fOft SALE HOUSES nR SALE ;IN AMITY. Mon. 6-room, bath heme with furniture Including stoves, electric washer, Attached garage, wood shed good supply of wood. Chicken hse. 5 hens. About V acres good soil, has young orchard ol 14 filberts. 3 peach and 2 cherry tree. 4 blocks from grade or high schools. All for 12900 Cash. Can see it any time this week. Family will be away working, home Sunday only after Oct. 7. Possession now HARLEY JUDD, Amity. Ore. Box 6. a23B fc;o EAST. 6 room bouse with lot. f.s aouDie garage. vhc w bvuuu. v I Mr. Alsman. Huif Real Estate (Jo. REALTORS 970 8. Commercial St. Phone 37B3. Eve. en. who. Englewood i OOOD (I.BOOM Home and floored attic, fireplace, full basement, furnace, nice lot. with some iruit ana nut new. W. B. Sullivan Phone 21413. 1601 Chemeketa a239' TWO BDRM. HOME, excellent location flouth. Close to BLSh sen. rinsierea. wir ed for range, auto, gas water heater. burnt, garage, only imuu unve oy hm Wailcr St. then call Mr. GARDNER )in BURT PICHA, KUU1UKO 337 North High St. a240 FOR SALE HOUSES 8-ROOM HOUSE for sale. Inquire- 102? 6th. West Salem. 240 8ifM GOOD 3-HM. hse. and bath on lee lot. on N. Church Gas range and water heater. Close to store, bus and school Call MRS. PATZER. R. E. Meredith, Realtor 47b B. Commercial. Ph. 8841. a239 $B81H NICE 3-B.R. home on lot 50x130 ft. Close to bus. Paved street. Wood furn ace. Closa to Englewood school. Hat ba&tment. Possession in a weeks. Call BARRETT. R. E. Meredith, Realtor 17(1 8 Commercial. Pt. 8841. a238 ATTRACTIVE FARM BUY 84 ACRES few miles out on macadam road. About 40 acres unaer cultivation, Bal ance in pasture and timber. 5-room plastered home with plumbing, hot and cold water. Creek and spring. Small barn with stanchions and 2 poultry houses Price J8000. Part terms. SEE Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 944 State St. Phone 9281. b238' FOR SALE BY OWNER 3 -bedroom home newly painted Inside and out, large liv ing room St dining room with oak floors, fireplace kitchen it nook. bath, full basement, sawdust pipe furnace, laun dry trays, garage. Corner lot. shade trees, east front. Immediate possession. Price S73O0. Located at 1306 South 12th. Phone 6163 or Inquire 2339 State. a239 BY OWNER Enelewood Dlst. 7-room mod ern home Full cement basement, elec hot water heater, fireplace, garage, large lot anc. lots of choice shrubs. Close to all schools and bus. Shown by appoint ment Call 8228. a239 S4800 NICE, NEAT 4 room cottage, W acre, close in. uoume garage ana cnic en house Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 8 Commercial St. Phone 3783. Eve. Ph. 9441. a.239 BY OWNER 1 bedrm. house, across street from chool 64000. 585 Richmond a240 BY OWNER in Englewood district: 3 bed room house with 2-rm. apt. partly furn. Fui basement, wood furnace, piped for gas Nice fenced back yard, fruit St nuts. 604 Breys Ave. a243 BY OWNER 5-room house, kitchen, front room. 3 bedrooms, dinette, oil furnace, flrtplace. elect, water heater and V blinds. Ph. 24081. a238 15300 NEAT NEW type 3 bedroom subur ban home, close In near school and bus. Imm possession. Call Mr. Walters Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. Commercial St Phone 3793. Eve. Ph. 9441. a239' $1200 S-RM. HOME In good condition north garage, lot 50x150. Several Iruit trpp 1(Y;0 tn hi IS & school. (.WOO GOOD HOME south, 6 rms. 8e brfSKiast rmi uasemeni, lurnace. ij&rge lot, close to bus Sz school. MBLVIN JOHNSON J 725 Court St. Ph. 3723. B238 fintffn 2-bdrm. home South lBth street Spio and spun Inside St out. J4300. See MR GOODWIN witrt Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. REALTORS Phone 4108. After 68715. a243' ATTENTION HOMESEEKERS OPEN HOUSE from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m Surday, October 7 In lovely brick home on Portland 99E, 6 miles north oi Ba le m If you are interested In seeing or buying the best then be on the grounds Where willing and courteous salesmen will be Kind to show this B-room al! modern home with 2 bedrooms down stairs 2 up. large ilvlnn room with a tti active fireplace, full b.imt. with completely furnished party room. 4 acres In bearing filberts. Lawrence Real Estate LOANS St INS. Phone 7506457 Court Evenings 2-2212 a238' INCOME PROPERTY APT. HOUSE, 4 furnished apt. Income of 179 per mo. rnce kduu. CALL Coburn L, Orabenhorst with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Ph. 4131. a238' 30 13100 A., 2 mi. north of Mt. Angel A mt. soutn oi, o room nouse 30X40 barn with 15 ft. shed on tide, 3 A filberts. 3 A. walnuts (grafted), Interplanted with Italian prunes St Yel low Transparent apples, 3 A Royal Anne cherries, about 1 A Oravensteln ap ples, prunes, walnuts, cherries, pears St grapes. fc A. Italian prunes, 0 years old All trees In full bearing. Creek thni place with water enough for lrrl gat'on Part of place has been irri gated Pump it pipe on place. Close to schooi St high school bus. Price S9000 J. C- Owre. owner. Rt. 1. Hubbard Oh. 2 ml. west ou Broadacra pavement 0241 145(10 HOME LOCATED IN FAIR MOUNT park. Large corner lot. oid-styie a-rm. nouse. CALL Coburn L. Orabenhorst with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 B. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. a238 rconn buy NORTH 9 BEDROOMS, living room, kitchen, nook and batn. oarage, un pavea mcc Price $4250. See LeO N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 34s State St. Ph. 9261. a238 3 BDRM. HOME located in Englewood dis trict. Has Basement, lurnace. nice ivt. Located on bus line. Price $6850. Call O, V. HUME with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S Liberty at. Ph. 4131. a238 REASONABLY PRICED HOME GOOD LOCATION North, near business dlsl Lovely Mod. 6-room home with au.o air cond. nas heat. Large living rm. fireplace, hdwd firs. Dinette, kit. wltb nook 785n 2500 will handle, nnll nLADVS REIMANN Rich L. Reirnann, Realtor 167 S. High. Ph. 3722. Sun. or Eve 6005 FOR SALE BY OWNER 8-rm. 4 B-R fen, in, hmtmpnt. firolaM furnace, wir ed for electric range. In oak and fir grove Over of an acre abutting Bush park Creek property. Immediate posies Hon $6800. 1132 Hines St. Ph. 5850 Jay time Ph. 8340 evenings. a238 FURNISHED 8 Bedrm. home located 9 'A miles from downtown Salem. Close to school. Bus past door. Has part base ment, garage, barn: 2 Lge. lols. Call O. V. HUME with Grabenhorst Bros. a238 $2250 TWO -ROOM house cast. Lot 45x130. garage and garden spot. Call Mr. Wal- 'luff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 B Commercial St Phone 3793. Eve. Ph. 9441. a239 MODERN 5-RM. home N.E. Has auto. heat. This Is a new home. Lance rms. At tached garage. Located on bus line Fnre 110,300. Call O. V. HUME with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. a238 LARGE HOME located cWo In. Hns bnse- "men St auto. heat. Nice living quarters with oak floors, fireplace, etc. Dble. plumbing. Hu 5 bed rms upstairs, 3 down '. stairs. Ideal home for renting sleeping inw Price $11,000. Call O. V. HUME with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. a238 S-RM. HOME In West Salem. This home Is newly decorated and in the best of con dition. Has basement and sawdust heat. Oars ge. Close to bus. Price $6000. Call O. V. HUME with Grabenhorst Bros. a238 Today's Bargain! 8-ROOM Strictly Mod. Home with large living and dining, hwd. floors, 2 largt bedrooms, base., furnace and an extra well located property North Of State house. Only (5250 Cash G. H. SANDERS 231 N. HIGH 6838. a239 A KINOWOOD DRIVE HOME WITH 'WHAT IT TAKES" 1JEARLT NEW home on extra large lot. Flowers, shrubs, lots of garden and lawn. Finest view (permanently un obstructed) of entire city, valley and mountains., L.R., D.R., S B.R., a dream of a kitchen and nook. Outside patio with fireplace. Double garagi at street level. All floors are of first grade oak Insulated and metal weather stripped Fully auto, air conditloneo hen ana hot water heater. Laundry room shower and toilet In ba.wment. Large finely fitted bath on main floor Bat-ment has extra large entrance at floor level. Price will be a pleasant surprise. No agents! Box 305, Capital Journal. a239 A GOOD TWO BDRM. home North. LR, DR Kit. large lot. Ihi blks. to bus. Highland sch. Oarage. $4200. Call M-OARDNER. OOlft BURT PICHA, REALTORS 337 North High St. B239 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION TWO BEDRMS. L.R.. D.R. Kit. hwrf flr fireplace, unfinished up. Bsmt. Wired ior ranire. lurnace, i oik to Dus. Engle wooo district. $7900. OOin BURT PICHA. REALTORS Ji-iKJ 337 North High St. a239' THREE BEDRMS. L.R.. DR., Nook, flre ,, hdwd. firs, smt, furnace, wired j for range 1 blks. to bus. Large lot 4 $0950. 1 91fl BURT PICHA. REALTORS U iyj 337 North High St. a239 BY OWNER: 3-bedroom house, automatic heat, full basemt., fireplace harcwood Sprinkling system, 755 South High. Telephone ..1055 a239 $6800 MODERN home with seven large rooms, four bedrooms, wood furnace basement and fireplace. Possession at once tiose to grade and Junior high school. Call H. E. BARRETT. R. E. Meredith, Realtor 176 S. Commercial Pt. 8841. a239 Journal Want Ads Pay ?roh CASH: Brand new 2 bedroom home, new furniture, hdwd. floors, oil floor furnace weatherstrlpped Insulated, wir ed for elec. range. Gas in bouse. 2515 North Cherry. a23B BV OWNER: One 5 room St one 3-room house; lVa acres .una. ramuy orcnnru walnut it filberts. Close to church store St school. 7 miles north on Rivet Road George H. McKenzle. Rt. 2 Bjx 30J. Salem. a238 LATfc BUILT modern 2 bedroom homt with acre, close in nortneasi. u-tt. nook utility room, fireplace In L.R Hardwood floors, oil floor furnace, wir ed for range. Immediate possession Prtr I75S0. K-YEAR old home In the popular district north of Market street 2 oearooms nnfinUhcrf unstfllra. hardwood floors. V-bilnds, wired for range. Fireplace In the living room and in the base met.t Price S9750. modern late-built 4 bedroom house In the Englewood district. 2 bedrooms on firs, floor, 2 on the second. Den. Full basement and modern throughout. Price 110 000. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. 1101 N. Commercial. Phone 3030. a236' BY OWNER: Englewood dlst.. quiet re stricted zone. Cape Cod 2 bedrm. nouse reeemlv decorated Inside. Hdw. floor Ful. basement with extra room. New auto alr-condltloned furnace, rn. 5549 a238' BY OWNER 3 -bedroom modern home, 2 lots. 4 blocks N. of Capitol Bias, im mediate possession. Call 9232 or 6172. a248 2 bedrm. HOME. ee. L rm. utility sorch. Oil heater included. Venetian oiinas very close in. close to scnooi ()& Ph 4868. 730 Market. a239 FOR SALE LOTS BUILDING SITES V4 A. ON CASCADE Drive. West Salem, nice bid, site 8300. 2 LOTS on N. Liberty. 50x130. close to bus and school (1200. MBLVIN JOHNSON 725 Court St. Phone 3723 a&238 FOR SALE FARMS SI ACRES, new 4 room house, woodshed, gaiage. barn, some nay. ramuy or chard Gravity water supply In house 2 miles west of Lyons on Lyons-Sclo highway. Price $3000. Louis Btrentz Rt 1. Box 60, Dayton. b23B AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES URGENTLY NEEDED GOOD USED CARS (any model) Hatfield's UsedCar Market 351 N. Liberty FOR SALE A nice 3 -bedroom home, 3 acres, electricity, chicken house, barn, another small house on place, good gar den spot. 12100. Moving nearer work. DON'T CALL SATURDAY! Mrs. John Olson, near Tokstad Service Station. Bilverton. b242- 35 ACRES EAST. 20 acres under cultiva tion 7 acres pasture and timber. Level 4 oedrm. 7-rm. home, plastered, large barn and poultry house, double garage $12 000. Call Mr. GARDNER QOIA BURT PICHA. REALTORS "lu 337 North High St. b240" BILVERTON SPECIALS STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 00 A. 7-RM. MOD home dairy barn, dryer 14 A. prunes, s a. walnuts, oai, u?ia pasture 2 horses. 300 chickens, oats St hay complete set farm machinery. Price $15,750 00. ALSO 40 A. on Pudding river. 5-rm. mod. home barn, garage, rui:. line location Price $8000. Terms, 4 Int. ALSO A-RM, MOD. plastered home, double garage. 2 lots, fruit, nuts. Price $4500 ALSO MEAT MARKET and Grocery fully equipped, good location. Rent zo mo $IPH Terms. No charce for financing. Large Listings of Good Farms. J C. MORLE. REAL ESTATE Bilverton. 305 N. Water St. Ph. 1134. b239 TRUCKS TRUCKS TRUCKS JUST ARRIVED 14 army lV-ton Chevro let Dumps and Cargoes. Some with winches. All Thoroughly Reconditioned. Sam's Motor Co. 455 Chemeketa Street OPPOSITE FIRE DEPT. Phone 7817 Silverton Property 2.13 acres 163 -acres under cultivation large barn 50x52; no acres in pasture anv timber, several springs, year 'round creek Has good six-room house, three bediooms. electric water system. 248 ACRES BO acres under cultivation .58 acres in pasture ami timber. Has barn witn 12 stancmons. poultry nouse, several sprtnps and creek. Has new five-room house, electricity. 37 ACRES all under cultivation, family orchard, some timoor. meaium sire bar;, electricity, strictly moaern iive room house. Has two room tenant house, 10 ACRES 15 under cultivation. Barn. poultry house, has five-room house, el ectricity, family orchard, fenced, close to Shverton. 40 acres 3B ft c res under cultivation. 11 acrcr In pasture and timber. Has large barn larre poultry nouse, eiecincity several springs, creec. Has scven-roorr house 1 ACRE In Silverton. Has five-room hse. Family orchard. IMMEDIATE POSSES SION Only S3500. SEE or CALL McKillop Real Estate Agency 169 So. High St. Phone 5131 b238 16 ACRE LINN COUNTY RANCH 80 A. GOOD Cultivation. 36x60 ft. dairy barn. 20x60 ft. poultry hse. Large gran- ary and machine shed. Good hog hse. 8 hcao cattle, 10 head hogs, 3 horses. 50 tons hay 10 tons grain. Full line of machinery. All goes for $17,000. Abou hali cash. This is a Real Buy) See MR McMUJJN With Hawkins & Roberts, Ina REALTORS Phone 4108. After 0 81F21. b238' BARGAIN PRICEI TWEM'E LOTS adjoining Falrmount Park district, 60x200 ft. For quick, disposal. Block price $4500. CALL Coburn L. Grabenhorst with Grabenhorst Bros. VIEW LOTS BEN VISTA PARK, Mountain View Tracts, King wood Hats. Large scenic lots, city water. Price J450 and up. CALL Coburn L. Grabenhorst wltb Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Ph. 4131. aa238 SWEGLE SCHOOL ACREAGE .1 ACRE TRACTS, all under cultivation, dark prairie soil. Excell, Investment. Pr.ce J1400. Terms. CALL Coburn L. Grabenhorst with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Ph. 4131. ta238 VIEW LOTS BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOTS. Restricted district. Streets, city water 100 ft. front age If you are Interested In a future ouiiainf sue. see tnesei trice soo up Call O. V. HUME with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 13 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. aa238 EXCELLENT INVESTMENT TWEIVE LOTS offered at bargain prices for Immediate disposal. Adjoins Fair mount Park district. Block price of I450O call Coburn L. Grabenhorst with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. aa238' FOR SALE FARMS 46H ACRES about 11 miles North' of Sa lem. Modern 5-room plastered house with complete bath, lots of builMns In the kitchen, wired for electric range. Good bail. 62x75 with li. stanchions, double garage 2 hog houses. Family orchard berries and. grapes. The building and lsn; are in excellent condition. A Real Buy at 39500 which Includes 16 tons of hay 8 acres field corn and horse ma chinery Rostein & Adolph, Inc. UOtt N. Commercial St. (upstairs) Phone 3030 b23S' Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE BOUSES I FOR SALE HOUSES LEE OHMART & CO., REALTORS FURNISHED SMALt 8-BEDROOM home, very well lo cated on South High street. Livlng-rm. dlmrg room. 1 bedroom, kitchen and bate down. 3 small bedrooms up Older styl home, newly painted, furniture and ar for 13800. 34 ACRES MODERN HOME A MODERN 3-bedroom home, ful base meuk furnace, died bath, fireplace wired for range and double garage. Barn and poultry house, . springs, small creek 15 acres under cultivation, 2 acres cher ries. A large variety of berries. 9 acres of timbei and pasture land, some beaver dam soli A Good Farm for 110.000. 6-ROOM HOME 14250 LIVING-ROOM, dining-room. 1 bedroom i kitchen and bath down. 2 bedrooms up. 1 Pipe for cas. Extra deeo lot Located 9 blocks off State St NORTH CAPITOL NICE 8-ROOM Home, living-room, dining room 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bath full basement, furnace, hardwood floors. V. blinds wired 'or range, elec. water heater and double garage. Large lot. filose in CSC 0. FRUITLAND DISTRICT 20 ACRES and a comfortable 4-bedroom home lights, electric water system, ful' bath double garage. All under cultiva tion 3 acres pasture. Barn with 8 stan chions poultry ht"se Priced at $12,500 Include' new gas range and telephone. EXTREMELY MODERN A LOVELY 2-bedroom home, full base ment, oil lurnace. large playroom wltb fireplace In basement, unfinished up stairs hardwood floors, elec. water heat er, fireplace in living-room, double far agi B'-autlful yard, sprinkling system fis'.i pond and lovely shrubs. Best of location. 477 Court St. PHONE 9680 Eve. & Sua 3779 FOR SALE ACREAGE IMPROVED ACREAGE 0 ACRES with 6-rm. home. den. 3 bdrms run Da semen t, lurnace, garage. Darn anc sheds. Home completely turnisnea. 8 acres in bearing orchard. Owner leav ing city. Price $9000. CALL Coburn L. Grabenhorst with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 8 Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Dt-238' 1 ACRE 34 miles East Of the P.O. Eng. list style home, large living rm. fire place, hdwd. firs. In living St dining rms nice kitchen, bath 2 bed rms. petitions In for 3 bed rms. St bath up. oarage, de'P well, electric pump, close to school I5&0O MELVTN JOHNSON 725 Court St. Ph. 3723. bb238' 10 ACRES of prunes 8s walnuts. Located on Bxynne iioaa. nice Dunaing site Frice S150Q, Call O. V. HUME with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 13 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. bb238' BUILDING SITE 2 ACRES close In. Has year "round creek. About 1 acre of cherries. Located on bus line close to school. Gas, city water St electricity available. Price 11900. Call O. V. HUME with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 3. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. bb238' 4 ACRES REISER DIST.. . bedrm. 7-rm. home fleplace, plastered. V. blinds, wlreo or range, elec. water heater, ga rage. 1 blk. to sch. Barn and brooder house. $1 1.000. Call MR. GARDNER. QOIA BURT PICHA, REALTORS J-v 337 North High St. bb240 16 3-4 Acres VERT CLOSE IN North between 09 high way and Silverton road. Has beautiful fir grove and open air theatre on one corner. All kinds of nut and fruit trees Has a Greenhouse and old 5-room house and garage. This property Is worth the price W. B. Sullivan Phone 21413. 1601 Chemeketa. bb330 OUTSTANDING VALUEI 24 ACRES No BIdgs. On 0BE North of Underpass. About 4 miles. A Real Buy at .tiw! see us at our new Location 215 South HIGH ST. N. J. Lindgren-Ed Potter 10 Cash, Bal. $10 Mo. At Edge of City N.E. H A. TO 24 A. Rich Sou. Some with BttAt trtej St eltr water. Call ORIMM or BOYD. Rich .L. Reimann, Realtor 197 8. HUh Ph 1722. Eve, or Sun. 7805 or 7002. bt22- FOR SALE ACREAGE 8V2 Acres Walnuts On Dallas Hi-Way HAS GOOD 5-Rm. House St Good Walnut Dryer aood Buy at iiu.ouu. 5 Acres North (I ACRES Fir Timber). 3 bdrm. home (onl yra. old), very aesiraDie loca tion. Just off Highway 99. $1350. 1270 down. Call MR. BOYD. Rich L. Reimann, Realtor FOR SALE BY OWNER: Walnut orchard. approximately s',i acres, email nouse and garage. Price J3850. A. F. Mock, 320 Garden Road. Balem, Ore bb238 13 A. BEAUTIFUL home and 11 other houses, all rented. 10 A. line orcnaro Pre.sen Income about S3500 a year All for 925,000. Reasonable terms. Abrams & Ellis, Inc. 411 Masonle B!dg. Phone 0155. Insurance Mortgage Loans. bb23B 15 ACRES, all under irrigation. 13 acres wlrec for bean raising some irui. ana walnu trees it Trapes. Good 6 room housT with bath shower and toilet hot and cold running water. Elec in house and barn. House Is equipped with Butane gas, circulator heater, hot watei heater and kitchen range. All nearly new S bedrooms upstairs, 1 down stairs large kitchen wit:, lots of new builtint large living room it dining rm Gooc 34x24 ft. barn with large niachint shed built on Good buy have to see It to appreciate tt. See owner O L. Towner. Rt. ft, Box 108E. Balem Oregon. bb238 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 1 A. 5-rm. Mod. Home WELL; E. PUMPi Well hse. Chlx hse. Barn Utility rm. Wired for range $6500. 1 A. Chick & Rabbit Farm AT EDGE 01 city I889S. City Lot, 50x110 $395 Lg. Lot with Shack $495 Call MR. GRIMM Fh. Eve. or Sun. 7S05 Rich L. Reimann, Realtor 167 8. High Ph. 3723. C340' $68503 BEDROOMS and untinlsh. attic living room, kitcnen. batn. tun case ment and furnace. Call Omar Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 1717 CENTER Phcne 31549. Eve. Ph. 31731. C239 05 CU. FT. Leroy-Hlx air compressor hose and lack hammer, also snop near ing stove, sand blast machine, air pres sure tank C-O Two fire extinguisher recharge service. Oxy-Acet. and electric welding equipment, sales or rental Phone 5409. 197 S. Com'I. St. c'23? Official Release by the OFFICE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY Department of Commerce Surplus Merchandise Foi American Business to sell through their normal trade channels. Automotive Parts Now Available We have new parti for practically every mukv and standard car and truck manu factured in the U.S. since and Including 1039 if it Is a part of an automobile or irucx we nave it ior sale. Who Can Buy? Established automotive distributors, deal ers, service garages, fleet operators. How to Buy If you have not already done so. secure qualification blank AT ONCE from your regional office. After your trade level and credit have been established, order you needs on Oovernment order form OSP75-T Simply use your regular stand ard automotive Darts ca talon. Our stock numbers agree with their listings. Reg ular trace level discount system applies. Terms No deposit required. All sales handled on 30 days payment basis. Full freight al lowed everywhere in the united states Minimum order 500 net. If your business Is In Oregon, Montana. Idaho or Washington, write Office of Surplus Property, Department of Com merce, Automotive Division, 2005 Fifth Avenue. Seattle 1. Washington. Thl ts a nationwide sate. If you are not located In the above States, contact your regional office or consult your State Automobile Dealers' Association. Watch This Column Every Saturday For Further Keleases of Latest Surplus Merchandise For all lines and types of Consumer Goods to be sold to Wholesalers, Distrio utcrs Chain and Retail Store Operators at fixed prices. OFFICE OF SUBPLUS PROPERTY Department of Commerce C238 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITreS 175 Ft. Frontage ON W NORTH Very close In. A rea spot fur drlve-ln eating place or Auto Court W. B. Sullivan Phone 31413. 1801 Chemeketa. cd339a SUBURBAN GROCERY GROCERIES A MEAT STOCK. Located N Doing a good business. Very reasonable rent. Price for stock 12000. can o. v. HUME with Grabenhorst Bros. ed238 BEAUTY PARLOR DOWNTOWN Beauty Parlor. Extra good equipment. 4 booths. Doing a good bus Inevs This Is an extra well' located par lor and It will pay you to investigate thU. Price $4000. Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4 131. cd238 RAISE RABBITS COMMERCIALLY Good profits, easy to start, local market for mem. wool and fur COMING V4 acre tracts with new house, complete automatlo rabbltry. that will yield from 15000 up in yearly Income. Investigate the rabbit buslnessl Harder Raoblt Farms, D40S Cherry Avenue. Phone 2-1234. FURNITURE FOR SALE FURNITURE for 5-room apartment In ducing baby furniture, to sell complete or separate 436 4th, Independence. d24t HOL8EHOLD FUB'lTl-BI29Pcand road. d240 LATE MODEL Zenith, airplane dial, cabinet $00. Call evenings between 0 p.m. and 8 Rt. 4. box 461. Eola. Tony Larson. d240 ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, gas stove, 4 pc. walnut bdrm. set, metal bed dresser, lnnirsprlng mattress. 3 springs, card table, lamps and linoleum rug. 725 D St. ri'J38 3 LIVING RM. Tables. Ph. 8134. d243' 5-PIECE oak bedroom set. dressers, dav eno wood stovos. 1900 State St. Phont 7598. d239 COMBINATION bookcase and writing dejk, built-in cupboard. Route 3, Box 134, Salem. d238 WANTED FURNITURE CASH FOR YOUR used turn 1 lure. Ph 7680, Slate Street Purn. 1000 State da AUCTIONS 00 ACRES loceted 8. of Dallas. 6-room. good house, B. St Toilet, eleo lights. 20 acres In cultlv. Bal. pasture St timber Rumlntr water, 2 acres of berries. Price $4500 Half cash will handle. EXCEPTIONAL FARM BUY of 475 acres. 200 In cultlv. 00 acres in orchard. Run ning water piped to all bldgs. Around 3 million feet of good second growth lim bec Some land under Irrigation. Bldgs. old bu liveable. All fenced and cross fenced Located on Sherldan-McMlnn-Vilk road Price only S17.000. Terms, & U. EARLE or VICK BROS. 208 N. High St. c244 $50004 BEDROOM home, living room, dining room, kitchen, breakfast nook, Idea, for large family. Call Omer Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. WANTED REAL ESTATE MAY WE HELP You Bell Your Property? Salem Realty Co. IP YOO WANT TO SELL QUICKLY. BET NELSON & NELSON Rm. 300-2 Masonle Bldg. 495 State St Ph 4419. Eves, 71350 or 8280. Realtors. ca" NOTICE! if vour nrooertv Is for sale. rent or exchange, list It wltb us. We have all kinds cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 S High St. ea A CHARMING 2-bedroom home, large liv ing room, dining room, oak floors, fire piaci. kitchen and nook, utility room ho water tank, air conditioned lurnace. Double Oarage. J9450. A 2-BEDROOM HOUSE NORTH. Living St dining rooms, kitchen, nook, basement, furnace and garage. 15800. 8-ROOM HOUSE NORTH. Living St dining rooms, kitchen, bath, basement, furn ace, laundry trays. Oarage. 17900. P. H. Bell, Realtor G. P. Armstrong 402 GUARDIAN BLDO. Ph. 4806. c238 IV K ARE In need of coivl homaa to ae! in or near Salem, if on wish to list row property for sale, lee ORABENHORST BROS REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phon 4111 WANTED LISTINGS OF Olt ororert. Suburban ana country homes for quick sale! Immediate attention is given all calls Lee Ohmart & Co., REALTORS 47? Court St. Ph 0080 After 0 p.m St Sundays Ph 7Tt ca Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DIVERSIFIED FARMS IS ACRES 7 ml. North River road, good sol), nice orchard, peaches, prunes chcirle. Good buildings, nice countrv homi 813,500. HOPS 00 ACRES) 40 A. In hops all turtles, new good buildings. I year contract 122.500. 7 ACRES Near Swegle school. Oood bldti Elec water system, wired for range' ooo soil nice place. 18000. 200 ACRES located between Salem and Mt Angel Best of soil about 175 acres In cultivation with 33 acres oearing tu berts Good set of buildings. An addi tional 96 acres part beaverdam with lr rlgat'on can be purchased. A. N. DUNCAN REALTOR 12-14 Ladd St Bush Salem. Oregon Bank Bldg. Phone 0658. NELSON NEWS ONE ACRE South on Hiwy. Two bedrms Bat). L.R.. Kit. garage, oil heat. A very god buy at 14000. OOlfl BURT PIOHA. REALTORS 337 North High St. bb239 OOOD BUY IN SUBURBAN S ACRES well planted to berries tnd rru'i unicxen nouse. Electric water sys tem 3-bedroom home with basement and bath. An excellent value at $5250 See A E. DANIELJON wltb Leo N Childs, Inc. S6AA0 I ACRE. Nice 2-bedroom hse. Pecan lioors in Ij.h. Lot oi bui;t-lnj in kitcn en Dinette and bath. Nice bsrn. some berries and fruit. Call Mrs. PATZER. R. E. Meredith, Realtor 171 8. Commercial. Ph. 8841. bb23l' LET'S HAVE HOMES THE STREAM of new permanent future residents for Salem Is r.ot oniy continuing but Increasing. Our demand for 2 and 3 bedroom homes is many times in excess of property that is for sale. OUR OCTOBER LIST of properties was fairly large when It was printed but such properties are sold so npldiy that we often do oot have time to get a picture of the place developed before :t lb sold. WE NEED LISTINGS of both City and Suburban Homes In prices ranging from S400Q to 19000. We will, therefore, be very grateful for information about such property that may be for sale in Salem or suburbs and even in some of the outlying smaller towns. JUST DROP US A CARD OR U8S THE TELEPHONE (Get free copy of our October List of City and Suburbs n homes and home sites and you will understand why we sell a lot of residential property). NELSON & NELSON CHET L NELSON REALTORS Rm. 300-3 Masonic Bldg. 495 State St Phone 4419. Eves 21350 or 8220 THKO. a NELSON FURNITURE AUCTION LARGE LOT OF CONSIGNED St WARE HOUSE FURNITURE St HOUSEHOLD GCODS: MONDAY NTTE. OCT. B 7:30 P.M. at the Woodry Auction Market. 1605 N. Summer St. Consoling of the following: ELECTRIC WASHING Machine. Westing house electric range, 7-ft, electric FrU ldntre refrigerator. Walnut bedroom suitt, complete. Jenny Llnd bed com plete antique mahogany hall Beat, wal nut dlninff suite. Good wheelbarrow bird's-eye dresser, 3 davenports, daveno and ottoman, 3 electric motors, St 1-6 horse O.A air compressor, 5-pe. dinette set electric fan, for oil stove. Wood range baby crib and mattess. Day bed and pad. Antique swing rocker, .22 re peater rifle and shells. Trash burner, drum style. Elec. toaster, 2 showcases, 9x12 rugs canned fruit, floor lamps. Occasional chair, chest of drawers Assorted shop tools, dishes, utentlb Venetian blinds, 3 clocks. Hundreds of miscellaneous Items. GLENN H. WOODRY Ph. 8110 Auctioneer. for information "Private Sales Dally" ddaaa Warehouse AUCTION 803 N. Liberty St. Salem Sunday, Oct. 7 10:30 a.m. URN1TURE. DIsnES, Stoves, Tools, Pain' of all kinds. Scrap lumber. Miscellan eous articles, J. A. Gipson, owner Max Groesbeck Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, Oct. 6, 1945 1 3 WANTED HELP Potato Workers Needed in Klamath County POTATO mr.OlN'G has started in earnest in the Klamath basin and will con tinue at this rate for 30 days. Pickers are badly needed Picking rate ts 5c per 6i lbs., with special upward ad justments In poor fields. Other labor Is $1.25 per hr. Camping equipment wlh bedding it tents is usually needed. Wcrkers should renlster at the Farm Labor Office, 116 S. 6th St.. Klamath Falls g24i WANTED: MARRIED Man experienced in dairy work, good wages. Ph. 3622 or 23123 g333" SALESLADY, young woman With some set. ing experience, capaoie or selling shoes and purses. Apply Paramount Shoe Store. Salem. Ore. g238 WANTED: SERVICE Station Help. Good Job and good salary. Awo auto mech Walter H. Zosel, Chemeketa Si Hlsh Sts 241" STENOGRAPHER, r.lso Bookkeeper. Also ornce neip wno can plat metes anc bounds descriptions Old established Co P.O. box 263 Salem. g240 FOUNTAIN girl wanted. Lebold Conf.. 223 North High. g' MIDELE-AGED person wanted to stay ntzht with elderly person, can work out days. Room and board. Ph. 6604 g240 CENTRAL office work, small amount dic tation permanent Experience preier red but not essential. State qualifica tions.' Box 378 Capital Journal. c23Q WANTED: Body man. Phone 21534238 WANTED: Working shop foreman, auto motive repairs and general service. Phone 21534. 23l WOMEN HELP and Checker wanted. Ap ply In person. City Cleaners. 1245 State St. g WOMEN I, ATTN DRY HELP wanted No ex perience necessary Apply Salem Laun dry Co., 203 South High St. B Carrier Boys ARB YOTJ OVER 13 years of age and Planning to have a Capital Journal route white attending school? If you do you should get your application In now) No routes have been saved for former carriers We will have only a fe-v cl s coming up for November See circulation Mgr. Cap. Journal. g259 COMBINATION dishwasher and kitchen helper. Padei Coffee Shop, 1241 state WAITRESS. Oood hours, Sunday off. Pade'a Coffee Shop. 1241 State. g- WOMEN UEU end Checker wanted Ap ply in person. Oily Cleaners, 124 S'ate St t' WANTED: Grocery clerks and checkers No experience necessary Oood pay to start and during tiainlng Excellent opportunities for men who can quality 6c Ted Medford Dlst. Mar- ucOU Christ Bldg. Phone 5611 J Wanted! WOMEN wanting" steady employment call at 'he Capital city launary, Via uroao way Phone 3165. I WANTED POSITIONS WASHINGSA IRONINGS 15 McNary. We.-.t Salem. t240 CARPENTER will do your remodeling or repairing. (8388) Between a ano i. nj MIDDLE AOED refined housekeeper wish es work. Box 307 Capital journal, nam LIC HI office work by experienced wom an. Box 303, capital journal. rwj WILL no Ironing In my home by hour. 350r Cherry Avenue. njw RADIO WORK. Young man, some experi ence repair or assembly, pnone uayion 1UX12. Address Dayton, Oregon, Rt. 2 Wm J. Vaughn. h241 "MOTHER OF three would like to car .'or baby days In her own home. rn. 9155 4B2 Hoyt. h23B' irxERAL YARD WORK. Wood and saw- du put in. MLaushltn. Leave your phone number In Box 302 Cap. Journal h238 LADY WOULD like light housework In exchange lor home et some wages, rre- for s-miRli-v Maml BftL 1365 N. 5th. co Mrs. Robert Real. h23B INTERIOR PAINTING. Ph. 6708. h253 FOR 'RENT MISCELLANEOUS Dental Plate Repair 3-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpo Bids. State Commercial SU.C balem-pnone 33ii mr' SOUTH SALEM Radio Shop Rep St part? 1 ah ma ices, rrompt aer laoi s. com'i Phone 6050. m274 HEAVY HAULING, excavation and road, building land o.earing. doser work., ditching, basement excavation, sand, gravel, crushed rock, mason sand, con crete mix. cement. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS RIVER SILT Excellent Mason Sand,. fill dirt, all kinds of grav el. Commercial Sand Gravel Co. Ph. 21966 or 23100. BALLOON TIRE Bicycle 125. Gas water healer & large tank. Two good fir panel, doors, computing grocery scales. Sewlnav machine, radio, lamps, pair vanity lamps? anlque dishes and silver pieces. lft if N. Church St. n240J URLS JR. BIKE, 24-tn. wheels, good tlresT asa rartc av Phone 8559. SUPERIOR all cast wood and coal range. blue and white enamel, like new. Also 30 gal water tank and coils. Breakfast tab:e. 1836 N. Church. n239 BRIDGE BEACH Large wood and coal circulating heater, good' condition, (33. 245 South 22nd St. I'h. 3716. n23g CONCORD GRAPES, 30 you pick. Brlnlf Doxph Britt Aspin wall, Waconda. n24 FLAT-TOPPED oak desk, (7.50. Walnut library table 14: single ivory bed S3; curtain stretcher f 1; electric waffle Iron (4-30; child's Shoo fly (4. Call 7183,. n238 GOOD Warner Bros, piano. Ph. 4531. n23i CIRCULATING heater for wood or coal.1 :a Phone 8978. D338 GOOD CONDITION med. stie M.W. woodt (40 cash' 1810 S. 13lhSt. n23 BICK GABARDINE sport coat, dresses.' suit, formal attire. Slzee 14-16. Nurse hose size 7 993 S. 12th. Ph. 33341. n243 SINGER SEWING Machine. 1174 Sim St.." West Salem. Ore. n240 WOOD CIRCULATOR, excellent condition 87 Abrams Ave. n244 6U0 BARCELONA filbert trees for aaleV Ocbrge's Place, Pacific Hlway, Woodbura. n34t SMALL WHITE enamel kit. range with res ervolr. used only 2 mos. Perfect condU tlnn. Bnrgaln (50. Between 13 and X p.m. 1630 Berry St. South Salem. Ph. 3554. n239' FOR RALE, Combination electric grill St roaster, Yeater Appliance Co. 355 N. Liberty. n238 FULL SIZED Box Springs it Mattress!' Itk-; new, Detecto baby scale. Call be twetn 6 and 8 p.m. 660 Edlna Lane. n238' WOOD INCINERATOR. Call 4023 aftef 6 p.m. ; n24 TRAILER HOUSE, Sleeps four. Oood rub ber. Call Saturday or Sunday at 2460 Wes Nob Hill. n238- ONE AIRTITE Renter complete with pip biiJ mat, good condition. Price (10. Ph. 44M1111 Second Sj West Salem. n238 FINE JERSEY cow and year-old calf (83, 8 -gal ted gelding, saddle, bridle, martingale, (230; 1E30 Ford coach. 4 new tires, $135; 4-wheeled farm trail er. 125: large kitchen table. 15; ehena, 15 each: pretty wood bedstead. (5 misc. household Items, very cheapt sundry farm equipment, reajtonahle . After 6 p.m. Rt. 7. Box 248. n238 AUCTIONEER FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 8-YEAR OLD Bay Oeldlng saddle horse. Weight 850 lbs. 1805 South 12th. e?40- FTNE FAMILY Cow, Jersey. Oentle, de horned, tested. Oood producer. Ph. 4388. e238 RIDING HORSES. One 6-yr. 'old Pin to. one 4-yr. old mare. 2 saddles, ion 7tn St.. West Salem. Phone 7017. e239 LARGE N.II. fryers. Rt. 2. Box 496 D ird house n. of Aiuin. riant on riant e23U REGISTERED Milking' Shorthorn bull service at your place Pti 8147. e248' FAT a CANNER cows for beef. Dairy cows, heifers bulls, veal. Fat hogs. sows, stags, boars. Mkt. price, ffi. O. McCandllsh, Rt. B, box 373 Ph. 8147 Across from Water Ball Pirk on South 25th. en257 RABBITS IF YOU are Interested In raising rabbit In purebred does and young stock, call at 1020 N 16th Sunday only. eb242 BABBITS WANTED all types and stirs, lop price. Furs bought. Supplies for sale. Harder Rabbit Farms. 3405 Cherry Avenue Phone 2-1234. eb243" FOR SALE WOOD DRY SLAB wood. (8.75 a cord. Write Q. O. Knox, Rt. 1, Lyons. ee24? OOOD 18" GREEN Edgings. Immediate delivery, 16 per load, Oregon Fuel Co.' ec250 DRY MAPLE wood. 4 ft. length. Ready for delivery. O. A. Coomcs. RU 1, Box 128 Jetferson. Phone 951. ec240 FREE WOOD. You Cut. 22308. ee9 6" GREEN SLAB St edging. Triple load 114. Sawdust. Pb. 6831 Wally Park. ee249 GREEN SLAB 16" mill wood Double load, and sawdust. Phone 6444 ee248 DRY 18" SLAB. Phone C444. FOR SALE POULTRY RED FRYERS Vh lbs. $1.25. Call evenings. No Sunday sales. Block south and block East, Swegle school. C, A. Salter, Rt. 0. Box 317D. 1238 60 TWO-YEAR old New H. Hens. Cull Wi'son Rt. 1, Monmouth. 1240 YEAR-OLD red hens. Dressed or live weight Phone 22524. 3483 Center St 1238 PRODUCE ORAPES, MELONS, TOMATOES. PEPPERP l'i Miles N. of W. Salem on Wallace Roaa Turn rlsht on gravel road. Co mii toward river. LOUCK'S VINEYARD St GARDENS ROUTE 1 SALEM ff249 CANN1NO TOMATOES. Imlah Fruit Farm. ml Wallace OC. Ph. 22336. H238' BOSC PEARS. Ph. 47F2. ff25! WANTED HELP WANTED: SECRETARY In registrar's of f!ct Willamette University. Shorthnnd essential. Phone 9203 s24Q DISTRICT RE PRE H E NTAT IVE for Old es tablished corporation manufacturing complete line of guaranteed Roof Coat ingb Paints, Varnlshei. etc. Hltth com missions, unusual opportunity for live wire Write box 308 Capital Journal. gl!3P WILL CAKEfor Children. 240 WAITRESS Fountain -jJrlTnd Fry Cook Cali9768 2391 PRACTICAL nurse urgently needed. Ph 221.86 C238 Wanted: Auto Body and Fender Man 265 Ferry St. SLEEPING rm., kitchen privileges. Ph. 72C0 or 2407L J238 SOU1 II HIGH Street store room to rent October first. State Finance Bldg. (formerly Salem Hotel Bldg.) STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S. High St. Phone 4121. J GOOD USED PIANOS H L Stiff FLOOB Sander for rant. Hosts-omen Ward. ' WANTED TO RENT OR 4 BEDROOM House, unfurnished preferred. Call 5466 by Wednesday, Ja34q WANTED TO RENT Or LEASE Dairy Farm 60 acres or more, oraae a preierrco. r. O. box 76. Jefferson, Ore. Ja238 STATF EMPLOYE moving from Portland to Salem wishns to rent ion oearoom house. Will swap. Portland rental. Box 309 Capital Journal. Ja240 TWO or THREE bedroom house. State em ploye. Box 300 Capital Journal. jau FURNISHED HOUSE 21066. Ja243 WORKING MOTHER St school age daugh ter want kitchenette apt. or house furn. or unfitrn, or would take sleeping room Box 310 Capital Journnl. Ja240 WANTED nY ETrierly Gentleman, room and board within half mile radius of city hall. Box 3M Capital Journal. Ja238 STATE employe neods unfurnished house or apt. (until about New Yart or move Into street 15th October. See or write Roper. 7L5Jiorth Capitol. a23J, WANTED TO RENT: 2 bedroom house or lareer or ant. Call Mr. Hamm. Arbuckle St King Shoe Store. State St. ' Ja239 CHRISTIAN couple want to rent unfur ni.r.hed 4 or 5 room house. Oood refer ence. Phone Blue 253. Silverton. Ja230 VVANTEDTO-RENT or loanc. dairy farm. 60 acrej or more. Gradp A preferred P.O. Box 76,Je Iferson, Oregon. Ja2 38 SERVICEMAN, wife St b'aby urgently need furn. apt. or nouse Immediately I'lior.o oiio. jaw RELIABLE couple with 6 year old boy wishes to rent small house or apt. furii. or unfurn. In Salem or W. Salem. Call Mrs. Rogers, 85F35, Salem, or Aumsvlllc 84. Ja239 DESPERATELY need living quarters Id Salem or within 13 mile radius. Any thing considered and excellent care given Phone 24212. Mr. Bunch. 4703 Assoc. Oil Co. Ja239 HOUSE for REN 'I desired by Rev. and Mrs R. A Fcdje. Salem district superinten dent Methodist church, family consists of daughter in grade school, son at Willamette U. and 2 sons in navy who hope to be released soon to attend Wil lamette Anyone knowing of a house to ren' Plione 8610. Ja238 WISH TO RENT unfurn. house, perman ent. no children, or pets. Ph. 6591. Ja238 HOUSE WANTED to rent with option to buy F-jrnlshed. Frank M. James. Hote Senator. Ja249 610 REWARD for 2 bedrm. furn. house Ask lor Mrs. Schrlower. Ph. 0785 Ja241 RESPONSIBLE person wants 2 or 3 rm furn apt Permanent Any place 'n town Call 4343. Ja241 WISH TO RENT or lea.if two bedroom home. Perm. govt, employe, Ref Phone 8070. Jn241 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Lady's Nbssru wrist watch, Swiss make Keepsake. Return to 1760 Borr St Reward. k23fl LOST Bronson lighter. Initials M S J Left In Smart Shop dressing room S:.tlmer.tal srntlmcnt attached. Reward. Write to Box 304. Capital Journal k343 MISCELLANEOUS MEN'S HATS cloaned and blocked. 75c. LEb 8HK1NOE7L 464 Court St. m282 Hunters Attention! PA.4S THE BUCK It me! I'll cut and wrap it for your locker. Phone 8775. m FOUR CORNERS Welding St Blacksmith Shot Is now open for business. Welding, brains it cable b rope splicing W Rosco. prop. m258 Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE: Electric heater; Phlico radloV cabinet stylo; kitchen aluminum Kitch en Craft wear; electric sln, "Vacancy or "No Vacancy." 1370 Chemeketa St. n23S WORLD BICYCLE, Ph. 4061 after 4 p.m n238 WHITE ENAMEL trash burner, coppe oolls; 9x12 rug; ooffee table. 746 E St1 TO SELL Karo bottles, Jars, coffee ani mayonnaie. Blue ana wnite grapes. Pampas grass roots, at Albert H. J. Hovenden farm. RL 1. box 249, Hubbard. Oro. n238 1 GAL. GLASS Jars, good for pickles, etc complete with wide mouth screw tops. 2 for 15c. The Ace, 137 N. High. n24l PORTABLE PHONOGRAPH, steel guitar, elec. hot plates, percolators, chesta or drawers, man's bike, small tricycle,' kid's St wheel barrows. Ws buy St SclU 145 South Churoh. "23a 2-OVEN Westlnghouse Elec. Range, whit enamel, $100. Good oond. 253 Center.' H337 SURPLUS WELDING MACHINES frora 1100 to 6185. Lincoln, Wilson Hornet. Holart. These machines can be seen? at Industrial Air Products. 3300 N.W. Yon Ave. Portland, Ore. Phone ATwater 0201. n244 CHRISTMAS toys and gifts on display at, Firestone 6 tors, corner Center and Liberty. n240 WE BUY it sell furniture, tools, stoves,' dlslins. motors, radios, electric appli ances, household goods. KLKIMAN'S, 2B N. Commerc lal. Phone 0885. n'j CHRISTMAS toys and stlfta on display at Firestone Store, eorner Center and Liberty. n240 elected rlne aooles. (No preservative.) Puritan Cider Works. West Salerfu, n245 TRAILER HOUSE. 26' Brumpton. A-l cond. Aliei 6 p.m. Fir Crest Trailer Park. n239 CHRISTMAS toys and gifts on display at Flrcslone Store, corner Center and Llberty. Jl2!0. WOOL DRESSES, sport clothes, suits, coots and forma Is. Sizes 12 to 42. Worn but sllshtl7. Phone 4845. n270 WE BUY tt SELL men's shoes, clothing, stoves, radios, guitars, trunks, furniture St household goods SUND ALE'S. 293 N Commercial. Phone 3 688 n246 ATM OK AYS. Ozone. Sell or rent. H C PuKh. Phone 22458 P.O BOX 463 u244 MEAT CASES, One 20-ft. Birkenwald tri ple glass with V h.p water cooled corns. Two 10-ft. Fredrick 4 glass, each with Vi h.p. air cooled comp. Cond first class See Paul Woodruff at Saving Cen ter, Balem or West Salem. y GOLDEN CROSS canning corn, Arty amount Ready now Ted Muller. 2 mL south of Brunks Corner. Ph. 21 lufl O240f NEW A USED Men's suits St overcoats. O.K. Cleaners, 1140 N. Capitol Bt. n233 POULTRY FERTILIZER. Get It now 7jT per yard. Phone 2286L Lee's Hatchery, WE QUI St sell furniture, tools, store dishes, motors, radios. Electric appliance, household coods.-KLiaUAN-S. 286 tt. Commercial Ph S685 o GARDEN Sand, gravel, crushed rock arid Ready Mixed Concrete WALLING SAND and ORVEL CO. Phone 8361. a FULLER Brushes. Ph. 8357 1746 Grant SC. m POULTRY Fertllner, dry. no straw, oy sack or yard. Phons 2286L Lees' Hat chery, n WAT KINS MAN, Rt. 6. Box 671 Ph- 2241S1 WANTE D MISCELLANEOUS J n-l'!?KB!ii)S fn0n B357- na23 WANTED, CHEAP: House trailer, falrlf goa size Contact m at West Salem Autc Camp, West Salem. W. D. Half!?, WANT WORLD Bicycle with knee sctlo ana -or iront wneei crane, rn. ouuj. - , na333 WANTED: OLD Manure. Arthur Plant. 1293 South 13lh St. Pa2W Additional Classified' On Page 12 .