Wednesday, September 2, 1942 The Capital Journal, Salem; Oregon Eleven Give a house-to-house salesman an inch and he will take a foot and shove it through the door. CapitaliUournal Classified Advertising Rates Per line lo Per line, 3 times 'ie Per line, 6 times 40o per line, one month $1.25 Min. 2503 times mln. 35o . 6 times mintmuir) 45o Minimum Per Ad 25o Want Ads must be In by 10 ajn. day ol pubUcatlon. For Sale Houses opattttottT. COUNTRY HOME i-Rm. last word house, city edge, k i ,nari RhnHp As fruit trees: S420O. Term's. A, J. Flint. P. 3920. 8214 Bv Owner: 5-Rm. Hse 1 A., nice well, wat. sys., bath, workshop; 15 min So., 1 blk. off hlway. Reos. Terms arranged. Ph. 8713. a212 $2600 Good 4 r. plastered home, paved st., near N. Capitol St. 80O0 Modern 8 r. home on Court St. II yOU WHIll. guuu iiuiiic nv the right price, see this one. $6750 Late modern 6 r. home, north east Salem; hardwood finish, fine hnFnmnnf trnnri hpntini? nlflnt. doU- ' ble garage, east front, an excel lent value. $4500 Modern 6 r. home on N. c.Mmax St- li rash hnl fcrms. OUIllllt. mi, " $4500 Late built 6 r. home near McKinley school. $1250 down will handle. W. H. Grabenhorst St Co., Realtors 134 S. UDerty St. rn. ui, aua ATTRACTIVE HOME onB of the best homes in Salem R nice large rooms, perfect grounds jivtth view, steam heat, beautiful 'location. Shown by appointment only. Price $30,000. which Is way be. low its actual value. W. H. Grabenhorst St Co., Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. a209' FAIRMOUNT HILL HOME Good 8 r. plastered home, excellent location, large lot. Price $3000 casn Income $30 per mo. A GOOD IN VESTMENT. W. H. Grabenhorst St Co., Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. a209 $500 CASH $35 per mo., will buy this new 4 r. home with fireplace, electric wat er system, modern plumbing, dou ble garage, ten A. with timber, CREEK. Immediate possession. Price $4000. SEE THIS HOME BEFORE YOU BUY. W. H. Grabenhorst St Co., Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. a209' BY Owner, very close in, six apart ments, always filled with satisfied tenants. Phone 9708. a211' Three attractive homes with from i to 2 acres, attractive landscap ing, good view, two are near bus lines; a pleasure to show these. 0. E. RAE, 1255 State. Phone 6761. ' a209" Two small houses, 100 by 100 cor ner lot, good rental district. $1000 cash takes the works. O. E. RAE, 1255 State. Phone 6761. a209' Three vacant homes ranging from ' $1900 to $3300, and 4 to 7 rooms. Worth the money and you can move right In. O. E. RAE, the Realtor, 1255 State. a209 BY OWNER: Modern 5-room house, . hdw, floors, plastered room upstrs., new roof, Improved basement, coal or wood furnace. 1840 N. Cottage. $3950, terms. Inquire 1850 or phone 9642. " . alio $2650 $300 DOtyN $25 MO. 3 B. Rooms 1st floor, fireplace, base, ldy trays, lot 60x174. Good location C. H. SANDERS 23 1 N. High 5838 Modern 5-rm. house with 1 Acre, on paved street. Just outside city limits. $300 dn. Inq, Ray Tomllnson, 411 McNary, W. Salem. a209 ODirectory ART WORK AND CUTS Drawings, Paintings. Ph. 6880. 0233 BATTERIES WILLARD batteries, all types. R. D Woodrow, 349 N. Church. P 9600. o BUILDING MATERIAL SAND, Gravel, Crushed Rock, Pav ing Salem Supply Co. Ph. 8561. o' CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace As Chimney. Vacuum, steel brushes. B. F. Ensley. Ph. 7176. Call mornings or evenings. pan EXCAVATING Excavating, all kinds; basra'ta. dug. curt nauied or moved. Dirt tor aaie. SEE Ben Otjen St Sons. Ph. 3080. o' PLORIST Ok reithaupt's for flowers. Dial 9195. o FUNERAL DIRECTORS Terwllllger Funeral Home. P 6928 n WALKER St HOWELL Funeral Home, 545 N. Capitol St Ph 3672. o PAINTS AND LACQUERS Complete line Nason paints. Liberal terms. R. D. Woodrow. 394 N. Ohurca PAPERING-PAINTING Expert Workmanship Phone 4328. o' TRANSFER & STORAGE Local or distance transfer storage. Burner oils, briquets Trucks to Portland dally Agent Pierce Auto Freight, Including California point Larmer Transfer Si Storage P 3131. o WELL DRILLING C. J. Pugh, 2125 Myrtle. Ph. 9338. 0224 WINDOW CLEANING ROFESSIONAL CLEANING SER TCE PHONE 4457 0 For Sale Houses Beautiful 5 rm. home, full base, plumbing, fireplace, Venetian blinds, also outbuilding 6 rms full base., St plumbing on 2'A lots. Hlway 101, overlooking ocean at Yachats, Ore. Take some trade. Ph, 5141, 1315 S. High St., Salem. a214 For Sale Farms Have eastern client who will sell Polk county farm of 17S acres, at a Bargain. Includes 72 A. crop land, 40 A. timber and 64 A. side hill pasture. Good buildings, electricity and gra vity water system, will accept rea sonable down payment and give easy terms to right party. Attorney Don ald A. Young, 207 Pioneer Trust Bide., Salem, Oregon. b For Sale Acreage FIVE ACRES Small house, drilled well, electricity, family fruit, paved mghway, 3'.i miles out. Price $2000, terms. IM MEDIATE POSSESSION. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. bb209 Aereage, farms; large selection. ROBINSON REALTY, Independ ence. bb233 4 57 ACRES. East; good soil, good road: elect., close to school. Price $900; $100 down, $10 per mo. Buy now Build laterl Never be priced less. C. H. SANDERS 23 1 N, High 5838 Ob209 Real Estate We Invite your "For Sale" listings if fairly priced. HAWKINS Ss ROBERTS, INC Realtors, Guard- Ian Bidg. e Wanted Real Estate WANTED TO BUY We have the buyers. Some have cash, some want terms. Want farms, acreages and city property. If you nave any property to rent or trade. see us or drop us a line. Louis Bech- tel or Mrs. Needham, 341 State Room 4, Salem, Oregon, ca209" LIST your real property with ABRAMS St ELLIS, INC., Masonic Bidg. ca217 Exchange Real Estate Exchange Calif, for Ore. ranch, 3 hses. on 2U ac. $5400. Renfrew, 1956 Indianapolis, Riverside, Calif. cb218 Business Opportunities MOTEL FOR SALE Attractive location, 14 units. eluding furnishings and equipment, on 99E highway. For particulars see W. H. Grabenhorst St Co.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. cd209' Real Estate Business, in Salem, $200. Low- -rent. Box 119, Cap. Journal Cd209 Furniture For Sale QUITTING BUSINESS NASH FURNITURE CO. Closing Out for the Duration SALE Will Continue Until Entire Stock Is Sold! Thousands of dollars worth of Home Furnishings from 10 to 50 Dis counts off ceiling prices. (Contract lines excepted). Buy now and save Auctions AUCTION Thursday nite, Sept. 3, 7:30 p.m., Stayton Auction Market, party en tering U. S. army Friday has con sinned the following: 2 yr. old heifer and calf; heifer, 2, to freshen in Nov.; heifer, 2, due soon: 3 heifers: 1 steer, 8 mo. old 2 sows and pigs: 3 ewes: doz. N.H. Red yearling hens; house full of furniture. Also usual' consignments of cows, heifers, . calves, hogs of all sizes poultry, etc. Bring in what you have to sell. M. A. GROSBECK, Auctioneer For sale dates or information Phone 625 or write P. O. Box 74, Stayton 'Sales held anywhere, city or farm dd209 For Sale Livestock ATTENTION 1 1 Will remove dead St worthless stock In a moment's notloel SALEM FERTILIZER St BY-PRODUCTS. Ph. 5000 Collect. (No other phone), e' For Sale Wood Wood Stumpage for sale, second growth fir & oak, Ph. 4964. CC210 16-inch edging, excellent cook stove wood, needs no splitting. Prompt service. See at 2310 Laurel St. Phone 8438. Call evenings only. ee210 Big 2nd growth 4-ft. $10 full cord. Bone dry.'2-ft. St 16" fir $12 per cord. Ph. 6677. ee212 Wanted Help Uphlstrs., refr, svemn. H. L. Stiff. g209 HOP PICKERS WANTED Start! picking Thurs., Sept. 3, 2 miles on Wallace road. S. L. Sun. g214: WOMAN for part-time general of fice work. State experience and qualifications. Married woman pre ferred. Box 121 Captal Journal, g Married Man to work on dairy, $100 per mo. and house, milk, potatoes and lights. J. M. Nichols. Ph. 67F15. Wanted Help Salesgirl Wanted Permanent Position for Responsible Girl Experience in Selling ', Jewelry Preferred State Age and Experience BOX 122, CAPITAL JOURNAL . , gan1 HOP YARD TRUCK SCHEDULE Thm-nriov Spntemtaer. 3 Leaving from North Broadway at Larmer warenouses o:ju a.m 'xnl.tinri vno rf In wnllvwnnd thea tre St N. Capitol, Fairgrounds nn,4 in UloVltanri AVP Highland Ave. to N. Commercial, south on rnrnmAivlnl St to Miller St.: Leaving 6:30 a.m. from 485 South nnnn Kr rn M in bl. and Lee St., to Waller St Tumor road to 12th & Mission sts., to Rniit.h nnmmprr.ifll tn Miller Eat. t3irfrirtfr rn nnnHnllfi t.hrnnph day, Sunday and Monday. Yard located 5 miles s.w. saiem, .Brown s Island. Good camping conditions E A. MILLER Telephone 23103 or 8168 .or 8980 6- Housekeeper, 2 children $1 day, rm. St board. Apply 1865 N. 6th eves. g209 Breadwrapper to operate machine, Deferred from service, male or le male. Must be neat, fast St strong Night work, $30 wk. Schoen's Bakery g213" Waitress, full or part time & cook's helper. Carlson's Cafe, 498 State St gaio- WANTED : Girls for distributing coupons, rteuaoie urm. oee mi. ivm Oarthv. Senator hotel, Wed. after 6 p.m. g209 Wanted: A steady Dishwasher at Chinese Tea Garden. g2id HOP PICKERS WANTED Illihee Hop Ranch, 4 miles East of Salem, near Auburn school. Big crop. Picking commences Sept. 2nd. Steve Van Houten, foreman. Ph. 2Z631, g' WANTTm A1 etenn At' hnnlrkppnpr preferably with lumber experience. Nicaermeyer-iviarun Liumoer Portland, Ore. g209 Man to drive logging truck. 1730 North Front. g203' WANTED: GIRL TO ASSIST WITH general hsework & cooking in Port. land home. Bx 117 Cap. Journ. g211 HOP PICKERS WANTED 250 Acres choice river bottom hops 4 miles SW of Salem. 3 weeks of fine picking. Store, restaurant, butcher shop on grounds. Good camp ground. Fine cabins, or free transportation to and from yard. Register at our office, 147 North Commercial St., or write John J. Roberts St Co., Salem Oregon. Phone 9623. g Hop Pickers ROBERTS HOP YARD Transportation facilities leaving each morning commencing Monday, Au gust 31, as follows: At 5:15 a.m. and at 6' a.m. from- Capltola Bonesteele Garage, Hollywood Theatre Highland School Larmer Warehouse Commercial and Center Ladd St Bush bank Miller and S. Commercial. Capitol and D I Capitol and Garden Road Garden Road and 21st D and 21st D and 17th 17th and Center 21st and Center 24th and State Eppley's Store 12th and State Ferry and Cottage Ferry and Cottage. Lee and Mission Road 12th and Mission High and Mission Leslie School Commercial and Hoyt. Jefferson Hgwy St Hansen Ave. Salem Heights school Yard 4 miles out on South River Rd. For further information Ph. 9623. g' Now registering Hop Pickers tor late hops. Williams St Thacker. cab ins, good crop. Phone 21331 or 21351 4 miles West of Salem. g Wanted - HOP PICKERS Start picking late hops Aug. 31; good crop and good camp grounds; store on grounds; 4 miles west of Salem. PHONE 5730 Mrs. B. O. EOLA Automobiles WANTED USED CARS ALL MAKES AND MODELS CASH AT ONCE ORVAL'S USED CARS Center at Church Phone 4702 qliOB" Wanted Help One male or female dishwasher Must be experienced. $4.00, 8 hrs. One fry cook, male, $6.00, 8 hrs. One waitress. Must be experienced. $4.00, 8 hrs., including meals. Art Peters, Labor Temple, 259 Court. HOP PICKERS Wanted Brown Is land Hop Co. Ph. 2-3107. Early and late hops; prevailing prices; long Job; good accommodations. 44 ml. S. W. of Salem on Willamette River. HOP PICKERS WANTED 400 acres of early and late hops grown on river bottom land, pick lng' commences August 24. Large crop, long season and paying $2 50 per 100 pounds. Free camping ac commodations. Groceries, meats and restaurant at city prices. Strict su pervision day and night. We wel come return of our old pickers and 500 new ones. Register immediately and reserve cabins or tents. Loca tion 2 miles north of Independence. Call or phone 27F2. Independence. C. A. McLaughlin Hop Ranch, In dependence, Ore. Harold Gwin, Superintendent. g HOP PICKERS WANTED Picking starts Aug. 20th, lasts about 30 days. Pay 2bc per pound. Good crop, best picking job In valley Good camp, 550 cabins with lights and stoves, store, dance hall and res taurant. Known as Wlgrlch Ranch. Write Golden Gate Hop Ranch, In dependence, Ore., or Phone 3616, Salem. , g213a School girl for light hswk., care of children. 442 N. Water. g210 Wanted Positions Children cared for. Phone 9688. h224 For Rent Kippnino. room In modern Drivate home, close in, for business woman. Phone 9552. J2 Clean, turn, cabin St gar., near air port. $8. 1647 Waller, evenings. J209 $12 4-Rm. House, fruit, chickens, near Woodburn orange, it. a, joosc. J209 Mod. 4-Rm. Unfur. House. Loc. 1130 Norway St. Owner, 2010 Warner. j211 3-Rm. Furn. House, 4090 State. Past Pen. 4 Corners. Call after 7 pjn. $20 mo. J2H Nice Slpg. Rms near 4 canneries St paper mill. 113B w. conn st. jau 5-Room Modern House. Stoves fur-nislipH- lii mllps from citv center. Rt. 1, Box 95. j211 Furnished 3-rm. Apt. 1244 li State. J210 3 rms. furn., $15. 446 Union. J209 80-Acro Farm. Mrs. L. S. Murdick, Brooks, Ore., Route 1. J210 3-rm. modern, fully furn. apt. Elect, stove, heat St water furnished $35. 9-rm. large old dwelling, Nr. schools. Fireplace St furnace. When repaired suitable for extra rooms ior rent b, Phone 4817. J209' Modern, cozy 3 rm. apt., conveni ences. 253 North 13th. J211' Furn. bdrm. 130 McNary Ave. J2U Pleasant rm., garage. Gent. Ph. 7258. . jaiB' Sleeping room 726 Court Pianos. $2 mo. H. L Stiff Furn. Co. ) Wanted To Rent Ranch. Salem vicinity. Chicken hses. St out bldgs. Some Irrigation. Box 114 Capital Journal. Ja209 Room and Board Board St Room, 168 N. 12th. JJ210 Lost and Found LOST: Government pension check Address on check. Reward. k2U LOST: R.R. Ticket from Kansas Cltv. Mo., to Corvallls, Ore. Reward, Return to Journal. k209 Schucking ACRES Automobiles CASH FOR USED CARS ANY MAKE AND MODEL Tires No Object COME IN TODAY SALEM AUTOMOBILE COMPANY N. Com'l. at Center Salem Phone 4673 q211 WANTED! Fifty (50) LATE MODEL OARS AT ONCEI TOP CASH PRICES PAID "C" SHROCK CHURCH St OHEM. PH. 7922 q CASH FOR YOUR CAR OR EQUITY Burgoyne Motor Co. 440 Center St. Ph. 21535 Lost and Found FOUND Locket on chain. Identify and pay for adv. 1446 Saginaw after 5 p.m. k209 Miscellaneous Dental Plate Renair 2-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES Adolph Bidg. State & Commercial. salem Phone 3311. m We clean sentic tanks and cesspools special equipment; free Inspection. Ph. 8745.. 842 n'dgewaier, w. eaiem. m212 For Sale Miscellaneous Onen Saturday. Sent. 5 Repairs for all makes of vacuums rf.,. nioonovc fnr Rnlp nr Trade VINCE'S VACUUM STORE, 3320 Pnrlotiri Rnntl. I'll. BZyii. mil Cfnnl nt. Zr. trill ttl'PSS. steel filing .aWnpt. rinvpnnnrt. Ice. size, porce lain kitchen table, etc. Ph. 9655 nfrpr h n.m. iil..W..nV,p tvunlr npVPV IlKPd. $25: riinotto taViip si- chiffonier: steel filing acct. cabinet (grocery). Call before 1 p.m. iiau center ai. 1111 T-tn..Annn..f tT"! nnH pnnd r.o worn some. Oak lib. table, vers nnr.J vnnlrnt' flnrt ' box OWnfil' Rt. 1. Box 34. Ph. 3889. 11209 5" Puppies, 6 wks. old, black and white. Mother thoroughbred Spring er spaniel. Your choice, $1. 170 Sunnvvlew Ave. nin Oak St Fir Flooring, shakes, shin gles, lath, doors, jambs, etc. 1680 Jefferson. Ph. 5727. n211 FOR SALE: B-Flat Clarinet & case. Ph. 8204, after 5:00 p.m. n200 Both new and used pianos sacrificed for quick sale. Tallman's quit for the duration. 469 State St. n234 One Used Bicycle, practically new Hi es. sio. Rt. 1. Box 95. n211 Improved Elberta Peaches, 114 ml. west of Kelzer sen. Bring boxes. H. M. Broadbent. n211' GIRL'S bicycle, balloon tires. Call 3348. n200 Am enlisting in naval construction, will sell 6 or 6000 ft. hard eastern maple flooring; 120 pr. Chicago Roll er skates, 2 music systems, IM acre place on 99E highway. Make your own terms on Real Estate. 583 North Winter after 7 p.m. n210 For sale, used electric stove, good condition 1750 N. Cottage St. n2l0 Lady's Blue Tweed coat with fur collar. Size 16. Like new. 773 Mill. n209 Bartlctt Pears 75c bu. Bring boxes. C. A. Zlellnskl, 1 mile East Chcm awa 4-corncrs. Rt. 7, box 241. n209 PICK your own apples or pears at $1 per cwt. at Becker's, just west of Falrview Home. n211 ury rouury r eruiizer. summer spe cial 25c sack. Rrlnp sacks. Ph. 22861. 22801 uec 9 tinmiici.Y. n' Red Elberta, Muir, Improved Early Elberta, J. H. Hale peaches. M. P Adams, Rt. 1, Bx. 133, Wallace Rd. Ph. 22216. n'J09 Peaches, 2930 N. Front. Ph. 6320 n223' FOR Fuller Brushes, Phone 5391. n217 WILHART HOP FARM Located 17 miles north of Salem on St. Paul-Newberg Highway, now picking cluster hops. For further information PHONE SALEM 22681 Ward Lundy, Mgr. Wanted Miscellaneous Wanted: Fruit Jars. Phone 21416. na2ll" WANTED: Woman's Bicycle, good condition. Will pay cash. Call 5768 before 5 or 7064 after 5. na211' WANTED: 2 5.50x17 tires and baby buggy, 268 No, 17th, - na211 Elderly Gentleman to care for In my home. Ph. 3035. naaiu- Can use up to 100 tons oats; give price F.O.B., Salem. Box 120, Cap ital Journal. na209 Wanted: Davenport St chair. P. 5862. na2l2" If you have good used furniture to sell, see Russ Bright. Ph. 7511, 453 Court. na212 Wanted: To buy girl's bicycle. Call after 6. Phone 9477, na209 Cash for used furniture and h.h. goods, refrigerators, wash, machs., ranges, heaters, 16" tires. F. N. Sc Glenn Woodry, Auctioneers. Ph. 6110. naaiT Used Furniture. Ph. 9185. na' Personal I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by anyone except myself. Joe Schwelgert. pzou I will not be responsible for any b lis contracted by anyone out my self. Z. R. Moss. P209 Reading, accur., depend. 2361 State, pm Palmist. P. 4263. Hazel Barton. B St. P216 Automobiles FOR SALE: 1940 ft-T. Pickup, Al condition. Good rubber. Noram Pfafflnger, Rt. 2, Woodburn. q2U 1940 Indian Scout Motorcycle, $275 cash. Box 122, Abrams Ave. q210 FOR SALE: 1940 Chrysler. Ph. 9006. q210 Will pay cash for 1941 Chev. 4-door sedan. 441 State St. q209 TRUCKS for rent, you drive. Mc Cune St Lovell. Phone 9600. q218 Financial MONEY TO LOAN $2000 or $3000 on good real estate security. Bechtel - Needham, 341 State. - r209 MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE State Finance Co. 212-222 Guardian Bidg. Lie. S-216; M-222. r FARM and CITY LOANS Quality Mortgage Loans at 4V4 where loan does not exceed 60 of present value. Not an FHA loan Promnt service - Minimum details We offer a 5 rate on loans of larger percentage of value. Will pay Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bidg. Ph. 7162. r Wanted to BUY for CASH Real Estate mortgages, Real Estate con tracts. Merchandise discount paper State Finance Co., 212 Guardian Bidg. r AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. 5th Floor, GUARDIAN BUILDING License No. M-159 We loan on farm, residential and business nrooerty. Will buy mort gages, contracts. HAWKINS St ROBERTS, INC. Realtors. Guardian Bidg. r' QUICK CASH LOANS All Plans One to 12 Months GENERAL FINANCE CORP, 136 S. Commercial St License No. S-138. r' LOANS STATE FINANCE CO. 212 Guardian Bidg. Phone 8168 S-216 M-222 AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CALKINS FINANCE CO. "Salem's Persona) Loan Center" 315 Court St. Salem Phone 4448. State License S-228 M-27B. r LOANS $25 to $300 Almost any credit-worthy person who really needs cash . . to pay eff old debts; for medical or dental work or for some other worthy pur pose, can qualify for a loan at Per sonal. John C. Heeren, Manager PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Ground Fir., New Bllgh Bidg. 512 State St. (at High St.) Telephone 3101 State Licenses: S-122 M-165. r233 Financial WANTED - PRIVATE MONEY to Loan on Good Salem Real Estate Will Pay 8 Interest W H GRABENHORST Si CO. REALTORS. r AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS Contracts refinanced to reduce pay ments. Money for new or used cars. No delay or red tape. You will re tain possession of the vehicle. 1 to 15 MONTHS TO PAY Roy H. Simmons 136 South Commercial Street Phone 9168. Lie No. M-152. r Transportation '41 DeLx. Sdn. V-8. Lvng. Fit p.m., Sept. 4 for Frisco and L.A., take 4. Phone Main 2 or call 202 Cowing St., Sllverton. X211 Transportation to the Oregon Ship Yards, Swing shift. Ride in comfort. able lay-back seats, see or call Art Peters, Labor Temple, after 5:30 p. m. St Sundays. Ph. 3259. X211 Engaged to Commoner En gagement of the Hon. Ger ald Lascellcs, 18-year-old nephew of King George VI, to June Morris, 17-year-old canteen worker, was an nounced in London. Las cellcs (above), is at work in a munitions factory. He is the son of the Earl of Harewood and the Princess Royal, only sister of the king. (Associated Press Photo.) WANTED HOP PICKERS Now picking late hops good crop and good camp grounds; store on grounds 4 miles west Of Salem. PHONE 21331 or 21351 Truck leaves Employment Office on Ferry St. al 6 A.M. Polk County Bridge at 6:05. WILLIAMS & THACKER ACROSS t Soft drink 4. Bravery 9. Haul 12. Silkworm IS. Music drama 14. Spenserian 32. Inrtpflnlte amount 13. Side piece of a barrel 34. Iarpe bird 25. Symbol lor tantalum 36. Strnifihlr-n tht cnarautrr margin H. Rainbow Iron I 37. Dry 17. PliiPh 3X. Polisher) 40. lloaatiiiR nlakei 41. Ilosounded 42. Kxpluslon 4.1. Weapon of war 4n. Pnmlorao tre 41. Wlille 48. Sflfid container Kxclnmatlon in. Counla 20. Anpi-y 22. HoRlm 24. CiHRl 2fi. Heron 26. Client rac nortpfi sweetbrlr 2!). NRallv vntei b2. Metal-bearing 30. Long narrow rock boards K1. LatiRhtng tl. And; Latin 64. Playing card - - g- m p 1 -WL Hi II 1 Ii li . !Ll! Ii WW' En 4 44. 4S 4 ' : . Ml m-x Legal NOTICE Notice to witer useri on unntmed stream rlslm (rom a aprlnz in NWU NE'. Section 5, Township 9 South. Rani 3 West, V. M.. Marlon County. Oregon. To nil persons, firms, and corporations claiming i rigtu to the use of the waters of an unnamed stream, rising from a spring In NW1.. NBU, Section 5, Township 9 South, Range 3 West. W. M., which mows in a aoumeny direction acrosa the lands of J. O. Farr. thence across th county road to and on the lands of B. B. Cochran to a point where a small un named tributary flowing from the east Joins the unnamed stream. Said unnamed tributary flowing from the east and Its tributaries are not Involved In this pro ceeding. From said point the unnamed stream flows tn a westerly direction to and across the county road upon the lands of J. O. Farr and thence In a northwesterly direction to its , confluence with the Willamette River, Marlon County, Oregon. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Vou and each of you hereby are notified that on or about September 31, 1942, the Stale Engineer of the State of Oregon will be gin an Investigation of the flow of said unnamed stream and of the ditches di verting water therefrom, pursuant to an order of the Circuit Court for Marion County (or the determination of the rights to the use of the waters of said stream. Further notice will be given at a Ialr date, fixing a time when' and a Place where the State Engineer will receive claims and testimony as to the rights of all parties claiming from said stream and Its tributaries, as provided by law, CHAS. E. STRICKLIN, State Engineer. Sept. a. 9 NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that by order of the Circuit Court of the State of OreBon for the County of Marlon, Lyla J. Bourson has been appointed as and lor executor of the estate of Adolph J. Bourson, Deceased. AH persona having claims against said estate arc hereby notified to present the name to said executor at the office of Rho ten As Rhoten. attorneys at law, 310 Pio neer Trust Building. Salem. Oregon, with in six months from the date of this no tice. Dated this 2nd day of September, 1942. LYLE J. BOURSON, Executor of tht Estate of ADOLPH J. BOURSON, De ceased. RHOTEN is RHOTEN and SAM T, SPEHRSTRA, 310 Pioneer Trust Building, Salem, Oregon, Attorneys for the Estate. sept, a. a. m, aa, 10 Trotter Family Leaves Amity Mr. and Mrs. Averell Trotter and his mother, Mrs. Alice Trotter, left Sunday for their home in Santa Monica, Calif., after a month's visit In McMinnville ' and Amity with old time friends and relatives. The Trotter family were resi dents of Amity for many years. Mr. Trotter is a member of the school faculty in Santa Monica. Salem lodge No. 4, AP St AM, KWFrlday, Sept. 4, stated meet AgAlng. 8 p.m. 211 A Pacific lodge No. 50 AP St AM, VkVP.0. degree Sept. 2, 1:30 p.m. By order of W.M. 200 cue aII a c, p fInU A nIaI tIoIrq1m y phtIai pIeIrI O D ETOA D I OMflO Rl lIeIsIoIrotIrieImIoIri Solution Of Yesterday'! Puul S5, Spread lopiely fifi, Ovul'R 67. Catnip DOWN 1. Mexican coin 2. Rtght-antiad 2. Pastry 4. Light and quid 6. Plant loui 8. Sidelong glance T. Early English money I. Cause to UU root f. Crescent- ahaped 10. Slngta thing IL Yawn Ifi. Fencing swordf 21. Dflcaya 23. Victim 2. Drudae 25. Orowing out . 26. Vegetable organism ' 37. Money sent 2S. Ornamental button 3n. Smart 33. Defa' ie 34. Goddess ot discord Sea n eed derivative. 17. To one s1rt 3!. Worn away 40, Plopes 42. Tradfl-marH 43. Location 44. Had on 45. Wtngs 47. On 60. Otve: Scotcn St. Maacuiln Dam Lodges E LB L1EIS S OND U S Q IsigfT A pa wInha sie g RIA TlLPiE L A E RS AkinQAlitlS5N ToollEy e Nfl Ego aTtoUrIeInitIsUdIeIw Journal Want Ads Pay