FOR SALE HOUSES I FOR SALE HOUSES AG IN AW STREET YOU DON'T FIND i.lICI S RM. BUNGALOW FOR J5800 VERY OFTEN THESE DAY6. THIS COMFORTABLE HOME HAS LIV. Ac PIN. RMS., a BEDRMS,. BATH. KlTCH FN St NOOK, FULL BASEMENT WITH FIIRN. St TRAYS. OAR. PLEASANT YARD. COURT CORNER i4B!0 FT. ON S. HIOH ST. CLOSE TV BOTH FRONTS PAV. EX LOC FOR FUTURE COURT. ROOM FOR 12 COTTAGES, OLDER HOUSE ON PRO PERTY. A 'REAL INVESTMENT FOR fl'r HAVE VARIOUS FINE HOMES LIST- ED FOR SALE IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY AND SUBURBS FROM 14000 UP CALL JAKE FOOS arVFrtIN REALTY CO. 112 NORTH HIGH ST. PHONE 4 0 16 Drive By THIS NICE 5-rm home with large grounds, located at 1357 Market St.. then uk (or appointment 85250 cash. Drive By THIS SMALL B R. furnished home it 1B3.S North 4th, nice shady lot, inspect make offer. C. H. SANDERS 331 N. HIGH 5B38, BIOS' (-RM. HOME on E street. This i a mod ern home. Has 2 complete bathrooms, fireplace, oak firs. Basement, furnace. 3-car garage. Price sio.000. Call O. V. HUME with Grabenhorst Bros. IU94' g.RDRM. HOME cloe to Richmond school. Has 3 lota, located on paved St., c!ne to bus line At store. Price J2750. Will also sell furnished. Call O. V. HUME with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. al94 S-BDRM. HOME N. Close to bus At High land school. Garage. Located on paved St. House needs some repair and dec orating. Price 13000. Call O. V. HUME with Grabenhorst Bros. S BDRM. HOME located in Turner. Ore eon. This home ia completely furnished. Has basement, garage, barn, 2 lota Price 11250. Call O. V. HUME with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. al94' 1 BDRM. Late-built home in Walnut Park Add., auto. gas heat, carpeted llving rm. Very modern kitchen with lota of built-in. Laundry rm. Elect, water htr. Attached garage. Price S7950. Call O. V. HUME with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 1S4 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131, al94' BY OWNER 3-bedroom home. furn. or unfitrn. Lap. llv. room, kitchen with built-lns St din, alcove, close to trad" St H! school. Ph. 6048 or call at 730 Mar ket. . aj96 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION: Modern 3 bedroom house, full basement, automa tic pipe furnace. Wired for elec, or wood ranee. Lota of built-lns. oak floors. Inlaid linoleum. East front. Laurel hedge, cherry, ppach. grapes At weep ing willow trees As othr shrubs. Garage Bus at front door, close to store. 82 1 Rosemont Ave., West Salem. al95 BY OWNER: Modern plastered 5 rooms, nice bath, utility. Garage, fireplace, wired for range. Near Jr. Hi and Bush grade. 1605 Berry. South Salem. a 105 Late-built Modem Home Furnished $9000 KITCHEN L.R.. D. Rm.. 3 Bdrms. plus rumpus room In base., auto, oil furnace. Hdwd." firs., fireplace, elcc rnnjre. refrlg. Rugs, overstuffed, etc. Large yard, well landscaped. East front f north). Willamette Real Estate 172 S. Liberty. Phone 7113. al94 BY OWNER: Furnished 4 bedrm. modern English home. Corner lot. dbl. gar. St phimhinit. Two blks. to school bus. Wired for elec. range. Hdw. floors, firepl.. full cement bsmt.. sawdust heat, sir cond. Baby grand, all tubs, dining St bedrm. sets, range, mirrors, dg-ven-port, chair. 10 gal, pre-war white paint. 112.500. By appointment. 1115 N. Capitol. 8197 NEW t ROOM house, built-lns. Elec, city water, imm. poss. view lot. call 1351 N. Cottage. a!94 VERY GOOD 4 bedrm. home. N. Large L.R. with fireplace. DR.. den. kit.. 1 bedrm. St bath dn.. 3 bedrms. & bath UP. Full bsmt. Lot 50x150. Call Al Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. Commercial St Phone 3793. Eves. Ph. 21731. al9,V 4)0.000 VERY -MODERN 5 rm. home in Klngwood Heights. -Auto, oil furn,, air cond. 2 fireplaces, large bsmt., play rm. Hdw. floors, lovely kit. Az breakfast rm. Oalt Al Bell. Huff Real Estate Co. COMPLETELY FURNISHED home it 3370 ijuii. i mi is a a-room modern home Bsmt., furn. fireplace. Venetian blinds, oak floors. Extra ia'ge lot. Set' MR. GOODWIN wilh Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. al97 iXTRA NICE HOME WITH THREE BED ROOMS. Double plumbing, hdw. floors, fireplace, full bsmt., 2-car garnce. large lot Only 19500. See MR. GOODWIN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. A CHOISE 33 ACRE FARM 6 MILES from Salem. A comfortable I- bedroom home with bath Sz unuty rm. A modern barn wlih stanchions At drink ing cups. 3 Urge poultry houses An ex cellent deep well with auto. elec. pump. Elec. St water, io all bides. A good vari ety of family fruit St nuts. Priced to sell at S10.000. SEE MR. McMILLIN wtth Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. rF VW CAN use an old house that li anve oy 730 Min flt- oni 14000. Then see MR GOODWIN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. flo.OOO 4? ACRES. 4 ml. from city limits. Large 3-bedrom hse. Plenty or out biogs Large dairy barn. Walnuts, prunes cherries, bal. in cult. Olson & Reeve. Realtors 945 S. Com'I. Ph. 4590. Eves. 9538. bl94" REALTORS Phone 4108 After 68715. 1ST ftlvvcn i.rviNrt -it m -.i. . Munic. o mot its id grace scnooi, oiocit to bus line, Located in near North aide. Price 16500. Call KEN YON STATE FINANCE CO. 213 Guardian Bid. Ph. 4121. al94 W1 00 ATTRACTIVE suburban home on 1 A. north. Large L.R., hdw. floors, 2 bedrm.. bath, kltch. St utility rm. Oarage attached, Nice lawn St shrubs. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. Commercial St. Phone 3793. Eves Ph. R341. al95" tJWOO LOVELY 3 bedrm. home N. Bsmt.. auto, sawdust furn. fireplace. Hdw. floors. A large L.R.. D.R. St breakfast nook. Large lot. Ca" Mr. Walter. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 870 S. Commercial St. Phone 3793. Eves Ph. R341. al95 FOR SALE BY OWNER: One 4 rm. new home, finished to Futt. One 5 rm. house. completely remodeled. P15 N. 17th. al94 S RM. HOUSE. 630 Breys Ave. Ph. 4277. 197 NORTHEAST FINE MODERN 5 rm. home, hwd. fin., fireplaces in L.R. St bsmt.. air cond Gas furn. Unfinished upstairs. Nice lot. 1 89750. MODERN 4 - rm. hnuse. unfinished UP- 1 . stairs. Hwd. firs., fireplace, full bsmt.. I i fur. yrs. old. S67R0. II CALL MR. BYRRTT Jr 3210 S37 North High St. al94 5-RM. PLASTERED House. Basement, fur nace, bus line. 1 blocks to school, painted inside and out 14550. 365 Columbia. a 194 FURNISHED APT. HOUSE, Pre-war price. Income 1247.30 per mo. Owner moving to call'. Must be sold b- Sept. 1. 780 N. Church. 1P4 NEARLY NEW HOUSE on Eastern edge of city in fine neighborhood. 2 bdrms. L.R. kit. bath, stationary tubs, garage, large garden good soli (4500. D. A. F1LSH 334 N. Capitol St. , Phone 652 al94 ONLY $3100 $1000 CASH will handle. Liv. rm. Din. rm Kit, 2 bdrms, bath. Call E .E, GRIMM with Rich L. Reimann, realtor. 167 8 mgn. rii. iiii- sun- or ev"- 7805. a 1941 Rl.-voo fl-RM. USE. Firepl. new dble tiar. Paved St. 13 cords dry wood. Lot 55x150 ft. Garden St trees. 1 blk. to bus. Olson & Reeve, Realtors a5 8 Com'I. Ph. 4500. Eves 95 36. a 1 9 4 S.l 000 N OR T II . Living rm,. din. rm. kit" chen. 3 bdrms. bath. Full basmt. auto sawdust heat. Close to bus it atore. Im mediate pasesIon. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Com'I. Ph. 4590. Eves 9536. a!94J S4 500 NEWLY rederorated 3 bedroom house, wired for elef range. Basement, wood furnace, laundry trays. Gas wtr. htr. hus. Immediate possession. 365 Fawk St. One bik. off S. Commer clal St. from Marr'- Grocery. al96 FOR SALE BY OWNER 4-room modern house close in. city water, fruit, nuts. Barn. 1 Acre. 14000. Terms. After 4 phone 3234 or 7265. k al96 CLOSE IN Portland Property for Sale or Trade for Salem property. W. M. Sleg mund, owner. 1396 Lee St. Salem al96 BY OWNER S-bedroom home, wired for range, irult, nuts, large lot. Box 103 Rt. 1. West Salem, Olen Creek drive alflS FOR SALE LOTS LARGE LOT In N. 17th St. Add. New & growing district. 1750. Owner. 674 N Church. a jit 94 FOR SALE FARMS 58 ACRES with modern 3-bdrm. home. Located 6 '4 miles East of Salem. Has large barn, chicken house, 2-car gap age. Year 'round stream. About 25 acre; in cult. Willamette ft Amity soil. SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME! Price 117.000. Call O. V. HUME with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. b!94" SPECIAL! BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH lype home offered by owner whose business connections move him to a disi-tnt state. Located on large corner lot. overlooking the city and offered for 110.000 with possession by Sept. 1st. For appointment to see this call LELACE H. ELLIS. Ph. 21231 a.195 Journal Want Ads Pay FARMS ARE GETTING SCARE Buy that Farm Before Prices Go Higher! $6000 GOOD 6-rm. house. 30 A. all in cultivation. Barn, chicken house, close to school. Immediate possession. $7r0fl 60 A. all in cultivation, on pave ment. I mile from Bclo. 'Old house, large barn, excellent soil. A Real Value! S4'4 acres North on highway Good 5-rm. home, all hwd. floors, oil heat, wired for range, electric water heater, good barn, chicken house. These buildings are all only 5 years old. S3000 14 "4 A. n-rm. house, barn, chicken house, 2 springs, 2 cows and some hay in barn. 111.000 IKW A. with 70 A. in eultlva tlon, 7-rm. house, creek, spring. 10 acres orchard with 19 large walnut trees. Can be purchased for 13000 down, bal ance at 3 interest. $10.500 GOOD 8-rm. house, bam. electric water system. 105 acres all in cultivation $17,000 GOOD STOCK & Dairy Ranch all equipped, tractor, binder, drill. 31 head of stock, no acres. SOIOO 5-RM. HOUSE, barn, chicken house. 130 A. with 18 A. or good saw timber. Ill) A. WITH 90 A. in cultivation, mod. .7- rm. house, large barn, well fenced. A Real Value at 113.000. 133 A. WITH 7fl A. in cultivation. Vi mile to school and town. 6-rm. house, large barn with stanchions for IS cows. Poul- tray house. 3 sheds, nice stream, 110.750 489 A. STOCK ranch, fl-rm. house, barn 200 A. in cultivation, 2 good streams Only JS0 Per acre. 50 ACRES on pavement all in cultivation. Good a-rm. house, nam, poultry nouse, electric water system. Only 16500. 110 ACRES. 70 A. In cultivation: stream. 2 springs. 6-rm. house. 2 barni. Only 17000: terms: 13000 down, bal. 4i int, 73 ACRES 40 A. in cultivation, 35 A. pas ture, 8-rm. house with bath. Barn poultry house, good creek 15350. Terms: S1000 down, bal. 1500 per year. 126 A. EAST on pavement, 80 acres in cultivation, creek, springs, 6-rm. house. 3-car garage, barn, poultry house, ma chine shed, hog house, water piped to all buildings. Only 1100 per Acre. 60 ACRES EAST of Stayton 38 Acres in cultivation. 34 A. Dasture. Samtam riv er. 5-rm. house with bath, only 6 yrs. old. New barn. 2 poultry houses, good team of horses. 3 cows, mower, rake, plow, disc, cultivators, wagon and 35 tons or nay in Darn jip.uuu. 72 ACRES on Highway North, all In cul tivation, good Improvements, 2 bedroom home, oil heat, excellent soil 4tt ACRES all in FllberM with modern 5-room home, only 5 years old. very close In, excellent construction, immea. Possess on 1!4 ACRES at Kelzer school all In fruit and berries. Good 7-rm. home, only 7 years old. immed. possession isooo. Larsen Home & Loan Co FARMS II MILES NORTH' OF SALEM 3? ACRE HOP RANCH with Dryer. Very aood Soil. priced .at su.ouu 3 MILES NORTHWEST OF SILVERTON iRg acres Good 8-room house, barn poultry house, sheds, fam'ly orchard. 110 acres in cultivation. Balance pasture and timber. Priced at $15,000 7 MILES NORTH OF SALEM 10 ACRES with Modern 5-room house Large poultry house, Electric water sys tem. Priced at 17000 McKillop Real Estate Agency 169 S. High St. Salem Oreg. Ph. 5131. FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE ACREAGE 8 ACRES prune orchard close to Liberty. Orchard in good condition. Orchard and this year's crop for for J 1300. Call O. V. HUME with Grabenhorst Bros. bbl94 10 ACRES on Skyline Rd. All In walnut dr prunes. Very nice building site. Price $1500. Call O. V. HUME with Grabenhorst Bros. AUTOMOBILES r AUTOMOBILES "C" SHROCK To Buy or Sell Your Car Salem's Oldest Indepen dent Used Car Dealer Church & Chem. Sts. . Phone 7922 GARAGE AND SERVICE DEPT. 352 N. HIGH ST. PHONE 8503. REAL ESTATE 4-ROOM ITOME on Evergreen Ave. on li acre lot. Unfinished attic, wired for range, has electric water heater. On but line J4000. Some terms. VI CX & EA RLE 308 N. High. e 10 ACRES about 11 miles East of Salem 3-rm. house, family orchard, about acres in cull. Price J1250. Call O. V. HUME with Grabenhorst Bros. THAT UNCERTAIN WAITING PERIOD IS OVER. WE CAN NOW CONCENTRATE ON OUR INDIVIDUAL NEEDS AND DESIRES. WE HAVE THOSE FERTILE ACREAGES THAT MAKE YOU A OOOD HOME SITE AND ON WHICH YOU CAN MAKE A LIVING. 6 ACRES, 4' MILES WEST. DANDY 5- RM. HOME. ELEC. PUMP. OARAGE. ETC. 3 ACRES IN YOUNG PRUNE ORCHARD. BALANCE PLOW OR BERRY LAND, YOURS FOR ONLY 13800 CASH. 10 ACRES. 7'i MILES N.W. 5 ACRES RIVER BOTTOM LAND. BALANCE EASILY CLEANED. NEARLY NEW HOME. OTHER BLDGS. ELEC. PUMP. ENOUGH FOR IRRIGATION. A COM FORTABLE. CAREFREE HOME AND PART OF YOUR LIVING. IT'S A BUY AT 17000 IS ACRES H MILES SOUTH. 7-ROOM MO DERN HOUSE. COMPLETELY FURN ISHED. INCLUDING ELECTRIC RE FRIGERATOR AND WASHER. PLUS 3 RM. COTTAGE. FERTILE SOIL. BER RIES AND ORCHARD, COW. HORSE, 100 LAYING HENS. 400 FRYERS. FARM IMPLEMENTS. ELEC PUMP. DANDY WELL, 3-CAR GARAGE, CHICKEN HSE. NEW BARN, WATER PIPED TO BARN. BEAUTIFUL UNOBSTRUCTED MOUN TAIN AND VALLEY VIEW. 13.000. HALF CASH. CALL HARRY GUSTAF SON. SEVERIN REALTY CO. 313 NORTH HIGH ST. PHONE 4 0 16 bbl96' EXCEPTIONALLY WELL PLANNED acre With good home. Full basement. In four Corners district. See this one! Price only 16900. See MR. DANIELSON With Leo N. Childs, Inc. $43001 ACRE on Hollywood Dr. English type nse. 2 years 01a. uasemi. ur. irays Wired for ranee. On bus line. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 8. Com'I. Ph. 4500 Eves. 9536. bb!94 Nelson News GOOD SUBURBAN N.E. MODERN 6-RM. HOME. LR, DR. Kit, 2 bedrms.. den, all 011 1 fir. .Hdw. floors, fplace. elect water system, elect water heater, V. blinds, hen house & barn, sar.. lawn, garden, fruit, berries te nuts. 1 Acre. SflOOO. Owner will make conces sion for Installation of elec. heat. More land available, EXCELLENT COUNTRY HOME SETTING 10 ACRES 2 min. from state capital. Ideal setting tor deluxe country home. Good, well matured fruit, nut & ornamental trees on 1 acre. Remainder open land, good well drained soil, good foundation Si frame for spacious country home, Some out bldgs. Only 18000! IDEAL CLOSE IN SUBURBAN GOOD MODERNLY arrange home, good fplace, built-in tub & shower, dbi. plum bing, L. trays, on 1st fir. Both firs wired for range, full basmt. with good colled rum. Ai trash burner, entrances from service porch & gar. Large attached dbl. gar. with ftrd. attic, good elec water system, insulated egg rm. incubator rm 3 ac. with income from fruit in addition to poultry Income. Barn, stall for horse 2 cows. 2 laying houses. 3 brooder hses.. etc. 3 range shelters, all for only 178001 Available imm. No waiting to build up business If you buy this well establish ed, fully operartlng poultry producing and breeding plant. EXCEPTIONAL VIEW HOME ' LARGE LOT, nice back yard, enclosed garden. See Mt. Hood, city & valley from L.R. 5 rms., 2 roomy bdrms. hwd firs, very good fplace, full basemt., sawdust furn. with fuel arranged for, Vi blk. to bus, Owner leaving city, authorized sub mission of reasonable', offer. GOOD HOME and INCOME! -UNIT DWELLING in good location; LR, DR. kit. 3 bdrms, bath down. LR. kit, bdrm., bath up. Sawdust piped furn, Elect, water heater, full bsmt. Large lot. double garage, lawn, garden, fruit and nuts 1 blk. to bus. J9500. NEAR HOSPITAL and UNIVERSITY APTS. Dbl. bath, extra sip. rm.. new furn,, ndpatable to oil, Eiec water heat er, on bus line, near university At Dea coness hospital. Income $72.50. Price $7350. Nelson & Nelson Chet L Nelson Theo. G. Nelson REALTORS Room 300-2 Masonic BIdg.. 495 State St Ph. 4419. Eves. 21350 or 8260. clfl4 TERMS 530010 ACRES, 4-rm. hse. Chicken hse. 35 walnut trees. 35 filberts, 16 apples berriea and grapes. 5 acres prunes. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Com'I. Ph 4590. Eves. 9536. bbl94 S4000 0 ACRES, 5-rm. plastered hse. only 4 yrs. old. Unfinished upstairs, attached gar. Spring water. 2 acres cultivated. ' Bal. good stand of timber.-6'. miles Irom saiem. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Com'I. Ph. 4590. Eves. 9536. bbl94 JS1.10 ,5 ACRE EAST. Bran dnew hse. Hwd. firs. Elect, water system. Wired lor range. Gar. Immediate possession. Close in. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Com'I. Ph. 4590. Eve. 9536. bb!94' $21003 ACRES on Monroe Ave. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Com'I. Ph. 4590. Eve. 9536. bbl94" 12000 APPROX. 4 acres 1 mi. from city limits South near Crolsan . Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Com'I. Ph. 4590. Eve. 9538. bbl94' WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED LISTINUS OF Olty property. Suburban tnd country homes for quick salel Immediate attention ta given all oaUs Lee Ohmart & Co., REALTORS 477 Court St. Ph 9S80 After 6pm & Sundays Ph 3779 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES nCOME PROPERTY for sale. Inquire 325 South Winter. cdl98 FURNISHED APT. HOUSE, pre-war price. Income $247.50 per mo. Owner moving to Calif. Must be sold by Sept. 1. 760 N Church. cdl94 DESIRABLE INCOME PROPERTIES TWO 4-ROOM b'ingalows on one lot. Price 16850. FOUR Very modern small homes on a court 118.000. LARGE old home and 2 new homes on one lot $17.000.SEE Leo N. Childs, Inc. cdl94 AN OUTSTANDING GROCERY Al MARKET DOING AN Excellent Business. All equlp goes for $5300 plus Invoice. Will pay for Itself in one year. Let us tell you about it. See MR. McMILLIN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. cdlfl4 INCOME PROPERTY S RMS. down, two rm. apt. up. Rents for S20 mo. Two lots, fruit Ai nuts $4200. , CALL MR. BYRKIT 3210 FURNITURE FOR SALE OAK BUFFET, S15. Round 54" table. 6 leather bottom chairs S3S. 255 S. 14th Phone 21606. d!96 PRE-WAR FURNITURE SPINET PIANO Upright Piano. Re-built Davenport St Chair. 5-pc. Walnut Dinette Set Walnut glass top Coffee Table 4-pc. Walnut Bedroom Suite Large unfinished Wardrobe Walnut desk . Montag Wood Circulator Bright Furniture Co. 453 Court Ph. 7511. dl9 WANTED FURNITURE CLOSE IN NORTH. 5-r. 2 bdrm., nook St bath, nice kit, wired for range, inlaid lln., lots of built-lns, full bsmt., furn.. elect w.h., extrn room upstairs, plywood fin., gar., corner lot, real location. $6750 GOOD LOCATION. Living room, kitchen, nook. 3 bedrms, bath, garage, corner lot, near store, church St school, bus at door, S4700. Some terms. 4-ROOM HOUSE North. 2 bdrms. bath, fireplace, hwd. floor, kit, wired for range, built-lns, nook, full base., furn., elect w.h., gar. I52S0. Terms. 1 A. CLOSE IN. fi-rms. bath, Barn, ehlck en house, fruit, walnuts 14500. HERE IS Your Chance for Quick Cash crop. 7 A. filberts $6000. 103 A. NORTH, best of soil, 70 A. under cult., rest can be cult., some timber, spring water, fenced woven wire, $100 acre. J. H. JOHNSON With T. L. REEDY Ph, 6375 anytime 660 N. High St. cl9ft FOR SALE H ' ACRE, 4-room furnished house. 150 ft. frontage on highway at Brooks $2250. Terms. Phone 6753135 Highway Ave. Roy W. Lamb. bb!95 S6S00 COMP. furnished 7 rm. home on 5'4 A. Also cow. pig Ac chickens included. This is a good buy, 10 investigate now. Call Al Bell. , Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. Commercial St. Phone 3793. Eves. Ph. 21731. bbl05 WE HAVE SEVERAL acres near Kelzer school. Would make beautiful suburban home sites. For particulars call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS -970 S. Commercial St Phone 3793. Eves. Ph. 3341. bbl95- FOR SALE: Acre tracts. I ml. north of city limits on River Rd. Phone 7943. bbl97" REAL ESTATE HERE IS Today's Best Buy: 3 bedroom modern home on North 4th St.. wired for range, fireplace, full basement with sawdust furnace, new double garage fruit trees S6500. BEAUTIFUL 5-room home In West Salem. Everything modern, finished room in basement with fireplace, fine view of Willamette valley, You will love this place. S-ROOM HOME on East Center St. Mod ern except basement, wired for range. Garage, poultry house, nice yard. acre of land $6300. Larsen Home & Loan Co. 48 ACRES GOOD DAIRY FARM close In. Buildings fair. In beautiful setting. Year around stream. House needs remodeling. Price 17000. See U. DANIELSON with Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS -344 State St Ph. 9261. b!94 Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES I FOR SALE HOUSES LEE OHMART & CO., REALTORS NICE PLACE $53 SO HAS LtVTNG-ROOM with hardwood floors, fireplace, kttthen with nook. 3 bedrms and bath, full basement and furnace. Good location North about 10 blocks from town. NEW AND MODERN LIVING -ROOM, dinette, a bedroom, kit chen and bath, part basement with oil furnace, electric water heater, wired for range, V. blinds, n aale lor- $6950 ENOLEWOOD DISTRICT LARGE Living-room, dining-room, kitchen and part bath down. 1 bedroomi At full bath up. Full basement with oil fur nace, hardwood floor- throughout, V blinds. Well landscaped yard 19350. FURNISHED At STOCKED 274 ACRES and 5-room house, new roof. lights available. 10 A prunes. 2 A. tim - ber. some grapes, fenced. All household furniture. 3 horses. 3 milk cows, model A. all included In pric of $5000. About S miles south of town. BERRY FARM HOWELL PRAIRIE 10 ACRES and good 6-room home, has 1 bedroom down and 2 up. electric water heater, oil or wood heat, ill in excel lent condition. 9 A. of berries. 6 varie ties. A. filberts and some walnuts Very good soil 110.000. FOR SUBDIVIDING or BUILDING 11 VACANT LOTS on Lansing Ave. 15350 Cor. lot. Highland ft Brooks Ave. $2300 8 ACRES, 3 A. on East side of Hi way and 6 A. on west side. Located abou; 4 miles south of town $5500 477 Court St PHONE 9680 Eve. & Sun. 3779 Our Best Buys! South Salem 3 B R.. Bath, L.R., large kitchen, lots of built-lns. wired for electric range Gas water heater, full cement base ment, laundry trays, , wood furnace Priced at $1600. Southeast Sale m Hardwood floors throughout. LR. 3 nice B.R.. bath, large kitchen, lots of built lns. oil heat, electric hot water hfater Single garage, utility room. Priced at 16830. North Salem. 3 Houses on Larse Lot 1 house has 3 B R . bath. LR. DR. If. Lots of built-lns basement. Connected for gas and has gas water heater. The Other House has 2 B R.. LR. DR. K.. Bath, full base ment, wired for range. Oil circulating Northeast Salem Heater. Priced at $7500. 3 B.R. HOME 1 'i story house, t B.R.. bath, large LR. large K.. bullt-ins. first floor. 1 B.R. up. Wired for electric rge. .Eiectrl water heater, single garage. 0t .Circulating Heater. Priced at $6850. McKillop Real Estate Agency Across from EUInore Theater cl94 5-R. BUNGALOW close in, basement At furn. Lot 70x90 It. Elec. Several fruit trees, near bus lin--I5250. Terms. 7R. HOME E. Salem, basement & furn Lot 90x135 ft. All kinds fruit At nuts Immcd'.a'.? vast. Snap 15250: $2000 dn IP A. NORTH. 5R. bungalow, elec. A. strawberries, out bldgs. 13800. Terms. SR. BUNGALOW N. Near bus line. Urge -corner lot. fruit. garage.t48O0. See Our List Before Buying f ' VALLEY LAND CO 370 Stat St, Ph. 96"9. cl94 Journal Want Ads Pay ENJOY THE ADVANTAGES of ideal living conditions, combined with money making possibilities: 6-room hse, located on pavement, Kelzer. Ideal setting with plenty of shade and shrubs. 16 acres, good set of buildings, low in price, con sidering location and productivity. Im mediate returns on investment assured as owner Includes beet, onion and pop corn seed with price of $15,500. GET THOSE ACTIVE, GROWING. AM BITIOUS youngsters out into God's country where their playground Is not a dangerous street 50 acres fertile W. silt near Hayesvtlle school. 8-rm. hse.. bath, 3 acres new planting strawber ries 316,730. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE 4-rm. hse. Fireplace, bath, on pavement, near grade and Hi. schools, bus $4725. Lawrence Real Estate LOANS At INSURANCE Phone 2-1566 Basement First Nat'l. Bank BIdg. Cl94 WANTED REAL ESTATE IF IT IS REAL ESTATE See O. H. SANDERS 231 N. HIGH For BEST BUYS In HOMES. ACREAGE. FARMS. LOTS and UNIMPROVED. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US FOR QUICK DISPOSAL cal96 X BEDRM. HOUSE near city limits. Phone 7031. ca217 SEVERIN REALTY CO. SOLICITS THE LISTING OF YOUR CITY AND SUB URBAN HOMES OR FARMS. DEPENDABLE SAXES. LOAN AND CLOSING SERVICE OUR LISTING SERVICE IS AS CLOSE TO YOU AS YOU?. TELEPHONE! SEVERIN REALTY CO. 212 N. HIGH ST. PHONE 4 0 16 Let Us Sell Your Home EXTENSIVE ADVERTISING, ipeelll train Inl ,nl lorn experience Insure, quick ftle end competent cloning service- NELSON & NELSON Rm. 300-3 Masonic BIdg. 495 State St. Ph. 4419. Eves. 21350 or $2 8a FlJUrs. LISTING YOUR City. Suburban or Farm Property with us 'will give you the fast, courteous, efficient service you desire. 3210 BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street. ca' WE ARE In need of good homes to se.t In or near Salem, tf you wUb to list rour property for sale, tee GRABENHORST BROS REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phone 4131 0 TO BUY er SELL YOUR CITY HOME FARM or BUSINESS PROPERTY. SEE OR CALL Salem Realty Co. REALTORS TTVl ACTIVE SALESMEN TO SERVE VOU." 140 N, HIGH ST. PH. 7660. c NOTICEI IP your Drooerti is tor i. rent 01 eienangt, list It wlta us. We have all kinds cash buyers. , STATI FINANCE CO., REALTORS I 311 Ouardltn BIdg FOR SALE ACREAGE CASH FOR TOUR used furniture. Ph 7696. stat street Furn.. 1900 State WANTED HELP HOP PICKERS ATTENTION: Picking will start at the C. A. McLaugniln hop Ranch. Independence Ore., Monday. Aug. 30, T. A. Bill. Supt. Ph, 27F2. g!95 . Hop Pickers CLOSE TO SAI.KM. Start picklnt 20th. Far!. and late hops. I-oiik Job. Cnl 4776 or 6117 or drive to farm on South niver Road Transportation furnish ed Rosers At Bishop. glP9 WANTED: Bean pickers at onre. Good picking. Camp with floored tents, wood, water aid lights, R. M Harnar, Rt, 1, Box 5RF. Anmsville. Oreg. 3'i mllef west of Stayton at end of Dlekman Lane. r IBS AGENT WANTED: Male or female. Port land fir pi needs Jobbing agent. Salem and trade area, for household tirod See Mr, McConnkey. Senator Hotel, after I P in. Bl!4 HELPERS WANTED for seismograph crowT No experience neeessary. Apply Geo graphical Serv.. Inc., Rm. 30, Breynmn BIdg.. ISO N. Com'I. St. gli)5 WANTED: IHl MORE hop pickers starting Monday. Aug. 20. Brown Island Hop Co Ph. 23107. gl07" OPERATOR. PRESSERS WANTED. Army work only Exp. not necessary. 691 N. High g 197 WANT PARTY to combine spring grain Mrs. Wright. Rt. 1, Box 237. Ph. 23277. g!94 WANTED: Experienced waitrew. Good hours and good wages Fade's Coffee Shop 1241 State St. glf7 HOUSEKEEPER for employed mother A: 3 children. For interview Ph. 5282 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. g 1 94 w6MAN"for" light housework. Ph. 4876. WANTED: Experienced washing machine mechanic, also young man Just out or high school desiring to learn electric appliance repair. Good chance for ad vancement. Hogg Bros,, 200 State St. EXPERIENCED Stenographer wanted by local cannery. Good pay and working conditions and steady employment, with opportunity to advance. Phone 22036. Blfl6 Attention Hop Pickers! HOP PICKING will start at the Wil-Hart Hop Ranch. Gervais. Ore.. Friday, Aug 17. Wil-Hart Hop Ranch. Ph. 2-2681 Ward Lundy. supt. gl95 DEAN PICKERS. Sec. St 3rd picking. Gas available. 2 miles on Wallace Rd. R, P. Bnlnwell. Rt. 1, box 201. Ph. 23263. flSA Janitor Wanted Mr. Manning J. C. Pennev Co. gio.v MEN and WOMEN for sawmill and lum ber yard on the coast. Car loaders, green chair pullers, stackerman and other general mill and yard work. Good living facilities for families as well as single men. C. D. JOHNSON LUMBER CO. TOLEDO, ORE. gt95 HOP PICKERS wanted. 140 arres early Ac late hops. 7 miles from Salem. Long picking, good hops. buR from Salem. Fir Grove Farm. Rt. 2. box 25t?. Salem Phone 2-2269. .T195 WK BUY AND SELL used furniture or what have you. Valley Furniture Co., 201 S. High. Phone 3092. da20& IF YOU HAVE furniture to sell call or see Rusa Bright Ph. 7811. 45s Court da LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED TO BUY: 3C to 40 1 to 3 yr. owl ewes, anrops or Oxtords preferred. Box 205, Capital Journal. eal97 FOR SALE WOOD GOOD FIR Stumpage, close to Salem. nnone 7034 evenings. eel6 WANTED: Woodcutting with drag saw. aiso wood lor sale. J. H. Tierce. Box 128, Jefferson. eel95 GREEN SLAB Ifl" mill wood. Double load. and sawdust. Ph. 6444. eel96 DRY HI" SLAB Ph. 6444 ee216 16" GREEN SUB Ac Edging, triple load 14. Sawdust. Ph. 6831. Wally Park. eelf)7- WANTED HELP WANTED HERE IS an opportunity to become associated with a lumber company oper ating on a sustained yield program which promises a continuous operation of many years. A large scale program of housing im provements, fine climate, plus a scenic setting un equalled, should be an in ducement to become con nected with a concern with over fifty years of sawmill experience. APPLY AT ANY OF THE FOLLOWING OFFICES EDWARD HINES LUMBER CO. TERMINAL SALES BUILDING PORTLAND, OREGON EDWARD HINES LUMBER CO. ' EDWARD HINES LUMBER CO. WEBTFIR, OREGON ATTENTION nOP PICKERS! Will Start picking Wed.. Aug. 22. at McClellan yard 7 miles North of Salem. Transpor tation furnished. Phone 9225 for further information. gistr WANTED: GIRL for grill and iteam table work. Apply at Blue Bird. Riao1 DENTAL ASSISTANT Typist. Give ex perience. age and education. Must be permanent, box zoa oapnai journm, 196' WANTED: WOMAN to take care of inva lid lady and light housework, $140 a month. Call 8089 g!9' ,10 HOP PICKERS, starting Sept. 1st. Good picking. 9 miles North on River itoaa. 1 mile north of Hoomere store, Ph. Sa lem 2-2845. R. H. Pomeroy. Brooks Rt. 1. Box 21. 205 WANTED: Route man. Good opening in Salem and nuth Polk county, sell, de liver Rawleiah nroducts year around. Steady work, large profits. Write Rw- lelgrfs, Dept. ORH-15r5-l37A onKiano Calif., or sne Lewis Sandlln, 3580 Laurel, Salem, Oregon. c IS WANTED: GIRL to stat with 2 child) nights O' days. 385 S. l&th fit- t!9S FOR SALE ACREAGE SUBURBAN EXCEPTIONAL BUY 3 Miles from City Center Large L.R, with Fireplace, Beautifu Dining room, Large Kitchen with Noo. Double plumbing. 4 B R. up. Full basement.' Houm equipped Tor electricity and m. Automatic oil heat. Exceptionally large lot. Beautiful Outside Fireplace, Double gkrage. Lou of Shrubs. McKillop Real Estate Agency 169 S. High St. Salem, Oregon k PHONE 5131 ACROSS FROM ELAXNORS THEATER bblfl HOP PICKERS wanted: Early and lale hops, good picking, clean camptt rounds, cabins, wood, llahts Sz etc. furnished. Transportation from Salem. Orev Hop Ranch Rt. 2. box 197 Salem. Phone 2-2766. 1 WANTED: SALESIiADY One with some bookkeeping experience preferred. Apply Salem Hardware CO. giutt' WANTED: Extremely efficient stenogra pher capable of accepting responsibility for post war Job. Good opportunity for advancement, can 8271 during ousmes hours. gl96' HOP PICKERS NOTICE! PICKING WILL BEGIN AUG. 30 at WIT Hams At Thackers, sola Hop yard. 4 miles west of Salem. gl97 Capital Journal Salem, Ore., Thursday, 'Aug. !(?, 194a 15 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO KENT soon, by lady alone. small hotue, furnlsed or partly. Best of ref. Forced to move. 1474 N. Bummer. Jal94 FURNISHED house or apartment suitable tor rc-ur. One child Junior high, one lO-.j. Fairground Cottages. O. B. God dard, Phone 8723 Jal97 WANT 5 OR X bedrm. house, unfnrn Permanent. Call after 6. Phone 8000. ia 108 IS THERE SOMEONE living In Salem and worKin in Porlland who would like to rent my 2 bedroom house there in ex change for a houe in or near Salem? lama government employe, transfer red to Salem and urgently need a Place to Uve here. Write Box 207, Capital Journal. Ja 195 WANT TO RENT gasoline engine to pump wen. wrue ki. i, box 103, Glenn creex Drive. JalOft WANTED: Small turn, apartment for work ing couple or exchange for small furn. house. References. Mornings. Ph. 4970 Afternoon or eve. Ph. 7020. Jal96 I OR S BEDROOM furn. hse. Oil or gal neat, win consider buying furniture or house If suitable term? can be arrang ed. Permanent. Guaranteed upkeep. Ref Phone 8855 week days Jal96' WANTED: Furnij;hed apartment suitable for middle aged couple. Good neighbor hood. Permanent, no pets. Write Box 300 Capital Journal. at94 LOST AND FOUND LOST. FOX TERRIER, brown At White old dog. Ph. 4590. kl96- LOST; AUG. 4th, child's pet Boston bull dog. Last seen at Shedd. Ore., heading for Albany. This dog has white mark ings on head St chest. No collar. An swers to name of "Terry." I very friendly. Will give S15 reward for any Information leading to the return of the dog. Phone Oregon City 323 collect or write Orion Glcason, Rt. 2, Box 95. Oregon City. Ore. kl95 LOST: Young male dog. Reddish brown colli and shepherd mixed, 110 reward. Clyde Bailey, Rt. 2, Box 121, Turner. kl4 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS repairs for vacuum cleaners. Mix Uafe tre. eleetrls irons, toasters, waffle Irons. IKS lamps, hot plates, fans, heatert I coffee makers, percolators, vi abratora, I Llbertv St, Phone 6292 o" ' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS . B-B liTX. Phone 62i3. nafl wanti.ij: okavenstein and King ana,. PURITAN CIDEn WORKS . West Salem Phone 5426 na!9g HIGHEST PRICES paid for furniture, ap pliances, trailer., etc. See Glenn Wood-1 ry, cure wooary fti'ruon mki. iauo n.j , or dial Gilo. "Estates Bought I outright.1 USED FURNITURE. Phont 9185 eeeeeeeW Exchange Miscellaneous EQUITY IN trailer house for small car? Piano or cash. . Fairgrounds CottsceF Mrs. oo;nv nniis. PERSONAL CHARIS girdles, brassieres As foundation . garment, moderately priced, expert fit-' ting. Ouarnnteed garments. Ph. 83St ; for appointment at your convenience Esther Hinkle. 2245 Shelton St. p2(ffl LOST: Four-foot Yellow Model airplane from airport. Elmer J. Rolli, eves. Pn. 6502. Reward. kl97 MISCELLANEOUS SOUTH SALEM Radio Shop, Serv. on all make 1201 S. Com'I. Ph. 6050. m309 Dental. Plate Repair 2-HR, SERVICS IN MOST CASES DR HARRY 8EM LEB DENTIST Adolpa BIdg. State S3 Commercial 8u SALEM Phone 3311 m FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BUY YOUR broken down poultry-peal moss now (combined), dry St loose, excellent for lawns St shrubs, etc. Price SI sack. Phone 104 St. Paul or write L. J. HTirsch. St. Paul. Ore. nI96 WE ARE PICKING Crawfords. Siappies, Rochesters. Camels Elbert as later). Townseud'a orchard, Mission Bottom. nl96 GALVANIZED Bath Tub and Hot Water Tank. No leaks or mends 1 100 Oak. nl94 WEAVER SCOPE 330, Post, new with T mount, 126. Ph. 7171. Salem. nl96 BEAUTIFUL 13-tubn three-wave length console radio. Nice shape. Cost new over M00. Quick sale 1175. 353 North High St. Ph. 8502. niOfl' OIL CIRCULATOR Heater, nice one, only $65.-352 N, High St. Ph. 6503. niOfl' SPLENDID Pocket Maps of Salem, 35c, 467 Ferry St. Call or mall atamps. nlA5 HOP PICKERS WANTED, starting about August 22. Golden Gate Hop Ranch. Independence. g216 WANTED: USHERETTES, over 16. TuH fcttd part lime. Apply in person. Grand the WANTED 3000 HOP PICKERS HARVEST STARTS the latter part of Ant usl. 500 Hcres or high trellis hops, cool, shady camps with lights, wood, shower baths and day nursery for children furn ished free to pickers. Grocery store, meat market and restaurant on grounds. Register in person at ranch office or write us for full particulars. E. CLEMENS HORST CO. INDEPENDENCE. ORE. g20B' BEAN PICKERS wanted. O. Zlstel, Rt. fl. Box 108J. 5 miles southeast of Salem. 4 mile west of Pen Annex. 200 YOUNG MAN or ROY 16 or over to work In fruit or vegetable department. Ex perience unnecessary. Saving Center. Portland Road. g HOP PICKERS WANTED Roberts Hop Yard 147 NORTH COMMERCIAL ST. or write JOHN J. ROBERTS St CO. Salem, Oregon Phone 9623. WOMEN HELP and Checker wanted. Ap ply In person. City Cleaners. 124b S'ate St Grocery Clerks Wanted NO EXPERIENCE necessary, Oood pay to start and while you train. Excellent opportunities for men or won, id who can qualify. See Mr, Miller. Safe way Stores District office. ' WANTED POSITIONS EXPERIENCED couple would like to rent apt. house or hotel. Would consider management. Box 206, Capital Journal. GENERAL YARD WORK. Ph. 3751. hl07 COMBINING. See me, Srd house on left side of Pacific Highway south of Brooks. JR;Minty. h202 RE-TOUCIIINO and oil coloring. Profes sional work. V. Morgan, 2605 Maple Ave Salem. Ore. Phone D5S2. hlDO CHILREN Cared For. Ph. 8645. hS INTERIOR PAINTTNO. Ph. 8796. GENERAL CEMENT contracting. Stanley Fa a u, Phone 23045. h205 EDUCATION SEW A SAVE. A complete course in d-esn making $10.00. Rent a Singer or have your old one repairer SINGER SEWINO CENTER 142 S High Phone .1513 FOR RENT FOR RENT or LEASE 17 A. with modern house. 4 miles Souht. Inquire 640 South Summer street. J105 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Box 582. Liberty Road. Call titer 6:30 p.m. J194 TRAILER SPACE FIR CREST TRAn-ER PARK Shady-Modern Conveniences 1 'A mites North City on River Road. J209 TRAILERS FOR RENT or sale. Call Ph 8282. 2265 Shelton J201 GOOD USED PIANOS. H. L, Stiff. WANTED TO RENT WANTED BV OLDER Couple. 4 or mor room houe 'furn. or unfurn i. No chU' d:en L. N. Iverson. 2307 Laurel. Jalflfl WILL PAY 110 reward lor acceptable houe or apartment for family of 4 Phone 22254. liW IIOI'SE OR APT.. PREFERABLY FUR NISHED. OFFICER'S WIFE DAUOH 1 ET! R A,"D ,.m P H J?3J!? JiLJ 1 3 4 3"oR 4 RM. houe with tnvs. Write r. I. Oo3rnt, Rt. 4. Box Ui. Sam JalSfl ATMORAYS. Orone. Sell or rent. H. C. P 11 h- Phone 324 68.P.O. Box 463. n2 1 8 TEAm" "of HORSES, harness. 1135. Also baled grass hay 120, oats 124. Call eve. after 6, Lee Far low place, 'i ml. E. ol overpass on Jcfieraon-Marton VETERANS1 INFORMATION Service. B : Dis. Am. VeLv Ph. Al Brewster. 43J9. ft or call at Chamber of Commerce Mon . TUC5.. Wed., 1 to 4 p.m. Pl947 MADAM MARLENE Gifted reader, helps ' and advises those In trouble, in love, business, marriage. Tells names anj dales without asking any questions,. Facts, not promises Test readings free. Satisfaction assured Portland 1321 W W. Broadway nr-ar Jefferson St p3nj AUTOMOBILES I OBI Mftnrt. A VnrA Tiirfnr. inrvd mnA 674 North 20th. O.190- ' 19S4 FORD COUPE for sale. Tn excellent' condition. 115 Park Avenue. Ph. 756n qlHS lftari x-DOOR FORD. Heater, new tires. Call after 7 p.m. 1063 Court St. qlO , i TRUCKS TWO 1942 Dodges. LWB. FOUR 1040 Dodge Cnrgoo 1941 OMC. LWB 11)39 CMC LWB 1039 CHEVROLET LWB TWO '041 Dodge Pickups 1942 CHECROLET PiekUp 1036 DODGE Dump CARS Herrall-Owens Co. 235 S. Com'I. Phone 3169, WANT LATE MODEL CAB. Will Py oaahl Phone 5280 Q" IfMI MODEL trailer house. 3 doors, eleo. Ire box (comb. I, 2 Dave noes, oil heate.p,l elec. hoi plate, drop leaf table St fold ing chniri. radio. 2 large closets, 1 small, with lou of bullt-lns, Venetian; blinds. Fir Crest Trailer Park, Rt. q!9l FOR SALE: 1942 Harley Davidson, buddy seat, sport shield, good cond. St tires. 1 Hi. 3. box 230. rn. rn, oairm. '"tn I WANTKD: Good '40, '41 or '43 car fror private owner. Ph. 91B7 from a.m. to 5 p. in. After a p.m. qiw- Call after 6:00. 1446 Broadway, c.lttt'1 FINANCIAL M, O. San I boots. nl94 nl94 3H HSr. Water Witch outboard motor. 605 3. 19 th St. 19th St. Grocery. niB5 3 GAUGE Winchester aiitomalic with shells. 606 S. 19th St. 19th St. Grocery. nl95 VERY GOOD Indestructible wardrohe trunk 533 S. Commercial. SIDE ENT RANCE between noon and 1 p.m. only. n!95 UPRIGHT KNAISE piano with mahogany finish Prtce 1350. Phone S4B. jiwti LATE MODEL Cabinet Radio, section book case, camera, chest of drawers. 6 North High St. nl!M F.LKCTRIC Outboard Motor 165. 1990 McCoy8t: nl94 FOR SALE: Good cOasper and Cutler wood furnace, 135. Also windows and brick. 440 N.Hlgh.Roy fc Biick. nl05 75 l-MONTHS OLD Pullets, new wood circulator, practically new drag saw. Al berts. Rt.7,Ilox375n 104 C.OLD"ENCOCKER PUPS. Ph. 22651. n!94 P It U EVER' WOODEN clarinet far Mat' t modelt with Rico mouthpiece. Ph. 4002 nl94 DIESEL TRUCK AND TRACTOR OPERA TORS! Lower your lubrication couls and Increase the lile of your efiutpment by using Wards Vitalized Diesel Approved Engine Oil! Buy It in drum lots as low as 58c a nation 'plus fed. taxi at MONTGOMERY WARD, 155 N. Liberty. nl94 OUTBOARD Evlnrude twin, reversible, gond running order. Inquire 965 N. 15th St. after6 p.m. ."l04, FOR SALE: 7 tube Crosley table model radio, Int clans condition. Can be seen at Stewart'! Dept. Store, 363 N. Com'I. nl94 DISTILLED WHITE Pickling Vinegar "Keeps your Pickles crisp." Also pure apple cider vinegar. PURITAN C1DEH WORKS West Salem n233 IIII0 PH1I.CO Console. 657 N. 30th. n!94 CANNING PEACHES and CUCUMBERS Frlgaard Fruit Stand. Ph. 6320. nill Du"Y"niHT-Nfnv CLEANER" from your grocer. Use for mnr sanitation home. Restaurant or Tavern, Sparling Glass ware, dishes, laundry and woodwork, Re places soap, softer for hands. 2flc, 50c. SI package. Willamette Grocery carry all slses. n237 POUiVtRv" FERTILIZER. Get It now II per yard. Phong 22861. Lee's Hatchery. "ALWAYS IN STOCK." Large variety used furniture, rugs, stoves, linoleum, etc. May we Serve Vou? Woodry Auction Mkt. 1605 N Summer St. Just 16 blocks N of State Capitol Bldgs. "5000 Square ft. floor space filled to capacity." n207 STOVE REPAIRING, also Part. Expert work, fas twrvlre. WoodrJ'a Auction Market, 1605 N. Summer St. n207 AUTO LOANS USE YOUR CAR aa Security. No lon $18.08 ""TnX1'- $180; ("Vim in. nr aava time, bv 'Phoning Itt vour anollcatlon. When approved ffllW' just one trip and pick up your carP immediately. Personal Finance Co. " Room 125. Second floor. New Bllgb BlAtv Phong jiBi oih state oi. WE LOAN on Farm. Residential and Busi ness Property. Will bu mortgages.' ooi' tract, HAW KINS AE KUUZJtiB. l'" REALTORS. Guardian Blag. FARM and CITS LOANS 4 and 8 Promot Service. Minimum Details Will Pay Oaih for Real Estate OoutraotaV and Hecona Mortgage CAPITOL SECURITIES OXX 207 Pioneer Trmt BIdg. Ph 7161 $ MONEY $ ORAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS OAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages Ac Contracts STATE FINANCE CO.-; Lie S-216 M-332 213 Guardian BIdg f B NET EARNING On your surplus money by buying a fir mortgage on real estate. Loans run lorr, I 3 or S years. Amounts I&00 to 8iQ,w You can't beat thli kino usreitmant (a. safety and net return. STATE FTNANOB COMPANY 713 Guardlnn BIdg. Money to Loan WANTED REAL ESTATE Mortgage oanr City or Farm Properties; loans made u , small as S300. See us about refinancing your present contract or mortgage! Approved City Loans 4'iT Leo N. Childs, inc. S44 Stale St. Phone 0261. rlB4 FINANCIAL AUTO LOANS WTLLAMETT OH ED IT CO. Bth nvm nnARDIAN BLDH. Ltcenie No. M-lBf t GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS and ROY H SIMMONS INSURANCE Sz LOANS State Lie No's. S-138 and M-l'dl. (v 136 S Commercial St Tel fling COO I, SUMMER formats, sheers, coats and suits. Sizes 13 to 44. Scarcely . worn Phone 484n n230 WE WANT oals. wheat, barley. Any amount Top price, Ball Bros,, Turner Phone 24. n202 WE BUY Si SELL Men's shoes, clothing. Moves rudlos, guitar trunks, furniture St household goods 8 UN DALE'S. 303 N Com mprclal. Ph. 303B nl 06 GARDEN Sana, gravel, crushed rock and Ready Mixed Concrete WALLING BANr and ORVKL CO. Phong 8561. n ADAMS MOTOR Control pull type road grader, one Calerplllar road grader. Iicated near Weld port. Write or cal' And-r.on Bros. Bill N. Vancouver Ave Porlland. Ore. n!95 PEACHES. Improved Crawford peaches now ready at the Jen Mnthls orchard and Fruit stand. 6 miles North of Salem on 99E highway. n!9j RAW LEIGH PRODUCTS. Phong 8894? POULTRY Fertiliser, dry, no straw, by sack or yard. Phone 23861, Lees' Hat- che ry. B" WE BUY St sell furniture, tool a, atove. rli i h ft. motor, radios. Elecrlc appllaoctt noiiiehsid goods - KUOUAN S, 284 N CommArttM. Ph. MIA. O TRANSPORTATION noY 1.1 Wants Ride 3rd St. West Hnlrm. LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that prmi.if! iiPAfdMn utu held before the Common Souncll of the City of' Salem, In ttie .Cnuncll Chamber of Ihft Clty Hall. Biilrm, at BOO p.m. m August 20. 104.1. in the matter of changing th"" rone of the f'lllo-i'iiia dfcrlbrd pfmtJ- f rom Class I Residential Di-lrtct Class III Binlw.-.s DlKTirt, rn-wit: Lnl Ifl 11. 12 and 13. Dairy CwMft.. tive A.ii-i) Addition to the City of Salem, Oregon. Anv nhleclifins or remons! ranees lh' lo wi;i Iv ron Aide red at the Mme and - place herein set forth ALFRED MUNDT, C;tv Recorder Salem, Oregon, , Ailg. 15 16 17 IIP!' NOTICE "l8 HEREBY GIVEN THAT a" PUBLIC HEARING will be held be for the Common Council of the City of Salem, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Salem, Oregon, at 8:00 p.m. on Aueuato I 20. 1045, tn the matter of changing tna- zune ol the following described premises. I from Class II Residential District -Class III Business District, to-wit: w West 37' of Lot 10 and the east J of Lot 11 Of the North Block of " Cartwrlaht's Addition to the City o( , Saiem, Oregon, Any objections or remonstrances thereto will be ffinsldrrpd at the time and place herein set forth, ALFRED ML' NOT, City Recorder " Salem. Orrcon. Aug. 15 16 17 - 19SV A Pflolflc Lorlpre No. SO, A.F. ; urV'A.M. Stated mcetina, Friday," August 17, 8:00 p.m. 195?