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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1945)
8 Capital Journal, Salem. Ore.. Tuesday. August 14, 1945 Radio Programs, Tuesday, P.M. IKSLM '? 'KGW "kU" KEX iih k. fis niKi k K.Ofc-(1:30 1 New Superman Tom Mil Nllht News TFIre I OK ( f Relets , rnmmrntator I Date Wtlb Jiidle t Date WMh lurlU 7:110 1:1ft 1:3ft- Gabriel Reattci ! Orchestra American Fomne Amertran Forum American Pomsi I Red Rdrr I Red Rder ' I Orrhestra I" review I Our Duty ! Future ! Show ! Show TMan "Tailed X ' Man Called X ! Eventnr with I Rom her i I Terrj Pirate Dlek Fraey .lark -trm Irons 1 R. firum Swlnr I Orchestra ! Orrheilra Harris Popular Mnslr I Geo, Olion I tint. -Olson Count? Fair ' County Fair , R'rt'i Can News New I Columbia Presents 1 Columbia Presents ' B.V. ! B.N. Rerrlee la Front Rerriee to Front ! Music ' Hello Soldier I Supper club !f-eeiwood Law ton Johnny Presents Johnny Presents Pic Pat News Show Show . t News . Rei 51 tiler I Adventure I Adventures lolljwood Ihea. 10.1IW- I in an i II), t6 I 1 1 rOO f I : A i 11:30 1 11:4 I New Fleshes It Happened I fi ardent n i 1 l.ale da to Open Home I Opcp Home 1 Overseas Report i News Phil Erwiri t rrhestra I Orchestra I War News i:ort Slcn Off . Dark Venture Dark Venture w 1 Time la now! ' Mmlr I Charlie Chan 1 Cnnrrrt Flour ) Concert Hour Concert Hour I Cnnrerl Hour New. Rhythm t "X"lra Hour I Bis Town I Ria Town Million I'lnb Million S Club TFir7Star Final I Vetnnt I rdwfn f. Rill 1 Texas Raniera Talka Orrhestra Airflow heitrm Mmlr tt New ! O Wednesday, 6 A. M. to 4:45 P. M. ( no -News ' Band (Busier X :f.-v i Muiical Timrkpr ' Farm Builri X $ .IP Musis Timekeeper ! Farm ! Hurler X :l!i t News ' Old Soma 1 Buclei X I News j Western Start KOIN Klork I KOIN KIock ?:fl0 Newa 1:1ft ! Smile lime t:S0 Nwi l.tV I Orchestra H:no Di Talhot R ir ( n Talhot ft nn Take la essr H -I.W ' Interlude ReteHle Roanda Sam Hava I Fred Warlnt ' Fred Warlna ! Ki Fast A Polly ' f it Fait roll? ! Round -up j KOIN KIock Martin Arroniky I Sena I .tame Abbe ! Newa I Listening Pott ! News 9. (in-. Wra. Lanr Newa t-I.V- Morton Downej 9:3ft j Pastor's Call :A.W 1 Orchestra ' Jamei Abbey I l.arrj Smith I Personality Hoar ! renonalii Hour 1(1; (10 ( News I Free for All 10:1ft 1 Talk ( A.3A Mountaineer Homemakera' 10; 15 i John J. Anthony (Rakers Notebook Rrrakfaal Club Breakfast Club . Breakfast Cluh 1 Breakfast Cluh I Glamor Manor Glamor Manor I Breakfast ( Breakfast I Git Msrfn ' Ted Malona I Mi Slorr ! My Story (Consumer Newa Valiant l.ady Lit hi of World I Aunt .Irnrtr Kate Smllb Ria Sister I flelen Trent ( Our Gal Sunday , i.lfe Reantiral I "a Perkina Marr. McDonald i I n. Dr. Malone II -1)0 I Cedrle Foster Guldini t it hi Baukhaae Talklnt 2 on a Clue 11:15 Muile Todays Children -Ethel Albert Rosemary 11:30 1 Ouren i Women In White Mara nf Today I Perry Mason 11 4. Quren I Church Hymns ' Mr. Motorist I Tens A Tim 120ft i Today's Trada 1 Woman America. I J. R. Kennedy i Newa 12:15 Newa 1 Ma Perkins I Constance Bennett 1 Neighbors 12. !tft 1 Hillbilly Serenade, P. Tonne Family ! Ladies he Seated I Woman's Ufa 14S I Music 1 Right to Hapnina. ! Ladlei be Sealed Barh, Chi Id tea Newa i House Tarty I Radio Parade t llrue Party !GI1 Martyn I Story 1 Hymns I Sonts 1:00 . News , I Mrloilles 1:30 I Melodies 1 :45 t .famborre Rarkstace Wife Stella Dallas l.orenio Jonea WIrirter Rroirn 2:00 News t:l!S Musfa 1:30 , Muslo t:l& ' Orchestra S;00 News 1:1.1 1 Concert Hont $:S0 I News i:5 I Party Lines Girl Marries I Whnt'a Dolni Portia Face Life Ladles? .lust Plaio Bill At lloma Front Pf. Farrell 1 Al Home Road to Life ' i Time Darid Baran I Walkie Talkie Newa I Network t Aunt Mary News flashes 1 Newspaper et the Air 1 Meet the Mlssne I Meet the Mlssaa I News Jimmy Carroll Showboat I World Today l;0ft 1 Fred Morrison 4:15 I Rex Miller t:3A Skelchee 4:45 i Orchestra I Women's Secret I News I News I Mrlody Stars l Today Tour faroritw I R. V. Halt en born Hop Harrlsan Stars or Today I frant Romanca I Treasury I Serenade KOAC 550 KC Tuesday P. M. 1:0ft, On the I'pbiatt 5:30. Story Tlmei :I5, Newsi (1:30, Farm Honri 1:80, 4H Clubi :lft. A Is Zi 1:00, Mnslei 0. Newsi ff:46, Hedltitlen. Wednesday A. M. ln:M, Newst 10:15, Homemakera' Hnnri 11:00. tHrhonl) ll:S0. Concert Halli 'JiOO, Kewst t!5. Farm Roan 1:ltfl, Variety Tlmei 4:00. A to Zt 4ilS. Red Croasi 4:45. Book f Week. KALF 1330 KC. MBC Tuesday P. M. 5:15, gnprrrnant 5:30, Show Timet 5:45, Newst R:I5. Believe It or Not; ?:M, San Quentlni 9:00, Newti 11:45, Fullon Lewis i 10:00, Orchestral 10:30, News Wednesday A M. 11:45. Cowboy i 1:00, Newsi 0:00. Swt; Women's Neusi 10:30- This AV Thali 11:30, Concert) IU;0JI.' News; 2:1.1. Texas Raneersi !:50, News) 3:45, Bill Hayi 1:45, News. 2957 SIZES H-4 M Cool Comfort You'll stay cool and comfortable while do ing your housework in this cap sleeved dress. The side button ing will make it easy to wash. It also has the popular and flat tering princess lines. No. 2957 is cut in sizes 14, 16, 18, 20, 40, 42, 44, 46 and 48. Size 36 equires 3 'i yards 35-in. fabric, 2 yards binding. So many good Ideas for be-tween-season sewing in the SUMMER FASHION BOOK. Underwear (easy to make) for all the family, aprons and pina fores, and over 100 other pattern designs for all ages and occa sions, shown in full color. Price just IS cents. Send 16c for pattern, which Includes complete sewing guide Print your Name, Address and Style Number plainly. Be sure to state size you wish. Address Pattern Department. Capital Journal, 5S2 Mission St., San Francisco, 5, California. by DAVID TAYLOR MARKEl Testerday: Penny Martin receives , anexpetted visit from her mother-in-law. Trudy, who Is supposed to he In South America. Trudy Is surprised to Irarn that Penny la about to become a mother. But Pennv rebelllnuslr announces that despite Jlm'a demand that she tlve despite Jlm'a demand that she tire up hrr career to care for the baby, she In tends In keep rlyht an with hrr art work. But doesn't a child need Ha mother, aska Trudy, renllj. No. flings back Penny. A trained nurse can rare for any baby better than Its own mother. Suddenly Penney eels a brilliant Idea Che aska Trndy to take rare of the baby "Surely, a irandmoiher'a arma are as toad M mother's." Chapter S Jim tOod in the doorway, his hat and coat damp with mist, his face tired and discouraged. Penny couldn't help contrasting this entrance with others he had made in times previous, when he had called. "Get out the band. It's the old man himselt!" This strange marriage had done something to Jim; left an ex pression on his face that was as disfiguring as a scar. For a little while, as he caught his mother up in a tight hug, Penny mourned over Ihe lost dream she had shared with Jim. She won dered what had broken the charm that surrounded them once, what had turned the har mony into discord. Trudy said, "I've boon getting all the news. It's a wonder we Marlins wouldn't write more often." His glance wavered from her, his eager smile gone, his face clouded, secret. Was he won dering what she had told his mother. Penny asked herself? Woncring too. if she had asked for support in this stubborn scheme of hers. "I've had the most brilliant Idea," she said gaily. "Trudy must come to live with us. She's But Penny wasn't paying strict attention. She was too excited because she had neatly solved everything now, as. soon as she gave her order and the waiter left. "Trudy, tell me, please. Will you do it?" "I can't but I want to " Trudy stammered. Jim said crisply, "Don't think about it unless you really want to. Mother. It's our life, and we'll have to work it out be tween us. You've had your share of raising me and it's about time you looked after yourself without taking on an additional burden. After alt, this baby is Penny's responsi bility and she will have to face it." Penny knew that he was try ing to speak calmly, trying not to say the bitter words he'd said that morning. She looked at the food on her plate, and tears blurred her vision. Her disap pointment, her sense of defeat, whipped at her like a high wind, and suddenly she was on her feet, sobbing. "That's marriage for you! You promised me once. Jim, that we'd share everything. Everything not just the rent and the maid's wages but work and sickness and fun. But you can't share in r baby, can you?" Penny ran from the room, putting her arms haphazardly into the sleeves of her coat. On the street, Trudy and Jim caught up with her, and she walked head down, trying to hide the tears on her face. She wanted Jim to put his arm through hers; she wanted to tell him that she was sorry; she wanted to say, "Darling, don't stalk like that. Don't be angry with me. Please say something!" But Jim was still silent when they came into the studio. By that time she was surrounded by a vague pain through which she could not fight her way out. It meant. , . . "See here," Trudy said at last, "if you aren't going to have this prodigy for a few days, I can still settle some business I must attend to. An aeroplane would get me to Florida and back again with you, my dear." she addressed Penny directly, "until we have brought up this child. I don't know why you want me." Penny sighed deeply. She felt as if she'd brought her ship of matrimony through a storm and now, with Trudy as pilot, she would see it safe in the har bor. "You're a darling!" she breathed. "It's mighty good of you, Mother." Jim spoke with curt indifference and turned away to light a cigarette. (To be continued) The water allowance in U.S. army camps is 100 gallons per capita daily. just the person to bring up the heir. Look whatta swell job she did on you!" Jim grinned a little because of her gaiety. "Where do we eat? Paul's again?" He turned to his mother." "Molly's out in Brickhaven. We've just been camping out here." On their slow way to the res- taurant Penny was happy at last because she knew it would work out. Trudy would see that it did. Jim was her only child. Of course she would. Be ing a widow. Penny decided, made you more interested in your children, andTrudy and Jim had been all over the world to gether, before he married. They were talking now of their win ter in South America. "Did you see the Chambris again, Mother?" "I stayed with them two weeks. John's just the same." "Married?" "No. Marie still watches over him like a hen with one chick." Jim told Penny. "He wanted to be my stepfather. Trudy wouldn't have him." "Why not?" Trudy flushed and looked very young. "I just couldn't think of John that way. I met I some charming people while I was there, oung Mason, the writer, and Ronald Navarre and an archeologist named Win ters." Jim said eagerly, "Miles Win ters?" "Yes. He was just back from some place in the Colombian Jungles. He goes to Mexico in June." ACROSS 3&. SoothitiB 1. Fodder pit ointment ft. Wi'le-mouthed X7. Kput-h Jar 3S. Wild hoa; . Conjunction X9. Opposite of 12. Across a weather 12. Seethe 4ft. Related '.4. June bug t42. Congealed 15. Molten rook ' naier U. Narrow road 41. From of the 17. Indian of foot Tlerra del 46. Looked Fupro apkance tR. Stir up 47 Of Ihe, run 20. Men who SO. Mountain handle) a (font train Rl. Therefora 31 Public not lea S2. Spoken 22. Home of 53 Lodger Goliath IS. Piece- of 24, Conjertura (rrotmd 35. Wnerate M. Bill of fare 37. Weep con- 47. Extended vnlalvely Journey JR. Fusa "ft. Number 29. Snara It. Chief Nona 31. Pale brown god C O NflRlA S E PflP E Q 5fr wll pit r i iUciq S KQ REABB U AlTIA NfT SI A TTRjE SB O NSJET P L eUbl e e"Rybl o R O PjtEjv eTNSpT M TTN BEMI RltMMiE D E G ElN! I Pflj.EN AfEl3 K3nT QNaB R E N CiAlMlE RIA SBAS I PE AjriRHfjiiL IIBrtki jJdio 1 1 E iv 'o kieJ ft y e nTeipUp.eiT e rUd" e n Solution Of Yctterday'i Puczlc 5. Otherwise 43. And not H, Small per- foratrrt bal' 16. Bamhoolik grass ' la P I Ws 1 17 fl PM? 0 I" 3 W 77 a? J 31 13 S 4 35 " 5Z ppj 37 ,S. 38 7'Fh if H !Llfl 7i sr 55 DOWN 1. fltin t. The herb era I. Israelite tribe 4. Citrui fruit i. Erase C. Keluctant 7. Short letter I. Beverage r Worship 10. Roman flat U. Delineates 1!. Small wagon 20. Medicinal cisarett 21. Oriental cart 22. Jnlrteata 24. Leave 16. Grand elam at card a 57. Fascinated Sn. Gone by 33. Coconut huav fl'ner 33. Speed eon testa S4. Netrle rash Jfi. Fusible opaque substance 41. Consider 44. Altprnatir 46. Tn-n in Vw Hamoshlra 47 Lawmaker 45. Towi In Malna 4. Tardier 50. CHv In Mtchlfran 53. Interpret: archaic 54. Put niayefl Sfi. Crowd Krnplojf 55. Color AP Newsfeolure R228S Pattern No. R2288 Mary, Quite Contrary How does your garden grow? Mary and her garden can very easily be embroidered on this sweet pinafore. She can also be appliqued. Pattern envelope contains hot-iron transfer, stitch illustra tions and full directions plus tissue pattern for sizes 1, 2 and 3. Our 60-page multicolored book of Needle Arts containing five free patterns, and many other suggestions for dressing up your home and yorrself is now available. Send your request for this book to the address listed below, enclosing twenty cents (20c) in coins to cover the cost of mailing charges. Send 15 cents (coin) for Pattern No. R2286 to Capital Journal, Needle Arts Dept., Ill New Montgomery Street, San Francisco 5, Calif. Please include your postal zone number. Hataoea Dnte Proeessed Feeds Blue Stamps, Book 4l Valid data Stamps Eiplra May 1 T2 thru Ol Am 31. June 1 Dl thru HI Sept 30. 1 Jl 'hru N Oct 3t Auiuat 1 PI thru Tl Not 30 Meat, natter. Cheese. Bneh 4. Red Stamps Valid date Sumps Expire May 1 Q2 thru U3 Ans 31. June 1 V2 thru 7.2 Sept 30. July I At thru El . CW 31 Auiuat 1 PI thru Kl Nov. 30 Saar nook 4 No 3 valid throuih Aui-uit 31. Endorae cannina auiar coupon with r tion book 4 number and rour name. heea Lease S Urn PI Invalid. Book I Airplane itamDl 1-2-3-4 now valid Gasoline Coapene most be endorsed. A1B. Hi. Ch. valid thru Sept 21. i B7-I and C7-I valid. fl each k- Wood. Coal. Satrdaal Dealer determines delivery priority Pnel Oil Coupons Expire 1044-45 Period 1-3-3-4-5 Auiuat 31 ll 194&-44 Period t Auauil 31. 1044 Price Control Refer inquiries to nrloe clerk at loea noard. Rent Control All rented dwellings must be ratUteresi. Changes in tenancy reported. Volunteers Needed Apply at OPA board now. Room and Board . . . By Gene Ahem I'M 79 YEARS OLD, BUT IF I SWING THIS HOOLEY OM OU, MOULL SPEND iU MINU 1 13 CRACKING IN FRACTURES LIKE DRY SPAGHETTI MOW GO BACK TO YOUR. CAV& JI'M 109 YEARS OLD, BUT V I LL TAKE TH' BEST -lOU M GOT WITH A YAWN,- A r THEN VLL SCATTER Bf'l ALL THAT DANDELION yMl r -mi. . ..i-ni -,.ir- B m I f ihii! will, ysai Henry By Carl Anderson Reg'lar Fellers By Gene Byrnes Block Buster 's it t soMeTHiiv. looks N N, 10V , I I JcsraocKEOMt ) riuitf 1 gosh" -"T. l , ' J ( 1BU WA STUNS V X IT FtLt 1 HM)t x S rTH' J"" V f A Bt6, A ( (-W-REUKEA J ' ' " --- VWNWtAO? J JAKE KflN-JlS WILn.VFlfE BULLET HVitO 10 FIND A S fTAL SPOT By Edgar Rice Burroughs r; Coward Flees 1 rZ I I YOU'RE SO CLEVER,) I I HSawSw XN I WISH MY DOLL COULD lY S-, Donald Duck By Walt Disney C3W--- Claims Exceeded ! f. dissolve i?ust P81 J X n s-is?A(6it.v Q&?g3sJgZ The Nebbs By Hess " Anything But Thatl f WE I I TRIED TO NHAT CAM T I USTEN-ROGEI? V- WOJTDOM I ROSCQE-1 Y NO, PLEASE NBhekj . DAREKTr' BREAK IT. UP-Y 1 Do , 1- WONT CONSIDER 1 IT -ITS A 1 THINK 1M ) AGATUA-NOT i M R06ER ACIUALLV mtrSCPPOse "IHE NEXT K ABOUT nf- MATRlMOKf IF J DIRTY J SONS TO THAT! WMENBER A TL AVENQ HAVE A SPatj Little Orphan Annie By Harold Gray Program Will Be Different fc -ES! NO OOUBt! T ANb THEN I'LL HAVE fMM! NOT THE SAME Sfl r UU66E FUtGE AM6 THEN WE'LL 66T TO GO THROUGH ALL I AS BEFORE, fcNt-IIE.1 NOT BY 1 1 SPIS SPOUT ARE GETTING A NEW JUDGE ANt J THAT TRIAL AGAIN I , LONG SHOT.' YOU CAM I THEIR. bAY IN COURT. J 1HEYVL PROSECUTOR. S - OUST 1H' SAME COUNT ON THAT ' -(i. j The Gumps r By Gus Edson How to Stay Happy And Healthy W-SI vvoNPERr-HJLePOT qirr -VfparoFiai V toa. make the he a5tT" V 1 dON-h?ETENClNST&e F F MO?E HU66ANP4 HAP W. !: M II Vt& WIFE, THE 0ETTEE HE L fH&' Ay SEARCHINSFORE,JU6T feji VMATTON OM THEK Vw'1' LIKENS IT. T06ETVOUR&ELPAF-EVI sifS-, WIVES; THEKET7 Be FEWGB I, i t jMSV1V-'-'l&i :j Mutt and Jeff Bv Bud Fisher Cheer Up Jeff, Maybe Encee Will Come r. Back 1 JEFF' STOP') why? wMats all mv don't ee r dunmo but) TriERE.1 wrtATlpiy 7Tr' CwMAT'REyoUrW THE MATTER, ILIFE I SlLLV.'THEREslfe I'M SURE THE - DID I TELL K DOING? rri,. LT vPAL? rT WANTED a MATE FOR BOSS HAS A NICE) BVOUPfC