Wednesday, August 12, 1942 The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon Nine Love is blind ---many cry their eyes out oyer it. CapltalAJournal Claaifiea Advertising Rates Per line 'n Per line, 3 times Me Per line, 6 times 40c Per line, one month 1 35 Min. 25c 3 times mln. 35o 6 times minimum 45c Minimum Per Ad 25c Want Ads must be In by 1C ajn, day ol publication. For Sale Houses OR RENT: 2i acres 1 mi. S. on I Hlway. 6-r. house, wired for range; water heater, gas available; fruit, nuts, berries, pasture. Phone 2-2923. alOl GOOD 7-rm. hse., lBe. lot, full base ment. Hollywood dlst. Will trade for smaller hse. Phone 3671. a!93 .tfinn nowN Late modern 5 r. home with attic, full cement basement, automatic gas furnace, oak firs., fireplace, garage. Cor. lot. Price $4600 bal, $37 per mo., PHA terms. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., Realtors 134 S. Liberty Ph. 4131. a!91 LOOK $2150 Good 3 r. home, plastered, oak firs.,' fine east front lot on pavement, near Leslie school. $700 cash, bal. terms. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., Realtors 134 S. Liberty Ph. 4131. al91 990 N. 5th St. $4200 Good 3 bedr. home on cor, lot, paved sts. 2 car garage. $500 down. bal. $40 per mo. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., Realtors 134 S. Liberty Ph. 4131. aim1 I CLOSE-IN HOME. ' a i nnlv nnp hlnrlc from Stale house grounds, large cor. A GOOD INVESTMENT FOR $5000 cash. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., Realtors 134 s. Liberty fa. aiai DEAR PROSPECTIVE BUYER. When you think of getting out of the habit of paying rent & buy ing a home, think of Louis Bechtcl & Mrs. Needham, 341 State, Room 4. We have choice one acre with modern suburban bungalow, 5 r., elec. lights & water system Sc bath. Barh. Not far . out. Owner is going In service of our country, must sell quick at a loss, Price $3150, terms. Shown by appointment. al91 $31505 rm. bungalow, hardwood firs, in living Sc dining rms., base ment, furnace, fireplace, nice shrub bery. $300 down. $3250 $300 down Sc $25 per mo. on bal. 5 rms., basement, furnace, beau tiful lot Sc shrubbery, close to bus and school. Money to Loan at 5 MELVIN JOHNSON," REALTOR 725 Court St. Phone 3723. J al91 New, mod. 5-rm. hse. Hdw. firs., fireplace, gar., Venetian blinds, cor I lot; $3350.' 2295 N. 4th St. al92 FOR SALE CHEAP; 3-rm. house. 70 Abrams Ave. al92 ATTENTION BUYERS $2600 $500 down; 5 rooms, base ment, furnace, Idy. trays. Well lo cated to bus and schools. C. H. Sanders, 231 N. High. 5838. al91" TWO-room modern cottage, 1850 North Water. You can't go wrong at $1500 with terms to suit your pocketbook. Abrams Sc Ellis, Inc, Masonic Bldg. al91 1520 Norway: Fine 5 rm. bunga low, bsmt., furn., fireplace. Hwd, floors. Immediate possession. See Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS B ROBERTS, INC., Realtors. al92 ACRE homesite with 3 room mod em cottage with terms like rent. $::00 full price. Abrams Sc Ellis, Inc., Masonic Bldg. al91 1640 Norway: 5 rms., hwd. floors, bsmt., furn., fireplace. Price re duced to $4500. See Mr. Goodwin With HAWKINS Sc ROBERTS, INC., Realtors. . al92 O Directory BATTERIES WILLARD batteries, all types. R. D. Woodrow, 349 N. Church. P. 9600. o BUILDING MATERIAL SAND, Gravel, Crushed Rock, Pav ing. Salem Supply Co. Ph. 8561. o CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace Sc Chimney. Vacuum, steel brushes. B. F. Ensley, Ph. 7176. 0214 ' EXCAVATING Excavating, all kinds: basm'ts. dug, dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. SEE Ben Otjen is Sons. Ph. 3060. o FLORIST Brelthaupt's for flowers. Dial 9195. o FUNERAL DIRECTORS TerwlUiger Funeral Home. P. 6928 o WALKER Si HOWELL Funeral Home, 545 N. Capitol St. Ph 3673. o PAINTS AND LACQUERS Complete line Nason paints. Liberal . terms. R. D. Woodrow. 394 N. Churcn. PAPERING-PAINTING PAPERING PHONE 7250. 0196 Expert Workmanship Phone 4325. 0' Public Stenographer Phone 6980. If no answer Ph. 8939. . 0199 TRANSFER & STORAGE Local or distance transfer storage. Burner oils, briquets. Trucks to Portland dally. Agent Pierce Autu Freight, including California point Larmer Transfer Si storage P. 3131. o WELL DRILLING C. J PUGH 2125 Myrtle P 9336. 0195 WINDOW CLEANING PROFESSIONAL CLEANING SER VICE. PHONE 4457. o" Journal Want Ads Pay For Sale Houses Large furnished residence with creek frontage. This is income property and can be bought like rent. Ab rams Si Ellis, Inc., Masonic Bldg. al91 T3A,!firt1. K mi inm full hR6. plumbing, fireplace, Venetian blinds. also ouiDuucung n rms., iuu Si plumbing on 214 lots. Hlway 101, overlooking ocean at Yachals, Ore. Tn!t some trade. Ph. 6141, 1315 S. HieW St.. Salem. a2l4 VIEW home, modern 5 rooms. 3 minutes from heart of city. Phone 21653. 193 Strictly modern 2 bedroom home. Address Lock Box 121, Salem, Ore. al92 MM$MM'M33iiitrrrr frir For Sale Farms BE INDEPENDENT BUY RANCH $3000 will buy this 50 acre place, good soil", most all in cultivation. 3 good springs. 5 R. house, good barn. Poultry Sc hog house, 12V.! miles out. A snap, or will trade for house in Salem. 355-Acre dairy Sc stock ranclf. One i 6-room house & one 4-room hse. Barn, 18 stanchions; spring & running water, timber Si pasture. About 17 miles out Sc a snap for $7987 'I down. JAS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 507 Center Ph. 9442. bl91 For Sale Acreage 5 A. good red soil. 4-room house, elec, close Salem. Only $1250 cash. C. H. Sanders, 231 N. High. 5838. bbl92 For Sale: Just outside city limits, 1 A. of ground with fireplace, all city conveniences; big chicken hse., dbl. garage. Priced at. $3000 terms. See Mr. Larsen with HAWKINS t Roberts. INC.. Realtors. bbl92 WHTT.Til THRV T.AST! '. . 4 57 Acres, east, good soil, good road, elect., close to school. Price $900 $100 down, $10 mo. Buy now, never be priced less. C. H. Sanders, 231 N. High. 5838. bbl91' A. north 4 rooms, unfin. attic, small fair barn, chick, house. 400 cap. Price $1000 Vi cash. 22 A., all cultiv., creek, elect., older house Si barn, close Salem. Only $2650 $500 down. C. H. Sanders, 231 N. High. 5838. . bbl91' 2 Acres. 4 ml. on Silverton hlway. Unfinished 5 rm. hse., wash house, barn, hen house. $1000. $100 down $15 per mo. Ph. 4888, Munkers. bbl91 Real Estate We invite your "For Sale" listings if fairly priced. HAWKINS Si ROBERTS, INC., Realtors, Guard ian Bldg. -e' Wanted Real Estate WANTED: The best 4 or 5 room house that $3600 will buy. Have cash client. Jas. D. Sears, 507 Center. Ph. 9442. cal91 If vou want to sell or rent, list your place with J. D. Sears, 507 Center. Ph, 9442. Have Duyers wamng now. calOl LIST your real property with ABRAMS Sc ELLIS, INOV( Masonic Bldg. Jj . caan- Wanted: Best buy In a 5-room house for cash.- Phone 5838. caiai" Exchange Real Estate EXCHANGE for modern 3-bdrm, house, Salem, modern 3-bdrm. house with 2. 4 or 8 acres, nortneasc. now. floors, fireplace, wood furnace, Ve netian ' Winds, large snaoe trees, .fruit, nuts, berries, shrubs, auto. water system, barn and poultry houses. Tel. 22756. cbl96 f w4'W-4VW Business Opportunities RESTAURANT FOR SALE Good location in Salem on 99E highway, all equipped, apartment m connection. Price $2450 $1450 cash to handle. W. H. Grabenhorst Sc Co., Realtors 134- S. Liberty Ph. 4131. cdiai "Wimpy's Corner" restaurant. 518 Church St., Dallas, Ore. Good bus iness. Terms. Cantonment area. ' cdl91 APT, House, close In, five apts. In come $80 per mo $3000 will han dle. 1870 Chehieketa. cd206' Restaurant Sc fountain. Doing very good business. Fully equipped. An iacent to cantonment, town of 3900 sawmill and fruit center. Ill health reason for selling. Dallas, Ore., 424 Main St. cdlOl FOR SALE: Attractive heme Sc In. come, close In. Box 89 Capital Jour nal. cd205 For Sale: Auto camp with store and service station. 8 modern cabins. Ac tive community near Hermlston. Cash deal proterred. Write Mrs. Frank Lelcht, Irrlgon. Ore. cdl94 Furniture For Sale Used furniture, heating stove, new saddle. 433 N. High. - dl9l 1 OAK din. rm, set; 1 oak corner wardrobe, also many other articles, Moving from town, Mrs. J. M, Jen son, Silverton. dl92' Wanted Furniture WANTED: Wood Range. Ph. 5511. dal91 For Sale Livestock ATTENTION 1 1 Will remove dead Sc worthless stock In a moment's notice! SALEM FERTILIZER Ss BY-PRODUCTS. Ph. 5000 Collect. (No other phone), e For Sale Wood WOOD for sale. Ph. 4108. SAVE by getting your winter's wood NOW I Ph. 9560 or 21448. eel Wanted Help Wanted: Experienced , dairyman, married or single. References. Good wages. Ph. 6224, Monmouth, Ore. gl93 Uphlstrs., refr., svemn. H, L. Stiff. gl91 ARE YOU OVER 45? Have you been turned down because of your age? Do you want a posi tion where age Is an asset not a handicap? Write E. E. Ruhnke, 4512 Hollls St., Oakland. Calif. gl91 Wanted: Cook. Spotted Pig Cafe, Woodburh on Hiway, gl92 Experienced waitress, bus boy, ex perienced fountain girl. Apply the Blue Bird, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. gl92 Laborers and truckdrlvers needed on State highway paving crews. Seaside, Newport; Forest Grove, Troutdale, Prineville. Apply .at Room 512, State Off. Bldg., Salem. gl92 NOTICE TO HOP PICKERS ,We will begin picking hops Friday, August 14. 100 acres early hops. Yard located 12 miles north of Salem, Just off the Salem-Newberg highway. Mission Bottom Hop Co. Bill Stutesman, Tel. 2-2347. gl95 IV A MTBTl Umi rt 17 in urni-lr Iw Hardware ana auto supply siore. Phone 7057. gl92 Hop Pickers Wanted Early Sc late hops, starting Aug. IB. Good pick ing, $2.50 per 100. Camp cabins, elec. stoves, wood, straw, etc. Inq. about transportation. Ph, 22766. Orey Hop Ranch, Rt. 2, Bx. 197. gl95 GIRL or woman for gen. housework & care of .children.. Good wages to right party. Phone 8270. gl94 HOP PICKERS WANTED Picking starts Aug. 20th, lasts about 30 days. Pay 210c per pound. Good crop, best picking job in valley. Good camp, 550 cabins with lights and stoves, store, dance hall and res taurant. Known as Wigrich Ranch. Write Golden Gate Hop Ranch, In dependence, Ore., or Phone 3616, Salem. g213' HOP PICKERS WANTED Save rubber and be on the job. Cab ins with stove, wood, lights, tables & benches furnished at no cost. No better hops in the valley, $2.50 per hundred. You can make big money. Come, see, Picking starts about Aug. 18th. Will also furnish transporta tion from Salem. 100 acres late hops just over the fence. Guarantee long picking. C. C. Russell, Rt. 2, Box 206. Salem. Phone 22768. - gl93 Woman for housework In refined, 2 in family. Good wages. Inq. Mitzi Grey Beauty Shop. - gl92 EXP. variety girl. Box 239, Capital Journal. gl92 HOP PICKERS WANTED 250 Acres choice river bottom hops 4 miles SW of Salem. 3 weeks of fine picking. Store, restaurant, butcher shop on grounds. Good camp ground. Fine cabins, or free transportation to and from yard. Register at our office, 147 North Commercial St., or write John J. Roberts Si Co., Salem, Oregon. Phone 8623. g WANTED HOP PICKERS 125 A. early Sc late hops. Picking about Aug. 18. $2.50 per hundred lbs. Cabins, wood furnished free, or call 2-2449 for transportation infor mation. V. a. Kelley. g200 HOP PICKERS WANTED 400 acres of early and late hops grown on river bottom land. Large crop, long season .and paying $2.50 per 100 pounds. Free camping ac commodations. Groceries, meats and restaurant at city prices. Strict su pervision day and night. We wel come return of our old pickers and 500 new ones. Register Immediately and reserve cabins or tents. Loca tion 2 miles north of. Independence Call or phone 27F2, Independence C. A. McLaughlin Hop Ranch, In dependence, Ore. Harold Gwln, Superintendent, g1 WOODCUTTER with dragsaw to cut 50 to 100 cds. wood. Trees felled trimmed. Close in. Ph. 22716. gl91 HOP PICKERS Wanted Brown Is land Hop Co. Ph, 7956. Early and late hops; prevailing prices; long job; good accommodations, i'.i ml, S, W. of Salem on Willamette River. g- Hop Pickers wanted at Viesko hop yard, 10 miles north of Salem, near Wheatland Ferry Good hops, $2.50 per hundred lbs. Start Augrl7, 30 day picking. Good camp grounds John Bushman. gl38 ATTENTION HOP PICKERS I $2.50 per 100 lbs Register now for picking our early and late cluster hops. Season commences about Aug ust 25. One of the best and largest yards in the St Paul section. Best of accommodations such as: Cab' ins, tents, electricity beautiful camp site with store on grounds, city prlc es. To register write Williams As Hart, Salem, Puitoffice Box 133, or Phone 3712, or 22681. g207 Hop Pickers wanted, early Sc late hops. Cabins, stoves, wood, straw for beds furn. Allen G. Hall, foreman Si yard boss. Register now. Collins Si Collins, Inc., Independence, Ore. g203 Now registering Hop Pickers (or early Sc late hups. Williams Ss Thacker. Cabins. Good crop. Phone 21331. 4 miles west of Salem. g Wanted Positions Man wants bkpg. Sc clerical work. eves, Ref. Bx. 242, Capital Journal hl92 Woman to care for children in my home. Permanent position. Phone 3843 after 6 p.m. h!92 Wish care of children by day or week. 30 Tess avenue. hl92 For Rent FOR RENT 4 -Room house on 18th St. for $20, P H BELL 213 Guardian Bldg. J191 Pleasant rm., garage. Gent. Ph. 7258 J216 Furn, room, 1161 Chemeketa. J196 Automobiles WANTED ! Fifty (50) LATE MODEL CARS AT ONCEI TOP CASH PRICES PAID "C" SHROCK CHURCH Sc CHEM. PHV 7922 q For Rent Clean, furn. apt., close in. Lgts.,-hot Sc cold wat, Inc. $16. Ph. 4370. jl03 MODERN HOME FOR RENT 6 r. colonial home, excellent loca tion, sawdust furnace, fireplace, oak firs. $50 per month. Adults only. W. H, Grabenhorst Sc Co., Realtors 134 S. Liberty Ph. 4131. j!91 Will Rent Home for duration to re sponsible party who appreciates a real home. 110 Academy St. J193 Fur. hskpg. rm. CI., bus. 1431 N. Cott. J196 2-Rm. Apt., 1st fir. Partly furn. Lgts.. water; $9. 967 S. Com'l. J193 $13 2 rm. furnished apt. Lighls. hot water. 1397 N. Commercial. J192 CLEAN, furn. cabin Sc gar. $8. 1647 Waller, evenings. j 192 New 4-rm. house, 6 mi. S.W. of Salem. No electricity; $15. Inquire 1410 So. 12th St. J192 3 RM. furn. apt. 466 N. Liberty. J194 1-2-3 rm. apts. 2310 N. 4,th. J214 Furnished 7 room house, 835 D St. Inquire evenings. Also 6 rm. fur nished house. 732 Chemeketa. In quire next door west. j 191 A business girl or professional wom an to rent room in new, modern homo. Reasonable. Breakfast if de sired. Call 6582 or 8482. J193 LGE, cheerful sleeping room. 823 N. Commercial. Phone 7571. J192 Nice room, close in, reas. 476 Marion. jl92 1 Sc 3-Rm. Apts. 435 Division. J191 Up. floor duplex, 1286 Court. Adul. jigs Nice downstairs room; bath; ladies. 860 Marion St. J191 7 Rooms, unfurn. 386 Bellevue. Ready Aug. 15. Call owner, 9670 j Sleeping room 725 Court, Pianos. $2 mo. H. L Stiff Furn. Co'. )' Wanted To Rent WANTED to Rent: 2 bedroom home with elect, range and frigidairc furn. by permanent reliable party. Call 9181. jal93' Steady renter wants reasonable ,-5 or 6-room house near Highland school. Call 525 Locust St., alter 3:00 p.m. ' , "" jal91 Farm land, any amount, good equip Phone 22504. Ja207 Room and Board Board Si Room, 790 N Church. jj206" Good bd , good rm 1227 Court. Jj200 f Miscellaneous We clean septic tanks and cesspools; special equipment; free inspection. Ph. 8745. 642 Edgewater, W. Salem. m212 Dental Plate Repair 2-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES. DR. HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST. Adolph Bldg. State Sc Commercial. SALEM Phone 3311. m For Sale Miscellaneous USED 66 Singer elec. console, re conditioned. Guaranteed. Singer Sewing Mach, Co., 142 S. High. . nl92 Singer sewing mach., Universal wood range with colls, Pacific wood cir culator: 1664 Chemeketa. nl92 G.E. 8-tube cabinet radio. Practical ly new. Cheap. Ph. 6066, Bligh Hotel. in S3 Late mod. Gen.'Elec. washing mch., perfect cond. Vacuum cleaner, Sing er sew. mch. 1674 Fir. rn. ww, nl01 MILK GOAT, $5. Ph. 4363 eves. nl94 Radio, table model, special short wave communications receiver. Ex cellent cond. $25 cash. Call eve nings 356 Gcrth Ave., W. Salem nIOl Potatoes, field run. $2.50 per 100. I dig 'em, you get "cm.. Ph. 21620. nisi Dry Poultry Fertilizer. Summer spe cial 25c sack. Bring sacks. Ph. 22861 Lee's Hatchery. n Gas Range 460 University. n203 Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED: Good home for black Cocker spaniel. Ph. 6325. nal93 IF you have good used furniture to sell, call or see Russ Bright, 453 Court. Phone 7511. nal94 Used Furniture Ph 9185. Personal Reading, accur, depend. 2361 State P196 Palmist. P. 4263, Hazel Barton. B St. , p216 Automobiles '39 Plymouth DeLuxe 8edan, good rubber, $600 cash. Ph. 6081. . q!93 38 Packard 120 Sedan, fine mech anical condition. Upholstering per fect, radio, heater, fog light, etc. Tires not so good, maybe 4000 miles left. If you need a good quality, com fortable car that will get 5 or 6 people to their work every morning and home again every night, week In and week out, this is It. 1695. no trades, bank terms. See It at Shell Station. Liberty Si Chemekc'a q!93 Automobiles Wanted: 4-dr. sedan, mod. A pre ferred. WILL PAY CASH. Call at 209 Brawn St., Silverton. ql91 Wanted: '35 to '38 light sedan. 1887- N. Front, 18J CASH for late model car. Private party. 3325 Center. ql93 WANTED: '39, '40 or '41 Ford or Chev. sedan or 5-pass. coupe. Phone eves. 7792. Cash deal, no dealers. ql91 Financial AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS Contracts refinanced to reduce pay ments. Money for new or used cars. No delay or red tape. You will re tain possession of the vehicle. 1 to 15 MONTHS TO PAY Roy H! Simmons 136 South Commercial Street Phone 9168. Lie. Nq. M-152. r LOANS STATE FINANCE CO. 212 Guardian Bldg. Phone 8168 S-216 M-222 r AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CALKINS. FINANCE CO. "Salem's Personal Loan Center" 315 Court St. Salem Phono 4446. State License S-228 M-278. t' LOANS $25 to $300 Almost any credit-worthy person who really needs cash ... to pay off old debts; for medical or dental work or for some other worthy pur pose, can qualify for a loan at Per sonal. John O, Heercn, Manager PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Ground Fir., New Bligh Bldg. 512 State -St. (at High St.) ' Telephone 3191 State Licenses:. S-122. M-165. 207 , FARM and CITY LOANS Quality Mortgage Loans at 4 ',4 where loan does not exceed 60 of present value. Not an FHA loan Prompt service Minimum details. We offer a 6 rate on loans of larger percentage of value. Will pay Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207, Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 7162. r WANTED PRIVATE MONEY to Loan on Good Salem Real Estate Will Pay 6 Interest W H. GRABENHORST Sc CO. REALTORS. QUICK CASH LOANS All Plans One to 12 Months GENERAL FINANCE CORP. 136 s. Commercial SU License No. S-138. r AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Go. 5th Floor, GUARDIAN BUILDING License No, M-159 Wanted to BUY for CASH Real Estate mortgages, Real Estate con tracts. Merchandise discount paper. State Finance Co., 212 Guardian Bldg. r' We loan on farm, residential and business property. Will buy mort gages, contracts. HAWKINS & ROBERTS, INC. Realtors, Guardian Bldg. r Legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion. Probate Department. Notice Is hereby Riven that the under signed has been duly appointed Adminis tratrix of the enisle of Charlotte Frances Taylor, deceased, and any and all per sons having claims annlnst the said estate arc hereby required to present said claims duly verified as by law required at my residence In Aurora in Marion County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Date of first publication July 30. 10-13. MRS. AMY M. SNYDER, Administratrix, PAUL C. FISCHER, Attorney 302 Courthouse, Oregon City. Ore. July 20. 5-12-10-36. NOTICE Notice la hereby Riven that School Dis trict No, 11 has called in warrants No. 41140. No. 60140. No. 641154.07, No. 102140, No. 118 J40. NO. 180140. No. 188 mo. No. 100140.26. No. 260 SD0. No. 20R 100. No. 209 MO, No. 210 141.40. No. 213 J 50, No. 3031102.50, dat ed from Oct, 1940 to June 1841. Any per son holding these please send to U. 8. National Bank. Salem, for payment. Dated 1st day of Auk. 1942. ANNA L. NICHOIi, Clerk Dlst. No. II Aumsvllle. Oreson. Auaust 5. 12, 19 German Morale Near Cracking Portland. Orn.. Anff. 12 (PI Ten years of national socialism have pushed the German people dangerously close to revolt, Dr. Hermann Rauschning, exiled president of the Danzig senate, declared yesterday. German morale will break soon "sooner than the people in this country believe," Rausch ning told a reporter. Terrorism may crush first signs of the revolt, Rauschning said, but It will be "only a post ponement of the showdown." "The German people arc against war, and against nation al socialism, , . You can win vic tory after victory, but you can't ask more than the soldier can stand. , . The burden has become impossible for the common man to bsar," he added Rauschning, who said he might settle down on an Oregon farm, asserted, "Hitler's only hope Is to await the happy ac cident that would enable him to make a negotiated peace with one of his enemies, and that scens unlikely. Nevertheless, we must look for that as one of his next moves." A. P. Newsman Lost on Plane General MacArthur's Head quarters, Australia, Aug. 12 VP) Vern Haugland, Associated Press staff man, was listed as missing today five days after a plane in which he was a passen ger disappeared in a storm. The plane was en route from north cast Australia to the New Gui nea war front. Thee still was hope that the plane might have made an em ergency landing at some Inac cessible spot in New Guinea or on one of the islets off Aus tralia. It was recalled here that several airmen who have been shot down or forced down over New Guinea have taken weeks to make their way back to civil ization. Haughland, 34, had wailed at Townsvillc, Australia, for sev eral days for transportation to New Guinea. The opportunity came August 7, when by a toss of a coin he won a seat in the leading plane of several that were to make the trip. An Aus tralian reporter who lost the toss boarded the second plane. Some distance from Towns ville the planes ran into a storm. When they emerged, the first and second planes were missing. The second eventually reached a New Guinea base safely, but nothing has been heard from the other. India Real To United Nations By DeWitt Mackenzie (Wide World Wur AmlysM The revolt in India which started out as a passive affair has grown to that grim stage where it has become an actual menace to the allied cause. Mohandas Gandhi's campaign of non-violence to achieve freedom is so far out' of hand that many cities are swept with the fearsome sound of mob roar. More than 30 per sons are dead and more than 230 others have been wounded In clashes between the revolution ists and the police and military. Already the allied war effort suffers from disorganization in this great arsenal. The upheav al is an open invitation to Japan to Invade one of the most vital bases of the United Nations. And the threat of a junction of axis and Jap forces in India a join ing of west and cast grows as Hitler lashes his victorious troops on through the Caucasus towards the middle east still distant but his ultimate goal. Allied Fortunes at Stake Thus it isn't surprising to hear on every side the eager question of whether it's too late for a compromise between the Brit ish government and the nation alists. It's hard to see why both sides couldn't reopen negotia tions without loss of face. From Britain's standpoint the allied fortunes may be at stake. From Gandhi's the peaceful campaign which he envisaged has turned to the bloodshed which he abhors. Either side could make a gesture without displaying weakness. What's needed is a basis for compromise. In hope of finding something useful I turned in New York to Sirdar Kumar J. J. Singh, president of the India League of America and former member of the all-India congress committee. Rather to my sur prise, he produced a new plan going much farther than any thing heretofore offered by the nationalists. He said it would be acceptable to the all-India congress. What's lacking is some intermediary to bring both sides together. Here's the sirdar's plan: . Compromise Plan "Executive power now rests with the governor general-in-council, that is, the viceroy and the executive council of 15 mem bcrs. Four members of the council are British and 11 are Indian, all of them appointed by tho viceroy and what you In America would call stooges. "My suggestion is that the council be reconstructed to pro vide a popular Interim govern ment. Let five scats be given to the all-India congress, of which Mohandas Gandhi whom you know so well is the out standing figure; give an equal number of seats to the Moslem league, which doesn't see eye to eye with the all-India congress but demands guarantees that It will get proportional rcprescnta tion In any independent govern ment: and let the viceroy him self -pick five other members from among universally respect ed Indians. Status to Continue "There would be absolutely no FDR Refuses to Talk On Wildcat Strikes Washington, Aug. 12 VP) President Roosevelt wanted more facts and figures last night before he would comment on press conference questions which referred to "wildcat" strikes in war industries, to lagcinc war pro- duction, and to possible reme dial action. The president said he had not even heard that a west coast conference on stabilization of wages in aircraft plants had blown up, with the understand ing that it would convene this month in Washington. A re porter told him the conference had failed to meet here because the administration had failed to establish a wage policy. "What would you think of a union steward in a war plant," a reporter Inquired, "who delib erately told a man to produce less than a fair day's work?" Who did that, the president wanted to know, After he was told it had happened in Flint and Muskegon, Mich., he suggested that his questioner dig up the facts and names and he would look into the matter. Another newsman wanted to know his opinion of "various wildcat strikes occurring al most daily," although they are opposed by international officers of unions. Where? the president coun tered. "Well, there was one yester day in a Pittsburgh steel mill," Mr. Roosevelt was told. When the president inquired Menace constitutional change until after the war, except that the viceroy would not havt his present au thority to override his council (I am told the viceroy hasn't used this prerogative since 1879 u.M.;, He would remain as governor general with powers similar to those exercised in Canada ' and other sovereign countries of the British Com monweallh of Nations. The status of the some 560 Indian princes and their states, which has been a great bone of contention, would remain un changed until the framing of a new constitution after the war. "However, either the United Nations must guarantee com plete freedom for India after the war, or Churchill (British pre mier) must make an announce ment in unambiguous terms In parliament, guaranteeing India's complete independence soon aft er the end of the world conflict. "The Indians are prepared to leave military defense to an al lied war council, say an Ameri can, a Chinese and an English man. We would cooperate fully in the war effort, the first cs sential being to win the war." ACROSt 1. InaUnc t. Cait off I. Aociaaory rmy org&nl aatlon IS. Slnrla thins 11. Perforation IS. Honors with night muels IS. Peer Oynt'e mother 17, Famous Eng lish murderer 1, Minus 4ft, Conducted 42. Krult 4S. flod of wsr 4ft. Took e. chair 4H. On the ocean fin. Weary 12. Air mixtle of forge: Scotch fti. M ntrla land mnnsure h Rngllsh leltff fcft. Wife of a rajah 6S. Barren fil. Rndy bone 61. Went to see again M. Luxnn trlbee man Smooth It, Roman emperor 15. Pollih dano IT, Summer. Krennh 18, nnUhert II. Coaj-i hominy XI, Appellation of a former President 32. Put 23. Cudgel 2S. Wlae mn 17. Prflpniltlon an. color SX. OenfttloglcaJ record rz Sir 74 w m 15 '7 I" "IL I7 2a y 33 31 g53 3J J4 iS 3t lilllllilllll to 41 m4Z 43 A AS 52 r7 ww p H 1 HH I 1 -$H I the name of the mill, the report er said he thought It was a unit of Carnegie-Illinois. Make a note of that, the presi dent directed his press secretary, Stephen Early. That, too, will be looked up, he added. "Seriously," his Interrogator remarked, "there are a large number of wildcat strikes. Haven't they come to your at tention?" He had heard of a few, the president replied, but he said he thought a few more facts were needed. Mr. Roosevelt said at that point that from reading the newspapers, six months ago, the impression would have pre vailed at the time that 75 per cent of munitions plants were on strike, whereas, he said, ac tually only 1 V4 per cent, or per haps it was one-half of one per cent, were on strike. "Have you seen a war labor board statement that laws of treason might have to be re sorted to in the situation?" was the next question. Still asking as many questions on his own part as were put to him, Mr. Roosevelt wanted to know when the statement came out. After he was informed it was two weeks ago, he asked that a copy be obtained for him and a reporter promised to sup ply it. To a question whether there was anything he could say on a possible shut down of 1000 war plants because of material short ages, Mr. Roosevelt replied h would have to ask the army, navy and War Production Chair man Donald M. Nelson befora he could authenticate the re port. Dan Hammond Off To Join Airforce Dan Hammond, manager of the Richfield Oil company and a resident of Salem since 1033, is leaving Saturday to report at McChord field for officer train ing, expecting to be assigned to the army air corps and sent to Florida. Hammond, a private flier, re signed recently as commander of the Salem group of the civil air patrol, being succeeded by Dr. H. G. Miller, superintendent of the Fairview home. Until he is definitely located, Mrs. Hammond will be with her parents, owners of a large ranch In central Oregon. The Ham monds have rented their home in Klngwood Heights to an army officer. A Pacific lodge No. SO AF & AM. ?raVM.M. degree Aug. 12, 7:30 p.m. 'NX By order of W.M. 191 A Salem lodge No 4 AF & AM. wQWThurs., Aug. 13, E.A. degree, ASA 8:00 p.m. 103 DP JR O S 11J- X. ,P I a z ji rJITn O bo veIIc aw Solution Of Yesterday's Puzzls 69. Side of a triangle TO. Writing table 71. Formerly DOWN 1. Drinking vessel t. Mrtrtlclne to allay pain 1. Fodder pit 4. English school ft. Wild sheep fi. Raised 7. LohsngTln'i wife It. Considers 9. Rubber tree 10. Long low seats 11. Superintend 1 Bird's beak Strike gtntlf 23. Means of transports. ; tlon 14. One of the Three Mu keteers St. Selies 33. Merchant 29. Above: poetlo 31. Cancel 14. Woollv surface) of cloth 1&, Large body of water A3. ITtalth resort 4ft. side 41, Qreen mineral 43. Those bora la a piece 44. Rainwater pipes from the roof to the ground 4V Spike of corn 47. Cast Indlao weight M, PeHed bX Kxlitel 57. OIscIaI a no Add It. Fine Russian hemp An. Roman road "2. Sack M. Writing fluid $6. Dor Lodges Bait I eO C OW EE O LL k A H BR 1 JK L -D A l C AIM a x ea via gp1eeUd1&1h