On SALE HOrSES FOR SALE HOUSES KR SALE COMFORTABLE BUNGALOW -rm. home fith basement, wood furn- a lovely rooms, 3 bedrooms, nook ice. plastered, garage. East Salem, Im- BASEMENT, FURNACE. GR QOOD mediate possession. Price 4200. LOCATION SOUTH. CLOSE TO BUSI- Orabpnhorst Rvn? ness section, only $5300 - better uictueiiiiuibt riut. hurryi call harry gustafson f realtors severin realty CO f 134 8' Libfrty St- P"' 4151 "tO0 ai3 N. HIOH ST, j (7B1. HOME on E Street. This Is a mod"- . HONE rn home. Has 3 complete bathroom 4 0 16 ' fireplace, oak firs. Basement, lurngce, alOO i 2-car garage. Price $10,000. iminna n a t,n,r -.u.. t. I Call O. V. HUME with 1 f7 BR; ,iOME wltn ul1 ase. Lara ! -i ? i , r, lot- fruit ft nut trees. Double garage. A Vji aDenllOrSt .BrOS. 00 Homey Atmosphere. Call AL BELL realtors Huff Real Estate Co. LJrt.jmj .,,. R E A LTO R S 9 7 0 3 Com ' L S ! S-BDRM. HOME close to Richmond school. Ph. 3793. Eves. 2-1731. a!91 Has 2 lota. Located on paved St.. close ' to bus line ft store. Price $2750. Will S-BEDROOM HOUSE, oil heated, gas also sell furnished, ranee and wnter heater. Large lot. S72 Cnll O. V. HUME with North 17th St. a 191 Grabenhorat Bros. Beautiful S. Salem Home 131 8 t.lbtrsl'-'p'h3 4131 .inn. "'MO-1-ARr.E t.lvinn D rm. with hd- Ll'J-yil'l.!!'.- wcl. fits. Flrenl.. modrrn kitchen with I-BOKM. HOME N. clos to bus & Hlih- nook. 3 large bMrms. Full baamt. with !.nd ..chool. Claraae. Located on raved fireplace In party rm. Also shower In Sf. Hou.e needs some repair and decor- basement, Aulo. oil rum. Double gar. itlng. Prleeiannn. This home was built seven vears ago bv Call O. V. HITME with owner. Call us for appointment. Grabenhorst Bros. Olson & "Reeve. Realtors REALTOrtS 945 S. Com'l. Ph. 90. Eves. 9538. aI91 134 B. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Klgn- ; .", , T-, i W.Mtfl NORTH. a bed, home on one fir. '5,B'l' ? located In Turner Ore. l,,e nvlns rm with flrenl. Hdw. tlrs. Thla home Is completely furnished Has Oood sized D. rm. kitchen with nook b"TJ" ""' . ' l's. Price Double sar. Two lots with some fruit. Cairo V HUME with Walklna dlst. from Stale BIdsa. OvahenVinvs,- Rvna Olson & Reeve. Realtors ' 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. ' alOiV W.".H NORTH: 2-bedrm. home. Living -"-V t a "VTVi ; r rm- D. rm, kitchen ft bath. Full hase- "5D? iTn " "'Thh0'ne In (W-f1rit mni- ld- trys- L- -wdust heat. Park Add. Auto, i heat carpeted iv- Two blka. from blls & 9tore, Inn room. Very modern kitchen with lots m o n r ii. of built-ins. Laundry rm. Elec. water UlSOTl KeOVe, KealtOrS heater. AMached rjrpje. P rice-S 7 3 50. S45 B. Com'l. Ph. 4590.-Eve. 0536 alfll' Grabenhorst Bros. F0R SALE ;BY owxEiiThw. baroom house with small furnished house In . , u ?.a a,n. rear- Lot 110x128. Shrubbery, shade treps 134 8. Liberty St.-Ph. 4131. alOO Larce warden, all kinds of fruit trees. LATE-BUILT ATTRACTIVE HOME nnl chicken house. Walking di.itance to EXCELLENT VIEW, oil furnace, fireotace. a!1 schools Price 17500. Ph. .-,530. a 101 oak firs., elect, water htr. Wee living GOOD LOCATION L. room, kit nook. 3 rm.. dining rm.. well arranged kitchen bdrnw, bath. ar. Corner lot. near store nook, bath and 1 bertrm. down, 1 bdrm, church St, school. Bus at door. 14700; ft 1 tin fin. rm up. Painted white, nice terms. fetfn and shrubs, garden soaoe. Garage CLOSE IN NORTH S r. i bdrm., nook & attached to house. A HOME YOU WILL bath, nice kit. Inlaid lln., wired for LIKE! Price 90750 FOR QUICK SALE range, lots. of built-in. Fill lbase., turn, I (t.'J. nPn nnVet Rm eIpct w h- E-t room upstairs. Ply- y REALTORS ttnn S6750. i ' m 8 liberty St. Ph. 4131. BlOO 4-ROOM NORTH, 2 bedrm.i. bath, flre- I HOME FOR SAI.E-S-rm. home with ce- Plnce hdwd. floors, kit wired for range merit basement, furnace, fireplace. 2 BulU-iiw. nook. Full base., furnace, bdrms, small sleeping porch, good loca- , 0A3"'fr; r rmv tion on paved St. near good store and J- OHNSON with T. L. REEDY. 6375 schoola. Possession soon. Price J5500 , alH1 cash. . FOt'R BDRM, HOME located at 1005 Cas- rl'oT'.fi'nlm'r'Gf "Rvnc cade Drive, Completely re-decorated In- , uiaucimuii'iu jjiuo. !,j(jei otl h(,ati nCei, tandscaoed. open REALTORS house Sunday or Call MR. BYRKIT 134 8. liberty St. Ph. 4131. alftO 3 210 it BtTrmS DR. LR, combn.'Kltrhen. buIlT BURT PICHA. REALTORS iiw, bath, double garage. late model gas 337 Nortn High 8t Eves, 3434 or ai033 ringe A H W. heater go with place. Bus nlfll line, paved St. Only J56S0. . LUSE REALTY CO. Ph. 7952. al90 FIVE-ROOM home East. Full basement, , - ' .. ;. Completely finished. Large lot, nice trees ONE OF THE NEWEST Homes on North and iawn.-tB200. Call MR. BYRKIT Ifith, Has two bedrooms down, bath and O O 1 A shower, living room, fireplace, dining O u 1 U room, handy kitchen with breakfast BURT PICHA. REALTORS nnok, Master bedroom with 4 bathrm 337 North High St. Eves. 3434. al91 upstairs. Full basement with latest tyre sawdust burner which Is automatically NEAR BUS & STOREI eontrolled with fan. Large beautiful NORTH. & well arranged rooms, wired for front and rear lawns and shrubbery range, sawdust furnace. Home In good Iflltn North 18th alflrt condition. Price 15250. - " C. H. SANDERS-231 N. HIOH-6838 BV OWNER .l-rm. house. Auto, hot wnter al90 heater. 11500 down. 1734 Nebraska. 7z r; , J. Colonial 5-Yrs. Old! ,SPECIAL , NORTH Strictly modern 3 B.R. home. OOOD, CLEAN R-rm. 'home with lge. llv- aTge Hying, all hwd. down. 2 fireplaces. Ing rm. dining rm. 2 nice bdrms, kit- double garage, nice large grounds. Ono chen & bath, basement, furnace, fire- of lhc Di.st Duvs' today for (12.000. Place. Lnrge lot with naraie. THIS c. H SANDERS 231 N. HIGH 6838 HOME IS WELL WORTH THE MON- al90 ET. Price 52S0. OAL-L O. H. Ora.benhor.-it. Jr. with GrabeH1ilIDTOHs Br0Sl Immediate 1S4 . liberty St. Ph. 4131. Xres. 1-3(1411 t-v . rossession LATE BUILT ATTRACTIVE HOME EXCELLENT VIEW, oil furnace, foreplace. tm,Mn FOR THIS Beautiful EnglLth typ oak flM. Elect, water heater, nice living nome In the North Section of town rm.. dining rm.. well arranged klte.hen. Good neighborhood. Strictly modern, nook, bath at 1 bdrm. down and 1 up Five rooms it unfinished upstairs. Full and 1 unfln. up, painted white, nice Dsmt & furnace. Corner lot. A Oood Buy lawn St shrubs, garden space. Oaraire attached. A HOME YOU WILL LIKE, 0.01 II Price 19750 for QUICK SALE KjZilX) OALL O. H. Orabenhorst. Jr. with Grabenhorst Bros. burt picha. realtors REALTORS 337 North High Street al9C 194 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-2948 MODERN HOME 1116 BedrOOlUS V-OCATKD TN N.E. Salem near Sr. High W school. This is a large roomy well- "T i 1 Iff built 4 bdrm. home with den. Hdwd. I OTTfl H thruout up St down. Dble. plbg. with -AX clZtrVm tSAtS'S M0 FOR THIS Fine older tyPa home. C CALl'g. H "orabenhost. Jr with fuH basement, furnace, plastered, wired jt i i j. T fr range- Garage. Two stoves go with IjrabenhOrSt rrOS. this Place. A Good Home for someone. REALTORS OH A 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 3-2948 U alOO KS4JS iMOONTCE -rm. home E. Newly dec. BURT PICHA. REALTORS Large lot. Plenty or rruit. See this neat . 337 North Hlch Street alOO homel Call MR. WALTERS .. ,,.v .-n a - t,-,,.- ' 'ZA7m7r tt i t- it-iji r B OWNER 4-rm. house, newly aec. rir- HUII Real Estate CO. Place, wired for rage.-950 N. 14th. REALTORS 970 S. Com'l. j00- tll Ph. 3793. Eves. 8341 lfll S625O.0O " ' CASH ONLY - BY OWNER M3fW 4-RM. HOME E. Full base., turn- , MDROOM MODERN home. A nice Place ace. N-ar creek. Immed. Poss. Call MR for a (amtly 0l three, close In. creek lot ALTERS. Bee thls betore you buy. Evenings 440 Huff Real Estate Co. North nth at. mm REALTORS 970 S. Com'l. St. BV OWNER New mod. 2-bedrm. home. Ph 3793. Eves B341 alfll Kitchen Sz dinette combined. Full baae- ment. garage attached. Wired for range. 18000 LATE -BUILT 3 B.R. Horns near Ing. Rear of 875 B. Liberty St. a!93 Vi'Wrf&'aS, "r. Te.r,"!hrl,e,c0tU!.'.,efeh'.U.ler, Nice ,,w. call MR WALTERS K'bSu.ut.oU .u'cono'Vur': HUlf Real JliState (.0. nace in bsmt. Stationary tubs, attached pifrnna-an R rnm'l BaraBe. Lovely lawn, shade trees, bus EhA.L?7??tivS, 8B341 Cm " , W 2 blks" to "ooi.-1335 Hlon MiflO 8 B.R. HOME N. Large LR. with t.RM, MOD. hou.se with basement and fireplace, D.R., hwd. floors, full ba.w. uarage 1143 Marlon. al2 AT't Mn"' A,lrfnlCf AL BELL. yEnY K,CF, s.bdrm. home. NrthJt. HUII Keal lttState O0. Lovely LR.. Dlnlm room with nice klt- REALTORS-970 S. Com'l. St. cjien & breakfast nook. Hdwd floor,. Ph pves 2-1731 alfll f replace, double plumbing, full bsmt. -" UIL Lar8, lot, s-car garaBC. See MR. OOOD- T OWNER 8-bedroom home, wired for win with l.'X'srs'a'ieri'e'n'cr'e'c'k TZ Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. 'Tnr,p"b'5"59C'" m0i Phone 41,3715. f ? ? f rOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES HOMES JIM) ENGLISH STYLE 3 BR. Air cond. Gas heat, full basement. Hdw. floors. Ifirepl.. close to St. Vincent acfaui rand bus. district. mSTSfl 2 B.R. HOME ft .1 ACRES This Is a cute nome, wnue wmi oiuv suuiiit.-" firepl.. patio, elec. range A oil heater to with Place. Loc. 4 miles South. kii oo ROOMS. 2 B.R. Firepl., wired lot range. Close to hi scnooi Call GLADYS REIMANN Eves. 5905 INTERESTED TN COAST PROPERTY HAVE RECENTLY spent several weeks at Ocean Lake and can give you valu able information regarding all kinds of property In that vicinity. Also LVlake ind Devil's Lake. There are wonderful opportunities for investment ?n this area. See Mr. BOYD or Phone- Eves. 7062. ONLY S37S5. Just outside city, 4 rma. St bath, oil heater. 2 lots, low taxes. ABOUT '4 A. IN CITY HIGHLAND SCH. DIST. 2 small house. Income from fruit, nuts fc berries about J300 yr. 2 blks. to sell., bus & store. S700 worth of building materials go with place. NEW HOME E. SALEM RESTRICTED DIST. X rms. all on one floor, Hdw. floors, living, dtntng rm. HT,t., 3 BRs., basement, automatic saw dust burner. Nice yard St garden 39000. Terms. Call E. E. Grimm, eve. or Sun day 7805. CHOICE LOTS FOR SALE NORTH OF Aluminum Plant. In the new Arnold Subdivision. acre and up. ' RICH L. REIMANN, Realtor 167 S. High Ph. 3722 Eve. or Sun. 7805 FOR SALE HOUSES I FOR SALE HOUSES LEE OHM ART & CO., REALTORS BTTNOALOW STYLE HOME AS LIVING-ROOM. ' bedrooms. klthen and bath down, 2 bedroom up. run Base ment with furnace, newly repainted in side. Good location J6150. , NORTHEAST ICE LIVING-ROOM with fireplace, full dining-room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bath down, unfinished upstairs, stair way and floor in. Good basement with auto fas heat, large fireplace In base ment, fenced-in back yard, about yrs old. completely renovated inside and out Jfl'50 NORTH 2 HOMES fRONT HOME has living-room, dining- room. 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bath hardwood floors, full basement with oil floor furnace, water heater, in good re pair. Small house in rear ot lot. 1 bed room with unfinished upstair, full baM mentv t7sflo. phone aesu r Court St. ON MARKET STREET A 2 -BEDROOM Home. Haa been newly re decorated. Good location. Extra large Jot 34500. 10 ACRES HOME HOME HAS llvini-roOtri. 2 bedrooms, kit chen and bath. Lights water, oil heat, garage, about 5 year old Barn 18x30. poultry hnu.se. 3 A. in berries, .7 A- in pasture. Near Sllyerton 15500. 42 ACRE FARM URGE HOLSE, full bath. Ilihtt, fire place, single garage. 3 barns, poultry house ahed. 4 A. walnuti. 4i A. clover A. wheat, 4 A. oata. 8 A. clover rolling black soil, fenced. 40 A. pasture. 1 A. timber. Located about 10 mU from town on the 0SE. Eve. & Sun. 3779 FOn SALE HOUSES FOR SALE: 3-bed room h0UM. Xnqulri 1080 Fir St. after 4 'p.m. a!90 I-RM. IIOUNSE. Brk. nook, aom furn. 2 lots, garage SB0 S. 18th. a!90 COMFORTABLE HOME 8 ROOMS, extra large living room, fire place. Full cement basement, oil furn ace. Garage. Price J8900. See MR. VOORHEES with Leo N .Childs, Inc. alfll QUALITY HOME, BEST LOCATION 4 BEDROOMS, double plumbing, double garage, long living room, fireplace. Fenc ed In back yard. Electric refrigerator, range and Bendix washer included In price of 112,500. See MR. DANIELSON with Leo N. Childs. Inc. nun SAGINAW ST. COMFORTABLE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. 2 BEDROOMS, NOOK. BASEMENT, FURNACE. GARAGE. HERE IS A REAL BUY AT $5800 CASH. CALL HARRY GUSTAFSON SEVERI-N REALTY CQ, 212 N. HIGH ST. PHONE 4 0 16 al90 FAIRMOUNT HILL. Pretty setting In trees. Lot of shrubbery. 5 rms. Ac sleeping porch, large llv. fz din. rms. Open on patio. PRICE REDUCED to close estate CHAS. HUDKINS or WALTER SOCOLOF8KY 275 State Ph. 9404 a 190 MODERN HOME BEDROOMS. Hdwd. floors, fireplace, baaement, garage, near schools, on bus ine. By owner 672 Breys Ave. al92 FOR SALE LOTS LOTS- LOTS -LOTS H A. on Klnkgwood Drive, nice bldg. aite. Also '-i A. on Terrace Drive, both for $1230. Si:i50 NICE LOT close to high school, 70 ft. fronliiup on 14th St. 83.VI CREEK LOT facing north on Wilbur St. Just off 12th St. MELVIN JOHNSON 725 Court St. Ph. 3723. aa90 EXCELLENT BUILDING SITES close to Chrmawa. Barley crop goes 1800 per acre. call 3210 LARGE LOT In N. 17th St. Add. New & growing . district. -J750. Owner, 74 N. Church. aalB4 FOR SALE FARMS 15000 7-ROOM home in Richmond dis trict. 2 bedrooms, bath and laundry rm. down, 2 bed rms. up. Large lot, some fruit and nuts. MELVIN JOHNSON 735 Court St. Phone 3723. bl90 500 A. '-Jim A. Rich Farm land, 80 A. timber, ba.1. pasture. 7-rtn. hse., bath, lights. Large barn. 24 stanchion., fenced family orchard, water piped to bldgs. All year creek $30 per A MELVIN JOHNSON 735 Court St. Phone 3733. M90 NICELY LOCATED Income property near paved highway, 3 miles from Salem. 5 A. filberts, 10 A. cherries. 5 A. timber and garden. 3-r. house, Oak knoll of fers bldg. site, fine view all directions $10,000. Term. Ph. 22432. blB2 OS ACRES with modern 3-bdrm. home. Lo cated 64 ml. East of Salem. Has large burn, chicken house, 2-car garage. Year 'round stream. About 25 acres in cult. Willnmeito A: Amity soil. SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME1 Price $17,000. Call O. V. HUME with Grabenhorst Bros. 18 ACRES LOCATED 5 MI. OUT on main Pacific highway. 10 acres of good orchard. Quite a few bearing filberts. Good 8-rm. home with basement, garage. Barn St chicken house. THIS IS A GOOD VALUE! Price S9000. CALL G. H. Grabenhorst. Jr. with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Zv. 2-2948 bl90 ASPARAGUS FARM 3? ACRES of fine sandy river-bottom soil. 27 ac. in asparagus. Some family fruit. 5-rm. home, machine shed, chick en house, etc. Located N. of Salem near river. Can Irrigated. This farm 1 a good income. Price-$20,000. CALL G. H. Grabenhorst. Jr. with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-2948 b!90 BY OWNER Widow must sell on account of iwalth. 40 A. Farm, school bus trans. 8-rm. house: downstairs: living rm, din ing rm. 2 bdrms, bathroom. Nice modern kitchen. Insulated fruit room St wood shed. 4 rms. upstairs. Elect, lights St elect, water system. 3 chicken houses, accomodate 600 hens. 1 brooder house. 2 hog houses accomodate 40 head. Good barn, will accomodate 8 cows, 2 horses & young stock. Silo. 3 springs on place. Price J7D0O. Will also sell, if desired. 375 white Leghorn yearling hens St 450 pullets beginning to lay. 21 sheep., grain St misc. farm equipment. 8 miles N.E. of Sublimity, 4 mi. N. of Salem-Silver Creek Falls highway. Turn N. first road E. of Union Hill school. Mrs. Jessie Carter, Rt. 1. Sublimity. Ore. Or Inquire 355 N. Capitol St. Salem. Terms. bl92 26 ACRE BARGAIN LOCATED 4 MI. OUT on good rd. it close to store Si school. 7-rm. house Ac barn, about 3 or 4 acres in family fruit. 2 or 3 acres of pasture and fir timber. Bal. under cult. Price $7000.. CALL G. H. Grabenhorst, Jr. with Grabenhorst Bros. 37 Acres THREE MILES West of Silverton. all un der cultivation, has 3 springs, family orchard, has strictly modern 5-room house, also two-room modern cottage. Machine shed, poultry house, double ga rage, good 30x40 barn, completely fenced. SEE or CALL US NOWI McKillop Real Estate Agency ORCHARD HEIGHTS ROAD ONLY 44 MILES FROM SALEM fl PROF ITABLE ACRES. 3 ACRES IN YOUNG PRUNE TREES. 3 ACRES BERRY OR PLOW LAND. 5-ROOM HOUSE WITH ELECTRICITY. MACHINE SHED. GA RAGE A: PUMP HOUSE: ONLY S3800; WITH THIS YEARS PRUNE CROP $4500. CALL HARRY GUSTAFSON. SEVER IN REALTY CO. 212 NORTH HIGH PHONE 4 0 16 blPO' RIVER BOTTOM! 20 ACRES, 15 under plow, 10 or more acres additional nan taxable goes with this place. Oood for mint or beans. 2 B R. house, barn, elect. Only $5350 Trade for Salem. 1514 ACRES, all cultlv. 8 A. filbert and fruit. Modern home, 6 large rooms, fireplace, basement, sawdust furnace, built among large trees. Barn, garage chick, house. Immed. Possess. Price (11,250. You will like this! 814 ACRES close Salem, most all fir tim ber and brush, nice stream on rear, extra well built new 5-room strictly modern home 112.500. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. HIGH 5838 bl90' 12 ACRES 8 MILES SOUTH. 7-ROOM MO DERN HOUSE. COMPLETELY FURN ISHED. INCLUDING ELECTRIC REFRI GERATOR AND WASHER PLUS 3-RM. COTTAGE. FERTILE SOIL. BERRIES AND ORCHARD. COW, HORSE. 100 LAYING HENS, 400 FRYERS, FARM IM PLEMENTS. ELECTRIC PUMP. DANDY WELL 2-CAR GARAGE. CHICKEN HSE NEW BARN. WATER PIPED TO BARN BEAUTIFUL UNOBSTRUCTED MOUN TAIN AND VALLEY VIEW. 13.Of0 HALF CASH. CALL HARRY GUSTAF SON. SEVERIN REALTY CO. 212 NORTH HIGH PHONE 4 0 16 bm. Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE FARMS Hi ACRES Middle Grove District, (-room Plastered hse. 3 yrs. old, fireplace, elec pump, double plumbing, double garage, large barn and poultry house. Family orchard and berries. Will. silt. Living rm. carpeted wall to wall. Located on Little Pudding River. Priced $17,000. Call MR. BYRKIT 3210 BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337NonhJllghStreet bl91 HERE IS A REAL BUY 126 acres 18 miles east of Salem. 80 acres cultivated, bal ance pasture and timber. 6-room house with bath, phone, lights, fireplace, water piped to all buildings, creek. 6 cows and 30 head of hogs go with place. Price $12,600. Terms. Larsen Home & Loan Co. EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS ONLY 164 S Com'l. Ph. 83S8. bl90 FOR SALE ACREAGE 6 ACRES Prune orchard close to Liberty. Orchard In good condition. Orchard and this year's crop go for$1200. Call O. V. HUME with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. bhiPO Ifl ACRES on Skyline Rd. All in walnuts St prunes. Very nice building site. Price $1500. Call O. V. HUME with Grabenhorst Bros. II) ACRES about 11 ml. East of Salem. 3-rm. house, family orchard, about 4 ac. in cult. Price $1250. Call O. V. HUME with Grabenhorst Bros. 10 A. 4 MILES OUT. 1 acre line filberts, famil orchard, 3 bedrm house, modern kitchen, wired for range. Elect. H.W. heater, fine Barn ft Chx House. Inves tigate. LUSE REALTY CO. Ph. 7952. bh!90 FOR SALE HOME ft ACREAGE MOVING TO Another State, must dispose of 7-room home furnished with pnano. rugs, sewing mach., beds, etc. 9 A. bear ing fruit and nuts. Cat. tractor and Im plements, garage, tool shed ft ' elect, pump. School bus. 15 mln. dr. from Sa lem $12,000. Terms. Ph. 22432. Rt. 3. Box 746. bbl92 NOTICE! VIEW PROPERTY 10 ACRES located S. 4 ac. of prunes, heavy crop. Good rd., lights, fine view of mountains ft valley. This would make a beautiful building site for your future home. 4't miles from Salem. YOU CAN T BEAT THIS VIEW! Price $3000. OALL G. H. Grabenhorst. Jr. with Grabenhorst Bros; REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 1-2948 bb!90a ACREAGE HOME S ACRES located 4 ml. out on paved rd. 8 rm. home with basement, furnace, water system. Hdwd. in living and din ing rms. Fireplace, some shade trees. THIS IS A GOOD COUNTRY HOME FOR THE MONEY! Price $4000. i OALL G. H. Grabenhorst. Jr. with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Ives. 2-2948 bb!90 NEW HOME LOCATED 4 Ml. OUT. acre of ground. This home was just finished. Strictly modern with elec. heat thruout. Hdwd. floors thruout. 3 bdrms. All on 1 floor. A REAL HOME. Price $10,000. OALL G. H. Grabenhorst. Jr. with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Kves. 2-2948 bblOO- 2 ACRE BARGAIN LOCATED tt mile. outside city limits. - rm. horn, large chicken house, brooder house ft cow shed. Garage, family fruit ft nuts, price leaso. CALL G. H. Grabenhorst. Jr. with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-3948 bbl90 HAYKSVILLE DISTRICT Immediate pos session. One acre, nice two bedrm hse. 6 yrs. old, hwd. firs. Oil heat, fur nished $7100 Unfurnished $6100. Call MR. BYRKIT 3210 ' BURT PICHA, REALTORS 337 North High Street ' bblBl 1t ACRES, cultivated. Beautiful view, close In. Arthur Stook, Forest Grove. Ore. bblfll 5 ACRES or less land. 3 miles north Sa lem. near Claxter. Rt. 7, box 94R. bbt91 Extra Special! H ACRES. Good 3-bedroom house, nearly new. Adequate outbuilding including nice barn, double garage, and other bldgs. Nice trees around home. Good soil. Electric water system. Bearing in. berts and walnuts. Paved road. DON'T WAIT 'TIL TOMORROW AND REGRET See This Today! R. A. Forkner, Realtor 7 LOTS. 4 inside city limits. 4-room house chicken house, barn, work shop. Lights ft water, $80 in berries, nut st trun trees, grapes. Garden pasture. Goat ft chickens included $1950. Rt. 2. Box I09A. Silverton. Oregon. doiuu CLOSE IN 19 ACRE Orchard priced right for quick sale I Shows good Income an in vestment. Owner 7694. bb!90 5 ACRE TRACTS on N. Turner Rd. Close la $700 per acre. Cell Mr, Gardner 3210 BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street bbl91 Sin.MfllR ACRES on pavement. Good house ft nam. This place ts in crop, such as onions, beets, popcorn, etc. If sold at once crops will be Included In price. Olson & Reeve, Realtors S43 S Com'l. Ph. 4590. Eve. 9538. bblfll IMMEDIATE POSSESSION W70 tt A. Just E. of city limits. New fi rm, hse. Hdw. firs. Good drilled wei. with elect, pressure system. Double gar. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 8. Com'l. Ph. 4590. Eve. 9536. bblfll PRK-'ED TO SELL IB ACRES. Modern home, 2 bedrooms, large living room, kitchen, dinette. Full cement basement, furnace, electric wat er system and water heater, Barn, gar age, chicken house. Lots of fruit anc nuts. Price 17500. Owner will sell I acre.s with buildings and fruit for only $6500. See MR. VOORHEES with Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261. bblfll W ACRE on Main paved road N.E. Close bus. 2 small bedroom stucco home. Elect, water system, Inside plumbing. 3 nice large oak trees. Price $2950 $2000 down. li ACRE N.E. close school and bus. 3rows nice filberts, large walnuts. 1 large bed room home, nice kitchen, plenty bullt ins. Price 14450 $2000 down. 2 ACRES I block to school. East. 3 B.R. home. Price $3500. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. HIOH 583! bbl90 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Nelson News Tailspin or Spiral? THAT IS A QUESTION perplexing most minds today when the prospect of peac In place of war is right in front of us. Do we have to have either? History In dicates "No." W.W. I ended November 1918. We par ticipated leu than 'i as long as we have been In W.W. II. There were practically no price, production, or dis tribution controls in W.W. I. There had been practically no post war thinking or planning. After W.W. I we splraled except for a couple of light bends until 1939. Then we plum met led In a tailspin until 1933. In W.W. II we have had substantia! con- trots, having been denied most necess ities and luxuries for twice as long as In W w. I. and with every city, school district, country, state and other public body ready to launch expansion projevts with which to take up unemployment slack in the reconversion period, what reason Is there to expect either a sud den spiral or tailspin when Japan surrenders? ISN'T IT LOGICAL to presume that we will have a stable economy for many years and that the sensible thing to do In the real estate field is to buy. what you need when you nepd it and pay the prevailing price and to sell what you no longei need likewise at the prevailing price? Nelson & Nelson Cli el L Nelson Theo. O. Nelson REALTORS Room 300-2 Masonic Bldg.. 495 State St Ph, 4419, Eves. 21350 or 8280. clflO- ATTRACTIVE COTTAGE. 2 bedrooms, liv ing room, dining room. bath. Hardwood floors. Furnished. Excellent garden, fruit trees. 2 lots. Garage. Reasonably priced. ATTKACTIYlt 3-bedroom home. Livina rm. breakfast nook, kitchen, bath, fireplace hardwood floors, fish pmd. sleeping porch, Venetians blinds, garage $6000. GROCERY and 3-bedroom house, stock of groceries, 2 pumps and 2 tanks, fixtures, gas burner. In growing district $12,500. P. H. Bell, Realtor G. P. Armstrong 402 GUARDIAN BLDG. Ph. 4896. el90 HIGH PRODUCTIVE 30 ar.re fruit farm. 12 ml. North of Salem. Peaches, cher ries, apples, Bnyseiiherries. 5-room mo dern home. This place has been well kept and is in excellent condition and a good producer. EXCELLENT VALUE Nice 4-bedrom home in one of the best locations, very large dining ft living room with Xireplnce, well built with hardwood floors through out, den. or music room. Large lot. Im mediate possession i S ACRES ON SILVERTON ROAD. New 5- room hse.. elec, water ays., young orch ard. Substantial down payment, balance easy terms. EXTRA NICE SUBURBAN 16 acres very productive Willamette silt. Keizer, on pavement, nice 6-room hse., large liv ing room, bath, fnniily orchard. 3 acre new planting , strawberries. 10 acres In onions, beets, popcorn Just ready to be harvested Included at the reduced price. Lawrence Real Estate LOANS ft INSURANCE Phone 2-1566 Basement First Nat'l. Bank Bldg. clflO BEAUTY AND VALUE in this fine home. 5 rooms with a finished room In base ment, on one of those fine lots in West Salem overlooking Salem and the Wil lamette valley, not many homes of this type offered for sale -$10,000. 3 BEDROOM HOME close In on Union St. Modern. Has 2 lots $8500. 18 ACRES 8 miles north of Salem. 6 acres in onions, estimated about $2000. 4 acres In berries, 8 acres In pasture and timber, 3-room house, large shed. Price reduced to $5775. Larsen Home & Loan Co. EXCLUSIVE LISTINOS ONLY 164 S Com'l. St. Ph. 8389. elfll WANTED REAL ESTATE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Silverton Cafe and Bus Depot ONE OF THE BEST location! In this thriv ing town. Doe wonderful business. Will tell completely equipped- This won't last long it' a money-maker. McKillop Real Estate Agency 169 South High Bt.- 8ILVERTON SPECIAL: TAVERN will all the trimmings. A mon ey makr.--i8750. THESE ARE OOOD 16 ACRE POU LTR Y-Berry farm, good f room modern home, 5 poultry houses, barn, hatchery bids. & acres strawber ries, 3' acres Boysenberries. spring, well. elec. water system $8500. HOMESEEKERS AGENCY Silverton. Oregon cdlflO Opportunity Knocks Once! THIS MAT RE your call! Service station. siore, 3-bedrootns, living quarters, ail In fine condition. A swell location and a good buy tl'J.Son um FT. ON PACIFIC Highway, an excel lent buy, reduced In price for quick aale! R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. Capitol. Ph. 3031 or 3118?, Cdl90' ONE OF SALEM'S Better Beer Taverns. Best quota. Average weekly net Income $450. Excellent location. Call AL BELL for mor eparticulars. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. Com'l. Ph. 3793 Eves. 3-1731. cd!9 0 BEAUTY SHOP 'for Rent. Good equip ment. In Lebanon. Reasonable. Write to Mariorie Youn. 110 N. 3rd St. rdlOS FURNITURE FOR SALE 4-PIECE Bderoom suite with coil springs ft Innersprlng mattress $100. 770 Che meketa St. upstairs, after 6:30 p.m. d!93 LAWN TABLES $3.00 and up. Library Tables $3.50 and up. Odd Chairs 50c and up. 2 Baby Buggies - Wood Ranges. STATE STREET FURN. CO. 1900 State St. Phone 7596 dl90' WANTED FURNITURE CASH FOR YOUR used furniture. Ph 7596. Slata Street Furn. 1900 State da WE BUY AND SELL used rurnlt'ire or what have you. Valley Furniture Co., 201 S. High. Phone 3092. da208 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK WELL MANNERED Stylish, gated saddle horse, a lovely mount for lady or man He Is dark bay, solid color, has a splen did single-foot gate. A horse worthy of your consideration. S. Parzy Rose. Ph. Aurora. 48 or Canby 1916. elOO 1 RED SHORT Horn St. Maws Jersey hei fer calf. 4 months old. Price $35. Ph. 2-1800. Mrs. Lilly Unruh, 2365 Center St. GUERNSEY-JERSEY Cow. 6 yrs.. milking 5 gals. 6. L. B. McClendon. 006 Cascade Drive. West Salem. Ph. 6539. elQO FINE SADDLE and Work Mare. Work single or double 320 Garden Road. e!92 FOR SALE WOOD GREEN SLAB lfi" mill wood. Double load. and sawdust. Ph. 6444. eel96 DRY 16" SLAB. Ph. 8444. eel Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Saturday, "Aug. 11, 1945 II WANTED HELP BEAN PICKERS WANTED REGISTER NOW Writs J. F. Wikoff. Rt 8. box 353B. Salem. Ore., or come 8 miles east on Silverton highway, turn right 3nd road past Middle Drove school Ti miles, gl91 WANTED: Some one to care for children A house work. Steady. Lo!s Millie, 771 . Rosemont ave. We.st Salem. (191 YOUNG LADY wanted for general" of fice work, one with some experience prefer red Apply box 192 Capital Journal. gl90 WAITRESS Hay or nlnht shift. 232 North High. Senator Food yhop. gl90' WANTED: CHOKER SETTER. For Cat. Roy Stevens, 1025 2nd St. West Salem Ph. 8725. e100 WANTED: USHERETTES, over 16. full and pari Lime. Apply In person. Grand the ater. WANTED: Experienced Seamstress to teach sew inn ft handwork al girl's In stitution. Oood salary, room A board Ph. 2-3032. slflO' HOP PICKERS WANTED STARTING AUG. 20TIL Almon Winn. Jef ferson, Ore. Rt. 1. On Snlnn-Buetia Vis la road, north of Sidney school. g!92 " WANTED--2O00 HOI?" PICKERS HARVEST STARTS the latter part of Aug ust. 500 acres ot high tnellls hops. cool, shady camps with lights, wood, shower bnths and day nursery for children furn ished free to pickers. Grocery store, meat market and restaurant on grounds. Register in person a, ranch of flea or write us for full particulars. E. CLEMENS HORST CO. INDEPENDENCE. ORE. g208' WANTED 4000 HOP PICKERS-? FIELD WORKERS The Largest Crop we have Ever Grown! 700 acres Early ft Late Hops. Cabins, lights, wood furnished In clean shady campgrounds. Pickers buses to Salem, West Salem. Independence. Dallas. Mon mouth and other points if desired. REGISTER NOW! - WRITE OR CALL EOLA HOP YARD. West Salem. Ort Ph, 31331 L, H. Thacker, supt. WILHART HOP FARM. Oervats. Or, Ph. 2-3681 Ward Lundy, supt. MCLAUGHLIN RANCH, ludrpendenca. Ph. 37F2 T. A Bell. supt. ILLIHEE HOP RANCH, Salem. Or. Ph 23831 Steve Vanhouten, supt. WILLIAMS ft HART. Branch Offica Salem. Ore. Ph. 9335. gl93 WANTED Contract Caterer or Restaurant Man to serva harveat craw, of ,00 to 500 man from Aug 20 to Sept. 30 All Necessary Equipment Furnished Kitchen and Mess Hall Help Available U. S. Employment Service 710 FERRY ST. SALEM. ORE. 190 WANTED: First Class stenographer in law office at good salary. Applicants write letter stating age, experience, prospects of permanency, telephone num ber and address. Send letters to Box 195 Capital Journal. gl90 WANTED TO RENT Wanted to Rent! 3 or 4 Bedroom Unfurnished House Will nay up to $100 Per Month PERMANENT EXCELLENT RET. WJLL LEASE I to t YRARC 3403 or 6481 J 191 WANTED TO RENT: ADartment. Officer and wife only. Both smoke ft drink and work. Up to $75. Capt. Felld. Phone 199 Camp Adair, Ore. jal90 Fl'RN. ? or S-rm. house or apt. with bath. Box 197 Capital Journal. Jal90 WANTED: Furnished apartment suitable for middle aged couplf. Good neighbor hood Permanent, no pets. Writ Box 200 Capital Journal. Jal94 WANTED TO RENT 3 bedroom house of apartment furnished, for self: unmar ried, and mother. Stephen Dana, em ployed by Standard Otl company. Dur ing day call 7940, at night Marion hotel. Jal9l t OR I bedrm. House or Apt. unfurn or furn. Minor repairs guaranteed. Perma nent. Call 3625. Jal91 WANTED bv elderly lady ft son, unfurn ished 3-bdrm house. Urgent. Permanent Salem residents. Ph. 8048. Will furnish reforences. JalSB wanted TO RENT: no reward. 1 or bdrm. house, furnished or partly turn Is hod, 3 responsibla adults. References. PhoilA 8773. Js-lft LOST AND FOUND LOST: BLACK PURSE. Jiffy Lunch, keep money, please return ration booka and papers to 405 Marlon St. klOl MISCELLANEOUS will CARE for Children in my home days. 2410 Simpson St. Just off Lea St. mlM FOR PRINTING in a hurry, Ph. 7400 Johnson Printing Co. 15S South Big St, Successor to Thatcher Printing Co. mm Dental Plate Repair I-HR. SERVICE IN HOST CASH DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpo Bldg. staU ft OnmtncrolaJ V SALEM Phona 3311 1 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS NEW KNOX RANGE. 260 N. Commercial St. Apt. I. nlft BALLOON TIRED Man's Bicycle. Rt. , Box 121. East of Pen 4 -Corners. OaR be fore 7:30 evenings. n!90 PERFECT H Karat Diamond. Appraised value $100: will sell for $80. Box 199 Capital Journal. nlM Hion CHAIR, garden hose, fruit Jn 878 South Liberty In rear. BlMr NOW IS PROPER TIME TO SELL YOUR City or Country Property If you want top price. See LOUIS BECH TEL or MRS. NEEDHAM. 341 State St Room 4, they have buyers for all kinds of property and many have the cash! If you can't come, write, giving full particulars. Take a hunch. I have been In realty business In Salem longer than any other who is In business. LOUIS BECHTEL. cal90 ATTENTION OWNERS! Apt: House, auto. Court, suburban grocery store or farm. 40 to 120 acres, by private party. WlP pay cash If price ia right. Box 194 Capital Journal. ca!91 SEVERIN REALTY CO. SOLICITS THE LISTING OF YOUR CFTY AND SUB URBAN HOMES OR FARMS. DEPENDABLE SAIES. LOAN AND CLOSING SERVICE OUR LISTING SERVICE IS AS CLOSE TO YOU AS YOUr. TELEPHONEl SEVERIN REALTY CO. 212 N. HIGH ST. PHONE 4 0 16 LISTING YOUR City. Suburban or Farm Property with us will give you the fast, courteous, efficient service you desire. 3210 BURT PICHA. REALTORS 3 37 North H'gh Street. c a? WE ARE In need of good homea to eeli in or near Salem, if ou wish to Hat ro'ir properly for sale, see GRABENHORST BROS REALTORS 134 3 Liberty St. Phone 4131 oa Let Us Sell Your Home EXTENSIVE ADVERTISING special train Ing and long experience assures quick aale and competent closing service. NELSON & NELSON Rm. 300-2 Maaonlc Bldg. 495 State St Ph. 4419. Eves. 21350 or 8280. Realtors TO BUY or SELL YOUR CITY HOME FARM or BUSINESS PROPERTY. BEE OR CALL Salem Realty Co. REALTORS "FTVS A CTI V E S AJ .ESM EN TO SERVE VOU." 14B N.HIOH STPH. 7660. NOTICE) IF your property la lor ei rent or exchange. Hat It WHO UJ. We Have all kinds caFii buyer. STATU FINANCE CO., REALTORS 212 Guardian Bldg a R. E. Meredith, Realtor 176 S. Com'l. Ph. 8341. 3 BEDROOM neany new house on large lot in S. Salem. Hardwood floor, part basement, garage, wired for range. Elec water heater. Price- $6850. Terms to suit Vi ACRE with 4-rm. house and garage in good location, just off the Garden road. $4000. Some terms. 3. M. EARLS or VICK BROS. 208 No.th High St. WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED LISTINGS OF City property. SubaiDen and country homes for quick sale! Immediate attention Is given all calls. Lee Ohmart & Co., REALTORS 477 Court St. Ph 9680 After 6pm ft Sundays Ph 3779 ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE GOOD WASHING Machine for camp ground 388 N. Com'l. Ph. 7571. nal9l GOOD 10 ACRES close In North. 3 bed rm. plastered house, laiae 2 chicken house ft barn, fine soil. Take residence in exchange. Journal Want Ads Pay PROPERTY OWNERS! DO YOU WISH TO SELL! Now is the Time CALL 5131 Prompt Attention - Courteous Service 5 SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU McKillop Real Estate Agency 169 S. Hijrh St. Salem Ore. Across from the Elsinore Theatre 16" GREEN SLAB ft Edging, triple load 114. Sawdust Ph. 5B3L Wally Park ee!97 FOR SALE POULTRY t50 7 WKS. OLD Auslra White chicks. 2 feeder pigs, Rt. 6, box 121. EHSt of Pen 4-Corners. Call before 7:30 even, flOO WANTED HELP Attention Hop Pickers! HOP PICKING will start at the Wil-Hnrt Hop Ranch. Gervais. Ore., Friday, Aug 17. Wll-Hart Hop Ranch, Ph. 2-2681 Ward Lundy. suPt. g!95 MAN to heTp snw and deliver wood in Salem. Phone 8533 . gl92 WANTED t WOMEN for cloth sewing. Thas. K. Woolen Mill Co. glOa SALESMAN Excellent opportunity now ft Postwar. National organisation offers local territory to man over 35 with sales ability. Experience In Mainten ance Materials desired but not essential Commission and Bonus. This is a chance to build a good paying permanent bus iness of your own for the lucrative years to come. If unable to make a change al this time, we shall be glad to accept applications fo rfuture consideration. Write United Laboratories. Inc., Cleve land 12, Ohio, for full details. gl90 LOG TRUCKS. 10 mile haul. Inquire at 264 North Cottage St. gll2 1 LADY Dishwasher; 1 lady general cafe teria work. Calif. Packing Corp. cafe teria. ,. . . Bl!a. WANTED: DAY JANITOR for Dept. Store. Permanent position Olve age ft ref erences in reply. Box 201 Capital Journ al . g 1 83 MEN and WOMEN for sawmill and lum ber yard on the coast. Car loaders, green chair pullers, stackerman and other general mill and yard work. Good living facilities for families as well as single men C. D. JOHNSON LUMBER CO. TOLEDO, ORE. g 195 HOP PICKERS wanted. 140 acres early ft late hops. 7 miles from Salem. Long picking, good hops, bus from Salem Fir Grove Farm. Rt. 2. box 258. Salem. Phone 2-2209. Kl5 HOP PICKERS wanted: Early and late Imps, good picking, clfan campgrounds, cabins, wood, lights ft etc. furnished. Transportation from Salem. Oregon Hop Ranch Rt. 2. box 197 Salem. Phone 2-2766. g)95 HOP PICKERS-wanted for late hops. Bus service. 15 mlnufn ride from Salem. Good hops. R. G. DeSart. Phone 22.143 (191 Opportunity For Young Man to Learn Truck Sales and Distribution We are one of the oldest and largest truck distributors In the Northwest and have an exceptional opportunity in our organization for a young man. Man selected must know shorthand and typing and have ambition to train for sales work. Applicant will be undr direct super vision of sales manager and will be trained in every phase of- the truck business. See Mr. Sermon Wentworth & Irwin, Inc. OMC TRUCK DISTRIBUTORS 123 N. E. Oregon Street Portland, Oregon WANTED: WOMAN, fry and dinner cook. Union scale. Ci!21310. gl94 MOTOR WINDER, male or female Ex perienced or unexperienced. 1440 F:r ground- Rd 191 BEAN PICKERS. fle ft 3rd picking. Gas villabli!. 2 m!i on Wallace Rd R. P Barnwell. RU 1. box 101. Pa. 33263. 10 MAN CLERK wanted. Pitt's Market. glBl' REGISTER for Blackberry picking. Large Delia Sweet irrigated blackberries, start Inn Monday. Auk 13. 4c ulus 1c bonus Pearl Pickens, 1 ml. E. of North Howell school on Brooks -Mt. Angel Rd. B191 WANTED: MIDDLE AGED carpenter for .permanent work, pleasant working con dltlons, monthly salary. 260 State St. g HO P PICK E R fi W a n ted! ear hra nil la te hops, fine crop, good picking. Cabins, tents, stoves, fuel ft bedding-straw fur nished. Good family surroundings. Be gin Aug. 15. Downing ft statesman yards, 1 miles S.E. of Independence or phone Loyda Hunnicutt, Indcp. 3BF21. g 190 Hop Pickers . EARLY AND LATF Hops, start about 19th. Ten minutes from Salem. Register at 329 N. Liberty St. or call 4776 or 6137. Rogers ft Bishop. gl90 DEAN PICKERS wanted. O. Zlstel, Rt. 5, Box I08J. 5 miles southeast of Salem. t4 mile west of Pm Annex. g200 WE HAVE a position open for an ex- service man, who wants to plan a snuna future. Long established firm and a good post-war business. Write Box 202 Capital Journal. 101 YOUNG MAN or BOY 16 or over to work In fruit or vegetable department. Ex perience unnecessary. Saving Center, Portland Road. 8 HOP PICKERS wanted for early ft late hops Bus transportation to yards only 7 miles from Salem. To register Phone 9225. Ask for Kola McClellail. g HOP PICKERS WANTED Roberts Hop Yard 250 ACRES Choice R'ver Bottom Hopi 4 milae S.W. of Balem. Fine picking beginning about September 1. Oood camp ground fine obalna. Or Tree bus transportation to and from yard - Register at our office 147 NORTH COMMERCIAL ST. or write JOHN J. ROBERTS ft CO. Snlnn, Oregon Phone 9623. t' nop PICKERS wanted for our yard 1? miles north Of Salem. Picking begins about Aug 18. Phone 22347 or write Oervats, Ore. Mission Bottom Hop Co fl94 WANTED by Spokane. Portland ft Seattle Railway Co,, brakemen and switchmen Experienced, age 18 to 80; inexperienced age 18 to 46, Inexperienced men will be paid while qualifying. For Information Inquire local Oregon Electric Railway Agent. g!9l WOMEN HELP and Checker wanted. Ap ply in person. City Cleaners, 124f State St ' Grocery Clerks Wanted NO EXPERIENCE necessary. Oood pay to start and while tdu train Excellent opportunities for men or women who can qualify. See Mr Miller. Sale Wiiv Stores District office W r WANTED POSITIONS GENERAL YAK It WORK. Ph. 3751. ill!)l RELIABLE COUPLE will manage apart ment hoiiM-. Husband working. Box 191 Capital Journal. hl9l RE-TOUCHING and oil coloring. Profes sional work. V. Morgan. 2605 Maple Ave. Snlem. Ore. Phone 9.182. hl99 t FEMALE CANARIES. 10 Bq. yds. Used linoleum, almost new. Ph. 8333. nlB4l 20 C1.ETRAC DIESEL with doier. Can he seen at A. O, Haag. Silverton road, n 199 lXrgiCHEST of drawers 117.75: large chiffonier $19.75. Reconditioned Monta range $40. Man's bicycle $25. Packing trunk $3. Walnut bed. eoll aprlng and mattress $35, 9x12 wool ruga $7.60 and up. Circulating wood heater $32.50, and Many other Items. WOODRY'S AUCTION MARKET 1805 N. Summer. nmn- RUSS1AN PONY Fur Coat a2e 12-14, ex cellent condition, fermals. dlffenmt slr.es. Ball bearing metal akaes. Phone 7180. moo GLASS DOORS, 4; hardwood. S'10" b ril'i", 2 glass doors 6' by 2'12": 1 gray enamel bed pan, 2 letter flies, 3 Bin Steed binders. Ph. 4248, nlfll iaio I'HILCO Console. 637 N. 20th. M04 WORLD llVlClViTiaB. 124 Patterson Ave West Salem alter 6 p.m. "191 FOR SALE : Bicycle ft Kayak, both In good condition. Call 8534. nlfll ANT IQ I IE Curly maple chest massive. . 1438 Chem. Call eves, or Sunday. nlM EXCLIISIVE Twin bedrm set, complete. Satlnwnod. By Luce. 1438 Chemeket. St. Cnll eves, or Sunday. nlgl CT)MT'LETEi7y Refrigerated 8-ka beer cabinet, blower type. Coll. 1 sot 3 -section beer type sink, carton a tor. Ph. flf9S. Bl 40 TON OOOD Clover Hay. baled hi field. $22.50 ton. C. E. Wolf, Rt. 7, box 343, K mile E. Hazel Green school. alBO BRAND "new" Haines Spinnet type harp lnet piano. Sen Jim at Jlm'i Shoe Ser vlcc. 175 N. High. 1P. MARSHALL WELLS outside paint. Rawl ins Hdw. ft Furn. 30S6 N. Capitol. nlPO Clltrwooit Stove. 3 burner gai range, wool rug SSxlO'.i, bed ft springs, ear prnter tools, garden Inols, lawn mowe. hose, wheelbarrel, 10-ft. sle-p ladder, fruit Jars. misc. articles 940 Hood St.. Phone 8353. "190 DRESSERS. Kitchen cabinet, imall eook stove, springs, metal bed, Ph. 4781. nlOO lTACME Folding Boat in A-l condition. Halsco Factory built trailer house like new. sleeps 4. Completely equlpt. Ph. 2-1787. 2:mo S. Church. nlflft U)3flIIAiu.EY"DAVIDSON Motorcycle. 74 ft equipment. 3 bicycles. Atwater Kent battery radio. Ph. 3374. 830 N. 30th. CANNING PEACHES and CUCUMBERS Frlgaard Fruit Stand. Ph, 6330. n313 Ft) K SALE: Milk Goat, aewln machine, Chesterfield and chair. Trunk. Fruit iars. 585 North Hlgh St. nlU BUY "RIGHT-NOW CLEANER" from TOUF grocer. Use tor mori sanitation home. Restaurant or Tavern, Sparling Glass ware, dishes, laundry and woodwork. Re places soap, sorter for hands. 25c. 50c $1 parkage. Willamette Grocery carry allslnes. nj3T. FOR HALF: Cucumbers, sweet ft dill. 578 Tvwnjit Kt Phone 8586. n!91 POULTRY' FERTILIKR. Get tt now. $1 per yard. Phone 32881. Lea'a Hatchery TwayTTnKTOCK." Large variety used furniture, rugs, stoves, linoleum, etc. May we Serve You? Woodry Auction Mki 1605 N Summer St. Just 16 blocks N or State Cainiol Bldgs. "5000 Square ft. floor space fllkd to caimclly." n307 8TOVE REPAIRING, also Parts. Expert work, fas tseivice. Woodry'i Auction mtarirxt. I tins N. Summer St. Q207" EXPERIENCED Coin Machine Mechanic wants steady position. Has thorough working knowledge of all models of pin halls and Serburg and Wurlltner phono graphs. ALso some experience with Kock Ola and Mills Would prefer percentne dil. MAKE AN OFFER I 121 Cherry St.. SILVERTON. or Phone 19B3. hi SO t MILKEN Cared For. Ph. 88t5. h206 INTERIOR PAINTTNG.Ph1fl790; h301 GENERAL CEMENT contracting. Stanley Faun, Phone 23045, h205 EDUCATION SEW A SAVE. A romplete course In dress making $10 00. Rent a Singer or have your old on repaired. SINGER HEWING CENTER 142 H High Plinrt 3M3 hh" 0 v FOR RENT RM. Nice surroundings. Ph. PLEASANT 4282 . W'l SLFEPING ROOM for one $10 a month. Space for nailer house. $10. Call 8048 J101" COOL HUMMER formals, ahnc nd inlts. Sir.es 12 to 44. wtirn. Phone 484a. a. coata Scarcely n20 TRAILER SPACE FIR CKKST TRAILER PARK Shady-.ModiMn Conveniences 1 i n North City on Rr.er Itoiri1 JU09 hr. In. J207" TRAILERS FOR RENT 50c per hitches. Woodry s Mt. TRAILERS KlR RENT or sale. Call Ph 8282, 2285 Slielton J.a01 GOOD US E D I' I A N OS H L Stiff. T for rent. YiV. WANT oats, wheat, barley. Any amount Top prices. Ball Bros.. Turner Phone 24. E? WF BUY A HELL Mens shoes, clothin. stoves radios, guitars trunks, 'urnitur ft household aoods SUN DALE'S. 293 N. Commercial. Ph. 3B'J8 n!36 G-Allltf-N Sana gravel, crushnd rock and Ready Mixed Concrete WALLINO SAND and ORVEL CO Phone B56L n GOOD WOOD Suns low Furnace and brickl 411 N. High StJtoyft Buck. FOR""saLE: Two pairs oi new cavalry ridina br-echef. size 32. $13.00. Ideal for mntorcycliiig. Phone 687 after d p.m. or call at 478 N.Cottge n.TO FOR SALE: sTnaTcHolly wood Beauty Rest, bed. Ph. 5(187 or 7520. fL1!! ADAMS-MOTOR Control pull type road grader, one Caterpillar road grader. Loeau-d near Waldport. Write or call Anderson Hros. 9111 N. Vancouver Ave Portland. Ore. .Dfv. R E M ING TON - RAN ii Electric Razor. Quart fruit ars--300 Falrvk'W. nl92 UPRIGHT" PIANO. Child's 6-yr. bed ft pad IW50. High chair $2, SO, Child's table, chair set $7. - liat,Broadway. n!93 PEACHES. Improved Crawford peach e now ready at the Jen Mathis orchard and Fruit at, aid. 8 mile North of Salem on 99 E hlliv..i?- n'95; "sweet to KN 2495 Broadway. n!93 Additional Classified On Page 10