Monday, August 10, 1942 The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon Nine Wives must have beauty secrets or their husbands will have secret beauties. a. CftpitalAjournal Classified Advertising Rates Per line 500 Per line, 3 times Mo Per line, 6 times 40c Per line, one month $125 Min. 25c 3 times min. 35c 6 times minimum 45c Minimum Per Ad 25c Want Ads must be In by 10 am. day of publication. For Sale Houses Hfnl fi rm. hnma full base.. ,i.,Mhni rtrnnlorf Venetian blinds. also outbuilding 6 rms., full base.. & plumbing on z iois. niway iui, overlooking ocean at Yachats, Ore. Take some trade. Ph. 5141. 1315 S. High St., Salem. a2U PRICED RIGHT AT $3200 Large liv. room, fireplace, 3 large bedrooms, beautiful kitchen, lots of builtins. Wired for range. Dinette, full cement basement, pleasant back yard, fenced. Garage. Sec Louis Bechtel or Mrs. Needham, 341 State, Room 4. al89' $3200 Good 6 rm. house at 1309 Court St. Corner lot, some trees, lot 81x100, paving Si walks in. $600 down. $32505 rm. bungalow, north, base ment, furnace, beautiful lot, some fruit. Close to bus Si school. $300 down, bal. $25 per mo. MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 Court St. Ph. 3723. a!89 GOOD 7rm. hse., lge. lot, full base ment, Hollywood dist. Will trade for smaller hse. Phone 3671. al90 VIEW home, modern 5 rooms. 3 Jnlnutes from heart of city. Phone 1653. a!93 5-Room modern house, good loca tion, hdw. floors, just redecorated, sawdust furnace, backyard fenced. Priced right and will sell on terms. . 4-Room house, walkings distance to business dist. This is a buy. Vacant corner, 105x137. This is a eood corner. See us for good buys, or if you have property for sale use witn us. CHAS. HUDKINS, 275 State St. Ph. 9494. al90' OPEN HOUSEI Here's a neat little 2-bedroom home with oak floors, Venetian blinds, fireplace, floor furnace, lawn and flowers that can be had for $2950, with $650 down & $23 per mo. Rear of 3311 Center St., or Phone 5292. a 100 6-ROOM house, three bedrooms. Lot 72x100. Full basement. Ph. 4597. al89 For Sale: Lovely brick home on four lots, all conveniences, partly iur nished if needed, short distance from Salem. Otter Rock, Ore. James Barlow. ' t al90 IpVir Snip Modern home on Fair- mnunt Hill, very reas. Ph. 6985 al90 Strictly modern 2 bedroom home Address Lock Box 121, Salem, Ore al92 LOOK THIS OVER 3 Bdrms., modern nice corner loca t.inn ninse in Terms. Owner leav ing S85 Madison St. al89 For Sale Farms in a 7 ml frnm Snlem. 5 rm. house good barn. 15 A. In cult., bal. pas ture & timber, good soil, all year stream. $70 per A., $975 cash, bal. $20 per mo. 8 mi. irom emem. MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 Court St. Ph. 3723. bl89 For Sale Acreage t Acres. 4 ml. on Silverton hlway. Unfinished 5 rm. hse., wash house, barn, hen house. $1000. $100 down, $15 per mo. Ph. 4888, Munkers. Directory BATTERIES vvTT.T.AR.n batteries, all tynes. R. D. Woodrow, 349 N. Church, P. 9600. o BUILDING MATERIAL SAND, Gravel, Crushed Rock, Pav ing. Salem Supply Co. Ph. 8561. o CHIMNEYSWEEP Furnace Si Chimney. Vacuum, steel brushes. B. F. Ensley, rn. ina. ozn ' EXCAVATING Excavating, all kinds: basm'ts. dug, dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. SEE Ben Otjcn Sc Sons. Ph. 3080. FLORIST Brelthaupt's for flowers. Dial 9195. o FUNERAL DIRECTORS Terwilliger Funeral Home. P 6928 n WALKER Si HOWELL Funeral Vfome, 545 N. Capitol St. Ph 3672. o PAINTS AND LACQUERS Complete line Nason paints Liberal terms. R. D. Woodrow. 394 N. Churcn. ! PAPERING-PAINTING PAPERING PHONE 7250. 0198 Expert Workmanship Phone 4325. o Public Stenographer Phone 6980. If no answer Ph. 5939. 0199 SAWDUST mean Rrreened. all fir. Ph. 21255. 0189 TRANSFER & STORAGE Local or distance transfer storage. Burner oils, briquets. Trucks to Portland dally. Agent Pierce Auto Freinht. lnc udinn California points Larmer Transfer St Storage P 3131. o' WELL DRILLING fy J PUGH 2125 Myrtle P 9336. 0195 WINDOW CLEANING PROFESSIONAL CLEANING SER VICE-PHONE 4457 o Journal Want Ads Pay Real Estate 4- Room house, 2 bedrooms, furnace Si basement, garage. Price $2500. Located north. Exchange for lar ger house, prefer 4 bedrooms, around $3500. 1 nice acre and small house on Evergreen Ave. Price $1800 easy terms. 5- room house and H acre, close in. House is modern except basement. Price $2450 $300 will handle. S. M. EARLE, 208 N. High. ClBO' We invite your "For Sale" listings if fairly priced. HAWKINS & ROBERTS, INC., Realtors, Guard Ian Bldg. c Wanted Real Estate Want to Buy: Board & rooming house, furniture Si business. Also to rent or buy, 2 or 3 bedroom house. $500 down payment. Ph. 7054 after 5 p.m. cal89 Wanted: 1 to 5 acres with modern house, N. or east of Salem, close in. Pay cash. Phone 81P22. cal89 Exchange Real Estate EXCHANGE for modern 3 bd. rm house. Salem, modern 3 bd. rm. house with 2, 4 or 6 acres, northeast Hdw. floors, fireplace, wood fur nace, Venetian blinds, large shade trees, fruit, nuts, perries, snruos, auto, water system, barn and poul try houses. Tel. 22756. cbl90 Business Opportunities Established Grocery & Meat Mar ket, sales approx. $5000 mo. On out skirts of Salem in wealthiest district. Stock and fixtures invoice more than price asked. Owner called to war service. New building, long time lease at $50 mo.. A snap to the one who knows how. See Delano, 290 N. Church St. cdl89 "Wirhpy's Corner" restaurant. 518 Church St., Dallas, Ore. Good bus. iness. Terms. Cantonment area. cdl91 APT. House, close In, five apts. In come $80 per mo $3000 will han dle. 1370 Chemeketa. cd206' FOR LEASE Money making coun try store, di'-g over $100 business a day; $1500 will handle. See Frank Doolittle, 395 No. Com'l cdl90 Restaurant & fountain. Doing very good business. Fully equipped. Ad jacent to cantonment, town of 3900, sawmill and fruit center. Ill health reason for selling. Dallas, Ore., 424 Main St. cdl91 FOR SALE: Attractive home & Iru come, close in. Box 89 Capital Jour nal. cd205 For Sale: Auto camp with store and service station. 8 modern cabins. Ac tive community near Hermlston. Cash deal proterred. Write Mrs. Frank Leicht, Irrigon, Ore. cdl94 For Sale Livestock ATTENTION 1 1 Will remove dead Sc worthless stock in a moment's notice! SALEM FERTILIZER & BY-PRODUCTS. Ph. 5000 Collect. (No other phone), e For Sale Wood WOOD for sale. Ph. 4108. ee ' SAVE by getting your winter's wood NOWI Ph. 9560 or 21446. ecl99 Wanted Help BEAN nicking Tues.. Minto yard Regular pickers only. gl89 ARE YOU OVER 45? Have vou been turned down be cause of your age? Do you want a position where age is an asset not a handicap? Write E. E. Ruhnke, 4512 Hollis St., Oakland, Calif. gl89' Uplstrs., refr. svemn, H. L. Stiff. gl89 GIRL or woman for gen. housework Sc care of children. Good wages to right party. Phone 8270. gl94 HOP PICKERS WANTED Picking starts Aug. 20th, lasts about 30 days. Pay 2!5c per pound. Good crop, best picking job in i valley. Good camp, 550 cabins with lights and stoves, store, dance nan ana res taurant. Known as Wigrlch Ranch. Write Golden Gate Hop Ranch, In dependence. Ore., or Phone 3616, Salem. g213 Now registering hop pickers, Minto yara. ricKing jaon., Aug. ii. t-n. 6182 or 8956, gl89 HOP PICKERS WANTED Save rubber and be on the Job. Cab- Ins with stove, wood, lights, tables St benches furnished at no cost. No better hops in the valley, $2.50 per hundred. You can make Dig money Come, see. Picking starts about Aug 18th. Will also furnish transporta tion from Salem. 100 acres late hops just over the fence. Guarantee long picking. C. C. Rasscii, Rt. i, box aoo, Salem. Phone 22768. gl03 HOP PICKERS WANTED 250 Acres choice river bottom hops 4 miles SW of Salem. 3 weeks of fine picking. Store, restaurant, butcher shop on grounds. Good camp ground. Fine cabins, or free transportation to and from yard. Register at our office. 147 North Commercial St., write John J. Roberts Si Co., Salem. Oregon. Phone 8623. ' EXP. variety girl. Box 239, Capital Journal. ' gl92 WANTED HOP PICKERS 125 A. early Si late hops. Picking about Aug. 18. $2.50 per hundred lbs. Cabins, wood furnished free, or call 2-2449 for transportation Infor mation. V. O. Kelley. g200 Woman for housework In refined, 2 in family. Oood wages. Inq. Mitzl Grey Beauty Shop. gl92 5n PER mo. Exd housekeeper. 20 10 yrs., uve in. rorwana ixu gl89' GIRL for gen. housework Si care of children. $45 per mo., room Si board. Call 8270. JIM' Wanted Help HOP PICKERS WANTED 400 acres of early and late hops grown on river bottom land. Large crop, long season and paying $2 50 per 100 pounds. Free camping ac commodations. Groceries, meats and restaurant at city prices. Strict su pervision day and night. We wel come return of our old pickers and 500 new ones. Register immediately and reserve cabins or tents. Loca tion 2 miles north of Independence. Call or phone 27F2, Independence. C. A. McLaughlin Hop Ranch, In dependence, Ore. Harold Gwln, Superintendent, g WOODCUTTER with dragsaw to cut 50 to 100 cds. wood. Trees felled, trimmed. Close in. Ph. 22716. gl91 COOK wanted, .permanent Job. The Spa. g WAITRESS with some fountain ex perience. TheSpa. g HOP PICKERS Wanted Brown Is land Hop Co. Ph. 7956. Early and late hops; prevailing prices; long job; good accommodations. 4H- mi. S. W. of Salem on Willamette River. g-' Hop Pickers wanted at Vlesko hop yard, 10 miles north of Salem, neai Wheatland Ferry Good hPps, $2.50 per hundred lbs. Start Aug. 17,-30-day picking. Good camp grounds John Bushman. gl96 WANTED : Bean Pickers. Register now. Tents Si camp stoves furnish ed. Bus service furnished from Jef ferson & surrounding communities. Picking to start about Aug. 15. M. C. Helms, Rt. 1, Jefferson. Ph. 552. WANTED: Hop Pickers, early and late hops, good crop and good ac comodations. Orey Hop Ranch. Ph. 22766. Route 2, Box 197. gl39 Uphlstrs., refr. svemn. H. L. Stiff. ATTENTION I HOP PICKERS! $2.50 per 100 lbs Register now for picking our early and late cluster hops. Season commences about Aug ust 25. One of the best and largest yards In the St, Paul section. Best of accommodations, such as: Cab ins, tents, electricity beautiful camp site with store on grounds, city pric es. To register write Williams Hart, Salem, Postoffice Box 133, or Phone 3712, or 22681. g207' Hop Pickers wanted, early Si late hops. Cabins, stoves, wood, straw for beds furn. Allen G Hall, foreman & yard boss. Register now. Collins & Collins, Inc., Independence, Ore. g203 Now registering Hop Pickers (or early Si late hups. Williams Si Thacker. Cabins. Good crop. Phone 21331. 4 miles west of Salem. g' Uphlstrs., refr., svemn. H. L. Stiff V Wanted Positions Willamette boy wishes to work for rm. and bd. Ex. recom. write Mar ion Crews, Wasco, Ore. h!90 LADY bkpr. Si stenog., exp. Start Sept. 1. Refer. Box 240, Cap. Journal. hl89 LADY. 67 years, will keep house for clean, respectable up-to-date American-born gentleman living in Salem. Phone 6950. - mbd For Rent 4-Room house, 2 bedrooms, garage. Has wood range. Located in West Salem, $20. Adults. Geo. F. Vick, 208 N. High. ' J190 3 RM. furn. apt. 486 N. Liberty. J194 1-2-3 rm, apus. 2310 N. 4th. J214 Furnished 7 room house, 835 D St. Inquire evenings, Also 6 rm. fur nished house. 732 Chemeketa. In quire next door west. : J191 3 RMS., N. 4th. Furnished, garage. $20 per mo. Call 1250 Fairmount Ave. J18D Clean 4 R. hse. Si bath, aut. gas w. htr. Si range. Inq. 557 N. Church. jl90 A business girl or professional wom an to rent room in new, modern home. Reasonable, Breakfast If de sired. CaU 6582 or 8482. J193 5 LGE. rms., furn.-unfurn. Newly dec, Ven. blinds 2nd fir. 715 S. 12th. J190 LGE. sip. Si liv. rm. combined, ground fir. 116 ; Marlon. Ph. 5129. J100 3 RM. partly furn. apt., adults. 312 N. Water. - 1190 3 RM. hse., partly furn. $10. No children. 398 Rural. J1B0 FOR RENT 5- Room cottage, furnished, $35, 4-Room cottage, $20. 6- Room furnished house, $45. P. H. BELL 212 Guardian Bldg. J189" Upper flat, turn., private bath and entrance. 1215 N, Commercial. J189 Modern 6 room house in Kingwood Hts. Oil heat. Phone 8647. J189 LGE. cheerful sleeping room. 823 N. Commercial. Phone 7571. J192 Nice room, close In, reas. 476 Marion. J 102 $20, good sub. 2Br, bath. Ph. 21301. 1189 1 Si 3-Rm. Apts. 435 Division. J101 3-R. apt., refrigerator Si elect, range 441 State St. 1190' Up. floor duplex, 1286 Court. Adul. J196 Nice downstairs room; bath; ladles. 860 Marlon St. J191 2-Rm. furn. apt 645 Ferry. J 189' 2 RM. furn. apt., water, lights. phone, washer. $14 541 Mill. J189 7 Rooms, unfurn. 386 Bellevue. Ready Aug. 15. Call owner, 9670 J' Sleeping room 725 Court J" Pianos, $2 mo. H. L Stiff Furn. Co. ) Wanted To Rent Farm land, any amount, good equip. Phone 22501. Ja207 Automobiles WANTED! Fifty (50) LATE MODEL CARS AT ONCEI TOP CASH PRICES PAID "C" SHROCK CHURCH Si CHEM. PH. 7922 q Wanted To Rent Small, mod. part furn. hse., pref. small hse. in rear lot. 1374 6th St.. W. h lem. Phone 6146. Jal90 Room and Board Board Si Room, 790 N Church. JJ206' Good bd., good rm 1227 Court. JJ200 Miscellaneous We clean septic tanks and cesspools; special equipment; free inspection. Ph. 8745. 642 Edgewater, W. Salem. m212 Anyone want slop. Inquire at Chi nese Tea Garden. ml39" Dental Plate Repair 2-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES. DR. HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST. Adolph Bldg. State & Commercial. SALEM Phone 3311. m For Sale Miscellaneous Open Wednesday, Aug. 12 Repairs for any make of vacuum. Vacuum Cleaners for Sale or Trade. VINCE'S VACUUM STORE 3320 Portland Road. Ph. 6292. nl90 MILK GOAT, $5. Ph. 4363 eves. nl94 1941 Frigidaire, 7 cu. ft. Late mod. Gen. Elec. washing mch. Both per fect cond. 1874 Fir. Ph. 8020. nl91' Johnson twin outboard motor, ex. cond. Ph. 3967 between 4 Si 7 p.m. nlill Radio, table model, special short wave communications receiver. Ex cellent cond. $25 cash. Call eve nings 356 Gerth Ave., W. Salem. nl91 Potatoes, field run. $2.50 per 100. I dig 'em, you get 'em. Ph. 21629. nl31 Small upright piano, $75. 1690 S. Cottage. nl90 12 OR 15 tons of oat and vetch hay, in shock. $8 per ton. Roy R. Burch, R. 6, Box 319A, Salem, Ore., U ml. S. of Swegle school. nl89 Another truckload finest quality Til ton canning apricots from The Dalles; tree ripe, ready to can. Open eves. & Sundays. PURITAN CIDER WORKS West Salem. nl89 3-PC. bedroom set, springs Si inner- spring mattress. Call after 5:30 or Sat. or Sun. p.m. Ph. 4054. 1195 Columbia St. nl89 Dry Poultry Fertilizer. Summer spe cial 25c sack. Bring sacks. Ph. 22861 Lee's Hatchery. n Gas Range 460 University, n203' Wanted Miscellaneous IF you have good used furniture to sell, call or see Russ Bright, 453 Court. Phone 7511. nal94 Wanted: Plymouth. Chevrolet or Ford Coupe. 32 or '33 model. Must have good tires. Call at 441 North High after 6. nal89 Used Furniture. Ph. 9185. na Personal Palmist. P. 4263. Htiel Barton. B St pl90' Automobiles Wanted: 4-dr. sedan, mod. A pre ferred. WILL PAY CASH. Call at 209 Brown St., Silverton. qlfll Wanted: '35 to '38 light sedan. 1887 N. Front. ql91 CASH for late model car. Private party. 3325 Center. ql93 '40 Lincoln Zephyr, good rubber. 905 Academy. Phone 7501. ql90 WANTED: '39, '40 or '41 Ford or Chev. sedan or 5-pass. coupe. Phone eves. 7792. Cash deal, no dealers. ql91 '39 HUDSON SEDAN. Good con dition. Inq. 1035 Cross St. qlE8 , WANTED! Will pay better than average for Model A Fords, '.'hevrolcts or other light cars. Must bo in good condi tio) with good tires Hatfield Used Car Market, 351 N. Liberty. ql96 Financial WANTED - PRIVATE MONEY to Loan on Good Salem Real Estate Will Pay 6r Interest W. H. GRABENHORST clt CO REALTORS, r LOANS STATE FINANCE CO. 212 Guardian Bldg. Phono 8168 S-216 M-222 r' AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS . CALKINS FINANCE CO. "Salem's Personal Loan Center" 315 Court St. Salem Phone 4446. State License S-228 M-278. OANS $25 to $300 Almost any credit-worthy person who really needs cash ... to pay t-'" old debts; for medical or dental work or for some other worthy pur pose, can qualify for a loan at Per sonal. John C. Heercn, Manager PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Ground Fir., New Bligh Bldg. 512 State St. (at High St.) Telephone 3191 State Licenses: S-122, M-165. 207 Financial FARM and CITY LOANS Quality Mortgage Loans at where loan does not exceed 50 of present value. Not an FHA loan. Prompt service - Minimum details. We offer a 5 rate on loans of larger percentage of value. Will pay Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 7162. r QUICK CASH LOANS - All Plans One to 12 Months GENERAL FINANCE CORP. 136 S. Commercial St License No. S-138. r AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. 5th Floor, GUARDIAN BUILDING License No. M-159 r' Wanted to BUY for CASH Real Estate mortgages. Real Estate con tracts, Merchandise discount paper. State Finance Co., 212 Guardian Bldg. r' We loan on farm, residential and business property. Will buy mort gages, contracts. HAWKINS Si ROBERTS, INC. Realtors. Guardian Bldg. f MONEY TO LOAN On Farm, City or Acreage propertv. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. 344 State St. Ph. 9261 rl88 AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS Contracts refinanced to reduce pay ments. Money for new or used cars. No delay or red tape. You will re tain possession of the vehicle. 1 to 15 MONTHS TO PAY Roy H. Simmons 136 South Commercial Street Phone 9168. Lie. No M-152. r Legal NOTICE OP FINAL SETTTLEMENT As administratrix of the estate of Adclla Woodward. I have filed In the Circuit Court of Marlon County. Oregon. In Probate, my final account: and sa d Court has appointed August 11, 1942, at i oclocK p. M. lor the hear ne of ob jections thereto and the settlement there of. LUCILE P. CURRY, Administratrix. MARKS & McMAHAN. Attorneys lor Administratrix. July 13. 20, 27, Am. S. 10 Fifth Columnists Active on East Coast Mitchel Field, N.Y., Aug. 10 (u.RIDiscovery that fifth column ists or other advance agents of enemy bombers had marked the east coast with ground pointer aimed at vital war bases was be lieved today to have been re rTtw'M T'm 3 (Continued from Page 3) dent at Willamette university and a graduate of Oregon Col lege of Education at Monmouth, where she was a member of the Crimson O Players and La Dan za. The couple will make their home in lone. Miss Moran Bride . Of Fred Bennett Lebanon At a candlelight service at the Christian church the evening of August 1, Miss Mildred Moran and Fred Ben nett, both of Lebanon, were uni ted in marriage with Rev. Laur ence M. Bixler, officiating at the double ring ceremony. The bride, who wore white silk net with a shoulder length veil and carried a bouquet of white gladioluses and sweet peas, was given in marriage by her brother, George Moran of Portland. She was attended by her sistcr-in-law, Mrs. George Moran, who wore pink organdie and carried a nosegay of mixed flowers. E. H. Jacobson sang preced ing the ceremony, accompanied by Miss Jean McPherson, who also played the wedding marches. Guy Hartle served as best man for Mr, Bennett. Ushers were Robert Raphael, George Simmons, C. C. Van Flfcot and Edwin Nelson. The bride and groom greeted their friends at a reception in the church parlors following the ceremony. Assisting with serv ing were Miss LaVerne Stew art and Mrs. Vclma Moran, a sistcr-in-law of the bride. After a brief wedding trip to Washington, the couple are at home in the Harden apart ments. Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Pltzer (Jeanne Domogalla) have returned to their Salem home after several months' resi denco in Silverton, where Mr Pitzcr was connected with the meat department of the Red and White store. Mr. Pitzer is awaiting his call into the army air corps. Mrs. Pitzcr is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Domogalla of Silverton. Spending the summer in Los Angeles, Calif., is Mrs. Bruce Carkin, who is attending the summer session at the Univer sity of California at Los An geles and visiting her husband, who is attending the naval train ing school. Offensive in Pacific Protection to Russia By DeWitt Mackenzie (Wide World War Analyst) The week-end has developed three major crises which, al though in widely separated theatres, seem to be closly related (1) the American offensive against the Japanese in the Solomon and Aleutian islands, (2) the further Gorman gain in the Mai kop oil zone of the northern Caucasus, and (3) the inaugu ration of the Indian nationalist revolt against British rule. While we have rm official in terpretation of the strategic pur poses of the new drive against the Japs, I think we are war ranted in assuming that it prob ably is intended to serve in part as a "second front" to protect Russia from the Nipponese dur ing the height of the Caucasian pressure.. There is danger that the Japanese may take advant age of the soviet difficulties to attack Siberia. Indian Tragedy Offensive may be intended to create a sufficient diversion, especially in the air, to discour age them from sticking a knife in Russia's back. The Indian tragedy provides further Incentive for the Jap anese to duplicate their Pearl Harbor treachery and strike at Russia. With India thus strick en, and the allies in danger of seeing this vast arsenal and vital strategic base, rendered useless or perhaps much worse the hand of the United Nations against Japan will be weakened by the same token China los es striking power against the Japs. Since the Nipponese cut the Burma road she has been sponsible for the recent ban on civilian flying along the east em seaboard. The bomber guideposts were found by observers of the first ground air support command, under Colonel Dache M. Reeves, who announced that the secret ground markings, woven ingeni ously into the natural topog raphy of the countryside, had been "erased." They had formed "perfect arrows and pointers aimed directly at airplane fac tories and air fields." t What happened to the enemy agents was not disclosed beyond announcement that "in each case of subversive activity discov ered, an investigation was made by intelligence officers of the first air force and by the FBI and proper action taken. On July 18, Lieutenant Gen eral Hugh A. Drum, command er of the eastern defense com mand, banned all civilian and military flying not necessary for defense over an area extending from 40 to 70 miles inland from the Canadian border to Carolla, N C. Arrow Plowed In Field This rigid control of the air, it was believed, followed dis covery of the ground markings which, assuming the agents re sponsible were in contact with enemy abroad and axis pilots knew what to look for, would have served as daylight sign posts to destruction of strategic war bases and factories. Unless flares were used in their Im mediate vicinity they would have been useless at night. The markings consisted of such devices as a plowed field with a sharp-pointed section left unplowcd so that it aimed at an important air base. An enemy bomber need only to have flown over the pointer, noted his com pass direction and continued straight onward to the base Another marker, consisting of a "V" formed by clearing wooded area pointed at an air field. In a third Instance several hundred grain sacks were strewn over a field In an ar rangement which ' might have seemed haphazard from the ground but, from the air, was seen to form a perfect "B." The tail of the "B" was point ed directly toward an Important airplane factory. Four studios are now produc ing motion pictures in Switzer land. Pacific lodge No. 50 AF Si AM (jyfcjVM.M. degree Aug. 12, 7:30 p.m, 8 order of W.M. ii Lodges getting most of her supplies from the outside world by air from India and over primitive trade trails through the moun tains from that country. Threat to Life Line However, while our offensive does protect Russia, cither by design or by circumstance, it un doubtedly is calculated to do more than create a diversion to help our soviet ally. The Solo mons and the neighboring Bis marck archipelago which the Japs hold, together with north eastern New Guinea, not only constitute a threat to our sea communications with Australia and New Zealand, but they pro vide the enemy with an enviable base for an attack on the Aus tralian mainland. Whether this offensive will develop into a major operation probably depends on what suc cess meets our initial efforts. The chances are that our com mand is figuring on ousting the Japs entirely from this whole group of islands iflhings go well. That would be a great achieve ment and one which would cre ate a threat against the whole structure of the Nipponese is land conquests. Apart from the strategic con siderations, this offensive mav provide a most useful answer to the Chinese appeals for allied initiative in the Orient, and the Australian fears of invasion. A success there certainly would do much for morale at a time when Britain and America are hav ing to devote most of their en ergy to meeting the German on slaught against Russia. Coach Wade Warns Ability to Count Camp Cooke, Calif., Aug. 10 U.fiMaj. Wallace Wade, coach of the army "Dream Team", told his football squad today that the starting lineup with the profes sionai wasnington Kedsklns on August 30 would be chosen on present ability and not by repu tation. Wade, former head,coach at Duke university where he tutor ed teams into two Rose Bowl clashes, said each player would be given plenty of opportunity but that press clippings of their collegiate and professional days would be carefully filed in the camp's ashcan. "I have orders to produce a winning team," he told candi dates. "When a man indicates by his play in practice that he'll be of no use to us he'll be ship ped back to his army post." Big name players were at bar gain prices as Wade and assis tants LI. Col. Browne, formerly of Nebraska, and Cliff Battles checked through their roster, Heading the list was big John Kimbrough, former All-America fullback from Texas A, & M, ACROSS 41. Ootid by L Evergreen tr ; gSgftJ, Dlnv t. Churl 12. Small fish 13. Contury plant 14. Playing card IK. Hugo wbv 16. lively d&nct 17. Anger 15. Fort 20. Kind of cord 111 22. Near 23, Measure 14. CI ly In New York utate 2T. Critical Investi gation tl. Steal 32. Atmosphere .13. Learning 34. SS. Greek poet 23, Make Into leather 19. Fall to hit 4fi. neared 47. Dry 48. Leave 49. NearalRhleb fi2. Obliterate! 6. Organ ot hearing 67. Screen from the light 63. Kiiiutly suit able f.n. Wing CL fiupnreat In pronouncing 62. Southern consteltatlrm M. Spread loosely M. Chinch council 6b. Bend In timber DOWN 1. Aquatic animal ; r i3 h4 r r 7 8 w r " 13 "L H ?!!! III!! WL III H7 30 2f 3 34 Sis 3T37 X)S 'M- 43 44 4S 9 4r SO SI p SI SI S SS w rzz H I 1 M 1 1 1 yH 1 200 Mexican Gangsters Jailed Los Angeles, Aug. 10 U.P More than 200 Mexican boyg and girls were In Los Angeles city jails today on charges rang ing from murder to common as sault in the latest outbreak of juvenile gang warfare in Los Angeles. In a city-wide roundup late yesterday, more than 500 po licemen and sheriff's deputies arrested suspects ranging from 12 to 2o years of age and held them in the juvenile hall and city jail. The young suspects, allegedly member of "terrorist gangs" in Los Angeles' East Side district, were charged with murder, rob bery, assault with deadly wea pons, violation of the juvenile curfew and violation of the se lective service act. The latest police roundun of the Mexican youths followed last week's Indictment of 29 teen age" boys and girls on murder charges. The youths were accused of killing another Mexican boy and murderously assaulting a second youth a week ago. Los Angeles police inspectors who arrested the youths said they were armed with knives. sharpened can openers, guns, chains and rocks. Police said the young Mexicans had formed groups and were "indulging in gang warfare between them selves in an imitation of tha prohibition gangster days. War Plants Given Awards Washington, Aug. 10 UP) Twenty major American war plants receive new army-navy production awards today follow ing President Roosevelt's dec laration that battle needs de mand "an unceasing flow" of weapons and materials. "The united, efforts of our army and navy striking at the enemy in every continent and every ocean, and of our people at home working without inter ruptions to turn out the wea pons of war," Mr. Roosevelt said yesterday, "cannot fail to pro duce the victory which will again establish the tradition of free men throughout the world," In a message read over a spe cial broadcast, the president said "great progress" had been made on the production front, but added that "in terms of what will be required to defeat our enemies, we have only just begun to get into our stride." The president's message fea tured a broadcast during which top government and labor offi cials pledged their united efforts to speed war production. "An army-navy production flag flying above a factory or mine will bear witness that management and labor there are doing their utmost to help their army and navy win this war," the chief executive's mes sage said. Journal Want Ads Pay P ON.'. TSnSPATEg" .E5J5? yjfLjJSu.j.E 5TR1 P EMU Q A M j A E R A Hfp A NOS 55 J 1 Pfl oJS L N EUflP JL j 4 kpE M 9. LI. H .5 5 Hi J vjm n E. M oIn e 5. t. E A R D Hn A nnA TplREfi U L A R DA i S ?M, IE o a JfT x p A L u mD.l 6 JJd j y e MJ.MO& A WiCi Al T R E L A N E ill'! Gjf ET5 OleiclArRlE UrIeIt REE Solution Of Saturday's Puztli 2. Notion I. Back 4. Bundle or etlckn I. Edible tea weed t. Short for a man's mm 7. Calls forth I. Appoint aj agent 9. Crlppl- 10. Iand meaaors 11. Para 10. Inlet of Ui sea 21. Ground grain 23. Legendary marine crea ture It. Small mining curs 2 A. newy 2fi. Pat 27. invert Spanish 28. Moving mechanical part 29. Hoisting device HO. Chopped 33. Exclamation .";. Self 37. Artificial language 4 ft. Crackle 44. Goea up 45. Sumptuously 46. Neck piece 41 Avarice 4!. Flesh food 60. American university 5L Toward tha mouth B2. Root of the taro M. Mineral eprlngi 54. Acquire by labor US. Remain &S. Own; Scotch