Wednesday, December 30, 1942 Twd' Exclusive News Dispatches By Special Correspondents Greater Willamette Valley News Eastern Stars Seat Officers At Woodburn Woodburn Open installation of olficors of Evergreen chapter No. 41, Order of Eastern Star, was held Monday night at the Masonic temple following the regular chapter meeting. Fami lies of the new officers were guests. Nina J. Ringo, retiring worthy matron, was installing officers. She was assisted by J. Mclvin Fingo, retiring worthy patron; Gertrude Beach, chaplain; Rose Gibbens, marshal, and Rose Magnuson, musician. Officers instnllcd were: Minnie Olson, worthy matron; Lester R. Gilbert, worthy patron; Vena Lcc Dodge, associate matron; Gcor,;e Beach, associate patron; Minnie Richards, secretary, installed for the 32nd time: Acnes Jones, treas urer; Katlierine Mocding. conduct ress; Hazel Hughes, associate con ductress; Irma Scely, chaplain; Nina Ringo, marshal; Hazel Enos, organ ist; Evelyn Jones. Adah; Lou Jane Comwcll. Ruth; Zoa Lowthinn, Mar tha; Lalah Lonoy, Electa; Ella Nov cs, warder, and J. Mclvin Ringo, sentinel. Evelyn Morris. Esther, was unable to be present on account ol illness and will be Installed lntpr. Following Installation Mrs. Ol son was presented flowers from the chapter and flowers and gifts from her husband and family. A special number was a piano duet by the daughter and niece of the newly-installed fmalron, Virginia Olson and Beverly Hughes. The retiring worthy matron was presented a past matron's jewel in behalf of the chapter and her husband, by Lillian Bit- ney, vice president of the Past Matrons club. The newly installed matron gave a short talk and the retiring matron gave her closing mess age, thanking her officers and committees for their cooperation during the past year. Ray Sims, a member of Ruth chapter No. 2, of Butte, Mont., also spoke. At the chapter meeting which preceded the installation the re tiring worthy matron and wor thy patrol were presented a gift from the officers by Zoa Low thian. Mrs. Olson appointed Maude Scott, Lillian Bitney, Minnie Bisscll and E. Aline Beers as the refreshment comniillc for Janu ary 11, when the 47th minivers ary of the organization of the chapter will be celebrated. Refreshments were served in the dining room which was gaily decorated with Christmas trees, holly and red candles. The serv ing committee included Martha Roiling, Albert Roiling, Flor ence Butlcrficld, Edna Lytic and Evelyn Jones, assisted by Gladys Adams and a number of others. Mill City Colorado Soldier Unex pected Holiday Visitor; Holiday Dinners Offered Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelly Christmas eve were Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Robinson and Lcla Mcl Kelly. Bub Hill of Xugent Joined the group for the tree later. Those spending the day with the D. B. Hills included Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hnscman, Dick nnd Nancy, of Idanha; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hill of Eugene, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelly nnd Lcla Mel. Surprising the Sig Jcpsens Christmas eve was their son. Corporal Martin .lepsen of Camp Carson, Colo., who re ceived a last-minute furlough. Oilier gucsls were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jones and David of Victor Point; Mrs. Max Kelly and Mi chael and Mr. and Mrs. W. ,1. Robinson on Christmas day. Spending Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mason were their youngest son and family, Mr. and Mis. Arthur Mason and their nine-weeks-old son Martin, of Klamath Falls. They left Sunday for Portland lo visit oth er relatives. R. C. Runde spent Christmas in Portland with his wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vorbrck entertained his six brothers nnd their wives and children with a family dinner on the Sunday before Christmas. Hayes Reaches Africa Dallas Del Hayes, member r,f M,- - ; ... ..... ........ ,,,i, mi ciiKiuecrs, i has landed In North Africa, ac- cording lo word received this! week by his wife. Hayes lias j been in the service since Aug- list and had been in England since October. Notice Silverton subscribers who miss their paper will have one delivered by call ing Main 2. Calls must be made not later than 7:1S p.m. to obtain this service. St. Paul Knights of Co'iimbus Are Hosts; Fcrschwciler Injures Ankle The local Knights of Colum bus entertained Tuesday night for their members and wives. Leo Ferschweilor fell at his home last Friday and broke two bones in his ankle, but is able to be around now with the aid of crutches. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dozler and children, LaVita and Al len, of Stayton, were sveek-end callers at the home of Mrs. Doz ler's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Manegre. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Mangre Bill and Freeman Manegre spent Christmas day at Broadacrcs at the William Brown home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Muckin and children of Mt. Angel were Sun day dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Muckin'a mother, Mrs. Ag nes Faber. Program Given At Unionvale Unionvale Unionvale Evan gelical church Christmas observ ance program was held Thursday evening with a full house in at tendance. The sacred cantata, "The Christmas Music" in seven parts, consisted of one quartet number, one duet and two vocal solos by the girls' chorus ac companied on the piano by Miss Ellon Rutschman. Singing of Christmas carols preceded the opening prayer by Rev. V. A, Ballanlync. Rev. Har old K. Jaffe pronounced the ben ediction. Because of the candy shortage (he usual Christmai treats were dispensed with. A community gathering of the Unionvale church and friends will have a 7 o'clock no-host dinner Wednesday evening, fol lowed by a social hour for the closing of the old year when the i annual election of church and Sunday school officers will lake place. The second quarterly confer ence and installation of officers of the church will be held Wed ncsday evening, January 6. Two Events Planned New Year's Day Silverton Two New Years' Day events planned are the ob servance of I lie 58th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. C D. Malheny, and the reunion of I h c Bcntson - Grinde - Hcnjuni clan. Mr. and Mrs. Merlon White, natives of Marion county, and now of Kinzua, arc spending Ihe holiday week with local rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. William Bloch were automobile guests of Roy Davenport Christmas Day when their marie their first visit to Le banon as guests of Davenport's parents, former local residents. At the Volney While country home on Dulto Creek for Christ mas Day were the Merlon Whites and John Christensons, all of Portland, the Elmo Lind holms of Salem and the George Christensons of Silverton. Salem Heights Folk Kind to Soldiers Salem Heights Some of Ihe families in Salem Heights en tertaining soldiers on Christmas day were Mr, and Mrs. Myran Van Eaton, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Skellon. Sunday evening Mr. and Mis. H. R. Woodburn pntit-luiur.H with a buffet supper for local friends and soldiers. Thero were 1H guests. Miss Margaret Polinske of Portland spent Christmas and the week-end at the home of her sister, Mr, and Mrs. Matt Mor gan. Officers are Named By Junior Workers Dallas Dallas high school' students report their recent Jun ior Red Cross drive resulted in j a 1011 percent membership. At I the first nieeling. Sue Hamilton was elected president, Kalherlnel Dembowsky, viec-prcsidcnl, and ; Hetty Leisy, secretary-treasurer. I Mrs. William A. Ott is the fac-1 ully member advisor. . I. , ... Campaign Under WdV Mill City Mr. and Mrs. Guy Armstrong, formerly of Detroit, are conducting nn evangelistic campaign at the Church nf v-nrisl, Having closed his work established there in January, 11140. The church a; Detroit has called Mr. Wcldmnn from North west Christian college for their pastor. Dame Thursday N'ight I Dallas A New Year's eve dance will be held Thursday night at the Bridgeport hall. The public is invited lo attend. First Woman County Clerk Takes Office Dallas Miss Edna Pitzcr, ap pointed county clerk by the Polk county court upon the res ignation In early December of C. S. Graves, who has held the office since 1!)32, will assume her new duties January 1. Miss Pitzer, chief deputy in the office for the past five years, had served as clerk's deputy several years for H. G. Black, predecessor of Graves, and had remained as a deputy in the of fice with the change of clerks. She will become the first wo man to hold the office of county clerk in the county's history, and will be the second woman ever to hold a county office here. Mrs. G. L. Hawkins, appointed by the court last spring to fill out the unexpired term of her husband, the late G. L. Hawkins, and was elected to the office last fall, is the county's first woman office holder. The resignation of Graves, whose term of office has yet two years to run, came as a surprise here. He has an extensive wal nut and filbert acreage near Ballston and has announced his intention of demoting all of his lime to farming. No other changes in the court house office holding personnel will be noted after the first of the year. All county incumbent office seekers were reelected al th November election. Amity Whitncys Hold Family Gathering; Holiday Unites Friends, Relatives Mrs. Mamie Randall of Dayton was a recent caller al Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Motl. Christmas day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Whitney were their children, Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Honrickson of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Kilmer and family of Sheridan, Donald and Marion Whitney, their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Clark of Amity and Ivor Jones of Sheridan. Miss Ella S. Thomas of the Amity grade school faculty spent Christmas week-end in Portland with her sister, Mrs. Anna Gol shell. Miss Eleanor Grabel of the Amity beauty parlor spent Christmas week-end in Portland al the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. S. Willed. Mrs. Martha E. Brown spent Christmas day and Saturday in Saiem as a guest of her son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ivan Brown and family. Guests al the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Noll on Christmas day were their son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Kola McClellan of Sa lem, and Attorney and Mrs. Earl Nolt of McMinnvillc. Miss Solveig Jensen of Amily, a member of the school faculty at Redmond, spent several days here last week at the homo of her brother, Svcrra Jensen. She left for Seattle, where she spent Christmas week-end at the home of her brother, Harold Jensen and family. Watch Night Service Planned at Hopewell Hopewell A Watch night party will be hold at the social room of the Hopewell United Brethren church Thursday eve ning beginning at 8 o'clock. Opening witli devolionals, a pro gram and various interesting en tertainment will be enjoyed and refreshments will be served. Everybody welcome. There were about 40 attended church here Sunday, December 27. ionilc I isi nil mi l W i A W.mon ol C.,o9. Unionvale Deyoes Are Hosts with Family Dinner; Holiday Guests Entertained Mr. and Mrs. Henry Deyoe entertained at their home with a family Christmas dinner. There were 18 present in the first re union of the family in more than a year. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hol liday and family of Pleasant dale; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kuhn and family of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jones and family of Broadmead were present. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Boulden entertained at their borne Christ mas day. Mrs. J. E. Finnicum of McMinnvillc; Mrs. Tom Boulden of Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Finnicum and family of Grand Island were present. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Childs of Arlington were Christmas eve guests of the latter's grand mother, Mrs. Mary E. Shelburne. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Brown and son Donald, Mrs. John Ran dolph, Mrs. I. B. Carter and granddaughter Betty Rose, all of Portland, were Christmas Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Countiss. Soldiers Guests In East Salem East Salem Many soldiers were numbered among Christ mas day guests in Easl Salem homes. Families had planned on one or more and drove down lo bring them home but were dis appointed that all had been tak en care of. Miss Jeanneltc Hulst came from Camas, Wash., Wednesday lo spend her vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hulst, on Sunnyvicw avenue. Miss Hulst had as her guests Friday, Miss Lou Smith, who is also an English teacher in Camas high shcool, and Sgt. Sherwood Quigley, who is sta tioned at Salem. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Malhewson and four children of school age have moved frorti Silverton into the home formerly occupied by the Eskcl E. Brandts on Gar- den road. The nronertv is owned by Mr. Jung Sing A new pupil in the first grade at Swegle school is Carolyn Co quillctte from Portland, who will make her home with her grand mother on route six. Mr., and Mrs. R. Overstrcet are moving this week from a house in Montana Lane, Swegle district, lo San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. John son fioin Silverton are spending a few weeks at the Eskcl E. Brandt home on East Garden road. Nemo Club Members Hosts to Husbands Central Howell Mrs. John Tweed and Mrs. Walter Haver son entertained the members of the Nemo club and their hus bands and families at an evening party at the Tweed home. A litnrlipnn n scrvpd lo Mr. and Mrs. clarrnrf Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. Will rtnili, Mr. nnd Mrs. Cleorcr plant-. Mr. and Mrs. Marlin llnttrorn:. Mr. and Mrs IVrle Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McHibbcn. Mr. nnd Mrs. Rlchnrd Tiive. Mrs. Vrrnip llshty. Mr. and Mrs. Frank War. Miss "rare Leuliiy. Cllni Lemur, Hrtte Jo llnvcrson. Wnynr llnvprson, nean Way and tin. hosls, Mr. and Mrs. Jolin Iwvd and Mr. mid Mrs. Waller Haverson. The next regular meeting of the club will be held at the horn of Mrs. George Plane. V" J j Office j Homes Observe Quiet Holiday Central Howell Christmas was observed very quietly in this community with home eel ! ebrations the majority. Mr. and Mrs. -Frank Way had as their guests three of their four chil dren. Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Way and sons of Portland, also from Portland, their daughter. Miss Helen Way, and Mr. and ! Mrs. E. S. Adams of Salem. ineir oiner son, c. Kopcrt, was in New Guinea when last heard from. Mr. and Mrs. Earl DeSart en tertained at dinner for her sis ters and families, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kuenzi and Erma, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Klopfenstcin, Howard and Richard, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaufman, Carolyn, Shirley, John, Dolores and Janice, also five soldier boys from Camp Adair and the hosts. Mr. and Mrs. Will Roth had as their Christmas dinner guests Mrs. Mary Gcrig and Hulda, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bischoff and Wil bert. Their son Leonard was home for the holiday from Port land where he is attending school, as a member of the navy. Their other children, Lucille, Robert and Irvin were also pres ent. Mr. and Mrs. ,1. F. Wikoff of Middle Grove had as their guests Mrs. Effa Wikoff and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Wikoff of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Krug, Donna and Dale of Brush Creek. Mr. J. F. Wikoff is employed at Til lamook where be is a cook for the construction company build ing the blimp base. He left for his work later in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Murphy of Roseburg spent several days as guests at the Wikoff home re luming lo Ihcir home on Christ mas day. Stayton Residents Entertain Relatives and Friends With Dinner Parties Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Klcck cr entertained at a family din- i "cr at their home Christmas the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millsap. of Gates, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Mein erl and young son of Mill City. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Krietzcr and Janice were dinner guests Christmas day al the Frank I home and then motored to Port- land for a late supper with Mrs. Krietzer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cord, where they were lo remain for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Merlon Cox were hosts at home to Mr. Cox's parents, from McMinnville, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Cox, Mr. and Mrs. James McMullen and chil dren, Janice and James. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thoma and children, Dick and Jimmic. motored to Lebanon, to spend Christmas day with the John Thoma family there. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ncitling were hosls to the Ncitling clan and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Les ley and children, Gay and Noel, Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Dcrryl Shelton and daughter, Caj-pl Lynn, of Eugene, were at home with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shelton, for the holiday week-end. Now 3 HEAVES, Damn the Torpedoes! Clear the Decks . . . set lor jff53 I ft Millersburg Mrs. Gourley Has 11th Great Grandchild; Service Men Get Furloughs Mrs. James G. Gourley of this district is justly proud that she has eleven great grandchildren. The eleventh grandchild was born December 23 at the Cor vallis General hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Locke and has been named Patty Jean. Word has been received by relatives here that Bud Carey, a former resident of this district, has been transferred to St. Pe tersburg, Fla air station, where ho will receive training in the army air corps ground forces. Corp. Norman Barnes, who is stationed at Ft. Lewis, Wash., is home on a brief furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Barnes, in Albany. Corp. Barnes is a former resident of this dis trict and has been visiting friends here. David Hamours, who is slay ing at the home of his great grandmother, Mrs. Kd Meeker, and grandmother, Mrs. Staccy Neelcy, and attending Albany high school, is spending the holi days at Marshfield with his mother, Mrs. Joe Styman. Mr. and Mrs. Lotus Conser spent Christmas and the week end at the home of Conser's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Con ser. Term Registration Starts at Monmouth Monmouth Winter term reg istration at the Oregon College of Education began Tuesday. Regular classes were held on Wednesday, with no holiday scheduled for New Year's day, to meet the requirements of the war time acceleration program of the state system of higher education. In line with the college war effort, mathematics, physics and physical education classes will continue for the men on the campus interested in V-l, V-7 and E. R. C. programs. Plane trigonometry will be among the new courses given during the quarter. Beginning courses in the mathematics, science and physical fitness fields will be offered for the winter quarter if there should be a sufficient demand for them. Officers of Granges Installed Roberts Officers of Ankeny, ; Salem, Red Hills and Roberts j Grange were installed Sunday by Miss Bertha Beck, assisted ; by Mrs. Roy J. Rice as marshal, ! Mildred Minch as regalia bear er; Mrs. Melvin Trindle as em blem bearer, and Mrs. Forrest Edwards as musician. After the installation, Morton Thompkins, state master, gave an interesting talk and Bertha Beck also gave a talk on cooper ation and unity of the Grange members. Preceding the installation, a covered dish luncheon was served. rtll yow m the .rootTswcinoN LARRY SIMMS MIST W 2 x3 Service Duty Calling Many Independence Lieut, and Mrs. Thad Morcland have mov ed to the Miss Myra Montgom ery home. Lieut, and Mrs. Bruce Rocsler, with whom they occu pied the M. C. Williams house on Sixth street, have moved to Corvallis. Sgt. and Mrs. Hamil ton have moved to the Williams house. ! Mrs. Stella Calbrcath has left ifor California where she will visit with her son, Elvin, who has received his embarkation orders. Mrs. Calbrcath will visit at Lodi, Calif., with her daugh ter, Mrs. Wiley Jones. Russell Chappcll is visiting here with his parents for a brief furlough. He is stationed at Wil liams Field, Ariz., with the army. Dr. George Hcrley has receiv ed notification to report for duty with the U.S. navy about the CTADTC TAMADD ff 0111J 1 UlUUrUYU H - 1943 Special New Year's Eve Attraction Matinee and Evening " HiP WITH 2 PASTS 3ct. 2 LOVES! BURGESS MEREDITH CLAIRE TREVOR -PUIS COMPANION TK VTIW. ROY ROGERS KING X, COWBOYS' A t asi Errol Flynn in II Times -hC "DESPERATE JOURNEY" 1 II i'j., 1 Plus Laurel and Hardy In I Kna 'A HAUNTING WE WILL GO" J B Gala New Year's Eve Hilarious Show!! TOMORROW t Whooppee! A Bed-lam of Laughs! f Absolutely the funniest thing on film!!! It's the scream of the Slight Increase In rrlrcs New Year's Only, Starting at 6 p.m. I CHARLES COBURN TIKI KIIIRIDE H ATTIC MiDANItt ; WM. TRACY Dir. by WM. KflGHUY a I,ast Hedy limes H Today rim 1 : i'F'fi middle of January. Dr. Hcrley has received a commission as lieutenant, senior grade. He will close his office here this week but will keep the office witlf plans to return at the war's con. elusion. Bill Campbell was In Inde. pendence for a short furlough. He received his commission as ensign in the U. S. navy Decern bcr 24 at Chicago. Paul Carey, specialist second class with the U. S. navy, ar rived in Independence Monday lo spend a ten-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L, Carey. He is stationed at the navy postotfice al Seattle. Emanuel Grenz, who is sta tioned at Camp Rucker, Ala., is spending the holidays in Ore gon. He visited this week with! his sister, Miss Erna Grenz. " G. S. Wcstcrman spent the week-end in Independence. He and Mrs. Wcstcrman left Mon day to make their home at Pas co, Wash., where Mr. Wesler man is stationed with the U. S. navy. NEW D YEAT? k WITH 2 PASTS n Starts Thursday at 6 P.M. Doors Open at 5:45 crop!!! Umarr A Waller Pldjeon lo "WHITE CARGO" .. rji 1. 1 J SALEM'S I J J LEADING I i T l theatre I J1 !J