eleven If a man is a skunk you'll get wind of it. The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon CapitalAjpurnal 1 1 r -miicrr Classified Advertising Rates Per line ,c Per line, 3 times c Per line, 6 times j Per line, one month $1-5 Min. 25c 3 times min. 3oo 6 times minimum 45c Minimum Per Ad 25c Want Ads must be in by 10 a.m. day of publication. For Sale Houses FOR SALE 6 miles East on pavement, 5-room modern home, 2 acres ot good ground, for $3750. O Acres South, all set to cherries 6s walnuts 5-rm. house, city water, and lights. Priced at $3200. Look at 1115 S. !3th St. for $2500! P. H. BELL, REALTOR i50 Oreenn BldE. al70 $9000 New, attractive modernistic home, 6 nice rooms, fully equipped kitchen, oak firs throughout, ho water heat, oil furnace, double garage. On Fairmount Hill. IMME- i. DIATE POSSESSION. $5500 Nice 6-r. Colonial home, fine location. 3 bedrooms. Terms. $5000 8-r. home, double, garage, basement, sawdust furnace, fire place. 5 blks. north on Winter St. $35008-r. home with basement, fur nace, fireplace, double garage. $2000 down. $6750 Late modern 6-r. Nice base- ;mcnt, with good wood furnace, automatic control. Nice yard, northeast Salem. $6200 Nice attractive 5-r. modern home at 196 W Washington St -aManf ViQcompnlr nil furnace, fire place, oak firs. Cor. lot. Nice lawn and shrubs. mnn irlm'n Ti- linmP 9 hpdl'mS. 06, down and two up, double plumbing. i i, ...it. 2-car garage, n;ue urn; jwu mui flrnnlaoa -'T?15,.iK T.OT. Oil fur- nace. and fireplace. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1 SEE US FOR BARGAINS W H. GRABENHORST & CO. 134 s. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. a!70 .CAT.Ti? One of the truly fine homes In the aristocratic residential section 01 Salem $10,000. For fine homes see Mr. Hardy with HAWiiins at hub ERTS. INC., Realtors. &171' 3 B.R. HOME N.E. $3700. Easy terms. 3 B.R. Home South $3300. 2V, Acres close in, good house $3000. RICH L. REIMANN. REALTOR 167 S. High St. Ph. 9203. a!70' A REAL SNAP $4200. Nice 6-r. English style home with large lot, basement, furnace, fireplace, garage, only 13 blks. out. $1200 Cash; bal. $31.50 per mo. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. al70' $2600 2 Houses, one 4-rm., 2 bed - rms., bath, garage, paving; one 3-rm., toilet & bath. Present rent' al $32 Der mo. v-$500 down. .400 down 7-rm. house In good condition. Bath, paving, creekj 'lot $2750. ' MEL VI N JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St. Ph. 3723. al70' COMPLETELY FURNISHED A-l construction, roomy, modern' with blinds and drapes. A BETTER HOME New district. Basement, air conditioned furnace. Price $5o00. Furniture additional. H. P. GRANT, Realtor 529 Court St. Ph. 6744-8330. al70 $1000 DOWN Will buy this new 5-r. home with nice view, oak firs., fireplace, large lot, garage. IMMEDIATE POSSES SION. Price $3350; bal. S24 per ma BEE THIS BARGAIN TODAY I W. H. GRABENHORST 6s CO. 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131. al70 HOME BARGAIN I $2150. Good 3-room home with oak firs., fine east front lot. near Leslie school $700 cash, bal. $17.50 per mo. W. H. GRABENHORST 6s CO. 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. al70 .Directory BATTERIES WILLARD batteries, all types. R, D. Woodrow, 349 N. Church. P. 9600. o BUILDING MATERIAL SAND, Gravel, Crushed Rock, Pav. ing. Salem Supply Co. Ph. 8561. o' CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace & Chimney. Vacuum, steel brushes. B. F. Ensley. Ph. 7176. ol83' EXCAVATING Excavating, all kinds; basm'ts. dug, dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. SEE Ben Otjen & Sons. Ph. 3080. o FLORIST Brelthaupt's for flowers. Dial 9195. o FUNERAL DIRECTORS TerwiUiger Funeral Home. P. 6928 o' WALKER & HOWELL Funeral Home, 545 N. Capitol St. Ph. 3672. o PAINTS AND LACQUERS Complete line Nason paints. Liberal terms. R. D. woodrow, 384 N. Churcn. PAPERING-PAINTING Expert Workmanship. Phone 4325. o PLUMBING SUPPLIES Plumbing, General Repair Work. Graber Bros. 154 S. Liberty. P. 6594. o SAWDUST Clean, Screened, all fir. Ph. 21251. 0189 TRANSFER & STORAGE Local or distance transfer storage. Burner oils, briquets. Trucks to Portland dally. Agent Pierce Auto Freight. Including California points Larmcr Transfer ii Storage P. 3131. o WELL DRILLING C. J. PUOH 2125 Myrtle. P. B336. 0195' WINDOW CLEANING PROFESSIONAL CLEANING SER VICE. PHONB 4457. 0 For Sale Houses NICE 4-bedroom home, located 1693 S. Liberty, Lovely grounds, flowers, shrubbery, variety fruit, Good gar den; double plumbing, full basement. Priced to sell at $4750 $850 cash, balance $35 per month Including In terest. LINDGREN 6s JOHNSON, Realtors 175 S. High St. Ph. 3630. al70' House to wreck, Call at 1980 Ferrv. , ana' WALNUT PARK It's a strictly modern four bedroom csidence, living room 24x18, nas heat units, dbl. garage, 100x100 cor ner. Assessments all paid. We are handling this property exclusivity for the owners and will enjoy show ing It. Phone Mr. Klngwell for early appointment to view. ABRAMS & ELLIS, INC. 410 Masonic Bldg. Ph. 6155. al71 4-R. Home near Richmond school. Garage, $1900. Terms. Possession Au gust I. O. E. RAE, 1255 State St. P. 6761. alio" HOMES close in which, with slight changes made, could have income. Also have three dandy homes $2100 each. Take your choice. " LUSE REALTY CO. Bush Bank Bldg. 5828. al70' 4-rm. bungalow with basement and garage. Distant owner. Possession at once. For Real Values Sec KRUEGER 147 N. Com'l. al70 For Sale: 6 rm. mod. hse., low down payment, bal. like rent. 584 N. 21st. Phone 8314. al70 By Owner, 2 nice lots, 5 room mod ern, house, 2 garages, fruit trees. Beautiful lawn. $2,500; terms. 2460 Laurel. Phone 4757 al73 Coast home, $2200; sale or trade. 6 rooms 6s bath, overlooking ocean 6s highway. Automatic water,' flowers 6s garden. Will take Salem property, good pickup or truck or car as part. Bal. like rent. S. E Brice, 48 Abrams Ave., Salem. al70 My home, 2248 Mill street, for sale. Completely furnished. See me at penitentiary gate. Fred Drager. al70 Six room modern home at 2150 Cen ter St. Also 10 acre suburban place in Liberty district. al70 HOUSE FOR SALE; Sub., 2 mi. out. 1 A., 1-yr. old 5-r., very mod. Auto, heat, hdw. firs. Cor. windows. $3500. $500 dn. Private party. Ph. 7172 for appointment. . rim YOU'LL LIKE THIS ONE! 3 BR., H.W. floors, Ven. blinds, full bsmt., lge. lot, fine place at reason able price. Also furniture. 2180 Laurel al71 7 RM. stucco hse., 4 bedrooms, north Salem. By owner. 54UUU, terms, in quire 159 S. High. al71 For Sale Acreage 1M A. East State St. Improved $1850. $300 down. 5 A. Silverton Rd. Improved, fruit, filberts. $3600 $1000 down. - 12.5 A. Improved, south near Pacific hgy. Commercial cherries. Improv ed. $2500; $500 down. H. P. GRANT, REALTOR 529 Court-6744-8330. bbl70 LAND BARGAIN 33 acres of good cultivated land, 5 miles east. Price $2750 Cash to set tle an Estate. IT'S A BARGAIN! W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. bbl70 ii ACRE Tract on Salmon River. Also on Salmon river highway. Cab in and garage. Owner In VS. army and has authorized us to sell at once. Price $400. If interested call 4728. W. G. KRUEGER, 147 N. Com'l bbl70 SNAP! H Acrt with good 4-r. home, gar age, located East. Price S2100 cash W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. bbl70' Real Estate 1 A. with 5-r. modern house. Lois of fruit & berries. 3 ml. North; pav ed road. A GOOD BUY FOR $40001 Will trade for home near new high school. 5 A, of good land with 4-r. house : barn, about 6 ml East of Salem. Price $2500. Will trade for home in Salem and pay some difference. A Real Buy In a 6-r. modern house near Leslie school for S3250. Apt. House with 4 apts., close in. Priced to sell for $4000. Will take small house for part payment, bal. like rent. ROSTEIN & ADOLPH, INC. 110'i N. Commercial St. cl70' EXCHANGE Salem house for one In Portland. SPECIAL To close an estate we offer a well built 8-room house close to State Bldgs. and Univers ity. A grand buy at $5500. Call to see it. Well located Grocery Store and Fix turcs for sale. SEE Mrs. Lelace Mils with CHILDS 6s MILLER. REALTOR3 344 State St. Ph 9261. cl71 We Invite your "For Sale" listings If fairly priced. HAWKINS 6s ROBERTS, INC., Realtors, Guard tan Bldg. c Wanted Real Estate To Property Owners ATTENTION! If you or your agents have failed to sell, rent or trade your property try Louis Bechtel or Mrs. Nccdham 341 State, Room 4 Farms & City Property a Specialty. cal70 If you want to sell, list with LUSE REALTY CO, Bush Bank Bldg. 5828 cal70' WANTED: Listings on good homos priced right. We have many buyeis for properties. No charge for list ing. See Mr. Hardy, Mgr., Real Es tate Dept., HAWKINS ROBERTS INC., Phone 4108. cal71' Exchange Real Estate Improved 20 Acres near Dallas In exchange for Salem home or un improved land near Salem. O. E. RAE, 1255 State St. P. 6761 cbntri Exchange Real Estate WILL EXCHANGE FOR AUTO 5 acres located 4 miles out near good school. Drilled well. Road oil two sides No bldgs. Price $1150. W. H. GRABENHORST 6s CO. 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. cbl70 Business Opportunities HOTEL, running lull. Box 211 Cap ital Journal, Salem. cdl78 Auto Camp for Sale or Lease. 10 new, mod cabins, 1448 Main St., Spring field, Ore. Inq. owner, A. E. Hoaslcv, 2860 S. Commercial, Salem. cdl71 Red & White Lunch. 986 South Com mercial for sale or lease. Call at 986 S. Com'l. or 190 East Bush. cdl74' MEAT Market In busy grocery store. Market doing $1700 per month. Mo dern equipment. Price $2900 plus in ventory of slock. Terms $300 down. $50 per mo., or will lease for $50 per mo. Phone 6028 evenings for appointment. cd!72 FOR SALE: Attractive home & in come, close In. Box 89. cdl79 For Sale: Chemawa MWA hall, suit able for warehouse mi. west of Chemawa. See T. C. Mason, 532 N. Liberty St., Salem. cdl70 For Sale or Lease: Sandwich shop, ideal for 2 people. Good business. 3310 Portland Road. cdl70 For Sale: Auto camp with store and service station. 8 modern cabins. Ac tive community near Hermlston. Cash deal preferred. Write Mrs. Frank Leicht, Irrigon, Ore. cdl72 MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY mod ern restaurant and fountain. 4 blks from Capitol. Living quarters in cluded. Manager drafted. Ph. 73S2. 605 N. Capitol. cdl71' For Sale Livestock Cavalry Type light grey gelding, gentle, broke, coming 3 $75. See Barn man, State Pair Stadium. el70 ATTENTION!! Will remove dead & worthless stock in a moment's notice! SALEM FERTILIZER fc BY-PRODUCTS. Ph. 5000 Collect. (No other phone) . e For Sale Wood Salem Box Co. Ph. 9189. Buy your winter's wood now! Planer 6s box ends for immediate delivery. eel72 Sawdust 6s mill wood. Ph. 6444. eel86 BUY your winter wood now. Mill wood, mill ends, planer ends. We deliver now. Ph. 9545. eel86' For Sale Poultry N. H. baby chicks R. S. Farrand. opp. Liberty school. Phone 22459. f!70 6 WKS. N. H. chicks. R. S. Farrand, R. 3, Box 620. fl70 FRYERS WANTED 2 to 3V, lbs Highest prices paid. Ph, 22861 Lee's Hatchery. fl70 Wanted Help Cab Driver. 441 State St, gl72' MAN to drive logging truck. 1730 North Front. gi ra' WANTED: 4 men to cut wood on 50-50 basis, 6 mi. from town. Some peeler logs, pulp wood & saw logs, Equipment furnished. Box 212 Cap ital Journal. grra WANTED: Man for Grocery clerk and delivery. Apply LeGarie's Groc ery store. 1667 Center. g!71 WANTED: Good married man for hop yard foreman. E. A. Miller, 344 State St. gnu' Truck Driver for gravel truck. Must know town of Salem. Ph. 4318. gni 4 BOYS, 14 to 16 yrs., easy work. B 6s B Bowling, 335 N. High St. gl71- WANTED: Dairyman, $100 per mo. with house, telephone, lights, milk and eggs. Phone 3931 or 9475. gl71 WATCHMAN, groundsman, Janitors 6s diet kitchen help. Good wages. Apply In person. Ore. State Tuber culosis Hosp. gn WANTED Housekeeper without home or family for housework ana shopping. 2040 Ferry St. gl70 WAITRESS to work Saturday nights only. Chinese Tea Garden. gl73 Girl. Housework. 695 N. Liberty. gl72' Register now for bean picking. New yard. Picking starts about Aug. 5 Paul T. McClellan, West Stayton. gl72 Wanted : Experienced milker. Wages $140 per month and house, smnd ler Bros., 340 W. Meyers. g First class auto mechanic. Good working conditions Best wages. Da vidson's Auto Service. gl77 Loaders, fallcrs and drag saw man. 1730 North Front. gl70' Hop trainers wanter, 4 ml. west of Salem. Ph. 21331. Williams As Thacker. g- Wanted Positions BOY 16 wants work. hl72' Thoroughly experienced Cook & wife capable, sober, reliable As efficient manager, desires position In camp to take complete charge of kitchen, any location. Box 308 capital jour nal. hl72 Baby nursery. William Ave. P. 5532 hl78' Sewing. Remodeling. Ph. 3718. hl74 For Rent FOR RENT: House, 8 ml. out. $12 per mo. Ph. 22017 1172 New 6-rm. turn. hse. 1165 Columbia, Call 875 N. Lib. bctw. 8 a.m. 6s 4 p.m J172 5-rm. mod. house. Ph. 21351. J172 FOR RENT: 2-room Apt. furn. No children. Ph. 22344. J172 Room for rent. 388 N. Winter. J172' Sleeping rm. Women. 425 N. Church. J175 Small, furn. Apt. 645 Ferry. J174- Automobiles WE PAY TOPS! - GET EVERY DIME YOUR CAR IS WORTH 1 Cash on the Barrel-Head "C" SHROCK Salem's Oldest Independent Used Car Dealer. N. E. Corner Church and Chemeketa Ph. 7922 q For Rent Nicely furn. 3-rm apt. near stale house. 2 adults, 475 N. Capitol, J17V Nicely furn. 4-rm Apt. Main floor, close in. 435 N. Winter. jl72 $255 rms., bsmt, 1767 A St, $25 Bsmt. 485 North Winter. .15 s rnnms mod., oil. Sherman Rd. $458 rooms. 481 N. Winter. H. P. GRANT, Realtor 529 Court St. J170' 3-rm. fura. 6s unfurn. apts. 1135 N. 13th. Jin 3-rm. furn. Apt. Priv. bath &s ent. Lgts., water. Ph. 8231. 785 N. Capitol. 7-Room House. 4 blocks South. Call Owner 9670; j Annxtmnn fnvnlchoH rintim lmU)l Patton Apts. Ph. 479l'or 4370. J172 Nice sip, rm. 745 N Church. J172 Apt. Emp. couple, 841 N. Liberty. 172 Desirable 5-rm. house. Ph. 22246. J 173 2 1-rm. apts. 435 Division St. j!71 FURN. hse., West Salem. Exchange ref. 675 Senate St. J171 CHOICE 3-ROOM corner apt. Un furn. 1320 State St. Ph. 21411-4370. J171 One 1-rm. is two 2-rm. Apts. Furn., water, lights As Maytag inc. Inquire 1620 Ferry. J171 2-rm. furn. apt. 330 S. 14th. 170 Comf. Rm. Gent. Pri. R. gar. 7258. J188' OCEANLAKE, ORE. Cottages As Apartments completely furnished. Electric stoves As Frigid aircs. Beautiful ocean and lake view. Now available at $20 and $25 per week. Seven Gables, P.O. Box 298, Oceanlake, or tel. Delake 424. J186 Sleeping room 725 Court. i' Pianos, $2 mo. H. L Stiff Furn. Co. j' Wanted To Rent WANT to Rent 2-3 or one large un furnished room for L.H. by man, 4-5 blks. E. or S.E. of 12th 6c State Sis. Would consider a house. A perman ent resident. Box 208, care Journal. jal70 Lost and Found LOST: Sun. night, billfold. Liberal reward. Howard Weese, 110 Academy k!71 LOST: Lady's Waltham Premier watch. Reward. Ph 5758. km Miscellaneous Will care for Children. Call at 431 N. Capitol. Ph. 4540. ml72 Cleaning, pressing alterations, re pairing, tailoring. Center St. Clean ers, 1725 Center. Ph 6055. m!73' Dental Plate Repair 2-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES. DR. HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST. Adolph Bldg. State & Commercial. SALEM Phone 3311. m For Sale Miscellaneous Mohair Daveno, Turquoise color, $69.50 value $40. 1130 S. 14th. n!72 Montmorency pie cherries. U pick Rt. 7, box 115. Ph 21398. n!72 MONTMORENCY Pie Cherries. 1 mile Wallace Rd. Pratt. Ph. 2-2212. nl71 Late mod. R. C. Allen adding macV. Reasonable. 1440 jelierson evenings nl71 MAN'S BICYCLE Columbia Light-Weight with small tires and chromium plated rims. Has real leather scat with sponge-rubber padding. Two-wheel brakes. Deep, metal basket in front. Very easy to pedal and light enough to carry eas ily. Like new. $45.-1775 Fir St. after 5 p.m. or Sunday. n!71 For Sale : Good Used Electric Heater, large size. Write Box 210 Capital Journal. nl71 Suits, coats, dresses, cleaned and pressed. 50c cash and carry, center Street Cleaners, 1725 Center. nl74 Fur Coat, Lapln, 226 N. 23rd St. size 14 $17.50 nl71 Cherries, U-Pick, 2c lb. 1415 N. 4th nl71' Fine Mahogany piano; very rea sonable. 1690 South Cottage St. nl70' Boysenbcrrics, 2930 N. Front. P. 6320. nl79' Cherries Lamberts, Bings and Roy al Annes, ready to pick for canning 2',ic lb. U pick, bring containers. Out river rd. to Kclzcr school, turn right, 1 ml. Rt. 2, Box 103. nl70 For Sale or Trade for Late Model Truck: 10 ft. McCormick - Deerlng combine, $375. Mclvin Forcler, Rt. I, Gervals, Ore. nl71 For Good Used Furniture see Bright Furniture. 453 Court. Ph. 7511. nl70 Wanted Miscellaneous Wanted: Used Portable sewing ma chine. Phone 4219. nano IF you have good used furniture to sell, see Russ Bright, 453 court. Ph. 7511. nal70 Used Furniture. Ph. 9185. n Personal I will not be responsible for any debts made by anyone but myself. E. Floyd Scamster. July 16, 1942. P170 Reading, accirr., depend. 2361 Slate. p!71 PaJTnl7t7p772637Hazel Barton. B Ht. pl90' Automobiles For Sale: 1931 Ford Coupe. P. 4104. ql72" SON in service. Leaves a 37 Chrysler sedan, good rubber, or Hudson Spt. Cpe. 90 rubber. Will sell eith er. Must be seen to be appreciated. S. E. Wolfe, 1535 State St. ql"2 1940 Chev. Station wagon to trade for car, coupe preferred. 250 Liberty Road evenings and Sunday. ql70 For Sale: '34 Chev. panel del. Good condition. Ph. 6633. q!70 '37 V-8 Dump Truck, Excellent rub ber, good .condition. Will trade for pick-up. 935 Madison St. q!71 SEDAN, 5 good tires. $80. 633 Ferry. Apt. 104. ql70 WANTED: Will pay better than av erage for Model A Fords. Chevro lets or other light cars. Must be in good condition with good tires. Hatfield Used Car Market, 351 N. Liberty. ql70' 1930 Model A Coupe Pickup, $115. Overhauled, good rubber, 2 spares, good paint. Brlce, 48 Abrams Ave.. Salem. ql70 TRUCKS for rent, you drive. Mc Cune & Lovell. Pnone 9600. ql87 Financial LOANS STATE FINANCE CO. ' 344 State St. Phone 9261. S-216 M-222 r LOANS $25 to $300 Almost any credit-worthy person who really needs cash , , . to pay off old debts; for medical or dental work or for some other worthy purpose, can quality for a loan at Personal. John C. Heeren, Manager PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Ground Fid., New BUgh Bldg, 512 State St. (at High St.) Telephone: 3191. Stale Licenses: S-122, M-165. rial AUTO AND TRUkTlOANS Contracts refinanced to reduce pay ments. Money for new or used cars. No delay or red tape. You will re tain possession of the vehicle. 1 to 15 MONTHS TO PAY Roy H. Simmons 136 South Commercial Street Phone 9168. Lie. No. M-152. r QUICK CASH LOANS All Plans One to 12 Months GENERAL FINANCE CORP. 136 S. Commercial St. License No. S-138. r AUTO LOANS . Willamette Credit Co. 5th Floor, GUARDIAN BUILDING License No. M-159 r Wanted to BUY for CASH Real Estate mortgages, Real Estate con tracts, Merchandise discount paper. State Finance Co., 344 State St. r MONEY TO LOAN On Farm, City or Acreage property. CHILDS 6s MILLER, INC. 344 State St. Ph. 9261. r AUTO LOANS PERSONAL-LOANS CALKINS FINANCE CO. "Salem's Personal Loan Center" 315 Court St. Salem Phone 444S. State License S-228 M-278. r WANTED PRIVATE MONEY to Loan on Good Salem Real Estate Will Pav 6 Interest W. H. GRABENHORST 6s CO. REALTORS. FARM and CITY LOANS Quality Mortgage Loans at 4 i where loan docs not exceed 50 of present value. Not an FHA loan, Prompt service - Minimum details We offer a 5 rate on loans of larger percentage of value. Will pay Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 7162. r' We loan on farm, residential and business property. Will buy mort gages, contract-!. HAWKINS As ROBERTS. INC. Realtors. Guardlnn Bldg. Secrets of Seashore Told in New Volume Youthful beachcombers, or adult ones for that matter, who prowl the long sandy fairways al the coast searching for strange creatures cast up out of the deep, or living in their native envi ronments along the ocean fring- cs, will find a great deal of in terest, entertainment and in struction In a little book just is sued by the Jaques Catlcll Press of Lancaster, Pa., under the name of "The Seashore Parade." Muriel Lewin Guberlet is the author and black and while sketches by Jan Ogden as well as full page illustrations in color adorn the text, all of it making a compact handy volume cither for reading at home or reference when taken along on a trip to the beach. The array of strange creatures of the seaways comes lo life. In this little book and they take on new strangeness as the stories of Ihelr peculiarities, their habi tats, their manner of living, lov ing,, dying, playing and surviv ing against a thousand odds arc told by one who unquestionably has made a deep seated as well as playful study of a fascinating set of mysterious beings. Can You Answer Them? Perhaps you who have track ed along the beaches since child hood think you know pretty much all there is to know about these hybrid creatures who in habit the edges of the deep. But can you answer some ot these Streamlined Budget Now Being Prepared By Paul W. Harvey, Jr. . Governor Charles A. Sprague said today that he and his budget director, George Aiken, have begun preparation o the state's "streamlined war budget" for the two years beginning George Sutherland Ex-Justice Dies Suddenly Slockbridge, Mass., July 18 (U.R) Retired supreme court justice George Sutherland, 80, a con servative jurist who wrote sev eral decisions condemning im portant new deal legislation, was found dead in his bed by his wife, Rosamond, at Red Lion Inn early today. Inn officials said he appar ently died of a heart attack in his sleep. A medical-examiner was summoned by Manager Hea lon I. Treadway, son of the inn owner, Rep. Allen T. Treadway (R., Mass.). Sutherland and his wife had been guests at the inn for the last few weeks, officials said. It was the first summer the Suth- crlands had spent here. A former resident of Salt Lake City, Utah, Sutherland had lived in Washington since his retire ment from the supreme court in 1938. Sutherland was appointed to the supreme court in September, 1922, by President Warren G Harding. He was born March 25, 1862, at Stony Stratford, Buckinghamshire, England. He was one of only four men named to the bench who was born out side the Unitfid Stales. He was a conservative and his judicial opinions, though written in scholarly fashion, evoked vig orous dissents from his liberal associates, then in a minority on Ihe supreme court. He was consistently on the conservative side in votes on new deal legislation. It was Sutherland who wrote the decisions invalidating the Guffcy coal control act and Ihe powers of Ihe securities and ex change commission to sinlerro- gate witnesses. His vote was used to condemn AAA, NRA, and the municipal bankruptcy act, railroad pensions and "hot oil" legislation. However, he voted in favor of the Tennessee Valley Authority, and old age pensions. He went against the new deal In the gold cases. questions: What fish is there that never slops swimming? What fish grow on trees? Did you ever hear of a fish that manufactures electricity? What fish lives In a limestone house? Did you ever hear of a fish with hundreds of feet or one with eyes al the end of his arms, or a fish with arms, for that mat ter? Or a fish which breaks its own arms from choice? In these times when inflation is dreaded did you ever hear of a sand dollar? Or when victory gardens arc talked have you seen a sea peach, sea oats, sea corn, sea strawberries or sea peanuts? Ever hear ot a worm that lives in a house with a chimney? Do you know how lo tell the ngc of n clam, or of a snail that makes a cradle for Us babies? Do you know what creature Is champion swimmer of the seashore or that a crab is R champion at camouflage? All these questions and many more arc answered in this little book. If you want lo really delve in to the secrets of the seashore this book will reveal a large number of the answers. Mexico has issued a stamp lo provide funds to fight malaria. July 1, 1943. I "We have several serious problems facing us," the gover nor said. "One is that institu tions will need more money for food and clothing because of the increased cast of living, but this will be partially offset by low er salary outlays. Institutions which are unable to get ade quate labor supplies are not spending money for salaries. "Some salaries will have to be increased because of increas ed living costs. On the other hand, some departmental ap propriations may be lower be cause the war has curtailed the activities of those departments. In this latter connection, I might mention the state police, stale board of health, and the state engineer. Money for Buildings "While we will be unable to spend money for construction of new buildings, purchase of new cars and typewriters, etc., I will recommend that the money for new buildings be appropriated. We had an extensive six-year $1,400,000 building program outlined at the 1941 legislature, and I want the money appropri ated at each session for the dur ation of the war. "We won't be able to build these buildings now, but as soon as the war is over, we could go right ahead and help take up the slack that will result by men losing their war jobs." Governor Sprague said Ore gon must do its full part in helping the government during and after the war." "States, to justify Ihcir exist ence, must not lean on the gov ernment. They must contrib ute their full share of effort," he said. The governor, who said in his unsuccessful campaign for re publican rcnomination that slate income taxes should be reduced 20 per cent, said he would make no recommendation to the legis lature as to the disposition of the $2,500,000 to $3,000,000 income lax surplus that will have ac cumulated by next January. That is a job for the legislature, he said. Alternative Listed But he did say that the legis lature has three alternatives: 1. It can spend the. money for any purpose it sees fit, but the governor said this would violate the principal that the purpose of the lax is to provide prop erty lax relief. 2. It can keep the surplus to be used when economic condi tions are poor. 3. It can use Ihe money to offset property taxes, but this might benefit large corporations and absentee property owners. He added that this is a compli cated problem, because it must be decided which local govern ment units schools, counties or cities should get the money. Ships move through the Suez canal under their own power, but arc guided by canal pilots. ACROSS 29. Rolled purch 1 GoddRM of the , t ,enbl" harveit A3. What L Labored breath 8. Tax 12. Typn o( pokr tinnrl IX. Rocorrlftri pro cefiflinRft 14. Rttl ot thra 15. Corroded Ifi. A i dor 17. Sea In th Antarctic) IS. Character In Hawthorn' "Marhl T'ann' 2fl. Ohtnirinn 22. Per foi rued aton 23. Pat tin 24. Small wild ax 26. Grow Ipm aver 31. Shrinks 3fi. Toward 29. Piknlike flh 41. Walkfid with hiph steps 41. Mtisio drnmsj 47. UdlhtA sea weed it. Injury fit. Iron corrosion 63. Spread on thick hf. Grnek letter Kf, public vehicle R7. Plucky f9. TennU Rtroks fl(l. StalA positively 01. nibllral region 62. Addition fo & hiiiMins M. Invited R4. Support &. Femlnln nam ' V 3 H4 K f I7 WW P " zwl " 1 ZZii MM s 33 54 3S 3t 37 43 44 5 HI?" ' 3T WWW'W w wz Amm Nazi Drives Aim Al Gateway To Caucasus (Continued from page 1) with one group advancing due southward on the railway and Ihe other striking' out cross country lo the southeast. The original Millerovo threat had appeared lo be aimed ex clusively at Stalingrad, 173 miles to the cast. Push to Caucasus A position on the lower Don such as the Germans now claim would put them in position to attack Rostov from the rear or try for a direct southward push into the Caucasus oil region, by passing llostov, or to both. The assault on Rostov prob ably was the mission of forces moving south from Millerovo, astride the Moscow-Rostov rail way, which the Germans have indicated had reached points 65 miles from the city. The arrival ot "armored for mations and motorized infantry divisions" east of Rostov was ac companied by "devastating" air assaults along Ihe lower Don, "especially transports which crowded tracks and stations," said the German high command. Sweep to Don 1 The Germans indicated ' that capture of Voroshilovgrad, about 100 miles northwest of Rostov, had facilitated a sweep to the Don. The Russians have not, however, conceded either loss of Voroshilovgrad or posi tions cast of Rostov. Russian claims of limited suc cesses in counter-attacks on the northern flank of the broad German offensive, in the Voro nezh area, were grimly over shadowed by the Rostov threat. The Russians, by communique and front line dispatches declar ed, that the Germans had been pursued back across the Don in one Voronezh sector, that five communities had been recaptur ed, and that the enemy had su stained 4,300 more casualties in active theatres. War Bond Committee Greatly Pleased Dallas Reports received from issuing agencies showing that Polk county war bond sales for the first two weeks of July had reached $36,761.50, greatly encouraged the countv war bonds committee striving to at tain July's quota of $66,200. Polk county's twelve agen cies and amounts reDorted bv each arc: Dallas City bank, $16, 485.50; Federal Savings and Loan, Dallas, $8,562.50; Dallas nostoffice. $693.75: First Na. tional bank. Independence, $3, uz.su; independence postoffice, $1,500.00; First National bank, Monmouth. S2. 512.00? Mnn. mouth postoffice, $1,668.75; Falls City postoffice, $206.25; Grand Ronde bank, $131.25; Grand Ronde Postoffice. $675: Pcrrydale postoffice $482.75; Valsetz postoffice, $131.25. Mohammedans first used cof fee to keep awake during long religious ceremonies. Solution Of Yesterday's Puzzli OOWN 1. Marino rVhei 2. f'oiiriyard 2. Starry 4. CHv wher . tiamion died R. Playing card fi. Step 7. Pertaining to a part o th hand I Walk lelaurely 9. Traversed 10. French river 1L Throw lightly 19. Giver ) 21. Kind of pastry 2-1. Soft mineral 2S. Palm leaf 27. Negotiable financial Instrument 2d. Walked i 29. Plant of the 111,.' family .11. Fellow 31. Soak .15. Persia .Ifi. Kail behind 37. Trap 4i. At ewe 42. Kind of cake filed la deep fat 44. Withdraw 45. Trffl 46. Beleaguer merits 49. Artistic ftym hoi of the faithful dr-ad 51. Roman matron's garment 52, Article of furniture M. Dagger wound M. Molten rock hs. Refuse tt. Extinct bird HlMERflplA lAfl 1 Is a I a x ii I a x o 3LE 9. t o c u sUr o eTb U 0 L E A DBS O M EBP ft A 9 JL E A k SllF OES A 0X M EflF X 3S3 m u nIIr x Si 1JA s A M IjM A XH 9. HL I "BlvJHA G EJm X 5R 1 E 69 Aj o 6Qa r tUT rTk T A PllaP R VI OE9 5 xSB pare Br ail A M El ft I C Affl SA S LE" neHa"netasc pit" e1dUwa1rTeUr11p1s