FOR SALE HOUSES COMPLETELY FURNISHED Modern 5-rm. home, alee locBtlon NORTH. Creek lot. within walking distance. B:-;ment. furnace, trays. Oarage. Beautiful lawn, shruhs. 111.000. ATTRACTIVE 7-room home, basement. furnace, trays. Electric tank heater. Wired for range, fireplace, hardwood floors. Garage. Beautiful back yard, ? fenced. 10850. MODERN s-ROOM home, basement, fur naee, trays, fir floors. Wired for range. ! Lot 40x150. Oarage. 15750. P. H. Bell, Realtor G. P. Armstrong 402 GUARDIAN BLDO. Ph. 4896. a253' (4000 i-ROOM house with 3 lots. Living room, dinette, kltcnen. tmcn. two oea rooms. large garage. IMMEDIATE pos bkssion. Chas. Hudkins & Son 275 State St. Ph. 9494 a254 New Home nmn. floors living rm. dining rm. 2 bdrms. utility rm. nice built 1ns In kitchen. Immed. possession. S2600 will handle. Monthly pay ments on bal. Total price 16300. See BLTVEN-ALDERIN-COONEY REALTORS 490 Oregon Bldg. Phone 7906 FOR SALE HOUSES SI 0,600 EN OLE WOOD. English type 4 bedroom home, living room, kitchen, breakfast nook. Prplace.. hdw. floor, Full basement. Call Omer Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 1717 Center SI. Phone 21549. Eve. Ph. 21731. a334 1 BEDROOM home, oil heater Included. Ven. blinds, utility room, very close In. Furniture can be bought. Phone 4868. 730 Market. a256' W0O NICE 3 bedroom home north. In lovely dlst. Liv. and dining combina tion, kitch.. bath, fireplace, full fin ished bsmt. Sawdust piped furnace. Wired for range. Outside fireplace. On lot 50x120. call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. Commercial St. Phone 3793. Eve. Ph. 9441. a254' $190Oi-LlV. ROOM, dining rm., kitchen, nook, 3 bedrooms, fireplace, full finish ed bsmt. with oil piped furnace. On nice lot, 50x120. In -nice dlst. Pos. 30 days. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. Commercial St. Phone 3793. Eve. Ph. 9441. a254 FOR SALE HOUSES REAL ESTATK MODERN EXTRA GOOD HOME. NORTH. S FULL ROOMS with unfinished attic. Hdwd. floors all the way. Venetian blinds. Full bsmt. Elee. watet heater. See MR. OOODW1N with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. REALTORS Phone 4106. After 88715. a254 17000. SMALL ROME, well located with lovely liv. room, ipiace, loveiy yara. House it garage constructed of hollow tile St stucco. This home u laesi lor an elderlv coiiDle. R. E. Meredith, Realtor 178 S. Com'l Ph. 8B41 c354' FOR SALE LOTS VIEW LOTS KINO WOOD HEIGHTS. Ben Vista Park and Mt. View Tracts. Large, scenic lots. Price 1850 and up. CALIi Coburn L. Orabenhorat with Grabenhorst Bros. . REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. aa253 SI WO 10 ACRES best of soli with 4-room modern house, good electric waier sys tem, family orchard, 1 acre 3 year old filberts, fair out buildings. This Is a nnri 10 mcTt-n close to Salem. R. E.' Meredith, Realtor 176 S. Com'l. Ph. 8841 c254- OOOD BUY sgoo BUYS fine lot. good soil, with a brand new double garage, concrete foun dation and floor. Bus passes. Paving pd. Sewer Sz water on lot. Hurry and see LOUIS BECHTBL or MRS. NEEDHAM. 341 State. Room 4. an253 184001 ACRE Eajt on SUverton Rd. 5- room modern home, nawa noars. ipia-. imi wntfr BTBtem Call MRS. PATZER R. E Meredith. Realtor 176 S. Com". Ph. 8841 C3541 a253' $4006 RMS. Bungalow type, excellent location. Englewood district. S6000 LATE-BUILT 3 bdrm. home, Ven. blinds. Engllab-style. sawdust heat, ga rage. fJKSO B-RM. HOME. 150x130 lot, close in. EXCELLENT VALUE! jjasoo 7 RMS. Double plumbing, oak firs. Fireplace, located close in. SHE THESE PROPERTIES TODAY 1 CALL Coburn L. Grabenhorst with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131. a253 $1)400 LOVELY 3 bedroom ranch type home, 3 years old. completely iur- nlshed. On 'i acre, close In. Nice view, hardwood floors, fireplace, automatic gas furnace. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. Commercial Bt Phone 3703. Eve.. Ph: 9441. e254 $4700 SPECIAL! OLD-TYPE duplex home, located on corner lot m no. 3 business zone. CALL Coburn L. Grabenhorst with -' Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. a253' 111.100 ENGLISH Style Home North. Hdw. floors in living rm. dining rm. nice Kit chen, bedrm St bath down, 3 bedrms up. basement, sawdust burner furnace, fire- nlace. double Karaite, several fruit es nut trees, close to bus 6z school. MONEY TO LOAN MBLVIN JOHNSON 725 Court St. Ph. 3723. 253 HERE IS A NEAT 3 -bdrm. home In West Salem on Vt acre good sou at i-wao. ' Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 7660. a254 CIVRE TO POST OFFICE W!T US SHOW you this 6-room well built Vwme with base, at turnace. uuy ior in f vestment. Price 67000. Terms. fa. H. SANDERS 231 N. HIOH 5838 ' a2S4' GOOD. MODERN 2-bedrm. home North. with 3-room apt., bath up. Rented lor $40 per mo. Large lot. sawdust furnace. Double garage, price isaoo. SUBSTANTIAL Modern Larger Home. mm. small chick nouses, douoi gar age. On bus. Price S13.000. O. H. SANDERS 331 N. HIOH 5838 a253' 4 -ROOM HOUSE. North on small lot. Un finished atuc. close 10 ous arm school Price $2250 Cash. O. H. SANDERS 231 N. HIGH 5838 a254 gl ooo DOWN, balance like rent for small house looated on North 18th street. Large living room. 2 bedrooms, wired for range. Small lot. Immediate possession, Price 7su. Rostein & Adolph, Inc, 1104 N. Commercial St. (UpstalrsV Phone 3O30. a254' red ROOM home, with living room, dining room, kitchen, nook, utility room with trays. All rooms are good sized. V-bllnds, electric water heater and- oil circulator go with the house. Wired ior range, rnce sauuw. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. 110'i N. Commercial St. (Upstairs Phone 3030, a25' SUBURBAN home Just off Pacific high way north. Good 2 bedroom home with about H acre of land. Excellent water system, fruit and oerries. trice oouu. Rostein & Adolph, inc. UO'4 N. Commercial St. (Upstairs). Phone 3030. "54; r.nnn BEDROOM home with unfinish ed upstairs; creek lot. Full basement with furnace, fireplace, wired for range, uas piped In the house, hardwood floors. This house Is In excellent con dition. Price louu. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. UO'i N. Commercial St. (Upstairs) Phone 3O30. $57503 BEDROOM home, close to school Ac ous, Wirra ior range, not waiet neui er. full basement with laundry trays. nnrase aciacnea id nouse. L Olson & Reeve, Realtors KflSO NICE 4 rm. house In good dis trict south. Fire-alace. full basement. furnace, wired for ranee..' elcc. hot water heater. Close to schools. Large backyard with trees. Can be bought fur nished lor leeoo. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 8. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eves. 9538. STJBURBAN KM no COMPLETELY furnished California style home. ft A. Fireplace, now. jirs. fiimaw Verv best of furniture. Orien tal rugs, elec. refrK., stove & all kinds of garden tools. Close to bus dc school. Immediate Possession. Olson & Reeve, Realtors iinso FINE a bedroom home with din ing rm. Excellent location. Fireplace, basement, turnace. Just redecorated. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 944 . Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eves. 0538. l-ROOM plastered house In .excellent con dition. Nice bath, good buflt-lns in kit chen. Wood range goes with the house. Extra lot available. Frice giouu. Rostein & Adolph, Inc, UO'4 N. Com'l. St. Ph. 3030. a254' smim a bedroom home, living room, dining room, kitchen, frplace.. oversized lot. Ideal for large family. Call Omer Hufr. Huff Real Estate Co. rkaltora 1717 Center St, Phone 21549. Eve. Ph. 21731. a254 WHILE IT IS VACANT owner offers' a tractive 5-room cottage. Bullt-lns In kit chen, large living room, best of plumb ine. hull and rinse's. Basement, furn ace. laundrT travs. garage. Shade trees. East front lot. Near bus line. Price J6500. Part terms. See Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261. h254' TC0 E. NOB HILL dlst. Living TOOm, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms down, unfinished attic. Frolace., hdw, floors. Sawdust furnace. Call Omer Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 1717 Center St Pnone 21549. Eve. Ph. 21731. anv DISTANT OWNER says sell her 7-room home near Capitol buildings on a choice East front lot. Some furnishings to go. Possession soon. An attractive buy for wuu. see Leo N. Childs, Inc Journal Want Ads Pay A. 3t4 MI. from P.O. East. English style home, large living rm. dining rm. hdwd. floors, fireplace, kitchen, bath & 3 bed rooms, also floored upstairs. Well, elec tric pump. MONEY TO LOAN. MELVIN JOHNatm 725 Court St. Ph. 3723. a253 A REAL FARM 40 FINE PRODUCTIVE acres, live stream thru pasture, fully equipped including practically new Ford-Ferguson tractor on rubber, and every other conceivable Item necessary on a farm. 9 good dairy cows, a complete set of good permanent buildings including a 3 bdrm. home and grade "B" dairy barn. Ask us about this! Salem Realty Co. REALTORS ' 149 N. High1 St. Ph. 7680. b254 6003 BEDROOM home, completely fur nished, near school, oood location north. Nice clean home. Very nice furniture. Call Mr. Walters, Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S Timerclal t. Phone 3793. Eve. Ph. ,141. a254 S6800 IMM. possession. 5 room home east. Bsmt., furnace, wired for range. newly decorated. Paved street. Near bus. call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. Commercial Bt Phone 3793. Eve. Ph. S441. a254 FOR SALE BY OWNER: 3 bedroom house. finished utility rm., L.R., library. D.R., kit., bath, laundry room and run basement. Hdw. floors & V-bllnds. A j to. oil furnace with air condition ing unit. Situated on two large lots with beautiful fir, cedar As holly trees. Has many shrubs. Illy pool, rockery Ac large garden, fruit. Will sell fur nished. Phone 6387. a254 FOR SALE FARMS 3600 LARGE well constructed home, fac ing north, fun oasemeni, luraac, large lota with small creek through property. With some work on yard this can be made a lovely place as this house la In tnnrf rnndltlon. R. E. Meredith. Realtor 176 S. Oom'l. Ph. 8841 c254 $30000 ACRES on Pudding river, choice Willamette soil. wonnui ounaing sue nn hlahwav. R. E. Meredith, Realtor 17 S. Com'l. Ph. 8841 r254 A. RANCH east of Sale m 1 5,000. 300 A. Just southwest Salem 115.000 Several other small farms tn and around Salem, priced right. LUSE REALTY. Oregon Bldg. Ph. 7952. b253 ONLY 8 MILES SOUTH 40 A. CREEK, well built 2 B.R. home, barn with 5 stnnchlons, some iruit. Price J7000 J2000 down. C. K. SANDERS 231 N. HIGH 5838 0254 100 Acres Good Farming 05 ACRES under cult, for grain, poultry and dairy, -large oarn, cnicnen nouac with 300 hens, good two-story house plastered, wired for electricity. A Deal at $150 per acre! ED BYRKIT West Salem Realty Co. 1233 EDOEWATER ST. PHONE! 5io9 C253 128 A. 80 CULTIV. 25 A. oak timber Ac pas ture, extra good buildings. 5-rm. mod, home, base., furnace, fplace. wired for range. Spring water to house, nice fruit and nut trees. Price O. H. SANDERS 231 N. HIOH 5838 b254' ONLY 6 MILES SOUTH 40 A. CREEK, well built 2 B.R. home. barn with 5 stmnchlons. some Iruit. Price $7000 12000 down. C. H. BANDERS 231 N. HIOH 5838 b253 Vacant MODERN SUB. Plastered home. 3 bed- rnnm. 1 V. R. Din in B K. KltCftrn. Utility room, wired for range or gas. Move right in! A Oood One for 14750. Ed uyrKU. West Salem Realty Co. 1233 EDOEWATER ST., PHONE! 5109 0 ACRE FARM FOR SALE 4-rm. house, electricity, on milk and school route. 30x04 barn, concrete floors, 3 "i miles 6.W. of Independence. 11500 down. Ideal for chicken range. Arthur Fowler. b254 FOR SALE ACREAGE SttWO LOOK GOOD! 1 acre with '100 ft front with 2 modern houses on 99 Hi way, close In. Good location for cab ins, tnty water ana gas. Olson & Reeve, Realtors Phone 5131 NORTHEAST FOUR BEDROOMS, living room, dining rm, kitchen, hardwood floors, full bath down, 'i bath up, full basement, wired for range, excellent location, back yard fenced, lots of shrubs and flowers. Pric ed for quick sale I EAST ONE ACBE of land, two-bedrooms, living room, kitchen, double garage, oarn, poultry house, family orchard, good soil. SOUTH FOUR BEDROOMMS, double plumbing, living room, dining room, oil neat, ciose to bus and business district. ONLY 15000. McKillop Real Estate Agency 169 So. High St. Phone 5131 FOR SALE by Owner: 5 acres, 2 houses on Place. One good 8 rooms and bath and other good one room. Oaroce. barn and hen house. Electric water system. Some wood, year around oreek on place, cow, hay, tractor, disc. 18 hens go with place. On good coast highway. Plenty logging and sawmill worn, lols hunting and fishing. Price 13800. Mi m e from Va ley Junction towards Hebo. John Schlag. bb258 5 ACRES on Main Pacific Highway near Woodburn. good location for highway business, 7-rm. rock lath home needs some finishing, small new barn, good level land. Price 18000; cash, ance 5. 814 ACRES, all In bearing walnuts. 1 bd. rm. home, piped for gas. Oarage, nut dryer and washer. Price 00 ACRES, south near Pacific Highway, large plastered home, about 10 acres mixed orchard. 9 acres good fir timber and only 17500. Salem Realty Co. $2950 Down $6950 Full Price BEDROOM House, 1 acre of ground, good dlst. North of town. V. blinds, hdwd floors, elec. water heater, oil circulating heater. Some filberts At walnuts. This Is a late built clean suburban home. The kind of place everybody Is look ing for, so don't wait be prepared to buy. Ph. 7S20. H. W. Heers M. 0. Humphreys 3035 PORTLAND RD. a553" 3-BEDROOM modern close In home for ale by owner, mm. posi. coil or 172. a264 4-ROOM HOUSE North on small lot. Part base., unfinished attic, close to dub school. Price S2250 Cash. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. HIOH 5838 a253 FOR SALE: 2 bedroom house, large llv inr rm.. bath, kitchen with bullt-lns. fruit rm. Wired for elec. range At water heater. Oarage As wooasnea auacnea. 2snn Tmmedint ooss. Fred Schlndler, 483 Bradley, Woodburn. a253 5-ROOM HOUSE; H100 down. Unfurnished or may be had furnisnea, wun iour lots, fruit, nuts, grapes, lots of garden space. Open for Inspection ater 6 p.m. 609 LocusL Imm. possession. For sale by owner. $30502 BEDRM. house, basement, furn ace, nice back yara. SB.-.00 I BEDRM. house, fully modern, full basement. JOE SPURLOCK R. A. Forkner, Realtor BY OWNER 3 -bedroom house with 2-room Apt. Aj garage in full basement, one block from Marion Square. 1180 Smith St. a256 virv nnr.F iinMR with aoartment up stairs In good residential district, priced for Quick sale at soauu. a M. EARLE or VICK BROS. 208 North High St. a26T mo itv- QtrWI mnd. & rm. house, floored attic. Hdw. floors thruout. Oil heat, beautifully landscaped, large lot. good location, rnco k,jw. Shipping. 960 A253 BY OWNER: Good location, south. Strlct 1. mnAm S rnom home. Hdw. floors, fireplace, unfinished upstairs, basement. .,-,f fnrnir. winter's supply fuel. "Larae lot. Call 5408. 253 Journal Wont Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES . SEVERAL SMALL Acreages with fair to elegant blags, in and around Balem LUSE REALTY. Oregon Bldg. Ph. 7952. M253' 3H ACRES good soil, family fruits, elec. pump. Mooem s-rm. house, gas. earn, chick house, close to school. Price 15800 cash. O. H. SANDERS 331 N. HIOH 5838 bb254 5 ACRE TRACT on paved road, close In near Pac. Hwy. North. A Oood Buy. Contact "Elmer" Amundson. Phone QOI A BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High St. bb255' SEVERAL 1, t, and 5 acre tracts. W11L silt loam sou. uoou nome aiies, ciose w town, transportation and schools. Priced rightl Contact "Elmer" Amundson. Ph. Q910. BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High St. bb25S' 10 A. WILLAMETTE Slit Soil, berts. 1 A. family orchard. 2-bedrm house, oil heat. Elec. water system. Paved Road. 17500; $4500 cash. bal. 4 ?9 A. $5500. Will trade for house In Salem 67 A. 04 Cultivated, year 'round stream and spring. ibooo. JOE SPURLOCK R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. Capitol. Ph, REAL ESTATE Nelson News VERY OOOD 3 BDRMS J57S0 A VERY GOOD 3-bdrm. home with bath. den. utility rm. hdwd. firs. L. trays, oil heat, newly decorated, gar. Lawn A gar den, convenient to bus, store St school. NEAR DEACONESS HOSPITAL GOOD 4-BDRM home, full bsmt.. turn, extra lame lot with fruit, nuts, shrubs. 1 block to bus. 18500. NEAR HOSPITAL AND UNIVERSITY 2 APTS. Dbl. bath, extra sip. rm. new furn, adaptable to oil. Elect, water heater. On bus line, near university Se Deacon ess hospital. Monthly Income 872.50 and owner s quarters. 17350. OREEK HOME CLOSE IN E. LR. dinette, kit. 2 bdrms. bath, hwd. firs, fplace. large unfinished attic, full bsmt.. furn. trash burner. garage, nice yard. 17600. 2 ACRES EAST ON PAVED ROAD. 3 mln. from state cap- itol. Surrounded by subdivision activity. 81800. OOOD COUNTRY HOME 4 BEDRM. HOME on bus, air conditioning automatic oil furn. 875 gal. oil storage. Elec. water system, wired for electric range, chicken nouse. cow sneo. aoi. gar., fruit 6t nuts, choice of 1 acres and- 3U acres. N.E. 812,000. . IF NONE OF THESE meet your require ments, let us know what you want We may have Itl Oet free copy of large list of properties now avauaoie in our ouioe- Nelson Nelson CHET I. NELSON THEO. O. NELSON REALTORS pfn nn-9 Masonic Bids. 495 State St. Ph. 4419. Eves. 21350 or 8280. C253 LEE OHMART & CO., REALTORS ON THE SKYLINE ROAD VERY HOMEY HAS LARGE living-room and dlnlng-rm. 1 bedroom, kitchen and bath down. 2 . bedrooms up, fireplace, att. garage, an older style home in good shape. Large lot with lots of flowers and shrubs, i pp!e and nut trees. Located south j 13330. MODERN 4 -BEDROOM HOME HAS LIVING-ROOM, dining-room. 1 bed room, kitchen and bath down, 3 bedrms. and part bath up. garage, full base ment, furnace, hardwood floors, fire Place, wired for range. Located In a very desirable neighborhood $8000. A REAL HOME MODERN HAS EXTRA nice 'living-room and dining room with beautiful hardwood floors. 2 bedrooms, cedar lined closets, good klt crn and bath with a partly finished upstairs, full basement, auto, oil heat nd elec. water heater. Lovely back rd. all in excellent condition. Will eily be appreciated when seen. North. 9.95 ACRES of land, no buildings 4 acres of 6-year-old filberts, some cherry trees, located about VA miles from town 12000. SWEOLS SCHOOL DISTRICT ii CRES and a S-bedroom home, lights, elec. water system, bath, wired for range. All under cultivation. 1 A. 111 berts 110.500. Will seU home and 1 acres of land for 18000. HERE'S A GOOD ONE NORTH PRACTICALLY NEW with auto, oil heat and elec. water, and hardwood floors throughout. Has 1 bedroom i down and 1 large bedroom up. V. blinds, nice lawn and garden, close to seh oc-L Pos session within ""("Jf Zered for tale. ITS A BUT JOB 5o. 477 Court St. PHONE 9680 Eve. & Sun. 3779 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Want a Business? McKillop Real Estate Agency 169 So. High St. Phone 5131 cd2M APARTMENT HOUSE 1175 monthly in come, plus living quarters, exc. location SERVICE 8TA. well located (4500. HIWAY FRONT AG K ON 98 NORTH. ALSO GOOD RESIDENTIAL LOTS, CITY AND SUBURBAN. JOE SPURLOCK R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. Capitol. FURNITURE FOR SALE . FOR SALE: Almost new all-white enamel wood cook stove with reservoir com partment. Tapestry covered oavenpori and chair, like new, spring construc tion. Breakfast set. B. c. Baugnman. Route 1, Box 190, Brooks. East Lablsh Center store, d254 PRE-WAR Juvenile bed and chlfferobe, like new. Phone 3369. das- SEE US BEFORE you sell or advertise your furniture. Sudtell Community Auc tion. 2a suvonon Hoac oajjj- CASH FOR TOUK used furniture. Pb 7596. elate street furn. iwo state da' Immediate Possession MODERN ENGLISH type home, excellent condition, liv. room, dining room, kit chen. 2 bedrooms. Bath unfinished up- stairs, hardwood floors, fireplace, full basemt., sawdust furnace, large lot. Only 17650. Look this over quick! Ed By r Kit. West Salem Realty Co. 123S EDOEWATER ST. PHONE! 5io9 Move Right In ! CLOSE IN NORTH: Income property, com pletely redecorated, for full information West Salem Realty Co. 1333 EDOEWATER ST. PHONE! 5109 OFFICE GIRL. Must know shorthand and be able to type. Part-time or full time. Worfein Packing Co. 480 N. Front. c254' ACTION LIST YOUR PROPERTY with us out Of state buyers and returning service men need homes & acreage. We have over 100 buyers on our waiting list. Your property may be Just what they are looking for. We advertise out of state and will give you real service! pti. 7820. H. W. Heers . M. O. Humphreys S035 PORTLAND RD. c253' WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED LISTINGS ON HOUSES $2500 to 18000. Prompt, courteous service at all times. CALL Coburn L. Orabenhorat with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. ca353 TO BUY from owner, modem home with small acreage. Box 334, Capital Jour nal. CA254 WANTED TO BUY or lease, restaurant or service station In Salem. Write P.O. Box 125, Sheridan, Oregon. ca253 WANTED LISTINGS On houses 13000 to to 180OO. Prompt courteous service. See MR. OOODWIN With Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. LISTINGS urgently Salem Realty Co., Phone 5109 MAX WE HELP You Sell Your Property? Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 1W n High St. Phone 7680. LP YOU WANT TO SELL QUICKLY. 8 El NELSON & NELSON Rm 300-2 Masonic Bldg. 405 State St Ph 4410 Eves- 9'350 or 8280 Realtors ea NOTICEl It tout Drooertj la for sale rent or exchange, list It wltb us. We nave all kinds cuh buyers. 87 ATI PIN A NCI CO. REALTORS 153 S High St. j Wl ARE in Deed of good bomea to m: in or near Balem. if ou wish to list youi property ror aaie, see- QRABENHORST BROS REALTORS 134 S Liberty. St. Phone 4111 a WANTED: HOMES for returning service men. Priced between $3000 and 16000. List your home now and help us find homes for our boys. Q91 ft BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Bt. ca253 WANTED LISTINGS OP 01 ty property Suburban ana country homes for quick islet Immediate attention is given an caus Lee Ohmart & Co., REALTORS 471 Court St. -Pb BOM After B p m ft Sunday Ph 3779 EXCHANGE KEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 4 room house In Portland for 4 or 5 room house in Baiem Phone 4745 or 8594. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SATISFY YOUR LONOINO FOR THE LAND with this 40 acre irrigated iri ii in cultivation. Chehalls silt, 10 beans. 9 A. peaches, -rm. hse. bBth, large barn, milk hse. Irrigation system, stock 6s equipment. iia.uov. SEE WHAT VOOO WILL BUY 15 acres fruit it nuts, unimproved except well. 3 miles Salem. Orchard Heights road. A VALUE PLUS AT LOW COST 50 acres rich fertile soil. 2 hsei. 1 good 3-room hse.. other 4 rms. fair eond. Feed, stock and equipment included M500. Terms. SSA5A IS THE LOW PRICE 1 bedroom home, utility room, attached gar ace Lot 50x354. Lawrence Real Estate LOANS it INS -Phone 750! 457 Court Evenings 2-2212 cfl33 S APTS. Furn., 1 apt. unfurn. Base mont. nawduxt furn.. lie. lot. South. $10,000 t-STORY Bldg. B rms. for rental, rirn tnr in front oart of bldg. Living quarters In rear. Full basement, wood furn. West salem. 13.1.00V ONE OF the best locations for court or apt. house. Has a large old home to remodel. 14 garages all rented Abrams & Ellis, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldr. Phone 6155 Insurance Mtg. Loans cd255' WHO WANTS a nice little home In Ver nonla. Ore.? 2 lota with trait trees, good 4-room house with bath 11200. IF YOU WANT some cloM-ln lots for your future home here Is your chance. South Winter it Mission, 2 blocks to chrtl. new city park will be Just across itreet. Only 4 lots left. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Mi , Com L StPH. UN. ea HOME HATCHERY EQUIPMENT $500 dn. $1000 full price ALL ELECTRIC 3 Incubators. 3300 eapac lty. 1 incubator ISOO capaciiy, i inci bator 1000 cap. I hatcher 3300 cap. Hei U a wonderful owortunit J to St a your own business. Full or part-time at nome. H. W. Heers M. O. Humphreys 3035 PORTLAND RD. Ph. 7820 ed253' $7900 GROCERY STORE ft HOME STOCK. IIXTI'RES. building it land. aocji for 17900. 2 bedrooms, bah. kll chen it living room. Auto, gas water heater In living quarters. Store has com mi tin- scales, cash register. walk-In re frigerator. Store now netting 1275 per month dt better with Just 1 woman op erating. Business could be substantially Increased with 2 people worging. H. W. Heers M. 0. Humphreys 1U PORTLAND RD. Pb. 7120 0d25l' INTERIOR PAINTINO. Ph. 708. RESTAURANT BAKERY GROCERY STORE . GROCERY STORE BI?m? TAVERN GROCERY STORE . PRINTING OFFICE AUTO COURT DANCE HALL $ 5750 00 ,. 7000.00 .. 8500.00 ..10.000.00 ., 9500.00 . , 5250.00 ,. 7900.00 ,.15.000.00 ..25.000.00 EDUCATION WE NEED MORE students to fill the calls .for stenographers and bookkeep ers. Capital Business College. 346 Court St.. Salem. hh2&8 PIANO LESSONS, tl lesson. Call 390 Perry SI. Phone 7888. hh377 KKOtT:R NOW toi your post-war Sing- Re ir a Stnsrr or have your old one repaired Singer Sewing Center. I'' Soi.ll- Hlh Phone 3M2 hh A ROOM for a Gentleman. Ph. 9442. J253 MODKRN 7-ROOM House North of Salem. 1055 Terrace Drive. J255 ROOM AND garage. Cooking facilities if desired. 230 N. 18th. Ph. 21435 alter fl. J255 3 ROOM modern unfurnished house, de sirable location. S40 per mo. box 332. Capital Journal. J253 MODERN SLEEPING room, one it two employed women, walking distance. P. o. Box 544. J253 WANTED FURNITURE FOR SALE LIVESTOCK B' OLD GROWTH block, delivered Mall orders to 8. L. Selgmund. 214 Washington St., Dallas, Oregon. ee254 REGISTERED Ouernsey or short horn bull service at your place. Ph. 8147. e-wa LIVESTOCK WANTED FAT S CANNER cows .'or beef Dairy cows. heifers bulls, veal. Fat hogs bows, ttagt. botrs, Mkt orlce. t C McCandllsh Rt 5. bci 373 Ph 8147 Acroaf from Waters Ball Pirk on South 25th ea257 FOR SALE WOOD GREEN SLAB 6t edging. Triple load S14. Sawdust. Ph. 5831. Wally Paik. ee275 GREEN SUB 16" mill wood. Double load and sawdust. Highway Fuel co. 3JHU Fairgrounds. e274 DRY 16" SLAB. Phone 6444. FRESH CUT sawdust. Ph. 6683. " SLAB WOOD bnd Edgings. cord loaO 110 50. ImmedlaU Delivery. Ph 86B3 eesoa SAVE MONEY NOW? Haul your awn bone dry 18" slab it edging f while they are available Oregon fuel uo. ssoa fori land Road. ee364' OOOD 16' OREEN Edgings. Immediate delivery 16 per load. Oregon rue- Co eezsir FOR SALE POULTRY 18 N.H. PULLETS 5 mos. old 81.30 each.- 395 Monroe Ave. 1253' RE AD V -TO-LAY selected Hampshire pul lets Ph. 22861,' Lee's Hatchery. I' WANTED HELP GOOD PAINTER wanted, top wages. Har old Muhs. Ph. 8542 eves. sass' PART-TIME Bookkeeper wanted. Eve. werk two nltes a week. Ph. 8542 eves. or Box 341 Capital Journal. 25S WANTED POSITIONS Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Wednesday, Oct. 24, 194511 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS DEPENDABLE Plumbing ft Heating. J. K (Bud) Parmenter, 2380 Fairgrounds Rd Ph. 8627. tl2S4 TWIN BABY Buggy. Ph. 3930. n254 AUTOMATIC GAS water heater, 20-30-40 gal. Ralph Johnson Appll. Valley Motor Bldg. Ph. 4036. n270 FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT SECRETARIAL SERVICE, desk space, ph. and mall service, callers handle. lew private offices. Opening November 1 175 South High St. Phong 2-1234 for a ppolnim en t. J25 5 SOU1H HIGH street store room to rent October first Stale Finance Bldg 'formerly Salem Hotel Bldg.) STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8 High St Phone 412V J ? JUNIOR Bicycle, boy's irl'i. 2 men's bWeies (1 world). 873 Eaaewater, w Sa !em . n2 57 STEEL SEPTIC TANKS, plumbing fixtures. Rnge boilers. J. K. (Budl Parmenter. 2380 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 6627. n254 MAN'S BICYCLE, snare Drum. 1150 North Chu rch . nasi- FLUORESCENT LIGHT fixtures. Elec wir ing. J. K. (Bud) Parmenter, 3380 Fair grounds Rd. Ph. 8627. n3iit FOR SALE: R flat Clarinet. Rene Dumont Boehm system. Ph. 620B. ni&' BERKELEY JET pump deep Si shallow wells. J. K. (Bud) Psrmenter. mbo Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 8627. n354 EMERSON Combination Radio & Phona- graph. portable, pn. MOB. naav- USED BATH TUB. Wood lath, new win dow 30x24 complete wun irame iao North 4th. "254 ENAMEL WOOD Range, with colls, good cond. 2 miles S. Prlngle school, v. b. Kelly. n4 SPOOL BED. brass kettle, old dishes and vases. Ph. 21443 alter 6 p.m. nw OOOD USED PIANOS B L Stiff. for rent Montgomery WANTED TO RENT S10 REWARD, returned service man and wire desire small furnished apartment or houe. Permanent, no children or pets. Ph. 21582. Ja258 VETERAN. WIFE and child need furn. or unfurn. house or apt. in town or coun try. Phone 7731. ia233 FREE PAINTING, papering and carpenter work in the little house or apt. Just rent to us two. Call Stan Preskett at 3033 from 9 to 8 or see us at 1325 State St. Ja258 SINGLE MAN wants housekeeping room or small apt. Box 337, Capital Journal. Ja358 PRF.SPONSIBLE professional man. wife. two children, wish furnisned nouse or apartment for 6 months. Will take care of property. Ph. 4171, Ext. 363. Johnson. ia25J WANTED BY LADY: Small furnished or unfurnished apt. Salem resident years. References. During day Phone 7100. Before 8:30 or after 6 p.m. call 5364. a?55 VETERAN wife urgently need furnish ed apt. or house. Permanent. Ph. 24070. Ja254 WANTED; Small furnished house by vet eran, wife and child. Phone 117 J, collect. Independence. Oregon. Ja254 DESPERATELY need living quarters for state policeman, his wife, one child. Ph. 5425 after 5 p.m. ja254 MODERN house Id country. Capital Journal. 4 OR B ROOM house, furn. or unfurn., by man. wife and 5 yr. old daughter. Permanent. Ph. 4745 or 8594. Ja257 WOMAN WITH 2 boys sold out. You want us to raise boys to fight a war for you so come on and rent us Place to live while we are raising the Phone 7604 or 2063 McCoy St. Ja253 RETURNED VETERAN desires 3 bed room house. Burl L. Cox, Ph. 23144 Ja253 2 BEDROOM APT. or house, furnished or unfurnished. Ph. 5844 8 a.m. to A P.m. Ja253 WE BUY it sell fu-nlture. tools, stoves. dishes rrotors. radios, electric appli ance household goods BXtGUAN'S. 285 N. Commercial Phone 9883. n WOOL DRESSES, sport clothes, suits, coats and formats Sizes 11 to 42 Worn but sllghtl? Phone 4845. n270 MEAT CASES, One 20-ft Birkenwald tri ple glass with ,Jt h.p water cooled com p. Two 10-ft Fredrick 4 glass, each with Vi hp air cooled comp Cond first class See Paul Woodruff at Saving Cen ter, Salem or West Salem n POtlLTRV FERTILIZER. Oet It now per yard. Phone 3286 L Lea's Hatch try. BROWN MARTIN fur coat. Sin 12. exc. cond. 370. Phone 5020. n"Jl. FULLER PAINTS 4 Varnishes. Trim. ready pasted wallpaper, veiauro one coat wall finish J K. (Bud Parmen ter. 2380 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 8627. n254 MAN'S BALLOON tire bike. Oood con dition. S25. Pn. Won. ISO wirin. n354 GARDEN Sand, gravel, emshed reek and Ready Mixed Concrete WALLINO SAND and ORVKL CO Phone 8561. n FULLER Brushes. Pn, 836T 174 Grant St. Bill POULTRY re rt terser, dry. no straw, bf sack or yard. Phone 13B6L Lmb Hat chery, b PRE-WAR logger style boots, waterproof. size S'i. Cowboy boots, sue in. 9640. h254 WANTED: Pool tables. Call 3575. na253 WOULD LIKE to rent with option to bur clarinet or trumpet, warren Touns, 570 Hood St. na253 ens (DRY ICE) fire extinguishers, 125.90. . H. Fowler. Ph. Wo. ntie CONSOLE RADIO, crib complete, elec. mixer with attachments. 1 burner, eiec. hot plate. Slide trombone, tricycle, other children's toys. 107 N. Cottage. Ph. 4921 RADIO ATWATER-KENT console, three band reception with Phonograph attacn ment. Oramel Bhreeve. 815 Jefferson. Dallas. "253 LARGE FRANQUETTE walnuts. 13c a !b You pick. Route 2. BOX ltHJ. ioa- WADE DRAG SAW, five blades. Oood cnnrtltion. 4 in on til i OKI. oumeua com munity Auction, 20 SUverton Road. 3-BURNER combination electric stove. imnina bonrd. rooking chair. Call ev 1173 Spruce. n333 101' HARLEY-Davldson. Mileage 6500. Completely equipped. 1500 cash. Cream cnartinr. new howl, autet close skim mer. $20. Heavy wood ooal range, good condition. 110. Call after 5 P.m. Across from Lee's Hatchery on Fruttland Road (Center St.) Harold Rice, Rt. , Box 555. Salem. n253 MOTOR BICYCLE, good condition, new tires Br leas Stmt ton motor. Bob John son. Rt. 6, Box 330, Salem. Phont 22346 evenings. 0353 194t FORD Mercury auto radio. Room 24. 160 N. Commercial St. n353 LARGE FRANQUETTE walnuts 13c lb. You Pick. Rt. 2. box 176Q. naw WATKINS PRODUCTS. Ph. 2-3418. J. M. Slelghter. "275 HARLEY-DAVIDSON motorcycle, 01, Cash Only. Phone 4363 after 4. n254 RECONDITIONED Phllco combination ra dlo. Ph. 4133. n256 t RECONDITIONED Radios. PhllCO. Bruno B-tUDe. pn. 113. U4on VETERAN attending Willamette Univ. wishes furnished or unfurnished house In or near Salem. Call collect MUrdock 3506. Portland. Ore. Ja253 Directory LOST AND FOUND LOST: A PAIR of personality glasses. Re ward. Phone 4038 between 9 and 5. k255 CARPENTER WANTED. Steady employ ment. 22798. g255 LOST: PLAIN gold wedding ring. Inscrip tion dated 1913. Reward, rnone 746B. k255 PART TIME Secretary, Parriah Junior High school, pnone 3i7. g-aa- BOYS-GIRLS to set pins. Easy, pleasant work. Good pay. 335 N. High St. g258- STOLEN: Dog. Sorlnaer Spaniel, male. 2 yrs. old. License No. 318. White with brown spot. Melvln Lien, Rt, 6, 'Box 420. Ph. 22606 evenings. k2A7 EXPERIENCED office clerk. Dallas Mach ine it Locomotive Works. , Ph. IB6 Dallas, Oregon. g256 WANTED: Reliable woman one or two days weekly to care for year-old child. Some cleaning. 75c nr. Phone 9339. WANTED: JANITOR. Part-time service In downtown office building. References. Write Box 338. Capital Journal. g256 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked 75c L2 SPRINGER, 464 Court Bt. nG2 FOUR CORNERS Welding St Blacksmith Shot, is now open for business, wejaing brazing St cable A rope a pi Icing W Rosuot. prop. m25b COMBINATION cook-house keeper for 7. Mlddleaged woman. Good wages, board and room. Must be reliable. Permanent for right party. 1010 N. Cottage. Ph. 5548. g255 PHARMACEUTICAL 8ALESMAN, experi enced. To sell direct to phyalcians Es sential Industry. Nationally known con ecrn. Real opportunity for right man. Box 363, Capital Journal g255 ELDERLY LADY to care for child In my home. Board, room it salary. Houte 1. Box 70. Salem. g253 WE nAVE permanent position for ex perienced bookkeeper. Good hours, gooa wages. Box 331, Capital Journal. g254 SOUTH SALEM Radio Shop Rep St parU All makes. Prompt aer. 1201 a. com') Phone 6050. m274 HEAVY HAULING, excavation and road building, land clearing, dozer work dktrhing. basement excavation, sand gravel, crushed rock, maioo sand, con ereta mix cemenL Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 1405 N FRONT BT.. SALEM. ORKQON Phone S408 or 21924. m EXPERIENCED butcher, capable of man- Mlnc shop. Write Box m. uapuiu Journal. 256 FULL OR part-time usherettes. Apply In person. Grand Theatre. mao- EXPERIENCED MEAT Cutter wanted, per manent position. Ph. w inaepena ence. Graham's Cash Market. g256' EXPERIENCED waitress Oood hours, no Sunday work. Schneider's uonee onop, 159 South High. B254" WANTED: Turkey pickers report for work Pridflv B a.m MurdoCK ana Arlington Sts.. West Salem. Washington Cream ery company. BOY TO collect classified advertising. Must be reliable and have a Dicycie. Good opportunity to get your Christmas cash. Apply Capital Journal. B2i6 WANT dish washer Tho Spa. WE NEED MECHANICS for both day and night shifts. Top wages. Best oi wont ins rondl lions. Permanent employment. See Dewey at Loder Bros.. 465 Center Sr. "Oldsmobile Sales and Service.' "finr 17ih vear in Salem. Oregon," "Home of Good Used Cars." g273 WANTED: CASniERS, Checkers. Food clerks. No experience necessary, good oav to start and during training. Excel lent opportunities for a man between 18 nd 40. Bee Ted Medford. District Man- aver, Safeway Stores, Inc. McOllchrist Bldg. Ph. 5611. MEAT CUTTERS wanted, excellent oppor tunities for the right men. Apply in persoD to T. M Medford. Sareway Dlsi office, McOllchrist Bldg. Ph. 5611. g' WAN1 fountain girl. Tht Spa, g WOMEN UELP and Checker wanted. Ap ply In person. City Cleaners. 1245 , StaU St WOMEN LAUNDRY HELP wanted. No ex penenco necessary Appl) Salem Lun dry Co. 263 South High St g' WANTED POSITIONS MAINTENANCE man. age 50. or salesman. Hiti rnr Machinist work, carpenter. Phone 5370. "255 wn.i. pari: FOR children in my home. 2330 N. Liberty St. Jl2 GEN. YARD work. Wood St sawdust put i n . Ph. 94 49 , i2 -1 a-7 p m . "J' EXPER. LADY elevator operator wants work. Write box 340 Capital, journal. landscaping St shrubbery trimming. Ph. 7695. Clifford Rowe. Apt. 1. h257 CHILD CARE, evenings. Ph. 21028. h253; wn.i. parr rOR children in my home. Call 7551. h353 n F P K N n A R L E ALTERATIONS, quick ser vice 534 N. Winter. Ph. 31879. h275 wnVi. n Hit. ri sr.. u. D. Enioe. Rt, Box 321L, Salem, Oregon. 1st house south of Bwegle school. h274 TREES TRIMMED, topped and cut down. J. H. Davis. 673 8. 13th. Ph. 21962. h253 PLOWING A TRACTOR work. Have D2 .i a Mint Rt i box 274. Broods. Ore Third hmiii an ritht south of Brooks. 11231 MISCELLANEOUS Dental Plate Repair f-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bide. State ft Commercial Su salem pnone isii m- APPTJANCI REPAIRS EXPERT BEND IX and commercial and domestto refrigeration service, nmipii Johnson Appliances, 383 Center. Ph. 4030 Oil so ARCH SUPPORTS ARCH SUPPORTS made to order. Writ fnr itoMiila- Tin Arch BuDDort Service. Sa'etu. Oregon. 026P AUTOMOTIVR MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE 340 Chemeketa. Phone 7836. AUTO BRAKES MIKE PA NEK 276 South Com'l. Ph. 6191 Brake and wheel aligning speciausn o376 RIVER SILT Excellent Mason Sand, fill dirt, all kinds of grav el Commercial Sand & Gravel Co. Ph. 21966 or 23100. 11 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS USED FURNITURE Phon S18I PERSONAL WILL NOT BE responsible for debt contracted by anyone other than my self from this date on. Bert M. Nesbltt. P35S ANYONE KNOWING the whereabouts ot Edgar Oreen please oontact Lottie Snyder. General Delivery. Balem. p254 READING. KNOW THE TRUTH. 3361 Stat P25I MADAME MARLENE: Olfted reader, help and advises those In trouble, tn ior. business, marriage. Tell names and dates without asking any question. Pacts, no promises Tost readings free. Satisfaction assured. Portland 1811 S. W. Broadway near Jefferson Bt p2M AUTOMOBILES 31 CHEV. Sport Roadster. 8171. Capitol. se if. 4254 FOR SALE: '27 Model T Pord with road- ster body to go with it at another motor Sc rear end: 4 30x3 li Ures, ail for 128. 484 University St. 4251 WANTED: Oood cheep car or plofcup for work purposes. Rt. 1. be 67 Brooks. Phone 34312. qSSI '17 Ford. Prefer coupe. 4251 WANTED: Oood used ear. tat model preferred. Phone 4547. 4278 WANT LATE MODEL OAK. Wtl (W tub I Phone 6280. TRUCKS 1941 DODOE PICR-I Herrall-Oweng Co. M Commercial Ph. tl. FINANCIAL A T O UIM WUAJkMMTTM COtBDIf OO. tb FLOOR OUARDIAN License No. fcf-lB 6T. MET EARNING ON TOUR surplus rr.onej by buying a first mortgage on real estate. ixans run ior 3 or 5 years. Amounts 1500 to 110,000. You can't beat tils kind of investment for safety and nt-t return STATE FINANCE COMPANY 131 South High St r BODY AND FENDER WORK GENERAL REPAIR 3s Auto Painting 8 P Motors 542 Ferry St. Ph 11621. 0368' CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING -C R ELLIS, 1005 h lUth St Ph 4071 CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned ENSLEY 771 B 31st. Ph. 7176. 0363' ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES VE REPAIR, buy and sell Irons, heaters toasters, hotplates, eto. Kutson's Elec. tnca. FlXlt Shop, 371 H. Com'l. 0384' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS GIRL'S ROSE Coat and Leggings, size 4. Phone 24001. nato 1 CHASE Chronlum cocktail shaker and cups. 1 Ronson combination cigarette case and lighter. These sets match and will soil for 120 each' or aJl for 336. Practically new and In good condition. Write box 339 Capital Journal. n255 FOR YOUR Halloween Parties Drink St Enjoy Pure Apple Juice made daily irom selected Ripe Apples. PURITAN CIDER WORKS. West Salem. , n250 DAVENPORT St chair, chaJr St ottoman. round table it chairs, befl, floor lamp, rug it pad 6'6"xl0't qt. stone Jars. 2350 Cherry Ave n253 CATERPILLAR 60 tractor with winch. Laudle Krosman, Scio. Oregon. nan SWIVEL DESK chair, 1 occ. chair, 1 elec tric Westing House range, one i-wiicci trailer, 1 single bed St springs. 1285 N. CapitoL nl P1IILCO TABLE model. ditlon. 535 Locust. EXTERMINATOR COCKROACH EXTERMINATION Service. Ph. 3056. LEE CROSS, 1260 N. 17th. 0274 Bretthaupt'g for flowers Dial I1M. FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOWELL FUNERAL BOW Ph, 8672 LAWNMOWER SHARPENING MACHINE GRINDING repairing. J. P Dougherty. 2130 Fairgrounds Rd. o367 STEAM BATH and Massage. Ph. 1711 MUSIC LESSONS SPANlsn and HAWAIIAN guitar, mando lln. banjo, etc. 1538 Court. Ph. 7560 o267 MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING. Phonu 4069. 053; MOVING AND DELIVERY ROY'S DELIVERY and pirkup service. 145 B. Church. Phone 3387 o269 PAINTING AND PAPERHANOING EXPERIENCED paper hanger. Ph. 3015 LRVFR ACTION 4-10 gun. practically new. Also table mooei raaio. rn. ai m. 20 Duncan Ave. "254 OOOV FAMILY milk cow. heavy fryers. 2 feeder pigs, targe circuiamis nrwi (wood.J Elwood B. Jenness. Ph. 24223. n255 IRON AND EXTENSION CORDS YEATEH APtiuvr.- w 25fi North Liberty FLUORESCENT desk lamps. Id( student s study org Y EATER APPLIANCE OO. 255 North Liberty. DELUXE IRON pad.": and covers. 255 North Liberty. n263 FLUORESCENT kitchen units and bath- room brackets. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 36S North Liberty. "253 ELECTRIC hot plates, double burner 67. ingle burners y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 258N orth Liberty. n M 1 FLASHLIGHTS, complete with batteries V EATER APPfJANCE CO. 356 North Liberty. T253 STEEL WOOL for cleaning pots and pan Y EATER AfPUUU w. 255 North Liberty. n353 PLASTIC KOTR paint for Indoor us aiven a ccllophane-llkr finish. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 North Liberty. n253 ATuMINUMpancaka griddles and French frv baskets Y EATER APPUAfCE OO. 2M North Liberty. ri7 53 GIFT BOX and range condiment sets v EATER APPLIANCE CO. 356 North Liberty. "253 PIN IT-L'P and boudoir lamps VEA'IER APPLIANCE CO. 258 North Liberty. n353' ILLUMINATED world globe and bouse numbers. Y EATER APPUANCI CO. 256 North Liberty. nwr ELECTRIC SOLDERING Irons and hau; fan Y EATER APPLIANCI CO. 254 North Liberty. alM1 PAINTING, spray or brush Also Interloi nalnllnii Rnnli ranfttrMl Harn Hcreier Rt 4 Box 387 olTi DECORATING and OcnenU repair P 6623 RADIO SERVICE RICHARDSON RADIO Servlc. Motor Bldg. Phone 4036. PHOTOGRAPHY Personal Finance Co. Makes Loans FOR HOUSE and OAR Repairs, doctor and dentist bills, or to buy autos, furniture livestock. 110.06 month repays 1100 loc In full In 12 months. Loans mad on llvjtock. aalarr furniture or auto to farmers, office employees, factory workera skilled and u oak tiled. Com In. write or phone. Service Is private and prompt. Personal Finance Co. . Phona 1191 -616 Sta Lie S-122 M-166 R- OalllBer. MIT. OBNERAi PIN AN OS CORV, LOAN aod ROT H. SIMMON INSURANCE LOAJM Stat Lie No's. S-lSI nd M-H 136 8. Commercial St TL I16 WE LOAN oa Farm. Residential and feu nesa Property Will bu mortga. tea iraota. hawkins a hubkhti, xn REALTORS. Ouardlan Bids r FARM and CTTt LOAN! 4tt tad Prompt Service kftifctmum ptjaj W1U Pay Cash for Ral Bta PimWtw and Second Morhgacea Capitol weourttirb 00. 307 Pioneer Truat Bid. Ph llH. t? $ MONEY $ REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages At Contract STATE FINANCE CO. Lie S-.16 M-332 153 S High St. t TRANSPORTATION MAN WANTS ride W Boise, Idaho, a soon as possible. Oood driver. Will share expenses. Will exchange ref. Box 336, Capital Journal. x25 .-rs' LEGAL LEGAL In accordance with Section 43-3M or the Oregon Trademark Laws, .he Rival Packing Company located at 4500 South Tripp Avenue. Chicago 32. Illinois, has registered with the Secretary of Stale Its trademark consisting of the word RIVAL which Is applied to food products, PHOTO COPYING. Enlarg amenta, Beau tlful true-to-ilfe ooples of photos ot snap shot, no matter how small Hand color ing specialty Bishop Studio. Stats ROOFING FOB FREE Estimates Ph 8702 SAND GRAVEL Oarden Sand. Crusbed Rock. Ready Mixed Cone ret waiun oano uravw uo Ph. 8561 ROTO-ROOTER SEWER SERVICE Sew ers and drama cleaned Free eatlmate Prompt servlc. PI. 6327. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED GET MY PRICE befoie you gel your wori done Ph 7404 Perm restOnt Weal Sa-cjnK--nneth Hamel. 1143 6lh St. 0264' TRANSFER STORAGE twai nr dlstftnca transfer Storw Bur ner oil brlqueU. Tnieks to Portland dally. Agent Piste Ante Freight, U aludlng California points Larmer Trans Si Storage Ph 9131 WEATHER STRIPPING . FREE Estimates T. PULLMAN. Ph. 5965. VACUUM CLEANERS wii jrr. rnsDeetion In vour horn, author ised Hoover servlc We servlc all maku of cleaners. Hogg tiros pn an WINDOW CLEANING WINDOWS. FLOORS. Woodwork cleaned Acme Window Cleaner. Ph. 3387. 2fll N Liberty. Mrs. Olson Visiting Silverton Daughter Silverton Mrs. Anna Olson of Salem Is spending a few dayi at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. ana Mrs. James Hollingsworth In Mc Claine street, assisting whil. there is illness in the home. With Mrs. Olson is her sister, Mrs. Anton Dnhl of Grand Forks, N. D., visiting in Oregon for a month. A son-in-law of Mrs. Olson, Staff Sgt. Hazen Smith, is still in Japan. His wife, the former Alma Olson, and their small son, Michael Hazcn, whom the father has not seen, arc at th Olson home in Salem during the absence of Sgt. Smith. Japan is one of the most com pletely forested nations, rivaling even Finland and Sweden. WOOD HAWINO B. CEOSS Phiat 1171. Lodges Salem Lodge No. 4, AT. A.M., Wednesday, Oct. 34, M.M. Degree, 1.30 pm 53