Wednesday, August 26, 1942 The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon Nint Chapter One i Smash j- Stephanie signalled, turned left into the stream of traffic pouring onto the Golden Gate ;, bridge. Thrusting back the cuff i, of her trim olive-drab uniform, ; ftie glanced at her watch. Nearly ': fjve-thirty already. And the line ! 'Of cars ahead moving like a I : Fourth of - July parade. She ! aiifftpH fn sppnnH spnp. hold the ! aleak hlnp miine down in a crawl and rpmpmhnrpd that Aunt Al- I llcnn VioH cniH Hiniwp wnniri lip iJ at seven. And dinner at Stone : hurst meant while tie and tails! I :, Stephanie shrugged, tried to j relax. She shouldn't have vol- Oteered to take that extra duty Headquarters this afternoon. 5; She might have known she'd I never be able to get away on h Ume. She hadn't even had time to dash home and pack a bag. I Sow she'd have to borrow a i, dinner dress from Vicky who !; loathed lending things. She :' Brimaced. Poor Vicky. The ? most beautiful deb In all Marin ; county and always afraid some- one was going to challenge her title. I Her slim foot pressed the ac ; celerator and the powerful lit tle car leaped ahead. She flicked on her highway lights ! moved out into the center lane : Passing cars steadily, she fin- i Jly saw traffic ahead thinning ; out. The highway curved grad ually around the breast of a hill i and the needle on Stephanie's i ipeedometer crept toward sixty. OThen she saw the dog. Only yards ahead as she came j. over the last rise, he dashed out Into the center of the highway i full into the path of her head ' lights. She stepped hard on the !.' brake, signalled frantically. The little dog stood, legs apart, . as if transfixed. ; i "I'm going to hit him!" Ste ; phanie heard her own voice ' ihriek. ? She swerved then, yanking the wheel, feeling the car lurch drunkenly. She held her breath as the whisk of white fur dis appeared behind the curve of her fender. Then she let it go when there was no thud, . no ' pained yelping. -!j "Missed him, thank " ) The word was jerked away, ' lost in the terrible scream of tires skidding on loose gravel. . Strong Arms ivij ' For the ' next few minutes, Stephanie went spinning, down' to a black vortex like some relentless maelstrom that suck ,; ed her farther and farther away 'from reality. Thundrous si ; lence pursued her at first. Then Voices from far away off. One voice in particular a man's ; deep-throated command. J "Give me a hand here. We've got to get her out first." . ; Then strong arms lifting her lowly, carefully. As in- a night mare, Stephane struggled to r rouse herself, to fight her way back through the gathering loom. When she did get her yes open, she looked straight , Bp at the owner of the voice, i "That bank was the only thing i that saved you," the man with a i- nice voice said dryly. "What happened? Do you know?" ; 3 Stephanie remembered then. ; "A dog! In the middle of the highway. I .was just trying to ;; avoid hitting it." fiThe tall youn man captain was, Stephanie noted from f the silver bars on his shoulders i -4-shook his head. "Nice for the . dog but a little risky for other ' people on the road. Do ;-ou al I Ways drive like that?" i Stephanie stiffened. "Certain ly not. It was just an im pulse." i "Pretty deadly business hav ing impulses at sixty miles per Hour." S VI realize that perfectly. And I'm sorry. I guess I just didn't think." He was perfectly right : ' of ' course, she realized cha- , grinder, but he needn't rub it in. "That's obvious," dryly Then to the men who had stop oom and Board '"'If f WEVi OBOPU 18 E GOT WIRE AND rtS. VB 1 k. BUD- V -ONE TIME WORK. K f V f ARE I llll'VuYP& W? i ped to help, who were climbing back into their cars now. Thanks a lot. Guess everything is under control now." Everything, that is, Stephanie amended silently, except her ris ing ire. Because this good-looking soldier boy wore a uniform didn't make him a general. "Thank you so much," Ste phanie said sweetly and sat down on the battered running board of her scarred little car. "I don't mind waiting right here. There will be a highway patrol along soon. I wouldn't think of detaining you." "It may be some time before the patrol arrives. You can't wait here alone." "And why can't I? Or isn't this a free country any more?" "It's a free country but a dark one and cold," he said and grasped her arm, pulled her to her feet. "I'd consider I had been negligent in the perform ance of my duty if I left you here." ' She shook his hand off her arm, but she got into his car. "Just your Boy Scout deed for today, am I? Well, I'm not go ing with you so you might as well pursue your line of duty in another direction." Age Twenty Almost He laughed, a rich throaty sound from deep within his tall, lean frame. "No? And your unifor.n doesn't obligate you to drive as if the state highway were your own private race track, either." He glanced at her a moment. "Just what is the uniform for, anyway?" "San Francisco Red Cross Mo tor Corps. Stephanie Merrill is the name. Age twenty almost. Height five feet four. Weight 108 pounds. Anything else you'd like to know, sir?" Oh, good lord," his laughter burst out again, infectious and infuriating. "I'll bet the S. F. Motor Corps doesn't know the risk it runs. Remind me to con tinue traveling by plane." They stopped at the first ga rage, dispatched a tow truck for the battered little blue coupe. "Okay, Captain Knudsen." The garage man wrote out tag. "Where shall I have the young lady's car delivered?" To 18 Hillcrest Circle, please," Stephanie directed cool ly. "Stonecrest Lodge. How soon can you " ; He shook his head. ''Depends on the amo'unt of damage, miss. Probably not until the middle of the week." Stephanie sighedi She was go ing to have a lot of explaining to do. "Can you get a taxi for me now?" she asked the garage owner. He shook his head again. She heard Captain Knudsen smother a laugh. "I'll be very glad to drive you to Stonecrest, Miss Merrill." Furious, she stepped back into the Captain's car. "Thank you so much. I hate to impose.' "No imposition at all. It's a pleasure to help a lady in dis tress," he teased and added with a grin, "Especially girls with big brown eyes and devilish tempers." Stephanie's laugh relented a little.- "You'd be in a devilish temper too if you'd just smashed up your dad's birthday present and " "And been rescued against your will?" He slanted a smile at her. She met his smile with a cool facsimile of her own. "Exactly, and by a Boy Scout whose gal lantry is only exceeded by his conceit." "Ouch!" He whistled softly. "That hurt. Conceited, huh?" He turned into the gravelled road tiiat curved to the top of the hill where . Aunt Allison's spa cious villa sat like a bejewelled duchess. "A woman always grounds a flyer, eventually," he said and as he stopped the car in the drive already clogged with cars, By Gene Ahern he opened the door for her. It was Stephanie's turn to smile treasingly, "And think what a great loss aviation would suffer if Captain Knudsen were to be grounded eventually!" 'I don't know about that," he said, his smile not quite cover ing his seriousness. "I only know that flying happens to be the most important thing in life for me. I wouldn't be worth much if my wings were clip ped." "And I suppose " still mock ing him, "countless of the fair sex have tried time and time again to" ensnare you, you poor dear.'" 'Sure," and laugh lines fan ned around his blue eyes, "I just have to beat them off with clubs. It's terrible." (To be continued) Wednesday Programs KSLM 1300 Kilocycles Wednetday P. M. 4:00 The Aristocrats 4:15 News 4:30 Teatime Tunes 4:46 Announcers Choice 5:00 Modern Melody Trio 5:15 Let's Reminisce 5:30 Lanuworth Choristers 6:00 Tonight's Headlines 6:15 War Commentary 6:20 Sinning Strings 6:45 Popular Music 7:00 News In Brie! 7:05 Employment Bulletin Board 7:10 Tommy Reynolds Orch. 7:30 Willamette Valley Opinions 7:50 Earl Hatch Vlbraharp 8;00 War Fronts In Review 8:102 Klnss and a Queen 8:30 Treasury Star Parade 8:45 Bible Quiz 9:00 News 9:15 World's Most Honored Music 9:30 Chuck Foster's Orch. 9:45 Dickson's Melody Mustangs 10:00 Let's Dance 10:30 News 10:45 McFarland Twins 11:00 Alfredo Antonini's Concert Orch. tl:30 Last Minute News KOIN 070 Kilocycles Wednesday P. M. 4:00 Second Mrs. Burton. CBS 4:15 Martha. Mears, CBS 4:30 Newspaper oi the Air. 5:00 Nelson Eddy, CBS 5:30 Harry Flannery, CBS 5:45 Bob Garred, News, CBS 5:55 Cecil Brown, CBS 6:00 Junior Miss, CBS 6:30 Paramount Pictures, CBS 7:00 Great Moments in Music, CBS 7:30 22nd Letter, CBS 8:00 Amos n" Andy. CBS 8:15-Glenn Miller, CBS 8:30 Dr. Christian, CBS 8:55 Dick Joy, News, CBS 0:00 William Winter, CBS 9:15 Mighty Meek 9:20 Hal Mclntyre, CBS 9:30 Northwest Neighbors 10:00 Five Star Final 10:15 Wartime Women 10 :2i Air-Flo ol the Air 10:30 The World Today, CBS 10:45 Stop. Look and Listen 11:00 Ray Noble, CBS 11:30 Manny strand orch., CBS 11:55 News. CBS ... 12:00 to 6 A. M. Musio and News KGW B20 Kilocycles Wednesday P. M. 4:30 Funny Money Man 4:45 Stars of Today 5:00 H. V. Knit en born. NBO 5:15 Cocktail Hour 5:30 It Happened in the Service, NBO 5:45 Bill Henry. News. NBC 6:00 Those We Love, News 6:30 Mr. District Attorney. NBO 7:00 Kay Kyser's Kollege. NBO 8:00 Point Sublime, NBO 8:30 Paul Martin's Music, NBO 9:00 Oregon on Guard 9:15 Roy Mace's Music, NBO 9:30 Your Mayor Speaks 9:46 Rambling In Rhythm, NBO 9:55 Musical Interlude, NBO 10:00 News Flashes, NBO 10:15 Your Home Town New 10:25 Musical Interlude 10:30 Moonlight Sonata 11:00 Jantsten Beach Orch, 11:30 War News Roundup 13:00-3 A. M. Swing Shift KEX tlOO Kllneyleea Wednesday P, M. 4:00 Easy Aces, BN 4:15 Mr. Keen. Tracer. BN 4:30 String Quartet. BN 4:45 Sea Hound. BN 5:00 Flying Patrol. BN 5:15 Secret City, BN 6:30 Clete Roberts, News, BN 5:45 Deane Dlckason, Commentator 6:00 Basin St. Chamber Music, BN 6:30 James Abbe Covers the Newt 6:45 Mark Kenney Orch,, BN 8:55 Molasses 'n' January. BN 7:00 Your Blind Date, BN 7:15 A Man and His Music, BN 7:30 Lightning Jim, BN 8:00 Earl Godwin, News. BN 8:15 Lum and Abner, BN 8:30 Manhattan at Midnight, BN 9:00 Down Memory Lane 9:30 News 9:45 Lyrics and Lullabies, BN 9:55 News, BN 10:00 The Gary Moore Show, BN 10:30 Broadway Bandwagon. 10:45 Ambassador Orch., BN 11:00 This Moving World. BN 11:16 Organ Concert. BN 11:90 War News Roundup KALE 1830) KWIL 1240 Kilocycles Wednesday P. M. 4:00 Fulton Lewis. Jr.r MBS 4:15 Johnson Family. MBS 4:30 Records for Fighting Men, MBS 5:00 Captain Danger 6:15 Analysis of Propaganda. MBS 5:30 Canadian Grenadier Band, MBS 6:00 Gabriel Healter. MBS : 8:15 Great Dance Bands 6:30 Jimmy Allen. U. S. Navy 8:45 Movie Parade 7:00 John B Hughes, MBS 7:15 Ray Klnnpy Orch., MBS 7:S0 Lone Ranger, MBS 8:00 Quiz of the Coast. MBS 8:30 Don Lec Presents, MBS 9:00 News, MBS 9:15 Today's Top Tunes 9:30 Music (or Moderns 9;45 John R. Steelman. MBS 10:00 Lionel Hampton Orch., MBS 10:15 Moon Maglo 10:30 News 10:45 Ran Wilde Orch.. MBS 11:00 Count Bassle Orch., MBS 11:30 Johnny Richards Orch., MBS, KOAC 550 Kllncyeltl Wednesday p, M, 4:00 choral Music 4:30 Stories for Bon and Olrli 5:00 Melodies for Strings 8:15 Cavalcade of Drama 5:30 Evening Vesper Service 5:46 It's Oregon's War 6:15 United Presi News 6-30 Farm Hour 7:30 For Summer Time 8:00 Voices of the President Tat t 8:15 The Career I Hsll 8: JO The Monitor Views thl News 8:45 Music of the MesUri 8:80 United Press News KXt- 7M Klleeyeles Wednesday P. M, 4:00 KXL Bon Jimboree 4:10 Mutiny on the Hlfh Seal 4:45 Harmony Hall 5:00 News 5:05 Billboard of the Air 6:30 WXL Sport Pai 5:45 Border Cafe 6:00 War CommenUry 8:05 Top of the Bvenlni 6:30 Supper Melodies 7:00 News 7:15 Strictly Solid 7:30 Cowboy Hit Panda ill" ?ou c'nt' Do Buiinesi with Hitler ' 8:10 Ne-s 8:15 6iU nt p ... t; Radio Programs j Thursday Programs KSLM 1SU0 Kilocycles Thursdar A. M. 6:45 Rise 'n' Shins , 7:00 News 7:05 Rise n' Shine 7:30 News 7:45 Your Gospel Proersm 8:00 Lud Gluskln'l Orel). 8-30 News 8:35 Concert Orchestra 8 00 Pastor's Call 9:15 Kato Menrllesohn 9:30 Popular Music 9:45 Blue Blazers 9:55 To the Ladies 10:00 World In Review 10:05 Herb Jeffrey 10:30 Women In the News 10-35 Curley Fox and Carl Ledel U-00 Some Like It 8weet 11:80 Hit Tunes ol Yesteryear 12:00 orcanalltles 12:15 News 12 30 Hillbilly serenade 12:35 Willamette Valley Opinions 12:55 Interlude 1:00 Lum and Abner 1:15 Ray Noble's Orch. 1:30 Milady's Melodies 1:45 Melody Mart 2:00 Isle or Paradlsa 2:15 u. s. Army 3:30 Novelettes 2:45 Tune Tabloid 3:00 Old Opera House KOIN 070 KHncycles Thursday A. M, 0:00 Northwest Farm Reporter 6:15 Breakfast Bulletin 6:20 Texas Rancors 6:45 KOIN Klock 7:15 Wake Up News 7:30 Bob Garred. News. CBS 7:45 Nelson Prlnale. News, CBS 8:00 Consumer News 8:15 Fred Fclbel. CBS 8:30 Valiant Lady. CBS Henry Little Orphan Annie VOU MEAN IN THIS COUNTRY CAN EAT WITHOUT WORKING HYs'lar Fellers The Gumps Tarznn Mutt and Jeff 0 you're writing A M0VIE,EH,MUTT? WHOS GONNA PRODUCE IT? , TTHffTS 1 RIGHT. I DRIFT WO OO I EVERYBODY I fit TO fePKM - . V HAS A I MY FOODT M RIGHT I ?W M TO LIVE. 1 THAT VOU PUW fTn TH' TIANOj fl' i ' rmmmmZZZm'jTF ' GUWiPlE YOU OL W OH. aaiSTuh &.,sa' if BCW'thi? I I RASCAL 1 WE HAP : euClAH' I JUS' v voui? FiewPS O i arriving I 1 i vou wrong-' i knew you I ARE ARRIVING M IN STYLE Slli OONT KNOW HOW WOUlPN'T d. . NOW. AAR. J? WHAT - YOU DONE IT.' ) I FAIL US." L i,,,,.M; I W .-Vl. I. ..SR. Y FROM HIS HIDING PIACE V,RZAH HFSIX "Wi. C4J.LE0 A WARNING TO 2EELA. KjE . 8:45 Stories America Loves. CBS 9:00 Kate Smith Speaks, OBS 9:15 Big Sister. CBS 9:30 Romance of Helen Trent, CBS 9:45 Our Gal Sunday, CBS 10:00 Life Can Be Beautiful. OBS 10:15 Woman In White, CBS 10:30 Vic and Sade, CBS 10:45 The Gotdberes. CBS 11:00 Young Dr. Malone, CBS 11:15 Aunt Jenny, CBS 11:30 We Love and Learn, CBS 11:45 King's Jesters. CBS 12:00 Carnation Bouquet. CBS 12:15 Knox Manning. CBS 12:30 Joyce Jordan. CBS 13:45 U. 8. Navy Band. CBS 1:00 Galen Drake. CBS 1:15 Sam Hayes, CBS 1:30 Highways to Health. CBS 1:45 Take It Easy 2:00 News 2:15-Slesta 2:30 William Winter. News. CBS 2:45 Ben Bernle, CBS 3:00 Troubadors. CBS 3:15-State Truffle 3:30 Vera Barton, Songs. CBS 3:45 News KflW T!0 Kilocycles Thursday A. M. 4:00 Dawn Patrol 5:30 War News Roundup 6:00 Show Without a Name, NBO 6:30 Sheppard's Serenade 7:00 News 7:15 Music of Vienna 7:45 Sam Hayes. NBO 8:00 StRrs of Today 8:15 James Abbe Covers the News 8:30 Symphonic Swing 8:40 Lotta Noyes 8:45 David Huriim. NBO 900 Bess Johnson. NBO 9:15 Bachelor's Children. NBO 8:30 Melodies at Midday, NBO 9:45 Moods In Melody. NBO 10:00 Mary Lee Taylor, NBO MY FATHER TAUGHT ME THAT ONLY THOSE WHO WORK HAVE A RIGHT TO EAT THAT I BELIEVE -SO. WHAT MAY I DO TO EARM MY LODGING? WELL, I j -y i ABOUT YOUR PLAVIN' AN' SHE. BE NICE . OVER By Bud v s . i s r iix t i s s s Iwmo's) r who's! I AM! OH.wElUDONT Vou can always ? ( I AM! j SONNA 1 AM! GONNA T, WORRYMUTT1 Lcftr USE THAT OUTFIT), r DIRECT V. ACT Cj 'TWon i d W FOR PLAVINC3 fTifW 10:15 Kneass With the Ncl 10:30 Homekeeper's Calendar 10:45 Dr. Kate. NBO 11:00 Light of the World. NBO 11:15 Lonely Women. NBO 11:30 The Guiding Light. NBO 11:45 Hymns of All Churches, NBO 13:DQr-Melodtc Tunes 12:15 Ma Perkins, NBO 12:30 Pepper Young's Family. NBO 12:45 Right to Happiness. NBC 1:00 Backstage Wife. NBO 1:15 Stella Dallas. NBC 1:30 Lorenzo Jones. NBO 1:45 Young Wldder Brown. NBO 2:00 When a Girl Marries. NBC 2:15 Portia Faces Life. NBC 3:30 Three Suns Trio. NBO 3:45 Road of Life, NBC 3:00-Vic and Sade. NBO 3:15 Against the Storm. NBO 3:30 The Personality Hour KKX 1100 Kilocycles Thursday A, M, 6:00 Moments of Melody 6:15 National Farm and Home, BN 6:45 Western Agriculture. BN 7:0O Clark Dennis. Slneer. BN 7:15 Breakfast Club, BN 8:15 Remember? 8:30 Strlngtlme, BN 8:45 Keep Fit Club with Patty Jean 9:00 The Traveling Conk, BN 9:15 Christian Science Program 9:30 Breakfast at Sardl's. BN 10:00 Baukaue Talking, BN 10:15 The Gospel Singer, BN 10:30 Everymnn's Book, BN 10:45 Hotel Taft Orch., BN 11:15 Between the Bookcnds, BN 11:30 Stars of Today 11:45 Keep Fit Club with Patty Jean 12:00 News 12:15 Prescott Presents, BN 12:30 Market Reports 12:35 Studio 13:45 News 1:00 Club Matinee, BN By Carl Anderson By Harold Gray P,'i TOLD MOM .SAID IT WOULD TO HAVE. YOU. AN- PLAY FOR. US Bv Gus Erlson YOU ARE AAEN LIVELY VOU Rv Rrlirnr Rire Rurroutrhs WHATi the Fisher BUT YOU V? I I HAVE BEEN YOU'RE A II I COULD HELP f ALL RIGHT iM I ARE OUR GUEST M I A GUEST LONG HA-A-ARD I I JED WITH THE GARDEN- J SURE OED CAM M DRIFTWOOD - m i ENOUGH! NOW MAN. I I AM VERY GOOD AT 1 USE YOUR HELP--- I I GUESTS OOKT (fi I I BEGIN TO DRIFTWOOD R GARDENING. MY MOTHER I HE HAS MORE THAN r HAVE TO M B WORK OR WHAT WOULD fl USED "TO SAY A HE CAN HANDLE- J. I WORK- I I MUST GO- i YOU LIKE Etn , .gfflh. 1:55 News. BN 2:00 The Quiet Hour 2:30 A House in the Country. BN 2:45 Chaplain Jim. U. S. A.. BN 3:00 Stars of Today 3:15 Kneais With the News 3:30 Stella Unger. Be Glamorous 3:35 Milt Herth Trio. BN 3:45 Wartime Periscope KALE 1330 KWIL 1340 Kilocycles Thursday A. M. 6:30 Memory Timekeeper .7:00 News. MBS 7:15 .Memory Timekeeper 8:00 Haven of Rest, MBS 8:30 News 8:45 Old Songs 9:00 Boake Carter, MBS 9:15 The Woman's Side of the News 9:30 This and That 10:00 News. MBS 10:15 Dancctlme 10:30 A. P. News. MBS 10:35 Women Today. MBS 10:45 Buyer's Parade 11:00 Cedric Foster. MBS 11:15 Miss Meade's Children. MBS 11:30 Concert Grins 11 :45 Luncheon Concert 12:30 News 13:45 Shady Valley Folks. MBS 1:00 Walter Compton, MBS 1:15 Baseball Roundup. MBS 1:20 Victory Quartet. MBS 1:30 New York Racing, MBS 1:45 Swret and Sentimental. MBS 2:00 Wlllard Trio, MBS 2:15 A Man With & Band, MBS 3:30 Nrws. MBS 2:45 The Bookworm. MBS 3:00 Philip Keyne-Oordon. 'MBS 3 : 15 Bnsr ball Roundup, MBS 3:20 Hello Again 3:45 Bill Hay Reads the Bible. MBS KOAC .ISO Kilocycles Thursday A. M. 10:00 Review of the Day AND YOUR TROUPE EXACTLY WHAT THE NEED - A LITTLE ENTERTAINMENT, KNOW HA KKUMF'H - sis idea1 he demanded, I . , .... how Nice: aiah: 5HE wants tmake our f DOES !HE WANT VE J LANDLORD SO SORE ME'LL , one MKtyre vou try to kill me, THEN YOU SAVE MY LIFE. Oh, Yes. But 10:05 United Press News 10:15 The Homemakers' Hour 11:00 Musto of the Masters 12:00 United Press News 12:15 Farm Hour 1:00 Favorite Classics 1:15 Variety Time 1:45 Melody Lsne 2 00 Lest Wa Forget 3:15 Orchestra Gems 2 30 Guarding Your Health 3:45 Sunshine Serenade 3:15 Treasury Star Parade 3:30 Great Soncs 3:45 United Press News K!. 750 Kilocycles Thursday A. M, 6:00 News 6:05 Along the Oregon Trail 6:15 Good Morrnlng to You 6:10 Along the Oregon Trail 7:00 News 7:15 Sunrise Serenade 7:30 Shop the Clock 8:00 News 8:05 Wake Up and Live 8:30 Parade of the Bands ' 8:45 Top of the Morning 9:00 News 9:05 Dusty Records 9:55 News 10:110 For Ladles Only ' 10:30 Your Government Speaks 11:00 News 11:06 Rhythm Rodeo- . 11:30 Morning Moods 12:00 HlKhlights in the Days News 12:15 Acrlculture Today 12:30 Noonday Nnveletter 1:00 News 1:05 Matinee Melodies 1:30 Spotlight on Vocal 2:00 News 3:05 Club 750 3:00 News . , ' 3:05 Symphony Hour 3:30 Organ ... - 3:45 Symphonechoes Fundamentalist A Dirty Trick Good-by, Boredom WE HAD TO MOVE THE NEIGHBORS OUT FOR MILES AROUNP THE PROVING GROUND. SO THE MEN GET well.general we'll show 'em SOME PUN- REHEAKSAL.KIPS.'I pretty Boeep - A SHOW TOWGW77 Boy Meets Jungle Girl BEFORE. i hate vou: now; I LOVE YOU." THE WILD GIRX. rj sHKuoeiEu, J WILD &IHL S II Lfc,r1 Look at the Luxury Tax on Panfa 1