Thursday, August 20, 1942 The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon Fifteen Then there was the man who hung on every word he was Scotch. o 0 CapltalJournal Classified Advertising Rates per line Per line, 3 times o per line. 6 times ......... ,.40e Per line, one month 125 Mln 2503 times min. 35o 6 times minimum 45e Minimum Per Ad 25e Want Ads must be In by 10 ajn. day of publication. For Sale Houses o nm mod. Home. Immediate pos session. Hdw, lire., iuii paami., no place & set, furnace, elec. range, hot water htr., Ven. blinds, laundry ... feni-fid.ln vard. fruit trees. lawn'& shrubs. 1130 Norway. $1400 cash down, oal. oi ioou v u mo., inc. Int. See owner, 2010 Warner. Close in, good, clean 4-room plast ered house, 2 bedrooms, one down & one up. Part basement, large lot. Terms. Will take good car. Call 12a0 Fairmount, i blk. off Miller. al38 c nnoMS. 3 bedrms.. large lot, base ment $350 dn. Ph. 4597 afternoons. ' . a200 $2500 5-rm. house in good condi tion, close to school and bus; base ment, furnace, paving. $300 down, bal. $25 per mo. includ ing interest, living rm., dinette, 2 bedrms., nice kitchen, basement, . furnace, lots of flowers & shrub- , bery, close to school and bus. $3250 Money to Loan at 6 MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 Court St. Phone 3723. a!98 7500 A Home on Park Avenue: 2 cres beautifully landscaped. Mod ern in all respects, double garage. 4-ROOM Cottage, furnished. $3600 Small 4-room Cottage $1500. P. H. BELL, REALTOR 212 Guardian Bldg. a!93' FOR SALE: By owner, - a 6-room home with 2 bedrooms, oak floors and double garage. 2190 Broaawav. al98 5-ROOM house, new, basement, furnace, garage Also 4-room house, hnth on 3 lots. $3000 cash for both sns s 22nd. a201 LEAVING SALEM New modernistic 5 room home, hwd. floors, close to bus & schools, truit, nice rear yard, East. Price $3700, terms. C. H. SANDERS, 231 N. High. 5838, al98' Beautiful 5 rm. home, full base, plumbing, fireplace, Venetian blinds also outbuilding 6 rms., full base. & plumbing on 2(4 lots. Hiway 101, overlooking ocean at Yachats, Ore. Take some trade. Ph. 6141. 1315 S. High St:, Salem. a214 OFor Sale Farms Ifin ACRE irrigated farm in Klam ath Co. for sale or trade. 626 W. 12th St. Albany, Ore. bzoi For Sale Acreage M A. 3-room house, extra large liv- ine is bedroom, wired for range; bath, built-ins, chicken House, 100 car). $1630 Cash. B50 CASH 1 A., unfinished 3-room house wired for elec. range, small barn. Close to school. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838. bbl99 1 23 A.. Dart In cultivation. 6-rm mod. home, fireplace & hardwood firs. Priced for quick sale. lei. 2-1391 after 6 for appointment. bbl99 YeTj met Aere with small neat hse. Shower is toilet, lights is water. Lo cated close in East. Price $1600 easy terms. Modern 5-room house, unfin. attic and one acre on Evergreen Ave, Price $3750. Easy terms. 6-room house and large creek lot for $2500 $300 down, bal. easy. rS. M. EARLE 208 N. High, bbl98 Directory BATTERIES WILLARD batteries, all types. R. D Woodrow, 349 N Church P 9600. o BUILDING MATERIAL SAND, Gravel, Crushed Rock, Pav ing Salem Supply Co Ph. 8561. CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace fe Chimney. Vacuum, steel brushes. B. F. Ensley, Ph. 7176. 0214 EXCAVATING Excavating, all kinds; basm'ts dug, dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. SEE Ben Otjen Is Sons. Ph. 3080, LORIST Brelthaupt's for flowers. Dial 9195. o FUNERAL DIRECTORS Terwllliger Funeral Home P 6928 o' WALKER le HOWELL Funeral Home. 545 N. Capitol St Ph 3672. o' PAINTS AND LACQUERS Complete line Nason paints Liberal terms. R. D. Woodrow 394 N Churcn. PAPERING-PAINTING Expert Workmanship Phone 4325. o Public Stenographer Phone 6980. If no answer Ph. 5939. 0199 TRANSFER & STORAGE- Local or distance transfer storage. Burner oils, briquets Trucks to Portland daily Agent Pierce Autu Freight. Including California Dolnu Larmer Transfer It storage P 3131. o WINDOW CLEANING QROFESSIONAL CLEANING SER VICE. PHONE 4457 Journal Want Ads Pay Real Estate Apartment House at great sacrifice; 3 to choose from. Cash or terms. Call evenings, 2160 N. 5th St. 0201 We invite your "For Sale" listings If fairly priced. HAWKINS is ROBERTS, INC, Realtors, Guard ian Bldg. o Wanted Real Estate Wanted: Salem residence. Have 14 A. on Portland Hwy. 1 mi. N. Pair grds. to exchange. Ph. 7929 or 9557. ca200' Acreage or Small Farm. Lease with option to buy. E. or N.E. of Salem. Might buy with small down paymt. Bal. monthly. P.O. box 42 Sllverton. ca202 LIST your real property with ABRAMS Is ELLIS, INC., Masonic Bldg. ca217 Exchange Real Estate EXCHANGE New N. Salem house, five rooms, large attic, beautiful lot, for S. Salem. Will pay up to $1000 difference. . SEE Mrs. L. H. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS, INC., Realtors 344 State St. Ph.'9261. cbl98 Fine 6-room beach home, full base ment, ocean view, auto, water, flow ers, shrubs & garden. Sell or ex change for acreage close to Salem. L. E. Brice, 48 Abrams Ave., Salem. CD20U Business Opportunities Auto Court, 9 units & 1 3-rm. & 1 5- rm. hse. All turn. Sell out every nite. Ill health. 3130 Portland Rd. Salem. Phone 7866. cd200 GOING TO SERVICE Price $1300. Grocery Store, stock fixtures. Doing $2500 per' month. Rent $35. Want a Bargain? C. H. SANDERS 23 1 N, High 5838 1 Cdl98 FOR SALE: Modern Meat Market. Good business opportunity. See owner, Geo. Flanagan, Jr., Sclo, ore cd!98 APT. House, close In. five apts. In- come $80 per mo $3000 will han dle. 1370 Chemeketa: cd206' FOR SALE: Attractive home & in come, close In. Box 89 Capital Jour nal. cd205 Furniture For Sale Used St. Clair Wood Range. .$49.50 Colled, good condition. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., INC. 275 N. Liberty St. Ph. 4615. dl99 Nash Furniture Co. AUGUST-SEPT. CLEARANCE SPECIALS ' New Wine Velour Dav. Is Chair Now ,.' $79 Cash New Velour Platform Rockers Now ..' $16.95 New Floor Lamps ..,,..$6.95 up New 9x12 Wool Rugs. Now. . . .$29 up BUY NOW I Below Celling Prices. dl98 Used 22-inch Box Heater $14 95 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., INC. 275 N. Liberty St. Ph. 4615. dl99 Complete Household Furnishings for sale at 330 N. Summer. d203 Used Full Enamel Wood Rge, $49 50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., INC. 275 N. Liberty St. Ph. 4615. dl99 AUGUST-SEPT. FINAL CLEARANCE SALE Nash Furniture Go. Buy Now while Stock is Available Below Celling Prices! dl98 Used 8-pc. Walnut Dining room suite $49.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., INC. 275 N. Liberty St. Ph. 4615. dlDB AUGUST-SEPT. FINAL' . Cash Clearance Sale on Bedroom - Living Room Sets. NASH FURNITURE CO. 219 N. Commercial. dl98' Used 3-pc. Bedroom Suite... $49.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., INC 275 N. Liberty St. Ph. 4615. dl9B' Fidler's Furniture Co. STOCK Purchased by Nash Furniture C6. ; MOVED TO OUR STORE 219 N. Commercial St. Please Note Mr. Fldler will be at our store for a time to help us during our Final Quitting Business Clearance Sale Below Celling Prices I '' Buy Now And Save! d!98' Used Heavy Constructed Oak Rockers Each $3.00 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., INC 275 N. Liberty St. Ph, 4615. d!99' For Sale Livestock 4 Saddle Horses. 2 3-yr, old, 1 6-yr old, 1 5-yr: old. Your choice $75. H. D. Long Feed Store. Sllverton. el98' ATTENTION 1 1 Will remove dead 4s worthless stock In a moment's notice! SALEM FERTILIZER ii BY-PRODUCTS. Ph. 5000 Collect. (No other phone) e For Sale Wood SAVE by getting your winter's wood NOW! Ph. 9560 or 21446. ' eel99 Wanted Help MAN to drive cat In timber. 1730 N. Front. g200 Wanted: Woman or girl to wash dishes In a boarding house, noon Si night. Short hours, permanent work 501 North Winter. gl98' Wanted: Woman operator, or elder ly man to lease service station. Po tential income. $200 up. Excellent location. Call 9533 or 6632. g20n First Class Auto Mechanic. Best wages & working conditions. David son's Auto Service, 267 N. Churcn, g203 Dellveryman Draft exempt if pos sible. Paramount Market. 260 N. Liberty St. g200 Children cared for. Phone 9688 g224 Wanted Help Wanted: Farm hand. S4 day, rm. board. Worth Henry. Ph. 23232. 3 mi. past Brush College school. glB8 Girl or woman for general house work and care of children; top wag es. Phone 8270. gl99" PEAR PICKERS, WANTED Picking commences August 18. Large crop. Big wages. Long season. Regis ter now. Located 1 mile west of Keizcr schoolhouse. Louis Lachmund Fruit Ranch. Wiley Weathers, fore man. Phone 22384. g BOYS, 14 to 16, good money, easv work. 335 N. High St. g202- Experienced lady cook. Ph. 3033. g200" Wanted: Driver for log truck, also loader. Roy Stevens. Ph. 8725. g202 2 Men to fall timber, 1730 N. Front. gl99' Wanted: Pear Pickers, Worth Hen ry. Ph. 23232. 3 mi. past Brush Col lege school. g!98 Opening for a Chef and one fry cook in a few days. Apply now. The Spa. ' B Middle-aged housekeeper on farm; 3 in family. Box 142: Cap. Journal. gm Harney as uraig nopyaro on mmtu Island. Ph. 5028 or 4462. Call nt 266 N. Capitol gln9 Fancy spotter & cleaner, either man or woman: wltn some experience Will teach you the rest. Seamster Cleaners, 219 N. High. gl99 Now registering. Hop Pickers tor early Is late hups Williams & Thacker. Cabins Good crop. Phone 21331. 4 'miles west of Salem. g HOP PICKERS WANTED Picking starts Aug. 20th, lasts about 30 days. Pay 214c per pound. Good crop, best picking job in valley Good camp, 550 cabins with lights and stoves, store, dance hall and res taurant. Known as Wigrich Ranch. .Write Golden Gate Hop Ranch, In dependence, Ore., or Phone 3616, Salem. g2l3 HOP PICKERS WANTED 250 Acres choice river bottom hops 4 miles SW of Salem. 3 weeks of fine picking. Store, restaurant, butcher shop on grounds. Good camp ground. Fine cabins, or free transportation to and from yard. Register at our office, 147 North Commercial St., or write John J. Roberta ie Co., Salem, Oregon. Phone 9623. g' WANTED HOP PICKERS 125 A. early is late hops. Picking about Aue. 18. $2.50 per hundred lbs. Cabins, wood furnished, free, or call 2-2449 for transportation lnior mation. V. O. Kelley. g200 ATTENTION HOP PICKERS I $2.50 per 100 lbs Register now for picking our early ana late cluster hops. Season commences about Aug ust 25. One of tue best and largest yards In the St Paul section.. Best of. accommodations sucn as: uao lns. tents electricity beautiful camp site with store on grounds, city pric es. To register write Williams Hart. Salem, Postofflce Box 133, or Phone 3712, or 22681. g207 HOP PICKERS Wanted Brown Is lar d Hop Co. Ph. 7956. Early and late hops; prevailing prices; long job; good accommodations, 4i ml. S. W. of Salem on Willamette River. g-' Hop Pickers wanted, early is late, hoDs. Cabins, stoves, wood, straw for beds furn. Allen G Hall, foreman is yard boss. Registei now Collins & Collins, Inc., independence, ore. HOP PICKERS WANTED 400 acres of early and late hops grown on river bottom land. Pick ing commences August 24, Large crop, long season and paying $2 50 per 100 pounds. Free camping ac commodations. Groceries, meats and restaurant at city prices. Strict su pervision day and night. We wel come return of our old pickers and 500 new ones. Register immediately and reserve cabins or tents. Loca tion 2 miles north of Independence, CaH or phone 27F2, Independence. C. A. McLaughlin Hop Ranch, In dependence, Ore. Harold Gwln, Superintendent. g Wanted Positions Wanted: A lob by elderly man, good clean character, able to do light work, good place more than wages Box 107 Capital Journal. h200 Experienced stenographer. Refer ences. Call 6542. hl98' Will do light housework for room and board. Also manage' small apt. house or rooms. P.O. Box 773, Salem. hl98 f For Rent 1411 STATE, on first floor, sleeping rooms with private bath, J 2 ACRES Pacific Hiway north, cor ncr KaDDhan Rd. 6-rm. house, furn ace, fireplace, hardwood firs. Chick en houses, .berries. Rent lor dura tion. 402 N. Capitol, 5 bedrooms, fireplace, stoves. $20. ' Winnie Pettyjohn Ph. 6408. J20O' FURNISHED APT., 2010 Nebraska, Adults only. J200' Clean, 2-rm. apt. 674 N. Churcn. J20i Large, cheerful sleeping room, 823 N. Commercial. Ph, 7571. J201 SMALL apt. 841 N. Liberty. J109 Room, 1467 Court, Reasonable. J198 Pleasant rm., garage. Gent, Ph. 7258. J216 1-2-3 rm. apts. 2310 N. 4th. J214 7 Rooms, unfum. 386 Bcllevue. Ready Aug. 15. Call owner. 9670 J Sleeping room 728 Court. 1 Pianos. $2 mo. H. L Stiff Furn. Co. 1 Wanted To Rent Farm land, any amount, good equip. Phone 22504. Ja207 Automobiles Will Pay CASH for Late Model Cars Sam's Motor Co. 455 Chemeketa. Ph. 7817 q200 WANTED ! Fifty (50) LATE MODEL CARS AT ONCEI TOP CASH PRICES PAID "C" SHROCK CHURCH & CHEM. PH. 7922 q Wanted To Rent WANT TO RENT: 2 or. 3 bedroom house, furnished. In good neighbor hood & near Grade school. Phone Captain Kahn at Marlon hotel. ja300 2-Bedroom Apt., furnished, or 3 bedroom house, furnished or unfur nished. Civilians. References.. Box 134 Capital Journal. Jal99' Room and Board COOL, quiet sleeping rooms with board. 168 n lain. Board is Room, 790 N Church. JJ206 Good bd , good rm 1227 Court. JJ200 Lost and Found LOST: License plate 1020; cade Drive. Ph. 6539. ; Cas kl98 LOST: Chrome & black cigarette case with currency, downtown dis trict fRewarcL , f ,h; , , , , , ,',9,8 Miscellaneous Children kent dav is night. 1117 6th St.. West Salem. ml98 We clean septic tanks and cesspools; special equipment; free inspection. Ph. 8745. 842 Edgewater, w. saiem m212 Dental Plate Repair , 2-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SBMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State & Commercial. SALEM Phone 3311. m For Sale Miscellaneous For Sale: Girl's bicycle, 24" wheels, new tires, $20. Ph. 8059 eves. n!9B" 1941 "Golden Voice" Motorola car radio $79.95 new. Will sacrifice for oulck sale. Ph. 8882. n200" Display case. 474 Court. Ph. 4897. 112UU 1 Cedar Chest $10. All steel cot $6 Large desk $10. 2065 Maple. Ph. 21910 niaw Play pen on rollers, wooden floor. Ph. 8061. , n-1"" PEACHES are now ripe at Homer Davis' orchard, 8 miles on the Wheatland Ferry road. n!99 Gravenstelns. 25c. 35c, 75c per box. Bring Doxes. jyrnest Anaersou. uiuu ard Hts. Rd. 1 mi. off Wallace Rd. . nauu FOR SALE: 3-rm. furniture, 1645 N. 18th. Ph. 9484. n200 Norge Ironer (cabinet). Electrolux sweeper, Hoosier kitchen cabinet. Mayme Cochran, Rt. 2, Woodburn. nzuu- New 7x16 trailer house, $170. 455 So. 18th. n200 For Sale: "12x16 Tent.. 1060 Gaines. n200 Modern DeLuxe Gas Range, like new. Ph. 22792. ni99' Early Crawford Peaches now ready. J. C. Savage at Waconda: Ph .22344. niaa Peaches, 2930 N. Front. Ph. 6320. n222' Complete household furnishings, elect, water htr., range. 1397 So. 13 nl99 2 cows, calf and O. & V. hay. Box 185. Sunnyvlew Ave. nl09 Wood stove, extra coils, $12. Drum type water heater, $10. Ph, 22486. nl99 Sweet Onions, potatoes, 386 N. 23rd ' nlD8' Black Walnut Dining Room set, good condition. 1920 N. 20th. 5:30 to 9 p.m nl98 Craftsmen attention! Solid Philip pine mahogany mantle piece from Bush bank. Going in service, o i.o b. 965 Highland Ave. nl98 FOR SALE: Grocery and Meat Fixtures.- Inquire 955 Union. n20l' New Craftsman '.i-ln. drill press, ,j horse motor, mult, speed attachment. Various accessories. 80 Cash. Going Into service. Ph. 7572. nl98 House Trailer. 1850. Inquire Eyerly Aircraft Co. Ph. 8909. n!93" Canning Peaches, you pick. Aspln wall orchards at Brooks. Ph. 212B1. n 400 good grain sacks, 15c. A. Frank. Rt. 2. Box 236, Salem. nl98 SLAPPY PEACHES now ready. Also other varieties. M. P. Adams, Wal lace Rd. Phone 22216. n201 Westlnghousc Electric Range, good condition. 1797 N. Church 8t. nl98 Good Man's Bicycle. Reas. 1810 E. Nob Hill. nl8' Canning Peaches. Call 22664. n200 Choice selection of new myrtlewoo:! gifts is novelties. Pembcrton's, 1950 S. 12th' Open eve., closed Sunday nl99 Tuberous Begonias. Eola Acres, Florist. Phone 5730. nl99' Those delicious peaches are now readv at Jess Mathls' fruit stand, 6 miles north on Pacific highway. Phone 22496. nl99 Qaa Range 460 University. n203', For Sale Miscellaneous Slappy Peaches now ready. Gilbert Farm Co.. Ph. 5730. nl99 FOR Fuller. Brushes, Phone 5391. n217 Cucumbers is dills. Ph, 22298, eves. n203 Dry Poultry Fertilizer. Summer spe cial 25c sack. Bring sacks. Ph, 22861. Lee's Hatchery. n Wanted Miscellaneous Elderly Gentleman to care for at my hqmc. Phone 3035. na200 Red Flemish giant buck, service age. Phone 3976. ' nalD9 Want imperfect Diamond, at least a carat. Must be cheap lor cash. State the price. Address, Box 115 Capital Journal. na200 Wanted: Good home for 3 male kit tens. Phone 22160. nal99" IF you have good used furniture to sell, call or see Russ Bright 4o3 Court. Phone 7511. nal99 Good Used Elec. Refrig. Ph. 2-1848. nal99 Drag-saw. good condition. Cash.A J. Breneman, Fairview Home. nalSO Wanted: Pick-up Baler. 100 acres lo cated 1 mile west Kclzer school hse. Phone 22384. Wiley Weathers, na War Worker wants 2 6x16 tires, good enough for recapping. Ph. 2-1637. nal98 Cash for used furniture and h.h. goods, refrigerators, wash, machs., ranges, heaters, 16" tires. F. N. & Glenn Woodry, Auctioneers. Ph. 5110. na217" Used Furniture. Ph na" Personal I will not be 'responsible for debts contracted by anyone except myself. Aug. 19, 1942. L. E. Shinn. pl99 Reading, accur., depend. 2361 State. p202 I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone but my self. R. J. Gould. pl98 Palmist. P. 4263. Hazel Barton. B St, P216' Automobiles '35 Ford V-8 Coupe, $195. Ph. 2-1445. qzon '37 Chev. Coupe. Heater, radio, ex cellent rubber. Ph. 6056 after 6. q201 Wanted: '41 Chev. 4-dr. Sedan. Pay cash. 441 State St. ql98 Packard. 1938. $695. Excellent condi tlon. Private owner. See It at Shell Service Station, Chemeketa & Lib erty. q200 39 Hudson Sedan. Good rubber, rnnsonablp. 1035 Cross. o206 TRUCKS for rent, you drive. Mc Cune & Lovell.' Plione 9600. q218 Financial MONEY TO LOAN On Farm, City or Acreage property. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. 344 State St. Ph. 9261. r200 QUICK CASH LOANS - All Plans One to 12 Months GENERAL FINANCE CORP. 136 S. Commercial St License No. S-138. -r LOANS $25 to $300 Almost any credit-worthy person who really needs cash . . to pay uff old debts; for medical or dental work or for some other worthy pur pose, can qualify for a loan at Per sonal. John C. Heeren, Manager PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Ground Fir., New Bllgh Bldg. 512 State St. (at High St.) Telephone 3191 State Licenses: S-122 M-165. 207 AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. 5th Floor, GUARDIAN BUILDING License No. M-159 r' We loan on farm, residential and business property. Will buy mort gages, contracts. HAWKINS & ROBERTS, INC. Realtors. Guardian Bldg. r AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS' CALKINS FINANCE CO. "V "Salem's Personal Loan Center" 315 Court St, Salem Phone 4446. Stats License S-228 M-278, r' Wanted to BUY for CASH Real Estate mortgages, Real Estate con tracts. Merchandise discount paper State Finance Co., 212 Guardian Bldg. r Journal Want Ads Pay WANTED HOP PICKERS .: , Start picking early hops August 24; good crop and good camp ground; store on grounds; 5 miles south of St. Paul on Salem St. Paul Road. PHONE 3712 or 22681 WILHART HOP YARD Paying 2.50 Per 100 Financial FARM and CITY LOANS Quality Mortgage Loans at 414 where loan does not exceed 50 of present value. Not an FHA loan Prompt scrvlco - Minimum details We offer a 5 rate on loans of larger percentage of value. Will pay Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 7162. r LOANS STATE FINANCE CO 212 Guardian Bldg. Phone 8168 ' S-216 M-222 WANTED PRIVATE MONEY to Loan on Good Salem Real Estate Will Pay 6 Interest W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. REALTORS. r AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS Contracts refinanced to reduce pay ments. Money for new or used cars. No delay or red tape. You will re tain possession of the vehicle. 1 to 15 MONTHS TO PAY Roy H. Simmons 136 South Commercial Street Phone 9168. Lie. No. M-162. r Transportation 2 Riders, Willamette Yard, swing shift. Ph. 5516 after 10 a.m. xaoo Wanted: Passengers, 21-passtnger bus Willi reclining seats, starts op erating MOn. a.m. between Salem & Swan Island shipyard, Portland. Ph. 9789. Ask for Elliott. X200 Legal FINAL NOTICE OF EXECUTRIX NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tlie understRned MARY LUELLE HEISLER, Executrix of the estate of Alexander Hets Icr. Deceased, has filed her Final Account as such and that September t, 1B42, al 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day has been fixed as the time and the courtroom of the Circuit Court of the State of Oreeon for the County of Marlon, at Salem, Oreaon, has been fixed as the place for the hearing of objections to the Final Account on file herein. DATED this 30th day of July, 1942. MARY LUELLA HEISLER, Executrix of the Estate of Alexander He Isle r, Deceased. RHOTEN fc RKOTEN. Pioneer Trust Buildlns Salem. Oregon Attorneys for the Estate. July 30. Aug. fi-n-30-27. NOTICE NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that T. SCHULPIOS, as administrator of the estate of ALICE E. POTTER, deceased, has presented for settlement and filed in the Circuit Court of the State of Oreion for the County of Marlon, In Probate, a final account of his administration ot said estate; and that Tuesday, the eighth day of September, 1042. at the hour ot ten o'clock In the forenoon of said day. nt the courtroom of said court In the Marlon County Courthouse In the City of Snlcm. Oregon, have been appointed by said court as the time and the place for the hearing of objections to said final nrrmmt and tha nettle ment there of. Dated and first PubUshe(i the sixth dny of AURiist. 11)43. T. 5CHULF1US, As Administrator iHorfnnld. CARSON. CARSON in CARSON, At torneys tor Administrator. Au. . a. 30. 21, Srvt. 3 Chicago Tribune Cleared by Jury Chicago, Aug. 20 0J.R) The federal grand jury today declin- j ed to indict the Chicago Tribune ; and other newspapers for pub-; lishing a dispatch relating to Japanese fleet movements in the battle ofo Midway, j William D. Mitchell, special '. attorney-general in charge of the investigation, issued the fol lowing statement: ! "The grand jury considering the matter of the publication on June 7 in the Chicago Tribune and in other newspapers ot an article relating to the Japanese; fleet in the Midway battle have decided that no indictment should be returned. "I was asked by the attorney general to come here and con duct the inquiry and in so doing to see that the grand jury had before them all the facts. "I have conducted the in quiry as fully and fairly as I know how. Those under inves tigation were given the unusual privilege of appearing before the grand jury and explaining their connection with the inci dent. "The jury has considered the case fully and its conclusion that no violation of law was disclosed settles the matter." Mexico now controls house rents. Vichy's Account of Battle of Dieppe Vichy, Aug. 20 IPi Stories of hand-to-hand combats in the streets of flaming Dieppe under a rain of shells from British artillery were told today in excited telephonic information which got through to Vichy from the- scenc of yesterday's battle. Rough civilian estimates plac ed the number of allied raiders at about 10,000, mostly Can adians, landed in 300 to 400 small boats and lank scows on ; the fortified beaches while 13 British warships hurled shells into the German coastal de fenses. French nurses and firemen dealt with casualties and dam age while the battle raged, said the reports reaching here. The landing boats came in a huge wave along some 12 Vi miles of the coast. Beaching par ties of Canadians, American Rangers, DeGaulle French and British fought through barbed wire entanglements and explod ed land mines on shore and drove the Germans back into the low part of Dieppe some dis tance away, the reports contin ued. The raiders forced an entry in to the city and occupied part of the lower quarter while the tanks, held back by anti-tank barriers which there was not time to destroy, aided by pour ing cannon fire into the German ranks. t The city's population was re ported calm and orderly while the raiders and the Germans fought in the streets. First offhand estimates said about 30 civilians were killed at Dieppe, while French reports said that at Rouen 48 civilians died, 101 were wounded and 46 buildings were destroyed by the American raid of Monday. The French reports suggested the raid, was intended to prevent arrival of German reinforce ments from Dieppe. In the Dieppe streets French women nurses took care of their dead and wounded while French fire engines clanged up behind both lines to fight the flames WANTED HOP PICKERS Now picking early hops; good crop and good camp grounds; store on grounds; 4 miles west of Salem. PHONE 21331 WILLIAMS & THACKER 'Paying $2.50 Per 100 ACROSS 1. Tooth 4. Kind of ihill 9. Wild shp 12. Wing 13. Corn I nan I 14. Ownftd 16. Pernon lacking In Intent Kcncfi 17. Anlutittion lit. TiaiK book )!. Poticli 20. Pa radian 21. Whitfi vtil- mnt 21. noDtner th. ThTefcir 3ft. Mmlur 17. Unit of wire mnnxur- ment 1. Step An. Pyroianhnlci 2. Palm Illy 43. Elect rineil pArlldt 44. Sail b. Contlnentl ahhr. 46. Ptirtalnlnr In a famoiii Greek valley 4, Snow runner hi. Fantentr 62. Flap M. Kurypllari llr.ard f7. Siamesn coin 27. Hftlp 2!. KoIIhw rlojieW fix. Pastim 20. Byrntml for 0. Fifth msn inlftnliiin 61. FlarliiK out 22. Pri1rllrn ntt wltHy t lh course Numher of a rtlseaae R3. Bitter vetrh IK. Mechanical M. Parts of fh'im devlc 65. Cams together ' I2 I3 WA4 s I 17 I8 Hf 'r p m 'L Wi Wt 1 i II It. 11 111 32 33 M WiS , .m H II ll l-Il--l., 41 II I4 ii m j I 41 wt W 1 which burst out in one building after another as the town was caught between the allied and nazi artillery barrages. Tlio Dieppe reports said the allied troops withdrew about 3:30 p. m. Maintaining a rear-guard fire, they reached the beachhead which had been held since the landing. Then with a shout they left together aboard the motor scows which had brought them. Meat Rationing Book Speeded Washington, Aug. 20 U.R Of fice of price administration offi cials Wednesday speeded plans for a "universal ration book" to be ready for meat rationing if that becomes necessary. If lhr mpat shnrtairo chmilrl beenmo worse wifhin (ho nvl few weeks before a new book can be distributed o f f i c i a 1 s could use coupons in war ration book No. 1, now used for obtain ing sugar, to ration meal. The foods requirements com mittee of the war production board has asked OPA to form ula "as rapidly as possible" a consumer meat rationing plan if other methods fail to provide equitable distribution of meat supplies to all sections of the country. The WPB committee wants to use the meat rationing plan only after .trying out a system of al locating government meat pur chases among packers, a pro gram of regional meat alloca tions, and some proposal for ad justment of price ceilings. Pacific lodge No. 50 AF & AM. ? Stated meeting Aug. 21 at 8 p. m. By order ot W.M. luu Solution Of Yesterday'! Punle DOWN 1. List of .dors In a play S. Part of a min strel show I. Greek letter I Short for a man's nam ft. ) unrltr obli gation 6 Perlatninc To one's birth 1. Aquatlo rep tiles . Domestic fowl 9 Partial dark rtmn 10. Bars (nr carry inc provl stonfi 11. Araoian tea port IS. Coat ot an anl fnal 20. Ore 32. Unse iccep fade 21. I Jo wry 2f Small Hlti 2K. Creator Ruling 3L Gemi of stick like lnRcia 3.1, Undo: poellft 34. Term ot ad dress 3ft. Wheeled vehtclt 35. Lively dances 4. Knemy 41. Kxlstrd 4.1. Young demoo 47. Park in the Rockies tn hi os of war 60, Expression peculiar to ft latiRUnite 51. Fleet animal 63. Finest E&, Sufficiently cooked M. nillxeerl 6K, Lliht inolstur 63. Tblnx; U: SlLAPnPACflAlME N l i lyUoc aIIrosa imp Sop erIImais N 1 IflR U R Ap-Hg I T K TOG tJfpTPHM V C3EEG A LUpJulPSn P ROJAOIE DftHSlS yeTpNeverhtoo Et oInIIDE L IYER j? Da HS IBr e" m a nC3 A LBgOr&llG O T BB E l ilnsfiiAsnEog TAR AflA N f EJR l OR a I o pH lIHA St rTeIsItUnIoTdIIwIeIeId