10 CapHnl Journal. Salem. Ore.. Thursday, Aug. IS. 1945 The Magic Cookies, an Iced Drink, a Friendly Game Spell Hut Day Delight Cookies and lemonade spell cool delight on a hot day. And even if your sugar canister is empty, you can treat with big batch of crispy, crunchy cookies if you make them of sweetened condensed milk. This smooth blend of fresh, whole milk and sugar can be whisked1? Into delicious cookies in jig time without extra sugar, and with out shortening, eggs or sugar. The recipe is magically failure proof and you can be sure of an appetizing triumph every time. They make wonderful inform al refreshments. If you ask neighbors in on a hot evening for a friendly game like Came ot, Rook, or Monopoly, you can do a last-minute job of the cook ie baking, or you can keep your cookie jar filled for such emerg encies. All you need, besides the sweetened condensed milk, is peanut butter and any one of ,these five additions: nuts, rais ins, corn flakes, bran flakes or dates. Just mix the three ingred ients, drop the batter in spoon fuls on a greased cookie sheet, And bake. i Lack of sugar needn't mean unsweetened lemonade, either. If sweet oranges are available, they help the sweetening. Strain ed honey or syrup may be used. And a spoonful of orange marm alade stirred Into each glass gives sweetness and delightful flavor. You can always add to msm. the festive appearance of your lemonade by putting a sprig of mint into each glass. Another decorative touch is ice cubes frozen with a berry, a cherry or a cube of orange pulp in each. Magic Five-Way Cookies cupjt Awwtened condensed m;llc ' cup peanut butter Ao. one o( the.se & insredienLs: 1) 3 cups raisin 3) 2 cups corn flakes 3 7 cum bran flu it m 4i 1 cup chopped nut meatj 5 1 3 cupA chopped dates Mix the sweetened condensed milk, peanut butter and any one of the five ingredients listed; drop by spoonsful on a greased baking sheet. Bake in moderate oven, 375'F. 15 minutes, or until done. Remove from pan at once. Makes about 30 cookies. Peanut Butter Hermits l'-fc cups sweetened condensed' milk y 1 &t 4& HONA JUACrru lw .f Sto., . - , JARS, CAPS, and ERS And follow ImrtniRtloM In 19m tUR Bint Book. To ptt your copy end lOewiUi your name and ddrwt to Ull IRftTHHS COMPANY, MvntU, In4. "I do 'i Q ''... I "plroll o(I.n,;?.""' "Yt: I New Cream Deodorant Sajely helps Slop Perspiration X. Tines not irriure skin. Ones not rot dre.set or men's shirt , 2. Prevents under-arm odor. Helps stop perspiration sitely, 3. A pure, white, antiseptic, stain less vanishing err am. 4. No waiting to dry. Can b uted right itier sluvine. ft. Awarded Approval Seal of American Insmureol Launder injt -harmless to labnc. Use Arnd regularly. MOItl MEN AND WOMEN USI ARRID THAN ANY OTHER DEODORANT T Mighty Good Eating " ' r r- r - r I ri m mm mm mm I THi 6KAINS ARC GREAT F00PS" Kellogg's Corn Flakes bring you nearly all the protective food ele ments of the whole grain declared essential to human nutrition. "-; i li.., m Hi mm Fish with Cheese Sauce . Halibut Rii Gratln Kuttj Mahed Pot tor with fhivei qole s;w - salty Rye Bread Halibut au Gratin Pears Helena 14 lbs. halibut nile! 14 cups milk 1 tablespoon flour 4 tea&uoon mustard H teaspoon mnrjornm 1 teaspoon onion, mlnred 1 tablespoon hotter or margarine 1 teaspoon salt U cup grated ch. Grease an oven-proof shallow dish. Pour the milk in the bot tom of the dish and sprinkle the flour and mustard over it and stir thoroughly. Lay. the halibut fillets in the milk mixture and sprinkle the marjoram, onion and salt over them. Dot with butter, cover with grated cheese and bake in a hot oven, 400, about 30 minutes. Pears Helene A pears 2 tablespoon suaar 1 pint vanilla Ice cream 1 tablespoon butter or marBurtn chocolate syrup Peel, halve and core the pears. K teaspoon aalt 1 eup iraliam cracker crumb Mix sweetened condensed milk and peanut butter. Add salt and graham cracker crumbs. Blend well. Dron hv snnnnfuU about 2 inches apart on greased Baking sheet. Bake in moderate ly hot oven, 375'F., 15 minutes, or until brown. Remove from pan at once. Makes about 24. MENUS Place them in a greased baking difh and dot with butter. or mar garine and sprinkle with sugar. Cover the bottom, of, the dish with water and bake in a slow oven, 300' , for approximately two hours. Chill the pears and when ready to serve place two halves in the bottom of a dessert dish, place a spoonful of ice cream in the center and cover all with chocolate syrup. Cold Cauliflower is Good Sliced Tone up - Cauliflower Salad Hot Whole Wheat Rolls Floating bland Cauliflower Salad S-T-R-E-T-C-H! S-T-R-E-T-C-H' your supply of this home-grown sugar as far as possible. It's a materiel of war. Don't waste it. V, elov itrlta V teapom ehojwd eherrfl 1 tablespoon vlnejar aalt and peppr Remove all outside leaves from the cauliflower. Cut away as much of the stem end as pos sible to leave the head whole. Place the cauliflower, end down, in a deep saucepan: Add a cup of salted boiling water. Cover tightly and cook over low heat 15 minutes. Test with a fork to see if cauliflower is tender but not too soft. Drain thoroughly. Pull apart into flowerets and chill thoroughly in refrigerator. When ready to serve, rub salad bowl with x,i garlic clove. Add oil, chervil, salt and pepper to taste and mix thoroughly. Add vinegar gradually, beating con stantly. Add cauliflower and marinate so that the cauliflower is coated with the dressing. Curry for Hot Weather Curried Lamb - Fluffy Rte Ju!!enne Snap Bean Baktnc Powder Biscuits - Oram Ice "SB ' ' Curried Lamb 14 Iba. shoulder lamb I tea-spoon Rlt 4 teaspoon pepper U cup butter or margarine 1 cup bouini water 3 tablespoons flour 1 or 2 tea-spoons currr powder 2 cups moat stock or vegetable liquor 2 chopped onions 2 tablespoons lemon Juice U cup threaded cocoanut (optional) Have lamb cut in inch cubes. Season with salt and pepper and saute until browned on all sides in 1 tablespoons butter or margarine in a large skillet. Stir frequently. Add boiling water, cover and simmer 1 hour. Saute onions in remaining butter or margarine, over low heat, until golden yellow, stirring occasion ally. Stir in flour and curry powder. Add meat or vegetable stock and cook until thick, stir rine constantly. Combine with meat, cover and simmer until j meat is tender, about 30 min utes. Add lemon juice and coco nut, heat for a few minutes and serve on rice. Orange Ice 1 cup orange lutes 1 cup water 3 tablespoon! lemon Juice 1 tablespoon irated orani rind dash of salt 4 cup suiar Boil water and sugar 5 min utes. Add other ingredients, cool and freeze in refrigerator tray, stirring once after the first hour of freezing. Jellied Vegetable Salad 1 1 cup grated cabbage 1 cup grated carrot 4 cup minced celery 1 table-sDoons chopped plmlento 1 cup boiling water 500 other MONARCH Foods-all Jutt at Good j Here's the Quick, Eosy Way to Moke Marvelous PEACH JAM A 1 TESTED RECIPES (or all POPULAR FRUITS and BERRIES 4 Cup. Ground Pach. 6 Cup. Sugar V. Cup Lamon Julc. 1 Packaa. M.CJ. Pcn Wash, peel, and remove piu horn 4 Pu.na;. "L JiTf ol UUH. measum .ui - r .... the ground peacne aaa ww. out lasi cup. u "-'" i -- j . " " Heme, nau me - -7, .. iuice. stir well and rang " J 'ling constantly. NOW. add th ugar continue lurnng. v . wTij rolling boil. nun. wu s . . UTES. Remove from hre, lei boil fu- auae. atir emu . i -utes. Pour inlo terili3ttJd jnv altojf' yi-mcn lot teaun u 1 Sou SUOA 5w fVT SU TtMe With V I 1 eap vitef 2 taniespoonji vlneraf ' 4 teaspoon nil Soften gelatin in water ac cording to directions on package and add vinegar and seasonings, and chill until slightly thicken ed. Add vegetables and fill a loaf pan or square refrigerator pan and chill until firm. Cut in squares and serve on lettuce. The salad may also be chilled in individual molds. William Gilbert in 1600 get the foundation for the discovery of radio when he conceived of the earth as a great magnet with magnetic poles and a field of force about it. All aliens in the United States in 1943 except foreign govern ment officials were required to be registered and fingerprinted. from P&i?simmuiimitf R3a&3Ikett Have you found out for yourself how much fun it is shopping at Para mount? If you haven't, we extend to you an invitation to try our many services at OPA's Group 4 prices. We enjoy serving you (even if some times we don't look like it), and we want you to enjoy the time spent in grocery buying. POINT FREE!! MEAT Department Ample Supply Chickens To Fry and Bake Rabbits Friers and Boilers Pointless Lamb and Mutton (Commercial) Turkies To Fry (Maybe) CANNED FRUITS, VEGETABLES AND JUICES ARE POINT FREE CRACKERS Snowflake or Krispy 2 pound box 32c Vegetable Soup Rancho Brand 3 tim 23c FRESH VEGETABLES Are needed to insure a balanced diet for your family's needs. Our depart ment is -stocked fresh daily. TOMATOES 2 full lbs. LOCAL CORN 4 ears TENDER SMALL KERNELS 29C 5RNELS 21C NO POINTS NO LIMIT JELLY Kerr's Assorted Kinds 16-oz. Jars 23c A Great Big Shipment of White Meat Tuna Fish Has Just Arrived 38c tin 4 Points I I I No Limit vL PARAGON BRAND Minced Clams 29c No Points Pismo Brand Tomato Juice Libby's 47 oz. fin 23c Point Free BUTTER Grade "A" 49c lb. 16 Meat Points M.J.B. RICE Brown or White 16 oz. pkg. 13c FOLGER'S COFFEE, lb. J2c JUST RECEIVED ANCHOVIES Flat or Rolled Tins 2 oz. size 35c PARCHMENT PAPER Autopak. tfLC4 500 Sheets . . . 03C KRAFT DINNER Vi Red Point, rkft lie CREAM OF WHEAT Pkg. KELLOGGS PEP UPTON'S DRY NOODLE SOUP 2 Pkgs. Igg Mother Nature xtyn No big oranges but plenty of small ones this summer. They are mighty good, too.Thin skinned ! Sweet! Burst ing with golden juice! Buy a big bag full of small oranges today. For juice and vitamins your best buy right now! Ask for Sunkist, finest from 14,500 coop erating Calitornia-An-zona citrus growers. i WHERE PRICE AND QUALITY MEET Journal Want Ads Pay .1