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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1945)
1 10 Capital Journal. Salsm, Oregon, Thursday, Aug. 9, 1945 i K b G n I ei N ai b tt O li al ol ff b; le If tt- Vegetable Varialion Bakrd Tnnsue Willi RalMn Suite? Boast Potalnr. - Unshallad Pea Parkelhou' Rolls Orange lea Box Caae Buttered Unshclled Peas l'j Iba. vary ymmr paal 1 teaspoon sugar 3 cups naler 3 tablespoons butter or margarine 2 teaspoons lemon luice 3 teaspoons cltopped paraley Wash peas. Place them un jhelled in two cups n boiling water to which one teaspoon of tugar has been added. Cook slowly until shells are tender. Meanwhile, melt butter or mar garine, add lemon juice and par sley and cook over very low flame until fat turns a light brown. Drain peas and pour sauce over them. Shake well so that the peas are coated with the sauce. Turn into a warm serving dish. Orange Ice Box Cake la lady finaers 1 cup rlcli milk 1 tabiespoon butler or margarine teaspoon cornstarch i cup sugar 3 eaas 1 nip orange Ju:c arated rind 1 oranre pint ctillled evaporated milk Mix egg yolks, sugar, milk, butter or margarine, and corn starch. Cook for 5 minutes, stir Ting constantly; when thick, fold in beaten egg whites. Add orange juice and grated rind. Line bottom and sides of MENUS square cake pan with lady fin ger halves, rounded sides toward pan. Spread a layer of orange filling over this. Cover with lady fingers. Repeat until all ingre dients are used up. Cover top with vanilla-flavored whipped evaporated milk. Leave in re frigerator 12 to 18 hours to harden, . the well-beaten whole eg?, 're turn to, the stove and cook one minute longer, stirring constant ly. Remove from stove and stir in butter or margarine and lem on rind. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whiles. Pour the pudding over the pears. Bake at 350 30 40 minutes, or until pears are tender. Caper Sauce for Chopped Meat Savory Meatball - Boiled Noods Buttered Snapbeans - Sally Rye Bread Pear Custard Pear Custard 2 pear" 2 teaspoons brown niuar 2 tajpoouj, brandy (optional) 1 cup mlilt ' cup flour 1 re? 3 vu wliitrj 1 irn.potii grstfrf lemon rind cup butter or margarine dash of salt ' cup sugar Peel and halve pears and re move cores. Place cut side up in a buttered baking dish. Fill cen ters with k teaspoon each of brown sugar and brandy. Com bine sugar, flour and salt in the top of a double boiler. Stir in milk gradually. Cook over boil ing water until thick, stirring constantly. Stir the sauce into A Main Dish from India Curried Stirimpa - Fluffy Rlc Ruttered Green Pen enriched White Bread Curried Shrimp 1 lb frcjfh xhrtniD 3 tsbJe.sponna ahortenim l' teaspoon jilt 9 lAblespoona flour pinch of pepper I tPHsnoon curry powder 1 tea-spoon dry mit.'tard I'i rtyis shrimp liquor 1 teaspoon Worcenterahlr aaue 1 tablespoon aunnr 'i cur. sour cream Shell and clean shrimp before conking. This eliminates the jo- B pro anna REFINERY-PACKED 1IN OOUBtE PAPER BAGS sugar 4 GRANULATED A big bowl of crisp jtotden Ruskets with milk and ruil is a real energy building breakfast! These fluked biscuits of choice whole wheat provide proteins, vitamins and minerals for active day. Good to the last flake! m!4 ex. eeot my pckg. grocers BBST 8IIV NOV! o ii - y n ra Bl66AGFUlU' Tow of ..n o ihr sweet them ''Kh'y Bl,u "cc! ( . 5 of halving.) off tops of small wan Buy.bigtagM;of.mjnllilllIthe toiulcc.forll,(wSuW?l.the SfS-angCaUfoaand Arizona citrus growers. .MB MIA OBANOt CALIFORNIA ,.! if-1 dine fasfe that many people find distasteful in shrimp, and pro duces a clear, sand-free liquor to use as the stock for the curry sauce. Clean and cook shrimp in just enough water to cover. Mix all dry ingredients. Melt short ening in large frying pan and stir in dry. ingredients. Blend thoroughly, add shrimp liquor and stir until thickened. Add Worcestershire sauce and sour cream. Let come to a boil and correct seasoning. . Add shrimp and simmer on very low flame until ready to serve. Shellfish Casserole Shrimp and Lobaier Cajs-noV Shoestring Potatoes - Sliced Cucumber Willi Herb Drenia Salty Rye Bread fresh Pineapple with Ginger Snap Shrimp and Lobster Casserole 1 cup cooked shrimp 1 cup rock lobster 1 u eooked Mat 3 te.b.espoont omen, finery ehwd I tbsp green pepper, cnopped 1 cup celery, finely ahoppd 2 cups cooked brown net i teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper ? cups mayonnaise 'approximately 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce. It cup buttered bread crumbs Combine all ingredients but the crumbs with sufficient may onnaise to bind them together. Pour into greased casserole. Top with buttered crumbs. Bake at .350 for 30 minutes. , Cucumbers with Herb Dressing 1 lara cucumber ' teaspoon salt 'a teaspoon pepper 3 tablespoons salad oil 1 tablespoon garlic vinegar U teaspoon marjoram tea-spoon rosemary ' teaspoon tarraeon Wash cucumber and slice in very thin slices. Combine salt, pepper and salad oil thoroughly. Pour vinegar in slowly beating with a fork. Add herbs and mix. Pour dressing oyer cucumbers and store in refrigerator for about 30 minutes before serving. U m n ,in ,m i ii will puiupmui. . . iijih . i " ". V-rWiOT 1 La 1 CRIMINALS CHOH.6 "-O I --JX I 1 MaJtitircvice of instant dcatj, a, inaerint 1 r,i Journol Want Ads Pay - S00 oth.r MONARCH Foods-all Just at Cood I -.1 iii: There's no time like summer time for tender, fresh fruits and vegetables. And there's no place like Safeway to find them naturally fresh . . . just as they come from the fields. So ... for an eating treat ... try Safeway produce now! And buy now, too, for home canning while fruits and vegetables are plen tiful and prices low! Apples Gravensteins, fancy MIVic Cucumbers Local crop lb. ny2C Cantaloupes Grown in Northwest lb. 7c Calavos Grapes Peaches Tomatoes Lemons rich juice & flavor Oranges 344 ,S-Sweet to 392 firm and ripe Thompson seedless Hales and Elbertas sweet ond ' ripe garden grown lb. 29c lb. 17c lb. 13k lb. 13c 5 lbs. 59c lb. 5c Yams U. S. No. l's 2 lbs. 25c Potatoes U. S. No. 2 ' $0 lb. bag 1.19 Mason Jars 5011 regular Pints, 24, $1.35; quarts, 12, 79c Jar Rubbers Re- Pk(3 of 1 aoz- 4C Kerr Lids Regular Pkg: of l doz. 3 for 25c Ball Jar Caps Re?- Pk5-of 1 doz' 21 c Economy Caps Kerr pk?-of 1 aoz' 17 Bon Ami Powder 12-z-12c Rain Drops Water softener 24-oz. pkg. 23c Sani-flush Cleans toilet bowls 22-oz. can 10c Cracked Wheat BreadbW'll Raisin Bread Mrs- Wright s i-ib. loaf 12c Beet Sugar sack 32c; lh-sack 62c Morton Salt Plain,or iodized 2 Pk?s 15c B. V. Beef Extract 24 Peanut Butter Beverly brand 2-lb.Jar 45c Velveeta Cheese ,fP 2ib.pkg.73c Brown Mustard 57 iar 9C Look!T10 Size Pkg. of j With the Purchase of a Jar (any size) of EDWARDS COFFEE 1 -lb. Drip or Regular Grind OOc jar JBm3 2-lb. jar 54c Hurryf This Offer Limited While It Lasts! Other Nourishing. Beverages Airway CoHee (always fresh) Van Honten Cocoa Canterbury Tea bag 20e 3-Ib. bag 58e Va-lb. pkg. 36c -lb. fV. 22c; Va-lb. pk. 43c; lb. 5c Schilling Whole Spices Allspice Cumin Seed ' Bay Leaves Pickling Spice Dill Seed Cloves , Mustard Seed Stock up Small pkg. c NOW! each Lamb Apple Butter Libby Brand No. 303 gloss 20 c grade A and grade AA now in abundance Legs (6 pts.) Chops (8 pts.) Dam Shldr.Sq. Grade KOQST cut (3 pts.) AA, lb. Grade AA, lb. jy ' Grade KTQ AA, lb. 0 'A' lb. 'A' lb. 35 38 55 34c Point Free FISH Sliced, Frozen Halibut b 42' Neck, shank Grade ft ft OteW & breast AA, lb. JLV (Limited Sdpply of "B" & "C" 'A' lb. C 'A' lb. 19C Point Free) Frozen, Fillets Rock Cod lb. 39c Pork Shoulders Boneless (8 pts. lb.) whole, lb. 40e Skinless " shank half, lb. 39 Fatted butt half, lb. 41e Cleaned, Frozen Razor Clams lb. 99' Krispy Crackers Sodas 2-lb. pkg. Shreddies Nabisco Cereal Pkfl 1 2c XI: 2 Cider Vinegar. Old Mill brand l-gai. 52c White Vinegar Heinz mous israi. 47c Pancake Flour Suzanna 4(kz. pkg. 15c Cornbread Mix Qnch i-ib. Pkg. 18c Kellogg Krumbles pkg- 11c Pearls of Wheat A113615 28-oz.pkg. 19c Canned Milk Cherub (3 pts.) 2 tall cans 17c Londonderry Ice Cr'm Mix Pk? 12c Tomato Juice W-s 4toz.can21c Tomato Sauce Taste Tells Bcan'4e Wh. SI. Potatoes sa No.2'2can 15c Grapefruit Juice o;V 20"; T.iaht Globes Verd-A-Ray, tax included (40-60- 100-watt 27) Insect repellent; 60-W. 27c. White Magic Bleach ClorOX Excellent bleach 2-gal. 17c Vs-gal. 23 Grada A Butter 1 -lb. pkg. 49c (16 points! SUNNY BANK , Margonrat Mb. pkg. 20e . (14 points!'. THE BRDE WHO KNEW HOW f what's cookinA : summer peaches I SOOD LOOKIN ' J , I FOR OUR FIRST fS aJaT il V TMANKSSWIN&! WHERE DID yOU Tl HAVE My OWN LEARN THESE ISPtCIAL'PIN-UP WONDROUS TRICKS, MyBRioE hrr-A r 'THE LATEST ANO- "ZSl MOST RELIABLE .j5i"-"! :o I J I 25Sf SEE.SENO Si TO S ITl yjULIA LEE WRl&HT AT F BfT iflW"0 ailO.SAN FKANCSCO I f vTTSif calif: thats just what JnSSJ 1WO-ANO ITS CHOCK, FULU (Jf OF THE MOST EASy-TO-1 I FOLLOW H.ULES... j VOUR BEAUTy, C"r3Sr HONEV-CHILE. V j Tj IS EXCEEDED )tV& 7 S ONily ay vFp5Sto P B OH. THANK !tZK,?J MAIL THIS COUPON TOOAY M-e le WriflM P O Bo 2110 Sen FrsiHHce, CeMerwe Me Ad m your Sp-by-Jte Cafj Gwd. tor J I MCfM it W w(h (M CftfM Or-, How to Get YOUR Copy ... of the latest and most reliabla) directions for home canning, as pre pared by Julia Lee Wright . ; . just clip the coupon to the left, beini ure to print your name and address PLAINLY to avoid any delay, and '-. enclose five cents hi coin. You'll be delighted with this colorful pin-up of step-by-step canning directions! SAFEWAY