FOR SALE HOUSES MB fi-ROOM home, basement, sawdust strange. Roomy kitchen with lots of b ajuiit-inj South 24th near Richmond 1 fhon 5062. al14 WO SALE BV OWNER: Attractive mod-flrS-n home on State 8t. 3 bedrooms. V1 ftWnini Dorch and atalred attic. Nlc Hv rm., dining rm.. kit. with lota of : htiit-lns, and bath, full basement, wood ' ftirnnce, laundry trays, wired lor elec. ' W 8as range, elec. hot water heater. : J:3 been completely redecorated In and pit Inquire at 1355 State St. 31 7 ST COMPLETED: Attractive bungalow, rooms Sz bath. 11 replace, inn auto. gas furnace. $10,085. Call Svenlnas. 1610 N. 20th. a214 i CLOSE ESTATE: For Sale, 344 ft. X 37 ft seven lots 4flxl37 ft. Two biles pom Senior men school, letn at. ne- teen B C Sts. iiaon. Phone 64 1 a see H. H. Corey. 13B6 State St. a214 5-R. Home; 1 A. N. FINISHED ATTIC. Liv. D. Rm. Kit ,:red for ranee. 1 bedrm. good well, - Aiect. pump, chicken house, am a 11 barn, CALL E. E. GRIMM. lich L. Reimann, Realtor ROOM' MODERN HOME North. This iome. has fireplace, oak floor."!, basement. furnace, garage. Aiso small furnished and sara kc. on rear ol lot rented ;jor 120 per month. Price SBO00. Call O. V. HUME at Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. a212 j&OOM HOME located on Statesman St fTh home Li well located and in good 'Condition. Garage. Priec--J4500. i J Call O. V. HUME at t Grabenhorst Bros. 1 REALTORS ! 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. a212 f p. ft- HOME, all modern, oak floors. Can r.:.jUSO acquire lot nest auoi, nurui mc E '.aved street J6500.LUSE REALTY iijo ureaon mas. oai. mi r30l Rm. Home, Restricted District U!Mfi A DINING RM. Wit, 2 bdrms. Hd floors, ure. lot. uniy J. yrs. oia. uooa m basement, auto, sawdust burner S3000, Just Outside City, E. IV. RM Dinette, 3 bdrms. kit. wired for range Oil heat, unfinished attic. Lge. lot. frfice garden space S6500. SfcALL E. E. GRIMM. 5ich L. Reimann, Realtor 'mm s. Hign. en. vai. jsve. or aun. 7hos. i ' KOD LOCATION: Close to school, bus s'.jWeil built home. 2 bedrooms, living rm, fe 3K lichen, nook, bath, hardwood floors, venman Dimes, wireo lor ranse. oar. I.ECTRICAl.LV HEATED, new 2-bedroom t: J home. Full basement, furnace. Wired vSAlar range. Insulated. Fireplace in base, f Jment j P. H. Bell, Realtor 1 G. P. Armstrong: 5402 GUARDIAN BLDG. Ph. 4896. 8213' lb 6.10. SEE THIS Desirable 3-bdrm. home. walking distance or downtown. Large L.R- fireplace, lovely kitchen St break fast nook. Full base. New sawdust lurn. I CALL MR. WALTERS. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. Commercial Ph. 3793. Even. 6341. a215' f 000 SEE THIS nice 2-bdrm. home with rental in rear, uooa location, pavement. near schools, bus. Large L.R.. D.R., base St furnace. 3-rm. rental la furn Ished. CALL MR. WLATERS Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. Commercial Ph. 3793. Eves. 8341. a215' RAW SMALL HOME for couple. Nice LR A kitchen, bdrm. sleeping porch, utility rm St bath. Large lot. rruit. uaraen space. CALL MR. WALTERS Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. Commercial Ph. 3793. Eves. 8341. a215' Suburban Homes tWO HOUSES on 3 Lots, almost new. One ;1 3-bdrm. house, one 3-room hse. Large .-3 chicken house, nice garden, larae elec- Ffj-f trie water system, lurmsnca water tor o houses. Both go for J8000. K. E. Meredith, Realtor L176 S. Commercial St. Ph. 8B41. a214 Mifcs NICE 4-rm. house, unfinished attic, Bf corner lot on pavement, nice lawn, gar pk are. Immediate possession. Call MRS. m. E. Meredith, Realtor EM0O NORTH. 3 bedrm home, nice lawn, full Basement, nouse gooa coni. iv days possession. Call MRS, PATZER. E. Meredith, Kealtor 176 S. Commercial. Phone 8841. a214' MODERN HOME CCELLENT VIEW overlooking the city land mountains. rooms, modern, with foil heat, fireplace, oak urs., easement, garage, large lot. Price J9750. Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 3, Liberty St. Ph. 4131. a212 NORTHEAST lOOD 5-R. HOME, plastered with cement , basement, furnace, fireplace, garage. I paved St. Newly decorated Inside and out. Price $5500. POSSESSION SOON Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. a212' A GOOD BUY IVE BEDRM. HOME, all plastered. Oak tfloors. fireplace, oil heat. 3 garages, ex jcellent location on Court St. Price- !12,500. Near State Capitol Bid. Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. 212' RM. MfinKRV home, furnished. In itesngwood Park. Furnace, fireplace, hard- ;;wood floors, newly decorated, elec ranic, reirg. ana wasnins micuiur, downer has left Oregon. Rents for S55 rta montn. possession ept. it. xerms. yiPrlee M500. Ph. 6408 for appointment, ij a212 Vtmediate POSSESSION. 3 rm. s-yr karpeted. V. blinds, attached garaae. fin N Mnrf nfr renter St. Or trade foi ilhome In Englewood district. N. of Mar ket St. Inq. 964 Norway St. a.'i; BY OWNER BEDRM. Plastered house, dbl. garage. 1 lots. Reasonable. 2360 Broadway. aia ir.00 4 BEDRM. home. W. Salem Heights, iLarge lot. oil circulator, dbl. garage jCall Omer Hjiff. SHuff Keal bstate Co. REALTORS 970 S. Commercial St. Phone 3793. Eve. Ph. 9441. a213' Ann L.R.. D.R..I kitch.. 1 bedrm. down a up. Fireplace. Clean little home. Call mer huh. Huff Real Estate Co. .EALTORS 970 S. Commercial St. "irhone 3793. Eve. Ph. 9441. a213' IEW HOME in Kinawood Heights Im jjjmediate possession, 3-bedroom home. for range, ftuii. nuts, larae 101. rOwner Box 103, Rt. 1. West Salem. Glen MJournal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES Phone 5 13 1 NORTHEAST TWO STORY, old but well built Haa liv ing room, dining room, kitchen and nook down, two bedrooms and bath up. Electric water heater, oil heat (5250. cash will handle. SOUTHEAST COMPLETELY MODERN two-bedroom he Has living room, large kitchen, hard wood floors. Venetian blinds, fireplace, electric water heater wired for range, automatic oil floor furnace. SOUTH LIBERTY ST. THREE BEDROOMS, living room, dining room wired for range, electric water hepter, full basement, hardwood floors, fireplace, large lot, excellent location, SOUTH THIS WONDERFUL HOUSE a only four year om; Jias one Deoroom down, living room dining room, kitchen and bath upstairs has three bedrooms and bath. Wired for range, electric water heater, oil furnace has large capacity oil tank, double naraBc, hardwood floors, fire place. The lot Is 64x179. GLEN CREEK ROAD COMPLETELY MODERN five-room house, living room, dining room, wired for range, hardwood floors, fireplace, full basement with rumpus room, haa fire place in basement. Large lot. McKillop Real Estate Agency 169 SOUTH HIGH ST. PH S131. a213 jBHOfl CREEK property. L.R.. kitch.. with furrlace. Must see to appreciate Call Omer Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. HOUSP WITH 2 bedrooms and 'i-m norch Autntnatic oil heat. 285 N Evening. only. a213 WANT A NICE HOME? 3 BEDROOMS, all 1st floor. 1 master bed rm. with f replace, a. floor f'irnace. Lahore lot. shrubs, fruit, nhnd. Close to .rhool flout h Price 7.'io ll00 down. 3 B.R. MOD. Home, all first floor, near Rr. Hltb Large lot with plenty fruit. Prlr- flA0 O. H. SANDERS 231 N. HIGH 5fHft a212 1-BEDROOM Modern Home Enslewood district 2 bedrooms first floor wit- kit.. L R.. D H.. nook and den. Hardwood floors, fireplace, electric water heater. ' double garage, wood furnace. Price S! 0.30(1 LATE WILT t-bedroom house Northep't. Unfinished upstairs with stairs in. Hd, woo! floors throughout, fireplace, auto matic heat, V. blinds. This home is in excellent condition. Immediate posses sfon. Price 18750. Terms. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. 110' N. Commercial St. (Upstalrs Phone 3030 a212 A GOOD TWO -FAMILY Residence In Mon mouth Oregon. Close to high school and college. Completed furnished with mod ern furnishings. Rnt for 370 month'?. Torn! price onlv (5500. Terms. See MR. McMILLTN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. OWNER! 3 B.R.. Basement wood furnace, Elec. wa'er heater, wired for elec. ranee Phone 7029 or 9557. a212 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION of this attract Ive 5-room bunnalow of larae cheerful rooms. Plenty of built-in. Choice East front lot In N.E. 3alcm. Good plumbing. wlrM for electric range, basment. fur nace and laundry trays. Price 17100 Part terms. See Leo N. Childs, Inc. CHOICE INCOME PRODUCERS FOUR ULTRA MODERN small homes on court 1B. 000. FOUR Anartment Bultdinr with fair income-. 7500. SIX Apartment Bunding, income J118 per month. $7500. See A. E. DANIELSON with Leo N .Childs, Inc. EXTRA! BEAUTIFUL fi-RM. mod. Cottage facing Mill stream, a few blocks from stat bldsa offered for only $7050. Call 21231 and be first to see th 11 LA LACE H ELLIS a212- 34A04) S RMS, & Shower, gar., go lot fruit & nut trees. North. $4400 .1 RMS. & NOOK- lot 80x125, pared St. Close to school. West Salem. St.tlfl 5 RMS. Full basement, lae. garage Lot 75X150. Fruit St nut trees. J2000 will handle. $WHK) ONLY 7 yrs. old. -rm. house, full basement. Wood furnace, gar. Lot 50x100. Excellent location. S05m EXTRA NICE 6-rm. St nook, full basement, oil auto. heat. dble. garaae. Lot 66x195. Pears, apples, cherries, nuts, grapes and large garden spot. Abrams & Ellis, Inc. , 411 Maaonfc Bldg. Phone 6155 Insurance Mtf. Loans a214 SfWOO NORTH. !-bedrms. on one fir. Large living rm. fc dining rm. Hwd. firs. Fireplace St full basemt. Double garage. 2 lots, fruit St nuts. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S Cotn'l. Ph. 4590. Eve. 9536. a212' Olson & Reeve, Realtors 94 6 Com!. Ph. 4530. Eve. 9539. a212 NICE FIVE ROOM plastered home, cloe in North. This is a nice place in excel lent condition. Furnished, Including elect, ref. For only 14700. Call Mr. BYRKIT 3210 BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North Hleh Street a212' MODERN FIVE-ROOM house, four yrs, old. Hwd. firs. Fireplace, oil fir. furn Unfinished upstairs. Fine lawn and shrubs 16000. can air. hykk.ii 3210 BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street a212' FOR SALE LOTS CHOICE LOT N.E. SALEM 1900 HAS WALNUT Trees, in restricted district. East front. See this lovely lot before you buv. See MRS. NEEDHAM or LOUIS BECHTEL, 341 State St. Rm. 4 aa212 BUILDING SITES S."00 CREEK LOT, 50x150. located South sariit IK ACRES land, under cultivation located North. Candlewood Drive. S200 down. XI inn a LOTS, South Summer street, edge of town, walnut and cherry trees 9115(1 LOT 75x100, view, ' located on Ben Lomond Adj. llfWO 3',4 ACRES. 2'4 In berries, located North of town. Hicks-Jones Add. $500 down will buy it. Hm t ACRES on Silverton Hiway. app 115 ft frontage, abou' 1 mile from fairgrounds. S2800 CORNER LOT. Highland A Brook Ave. 60X100. S5250 It LOTS, Livingstone Ava. Located Northeast of town. Lee Ohmart & Co. REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 9630. aiJ BY OWNER: Corner lot 18th & Madron Inquire 1840 Madinon. Ph. 5538. aa314' Journal Want Ads Pay OR SALE HOUSES I FOR SALE HOUSES LEE OHMART & CO., REALTORS DUPLEX SIDE ha 2 bedrooms, living-room. room, kitchen and bam: ocner s comb. living-room ano a;ning- bedroom and bath: large attic. fiu city water. Lot 65x150. Located .Kortheast of town 14700. ON "D" STREET PDCRN 3 -Bedroom Home: lUinf-room. fredroom up, hardwood floors, fireplace. aaa heat, water neater. n:ce oaca ard untie garaae, good location. 16750. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT WEDROOM HOME with double plumb tn.i, full basement, furnace, hardwood Boors, fireplace, wired for range, about 10 years oid.. Venr good location 19000 EXTRA NICE HOME LARGE LIVING-ROOM and dining-room. 1 bedroom, kitchen and bath down. 2 bedrooms and bath up. full basement with ol furnace. Hardwood floors, fireplace-In living-room and also in base ment Oarage. All in excellent condition, nice yard and located Northeast 114.000. AT SWEGL SCHOOL SMALt NEW HOME with attached gar rate. Has lot 80x200 and has just been completed. Immediate possession J 4500. NORTH OP TOWN 1 ACRE and 2-bedroom home, lights, bath, .oil c:rc for heating, all in very good condition and well located. Immediate possession S6100. 7 Court St PHONE 9680 FOR SALE LOTS ICE BLDG. SITE on Cascads Driv Acre SHOO NICE EAST front lot on N, Liberty. S.HH1 LOT on Wilbur St. west of S. 12th. Some trees. MELVIN JOHNSON 725 Court St. Ph. 3723 aa212 GOING TO BUILD? LET VS SHOW VOIT some mighty fine lots, good location, priced S475-S525 Easy terms. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. HIGH 5818 i2t3' BUILDING LOTS Cascade Drive on King- wood Drive. Lots 6th is Rosemont. West Salem &z Crawford Ave. South Salem. Phone 7B29. - aa212 GOOD LOT East. Ph. 3489, GOOD LOT EAST. Tel FOR SALE FARMS 45 Acres Finest Truck Gardening Soil WITHIN 3 MILES Center of Salem. Creek runs through property. Can be easily irrigated. Good building sites. Will sell all oi will divide. Easy torms can be arranged SEE MR. BOYD, Evening phone 7062. Rich L. Reimann, Realtor 167 S. High. Phone 3722. b214 RETAIL DAIRY RANCH MODERN Buildinas and all equipped A stocked Doing 11000 a month. This place Is on paved highway and close to Stay, ton S12.000 will handle, balance terms. See MR. LARS EN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Phone 4108. REALTORS b214 15 Acre Special ALL CULTIVATED. Land In Eng. rye. fes que and clover. Perfect small dairy set up. Lots of water. Dandy 6-rm. house. Barn with 19 cows stanchions. Large chicken house with cement floor. This p'aee is clean and In first class shape. A Rc-il Bargain at 14850 12350 down, M. O. Humphreys H. W. Heers RFAL ESTATE BROKERS Phone 78283035 Portland Road. b211 . 142 ACRE FARM HOME LARGE COLONIAL Home with fireplace. modern plumbing, lights. Barn and oth er out bldns. Electric water system. 90 acres of farm land. bal. pasture and t lmber. Price 115.500. POSSESSION SOONt Grabenhorst Bros. R EA LTOR3 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. b212' COMPLETE SET-UP MOVE IN! Ifl ACRE FARM with furnished, almost new 5-room house. Electric water system. All cultivated. 2 cows and 2 calves. 2 nogs, 30 cmcicens. tractor and saw. All to for S6500. See Leo N. Childs, Inc. !0 ACRES on Pacific Hiwy, about 5 miles out. iS acres bearing prunes. Tractor disc, plow Si harrow. All goes for 12100. o DiciBS. rerm1 Call 3 210 A REAL FARM BARGAIN 500 ACRES 9 MI. FROM SALKM: 250 A. good farm land 60 A. timber, some good fir it oak. fenced fc cross-fenced. 7-rm, hse in gond condition; bath, lights. An excel lent barn, all yr. rreek. J50 per A. MELVIN JOHNSON 125 Court' St. Plionu 3723. b212 ACRE HOME LOCATED 8 MILES South on paved Rd. 4 rm. plastered house with two bedrooms. Two barns, about 8 acres of plow land, one acre of prunes. Price 14000. Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty SV Ph. 4131. b212 TEN ACRES ALL CULTIVATED land, good Rd.. power tine, no bldgs. 6 miles out. Price 13200. Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. b212 200 ACRE STOCK and GRAIN RANCH 80 A. UNDER PLOW; balance pasture timber. About $3000 worth of saw timber. La re house St barn with Rood water supply. 9 cows, 6 heifers, team, tractor implements all go at s 11. 000. cash, balance long terms. See MR. Mc MILLIN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. b2I4' 170 ACRE STOCK & GRAIN RANCH ALL BllLIDINC.S are tons except the home Good location, good land, stocked and equipped. A Good Buy at 117,000. See MR. MCMILLIN With Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. REALTORS Phone 4108. After 6 81F21. b214" STOCK RANCH 940 ACRES with 500 A. cult., balance pas ture & timber. Creek. Good building: and only 8 miles from Salem on paved road. Priced at $36,000. Terms. Bee MR. LARS EN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. REALTORS Phone 4108. b214' FOR SALE BY OWNER: 80 A.. 60 A. farm land. Good rich soil, tiled. Modern 1 room house, big barn, outbuildings, springs, creek, wood. (14,000. Terms Perry Bond. Molalla. Ore., Rt. 3, Box 177. 2 mi. S. turn right U ml. to mail box. Phone 47F2. b)il4 BY OWNER: 34 A., 31 A. under cult.. 6 A boysen & youngberries. 2 A. strawber ries, family orchard, fenced pasture. Good 7 rm. house, elec. deep well svs tern. elec. hot waier heater, laundry trays, cream separator. Fair barn, good chicken house, brooder house, new 2- garaae. Almost new Ford Fereuson trac tor with row crop equip. 1 much cow 1 heifer. 2 feeder pigs, about 600 broilers St chix with brooder St feeder equip. Place has good income beau tllul view. Price $13,000. Located 7 ml. from Salem. Tufn ieft from Hiway 222 on top of hill south of Cottage Farm, 'i mi. on gravel rd., RFD 5, Box 322 D. L. Merritt. b213 MODERN COUNTRY HOME 3-ROOM BUNGALOW. 2 BEDROOMS. BASEMENT, FURNACE. CITY CONVENI. ENCES, 10 ACRES. MOSTLY IN BER RIES AND FRUIT. DANDY BARN Si CHICKEN HOUSE. Vt MILES SOUTH, JUST OKF HIGHWAY, AN EXCEPTION AL BUY AT $7500. TURKEYS AND NUT FARM 45 ACRES WITH 30 ACRES IN FILBERTS St WALNUTS. BALANCE IN PLOW LAND. PASTURE 6t TIMBER. 5-ROOM MODERN HOME WITH BASEMENT AND FURNACE. LARGE BARN. ALL BLDGS. IN PERFECT CONDITION YOU CAN'T DO BETTER AT $16,000. CALL HARRY OUSTAFSON ' Severin Realty Co. 212 N HIGH ST. 4 0 16 6 A ALL under cu'thatlon. No bldas Inn 607 N, Capitol Apt . b323' OUR BEST BUY! .5 ACRES, gently rolling. 6-room houe wired for range, large new grade one barn cost about $2500. Paved road, close to school. Including 2 extra good noma some machinery, only 17500. 48 ACRES, cross-fenced. 12 A. prune. 2 acres timber, good 4-bedroom house, barn prune dryer. Good creek. 12 miles of Salem. Including stock and cropa.- 110.500. C. H SANDERS 231 N. HIGH 6838 b212 FOR SALE ACREAGE FIVE ACRES GOOD SOIL, located east of Swegle HChool. All plow land, gravel road, power line. Price 11400. A REAL VALUE! Grabenhorst Bros. R EALTORS 1 34 8. Liberty St.-Ph. 4 1 31. bb2 1 2 7-RM. COUNTRY home close to achool North. 1 acrea of choice fruit trees excellent soil. A Real Bargain at IB900. Immediate possession. Larsen Home & Loan Co. EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS ONLY 164 S Commercial Si. Ph. 8389. bb214' Eve. & Sun. 3779 Vi SCRES all in cultivation, family or- eharo 6-rm. house, barn. 2 chicken houses, 3 sheds, all fenced, eiectric wa:er system Only 13250. Terms: 11250 down, bal. $100 quarterly. Larsen Home & Loan Co. EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS ONLY 164 3 Commercial St. Ph. 8383. bb21 4 Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE ACREAGE ACRE, BAST FRONT SMALL HOUSE, bath. Bus at door, near grade school. Has 32 apple trees, cherry trees. 1 pear tree. 300 strawberry plants, Close In. Would exchange for place in town. Price $4000. See MRS. NEEDHAM or LOUIS BECHTEL 341 State Si. Room 4. bb212 GOOD S-BF.DROOM HOME with 1 Acre in Pen 4-Corners district on paved roan. Fireplace, furnace, electric range, elec tric water heater and V. blinds ta with the house. Double garage, chicken house Excellent income from variety ot fruit and berries. Price 7400, 5 ACRES with 6-rnom modern 'except basement! house about 4 miles East. Lo cated at good road intersection suitable for suburban business. Oarge. barn, chicken house, family orchard. Price $7400. 11.8 ACRES all in young Royal Anne cher ries, no buildings. Located about 8 miles east in Macleay district. Gentle slope to the land provides uood drainage. Trees just beginning to bear, varying in aae from 2 to 7 years. An excellent buy for $2650. Terms to responsible party. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. 110'i INDEED NICE! SUBURBAN a-ROOM. almost new, mod home, with until), floored attic. Hdwd. fioors, large utility rm. Auto. e!ec. wa ter heater, oil floor furnace. This home and lot 52x152. Excellent location. Price $7700 Terms. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. HIGH 6838 bb212 I ACRE SOUTH. New 3-room house, elec. Well. Price $2100. It ACRES, mostly timber, garage. North, close in. Price jaifto. 1 ACRE EAST, partly built house. Price $1100. O. H. SA NDERS 23 1 N. HIGH 5838 bb212 PRICE REDUCED $600 on close-in subur ban 5 A. with older type 8 rm., remodeled with fireplace, furnace, bath, wired for range, elec. water heater, trash burner, good well and water sys torn. Good garden land, usable barn 1 8000 '-y cash. Immediate possession. Home freezer locker and whiter fuel available to purchaser. Ph. 3538. bb216 Bargain by owner. Subur ban home & farm bldgs. Fruit tree's. Ph. 22468. bb313 5 ACRE.S close to Liberty. Excellent f'.ve riti. plastered house, unfinished upstairs. Full ha:,mt. Furnace $5250. Call Mr. BYRKIT 3210 BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High St. bb212 ONE ACRE close to town. 5-room house, Plastered and wired for ranse. Barn ft chicken house, family orchard, $5300 Call MR BYRKIT 3210 BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High SI. bb212 R4000 Vi KEIZER DIST. Good 2-bedrm hse. Gar. Elect, w. system. Variety of fruit and berries. Olson & Reeve, Realtors S45 S Com'l. Ph. 4590 Eve 9536 bh212 $8500 NEW 8-RM. HSE. Hwd. firs. Utility rm. Double garage, elect, water system Wired for range. Filberts. This price has been cut; don't fail to see this! Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Com'l. Ph. 45fl0 Eve 9536 bb212- Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Com'l. Ph. 4590 Eve 9536 bb212 $4500 N 1 A. 5-rm. hse. with basement, a miles off 99 highway. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Com'l. Ph. 4590 Eve 9536 bb212' A REAL INVESTMENT, with beautiful home. 12 cottages. 10 A. bearing fruit. Income about S350O. Priced at $25,000 for quick sale. Terms. Shown by appoint ment 12'- ACRES: 1 6-rm. aTid 1 3-rm. house. 42 cherries. 1 A. apples. Creek and spring water Cow St one heUer. 3 dor chickens. Barn and chicken houae in cluded for J8000. ?fl A. WITH 20 A. cultivation. 4 A. cher ries, some timber. 5-rm. house, barn St shed, well St spring. North $6500. Abrams & Ellis, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone 6155 Insurance MBt Loans bb214 REAL ESTATE ROOMING HOUSE IN EXCELLENT CON DITION, CLOSE IN. 7 LARGE, NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. ALL RENTED. PLUS 4-ROOM OWNER'S QTRS. FUI.L LARGE BASEMENT WITH OIL FUR NACE. GAS WATER HEATER. 3 GOOD GARAGES. ON PAVED ALLEY. IN COME $165.00 PER MO. PRICE $15,000. HOUSE AND INCOME A WFI.L-IUILT 5-ROOM HOME WITH 2 BEDROOMS AND A 3 ROOM COT TAGE IN REAR. LOVELY YARD AND EXCELLENT LOCATION NORTH. A GOOD BUY AT S8000. ACREAGE BARGAIN 10 ACRES NORTH OF SALEM WITH FAIR HOUSE H000. CALL JAKE FOOS EVE. PHONE 7677 Severin Realty Co. 212 N. HIGH ST. 4 0 16 WANTED REAL ESTATE SOLD THAT IS WHAT you want. List sour pro perty with us and we WILL SELL IT! M. O, Humphreys H. W. Heers WE ARE in need of good homes to aeii in or near Salem, if you wish to Hat rour property for sale, see GRABENHORST BROS REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phone 4131 NOTICEl IP your property ta Tor taia. rent or exchange. Hit it with ua. Wa bare all kinds cash buyers. 8TATB FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 312 Guardian Bldg ea TO BUY or SELL YOUR CITY HOME FARM or BUSINESS PROPERTY. SEE OR CALL Salem Realty Co. REALTORS TTVB ACTIVE SALESMEN TO "SERVE YOU." 149 N HIGH ST. PH. 7860. a Let Us Sell Your Home EXTENSIVE ADVERTISING, special train ing and long experience assures quick sale and competent closing service. NELSON & NELSON Rm- 300-2 Masonic Bldg. 405 State St Ph. 4419. Evea. 31350 or 8260. Realtors. WANTED LISTINGS OF City property. Suburuan and country homes for quick sale I ImmedUte attention li given all calls Lee Ohmart & Co., REALTORS 477 Court St. Ph 0630 After 6 pm St Sundays Ph 3779 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A GOOD INVESTMENT BUSINESS BLDG. Large corner, shows a good Income. This property is all up in good condition. For particulars, see Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 9. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. ed212 FINE i-L'NIT Apt. House, finest "dist". In Salem. Room to build in rear. Consult for (juick sale. LUSE REALTY 209 Ore. Bldg. 7952. cd212 1-UNIT COTTAGE COURT. EACH WITH 1 BR.. L.R.. DR.. W ELEC. RANGE St REFRIGERATOR. WATER HEATER GAS FURNACE, GARAGE. GOOD LO CATION. SH0 PER MO. INCOME WORTH YOUR INVESTIGATION. $18, 000, -i DOWN. CALL HARRY OUSTAFSON Severin Realty Co. 212 N. HIGH ST. 4 0 16- ' cd2I4 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: Super Cream Netting $600 monthly. $9500 investment. $i00O cash will handle. Finest location PAUL P. BATES, REALTOR Corvallis. OreEon. cd213 REAL ESTATE Nelson News 10 MINUTES OUT FAMOtIT SUNSET 10 Acre orchard with panoramic view In all directions. Modern 7-rm. home, piped furn. Barn. dbl. aar. Income from nuts St fruit. $1000 prune crop on trees ready to harvest. Imm. possession If taken with all equipment St household furnishings including piano, A-l bedrm. furniture, tractor, etc. Ideal ly equipped for businessman to care for evenings St holidays. $12,000. CLOSE IN HUB URBAN 214 ACRES with modernly arranged 8-rm. home LR, DR. Kit. 1 bdrm. bath on 1st fir. 3 bdrms St full bath on 2nd fir. Au tomatic air conditioned oil piped (furn. double garage. 3 blks. to city bus, 1 acre mixed fruit Sc nuts. bal. open land $12,000. 1 acre St home for less. SUBURBAN 4 MILES OUT 3 ACRES, modern 2-bdrm. home. LH kit., bath, full bajumt. L. trays, wood furnace, trash burner, wired for elec. range 2 acres orchard, berries, pears, apples, peaches. New elec. water system $4750. DELUXE HOME WITH INCOME 4-UNIT APT. HOUSE with up-to-date fur nishings, oil heat, all elec. equipment, net monthly income $130 A; owner's apt. Immed. possession $19,000. NORTH 2 RDRM. HOME, L.R.. kit. nook At bath, f place, all on same. floor, full b?mt.. L travs wood furn.. trash burner, close to bus St school. Only 4250. BETWEEN CENTER St STATE COMPLETELY FURNISHED, 2-bdrm. L R.. DR. den. kit, bath, f place, oil heat, Nice garden space with some fruit St nuts. All for only $4500. IF YOU ARE in the market for unim proved acreage, check with us 1 acre to 28 acre tracts. Nelson & Nelson Chat L Nelson Theo. G. Nelson REALTORS Room 800-3 Masonic Bidg.. 495 State St Ph. 4419. Eves. 21350 o: 8280. c2l2 MODERATELY PRICED HOME 4-rm. hse. bath With 2 unfinished rms in attic garage, cement drive bus by door. Well worth the $4725 asked! JUST 10 MINUTER WALK TO CITY CEN TER 5-rm. hse . full bsmi . laundry trays. Can be financed at cheap rate of interest. ON WALLACE ROAD 180 acre 4'-i mi. Salem. 7-rm. hse. 2 barns, granary. 4 acres orchard. This place is a good producer and has good frontage for aub-div- on OUR BEST BUY 15 acres all in fruit A nuts. 3 mi. Salem. Orchard Heights Rd. Lovely bldg. site St well $3500. WHERF ELSE CAN YOTJ BUY 2 HOMES for the price of one? 5-rm. hse, in W. Salem with 2-rm. hse. on another lot which rents for $20. All for $4500. Lawrence Real Estate Loans St Ins. Phone 7508 Basement First National Bank Bidg c212 VERY NICE '.4 Acre on Evergreen Avenue with 4-room house St garage. No base ment but otherwise modern. Clow U school Sc bus. Price 13750. Terms. 350 ACRES about 80 in cultiv- 10 c prunes 5 In Filberts, some timber, aood pasture Fine set of buildings Electric lights full set of .nachinery slocked and equipped including around 13 head of stock Dteael tractoi. Price $18,600 half cash S. M. EARLE or VICK BROS. 208 N. High St. FOR SALE Or will trade for proprrty on coast highway, a 4-room house, cir. 150 ft. fron on fran. m' north of Salem. Price J22S0. Term Paon 753 t313 Rooming House HAS FOUR BEDROOMS DOWN - 7 WO Baths liviiiir room. Has four bedrooms up with bath. Full basement, automatic oil furnace. This house is completely furnished, living quarters has private entrance, two other entrances. Three garages. McKillop Real Estate Agency 169 SOUTH HIGH ST. PHONE 8 13 1 cd2i: RENT ONLY $17 MONTH for this 2-oper-alnr Beauty Shop. Well established Priced at only $800! See MR. GOODWIN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. cd213 INCOME PROPERTY 5 blocks from State. Completely furnished Income now $165 Priced $15,000 Call Mr. BYRKIT for full information. 3210 BURT PICHA, REALTORS 337 North lIi8h Street cd212 HOME Si INCOME. Excellent business lo cation on Portland Rd. See owner 3095 Portland Rd. cd212 BEAUTY SHOP in small payroll town near Salem, $400. Grand business; low over head. Box 240 Capital Journal. cd314 FURNITURE FOR SALE BILTWELL daveno. Ph. 7771. Ask tor Mrs Rltz. 10 to 6 Frl. or Mon. d214" DAVENPORT St chair. Bishop, Capital J 0 iir u a L d2 1 7 LOVELY SATINWOOD twin bedroom seF complete. 1458 Chcmeketa St. Eves. or fiat. St Sun . d2 1 7 MORRIS ROCKER, dining table, bed' Cong, rug, library table 746 Mill St d212 SILVERTONE Console Radio. Radiant fire das heater, wood range. Large buf fet. 309ft Portland Rd d212 WANTED FURNITURE CASH FOR YOUR used furniture. Ph 7596. Slat Street Furn. 1900 State IF YOU HAVE furniture to sell call or ae Rim Bright Ph 7511, 45b Court da1 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK BLACK 3-YR, old saddle mare, well reined wt. 900. i 100. Rodney Hmingo Rt. 3. Box 5ffl, Salem eZll LIVESTOCK WANTED FAT A CANNER COWS for beef. Also dairy cows, heifers, bulls St veal. Fa' hogs, sows stags, buars, Market price E C McCandlish, Rt. 5. Bog 373 Salem Ph. 8147. Acrosi from Waters' RABBITS 4 WHITE New Zealand bucks. Call be tween 5&7 p,m.125 Park Ave. eb21"i IIIOHEST PRICES paid tor'nabblPakinii Westslde Fur Co West RaVm eb22' FOR SALE WOOD ! -IN. SLARWOOD St edgings. J'i cd. load I10.r0lminedlate del. Ph. 6633. ee233' FRESH CUT sawdust. Immediate delivery P! 1 0 ne 66 83 . ee23 3 SAVEMONEY NOW! Haul your own bone dry 16-ln. slab At edging while they are available. Oregon Fuel Co. 3555 Port land Rd. ee237 " GREEN SLAB St edging. Triple load 114. Sawdust. Ph. 5831. Wally Park ee223 DRV lfl" SLAB. Ph 6444. PRODUCE BARTLFTT PEARS for sa. Five miles out of town on Wallace Rd. Telephone 23191. Peter Bajttlng, Rt, 1, Box 238. ff314 WANTI'D: Prunes by wholesale peddler. Box 255. Capital Journal. f f 214 PICKLING Cucumber. Ph,. 22309. PRODUCE CUCUMBERS, Dills. 5c psr lb. Can get them at 3345 South commercial any day ff320 WANTED HELP E" WNTi:D: FILL TIME Girl for housework in modern home. All mechanical equip ment, pleasant surrounding, congenial atmosphere. Telephone 9404. g'Jt4 WANTED: Bus mechanic. Good wages nood working conditions. Apply Oreunn Motoi Stages. 636 N. Front St. 214 WANTED: Clerk. Hotel Senator. g214 EMPLOYED widow with 8 yr. old daugh ter needs part or lull time help. Work not heavy, but desire to care tor child essential. Call at 4!)8 S, 24th. r214 UNSKILLED construction laborer wauled About 2 weeks work. $1 per hour. 40 hour week. Call O. A. Klikpatnck at 21982 alter 6 t in. 214 WANTED: Experienced saleslady for lin gerie ana periume, Price s. K214 WANTED: A Good Reliable Man to supply customers w:in Kawiciah products in Snlem and South Polk county. Write Rawlcish's Dept. ORI-155-127A, Oak land. Calif . or see Lewis Sandlin, 35BO Laurel, Salem. Ore. r213 EXPERIENCED Alteration Woman, Phone 741. a2!3' WANTED: NIGHT MECHANIC, pay by the nour or week. Also my Mechanic, top wages. One Body man. 240 S. High. S P. Motors, Ph. 21534. 8216 STENOGRAPHER, tee 18 to 25. sinclr Permanent position. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. 311 Masonic Bldg. g213 Help Wanted EXPERIENCED or INEXPERIENCED SALESPEOPLE Men and Women , Apply MR MANNING Office J. C. Penney Co., Inc. n23 WANTED: MANAGER. Must have exper ience In fountain work and handling money. Small knowledge of bookkeep ing necessary. Bear Cat Cavern. Willam ette University, Ph. 3830 from 4 to 5 p m. B213 WANTED: Experienced tailor or seams stress for alteration.1: on men's clothing. J. J. Clothes Shop, 387 State. k213 SALESLADY or salesman, for Jewelry store. Attractive salary, pleasant sur roundings. Permanent position. See Dr. Brown, Brown's Jewelers St Opticians. a WANTED Women-to do Hand Pressing TOP PAY Peacock Cleaners 4fl5 Center Si. kS13 MEN: t OVER 40 with sales experience, insurance, maga7lnes. books hclnlul. $15 a dBy easy. Will prove it. Mr. Bnr ber. Hotel Marlon, 11 to 3 p.m. only. F213 Wanted ! WOMEN wanting steady employment call at the Capital City Laundry, 1284 Broad way. Phone 3165. g WANTED: Fountain Girl. Apply Senator Confectionery at Stage Terminal a212 WANTED: MESSENGER Boy. Iy7a7s0td. with bicycle. See Mr. Butler, Western Union, r214 STENOGRAPHER Permanent position with opportunity for advancement with large, well established company. Wil lamette Valley Lumber Co., Dallas, Ore. E214 WANTED: Beauty operator, permanent. Mullikln'a Beauty Shop, McMinnville. Oregon. -t B214 WOMEN HELP and Checker wanted. Ap ply In person. Olty Cleaner. 124f State St c HOP PICKERS wanted. Flag the free bus anywhere, leave Farm Labor Office 6 a m. to Center, Center to Capitol, capitoi to .Marker, Market 10 17 in, 17th to D. D to Park Ave. to Garden Road DeSart Yard. Rt. 6, box 430. Ph 22545. Start Sept. 7. g2I4 Hop Pickers Roberts Hop Yard BUS TRANSPORTATION leaving each morning commencing Friday, Auaust 31 Pick-up points beginning at 5:45 a.m ar as follows; ROUTE 1 Capltola Bonesteeie Garage. Fairgrounds Road and Myrtlt Ave Highland School. Larmer Warehouse Commercial and Centtr Larid and Bush Bank MiUer and Commercial ROUTE 2 Capitol And D Capitol and Garden Road Garden Road and 21st D and 21st D and 17 streets I7th and Center 31st and Center 24th and State. 19th and Statu 12th and State Ferry ana Cottage ROUTE 3 Farm Employment Off. 381 Chemeketa Lee and Turner Road 12th and Mission High and Mission Leslie School Commercial and Hoyt Jefferson Hiway and Hansen Ave. Salem Heights School YARD 4 MILES OUT ON SOUTH RIVER ROAD - FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PHONE -9G23. SALESWOMAN, age 20 to 35. in Jewel ry store. Must be able to type. Perman ent position. Top salary. References re quired. Address Box i24. Capital Journal WANTED: Grocery clerks and checkers No experience necessay Good pay lo start and during training fcxcellr-m opportunities lor men or women who can qua illy, see I eu Mwnord. u;st Mgr.. McGllchrlst Bldg. Phone 661 1 WANTED: Exp. meat cutters. Men with abilll) capable of operating markets Goo1 py, steady employment. See Ted Medlord. district manaaer, naif wa; Stores, Inc., McOllchnst Bldg. Ph. 66! I Attention Hop Pickers! HOP PICKFKS WANTED, atartlng about August 22. Oolden Gala Hop Ranch. Independence. Zlfl" HOP PICKERS WAITED Roberts Hop Yard Pine picking beginning ibout Prt.. Aug, 31. Good camp ground line cabins. Or free bus transportation to and from yard Register at our ofiica , 147 NORTH COMMERCIAL ST. or write JOHN J ROBERTS Si CO Salem, Oregon -Phone 9623. WANTED POSITIONS CHILD CARE Eves. Ph. 21028. h214' DEPENDABLE lady. 38, wishes housekepp' Ing for elderly man. Can furnish rcr erence 2 well-behaved children. 6 16. Must have some thl tit. soon Write ftulh Vena. O enda it. Ore. Oen. hi 14 WANTED: Job to haul hay or grain with truck and semi. Can haul to rout. Aho lumber. Boyd L. Sweeny, Rt 2. McMinnville, Oregon. h21 CHILDREN Cared For. Ph. 8645. h23. ACTIVE F.FICITNT middle-aged mart de- Mrrr permanent nn Watchman or o"h er a;ght work. Box 247 Capital Journal h2I7 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Sept. 6, 1945 15 WANTED POSITIONS OIL BURNER SERVICE Cleaning- hook up, repairs. Broadway Service. 8fla N. Liberty. Phone 8427. h217 INTERIOR PAINTING. Ph. 6798. CANNING CORN Sept. 11th. Per sack of s doren 98c. Bartlett pears si 95 buahal, Tomatoes $1.50 bu. Marr Grocery. Ph. 9371 nJIB COOL summeii formal, sheen coata and suits Sizes 12 to 44. Scarcely-, worn Phone 484-i n"130 FOR RENT 17(7 CENTER ST.: Old 8 room houe and bath. Onrane J30 per month and you do yotti (v."ii repairs SEVERIN REALTY CO. 312 N. High St. J2 13 FOR RENT: Haie lease on S-room modern hmiM In Salem lo exchange for lease on similar house in Eugene or vicinity. 2i4 Capital Journal. J216 WILL SHARE my apartment with anoth er man. 2 blocks uptown. Ref. Box 2-i2 Capital Journal J213 GARDEN Sand, gravel, crushed rock and Ready Mined Concrete WALLING SAND and ORVEL CO Phone 8581 POULTRY FertS";aer. dry. no atraw. by chery. d FULLER Brushes. Ph. 83571745 Grant St. nlll WE BUY ib sell furniture, tools, itorca, dishes, mo lor a. radios, electric appllancaa. household goods . RZLIGM AN 385 K. Commerce i Ph 9885 o CABIN'S at No.skowin. P"L52: GOOD USED PIANOS H L Stiff. REPAIRS for vacuum cleaners Mil Ua tres, electric Irons, toastars. waifie irons. IES lamps, hot platea. fan, haaura. ' coffee makers, percolators, vlibratora. waxera. etc VINCES ELEOTRIQ 111 A. Libert St Phone 6293 o WANTED TO RENT URGENTLY NEEDED: Apartment or house niurinsueci. rnonc 8268, Jn3H WANTED: '-iM-nROOM home, preferably mi r urn isnea Permanent. Good care tuan,ntecd. Call Mr. Davidson. Ph. 9432 ill 5 p in. ji217 DESPERATELY NEEDED: By Widow with a behaved school Kirls. 2-room apt., small furn. house or share home or apt. with con genial person. Ph. 21727, Ja214 APT. OR small house, close to Willamette university for ex-serviceman wife. Call 156. Willamlna. Ore . ja217 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS GAR STOVE, ans circulating heater, bed room set. Phone 6213. naJU HOSPITAL BED. 705 South St. S. J. . bcnnr.m. na214 WILL PAY CASH for bedroom suite, good condition, preier walnut or mahogan finish Ph. B:i71. na313 TO BUY. Elec. .Move. Call collect. 323 . Dallas. Ask for Don Kyle. na3l3 COUPLE IN desperate nerd of furnished apt. ov oct. I. No children. Call 3720 af:er 6 p m. Ja217 WANTED TO KENT nr BUY, furnished or partly furnished house. Ph. 9060. ja UNI'URN. 3 bedrm. house with chicken run. Call Virgil Gcarhart, Valley Mo tor Co. jams HOUSE WANTED to rent with opilon to buy. Furnished. Frank M. James. Ho tel Senator. ja236 WOMAN WITH 3 school children would like to share home, work out. or take care of children in exchange for home Ref. Phone 21881. Ja212 HOUSE IN town or country. Ph. 7028 eve Ja2I3 MAN, .111. would like room St board, room or houskpg. room, private home. Box 240, ..Cflmt''1 Journal. Ja213 MIDDLE-AGED COUPLE WOULD LfKE 3 OR 4 RM. FURN, APT. ON FIRST FLOOR. NO BAD HABITS. NO PETS St CLEAN. PH. 4752. Ja316 REWARD for suitable house or apt 4 rooms or more, furnished or unfurn ished.!, T. Haunon, Senator Hotel, Ja212 WANTED: 2 or 3 bedroom modern house. Reward. Phone 7730. jn2t2 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Tiny rhinestone lapel watch, bow knot fob, about 3 weeks ago. Downtown vicinity. Keepsake, Reward. Ph. 4832 k214- SMALI WHITE DOG with half brown face St brown spots. Ph. 6533 and receive reward.. k213 PEKINESE DOG stok'n Sunday. Reward for roiiirn lo Rosers St Bishop Hop Ranch Frank" Brown. k213 MISCELLANEOUS MEN'S HATS clearned and blocked. 75c LES SPRINGER. 4G4 Court St. m2.16 Dental Plate Repair S-HR. SERVICE TN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph DldR. State A OommerelaJ Sts SALEM Phone 3311 m FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BARTLETT PEARS, good quality and sizes si 25 box. Culls 35c box. Bring boxes. Ernest Anderson on Orchard Heights Rd. I mile- off Wallace Rd. Box 31)6. n214 LADY'S DRKSR SHOES 8'iAAAA. full Waterproof Crlh Mai tress, child's Car Heat. 1445 Saginaw. PH. 501)0. nZH FOR SALE: Sawdust Burner and hot water Kiiwdust burner, complete with control; Phone 8437. n2!4 3 -WHEEL TRAILER. 4x7 covered. whepl.s. 310 Madrona Ave. Sn Helghls. H2I4 MONARCH COLONIAL Wood Range, with colls, pips and water tank. Excellent condition. 150. Ph. 5185, n213 ?-WHEEL TRAILER, wide. 1st class condi tion. 135 1 ry Under gasoline motor 1233 N. 5th St. n213 t 'A -UNIT dump box with hoist; new heavy hnllt. Can be used with or with out hoist as is front litt. Wisteria Auto Court, McMinnville. Boyd L. Sweeny, Rt. 2. McMinnville, Ore. n213 FOR IMMEDIATE delivery, new electric apt model ranges St deep well F M. Plimps. Ball Bros., Turner. Ph. 24 . n316 I NATIONAL cash register; I Dayton counter candy scale. Call at 1933 Broad way. Salem, after 5 pm. n213 FORSALeT Baled straw. Rt." 6. Box 548 Oi:t E on Center Si. Wm. F. Kaplinger. n2I3 HOSTROMH level, 125. Ph. 3687 7x1'-! TRAILER, WO, Across from A urns ville high school. Sea Otto Fuson o: fall 27F35, n313 FOLLOWING ITEMS for sale: 2 M. building tile, fl-lnch circular electric power table saw. 55-gal. oil drums breakfast (able. 2 chairs, 25-ot. pres sure cooker, Fairbanks Morse baby scale. woMern stock saddle At bridle, one 5 50x 1 6 ti re. Severn I dozen gun i t and 'a-gal. fruit Jars, Phone 3538. n213 LARGE WOOD Circulating heater, like new. 140-1430 N Liberty SL. Ph 4377 belore noon or artej- 6 p.m n2!3 STOVES. RDLLA WA Y Beds, elf r! rlc a n- il lances, old dishes, lumps, wa-h tubs hip hoo's Si lots of oilier i'rrns We Huy Sell or Trade 141 S. Church, Salem, 11212 REfilNA Vacuum Cleaner. 1035 Cross FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BUY "RIGHT-NOW CLEANER" from your grocer, use tor nmr- sanitation noma. Restaurant or Tavern. Sparling Glass ware, dishes, laundry and woodwork R Places soap, softer for hands. 25c SOc $1 package. Willametta Grocery carry all sizes. nJ3T WANTED: 3000 turkeys. 8 to 12 weeks old ' i. 3048. Hillsboro. Oregon. na31 WANT WASHING MACHINE. Good Cond. pnone sm na212' AUTO MECHANIC tools. Must be reason- . ble 6.5 N. 3rd St.. Woodburn. na213 WANTED; I or 2 TRUNKS. Ph. 3698. WANTED: USED Jnderwood or Royal Typewriter. Dalton. Burroughs or Allen , adding machines. Ph. 34 Independence. R. W Craven. na230 USED FURNITURE. Phone 9185 0- WANTED: Piano. Tallman'i, Ph. I70T.-1 PERSONAL AS MY WIFE, Tillie A. Kolb. has left tnr en ana oonra i win not he responsihla for any debts contracted by her.- WU-.' Ham H Kolb. 4553 N.E. Buffalo. Port land. Ore. pan ' READING. Know the Truth. 2361 State. P21 MADAME MARLENE: Olfted reader, helpa . aim novises tnose in trouole. in love. . business, marriage. Tells names and dates without asking any questlona. Facts, no promises Test readings fre. Satisfaction assured- Portland 1331 S. W Broadwny near Jefferson St. p33 , AUTOMOBILES 11)31 CHRYSLER AIRFLOW Sedan, M iibocr. 475. See Art at James H. Maden 3o., 44 Silverton Rd. Salem, Ore. " qllt ' WILL TRADE 1936 i-ton Dodge pickup ' in ex. co nd on good late model car. i Ph. 7543. 622 N. 17th. 31n TRUCK BARGAIN: For Sale Reo 8x13 ft. tlat bed. overhauled. Good rubber," 1375 3555 Portland Rd. Salem. nJlSV FOR SALE: '31 Che v. Cpe. Good run-'- ning condition, good rubber. 671 Breyj Ave qJll FOR SALE: 1930 Model A Ford 4-door sedan, uood condition. R. j. Martin. Woodburn. Ore. Rt. 3. 0.313 1931 l'i TON CHEVROLET Panel Truek. i good condition. Also a-wheel Trailer. 328 Rural Ave. Phone 6458. - TRUCKS 1940 DODGE CARGOS tfl3 CHEVROLET; LWB IB41 DODGE PICK-DP 1936 DODGE DUMP Herrall-Owens Co. I?5 S Commercial Ph. 3189. FINANCIAL AUTO LOANS $18.08 USE TOUR CAR is aecurltr. N lent rigamaroic. Prompt, private aarvlce. Per Mo. Repay fion In 13 montha $XOL - Come in. nr sava tlma by 'phoning In your application. When approved mika ' Just one trip and pick up your cash t Immediately. Personal Finance Co. Lla. S-122 M-161 Money to Loan WANTED REAL ESTATE mortgage, loan. city or farm properties: loans made aj small as 1300. See us about refinancing your present contract nr mortgage! Approved City Loans 4'i '". Leo N. Childs, Inc. ' 144 Stale St. Phone 9261. r213 ' GENERAL FINANCE CORP LOANS and ROY H SIMMONS INSURANCE As LOANS State Lie. No's. 8-138 and U-1H. 138 8. Commercial St. TeL 9188 r WE LOAN on Farm, Residential and Buat nesa Property. Will buv mortgaaea. con-, tracts. HAWKINS St ROBERTS, INC. REALTORS. Guardian Bldg. f ATMOItAYS. Ozone. Bell or rent H ' Push Phone 22458 P.O Box 463 nill CAN N I N(i P r. AC II E "Tan dC U C I ' M BE R S Frlgaard Fruit Stand Ph. 6330 DISTILLED WHITE Pickling Vtnesar "Keeps your pickles eMP " Also pure a!plo elder vinegar. PURITAN CIDER WORKS West Salrrr n223 PGi;LTRYFKRfrMZER. Get It now i per yard. Phona 23881. Lee's Hatchery D LIKE NEW dining room set. 2 bedroom sets, wood circulator, 2 dressers, vlour davenport, Oulhransen piano Phone 224.18 Rt. 2, Box 400. 1 mi. N. Chemawa n214 B NET EARNING On your surplus money, by buying a flral mortgage on real aetata. Loans run tor . 3 or I years. Amounts 1500 to I10.O0O. You can't beat this kino oL investment tot safety and net return. STATE PTNANOB COMPANY 112 Guardian Bldg P $ MONEY $ REAL ESTATE 1X3 A NS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS Wa Buy Real Estate Mortgages St Contract STATE FINANCE CO. Lie B-218 M-322 212 Guardian Bldg T FARM and CITS LOANS 44, and ft Prompt Service Mii.imum Details WIU Paj Cnih Tor Real Eslaie Oontrae and Second Mortgagee CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. i 207 Pioneer Truit Blrut. Ph 7163 tr aot"o l c"a n s wuxAME-rrs oKEurr co. Kb FLOOR GUARDIAN 8LDGL Licana No. M-159 F 0211 i TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION to Spokane. ihar driving and expanse, witn.n 4 wek or 10 days. Ph. WjS. )tS GIRL'S BICYCLE In excellent condition Call 15(10 South 13th evenings. U214 PRIVATE SALE of very fine shoei and clot lung for school and office. Friday At Hat., Sept. 7 Ac 8, 10 a m. 655 N Cottage. Open evenines. n213 TRAILER IinUSF. '4 mile east Chemawa Road Harry Dlckman. n3!4 , NEARLY" NEW baby buggy. 03 North Church "212 II. JOHNSON outboard motor. 1938 mod el, perfect condition. 19ft Breys Ave nai NOW PICKING Improved Eiber'as. Geo. W. M.iurer Ranch. 6 miles south Lib erty road. One mite east. Route 4. Bfix )..!. or call 091. n214 CHOICE SELECTION of beml-Ta.'se tea cuim. la'.tiw edged olates, just arrived at j Beverly s Antiqua Shop. 740 Electric i Pliotie 21431. n213! I USED a-iscn planks and Lmber from ) t-.n j a S.lver Falls Lb: Co at i B:;'.erinri Ore Thurston Iimber C'j 1 Contact E, J. Coover at Trgyway. n333 No Escape rur uviuui ruiienr Knoxville, Tenn. iAy A year and a half ago a Knoxville den tist was performing a dpntal job for a patient, W. L. Star mar. The dentist was called to the colors before completing work on Starmar. At Sun Diego, Cal., doctors said Starmar, now in tht armed forces, needed dental at tention. Starmar found the Knoxville dentist at the same post. The dentist finished the job started months before but this time Uncle Sam paid the bill. A Pacific Lodtje No. SO, A T. At A M. M. M. degrr Friday, . Sept. 7, 7:00 p. m, '313