. Tour property may be lust what they are looking for. We advertise out of state and will give you real service i pa. 7820. H. W. Heers M. 0. Humphreys 3035 PORTLAND ROAD Journal Want Ads Pay AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBn.ES EXCHANGE 4 room In Portland for 4 or 5 room house in Salem. Phone 4745 or 8594. cb237 REAL ESTATE INCOME PROPERTIES LOCATED CLOSE to State Buildings. 8 rms. 3 fireplaces, basement, furnace, large lot. Excellent property for conver sion to apts. Also space for 2 courts on paved alley. For Quick disposal W750. CALL Coburn L. Grabenhorst with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Cd255 Nelson News SPECIAL S BDRM. BUY $5750 IP YOU NEED'a 3-bdrm. home, don't miss this one. The price Is only about i ol what you would have to pay for a sim ilar home In some parts of N.E. Salem. Comb. LR-DR. Kit. den. 3 bdrms, bath, utility rm. with L. trays, hdwd. firs, elec. water heater, oil circulator, garage, lawn, garden, convenient to bus, store Si school. ' FOR HOME AND INCOME $7850 5 FURNISHED Apts. renting for $139 per month. Imm. available, walking dist. city center. For sale completely furn ished. 1 A ORES. 3 BDRMS. 1 40 00 WALKING DIST. Hollywood stores, thea ter, etc. Mlscel. Iruit Sz nut trees, chick en house, rabbit house, etc. Elec. water system. LR DR, Kit. 3 bdrms., bath. utility rm, gas water heater, garage, lawn. Good landscaping. '4 ACRE CITY EDOE B. S BDRMS. bath, utility rm. hdwd. nrs. throughout, elec. water heater, lawn, garden, fruit, nuts, city water 66950. Furnishings available. SErnNa for 20 acre farm 17 ACRES fall plowed, good soil. 5 miles e. 3 acres wood lot with oozing spring with Income from oil drilling lease 1160 per acre. IF NONE OF THESE meet your require- ments. tell us what you want we prob ably have it. IF YOU CAN use any of these, w recom mend that you loose no time In placing a down payment. WATCH For Open House Ad Tomorrow 1 Nelson 6? Nelson CHET I. NELSON THEO. O. NELSON REALTORS Rm. 300-2 Masonic Bldg. 495 State St. Ph. 4419. Eves. 21350 or 8280. c255' AUTO COURT ON PACIFIC Highway. 9 modern units. income averages around isoo per month. Inquire Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 B. Com'l. Ph. 4590. Eve. 0536. cd256 EXCELLENT INCOME property. 7 unit apt. court, completely furnished lnclud Ind elec. ranges and refrig. central gns furnace heat. Income S247 per mo. Nets 15 percent. Located business dist. in nearby town. You can't go wrong at 16.000. Severin Realtv Co. 4 0 16 312 N. HUH St. cd2S- Completely Furn. 5-rm. Modern Home $5895 Older type" home $3975 ABOUT U A. Some fruit Si nuts. 4 bdrms. utility, bath, liv. St din. rm. Wired ior range. Net Profits $500 Mo. RESTAURANT it 6-rm. horn,. VBluabl. for location. On busy commercial St. S30,000 Cash. $2500 Dn. will handle Filling Station, Store School Lunch Living Quarters LOCATED 12 MI. 8.B. of 8aletn on pavd Hishwar In rich larmlnc center. A mo ney maker Ior riant parly. Income $40 Mo. plus Living qrtrs. for Owner 9-RM. HOUSE cor loc. Lae. lot on bu, line. 9 Walnut trees. ioboo. Lge. Lot with Shack on Bus Line $495 Cash City Lot 50x110 on Bus line $395 Cash. CALL I. I. ORIMM Rich L. Reimann, Realtor "You Will ALWAYS Find a Better USED GAR" and "Make a BETTER Deal" at. Loder Bros. 465 Center St. Ph. 6133 "Our 17th year In Salem, Oregon." "Oldsmoblle Sales and Service." "Home of Good Used Cars." q259 EXCHANGE KEAL ESTATE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED HELP GOOD PAINTER wanted, top wages. Har old Muhs-Ph. 8543j!Ve.i. jt335 PART-TIME Bookkeeper "wanted. Eve. work two nltes a week. Ph. 8542 eves, or Box 341 Capital Journal. 8355 CARPENTER WANTED. men t. 23798. Steady employ-g235" PART TIME Secretary. Parrlsh Junior Hlnh school. Phone 3197. g255 BOYS-GIRLS to set pins. Batty, pleasant worle. good pay. 33ft N. lllali St. k358 EXPERIENCED office cleric. Dallas Mach ine Sz locomotive Works. Ph. 186 Dallas, Oregon. g256 WANTED: Reliable woman one or two days weekly to care for year-old child. Some cleaning. 75c nr. Phone 933B. 255l HEAVY HAULING, excavation and road building land c earing doter work ditching, basement excavation, sand gravel, crushed rock, mason sand, con crete mix cement. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 1405 N FRONT ST.. SALEM. OREO ON Phone 9408 or 31824. , m WANTED: JANITOR. Part-time service in downtown office building. References. Write Box 338. Capital Journal. e256 COMBINATION cook-housekeeper for 7. Mlddleaued woman. Good waees. board and room. Must be reliable. Permanent for right party. 1010 N. Cottage. Ph. 5548. g255 PHARMACEUTICAL SALESMAN, experi enced. To sell direct to physicians. Es sential industry. Nationally known con cern. Rat opportunity for right man. Box 363. Capital Journal. e255 EXPERIENCED-butcher, capable of man" aging shop. Write Box 333, Capital Journal. - g2o6 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CROFT EASTER LILY Planting stock. Ore a on grown and state inspected, from select stocx. tn o Washington St. W. W. Calhoun, Eugene, Ore. n236 APPLES. All leading varieties. Wholesale and retail. Puritan Cider Wits, west Snlem. n339 SINGLE TUBE BICYCLE, good CO lid. 125.00. 450 N 23rd St. niOO A GOOD PIANO. Very reasonable. 452 N. Church St., saiem. niioo FULL OR part-time usherettes. Apply in person. Grand Theatre. g356 EXPERIENCED MEAT Cutter wanted, per manent position. Ph. 44W Independ ence. Graham's Cash Market. g256 BOY TO collect classified advertising. Must be reliable and have a bicycle. Good opportunity to get your Christmas cash. Apply Capital Journal. g256 WE NEED MECHANICS for both day and night shuts. Top wages. Best of work ing conditions. Permanent employment. See Dewey at Loder Bros., 485 Center St. "Oldsmoblle Sales and Service." "Our 17th year in Salem, Oregon." "Home of Good Used Cars." g273 IH ACRE on Portland road at a busy Intersection, store Duiimng wun mod ern living quarters. Immediate possess ion. Owner 3095 Portland Road. cd259 SA8.1U 2 APTS. Furn., 1 apt. unfurn. Base ment, sawdust turn., lge. lot. South. $10,000 2-STORY Bldg. 8 rms. for rental. Gro. store in front part of bldg. Living quarters In rear. Full basement, wood furn. West 8a tern. $33,000 ONE OF the best locations for a court or apt. house. Has a large oia home to remodel. 14 garases all rented Abrams & Ellis, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone 615N Insurance Mtg. Loans cd255 FURNITURE FOR SALE GOOD FURNITURE for Sale at 860 North Cottage. aa WANTED FURNITURE CASH FOR YOUR used furniture. Pb. 7598. Stat Street Porn- 1900 State da IF YOU DAVE furniture to sell caU or ' Rnss anght Pb 7511.--45s court. FURNITURE TO BUY. See us before you sell or advertise your furniture. Sudtell Community Auction. 20 Silverton Rd. da255' FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FRESH COW 4 years old. 350 A street. Woodburn. Ore. Vcrda Adams. c256 FRESH COW, A-l W. W. Wlnegar, 475 Locust St. 58 SACRIFICE 175. Fine riding horse. Blood bnv. Has been posse drill horse. or can be seen at Salem Saddle club. State Fairgrounds. e256 REGISTERED Guernsey or short horn bull service at your Place, rn. m. eau LIVESTOCK WANTED FAT CANNER cows .'or beef Dairy cows. heifers bulls, veal Fat bogs, sows, stagi. boars. Mkt. price: O. McCandllsh. Rt 6. bca 373 Ph. 8147 Across from Water Ball Pirk on South 35th. ea257 GAS RANGE for sale or trade for an apt. size elect, range. Also pacxing ooxes, barrels and crates. Rt. 1, Bx 114D. Ph. 24072 between 9 and 5. n256 DISHES, fruit Jelly, misc. articles. 48fl N. Liberty, basement apt. n J 37 SOLID WALNUT library lamp table. Cogswell chair, soft green hall runner, novelty and pin-up lamp. Boys pre-war all wool blue suit, size 38 or 37. Man's tuxedo suit, extra fine Quality, size 38 short. Worn once. 1610 N. 17th St. n25fl WANTED: CASHIERS. Checkers, Pood clerks. No experience necessary, good pay to start and during training. Excel lent opportunities Tor a man between 18 and 40. See Ted Medford. District Man ager. Safeway Stores, Inc. McGUchrlst Bldg. Ph. 5611. g MEAT CUTTERS wanted, excellent oppor tunities for the rtiht men. Apply in person to T. M Medford, Safeway Dist. office, McGUchrlst Bids. Ph. 5611. g WAN! fountain girl, Th Spa. WOMEN HELP and Checker wanted Ap ply In person, city Cleaners. m& StiiU St. g WOMEN LAUNDRY HELP wanted. No ex- periencv necessary Apply Salem Laun dry Co. 263 South High St. g" WANTED POSITIONS PUT IN WOOD or sawdust tl.OO an hour. Phone 4344. H56 INTERION PAINTING. Ph, 6796. 1,279 MAINTENANCE man. age SO. or salesman. Have car. Machinist work, carpenter. Phone 5370. h255 WILL CARE FOR children in my home. 2230 N. Liberty St. h25a GEN. YARD work. Wood tit sawdust put 1. Ph. 0449. 6-7 p.m. nzoT EXPER. LADY elevator operator wants work. Write box 340 capital, journal. h235' LANDSCAPING St shrubbery, trimming. ti. 7695. Clifford Bo we. Apt. l. ray. DEPENDABLE ALTERATIONS, quick ser vice 534 N. Winter, pn. 31879. nz7s. WELL DRILLING. M. D. Enloe. Rt. Box 321L, Salem, Oregon, lit house south of sweme scnooi. nun PLOWING St TRACTOR work. Have 02 J. R. Mlnty. Rt. 1, box 274. Brooks, Ore. Third hausa on right south of Brooks. h257 EDUCATION PIANO 1JSS0NS, 91 lesson. Ferry St. Phone 7888. Call 396 HM7T REGISTER NOW for your post-war Sing' or mil rerelva a free sewing course Ren: a Sinner or have your old one repaired Singer sewing center. SoUt High. Phone 3513. FOR RENT SOUTH HIGH street store room to rent October rim. state finance mai (formerly Salem Hotel Bids.) STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8 High St Phone 4121. 1' FOR SALE WOOD 0" GREEN SLAB As edging. Triple load 114. Sawdust. Ph. 5831. Wally Park. ee275" GREEN SLAB 16" mill wood. Double load and sawduit. Highway Fuel Co. 2390 Fairgrounds. ee374 DRY 16" SLAB. Phone 6444. FRESH CUT sawdust. Ph. 6683. " SLAB WOOD and Edgings. 1M cord load 110 50. Immediate Delivery. Ph 6683 ee265 SAVE MONEY NOW! Haul your own bone dry 16" slab Sz edging f while they are available Oregon Puel Co. S555 Port land Road. ee264 WANTED REAL ESTATE Let us help you sell your home or business large or small. Prompt, quick service to all. Call Grimm or Boyd. Rich L. Reimann. Realtor 201 S. High. Ph. 3722.Eve. 7805? Ca3S7 WANTEDLISTINGS on houses 13000 to to 18000. Prompt courteous service. See MR. GOODWIN With Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. REALTORS Phone 410B. After 6 8715. ca25S IP YOU WANT TO SELL QUICKLY. SICE NELSON & NELSON Rm 300-2 Masonic BIdf. 495 State B1 Ph 4419 Eves. 9350 or 1280. Realtors WANTED LISTINGS LOTS HOMES ACREA OE- PA RMS APARTMENTS BUSINESS Your call will receive Immediate action. Chas. Hudkins & Son 275 STATB ST. Phone 9494 LISTINGS urgently needed. See West Salem Realty Co- 123S Edgewater St, Phone 5109 MAY WE HELP You Bell Your Property1 Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 140 N High S'.. Phona 7660. ta NOTICE! It your property Is for sale rem ox exchange list It with us We have all kinds cash buyeri 57 ATI FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 S High St. WI ARB la med ol good nomas to aeii in or near Salem ii oo wlso to Ut row property for sale, see GRABENHORST BROS REALTORS 1 14 S Liberty St. -Phon 4111 WANTED LI8TTNOI OF City property. SubarMa aoa country bones for quick stlet XmowdUM atUntlon 1 gives all etui Lee Ohmart & Co., REALTORS 4 TI Court St. Pb IMO Afttt t p.m. s andAM na. rm. m GOOD 16' GREEN Edgings. Immediat delivery 16 per load. Oregon Fue Co ecaa" AUCTIONS FURNITURE AUCTION Sat.. Oct. 27. 7 p. m. Located N. E. of Salem near Silver ton Rd. at 153 Duncan Ave. On Capitola buss line Westing house 3 plate flat top electric range. 1 8-ft. electric 1940 re frigerator 1 8-pc fashion flow dining room set (pre war) 8-pc. walnnt twin bedroom set complete with Simons box springs, Simons spring-filled mattress. 1 enamel washing machine, 1 complete Breakfast set. 1 pre-war daveno, 1 com plete Simons bed. lnnersprlna mattress and double coil spring, l a.u.-u.u. oat. portable radio. 1 I.E.S. Door lamp and others. Chest of drawers. Rockers, rugs, curtains, drapes, dishes, kitchen uicn si!s. garden tools, lots of canned sweet ened fruit and many other articles. Note This furniture is all in excellent condition. Owner. Mrs. E. L. Jones. Oren Sudtell, auctioneer. Phone 6098. Salem. dd256' FOR SALE POULTRY RED FRYERS. 365 Taylor St. Ph. RE AD V -TO-LAY selected Hampshire pul lets Ph. 22861. Le'B Hatchery. f WANTED HELP PHARMACEUTICAL SALESMAN, expeerl enced. To sell direct to physicians. Es sential Industry. Nationally known con cern. Real opportunity lor right man. Box 303, Capital Journal. aa55" ME RIT " SYSTEM EX A MI NAT IONS; Claims-taking and auditing positions with State Unemployment Compensation Commission. Veterans preference. Apply by Nov. 17 to Merit System Council. 616 Mead Bldg.. Portland 4, Ore. ttiai- WANTED MAN or woman 25 to 35 years of aae to work n Jewelry store. Pen anent position. References required. The Jewel Box. 443 state. WALNUT PICKERS Skyline Orchard.1! g257 LADY For Light housekeeping, two In family. 2615 Brooks St. g257 FULL TLME WAITRESS. Experience pre lerred. Apply Blue Bird Restaurant. g357' FIRST CLASS Meat Cutter. Bualck'g Mar. Ion Street Market. g256 WANTED An apple grader and packer, long Job. Apply Puritan Cider Wks , West Salem. g259 HOUSEKEEPER, experienced. Pleasant po sition in physician's family ol three. Modern conveniences. Good salary. Rff- erenoes. Phone 6488. b25! OFFICE GIRL. Must know shorthand and be able to type. Part-time or full time. Klorfeln Packing Co. 460 N. Front.gioa EXPERIENCED WAITRESS Day shift Black and White Coffee Shop 1964 North Capitol Ph. 9768 or 3319. g6; WANTED Experienced waitress at 1272 State treet. g26 WANTED: CASHIERS, Checkers, Pood clerks. Ho experience necessary, good dit to start and during training. Excel lent opportunities for men between 16 and 40 Openings in following towns. Molalla. A.bany. Cottage Grove, Rose, burg. Myrtle Point. Couqul'.le. Coos Bay North Bend. See Ted Medford. Dtr.ct Manager. Safeway Stores, inc. ucuw tnrut Bidt. Ph. MIL GOOD USED PIANOS H L Stiff. I ROOM AND garage. Cooking facilities If desired. 330 N, 18th. Ph. ai43S alter s. J255 Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Friday, Oct. 26, 1945 13 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Dental Plate Repair 1-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASKS DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpo Bldg. Stat & Commercial 6u SALEM Phone 3311 m- WE BUY Sz sell (u-nlturfl. tools, stoves. ai.mes n'oiors, raaios. eiecirio appli ances household goods KLK3 MAN'S. 265 N. Commercial. Phone 9B8S. n WOOL DRESSES, sport clothes, suits, coaU ana ones la to worn out alight! Phone 4845. n270 MEAT CASES, One 20ft Blrkenwald tri ple giass witn n-P water cooled com p. Two 10-ft. Fredrick 4 glass, each with V h p air cuoled comp ' Cond first class See Paul Woodruff at Saving Cen ter. Salem or West Salem a Poultry fertilizer. Get it now 11 per yard. Phont 2286L Lee's Batcbery. GARDEN Sand, gravel, crushed rock and Ready Mixed Concrete WALLING SAND and GRVEL CO. Phone 8561. a FULLER Brushes. Pn. 63471746 Grant Bt. 0311 POULTRY Fertiliser, dry. no straw, by sack or ram. Phont 22B6L Leer Hat chery. um WANTED DAVENPORT and Chair. Ph. 5862. na256 WANTED: Pool tables. Call 3575. na355 WANTED: OLD Manure. 1293 South 13th Ct. USED FURNITURE. Phont 9185 Ol FOR SALE Beautiful satin wood sold- trimmed French bedroom set. Twin. Complete. Also curly maple dining set. modern. Call eves, and Sat. and Sun days. 1458 Chemeketa. n261 1 STUMP PULLER. 1 hoist. 1 6-tn. ball bearing: sheave block. 1 sawdust hot water heater, 1 Krcsky range oil burn er, 1 oil circulator, 1 500 electric chick en brooder. OIL BURN BR SBRVICB Phone 7205 n256 Ox I AX MINSTER rug. practically new. Electric sweeper, coffee table. Mrs. Barnwell. Rt. 4, box 10. n257 WARDROBE TRUNK. 654 N. Church. n257 APPLES, S varieties; Oolden Hubbard squash: pure Idaho honey. 2 miles N. of underpass on 90 highway. n260 GOOD SPRING Filled Davenport 1180 Shipping St. nasT IRON AND EXTENSION CORDS Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 2o5 N. Liberty. FLUORESCENT desk lamps. Ide student's study desk. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty. DELUXE IRON pads and covers. YEAifcK AmdiUiCX CO. 355 N. Liberty. 1.355' FLUORESCENT kitchen units and bath. room brackets, Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty. n255' ELECTRIC hot plates, double burner 7, mile burners ia.JU. Y LATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 IN. Liberty. B355 FLASHLIGHTS, complete with batteries. YEATER APPIJANCE OO. 355 H. Liberty. 255' STEEL WOOL for cleaning pots and pans. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty. n285 PLASTIC KOTE paint for Indoor us uives a ceiiopnane-nxe itnisn. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty. n355 ALUMINUM pancake griddles and French iry oaskeu. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty. 1)255' GIFT BOX and range condiment sets Y EATER APP1JANCE CO. 255 H. Liberty. 1)355' PIN 1T-UP and boudoir lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty. ILLUMINATED world globes and house numbers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty. 1.355' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: Good electric range. Phono Throno 4943 or 3748 after 6 p. m. na251 Exchange Miscellaneous PERSONAL MOTHERS I Have Your Treasure BABY'S SHOES BRONZED ONLY 17.50 Nam and Birth Dote put on PREEl Limited time only. For FREE pick-up service send post card to AMERICAN METALLIC ARTS P. O. Box 102, Monmouth, Oregon. P260 MADAME MARLENE: Gifted reader, helps ana aavises tnose in trouoie. in love business, marriage. Tells names and dates without asking any questions. Facts, no promises. Test readings free. Satisfaction assured. Portland. 1321 8. W. Broadway near Jefferson St. p380 I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts contracted oy anyone otner than my sell from this date on. Lillian M. Dunn. P260 WILL NOT BE responsible for debts contracted by anyone other than my sell from this date on. Bert M. Nesbltt. READING. KNOW THE TRUTH. 2361 State P255 AUTOMOBILES 45 PONTIAC in A-l shape. With radio. 1490. m. 40D7. q2;i WANTED: Oood used car. LaU model preferred. Phone 4547. q27I TRUCKS 191. PHBVHOLET! tWB IBM DODOE PICK-UP 1545. Herrall-Owens Co. 335 e Commercial Ph. 3159. FINANCIAL ONLY 4 INTEREST 6 TO 40 YEARS AND NO COMMISSION Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS S44 State- St. Phone 0261. rtS7 8 NET EARNING ON YOUR surplus rr.oney by buying a first mortgage on real estate. Loans run ior 3 or 5 years. Amounts 1500 to 110,000. You can't beat this kind of investment for safety and net return STATE FINANCE COMPANY 133 South High St. r rF TTE SPACE FOR RENT SECRETARIAL SERVICE, desk space, ph. and mail service, cauers nanaiea, lew private offices. Opening November 1 175 South Hlah St. Phone 2-1234 for appointment. J255 LOO 5 Sander for rent Montgomery WANTED TO RENT IF YOU. had been away for three years fighVng the war in Europe ana uie little gal hnd been waiting at home and IF when you got home you were married ... LP you did. you wouldn't want to live with your folks too long, regardless of how much they wanted you. now would you. IP you know of a furnished apartment or small house my wife and I would sure appreciate your calling us at 6803 Ja257 WANTED TO RENT: 130 reward for 2- bedroom home in or near town. -n 21007. .J"6' RETURNED VETERAN wants 5 or 6 room furnished or unfurnished house, perm anent. Phone 3325. Ja261 WORKING LADY desires room and board In private home. Will pay UP to tau. Call.357. Ji?.SJ MAN A WIFE want 2 rm. or more turn, or unfurn. house or apt. BUI Culpa. 712 South 14th, or call Loder Bros. Ph. 0133. Ja279 2 OR 8 RM HOUSE unfurn. by man Sz wile. Ph. 3459 after 3 p.m. Jao ja25fl $10 REWARD, returned service man and wne desire small lurnisnea apnrtmciu or house. Permanent, no children or pets. Ph. 21582 la3!i? FREE PAINTING, papering and carpenter work In the little house or apt. jusi rent to us two. Call Stan Preskctt at 3633 Imm 0 in 5 or we us at 1525 State St. Ja258 SINGLE MAN wants Housekeeping room or ..mail apt. Box 337, Capital Journal. J a 258 RESPONSIBLE professional man, wife. two children, wish furnished house or apartment for 6 month. Will take good rar nt DrODCrt. P.I. 4171. CXI. Ml JoliiLson. 1 a355 WANTED BY LADY: Small furnished Or unfurnished aDt. Salem resident years. References. During doy Phone 7100. Before 0:30 or after 6 p.m. call 5564. Ja26 4OR B ROOM house, furn. or unfurn.. hi mnn. wife and h jr. oia aaugnier. Permanent. Ph. 4745 or 6594. Ja357 iOR 4 BEDROOM modern homt. Cap Mrs. Pitts. PH. 4424. Ja1 LOST AND FOUND LOST: It BLACK Plus, welaht about 135 lbs. Please Ph. 4670. Reward. x?ot LOST: 0.00x16. '37 Ford wheel and tire Reward. Phone 3360. 1815 N. 30th. k257' FOUND COLLIE DOO TAN AND WHITE with white nose At feet, kind and gentle. Call Mrs. Needham day- time 6963. Eves. 5595. k255 LOST. Pointer dog, mostly white, brown head. Reward. Phone 8062, k257 LOST. Electric heating pad downtown Badly needed. Ph 6937 or 9120. K25T LOST: A PAIR of personality glasses. Re ward. Phone 4038 between 0 and 5. k255 LOST: PLAIN gold wedding ring. Inscrip tion dated 1013. Reward. Phone 7468 STOLEN: Dog. Springer Spaniel, male. 2 yrs. old. License No. 316. White with hrnwn SDOt. Melvln Lien. Rt. 6. Box 420. Ph. 22196 evrnings Reward. k257 MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR PAINTING. Ph. 0509. m260 Mrs r hats rlftinpil and blocked. 75c LEb BPRINOETt, 464 Court St. m26? FOUR CORNERS Welding At Blacksmith Shop Is now open for business. Welding hfitn A rabl St rap splicing W RoscOt prop. m358 SOUTH SALEM Radio Shop Rep parts All makes Promot set. 1201 B. Com' PflODe 6050, m2U ELECTRIC BOLDERINO Irons and hausi Inns. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty. B355 COCKTAIL DRESS and black gaberdine coat. Practically new. Ph. 6410. n257a GOOD USED bathlnette and baby car riage. Play pen. Ph 0410. n257 TAYLOR TOT and cabinet radio. 1055 Virginia. 1.257 PRE WAR Jr. bike, good condition. Also fl-in. boots, size 7'.. HI. 4 Box 43D. n256 MODERN DAVENPORT and chair. Used little. No coll springs. Thayer Deluxe baby carriage, like new. Ph 6274. n257 BUZZ SAW on trailer, 8 h.P. las engine. 100. 3525 Cherry Ave. n256 GIRLS BIKE good condition, Ph. 7701 or inquire 497 Bo. 33rd. naao CHASE Chronlum cocktail shaker and cups, t Ron son combination cigarette and lighter. These sets match and will sell for 120 each or all for 135. Practically new and In good condition. Write box 339 Capital Journal. n255a FOR YOUR Halloween Parties Drink & Enjoy Pure Apple Juice made dally from selected Ripe Apples. PURFTAN CIDER WORKS. West Salem. n259 CATERPILLAR 60 tractor with winch Laudle Krosman, Sclo. Oregon. nasa SWIVEL DESK chair, 1 occ. chair, 1 elec tric westinghouse range, one a-wneei trailer. 1 single bed St springs. 12B5 N. Capitol. nasi PHILCO TABLE model, dltlon. 635 Locust. GOOD FAMILY milk cow, heavy fryers, 2 feeder piss, large circulating heater (wood.) Elwood B. Jenncsi, Ph. 34225. n256 CHILD'S RUBBER boots, like new, site 13. 3 pair of full length ecru and green lined drapes. 1 short pr. to match. Phone 6907. n256 FOR SALE Bay's cords, sweaters and Jackets, size 12-14. Electric toaster. Phone 8371. 256 BALLOON TIRED Bike, I4O0 GOOD Misc. Lumber. 144Oakn256 CONIFER SAWDUST burner with limit control, damper control a no: tnermo stat. Drum type trash burning water heater and 2 30-aal. water tanks. All priced Ior quick disposal. 2045 Maple, Ji2j6 WOOD CIRCULATOR, like new, coiled for hot water. 130. Ph. 8590. n3S6 FOR SALE or TRADE for chickens, pre war mohair davenpbrt 125. Tom FOrster. Rt. 1. box 358. Salem, Ore. n255 APPLES ilOe and up per bushel. J. F. Dougherty, Rt. 7, box 91. Cioxter Road Phone 21157 "256 2 JUNIOR Bicycles, boy's St girl's. 3 men's bicycles tl worldj. 73 isagewaier, w Salem. n2bT r.tvk Mi R v If.V.i fire extinguishers. 625.50. C. H. Powler. Ph. 9650. n278 LARGE FRANQUETTE walnuts. 13c a lb You pick. Route 3, Box 76C. n255' LA It (IE FRANQUETTE walnuts 13c lb You pick. Rt. 3, box 176C. n25a' WATKINS-PRODUCTS. Pn. 2-2413. J. M Sletghter. 175 RECONDITIONED Pbllco combination ra dio. Pll. 4133, rwoej i RECONDITIONED Radios. Philco, Bruno 8-tube. Ph. 4139. noo AUTOMATIC GAS water heater, 30-30-40 gal. Ralph Johnson Appll. vauey Motor Bldg. Ph. 4038. na'" ATMORAYS. Ozone. Sell or rent. H. C. PuBh. Phone 22438. P.O. BoX 463. n270- RIVER SILT Excellent Mason Sand, fill dirt, all kinds of grav el. Commercial Sand & Gravel Co. Ph. 21966 or 23100. Personal Finance Co. Makes Loans FOR noiJSE and OAR Repairs, doctor and dentist bills, or to buy autos, furniture livestock. 110.05 a month repays S100 loac In full In 12 months. Loans made on livestock, salary furniture or auto to farmers, office employees, factory workers skilled and unskilled. Come In, write or phone. Service la private and prompt. Personal Finance Co. Room 125 Second floor. New Bllgb Bid. Phone 3191 -618 State St. Lie 8-1 23 M-166 JL Oalllnger. Mrr. r259 AUTO LOANS WILLAMaTTTX OIUEDIT CO. Mb FLOOR GUARDIAN BLDO. License No. M-150 GENERAL PTNANCB CORP. LOANS and ROT R. SIMMONS INSURANCE At LOANS State Lie no's. 8-138 and M-1W. 136 6. Commercial St- Tel 8168. r WE LOAN on Parm, Residential and Dual nest Property. Will bu mortgages, eon tracts. HAWKINS ROBERTS. JNQ, REALTORS. Ouardlan Bldg. r FARM and CTTT LOAMS ,d 6 Prompt Service Minimum Details Will Pay Oash for Real Batata Ooattaoti and second Mortgagee CAPITOL SsXJU RITLB8 OO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph 7163. t $ MONEY $ REAX ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages Si Contracts' STATE FINANCE CO. Lie 8-1.16 M-232 15a S High St. r TRANSPORTATION MAN WANTS ride to Boise. Idaho, is soon as possible. Oood driver. Will share expenses. Will exchange ref. Box 336, Capital Journal. x2bS j ' I'... .L ChL Reconversion W'l Ralph Ells worth, all-Southwest conference halfback in 1943, resigned from the U. S. navy academy at Annapolis to return to the Uni versity of Texas. Here he is signing at the UT football ros ter at Austin. Pacitlc Tjodse No. SO. A.P. A.M. E.A. Decree, Friday, October 36. 7;00 om. 255