Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 18, 1942, Page 2, Image 2

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    Friday, December 18, 1942
Exclusive News Dispatch
9f Sttoetal CwTMpwri fa
Greater Willamette Valley News
Draff Board
Woodburn Area
Calls More Men
Woodburn Men from the
area of the Woodburn draft
board called for induction and
who left from the draft board
headquarters Wednesday morn
ing to lake their army physical
at the induction station in Port
land, were:
Walter Vernon Rowe, Silverton;
Francis Blair Martin, Salem;
George Scott Jackson, Woodburn:
Wallace Charles Orren. Silverton;
Sherman McDougal, Mt. Angel;
Clarence Merle Casselman, Salem;
Clifford Wesley Skeels, Silverton;
Billy Murty, Mt. Angel; Ben D.
Kraemer, Mt. Angel; Paul Smith,
Woodburn; Elmer Julian Hanson,
Silverton; Henry Adolph Bcler, Sa
lem: Edward DeWayne Claiborne,
Woodburn; Verle Leroy Wretllng,
Woodburn; Ernest Balmer Abra
hamson, Woodburn; Elvin Leroy
Almquist, Silverton; Curtis Stew
art Woods. Woodburn; Willard 8.
Sanders, Hubbard: Daniel Raymond
Sorgan, Scotts Mills: Harlan Louis
Rehm. Hubbard; George E. Herz
berg, Hubbard; Bruce Edward Buell,
Silverton; Norton Edward Wood,
Brooks; Milton Alan Thostrud, Sll
. verton; Rudolph Baker, Woodburn;
Calvin Warren Kirk, Silverton;
Lawrence Olio Hadley, Silverton;
Melvin Andrew Eklo, Woodburn,
transferred from Washington; Hen
ry Heine Budeau, Woodburn, trans
ferred from North Dakota.
George Scott Jackson, of
Woodburn, who volunteered for
induction, was appointed leader
of the group and Elvin Leroy
Almquist of Silverton was ap
pointed assistant leader.
Richard Karl May, who was
called for this date, enlisted in
the army and Herman Evan
Howell was transferred to Los
Angeles for Induction.
. Men of the above group who
successfully pass the army phy
sical will be placed in the en
listed reserve corps and sent
home for a brief period before
being called for active service.
Falls City
WCTU Serves Silver Tea;
WAAC Home on Furlough;
Class Will Elect
The WCTU had a silver tea
for their December meeting at
the home of Mrs. Herman Will
; Mrs. Virgil Davis and son, Le
Roy, have left for California to
visit her parents and other rela
tives for the holidays.
Mrs. Violetle Walt of Des
Moines, la,, who is a WAAC
from here, was home on a fur
lough. Chester Burbank enjoyed sev
eral days at Pedee the past week,
visiting his brothers, George and
Gus, and old friends.
Mrs. Frank Marios of Molalla
was a week-end guest of her
sisters, Mrs. Rldenour and Mrs.
Fitzgerald, and her brother's
family, Mr. and Mrs. James
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Otte made
a trip to Philomath Sunday to
spend the day with her daugh
ter's family, Mr. and Mrs. Orin
Post. On returning home they
brought their granddaughter,
Mrs. Edward Merrill, and baby,
home for two week's visit.
The Loyal Women's class will
hold their Christmas meeting at
the home of Mrs. Minna Hoppe
Friday, December 18, at 2 o'
clock, with election of officers.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howell
of Klamath Falls and Revelle
Howell of Eugene were guests of
their mother, Mrs. Margaretta
Howell, and brother, the Wilbur
Howell family.
Wyrick Bancroft of Newport
and his sop, Zale Bancroft, who
is in U. S. army work at Camp
Carson, Colo., are visiting their
cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Inman
and Mrs. Mrs. Clarence Mc
Coy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mack arc
visiting with their son's family,
Mr. and Mrs, Everett Mack, and
daughter Eleanor of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Lot Gardner and
Mrs. Frank Brown returned
home from their week's vacation
at Newport.
Mrs. William Beard and
daughter have returned home
from Indiana.
Ferry River Bound
Wheatland Water in the
Willamette river is falling at the
Wheatland ferry which has been
tied up since before Thanksgiv
ing because of flood stage, Roy
LaFollette, ferryman, reports.
The rising and receding water
Is unusually long this season.
This is the fifth time.
Williamson Is Home
Fairvlew Oscar Williamson,
who has been with his daughter.
Miss Daisy Williamson,' who is ill
in Portland, ' returned to his
home here Tuesday evening. He
has been with her since before
Thanksgiving and she is only
slightly improved from her ner
vous breakdown caused from a
burned hand in the mangle of
the Oregon launry more than a
year ago.
Three Neighborhood
Women are Injured
Silverton Coincidental was
the injury from similar causes
of three women neighbors on
West Hill, within a few days.
Mrs. Charles Hoyt missed the
last step into her basement and
fell, breaking her left wrist in
two places. Mrs. Gilbert Ander
son slipped on a wet walk, Mon
day, fell and broke her left arm
near the wrist. Mrs. George Cus
iter fell on slippery boards while
cleaning out her garage for the
use of a renter and cut a deep
gash on the back of her head
when she came in contact with
a metal hinge on a door.
Lions Enjoy
Xmas Program
Silverton The annual Lions
club and auxiliary Christmas
dinner and program hour was a
gala affair last (Thursday) night
at the Main street home of Mr.
and Mrs. C. J. Towe and their
daughter, Miss Dorothy Towe.
Dr. A. L. V. Smith arranged
a fun and serious program with
William Block reading the Lions
bulletin edited by Bob Miller;
singing of songs by the group;
whistling solo by Mrs. Jalmer
Ellison of Mulino; "lie detector"
comedy stunt; and the showing
of colored films of flowers and
scenes along the Abiqua and at
the coast by Dr. Smith, giving
the guests an opportunity to en
joy the hobby and Dr. and Mrs.
A tree served as living room
decoration with, each guest
bringing a gift for ten-year-old
Bobby, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Price, who is confined to
his bed for two years with rheu
matic fever.
Serving on table arrangement,
decoration and supper were Mrs.
Clifton Dickerson, Miss .Anna
Jackson, Mrs. C. J. Towe, Mrs.
A. L. V. Smith, Mrs. William
Bloch and Mrs. John Wilson.
Official hosts were Mrs. Byron
Royce, auxiliary president, and
Dale Lamar, club president.
Guild Holding Xmas
Party at Johnson's
Silverton The junior guild
of the Immanucl Lutheran
church will observe its Christ'
mas party , this week at the home
of Mrs. Arthur Johnson in Steel
hammer drive. .
A no-hostess late luncheon
will bes served. . Members who
drink coffee are asked to bring
It with sugar, if desired.
' A report will be given by the
nominating committee named
by the . president, Mrs. Esther
Jenkins, to include Mrs. George
Walker, Mrs. Max Holland and
Mrs. Arthur Johnson.
Meetings of the younger wo
men will be limited to one a
month on account of travel con
ditions. Members are asked to
bring gifts for exchange.
Worthy Matron Has
Party for Helpers
Silv.crton An evening for
her officers, courtesy girls and
substitutes of the past year was
given by Mrs. Emma Towe, wor
thy matron of Ramona chapter,
O.E.S., at her Mill street home.
A dessert supper was served her
27 guests- at small tables. Sev
eral hours of bridge were en-
joyed with Mrs. Eaden Ross
scoring high. Mrs. Towe pre
sented each officer with an In
dividual gift.
Present were Mrs. Carol Van
Cleave, Mrs. Mnrie Larson. Mrs
Clella Pish, Mr. and Mis. W. P.
Scni'tli, Mrs. Zona- Rutherford. Mrs.
Mercy Sylvester, Mrs, Irene Hande,
Mrs, Mae Flnlay, Mrs. Alice Torn!
son, Miss Mary Alfred, Mrs. Mary
Lee-Allied. Mrs. Toinlna Holllngs
worth, Mrs. Bessie Service, Mrs.
Edna Pounder, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Skauc, Mrs. Melba Stoy, Mrs. Clara
Royce. Mrs. Christy McClanalhan,
Mrs. Jo Bcntson, Mrs. Myrtle East
man, Mrs. Ethel Hubbs, Mrs. Eaden
Ross. Miss Ina Harold, Mrs. Merle
Lamar. Mrs. Catheleenc Riches and
the hostess, Mrs. Towe.
Mrs. Bcrchficld Injured .
Amity Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Biggs of Amity received word
that their daughter. Mrs. Marv
Birchficld of Portland had brok
en her upper jaw in a fall sus
tained while coming down a
flight of steps at a neighbor's
house. Mrs. Birchfleld, who is a
metal worker at the Oregon
shipyard, is well known in Am
ity, wnere she spent her cirl-
Hopewell Bazaar Success
Hopewell The Horjewell Sev
enth Day Advcntist church Dor
cas society annual bazaar was
held Tuesday evening at the pa
rochial school house with a
large gathering.
Central Howell Mr. and
Mrs. Frank E. Wnv navA re
ceived four letters from their
son Bob, a member of the Army
Air corps, and stationed In New
Guinea. These letters nil rami.
through in the course of ten
Larkin Named
Grange Master
Rickreall At the regular
meeting of the Rickreall grange
officers for the ensuing year
were installed by State officer
Glen Adams of Brush College,
assisted by Mrs. Glen Adams as
marshal, Mrs. F. E. Pence as
emblem bearer, and Mrs. Mar
jorie Wiseman as regalia bear
er and Mrs. Harry Dempsey as
pianist. Officers for 1943 include
Claude Larkin, master; Albert
Ragsdale, overseer; Mrs. Ed Gil
more, lecturer; Mrs. George
VanSanten, secretary; Ora G.
Lantz, treasurer; L. C. Miller,
steward; Ed Gilmore, assistant
steward; Mrs. L. C. Miller, lady
assistant; Mrs. Jess Ragsdale,
chaplain; graces, Flora, Mrs.
Art Beaver, Pomona, Mrs. Fred
Dewey, Ceres, Mrs. D. W. Shel
ton; executive committee, J. H.
Harland, Art Beaver and Wcs
J. H. Harland reported for the
agricultural committee. Chap
lain Ragsdale reported the mes
sage received earlier in the day
by telephone from R. D. Grol
bert that Mrs. Grolbert was ser
iously ill and had been uncon
scious for 48 hours. Mrs. J. H.
Harland reported for the HEC,
and announced that the women
had voted to serve lunch at the
Neufeld sale. Mrs. Harland also
announced that the community
dinner would be held as usual on
New Year's, and asked that each
family bring some popcorn and
corn poppers so the women
could make popcorn balls to be
sent to Camp Adair. Cards of
thanks were read from Bill Auer
and John Oliver for Christmas
boxes received. Alma Dempsey
and Art Beaver reported on the
Camp Adair committee. The
grange voted $10 to add to the
funds to furnish a day room
Because of the resignation of
Mrs. Charles Wirfs as lady as
sistant it was necessary to elect
someone to that position. Mrs.
L. C. Miller was unanimously
The next regular meeting
night falling on Christmas night,
the master announced that there
would be no more meetings in
Glen Adams reported on na
tional grange at Wenatchee,
Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Stockholm
of Monmouth accompanied Mr
and Mrs. Adams to the conven
tion. Preceding the business meet
ing the covered dish dinner was
served to over SO people by the
men of the grange. To make it
the end of a perfect day for the
women the men also cleared
the tables, washed the dishes
and cleaned the kitchen.
New members present were
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Holt.
Committees announced by
Mrs. Harland for the luncheon
sale- at Neufeld's are: menu,
Mrs. Van Senten, Mrs. Ragsdale
and Mrs. Lantz; tables, dishes,
coffcet Mrs. Sam Lowry, Mrs.
Leo Buyserie and Mrs. Dave
Dewey, assistants, Mrs. Riney,
Mrs. Shelton, Mrs. Holt, Mrs
Wirfs, Mrs. Fred Dewey, Mrs.
F. E. Pence; cashier, Mrs. Demp
sey. The HEC voted to dispense
with their Christmas party and
made donations to Camp Adair
instead, on Thursday.
The table decorations were ar
ranged by Mrs. E. A. Stenson,
who used holiday greens com
bined with red ornaments and
candles. On the piano in the
lodge hall was the opened Bible
guarded by white tapers and a
Madonna and banked by green
Club Program Tonight
Pleasanldale The Christmas
meeting of the Pleasantdale
community club will be held
Friday evening, December 18
with program by the school.
Letters from boys of this district
will be read as a special feature.
Included in the list are Dave
Dorscy, Wendell Willard, Ver
non Hadley, Allen Nichols, Wil
liam King, Merle and Claire
Navy Man Honored
Central Howell Mr. and
Mrs. Will Roth entertained at
dinner recently honoring their
son, Leonard, on his 21st birth
day anniversary. Besides the
honor guest, the following were
rpescnt: Bob Simmons, Roy
Hcrr, Bob Weaver, Clarence
Hcrr, Bob Roth, Elda Herr, Lu
cille Roth, Ervin Roth, Mrs. Ida
Herr, and Mr. and Mrs. Will
Roth. He is a member of the
U. S. navy, and at present is at
tending school in Portland.
Veterans Hall
Sat. Nile. Dec. 19
640 Hood SI.
Furlough Extention
Granted Inductees
Dallas The first December
group of Polk county selectees
called last week, accepted at the
Portland induction center and
given two weeks' furlough, were
notified this week not to report
at the furlough's end, but to
await notification.' No reason
was received from state selec
tive service headquarters for
the extended furlough period.
A second December draft call
will be filled December 23, ac
cording to information released
by the local draft board.
Armed Force
Men Are Home
Mt. Angel Ensign Ivo Bau
man flew to Portland from Tuc
son, Ariz., and arrived at the
home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John T. Bauman Sunday
evening. Ensign Bauman left
Wednesday night for Los Angel
es, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bauman
were hosts at dinner Monday
evening at their home when En
sign Ivp Bauman, Rev. Hilde
brand Melchior, O.S.B., and Miss
Thrasilla Barr were special
Corp. Lawrence Gooley, with
the service command -unit, 9th
corps area at Camp Haan, Calif.,'
arrived at the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gooley
where he will visit until after
Christmas. Before coming here
Corp, Gooley spent a day vis
iting with his brother, Ensign
Virgil Gooley, at camp at Los
Private Joseph Lebold of Fort
Lewis, with the ordnance divis
ion, visited his parents here from
Friday to Sunday evening. '
Ensign Gordon Bickler of Se
attle accompanied Joseph Le
bold here, for a short visit with
his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Jos
eph Bickler. '
Unionvale Yuletide
Program Cancelled
Unionvale Because of the
prevalence of colds, a lew cases
of measles and two cases of
whooping cough, reported in the
district. The Christmas com
munity club and school program
scheduled to have been held
Tuesday, December 22, has been
In the upper grades eight stu
dents were absent Monday be
cause of illness: With measles
were Joyce Crawley, Arlona
Gubser, Jack Noble and Bonnie
Shelburne and Norris Jones,
primary student, has whooping
cough. Carol Sue Launer, pre
school age, also has whooping
cough. Four other primary
grade students in families where
upper grade students have mea
sles are out of school because of
having been exposed to them.
' Martin Braat, 76, is confined
to bed and under care of a doc
tor because of a fall received
while busily engaged with
chores at his barn Tuesday, De
cember 8. No bones were broken
but the shock upset his nerves,
and digestion.
Donald . Brown of , Portland
was a week-end guest of his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.' C.
J. Counliss. Friday was Mr.
Countiss' 69th birthday and
Donald came down to help him
Runaway California
Girl Apprehended
Dallas Eld ore Miller, 16
year old girl who ran away from
her Los Angeles home was tak
en into-custody at Independence
Wednesday by Deputy Sheriff
Tony Neufeld and brought to the
jail here to await arrival of her
brother-in-law from Los Angel
es, who will take herein charge.
The girl had hitchhiked to Inde
pendence with a girl companion,
and had secured employment at
a Camp Adair confectionery.
Acting on a hunch that the
girl might have gone to Indepen
dence where acquaintances of
the family live, the parents had
notified Sheriff Hooker's office.
Rev. Commisky Back
Mt. Angel Rev. John Com
misky, O.S.B., pastor of St.
Marv's church here, has return
ed home from a 10-day stay at
San Francisco, Calif. , He made
the speedy round trip to be back
before the Christmas holiday
AGfSutvAo 1
Special Xmas
Services Set
For Silverton
Silverton Special Christmas
services and programs announ
ced by the different churches
of town have been made with
the pastors, choir directors and
Sunday school superintendents
in charge.
The, combined choirs of Trin
ity and Immanuel Lutheran
churches will present a Sunday
evening program of song.
The Marquam Methodist
church, Pierre Smith, pastor,
will feature a Christmas song
fest by the congregation Sun
day evening.
' Tuesday evening. Miss Mary
McCall and Mrs. Olaf Paulson
will be in charge of a Christ
mas program at the auditorium
of the Christian church and will
be assisted by the junior choir
of the church with Miss Mary
Louise Case directing.
Trinity Lutheran, Rev. M. J.
K. Fuhr, pastor, will observe
Christmas day forenoon worship
services in an 11 o'clock, pro
gram, a Sunday evening candle
light song test at Immanuel, and
a Christmas day evening pro
gram at Immanuel. No daytime
Christmas service at Immanuel
this year.
Calvary Lutheran, Rev. O. C.
Olson, pastor, will hold worship
service Christmas day at 10:30
The Methodist church, Rev. O.
Leonard Jones, pastor, and Fred
Baker, director, will observe the
holiday in song Sunday evening,
in presenting the- "Carols- of
Christmas", a carol'-f a n t a s i a
with the music and text arran
ged freely from familiar carols
by Ellen Jane Lorenz. Miss
Mary Alfred is the pianist. Spe
cial offertory solo by Mrs. Harry
Riches, "Sleep, My Little Je
sus". Other solos and duets by
Mrs. W. P. Scarth, W. E. Satch
well, Don Renwick, Lee Grinde,
Ben Sprick and the Misses Beryl
and Faith Fletcher. The eight
divisions of the cantata'- are The
Christmas Invitation, The Pro
phet Singing, The Message of
the Angels, The Dark, Silent
Town, Come to the Manger,
Guided by a Star, The Adora
tion and Thrice Holy Day.
Simerals Are Gassed In
Apartment; Mother's
Illness Unites Sisters'
The Wayne Simerals, formerly
of here and Molalla, now of
Portland, are reported, as mak
ing slow recovery from the ef
fects of inhaling gas fumes, un
knowingly, from a leaky pipe in
the apartment residence in Port
land. Charles Meyer and his brother-in-law,
John Tschantz, are
spending a month in Akron,
Ohio, visiting the 92-year-old
mother of Tschantz.
Mrs. C. R. Coyle of Portland,
and Mrs. John Rye, Silverton,
have been with Mrs. Coyle's sis
ter and Mrs. Rye's mother, Mrs.
Gifford Smith for the past two
weeks assisting in the care of
Mrs. G. W. Range, Mrs. Smith's
and Mrs. Coyle's mother who
passed away Wednesday. Others
at the Smith home to be with
Mrs. Range this week have been
a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Walter
Range, and a sister, Mrs. Charles
Judd, both of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. George Imboden,
employed in Portland, spent
their day off from work at their
Silverton apartments in the
Garver building.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Pitney and
their two sons, Max and Ronnie,
are temporarily located at 3126
Guam avenue, near Guilds Lake,
NW, Portland. The Pitneys com
pleted moving to Portland Fri
day. Bernard Gaffey has accepted
employment with the local tel
ephone company as lineman.
Gaffey was formerly with the
SFT company, here. He suc
ceeds Bob Marshall who is serv
ing with the armed forces.
Mt. Angel Mark Wampach
returned home about a week ago
and is making satisfactory recov
ery folowing a major operation
performed a month ago at St.
Vincent's hospital.
irs A RIOT
yM VNt deny it!
Officers Selected
By Amity Endeavorers
'Amity The Senior Christian
Endeavor society of the Chris
tian church of Amity, elected
the following officers for 1943,
at a recent meeting.
Those chosen were: President,
Miss Opal Glahn; vice-president,
Miss Joyce Shields; secretary
treasurer, Miss Vida Van Horn;
prayer meeting chairman, Miss
Irene Schmidt; social chairman,
Miss Carolyn Gerrard; news re
porter, Miss Noma Glahn.
Academy Gives
Xmas Program
Mt. Angel Mt. Angel acad
emy grade school pupils will
present a Christmas program
Sunday, afternoon at 2 o'clock
In the academy auditorium.
Christmas songs,, recitations
and other variety numbers will
be contributed by the interme
diate and primary pupils.
Highlight of the entertain
ment will be an original two
act play depicting a Mt. Angel
Christmas celebration in the
1880's, directed by Sister Mary
Corinne; In honor of the dia
mond jubilee of the arrival of
the Benedictine Sisters in Ore
gon and also in keeping with
the centenary; this play was
written by the girls of the sev
enth and eighth grades.
Factual information for the
play was obtained by interviews
with the following people: Rev.
Maurus Snyder, O.S.B., Sisters
Mary Wilhelmina, Xavier and
Protasia, O.S.B., Fred Schwab,
Sr., and Joseph Stadler.
. Mother Mary Ursula's "His
tory of Mt. Angel", was also
.used as a reference.
The characters in the play
representing local settlers and
their families will be made up
of seventh and eighth grade pu
pils. The pupils have set the
price of admission at one war
stamp, any amount.
Santa Claus Unable
To Present Gifts
Mt. Angel Santa Claus left
word with the Mt. Angel Busi
ness Men's club that it would be
impossible for him to make his
annual stop here to hand out
packages to youngsters.
The committee of the club
arranged to give the children of
this and, surrounding communi
ties a free full-length feature
show, "Dumbo", with all the
trimmings on Saturday, Decem
ber 19, at 2 o'clock, In the audi
torium. If youngsters are too
little to attend alone, the par
ents may bring them. Other
adults may come, but the kid
dies will get the preferred seats.
If there is only standing room,
it will be the adults who do the
This show is for the "kiddies"
and all are invited to come to
enjoy it on Saturday at 2 p.m.
Back from Africa
Mt. Angel LeRoy Homedew,
bugler 1C U.S.S. Wichita,
U.S.N., was a houseguest at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ert
elt for the past week. After a
visit with relatives at Scotts
Mills he will leave for San Fran
cisco and New York. Homedew
saw action off Casablanca in
convoy to North Africa.
News Serial
Wi mis.
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Pelelt Fined
Sixty Cents
Silverton Tom Pelett won
high score in being up before
junior police court Tuesday
night on four counts, riding
abreast, riding double, riding on
sidewalk, and riding on the
wrong side of the road. He en
riched the coffers of the court
60 cents.
Bill Jackson paid next high,
45 cents, on hold-over charges,
and Bill Peterson, two offenses,
riding on sidewalk, 30 cents.
Bob' Goodall, Jo Kastegar and
Edward Conklin will walk this
week while their. bicycles are in
"hock" for failing to appear in
court when summoned. Virgil
Graves came to court and re
deemed his wheel after a three
weeks' separation.
Others contributing 15 cent
fines were Marvin Barstad, dou
ble; Frankie Owen, no light;
Clifford Stagness, sidewalk; Bob
Boullester and Don Chandler,
abreast; and Donald Hackstad,
sidewalk. After court the official
family went to a show.
. Two of the four new, patrol
men needed signed up for duty,
Waller Brewe and David. Hob
litt. Two more patrolmen arc
wanted and may make applica
tion at the city hall Tuesday
evenings at 6 o'clock at the regu
lar session of the court presided
over by Elizabeth Adams, judge,
and Virginia Tuggle, clerk. '
Jefferson Youth
Linn Club Camp
Albany Outstanding achieve
ments in one of the most im
portant projects in this year's
4-H club program, namely Vic
tory Gardens, have won special
recognition for five clubsters in
this county, Club Agent O. E.
Mikesell 'announces. The five
county winners are' Larry John
ston, Jefferson; Margaret Dick
son, Albany; Loreta Ohling, Al
bany; Doris Ohling. Albany, and
Charles Groves, Scio.
Besides winning the gold-filed
medal the winners were pre
sented by Sears, Roebuck and
company, Larry Johnston was
declared county champion and
represented the county in the
state contest. In addition, Larry
received a 4-H summer school
scholarship provided by the
Murphy Seed Store of Albany.
Sodality Candidates
Offered Reception
Mt. Angel Rev. Father Bede,
O.S.B., officiated at the recep
tion of candidates into the so
dality in the Benedictine Sisters'
chapel, on' the feast of the Im
maculate Conception.
Following the reception,
Father Bede was guest of honor
at a banquet held in the dining
room honoring the new ' sodal
ists, candidates accepted into
the sodality include: Margaret
Baker, Margaret Ball, Sally Ann
Crockett, Theresa Falsetto,
Mary O'Doherty, Mary Alice
Foster, Shirlee Anne Schwab,
Maxine Schwab, Dolores
Schaeffer, Shirlee Siddall and
Clarice Vickeroy.
lie's Strictly Dynamic
I I o - - I .
( f Fructal fONI
f JheWe
Amity Eastern Star
Officers Elected
Amity At the regular meeI
ing of Amity chapter, Order -oi
Eastern Star, which met in the
Masonic hall, the following of
ficers were elected:
Worthy matron, Mrs. Edna
Strout; worthy patron, Dr.
Charles -H. Law; associate ma
tron, Mrs. Gladys Torbet; asso
ciate patron, H. W. Torbet; sec
retary, Mrs. Bessie Sorensen;
treasurer, Sorcn Sorensen; con
ductress, Mrs. Edith Law; asso
ciate conductress, Mrs. Clara
Broadwell. .
Oak Point Card
Club Entertained '
Oak Point The Nite Hawk
Card club met at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harns
berger Wednesday evening. High
honors at "500" were won by
Mrs. Jonas Graber and Clyde
Comstock. Mrs. Ray Bigelow
was awarded the traveling prize
and consolation prizes were won
by Mrs. Joe Rogers, Sr.,: and
Walter Brown. Mr. and Mrs.
Comstock will entertain - the
club December 29.
Mrs. Emma Drennen and Ed
gar Perkins of Taft were recent
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bigey,
low. - - . ij
Miss Mary Alderson,- senior
at U. of O., is spending atw.o
weeks' vacation at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.-A.
' Miss L a V e r n e Harnsberger
left Wednesday evening for Los
Angeles, where she will spend
the next two weeks as the guest
of Miss Beverly Kelley. .
The annual Christmas tree and
program for the children will be
held at the school house Wed
nesday evening. ' ' '
Fairfield Gerald Randall; of
Bremerton, enroute to his home
in Nebraska, stopped over to vis
it his aunt, Mrs. M.:W. Mahony.
Now Showing . . -The
action picture of the year!
Filmed at the U.S. Army't
famed Thunderbird and Fal
con fields. - m
Basil Rathbone - Laralne
Day . . . Plus
Penny Singleton-Glen Ford
Lynn toi Carole IhhIb Cesar Rowero
jy7ECHlii,C0L0R .
j N- m
I Companion Feature
Plus Companion Hit! l