8 Capital Jonnwl, fakm, Or.. Friday, August 17, 1945 Radio Programs Friday P. M. IKSLM STIKGWSIKEX UfN) Kb. BLUB KOIN I7fi Re CBS :ta aanaas) : Ton Ml ;4ft I Nlrbt Newa iWIm I OK for Keleaaa Comnentater Acmes af Chl Unit fetersea : i r.a brief Heater t:llt Hand f:SO JUpottHt aanda :45 SPCtlltt band! I Walta Tint I Walla Tina Feoale Art Fanny I ' People Ar Fanny I I Tarry A Pirates ! Dfek frae I Jack Arm I rent J B. Grain Swing ft n met Serenade Sunset Serenade Death Valle? Sheriff Orran Red's Gan Nelson Prlnrla News T;l 1:N Commentary - I Newa I Lont Ranter I Lonf Ranter (Dannlnier hews Dunnlnger Showa BUI Iters f NBC - Bexiar Bozlni - Boxlni I Baling - Nawfl i OeP Brawn - t Treed am 1 Freedow I Sapntr dab ' Fleetwood Lawty I Correction please t Correction pleas 1 Night Kdllar I Cited for valer I nrrhettra I flanlsl I Man fran O-t Man from G-3 Network I Fnbllo owner I f.b.i. 1 r.B.t. I Orchestra I Orchestra I Orchestra 1 Orcheitra Newa t Ken Mimo Jerry Wayne f Wrr Wayne I Thote Webster I Thote Webitera I Rammer Show I Rummer Show I Hollywood I Prerirw I .lord on Orehealra lgnora.ni ' Ivnaranl I Aldrleh Family , Aldrlrh Family Ad Thin Man 1 Adv. Thin Man. 16:1ft 16 :4ft ll:ft 11:30 11:4ft I Tallon Lewis Cap Journal aewa News f Orchestra ! Open Hesse ! Open none Open Ronaa Nrwe Neva Flashes ' Orrheilra I Orrhestra ' News ' Talka I Charlie Chaa j Concert I Concert I Five Star Pinal Veteran I Orehealra I Trix Rangera 13:00 Sign Off I Oreheitra (Crrhfitra Orehealra ffn r News T Swing Shift i Concert i ConceM Newa f Rhythm I Orchestra ( Orrhestra Airflow ! Orchestra "TMtmle, Newa to Saturday 6 A. M. to 4:45 P. M. r.A6 I Newa :1ft I Musle :M I N.W. Farm :4ft I Newa Nona ( Horn I Newa f I'nllei America TMft Orchestra 1:ftft Newa 1:4ft 1 Orrhestra i Busier X ! Ragler X Bugler X I Bugler X I Oraene Ftetehar Roand-ap I New I Melody ' Ran flare Newa Western Rtara KOIN Kiork KOIN Klnrk Martin Airanskr ' Newa Cellini Calling I: OA t Haven of Beat :1 rV Raven of Real l:n I Newa 6:4ft I Ore heal r ;00 I mile Mom :1ft Hello Mom : I Pastor's Call :4ft 1 1 rehealra (Jamboree Jamboree Rd MrConnell Kd MeCannell Breakfail Clnb Rreakfaat Club Breakfast flnh Breakfast Clnb I Newa I Calling Girls I Spotlight 1 Spotlight I What's Cooking What's Cooklnr I Johnny Thompson I Newa ' Marly Dale l Masle KOIN Clack Newa Newa Container Newa Warren "weeney f.efa Pretend BHHe Barke Rillle Burke Thealrr of Today p Theater ol Today lA:6n I Newa 18:1ft ! At Williams Voire of Army 1 :4ft i Orcheitra 11:n I Orchestra 11:15 i Orehealra 11:8 ' r S. Marlntfl 11:4ft I Oreheitra i Teterana AaNlaers I Fan Canteen I Newa ' Fin Canteen 1 Maale 1 Network 1 War Teleacapa I Treaanry I Newi I Mo lie an a Maalcana Rtara of Toner. Rtara f Tomer. Deuoflu It'a A Hit It's A HU lOranil Cent., -ta Ir.rxml Cent i I Fllfott Lawrence I Elliott Lawrence IMaryI.ee Taylor Marrl.ee Taylor Serenade Barnyard Foil lea 12:66-Itift- To day's Trade Newa Rerenadb Orehealra . , New - 1 Interlada Maale 1:4ft ' Mnsle 1:1ft Stars of Tom or, I Senior Swing I Stars of Tenor, i Senior Swing Mail 1 Knseland Ball , Orchestra I Koieland I Karea I Sat. Symphony I Bliea sal. Symphony ' News I Sal. Symphony ! Orehealra ' Sal. Symphony I News I Harden Gat I Talka I Ten from Tokyo "Twa shine ton I Orertea I Home Raeo I CBS t-nfl i Newa :1ft Orehealra t :sn i Orchestra t:4ft I Orchestra I Grand Hotel Grand Hotal Tanderoook KnorU : I News , :lft I Concert :3A I Hawaii Calls 6:4ft I Hawaii Calls I Gardening I Rapaodlrs l Rupert Hughea I Art of Living I A da to with Onka ' News A dale with Duke I News I A data with Daks J Marine Corps ; A data with Dake I Marine Corps I News t Kpnrla 1 Sextet Labor !: Newa Foreign Poller 4:18 . i Words af lift Foreign Poller 4: So Opinion reajeale Orrheilra 4:4ft . Opinion renaited I Orchestra I Corretpondenta I Organ ! Land or the lost Land of the lost I News I Platform I Platform i London eolnmn I St. Loula Opera St. Louis Opera I Showboat I W.L.B. 11 3744 SIZES 13-48. arnAC M KO-Frlday F. M. on the Ppbeitt ft:0i itorr Tfmei :1ft, Newai Farm Honrt 1:0, Wake fj, S:16i Trade Wlndai :&. Maale I 6:M, Kewei 9:4ft, Meditation. Satnrday A. M. M:6. Kewsi 16:15, tlonanakert' Honrt 11:66. C-edi M'.Mt Concert Halli :M aUakst 1:1ft, America Marebeat 2:M, Mem ory Timet 4:06. Qalll 4:15. Real Craeei 4:66, Stndlo Party. KALE 1960 KC Friday P. M. 6:16, Superman i 6:66. Show Timet 6:46. Newsi 6:15. Grarlo Fieldsi 7:30, I. on Kanceri 9:nO. Newst 6:4fi. Fulton Lowtat 16:66. Orehestrai 16:86. Newa, Satarday A. M. 6:4ft, Cowboy; 1:00. Newsi 9:M, Market Ingt 9:13, Women's News) 10:30 Tbla and Thati 1 1 :3u. Concert! 1t:6fl. Newei t:46, Newai t:f. Hawalli 4:4ft, Newa. Evpr Popular Shirtwaist The shirtwaist is a favorite with, everyone and why not? It is so practical and flattering to all figues. The year round and the day long it is always good. No. 3744 is cut in sizes 12, 14, 16. 18. 20, 40, 42. 44, 46 and 48. Size 36 equires 3'2 yards 39-in. So many good Ideas for be-Iween-season sewing in the SUMMER FASHION BOOK. Underwear (easy to make) for all the family, aprons and pina fores, and over 100 other pattern designs for all ages and occa sions, shown in full color. Price just 15 cents. Send-16c for pattern, which includes complete sewing guide Print your Name, Address and Style Number plainly. Be sure to slate size you wish. Address Pattern Department Capital Journal, 552 Mission St., San Francisco, 5, California. pad-lic WWW by DAVID TAYIOR MARKifV YtawnUy: Penny, ruahed to the hos pital by Trudy, nr mother-in-law. glvei birth to a boy. She feels bitter that her hiuband. Jim. had not stood by during . her hour of need. But raring for her baby In the hoapltnl turns out to be sheer jay. She submerses all her leei lnxii In the child. But when the baby la home, and turned over to Trudy, Jilie is a ma red at her feeling of resentment. She wants to take ear of the child alone. Then a telegram comu for Trudy from Florida and the secret U out. Trudy had refused Mile Winter ' proposal of marriage to take eare or the baby. Penny and Jim insist that Trudy marry Winters. Penny assures Trudy that she really wants to be a mother to her baby her career means not hint now. Chapter 6 Then she looked at Jim and thought with just a shade of bitterness how different things could have been If she still had the same love for him and the ame trust. Trudy was putting in her call for Miami at the telephone downstairs. Penny wondered if Miles Winter would ever disappoint Trudy. And how could she be happy with Jim again when she knew how unreliable, how selfish he was? Jim cleared his throat ner vously. Without turning from the window, he asked, "Have you really thought this through, Penny? Do you honestly think you'll be happy without your work? Rutter's " "The baby will have to com pensate for a good many things, I guess," she said significantly. She was feeling sorry for her self. She was too young to de pend on a baby for happiness. She wanted a husband and a husband s love. She wanted the feeling of unity that comes from a happy marriage. The feeling that they were going forward together and building a common itronghold against Ihe world. A baby wouldn't be enough stuff right away. They had a conference scheduled wilh the Milady people for the next morning." "And they didn't like the work I did?" "Well" "Yes or no, Jim. Please, I have to know!" -Why it just didn't . . . flut ter said . . . You see ' "Of course, I see." Penny tried to laugh at herself. She had been regretting a career she didn't have. "They didn't like it. I thought that face thing was pretty bad myself. What a good artist I turned out to be!" she added bitterly. "Oh, nonsense! Don't let it get you down. You were feel ing bum and that affected your work. You can have this Mi lady contract for the asking. Rutter hasn't any idea that I did the stuff for you. Go on down there and sign up." And this, Penny thought, was the man she had accused of not being cooperative. She had been furious ready to call her en tire marriage off and a failure because he hadn't paced the hos pital floors in the time-honored fashion. He was ready to step aside for her. ' Of course, the contract was his. She had lost it. She had never thought of failure, and now it was here, somehow she didn't care. All she could think about was the fact that Jim had been unselfish and of his deep love for her. "Darling," Penny said, "I've been a wretched flop as a part ner." "You have not," Jim argued. But Penny shook her head. She decided she was going to be the best mother in the world. Here, at hand, was the job she alone could do. She'd try to make of Jim's son, she conclud ed, as fine a man as Jim was. "I've been a rotten part-time wife," she told him softly, slip ping her hand into his. "But I'm going to be a hundred per cent mother." ' Jim kissed her and suddenly she knew without doubt at all that at last she had found the career at which she could not fail. "Get yourself down to Rutter's." she said, "and tell them the truth. Make them sign their shirts away. You've got a wife and son to support now lo say nothing of your mother's wedding expenses. Boy, you need money!" The End- Martin Improving Brooks The condition of L. H. Martin, 72, who is in the Deaconess hospital at Salem, is reported as faid. Martin was seriously injured a week ago, when he fell from the bumper of an automobile, which he was assisting in getting started near the Bonn Service station east of Gervasi. He suffered a crushed skull, broken ribs, and a deep cut in his left leg and severe bruises. and yet It would have to be. Jim drew a letter from his pocket. "I've been keeping (his for a week, Penny. I hated to give it to you at the hospital." The letterhead read, John P. flutter, Inc. It was for her, addressed to Penny Martin. "It's from Mr. Rutter himself," she murmured. "Listen to this: 'We are more than delighted with the changes you made.' " She stopped. "What on earth's the man talking about? I don't know what changes he's refer ring to." Jim was slowly tear ing a pack of cigarettes to shreds. " 'We landed the Milady Perfumes account without trou ble'," she read on, " 'due large ly to Ihe effective way you handled my hasty suggestions for the art work. Thank you for your splendid cooperation and come to this office at your convenience to discuss terms.' What's he mean 'hasty sugges tions'? I sat there for four hours discussing the work with him. Has he gone crazy, do you think? ' Jim said, "I didn't get around to telling you, I guess. You see, the night you went to the hos pital he called up and wanted a whole new layout. I went ahead with it under the circum stance. You don't mind, dar ling? You were pretty busy at the time." "That's what you were do ing that night ?" Penny was stunned. Then, slowly, she be gan to feel as though a tremen dous weight had been lifted from her shoulders and that she could breathe once again. "Sure. Rutter wanted the ACROSS 82. Siaka Muse of lyric and ii ma torj as poetry Light bed fciaily Knglsh IT. money Ardent admirer KiclmnnUou 39. Lubricate 40. En rich by 42. painting ovar 43. a K rained Ah. aiirfHco 46. Conking 47. formulas' Alrernft; collou.. MVKPlf Looks attar Harvest Palo IJlu tin urn loop lined In fin. bacteriology fil. Part of a curve 62. 4!). 67. 59. Opening In a wall Mystical Hindu word Aipiilfflrranoan sailing vessels Capable of liping miltr.ed Type measure, Reengage Spike of corn Pnrtal Reform Nxpec-rtlnelT Out of date Kve: Scotch Restrict Newness Mimical Instrument: variant Mountain: comb, form Wrath Potnto ma ah or Sen bird S3 kAUPBSp ARfjM ,g 3 ANNIEllufTv EIIa G O m C OPTllaVlN E wUr I M k A yilfc a riapit aii" B SE LLpli 15 Us c e Nffl 1 sreJCsS u n1e" AJsJfl EP1I F'LeIII A T ifNflAVA pTaIdIT B c a dm U m e K mjr eTeTl ePt ' n c FIEI jC N ggEJO NF- A L LlOT TlEIPllN A MjE t aTHr Ay eBIi T 21 AIAAR E STENT L E PUP OTRIKUe PGE Solution Of Yesterday's Puzzlt fi3. Spread looaey fil. Untiflv 65. Charge DOWW 1. Riifle person I. Great LAke ' ia i3 w I6 17 i8 WMf y i-M ', ii is it ' '7 24 125 :- XJ S3 21 bo 37 PUS is 55 W7. IF25 SO 15 5T" 53 SA iss AP Ntwifeortie 5. Soft mineral 4. Abscond 6. Wander C. Language of the Zoroastrlan aorlpttires T. Thrice: prefix 5. Musical instrument I. Composed ol large pHt liclea 10. Buckeye atala 11. Weight! IT. Kind of danc 1. Demon 23. Tolerate 24. Demolished 26. Solitary: comb, form 28. Part of a play 27. Desirea Cn. Of the aim 30. Abrasive malerif.l 35. Verv amall 33. Simple sLgar 3fi. Mission 38. Insect 41. Branch tt theotofy 44. Thought 46. Wrrlgc-uhaped piece 48. Atmospheric disturbance 49. Each 50. Owner's mark on sheep: Scotch S!. Weed :3. Individuals; 54. Mas or bread fi.V Faithful 56. Synihnl of honda ee 58. Falsehood Rec'Iar Fellers By Gene Byrnes Within the Law 2i2-l Tafias. Voir Tartan u By Edgar Rice Burroughs Tina Rescues Don r TINA USEP A LWB AS A TKAPcZE AND SIVUN6 ID DONS ASSSTANCE. WUILl TArZAN AND TOfiiXr SWAVfO IN A ' tetoh: test of sh?nsth--- SHE LCMf RED HIM SAFEiy, WHILE FALLING BA?K AND JPANCHES BCBE tvimta lOIHE (M7N5liy Or TUB SlWGoIf 60ING ON ASO', H2U3I Pattern No. R2131 Baby's Playmate A realistic little lamb to keep babv quiet throughout the day is easily made as stuffed cuddle-toy, big orna ment and little nursery picture. Pattern envelope contains hot-iron transfers and complete directions for all three indicated uses. Our 60-page multicb jred book of Needle Arts containing five free patterns, and many other suggestions for dressing up your home and yourself is now available. Send your request for this book to the address listed below, enclosing twenty cents (20c) in coins to cover the cost of mailing charges. Send 15 cents (coin) for Pattern No. R2131 to Capital Journal, Needle Arts Dept., Ill New Montgomery Street, San Francisco 5, Calif. Please include your postal zone number. Ration Dnte ProcierJ roods Bine Stamps, Bonk ' Valid data Maj 1 June 1 July 1 Augiwt 1 tamtt Y2 thru Ol Dl thru HI Jl ihru N PI thruTl Emirs Aug SI. &pl 30. Oct 31 Nor 10 Meat. Batter. Cheese. Book 4. R'd Stamps Valid data May 1 June 1 July 1 Autiist 1 Statu Q2 irtru LJ3 V2 thru Z3 Ai thru Et Fl thru Kl Expire A at 31. Sepi 30. Oct 31 NOT. 30 Saiar Book 4 No 36 valid throuih Auiust II. Errdorxe canning sugar coupons atth ra tion book 4 number and your name. Room and Board fffte taaaa IraaiM tBTtrX. Haaft f Airplane itampa 1-3-3-4 now valid Gasoline. Coapona ajsmt h andoned. AH. ial. each, valid thru Sept tt, B7-I and 07-3 ralld, fai aaeh. Wood, Coal, tlawdnsl V Dealer determines dallvary priority, j mi on Couporu cxplrt 1944-43 Penal 1-3-3-4-3 Autuat 31. 1041 1B43-40 PerleJ 1 Auvuit 31. 184 Prlee Canlrol Refer inauirlef prle altrk a4 loeal CoBtral All rented dwelllnts must ba ratUtared Changaa In tenaney reported. Volunteers Needed Apply at OPA board now. . . By Gene After n sssy J:? . , LET, ME KNOW WHEN V I if 'J) ) A vN VOURE GOIN'TO START jfel ' Fl fcBv I INTH'AAEANTIME,rLL fm 109 YEARS OLD, l)f K M 'HOMER.UA HOIMET, VI VxrVi ' KHil IS PRETTY GOOD.' a''i-;;A -k.-','iJ HE PULLS UNCLE Xm&KJ' laM BERT AROUND HIA A JA,(y AvJ , AAv lL- J'2du're out of UtJ,8''1 'S.SSwffi ! iMl7 -tOUR CLASS, UNIC w aCL.tl'iSBga' Henry By Carl Anderson fejr LECTURE ON m wmihf Carl, p A N DCuON BPa i - 1 tJJUs Donald Duck By Walt Disney em Misleading Signs! il The Nebbg " By Hess Up to Mother NO, BUT I r SUES AWSE Y at DO "M GOOD! DO " 1 DOMT 1 I f aici I ari3 A fiiTtnwl . JcJOAMWOMT CWILDPERHAPS ANYTHING 1CAN VOL) TVllNK Y KNOW 1 ) ( !Ko'.3UrKWC 1 ' 1 'MRS.TWIW, 1 GATHERAMARRV HJM MOU CAN IHELPJ FOR; JCAMS j too COULD A.NEVERTRIEDy V ' AwTanD "N VCURE NOT OPPOSED ) ASAWST LlHE STUATION WAPPIMESS PUTOM AM , S"L L fx Little Orphan Annie By Harold Gray Here We Go Again I 'V I I I bOUBT IF IT WILL A I T WE HRW THE CHIEF AND A FEW I I WELL, ftNNIE-YOU T WELL, ITS I TAKE MORE TV4M4 A FEW I I OTWER WITNESSES TO FILL IKI THE I I GO ON TRIAL AGAIN BOUNP TO TAKE T I UOURS - ITS AN OPEN I I GAPS, AND IT WILL BE OVER. MOST W l TODAY BUT TV! IS ONE I A WEEK OR SO- I I ANb SHUT CASE-"MAT S II OF THE SOCALLEOtAWS tELAYS"RE ) JH WILL BE A QUICKIE.' -PICKIN' TW' 1 I DIAR- OF MELVINS COVERS I Uvl UNNECESSARY YOU'LL SEE 'S""" j "Y AWD ALL--y MOERfTW q The Gumps By Gu3 Edsos Watch Tomorrow's Paper tyMfSfcaljy I I'M NOT MAPE OF "Y PONT I I MEAHWLE.i SOOP WE'LL I HOPE- HEN 1 Ml N, MY5eLJL 1 T&O-ESPECIALLY N THE I BE WEAK RJT OK, HEPE OP THEM N POESNT WEAKEN EVERVTIM6 IPICk: MOeWKS-HEK TEMFER IM NOT ARE THE CANPC TOAAORBOW AMP TIP HEEIFF.l UP A BROOM-N FACT ISVILEBeFOKE FOCLHARDV- CAWERA HOT I TOOK! OUTPOOR HATlECE IF L Mutt and Jeff Bv Bud Fisher And the Window Is Only Eighteen Stories Skyward OH Voo awful Yaw. lena, TYou don'tTi told U boo Hooy but You must I"'" b'4:Stmrc!H MAN' I NEVER DON'T CRy LOVfT ME Y9JJ j 0ON.T My SWEET.' y . JUMPOOTTyl SHOULD HAVE ff L,KE THAT' ANY MCSE VOTW I BEUEvE I L0VE YOU YOLO ( URE THAT V W ""EJACoK:T0J i1 LOVE j" LIKE You LJ A WORD MORE THAN DO?. VI DO.' WINDOW'Mg5 BE YOUR ( YOU! 4 USED TO' IL,1-0"6 J youSAY I IFF 1TFI F -rS J V--