Two Jungle Fighter Recently Wed to Dallas Resident Dallas Lieut. Wilfred Gren fell of McMinnville, U. S. army co-pilot, was one of ten army corps men who for nine days fought their way through a jun gle somewhere in the Caribbean after they were forced down in a storm July 3, while en route to South America, according to information received by his wife here. After a harrowing nine days with rations running low, they reached civilization, were seen and rescued by the crew of a river boat. Lieut. Grenfell was married July 3, in Grenville, S. C, to Theone Foster, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Foster here. Logging Man Fined Dallas J. P. Joyce, logging superintendent of the Mist Log ging company at Grand Ronde, pleaded guilty Saturday before Justice of Peace Gregory here to a complaint filed by the state district forestry inspector for conducting a logging operation in closed fire season without maintaining adequate watchman service. He was fined $25 and costs. Feller Joins Navy ' Dallas Kenneth Feller, who has been operator at the Ma jestic theatre for several years, has enlisted in the naval re serve, as an electrician in the naval construction corps. Jefferson Plattner Graduates as Parachute Jumper; Visi tors Are Entertained ' Word has been received from Gabriel Plattner by his mother, Mrs. Frank Plattner, that he is now a graduate parachute jump er and has also rated his wings and subject to a higher rating. Gabriel is a Jefferson boy and is now in Fort Benning, Georgia He received his early training at Fort Roberts, Calif. Roy Walker and his sister-in-law, Norma' Norton of Hoquiam, Wash., were recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hen derson. Mrs. Serepta Hampton accompanied them home for a visit. Other guests of the Hen dersons were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Henderson and daughter of Cot tage Grove. J, T. Jones left Friday for Newport, where he will spend a couple of weeks at their summer cottage with Mrs. Jones, who has been there for the past two weeks. Mr, and Mrs. C. M. Cochrane motored to McMinnville last week to get their granddaugh ter, Ann, who will spend some time with them while her mother is employed in Portland. Harold Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wright, visited at his home, here Wednesday. He is Inspector of welding at the Oregon Shipbuilding com pany in Portland. Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Kestcr and daughter, Betty Ann, of Port- . land, were recent dinner guests at the homo of their uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. T. O. Kester. They were en route home from a trip to the coast. Mrs. E. S. Bruce is in Bremer ton, Wash,, visiting her two daughters, Mrs. Robert Jamison and Mrs. Robert Norton. Army Captain's Wife Locating in Salem Clovcrdalc Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Booth received word from their son, Captain Herbert Shel don Booth, who is with the army engineers, saying he had arrived at his destination after an un eventful trip. Overseas is all that is known of his where abouts, Captain Booth's wife and two children, Anita Gale and Brent Lewis accompanied by Mrs. Booth's mother, Mrs. LeNora Cordcr, arrived from San Jose, Calif,, and will remain at the ranch with Mr, and Mrs. G, F, Booth until the Salem schools begin when they will reside at ,1580 D street, Salem. Captain Booth is a graduate of Salem high school, attended Willamette University, Univer sity of Oregon and Is the brother of Carl V. Booth, and is the brother of Carl V. Booth. Miss Ward Secretary Falls City Miss Hazel Ward has been elected secretary of Northwestern college at Eugene to fill the place left vacant by Mrs. Gene Chamberlain, who will leave for Butler's university in Indiana tho end of the month. Roscdale Rev. and Mrs. Os car Brown, Mrs. Mary Cammack and Mrs, Floyd Bales attended the quarterly meeting of the Friends' church, which was held ft ScotU Mills. Exclusive News Dispatcher :iu::i:!l V I leuf uruv a ft in - i par: IrvriUHt I3r :::i KRAKI"rAR, IN w vrjjKjr - S SK s J? -B LAC K Hi TUAPSE SEA Oil lints 0 50 100 150 1 i J STATUTE MILES Russian Oil Field Defenses Believed Cracking Red army defenses before the oil fields of Maikop appeared to be cracking and dispatches told of explosions indicative of the "scorched earth" policy. Black arrows show course of German drives, including one which nazis said led to the capture of Pyatigorsk, midway between the Black and Caspian seas. Russians were counter-attacking (white arrows), in Kotelnikovski area southwest of Stal ingrad. . Associated Press Photo. Widows Prepare Annual Event Silverton Mrs. Nettie Cusi ler, president of the Silverton Widows' club, is announcing several changes in the planned program announced several days ago, in respect to their meeting in the Silverton city park. All widows, wherever they re side, are welcome to attend the noon dinner, a no-host af fair, Saturday, August 22. The dinner will be served before 2 o'clock, to correct an error that said the affair would be from 2 to 5 o'clock. The picnic will be all day, Mrs. Cusiter stated. Mrs. Sadie Barkhurst, vice president, is general chairman of plans for the day, and is se lecting her own committee helpers. Mrs. Marie Riveness is secretary. Guests are expected from Sa lem, Portland, Oregon City, Scotts Mills, Mt. Angel, Stay ton and all Silverton communi ties. Prizes arc to be awarded to the oldest widow and to the one that has resided in this community for the longest pe riod of time. Guests will please bring table service, and sugar for their cof fee. Cream and coffee are fur nished by the committee.- Unionvale Clcvcngers Hospitalized After Accident; Nebraska Man Makes Coast Visit Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Cleven gcr o this district are in the McMinnville hospital following an automobile accident on the Dnyton-Salcm state highway near the Martin Braat farm. Mr. Clcvenger suffered head injur ies. Mrs. Clevenger received in ternal injuries. A Blowout lire on tho Clevenger car was re ported to have been responsible for colliding with a car bearing a California license with one occupant, who was unhurt. Both cars were badly damaged. Claylon Crawley of Arnold, Ncbr., formerly of this district, arrived Thursday to visit with his brother, Clarence Crawley, here, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Crawley, and other relatives, In the Broadmead dis trict. William Maxwell, 85, of Port land, is a vacation guest of his niece, Mrs. Martin Braat, -and family. C. J. Countiss sprayed his peach orchard Saturday fore noon. Fall Term Slated Monmouth Or-conn r!nlW of Education closed for the year of 1041-42 Friday nflnrnnnn. Commencement exercises for the year were held early In June. After a vnpntlnn nf fitm weeks, the fall term of srhnnl will open September 21. Nnslics Knd Visit Maclcav Mr. and Mn. Tier. nard Nash, who have been here visiting their relatives and friends for the Dast two wpplti. have returned to their home at Glcndalc, Calif. Mr. Nash is em ployed in one of the large air plane factories at Burbnnk. ninr Glendnlc. He has been work ing there for nearly two years. Water Meter Installed SciO First of the now Mtu water meters was Installed on the George Falrnv llnv others will bo placed as rapidly as practicable, It has been an nounced bV Wnlrr RlinrI.,i.-. dent C. M. Cvrm. Ahm.i iin will be Installed. vm t ri j VfXKROPOTKIN i KROPOTKIN - Mauve R. r- . . . , MAIKOP KubanR 0 li 0ADU1UID L-ShlVOROSHILOVSK J PSSH 7 CASPIAN lS3'1 S .. MAKHACH Many Families Picnic In Silverton Park Silverton Among those spending Sunday at the city park were several smaller families and one large family reunion. From Sherman Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nelson and Rebecca Ann and Roger Allen. As a farewell gesture to Jean Reinoehl of Prineville and his brother, Arthur Reinoehl of Ajo, Ariz., who are entering the serv ice of the United Stales with Jean in the army and Arthur in the marines, during the coming week, the parents of the. young men and the families of their Foreclosed Land Tax Funds Parceled Dallas Members of the Dal las county court this week sign ed an order authorizing the dis triubtion of money received from the sale of tax foreclosed lands to county funds and tax levying bodies. Under a recently worked out plan, the foreclosed land sales money, which represents the period from May 31, 1938 to April 30, 1942 and amounts to $18,467.77 will be distributed to county funds, to cities and school districts in which the properly is located on the basis of the tax levy of the year in which it was sold, after 15 per cent of the proceeds is deducted for expenses and placed in the general fund. Funds distributed include the following:' General fund, t7.463.40; general rand, $1303.80; market road, $326. 90; county school fund, $2,009.12; county school library, $22.43; non high school district, $1523.36; union high school No. 1 (Pedee), $1720.70; city of DnllRs (road fund included) $286.79; city of Palls City, $473.50; school district No. 2 (Dallas) $392. 73. Silver Creek Falls Chosen for Outing Lincoln A recent affair was the family picnic party held at Silver Creek falls in honor of Mrs. Raymond E, Johnson and daughter, Joann, of Groton, S.D., who are guests at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. D. Feller, and her sister, Mrs. H. W. Ash ford. The group was composed of Mrs. Raymond E. Johnson and Joann, Ardys Thomason and Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Powers of Salem, Mr. Bind Mrs. S. B. Powers and Colleen of Molalla, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Dye of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Ashford and Grace, Genevieve, Harry and Ja son and Mrs. J, D. Feller of Lin coln. Straw Fire Started Plcasanldalc Fire started Friday forenoon in the Nichols brothers' red clover straw stack being re-hulled. The loss Is un determined. Exhaust from trac tor was cause of origin. Neigh bors assisted and kept the blaze from spreading to nearby grain field. The straw carrier on the machine was slightly damaged. Monmouth Home Sold Monmouth A, F, Hubcr, lo cal real estate dealer, reports the sale of a B-room house be longing to the Cox estate, lo cated at the comer of Monmouth avenue and Ackcrman street, to Mrs. Frances L. Province. Mrs. Provlnc plans to make the place here home. ' Scio Mrs. Harry Hofmann returned last week to Leaven worth, Kans,, after visiting rela tives here and at Albany several weeks. She Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S, W, Archer of Scio, Greater Willamette L RUSSIA STALINGRAD ASTRAKHAN SEA KALAi one church group aside from West Salem were Mr. and Mrs. brothers and sisters had dinner in the park and enjoyed a social afternoon, with the group in eluding Mr. and Mrs. George Reinoehl, Mr. and Mrs. J. P Stiriman,' Mr. and Mrs. Ray Howard and Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shirrer and Judy and ICathryn, and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Reinoehl, all from Sa lem, and the two sons as honor guests. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Morgan, Jr., and their small daughter, Valerie, now of Hubbard; were among former Silverton folk at the park Sunday. From Salem were Mr. and Mrs.' Ira H. Gardner and. Gail and Gary, and Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Riel and Lois Ann and Jimmy. Recently from Park River, N. D., enjoying the city parky for the day were Mrs. Gustie Cle metson and her daughter, Mrs Selvin Dahlen and Gay Ann. The families are living in Silver ton. The Clarence Planks and Mrs. Cuyler Thompson and Rockne has as picnic dinner guests in the park Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eslep and Mr. and Mrs. Blake Holbrook of Lebanon. . After services diners in the park from the First Christian church were Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Schwander, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Loron and Naoli, Mrs. Mary Jones, Mrs. Lucy Wray, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Neal and Pauline and Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jackson, Mrs. Russell Myers and Maurice and Betty, Mrs. Blanch Howell, Mrs. Carl Specht, Mrs. William Smith and Mrs. Otto Dickman and Patty and Harold. Millersburg Dance Band Manager Home For Visit; Mrs. Mixel Makes Slow Recovery Pvt. Bill Krcger, who is sta tioned at Bremerton, Wash., was a guest Thursday and Friday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kreger. Chloris Alexander, manager of a girls' dance band at Jack & Jill's Elations in Portland, was a recent visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alexander. Other guests at the Alexander home this week were Mrs. Roscoe Mc Donald of Terre Haute, Ind., and Mrs. Ralph McDonald and son, Jack, of Albany. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jcllison arc their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Llnford McBaln, of Culver, Ore. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James G. Gourlcy were Mrs. Ernest Gourlcy and her father, Gus Mishler, of Hal- sey, Mrs. J. C. Mixel, who suf fered a paralytic stroke several months ago, has been taken to a nursing home in Albany. She Is slowly Improving. NOW SHOWING . NAVY BLUES ANN JACK SHERIDAN OAKII COMPANION FEATURE - Rags to Riches FLUS COMEDV 18c PLUS TAX Valley News Fourth Annual Reunion Held By Rich-Roths Silverton The largest gath ering of the summer season at the Silverton park was the Sun day fourth annual reunion of the direct descendants of Catherine Rich-Roth, who was born in Al sace, Germany, December 13, 1851, and as a small child, came to the United States with her parents in a six weeks trip by sail boat. The family lived in Iowa Missouri and Kansas be fore coming to western Oregon early in the 1890s. Children of Mrs. Rich-Roth are Elizabeth Nofziger, Lena Nofziger, Ada Christner, Cath erine Yoder, Emma Headings, Rosa Strubhar, William, , Joe Don and Simon, all residing in the communities of Molalla, Canby and Aurora, excepting William of Coquille, and Joe. Four groups of four genera tions -vyere present Sunday. Officers presiding were Art Lantz of Molalla, chairman, Jess Nofziger and Loney Yoder, as sistants, and Mrs. Pearl Banker, secretary. Elizabeth Nofziger, 7.1, was the oldest present. Guests rretstered were Mrs. Levi Yoder, Cathie Yoder. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Christ ner and Sally, Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Head ings, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Schultz and Es ther and Irene, Lorn Chrtatner, Marvin Christner. Lena Christner, Mavis Rolh. Jane Yoder,' Lena Nofslser; Simon' Roth. Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Yoder and Dianne and Virginia, Mr. and Mrs, A. R. Nofsliier and Maynard and Duane, .Mr. and Mm. Holtls Kelley. Mrs. Qladys Fletcher. Mrs. Evelyn Morrison and Sharon Martens and Bob. Chester Roth. Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Nofziger and uiaa, uiray ana cnaries, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rnedcl and David and James. Mr. and Mrs. MHo Schultz and Marlln, Iris Jean and Dclvln John, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Nofziecr and Letha, Eveleen. Mar garet, Leonard and Viral, Mr. and Mrs. Loney Yoder, HaroJd, Mildred, Stanley, and Junior Yoder, Mr. and Mrs. William Roth and LaVelle. Maxine nnd Lucile, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Schultz and Daniel. Florence, Mabel, Helen. Barbara and Carl. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Morris mid Frank, John, Jonas Marjorie and Tola, Mr, and Mrs. G.. L. Helper and LcRoy. Donald, Verda, Stanley, Dale, Lucile, Shirley and Melvln, Mn and Mrs. A. D. Hamilton and Santord. Grace and Law rence, - Mrs. E. O. Schweitzer, Mr. and Mrs. C. Christner, Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Lantz. Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Kaufman and Donald. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Olson and Jean and Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Burkholder and Mary. Ada. Pear!. Ralph. Vernon. Esther. Bobby and ' Karen and Mr. Bnd Mrs. Wesley Strubhar. and Her bert and Gary LPe. The group had a program of talks and informal singing of hymns. A vote of thanks was tendered the city of Silverton for the use of the park. First Aid Classes Complete Courses Dallas Under the direction of Mrs. Ruby Irwin, Mrs. Doro thy Nevitt and Miss Mildred Stafrin, two more Polk county first aid classes were completed last week. At the Red Cross production rooms in Dallas, eight completed ah advanced course, and at Gold Creek, 23 completed the standard course, and four finished the junior course. Since January 1, 11 classes of standard and advanced instruc tion have been given in Dallas and other Polk county commun ities by- this group of Dallas In structors. Other Dallas first aid qualified instructors who have conducted or assisted in con ducting classes here and in near by communities are Miss Laura Marsh, Mrs. Vera Dickey,, Miss Marjorie Thome, Miss Maxine Horton, Mrs. Evelyn Osuna, F. A. Farrish, W. C. (Jilmore and Tom Slarbuck. A class for Dallas air raid wardens, conducted at the city hall by Tom Slarbuck, is now ncaring completion, and a class for junior first aiders, with Mrs. Evelyn Osuna as instructor, has been started at the Red Cross center. Fallon Has Burns Lebanon Joe Fallon, Sweet Home, is in the Lebanon hospital suffering from third degree burns received Thursday in a freak accident. Fallon, working at the Santiam Lumber company, had turned an electrical switch and a short circuit sent a flame across his body, burning his face, hands and .arms. Cause of the short was undetermined. Mrs. Nnrthrup Injured Rosedale Mrs. Fred North- rup fell while helping Northup measure the water in the spring. No bones were broken but she was shaken up and is confined to her bed. M VKA VKTOe H0PE-Z0RINA-M00RE FLUS 2ND FEATURE AMONG THE LIVING with Albert Drkkar Susan Ha.rward Hurry C'rey Francr Farmer B? Special Correspondent! 1 VMrp 11 i Honors to Dayton Helen Dower, daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. Oscar Dower, of Day ton, who attended the American Youth Founda tion leadership training camp at Shelby, Mich., Aug. 3 to 16;was selected by the faculty religious guidance committee of OCE at Mon mouth to receive the schol arship. She is a graduate of Dayton union high school and will continue her stud ies at OCE in the fall. Roberts Farm Union Receives Members Roberts At the Farmers' Un ion meeting Mr. and Mrs. J. Peters were voted into member ship and received the obligation The State Farmer's Union pic nic at Champoeg Sunday was announced. It was voted that the chair appoint a delegate to attend the county convention, also to hold the September meeting which heretofore had been omitted on account of hop picking. After the business meeting there were general discussions on milk control and various oilier points of interest, after which refreshments were served by Mrs. L. H. Zielke and Mrs. Henry Jungwirth. Mt. Angel Seaside Calls Vacation Groups Bialys Hosts for Dinner Party Fred Schwab, Sr., Miss Viv ienne LeDoux, Miss Mary Jeanne Schwab, Maxine Schwab, Ben ny Schwab and Francisc X Le Doux are taking a three-day va cation at Seaside. - , ' Miss- Dorothy Holland is va cationing with her brother, Bob and sister, Miss -Mary Holland, at Astoria. Corporal Peter Borchowa of Fort Stevens is spending 'a few days at the home of his mother, Mrs. Barbara Borchowa. The Misses Dolores Annen and Madlene Keber, Mr. and Mrs. Al Schroeder (Clara Keber) and family and Mrs. George. Haupt- man (Mary Louise LeDoux)( all of Salem, spent the -week-end at the homes of their respective parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Bialy were hosts at dinner on Sunday in compliment to their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Richard Hague of Salem. Their twin daughters were baptised Judith Ann and Janice Lee by Father T. U. Bernards of Salem, with Mrs. Horace Eldriedge of Salem and Don Bialy of Vancou ver as godparents. After the service they all motored to the home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Davidson of Salem were additional dinner guests. Community Leaders Receive Training Scio A meeting for the pur pose of training neighborhood leaders was held at the Grange hall with Mr. Mikesell of Albany in charge. Community leaders appointed were Ed Foltz, Wil liam Worth, John Shelton, John Silbemeigle, Mrs. Katherine Bender, Mrs. J. M. Bilyeu, Mrs. Jake Silbemeigle, Mrs. John Rohwein, of the Scio-Jordan dis trict and Mrs. Alice Huber, Mrs. Martin Kuiken, Mrs. William Prichard, George Nydigger, George Clipfell, and John Neal of the Lyons Fox Valley dis trict. . DINE DANCE DOMANCE At The Lantern Every Nlte except Monday SPECIAL FRIED STEAKS CHICKEN Complete line of Mlieri I Mile S. of City Limits on Pacific Highway Linn Millage Rales Lowest In Many Years Albany Millage tax rates in Linn county municipalities for the 1942-43 year will be lower than in many years, according to the report of W. C. Temple ton, county assessor. Temnleton noted that while Albany's special levy sets no record, that for the total tax, including special city, the coun ty and state levies, represents a marked decline. Sweet Home's reduction from 100.6 to 60.6 mills, is notable, a decline of 40 mills. This, the assessor explained, was due largely to an increase in Sweet Home's assessed valuations. Templeton stated that it was increases in assessed values to gether with county and state government tax reductions that was responsible in a large meas ure for this favorable showing. Following are 1942-43 millage rates as 1 compared to those of 1941, last year, in which a full year's rate is available: l4-!-43 1941 Albany 48.1 56.5 Brownsville M.5 03.4 Halsey 43.4 47.3 HarrlsburB 50.0 53.3 Lebanon 41.1 50.0 Scio 54.2 56.7 Sodavllle 33. 49.2 Sweet Home B0.2 100.6 Silverton Naval Air Base Visited; Melon Benefit for Children's Home Mrs. Otto Dickman; her daugh ter, Patty, and Mrs. John Tom minger, all of the Evergreen community, accompanied Mrs Dickman's son, Everett Dick man, to Pasco naval air base during the past week. Robert Dickman joined the group at Redmond arid they all spent two days .with a daughter of Mrs. Dickman, Mrs. W. E. Jossy (Geraldine Dickman) and her small son, Billy, at their Bend home. Cuyler Thompson of the coast guard service in New York state, paid a surprise visit to his wife and son, Rockne, at the home of his parents-in-law from July 21 to 26. - The C. V. Murrays left-Friday for San Rafael, Calif., to visit the families of their two daughters, Mrs. Sandham Wars wick and her new baby daugh ter, born July 6, named Sand ham Connel, and Mrs. Clarence Kirk (Yvonne Murray), who was married last Sunday in Carson City, Nev., with her sister and brother-in-law, the Warswicks, attending. The Murrays, now of Dallas, were former residents of the Silverton Hills. . Mrs. Theo Friend and Mar jorie of Redwood City, Calif., are at the home of Mrs. Friend's parents, the -A. N. Smiths, for a month. . , Week-end guests of the- Bill Jones family were Mr, and Mrs. H. A. Sharf of Portland. Mrs. Sharf is supervisor of surgery at the Multnomah county hos pital. Mrs. A. McCullough is re ported very ill at her South Water street horns. A large group attended the watermelon benefit food for the Corvallis Children's Farm Home Friday afternoon at the Metho dist gardens with the W.C.T.u. sponsoring the hour. Mrs. M. G. Gunderson. is, president, Mrs. Blanche Howell received the guests, Mrs. Irene Roubal and Mrs. Violet By berg gave piano selections, and Mrs. Harold Da vis and Mrs. Floyd Ellefson gave readings. Mrs. H. A. Smith, Mrs. Maude Morris, Mrs, Al Down and Miss Olga Johnson were on the serving committee, ROBERT NORMA TAYLOR SIIEAREB "HER CARD BOARD LOVER" AND "IT HAPPENED IN FLATBUSH" lmmmmmmtmmmm' 22c Pint Tax TUS Urttl IiMMiN 1;I5-I:18 ruibnah! 3:50 (lU-l:M JAMES CAGNEY RITA HAYWORTH OLIVIA DcHAVILLAND "STRAWBERRY BLONDE" AND - SOUTH OF SUEZ" George Brent Box Offica Flu Open IOC Tas 6 4$ Anrtlm 1 TODAY I 1 1"' ROBERT NORM A W Monday, August 17, 1942 Srayton Residents tnrerram vjubsh f. Stavton Ted Johnson of SaiW Francisco has arrived at the Wilbur Lesley home where his wife, the former Eda Adams, has been staying. The Johnsons and the Lesleys are leaving soon for a vacation together. Mrs. Edmund Klecker has ac cepted employment at the Stay Ion Food market. Barney Champ is here on leave from the navy, seeing friends and relatives. Woodburn Sets School Opening September 21 Woodburn September 21 haQ been announced as the opening date of the Woodburn schools by Superintendent Milton Gra lap. The teaching staffs at all schools has been completed with the exception of a teacher of ' social science and mathematics at the high school and it is hoped to get a man for this po sition who can also act as assist- ' ant coach. . s The high school will operate with a faculty of ten in addition to Superintendent Gralap, in stead of eleven as was the case last year. High school teachers hired are: Lawrence Schaad. asriculturei Leroy Pierson. mathematics and boys' physical education; Miss Genera Dowel), commer cial: Miss Marie. Mannlx. English; Miss Gladys McKnight. soclsl science; Jess Hay den, science; Mrs. Helen Gulss. home economics; Miss Marjorie church, girls' physical education; Kenneth Thompson, English, dramatics and band. Harold Seely will be principaW and will be assisted by Miss GerQ trude Wampole, at the Washing ton junior high. - Teachers at the Lincoln grade school will be: Miss Evelyn Blrtchett, sixth grade; Mrs. Roslna Barnes, filth grade; Miss Laura Ahlstrom. fourth grade; Miss Mary Scollard. third grade; Mrs. Nellie Mulr. second grade and principal; Miss Bertha Dillon, first grade. Miss Mary Jackson will act as office secretary at the high school for her sixth year. A number of improvements have been made in each of the school plants. East Salem Yards Ready for Hops East Salem The harvesting of summer crops has passed to the time of setting the dates for the picking of hops in the De Sart hop yards, the only large hop field in East Salem dis trict. The plans now are to be gin the picking between Sep tember 1 and the 4th. IhM large group of Swegle residents who are going by truck to the Hayes bean fields expect to be , through there in time to help with the hops. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lake, A'Delma and Joan of Swegle district enjoyed a holiday trip to the coast Wednesday. Gladys Dalke of Swegle dis trict is attending the young people's retreat to the Mennon ite church in the Turner taber ntcle Friday to Sunday of this week. AIR CONDITIONED COOL HHl TODAY AND TUESDAY XL mMtMn-linilmnalU'ljilfMm PLUS mm TRACY Mt-T ELAMARtf GARFIELD 14 FMNR M0RMH I untrp . tantM iiaaika muii urn uniwin Plus Serial DEAD END KIDS In "JR. G-MEN OF THE AIR" 20C Continuous Plus Tax D", till p.m. 'rem 1 p.m. I NOW - 2 BIG HITS 4 iffSI -X"'6E0RGE SANDEHS 1 TEKLaJJi -LYNNBAm- M I V "I" " "M Wn I I Still 'iSSSttm