Eight BETHANY EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED Capitol and Marion 8u E. A. Kielsmeier, pastor. Sun day school, 10:00 ajn.; morning ser vice, 11:00 ajn.: sermon subject, "Seeking the Kingdom of God"; Sunday school picnlo after the ser vice In Olinger's park, south of the high school, CHURCH OP CHRIST Cottage and Shipping. H R Thornhill, min ister. 10 a.m Bible school; 11 a.m., preaching; 2:15' p.m., broadcast KSLM; 7:15 pm., young people's meeting; 8:00 p.m., preaching. CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE 5th and Gaines Sts C. O. Steinmann, pastor. Sunday school, 0:45 a.m.; morning service, 11 a.m.; evening service, 7:46 p.m. A visiting speaker, Rev. Jesse Ba ker, a missionary for the Ameri can Sunday school union, speaking at both services. CALVARY BAPTIST S. Liberty at E. Miller. Edward L. Allen, pas tor. Bible school, 9:45 a.m.; Edward Schunke, superintendent. Morning worship, J1:00 H.m.; Dr. Arthur E. Harris of Philadelphia, Pa., will be guest speaker. BYPU groups, 6:45 pjn.; evangelistic service, 8:00 p.m.; sermon by Dr. Arthur E. Harris; midweek prayer service, Wednesday, 7:45 p.m., followed by choir rehear sal. FIRST CHURCH OP GOD Hood and Cottage. Rev. J. P. Lawson, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45, and preaching at 11:00 a.m. Rev. Law son will preach on the power of love. Evening service at 7:45 with young people In charge of, the de votion. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:45 p.m. FIRST EVANGELICAL Corner Marlon and Summer Sts. Rev. Paul P. Pettlcord, minister. Sunday school at 9:45 a.m Earl Riggs, supt. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Dr. R, H. Mueller, general director of Christian education of the Evan gelical denomination, will preach. Youth groups will meet at 7:00 p.m.; Sunday evening evangelistic service at 8 o'clock. Miss Martha K. Wolf, returned missionary from China, will be the speaker. Bible study and prayer service at 8 o'clock on Thurs day evening. PENTECOSTAL LIGHTHOUSE 420 State St. G. M. Eads, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m., lesson: God, Our Helper, Morning service at 11, evening service, 7:30 o'clock. Evan gelist Wilbur King to be guest speaker. Wednesday, 8 p.m., prayer meeting; Friday, 8 p.m., prayer meeting; Saturday, 8 p.m., special fellowship service with the Emanuel Lighthouse church at 1019 Ash St, Dallas, Ore. FIRST BAPTIST Corner of Marlon and Liberty streets. Rev Irving A. Fox. D.D.. minister: Fred Broer, supt. Sunday school, 9:46 a.m.; classes for all. Morning wor ship, 11:00 a.m. Rev. F. C. Stan nard will give the morning message. Evening gospel service, 8:00 p.m. Rev. Jesse Baker will supply the pulpit in the absence of Dr. Fox. Senior BYPU, 7:00 p.m.; high school BYPU, 8:45 p.m. Following the evening service, the young people will meet In the "Garth" for a "fire side fellowship". A good time is planned. HAYES VILLE FIRST BAPTIST In the Haycsvillo school, Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. Classes for al ages. Mr. Dewey Davis, supt. POUR CORNERS FIRST BAP TIST In the Auburn school. Sun day school at 9:45 a.m. Classes for all ages. Leon Lambert, supt. FOURSQUARE GOSPEL N 10 111 and Broymnn Sts. Rev. T. W. Hen derson, Th.B., pastor. Sunday sclnol 9:45 a.m. Worship at 11, sermon: The Death of the Cross. Crusader service 6:30 p.m. Evangelistic 7:45, sermon: The Great Gulf. Prayer and praise service Tuesday 8 p.m. Inspirational service Friday 8 p.m. KNIGHT MEMORIAL COUGRE GATIONAL Ferry at 10th. Howard C. Stover,- minister. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Worship at 11, sermon: My Religious Questionnaire. Young people's meeting at 7 p.m. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL N. CottaRC and Marlon streets, Robert A. Hutchinson, minister. Story hour 9:45 a.m. Worship at 11, sermon: Putting Religion to Work. Carolyn Brown, soloist. FIRST CHRISTIAN Center and High sts. Dudley strain, minister. Sunday school 0:45 a.m, Chester Lee, supt. Services at 11, sermon: Jesus and the Modem Mind; children's church at 11. Christian Endeavor 7 p.m. Evening service at 8, sermon: One Suro Cure. LESLIE METHODIST S. Com mercial at Myers. Joseph Knotts, minister. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Worship at 11, sermon; By Grace Are Ye Saved. Special music; solo by R. B. Root. Young people's meet ings at 7, Evening worship at 8. sermon: Spiritual Elements In De termining Life Work. Young peo- f lie's meetings at 7 p.m. Prayer mcot ng 7:30 p.m. Thursday. PENTECOSTAL MISSION 315'4 N. Commercial St. Rev. J. c. and Daisy Wilson, pastors. Sunday; Bi ble school, missionary day, 2 p.m., devotlonals, communion at 3, evan gelistic 7:45. Services 7:45 p.m.: Monday, Bro. James Jones, colored, speaking; Tuesday, prayer meeting; Thursday and Saturday. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Chem eketa at Winter St. Bunday school 9:45 a.m., J. J. Fltmlmona, sunt. Worship at 10;55- sermon by Rev. W. Irvin Williams, pastor; subject: Faith Is the Victory. Nursery for small children; special music. Even ing service 7:30; sermon: Wrong Wives. Mid-week service Thursday evening 7:30, SOUTH SALEM FRIENDS South Commercial at Washington. Dillon W, Mills, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Services at 11, evening 8:30. Prayer meeting Thursday t p.m, EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE (Assembly of God) Ferry and 13th Sts. Pastor, Eric M, Johnson. Sun day school 9:45 a.m , James Bartlett, supt. Services ?.t 11, sermon: Pil grims and Sojourners. Young peo ple's service 6:30 p.m. Revival ser vice 7:45, sermon: A Revival Can Be Had. Mid-week service Wednes day evening at 8 BETHEL BAPTIST N. Cottage at D Sts. J. F. Olthoff, D.D., pastor. Bible school 9:45 a.m. Arnold Frey, supt. Worship at 11; observance of the Lord's Supper Evening service at 7:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:45. ENGLEWOOD UNITED BRETH REN IN CHRIST N. 17th and Ne braska Sts. Rev. O. O. Goodman, minister, Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Services at 11, sermon: The Mean ing of the Cross. Christian Endea vor 7 p.m. Evening service at 8, ser mon: Preparing the Way. AMERICAN LUTHERAN 343 N. Church St. Rev. M A. Getzendancr, D.D., pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Service at 11, sermon: Prayer. SALEM HEIGHTS Madrona Ave. and Liberty road Enoch Zimmer man pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m., C. F. Skelton, supt. Memorial ser vice 11 a.m. for Warren Page. FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZ ARENE Center St at 13th. Rev. Weaver W. Hess, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Milford Stull, supt. Morning worship at 11, sermon: The Rock that Was Christ. Young peo ple's service 7 pm. Worship at 8 p.m. sermon: Tomorrow's Uncertain ties. Prayer meeting Wednesday eve ning at 7:45. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL Chc meketa and Church streets. Rev. George H. Swift, rector. Holy com munion 7:30 a.m. Prayer service and sermon at 11. PILGRIM HOLINESS Market and Capitol streets Rev. W. L, Mc Giasson, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Mrs. William Combs, supt. Worship at 11. Evangelistic message at 7:45 p.m. Prayer meeting Thurs day evening at 7:45. FIRST METHODIST State St. dt Church. Dr. J. C. Harrison, pastor. Church school 9:45 a.m. Dr. R. M. Gatke, supt. Morning worship at 11, sermon: Look at the World Deadly Sins and Deadly Virtues. Youth fel lowship at 7 p.m. Service Thursday evening at 8. IMMANUEL BAPTIST Hazel and Academy St. Warren C. Halo, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Morning worship at 11, evening 7:45. Prayer meeting Wednesday 8 p.m. COURT ST. CHRISTIAN N. 17th and Court Sts. W. H. Lyman, min ister. Bible school assembly 9:45 a, m. Worship with communion 10:50. Sermon: Perfecting Our Faith. Christian Endeavor 7 p.m. Services at s, sermon: Marked Man. Mid Week service Thursday 7:45 p.m. CHRIST LUTHERAN (ALC) State and 18th sts. p. H. Theuer, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m., Otto Gronke, supt. Divine worship at 11, Dr. a. Koehler, Portland, preaching. Dorcas society Wednesday at 2 p.m. HIGHLAND FRIENDS Sunday school 10 a.m. Worship at 11, mess age: When God Gives Up. Junior and senior C.E. meetings at 7 p.m. Evening service at 8. Special Y.P. prayer meeting Tuesday 8 p.m. Pray er and praise service Thursday eve ning at 8. LATTER DAY SAINTS Sunday school 10 a.m. Testimony meeting at 11:30. Sacrament meeting 7 p.m. FIRST CHURCH OP CHRIST, SCIENTIST Chemeketa and Liber ty Sts. Sunday school 1 a.m. Ser vices at 11; lesson-sermon: Love. No evening service Wednesday eve ning meeting at 8 includes testimon ies of healing. Reading room 148 S. High open dally except Sunday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday at 7:30. SALVATION ARMY 241 State St. Adj. and Mrs. E. T. Hill, corps of ficers. Stindnv school fl-45 n im Unit. ncss meeting at 11. Young people's meeting 0 p.m. Salvation meeting at 7:30. Messages at morning and evening services will be delivered by Adjutant E. T. Hill. Pratllm Churches EMMANUEL MENNONITE Dan iel J. Unruh, pastor Sunday school 10 a.m. Homer Welly, supt. Worship at 11, sermon: Tho Judgment of God. Christian Endeavor 7 p.m., Jr., Y.P. and adults, Services at 8; ser mon: Temptations and How to Meet Them. Wednesday: Prayer meeting at 8, children's choir at 8, senior 8:45. Thursday, WMS all day meet ing Deaconess hospital. Dallas Churches SALT CREEK BAPTIST Rev. Otto Nalllngcr, pastor. 9:45 a.m., Sunday school; 11:00, morning wor ship; the Lord's Supper will be nn served on tills morning. The pastor will also speak on "The Knowledge of Christ"; 8:00 p.m., evening ser vice. FALLS CITY FREE METHO DIST George O. Edwards, pastor. The pastor will preach morning and evening. There Is prayer ser vice each Thursday evening. Sun day school at 10:00 a.m. "The Sun day school with a friendly wel come." APOSTOLIC FAITH Sunrinv school every Sunday at 9:30. Fuil services will bo resumed August 30. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Ralpl P. Waggoner, minister. 10:00 a.m. Sunday school; 10:55, morning wor ship service. Miss Ruth Van Orsdel and Miss Mary Jane Greenwood will tell about summer conference at Silver Creek. Sermon subject "A Hilltop Experience", 6:30 p.ffl. young people's meeting at the park. The subject will be "Our Summer Conference , at Silver Creek". FIRST CHRISTIAN Wm, Clyde Rhea, minister. Bible school at 9:45; the morning worship hour Is at 10:46; evening service at 8:00 p.m. The message at this hour will be on an important subject for these days and proven by the Word of God. Each Sunday evening at 7:00 p.m., young people meet for the regular Christian Endeavor pro gram. GRACE MENNONITE Homer Letfly, pastor. 10 a.m., Bible school; lesson centers about the life -jf Abraham; a Pioneer In Faith. 11:00 a.m., morning worship; "Empty Seats". Special music under the di rection of Mr. Diehm. 7:15, pre prayer; 7:30 p.m., in charge of the senior C. E. The main topic Is "How to Use the Bible"; leader, John Rupp. ptp'st F.VAMnnrr.TPAT. J. Ken neth Wlshart, minister. 9 :45, church4 school; 11:00, morning worship; 7:30, the "Old-Fashioned Gospel" hour. The pastor will preach on the subject, "Who Is Jesus?" Sun day evening the pastor Is preaching upon the theme, "This Falling Away". CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Chris tian Science services are held at 410 Mill street every Sunday at 11:00 a.m.; Sunday school at 9:45 a.m.; Wednesday evening meetings at 8:00 p.m., the first and third Wednesdays of the month. The sub ject of the lesson-sermon for this week is "Love" METHODIST Ellsworth M. Til ton, pastor. 9:45, Sunday school; 11:00 o'clock, worship service; ser mon by Rev. Don Huckabee of Sa lem, who will be the regular min ister until the return of Rev, Til ton. PENTECOSTAL Sunday school. 10:00 a.m.; morning service, 11:00 a.m.; young people 7:30 p.m.; even Ing praise, 8:00 p.m.' CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE Rev. Charles Dale, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; morning worship. 11:00 a.m.; young people's meetings for all ages, 6:45 p.m.; evening service, 7:45 p.m. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Clifford E. Landls, pastor Sunday school, 10:00 a.m.; morning worship, 11:00 a.m.; young people's service, 6:45 p.m.; evangelistic service, 8:00 p.m. BRIDGEPORT SUNDAY SCHOOL Bridgeport hall. Rev. H. H. Dick, pastor. Sol Workentln, superintend ent. Every Sunday, 10:00 a.m. MENNONITE BRETHREN Ja cob J. Toews, pastor. 9:45 a.m., Bi ble school; 10:45 a.m., morning worship service; "If We Confess Our sins": the Lord's supper will be held; 7:00 p.m.. young people's fellowship hour; 7:45 p.m., the pas tor will speak on "Hindrances to Prayer . ANTTOCH SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday school, 2:00 p.m. ST. PHILIP'S CATHOLIC Fath er Dels, pastor. Sunday masses: First, third and fifth Sundays, 10:15 a.m.; second and fourth Sundays, 8:15 a.m. MENNONITE BRETHREN D. P Schultz, pastor. H. D. Hamm, super intendent. 9:45, Sunday school; 11:00 morning worship, with a gos pel message by the pastor and spe- ciol music by the choir, under the direction of John Frlesen. In the afternoon at 2:30 there will be a baptismal service. At 7:30 the re ception of these young people will take place, after which the church will celebrate the Lords supper, ST. HILDA'S EPISCOPAL Fran cis H. Ball, vicar. Monmouth. Holy communion, first Sunday, 9:15 a.m.; evening prayer, fourth Sunday, 4:30 p.m. Independence Churches FIRST BAPTIST Loyal H. Vlck crs, minister. 10:00 a.m., Sunday school. Jack Green, supcrlntnedent 11:00 a.m., morning worship; the Alabama Quartet from Camp Adair a group of colored singers, will bring special music; 7:00, BYPU, a youth fellowship hour; 8 p.m., even lng worship; special music by the Alabama Quartet. Sermon by the pastor, using for the subject, "The Great Tribulation", as taken from the Book of Daniel. ASSEMBLY OP GOD West Monmouth street Just outside city limits. Sunday school, 10 a.m.; morning worship. 11 o'clock; Sun day evening, 8 o'clock. CALVARY PRESBYTERIAN W. B. Mahon. pastor 9:30 a.m., min ister's catechism class; 9:45 a.m., Sunday school and Bible class; 11 a.m., morning worship: Mr. Cramb let t of Monmouth will speak; 6:45 p.m., Kings Daughter! will meet; Mrs. W. B. Mahon and Mrs. J. S Robblo are in charge; 7:00 p.m., Or pheus choir will meet Wednesday; Mrs. M, J. Butler, director. METHODIST 10:00 a.m., Sun day school: 11:00 a.m., morning worship; 7:00 pm., Epworth legaue, BUENA VISTA COMMUNITY 10:00 a.m., Sunday school; 11:00 a in., morning service; 7:00 p.m., Ep worth league. ST. PATRICK CATHOLIC 8:00 a.m., first Sunday mass; 9:30 a.m., mass following Sunday school. ST. HILDA'S MISSION Protest ant Episcopal. Rev. Prances Mc- Mlnnvllle. vicar. Holy communion first Sunday, 9:15 a.m.; evening prayer, fourth Sunday, 4:30 p.m. Guests N.idvornik Home Scio Mr. and Mrs, Frank Knstlo of Long Beach visited this week nt tho Frank Nadvor- nik home In Sclo. Tho Kastles arc parents of R, E. Knstlc, whoso wife is a daughter of the Scio Nadvorniks. Tho Junior Kastlcs, nlso residents of Long Beach, visited here a short time ago. The Capital Journal, Laymen Speak At Silverton Silverton Rev. O. Leonard Jones, pastor of the local Meth odist church, is attending the graduate school for ministers at Tacoma from July 28 through August 5, and will not be pres ent with his congregation next Sunday. Instead of the regular sermon hour three laymen will be in charge and will speak on the needs of the church today as a layman sees it. The Young Adult group will hold services Sunday evening around the open air fireplace for worship and common coun sel. Rev. Jones will be present to deliver' the sermon at the fore noon worship hour August 9. The summer session which Rev. Jones is attending at Ta coma is an annual event for ministers from Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon. Around six men are selected from each district for the school. National representatives from the church from Wisconsin, New Jersey and New York will pre sent the study courses, together with teachers from Puget Sound where the school is held. Silverton Churches FIRST CHRISTIAN Russell My ers, pastor. Bible school, 9:45 a.m. Mrs. John Jordan, superintendent. Morning worship at 11. Christian Endeavor, Junior and Senior, 7 p.m. Evening worship at 8. METHODIST O Leonard Jones, pastor. Church school, 9:45 a.m. Fred Baker, superintendent. Wor ship, 11:00, In charge of laymen. Three laymen will speak express ing the needs of the church today as laymen see It The young adult group will meet Dy the fireplace at 7:30 for worship and common coun sel. TRINITY LUTHERAN M. J. K Fuhr. pastor. Sunday school and Bible classes at 10. Divine worship at Immanuel church at 11; sermon topic, "Preparedness". Special mu sic by the joint Trinity and Im manuel choir. Luther leaguers of Trinity and Immanuel go to the coast for an outing this Sunday leaving at 7 a.m. The bus will leave from both churches at that time. MARQUAM METHODIST Pi erre Smith, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a.m.; topic, "Abraham, a Pio neer m Faith"; Mrs. J. L. Jones, supt. Worship service at 11; topic, "The Two Builders". IMMANUEL LUTHERAN Dl vine service, 11 a.m., Joint with Trinity at Immanuel. Sunday school at 10. Norwegian Bible class at 10. CALVARY LUTHERAN O. C. Olson, pastor. Willing Workers meet in church parlors, Saturday, Aug ust l at 2 p.m., with Miss Olga Johnson, hostess. Sunday school and Bible classes at 10. Miss Olga Johnson, supt. Worship with com munion, 11 a.m. Topic, "Stewardship oi Lille". CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE William Schwab, pas tor. Sunday school at 10; Mrs.. Art Pederson, supt. Worship at il. Young people at 6:45. Evangelistic service at 8, ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC Father John Green, pastor. Masses at 7 ana . week days at 7. CALVARY PENTECOSTAL Omar Bailey, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45; worship at 11; young people meet :; services at 8. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Sunday school, 9:45; worship at 11. Servlcse Wednesday, LATTER DAY SAINTS (Mormon MWA hall. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; adults study Book of Mor mon; young people the Life of Christ; primary classes for chil dren. Worship following. SEVENTH n A V A nvPMTTBT Prayer service Friday evening. Sab- oam scnooi aaturaay morning, 9:45. Worship at 11. Young people meet Sunday afternoon. CHURCH OF GOD A. F. Stllb blcflcld. pastor. Sunday school, 10 a.m.; divine worship, 11; evange listic, 7:45 p.m. Young people nwnt Saturday evening. Woodbum Churches IMMANUEL LUTHERAN Servic es at 10 a.m. Sunday school picnic Sunday at Silverton city park. No services at Monitor church Sunday. METHODIST D Lester Fields, minister, Morning merger service at 10:30; story hour for children; ser mon: There Is a Place. Special mu sic. Evening service at 8 in the Christian church. WSCS business meeting at the church Tuesday at a:3D p.m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Services at 11 p.m. CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday school 10 a.m. Services and commun ion at 11, sermon- The Man Made Whole. Union service at 8 p.m. Rev, Cromley preaching. Newell Morgan pastor. FREE METHODIST Rev. V. M. Abbott, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Howard Richards, supt. Wor ship at 11. Young people's hour 7; 15 Salem, Oregon p.m.. evangelistic service at 8. Prayer meeting Wednesday 8 p.m. FULL GOSPEL Sunday school at 10 a.m. Worship at 11, Revival ser vices nightly 7:45. Evang. W. R. Mc Donald in charge. Pastor, Lora Sor- ensen. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Sab bath school 10 a m. Otto Jones, supt. Worship at 11. Senior and intermed iate Endeavor meetings 7 p.m. Un ion evening service at Christian church. Prayer service mursaay evening at 8. BETHEL PRESBYTERIAN Wor ship at 10 a.m. Sabbath school at 10:45; Mrs. Jonn cornweu, supt, , ST. LUKE'S CATHOLIC Rev. V. L. Moffenbeier, pastor. Masses Sun day at 6, 8:30 and 10 flow mass); week day masses at 7:30. CHURCH OF GOD H. S. Fulton, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Wor ship at 11, evening 7:30. Prayer ser vice Wednesday evening at 7:45. Commissioners' Court The following is the official publication of the record of claims before the Marion county commissioners' court for the July term, 1942. with the amount allowed, hills continued, etc., according to the records in the office of the county clerk. Assessor's Office Acct. Paul Griebenow, deputy 147.75; C. A. Lewis, do 116.50; Alma Acker- man, do 107.75; Anabel Moon, do 102.75; Grace N. Babcock, do 87.75; Ray Lick, field deputy 125; Ernest Denny, do 125; Gor don E. Tower, deputy 150. County Clerk's Office Acct. Deputies: H. C. Mattson 122.75, A. M. Roethlin 138.75, A. M Presnall 63.00, G. M. Six 104 M. L. Pugh 107.75, Janice Adams 30, Ola Hughes 100. Co. Court & Commissioner's Acct. H. C. Mattson, clerk 25; Ralph A. Girod, salary 115; J. E Smith, salary 130. Co. Court House Acct.- Jan itors: J. H. Kirsch 99.74, W. A Grilton 89.74, Wm. H. Moriarty 89.74, John Chaignot 89.74; Ruth Hutchins, elevator operator, 47 26; Anne Pillette. do 47.26. Dist. Atty's. Office Acct Tal bot Bennett, deputy 173.45; Jean Hain, stenographer 60. Health Officer's Acct. I. G Lermon, sanitary officer 25.00 Erma Plott, nurse, 130; Ruth Ret mer, nurse, 130; Melba Conrad clerk, 100. Salem Constable Acct. Hattie Bratzel, clerk 15.00. Salem Justice Court Acct. Alma Johnson, clerk 100.00. Juvenile Court Acct. Nona White, probation officer 147.70. Poor Acct. Mrs. Elizabeth Krause, relief 15.00. Recorder's Office Acct. Helen C. Schofield, deputy 93.37; D. Janice Henry, do 65.99; Mabel F. Phillips, do 105.00; Dorothy Sanderson, do 80.00. School Supts. Office Acct. Cora E. Reid, assistant, 120.00 Lucille Kennedy, supervisor, 114.62. Sheriff's Office Acct. Depu ties: Kenneth L. Randall 147.70, B. R. Smith 139.70, L. L. Pitten ger 139.70, H. H. Daniels 109.70 T. J. Brabec 149.70, A. M. Dal- rymple 119.79, H. Domogalla 135, Wm. McKinncy 120, Howard M Perry 120, Robert W. Callahan 85.75, Louann Hassing 57, Emory Sanders 100.00. Treasurer's Office Acct. Al fred Domogalla, deputy 110. Dog License Fund Acct. Paul Marnach, enf. officer 121.58; Janice Adams, clerk 50. Co. Property Acct. H. Wm Thielsen, land agent 103.75; Ma ry Ross, clerk 60; Chas. J. Zer zan, prof, services 150. Photostatc Acct G. M. Six operator 22.50; D. Janice Henry: operator 32.76. Engineer's Office Acct N. C. Hubbs, engineer 174.74; Hazel E. Ward, clerk 97.75. Circuit Court Acct. Labor: J. P. Aspinwall 135.34; Lee E. Brandt 110.07; F A. Dutton 147.- 49; J. J. Hollctt 89.74; James Nightingale 149.49; Omcr Bart- ruff .38; B. L. Bcal 47.92; L, Beckner 103.42; Merle Beckner 120.32; O. D. Binegar 136.99; J A. Burns 119.50; Bertram! Iver- sen 143.49; Laurel Lamb 106.75; W. R. Massey 119.28; J. L Prange 88.42; Arthur Drake 82.- 42; L. W. Webber 100.54; Oliver Johnson 103.28; Joe Wright 120 -65; E. J. Richards 146.92; Arthur Blackburn 109.75; Albert A. Rl chards 114.14; E. L, Rogers 133. 88; Nick Schab 80.29; Dan Scharf 58.06; Hugh Webb 159.52; Leo A Wells 17.97; Frank Woelke 75.- 42; Clyde Woodruff 142.78; Theo Kuenzi 169.28; . Anton Feskens 153.15; Geo James 154.47; Lloyd Jarman 155.81; D. Peterson 155. 81; Greg Robl 150.73; Jos. A Robl 155.81; B. A, Snvder 109.- 74; Gilbert Snyder 107.74; Bruce Sparks 93.28; Tom Bowdcn 106. 62; Roy LaFollctt 105.97; Henry L. Stayton 36 17 Miscellaneous Accts. Glenn R. Price, commander, relief A. H Thomas 15; Fred Gahlsdorf, com., relief Joe Lamb 20; Char ter Oak Fire Ins. Co., war dam age insurance 171.50; Geo. E Allen Hdw., shovels 3.60; Bal lot! & Wright, bulbs, etc. 3.22 David F. Bates, labor 7.24; Ri chard M. Bates, labor 7.98; B & C Lbr. Co., lumber 60.48; Bear ings & Motor Part, wire, etc. 10.97; Bradficld Lbr, Co., lum- Ifi 356 Just a suggestion of long- waistedness and a clever use of ric-rac braid, accentuate the nice lines of this button-down-the- back frock for a girl. . Style No. 3546 is designed for sizes 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12. Size 8 requires 2 yards 35-inch fabric with Vt yard contrasting and yard braid. It's patriotic to sew, as part of your contribution to the war effort sew and save. The Fash ion Book has been planned to make sewing easy and pleasant for you. Send 15c for your copy today or just 10c when order ing with a pattern. Send FIFTEEN CENTS (15) (coin is preferred) for PAT TERN. Write plainly YOUR NAME, ADDRESS AND STYLE NUMBER. BE SURE TO STATE SIZE YOU WISH. Address PAT TERN DEPARTMENT, Capital Journal, 516 Mission Street, San Francisco, Calif. ber 37.98; A. C. Burk, use of car 71.35, cash adv for postage, etc 17; W. E. Burns, lining, etc. 13.- 03; Capital City Bindery, bind ers, etc. 133.65; Capital Journal adv. proceedings 28; Colyear Mo tor Sales Co., repairs 2.73; Com mercial Book Store, cement 1.10 H. R. Crawford, bonds 675; Ray L. Farmer Hdw. Co., line 60c; Four county cantonment council, quarterly assessment 144.38; Gil- more Oil Co., oil 22.20; Gilmore Oil Co., gasoline 218.90; A. C, Haag & Co., cable, etc. 31.21; J E. Haseltine & Co., solder, etc, 26.61; Idanha Lbr. Co., lumber 1003.16; Independence Sand & Gravel Co., gravel 22.50; Inter state Tractor & Equip Co., as sembly 42.10; F. Jaskoski & Son, printing 12; Ira Jorgensen, clamps, etc. 8.63; Theo Kuenzi, rent, etc. 11.46; The Geo. Lawr ence Co., sleeves 2.46; Linn County, Oregon, Joint Gates bridge acct. 580.09; James H. Ma- den Co., ufel line 13.14; A. B McLauchlan Co., shafts, etc. 55.- 55; Miller Mercantile Co., flag, etc. 15.64; Mt. States Power Co,, power 52.33; Needham's Book Store, binder, etc. 17; Northern Life Ins. Co., salary savings 49 60; Lee Ohmart Petty Cash, freight 2.46; Oregon Gravel Co., gravel 295.53; Pacific Tel. & Tel Co., telephones 164.85; Packer Scott Co., brushes, etc 18.62 Physician's & Surgeon's Hoso. Assoc., hospital dues 45.50; Pohle Staver Co., packing, etc 3.35 Portland Gen. Elect. Co., elec tricity 116.96; Rahn McWhorter Paper Co., paper 63.84; Roen Typewriter Exchange, repair machines 30.60; Salem Bargain House, shovel handles etc. 6.08 Salem Hardware Co., washers etc. 29.85; Salem Ins. Agents Assoc., insurance 105; Salem Steel & Supply Co., bolts, etc. 184.86; Salem Supply Co., as phalt 194.59; Salem Tent & Awning Co., hose 11.20; Salem Water Commission, water 28.91 Shannon & Co., Inc., paper wts., etc. 38.47; Shell Oil Co., gasoline 32.68; Paul Sowa & Sons, repair bulldozer 1.00; Standard Oil Co of Calif., gasoline 46.54; States man Publishing Co., publish, no tice, 8.70; C. C. Stayton, hauling gravel 2.70; Stayton Gravel Co gravel 19; Valley Motor Co blackout covers 12.92; Valley Oi Co.. oil 167.05; Valley Welding Co., oxygen 6.08; Western Union Tel. Co., telegrams 8.04; li. White, clerk 77.25; Willamette Auto Wreck. Co., brake drum, etc. 1.00:- Woodbury Co., auger, etc. 2.63; R. D Woodrow, bat tery 15.84. Assessor's Office Acct. Ore gon State Highway Com., prints 3.60. Circuit Court Acct. H, R Srawford, postage 50.12; Blanche Barrett Ferguson, reporter 10 Oregon Motor Stages, bus service 7.50; Thatcher Printing Co, printing 12.75. Clerk s Office Acct. Kraps & Long, printing 7.35; L. E. Bar rick, telephone 2.35; Joseph Bee man, M.D., autopsy 8.00. Co. Court & Commissioners' Acct. The J. K, Gill Co., picture 5; Statesman Publish. Co., pub lish budget 197.80. Court House Acct. Graber Bros., faucets, etc 1.84; Otis Ele vator Co.,- elevator maint. 8.50; Salem Laundry Co., laundry 1.65; Silver Wheel Motor Frt., Inc., freight 54c; Thatcher. Print ing Co., camera 173.00. Dist. Attys. Office Acct M. B. Hayden, postage etc. 6.68. Health Officer'p Acct. The J K. Gill Co., punch 18.32; Hend rie Laboratories, laboratory fee 27.08; Marion Co. Dept. Health, maintenance 71.33; Marion Co. Dept. of Health, traveling ex penses 101.25. . Herd Inspector s Acct. John M. Hanrahan, inspector 459.37 Dr. Fred W, Lange, inspector 624.98; Dr. A. W. Simmons, in spector'413.26. Indemnity for Slaughter of Dis. Cattle acct. Geo. W. Pense, indemnity 12; Samuel A. Peter son, indemnity 8. Jail Acct. A. C. Burk, board of prisoners 172.35; Doughton Hardware, broom 1.85; Lovinger Disinfectant Co , disinfectant 87. 50; Red Cross Pharmacy, medi cine 1.74; Salem Laundry Co., laundry 50c; Sanitary Service Co., Inc., re'moving garbage 2.75. Salem Justice Court Acct. S. C. Catlin & R. K. Page, rent 40 SALEM CONSTABLE ACCT. Earl Adams, travel exp, 97.55. Outside Justice Court Acct. J, T. Jones, constable. 3.80; A. M Amo, constable 3.20; Alf O. Nel son, justice 24.85; Walter H. Bell, justice 8.55. Poor Farm Acct. Lloyd W. Hill, board of inmates 270.00 Wm. Neimeyer, medicine 10.80 Portland Gas & Coke Co., fuel 24.47; Dr. L. A. Steeves, prof. services 10; Geo. E. Waters, to bacco 29.14. Predatory Animal Control Ac ct. Leslie M. Scott, state treas., payment due 600. Rationing Board Acct. City of Salem, rent 15. Recorder's Office Acct. Elli ott Printing House, printing 7.50, School Supts. Office Acct. Agnes C. Booth, traveling ex penses 14.65; Hawkins & Rob erts, Inc., rent 55.00; National Education Assoc. of U.S., sub scription 4.00. Sealer of Wts. & Measures Ac ct. Department of agriculture sealer 3T. Sheriff's Office Acct. A. C, Burk, travel, exp. 57.80; Frank lin Print. Co., printing 2.58; Han sen & Liljequist, Inc., millwork 1.62; Heider Radio & Elec. Co, repair radio 7.45; Kenneth L, Randall, travel, expenses 5.70 Clive Scott, repair radio 10; Un ruh Knapp Printing Co,, envel opes 16.25. Surveyor's Office Acct. Hugh Fisher, travel expenses 1.60. Willamette River Basin Com, Acct. Willamette River Basin Com. assessment 751 Dog License Fund Acct. Paul Marnock, travel, expenses 65.90: sheep killed by dogs: W. P. Col- lard 8.00; Hartley & Craig 4.00 J. R. Linn 48.00- G. C. Pomeroy 8.00; Joe SUbernagle 5.00; E. A. Taylor 16.00. Co. Property Acct. Capital Journal, publish notice 356.00 City of Silverton, street improve ment 16.88; Skewis & Judson, repairs 16.85. Fhotostate Acct. Photostat Corp., supplies 18.50. Miscellaneous Accts. Salem Deaconess Hosp., care of juve niles 72.00; Fred Gahlsdorf, com, relief Wm. Myers 10.00; Pacific Tel, & Tel. Co., phone ,52.35; Sa lem Insurance Agents assn,, ins, 1524.84. . Law Library Fund The Am erican Law Book Co., law books 29.50; Bancroft Whitney Co law' books 20.00; The Bobbs Merrill Co., cont. & books 252.25 The Lawyers Coop Pub. Co., law books 7.50; West Publ. Co., law books 40.00; State public wel fare com., aid to dep. children 1173.10, aid to the blind 226.20 old age assistance 8010.00; East man Kodak Store inc., film 256 Mrs. Helen Nairns, care of Ray Short 25; Eastman Kodak Store Inc., positive film 409.60; Eotf Electric Co., light fixtures 60.00 H. R. Crawford, bond 18.75 Boys & Girls Aid soc. of Ore. care of poor 84.00; Catholic Char Hies Inc., care of poor children 168.00; City of Aumsville, 94 rd. tax col. 28.14; City of Auro ra, do 71.25; City of Hubbard, do 116.13; City of Jefferson, do 142 92; City of Mt. Angel, do 328.42 City of Scotts Mills, do 27.96 City of Silverton. do 904.36; City of Stayton, do 315.61; City of Turner, do 87.00; City of Wood- burn, do 616.23. An edible oil from cucumber seeds is being made in the Afri can Gold Coast. To Mim iiitrtJi from MONTHLYV FEMALE WEAKNESS Try Lvdla B. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound to help relieve monthly pain with 1U weak, nervous feelings due to monthly functional dis turbance!. It helps build up resis tance against such distress of Mdlffl eult oars." Follow label dlreeUons. Friday, July 31, 1942 Monmouth Has Realty Changes Mnnmnnth A. F. Huber, realtor, announces the sale ol the following residential prop erty this week: The R. F. Strassburg nouse, .i. vnAV efi-oof in Mrs. Irene IlUl III UA ou.vv, Barry. The place was sold recently to Mr. Strassbure by Mrs. J. Keesee, whose home it was for several years. The house contains four rooms. y The P. A. Wlntermute 8-room house, south College street, to Mr. and Mrs. Gossler of Eugene, who 1 t.b.n nnccMdnn Thfl nrODeftV uac mmu , is known as the Helmick place. Mr. and Mrs. Wlntermute nave muveu to the Frank Alsep rural place, lo cated nortnwesi oi monmuuui. The property at the corner of Ackerman and South College street, t .nri Mr Martin Coneer of 0. ....... Tta hnilM wVlfofrl VlflS flVB rooms and basement, was for many years the home of Mr. and Mrs. nHlal urhitA nf Pnrpfit. Grove, who owned It at the time of the sale. The eight-room house owned oy rlanr. rj MntHcrptn nf TflfinmR. In South College street, to Captain and Mrs. Paul S. Rutledge. The Rut- ledges are already oomicnea in their new home. Japanese Printing Cause of Alarm Lebanon Whether or not a paper containing Japanese print ing and a small map in one cor ner of the page, which was found on a farm near Lebanon, has any connection with reports cur rent last week that objects re sembling parachutes had been ULUft'eu nun, a - .e.. o plane east of town was unde termined here this week, al though the matter is being in vestigated by the FBI. Elmer Barr found the oddity which may or may not hold sig nificance, according to local po lice. Contents of the paper, be ing in Japanese, are unknown, since the FBI has released no in formation as to the interpreta tion. Zena Men Serving In Various Fields Zena A number of former Zena boys are now in the army, stationed at a distance from their homes. Private Donald Scott is at Camp Robinson, near Little Rock, Ark. He is first flutist in the camp band. Private Scott is the son of the R H. Scotts. He majored in music at U. of O. and was later in charge of all music at the Sweet Home high t.nni Private Phillip McKinlay is another former Zena boy. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F.. McKinlay, and is in the air divi sion at Lubbock, Texas. He is studying aerial photography in the Lubbock school labratory. Child Burns Arms Monmouth Donna, two-year-old daughter of J. Studder, liv ing at an apartment in the Claude Winegar home, is recov ering from severe arm burns. The child's arms were scalded to the elbows when she fell in to a tub of boiling water. Valuable Cats Die Unionvale Valuable cats at the C. J. Countiss, Clarence L. Fowler, Victor Geiger, James Putman and George Strawn homes have died within the last two weeks. No apparent cause has been found and the deaths occurred suddenly. Some have theorized that the unusual num bers of field mice caught by the cats might be responsible, but because kittens too young to hunt being in the fatalities, this explodes that answer to the seeming epidemic. Army Men Report Fairview Mrs. Kearney Stoutenburg and daughter, Dor othy and Barbara Flowers are v.oi.iiiB w c l ill a i oiuuiunuurg who is in the army at San Diego and he expects to be transfer red soon. They will also be guests of Mrs. Stoutenburg's sis ter in San Francisco. Roy Comp ton is home on a ten-days' fur lough from the army. B; J, H. Wlllfll of the Capital Drus Store Have Children's Teeth Checked Now Summer vacation time is filler) with outings, traveling and fun and we are apt to give little thought-to dental care. Time must be allowed, how ever, for dental care, especially for the childten Dentists appre ciate being given time for thorough- attention to carles, small troubles which cared for In child hood prevent a world of distress and embarassment in later years Make appointments with your dentist as soon as school Is over and see to it that the appoint ments are kept. Dentifrices for the proper care of teeth should be purchased up on the dentist's advice from a trusted pharmacy. This li (he tsilh st a serin s( Editor ial Adrertlfrmentt apprarinr ra tbe Cspllal Josrr.il each frldar.