The Capital Journal, Salem; Oregon Eleven' Marriage is not what it cracks up to be. :U, ft l X V " CnpltalAjournal 1 1 -Tiiilrc- Classified Advertising Bates Per line '""1SS. Per line, 3 times 35o Per line. 6 times .4J Per line, one month ...i Min. 2503 times mln. 35o 6 times minimum 45o Minimum Per Ad 25c Want Ads must be in by 10 ajn. day ot publication (For Sale Houses i Vi. ,.n. modern home: hardwood 'floors throughout; full basement 2 ledrooms. utility room, itus "";b :, ... h hathrnnm. 2 fireplaces, automatic heat and air cond As I 'lam going to war I will sell com pletcly furn. or unfurn. This is one iof the most unusual homes in Sa 1 llem. See owner after 5:30 p.m. 1135 ;jJN. 22nd. le3 ' ' J.t urTiirvz W1R SALE: ":1 $3475-6 r. English style home with m viocommit. furnace, flre- Sm place, garage. Must be all casn l4 to settle an estate. fe ' .!i2no Modern 6 r. home, attractive . yard; $1200 cash; bal. $31.50 !$3500-Good 7 r. home with base IVf ment. furnace, bus line, paved t :;3 st. $2000 down. R--.J mum vinrwn R r. Colonial home, Eii Fairmount Hill. AN EXCELLENT '''.:! BUY. Terms. . I f $50008 r. modern home only 5 blKs, if' ::'t t wintpr Kt Must be cash. tosnne r fiirnishe-l home, with r lf nouul basement, lurnate, o. i" fe hue llnt $2450-5 r. home, plastered, cor, lot, near state bldgs. i2250 Modern 3 r. home near Leslie SChOOl; StUU caail, uai. f" mo. SEE US FOR BARGAINS: W H GRABENHORST & CO , REALTORS 1M H T.ihi.rtv St. Ph. 4131 alBl" nnnn m TV. WELL LOCATED ! tiQnn finn down. 2 B. R. home with base., fur., fplace, hwd. floor. Why c.nH. Sanders-231 N. High 5838 al62 '. ;! HOME SACRIFICE: ? Nearly new modern 5 r. home, oak i firs, throughout, oil furnace, flre !'A place, Bendix washer, garage, excel- lent view, laise iu", vj M75 cash. bal. $24 per mo. IMMEDIATE POSESSION. IF YOU WANT A REAL VALUE, SEE THIS BARGAIN TODftl. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 al6T For Homes and Acreages, come see or call LUSE REALTY CO. Ladd & Bush Bldg.r-Ph. 5828. , - al61 ATTRACTIVE HOME: Modern 5 v. home, In excellent con dition; basement, oil furnace, fire nlace. double garage, nice large ltv lng r., good lawn with irrigation sys tem. Price $6200. At iat w. wasn lngton St. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 a!6T By Owner, 2 nice lots, 5 room mod ern house, 2 garages, fruit trees. Beautiful lawn. $2,500; terms. 2450 Laurel. Phone 4757. a!65 OVERLOOKING CITY: A fine 6 room modern house, complete In ev ery detail. Be sure to see it- price reduced from $6,500 to $5,900. See Mrs. Ellis with Childs & Miller, Realtors. 344 State St. Ph. 9261 al62 T-RM. VIEW HOME In Oak Grove. Rath. dbl. iraraee. dbl. piumomg $8500. Box 47. Kingwood Dr. P. 61F4 ai(2 Directory . BATTERIES WILLARD batteries, all types. R. n Woodrow. 349 N. Church. P. awo. o' BUILDING MATERIAL SAND, Gravel, Crushed Rock, Pav lnir Salem Supply Co. Ph. 8561. o' CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace Si Chimney. Vacuum, steel brushes. B. F. Ensley. PH. 7176. oiJ 3 EXCAVATING Excavatinn. all kinds: basm'ts dug, dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. SEE Ben Otlen Si Sons. Ph. 30o. FLORIST Brelthaupt's for flowers. Dial 9195. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Temrtllleer Funeral Home. Ph. 6928. ALKER &i HOWELL Funeral Home, 645 N. Capitol St Ph. 3672. PAINTS AND LACQUERS Complete line Nason painta Liberal trms. R. D. Woodrow. 394 N unurcn. PAPERING-PAINTING Expert workmanship. Phone 4325. PLUMBING REPAIRS Plumbum general repair work braber Bros 164 8. Liberty P 659. o TRANSFER & STORAGE Local or distance transfer storage Burner oils, bnaueta Trucks Portland dally Agent Pierce Auto Freight. Including California points Larmer Transfer Si Storage. Ph. 3131 WELL DRILLING Sneed 2505 Brooks St. P. 6809. 0167 J. Pugh, S125 Myrtle Ph. 9336 ol62 ( WINDOW CLEANING :f PROFESSIONAL CLEAINQ 8ER- . VTCTCPHONTI 4457. For Sale Houses Modern 7-Room Home lor sale or trade by owner. Phone 8001. a!62' HERE IS YOUR CHANCE! Well located, unfinished, livable log house, large Uv. room, city water. Only $950, $100 down. C. H. Sanders 231 N. Hign objo al6i" $1200 Equity 3-bedroom house, N Church. Owner, 2164 Maple. a 162 5R. Mod. Hse., N.E. Salem; $300 dn., bal. easy terms. Owner, Rt. 3, Box 915. al62 Will sacrifice my home on Hazel Ave. 5 large rms bsmt., lurn., lire- place, unfinished attic, large lot. Make me an offer. See Mr. Good win With HAWKINS & ROBERTS. INC., Realtors. al61 Two practically new homes In Wal nut pane district, une a nun.; unu 3 Brm. both auto, heat, H. W. floors, fine bsmt. fireplace. See Mr. Ooodwin with HAWKINS & ROB- BERTS INC.. Realtors. ami For Sale Farms LIQUIDATION SALE To settle an estate we are offering a farm of 127 acres located about 14 miles from Salem on a State high way. 6 room house with electricity, barn with 9 stanchions, other out buildings. 90 acres cultivated, bal ance pasture and timber. Offered Hi $7,000; $2,000 down. See Mr. Collins with HAWKINS Si ROB ERTS, INC., Realtors. bl61 For Sale Acreage PRICE REDUCED! 5 A., north, small creek, berries, fruit, telephone, elect., house, barn. $2500: $500 down: $25 mo. H. Sanders 231 N. Hign ansa bbiei s7 Acre, east: bids:. 12 x 24. could be made Into home at small cost. $1200; $150 down. C. H. Sanders 231 N. High 5838 DDldi- Very nice Vt acre with small neat house, on Evergreen ave. just east of town; lights and water; priced right at $1050; $250 down. Modern 5 Room House unfinished attic; garage and one acre close to Salem. Price $3500; $300 down and $30 month. Chas. H. Vick, zos . Hign st. ' bbl61 Real Estate We Invite your 'Tor Sale" listings if fairly priced. HAWKINS Si ROBERTS, INC. Realtors, Guard i.. dm- e Wanted Real Estate ti?nn rush for best 4 r. home. State cond. Si Loc. Box 96, Cap. Journal. , caioo WANTED! WANTED! We have the buyers. List your prop erty that you have for sale, rent or trade wltn Louis uecmci or ran, Needham, 341 State St., Room 4. caioi' Business Opportunities MUST SELLL one of the most up to date restaurants ana coniecuon erles in Salem. Owner has been called to the army and nas ten days to clean up. Priced to sell. See Mr. Larsen with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc., Realtors. cdl62 FOR SALE Ice cream parlor, only ope in locality. Always busy. Health only reason for selling; contact own- Mrs. J. warren, winamina, v-ri.-. cdl66 GROCERY AND LOCKER BUSI NESS: Excellent return on Invest ment of $5000. See Mrs. Ellis with Childs Si Miller, Realtors, 344 State St. Ph. 9261. cd!62- FOR TWO PEOPLE! $400 inc. fixtures; clean, going res taurant. 4-room llv. qtrs. Rent $30. n. H. Sanders 231 N. 'High 5838 Cdlbl" BARBER and Beauty Shop. Good small layout. Reasonable. Harry o. Anderson, Dallas, ore. caio.) FOR SALE: Attractive home & In enme. close in. Box 89. cows Furniture For Sale Numdah Bedroom Rugs, 4x6, $6.05 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., Inc. 275 N. Liberty Ph. 4615 d!61 2 pc. Daveno Suite $ GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., Inc , 275 N. Liberty Ph. 4615 d!61 Used 5 pc. Fibre Breakfast set, $9.75 GEVURTZ FURNIi UKfc, uu, inc., 275 N. Liberty Ph 4615 dial Used Beauty Rest Mattress. .$16.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., Inc, 275 N. Liberty Ph. 4615 dlBl Canvas Hammocks $3.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., Inc.. 275 N. Liberty Ph. 4615 dlBl- Used Majestic Radio $3.95 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., Inc., 275 N. Liberty Ph. 4615 dl61 Used General Electric Toaster, $1.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., Inc 275 N. Liberty Ph. 4615 dl61' For Sale Livestock Good Family Cow (Jersey). $60. Rt 5. Box 268. Macleay. e!61 COW to freshen soon, man, Rt. 7, Box 119. Joe Moor- el62 ATTENTION 1 1 W1U remove dead & worthless stock In a moment's notice. SALEM FERTILIZER is BY-PRODUCTS. Ph. 5000 Collect. (No other phone) For Sale Wood Sawdust Si mill wood. Ph. 6444. eel88 BUY vour winter wood now. Mill wnod. mill ends, planer ends. We rfoliver now. Ph. 9545. eelBO ujiifiiifrfr Wanted Help Uphlstrs., ref r., svemn. H. L. Stiff gl61 Wanted Help YOUNG MAN To work in store thru bean season. About 2 mos. Sal ary with board and room. Darlev's Plantation, West Stayton. g!63 MAN WANTED Middle-aged up to 60 years; handle established busi ness in Eastern Marion county: eaminzs S35 to $50 weekly from start; not affected by priorities. Write at once to E. E. Ruhnke, 4512 Hollis St., Oakland, Calif. gl61" Woman for general housework in modern home. C. T, Nlbier, woon burn, Rt. No. 1. gl63 4 men to work in alder mill, 75c hr. Exo. not necessary. Men 50 yrs. or over pref. Hse. rent free. Henry Ramacher, 5 mi. E. & 3 ml. N., Hebo. 8160 Auto Body and Fender Helper. Gus. Brodhagen. 265 Ferry St. gl63 Cherry Pickers. James Best, 5 mi west on Orchard Heights Road. gl66 Girls for operating gasoline pumps. Must be over 20 years old, 5 ft., 5 in. tall and have driver's license. Good salary: steady work. Fire stone Stores. 395 No. Liberty St. gl62 Pin Boys, 14-16, good money. B. Sc B. Bowling Court, 335 M. .Hign. gl62' 1 waiter. 8 hrs. ner day. $5 per day: 1 dishwasher, male, $4 per day; 1 comb, fry-pastry cook, $6 per day; 2 waitresses, 50c per nr. meais. Must be experienced. Art Peters, Labor Temple, 259 Court. gl61 CHERRY PICKERS Good crop. Andresen. Rt. 7. Box 381; 'A mi. E. Hayesvllle school. gl62 Hskpr. afternoons $35 per month. Bx. 93, Capital Journal. g!61 Hop trainers wanter, 4 ml. west of Salem. Ph. 21331. Williams 5s Thacker. g Excellent ODening for experienced seed cleanerman. Steady employ ment. Right man can earn good salary. State age and experience in first letter. Box 94, Capital Jour nal. gl64 Cherry pickers wanted. Good plck- ine. level ground, low trees, transp furn. See Dr. Wheatley, 148 N. Liberty. E163 Timber Fallers. Drag saw man. 1730 North Front street. gio;" Cherry Pickers, 30 acres, good pick ing, 2'2c per lb. Fred J. Browning. Ph. 22239 or 22592. Liberty Road Salem Heights bus. g!61 Cherry pickers, good crop, good pay, transp. jurn. Anunsen. m. glOl Cherry Pickers, Carl AspinwaU Or chards. Brooks. Phone 21261. Trans portatlon furnished. Meet truck at Gov't employment office on Ferry St., 7:00 a.m. g- Wanted Positions Baby nursery. William Ave. P. 5502. hl78 Sewing. Remodeling. Ph. 3718. hl74 For Rent 3 rm. hse., $14. 55 Highway Ave. J166 1411 STATE ST. sleeping room, private bath. J 5 r. hse., $30 mo., 1550 S. Liberty; no dogs. Owner, 645 Breys. Ph. 4asd. jitu RENTALS $205 Rms., 1 A., 4 Corners, East. $254 Rms.. 485 N, Winter. $459 Rms., modern. 481 N. Winter. H. P. GRANT 529 Court Ph. 6744 J161 Room, close in, Res. Ph. 8229. J162' Bachelor apt. or will care for an elderly person. Ph. 3035, evenings J162' 2 rm. court apt. furn., elec. stove and refrig. 883 Bcllevue. jura HOUSES, $18 to $40. Ph. 5838. J163' 5 rm. flat, partly turn $20. 8 rm. dwelling, $15, Small apt., $15. IVAN G. MARTIN Ph. 4419 J152 Furn, Apt., 664 So. Com!. J-' 2 Bedrm. House. 940 Parrlsh St. FireDlace. hdw. firs, modern in ev ery way. Ph. 8140. .1162 2 3-Rm. Apis. Heat, light & water furn, Ihq. after 6 p.m. 148 union. JLOi a-Rm. Hse.. 5 bedrms.. range Incl 335 N. Summer. Ph. 8145. J165 5 Rooms for Rcnt-2 bedrooms, fire Dlace. adults. 2164 Maple. J162 Modern 4-Rm. Apt. 772 N. Winter, OCEANLAKE. ORE. Cottages is Apartments completely furnished. Electric stoves & irigia aircs. Beautiful ocean and lake view. Now available at $20 and $25 per week. Seven Gables. P.O. Box 298, Occanlake, or tel. Dclake 424. J186 Furn. Apt., Gar., Adults. 940 Leslie. JlOt Bnse Ants.: Adults. 841 N. Llbertv. J164 3 rm. furn. ant. 607 N. Capitol J164 2 nractlcallv new modern homes. $35 and $50. Ph. 9694. J131 1-2-3-rm. apts. 1370 Chemeketa J163 Sleeping rms. 840 Union. Ph. 3490. J1D1 2-rm. apt. $15. 153 S. 13th. Ph. 5222 J101 Very nice 3-rm. furn. Apt. Bleep, porch, 359 N. Liberty. Ph. 7124. Sleeping room 725 Court. Pianos, $2 mo. HI Stiff Furn. Co. 1' Wanted To Rent Ynune Couole permanently estab lished with reliable company wants small furn. house. Consider one out; In country. Best of references, write P. O. Box 790 or phone 5408. JalSJ Room and Board First class. 1144 Center. Ph. 8630. jjibi Lost and Found lost Black & white wire hair ter rier pup; brown harness. 1004 North Winter. Fnone aooj. newara. kl61 Ppi-son Inklnc classes. Waller Hall, return to office. No questions. kl62 LOST Automobile stamp, after 4 p. m., Monday. 180 So. Church. Reward. kiei LOST Sat. nite, wallet with val uable papers. Call 8813; reward. LOST Roll of blankets and a shop ping bag. Ph. 5304. kl61' Miscellaneous Free top soil; you move it. Plaza St., West Salem. 1525 ml63 Dental Plate Repair 2-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg., State & Commercial For Sale Miscellaneous Bicycle, $40. after 6 p.m. Call-at 1715 N. 19th nl62 Oil heater, $15. Blue enameled wood range. $25. RuunU dining table, 5U. 2 stiaieht chairs. 75c each. 3 rock- prs $1 each. One dresser, $4. Dav- ennort & chair. $10. 759 5th St, Woodburn. r163 -,.. nna iv ami 9 men's hi cvcles. Onen from 1 to a p.m. iio N. Commercial. r163 Montmorency pie cherries, one mile, Wallace id. Pratt. Ph. 2-2212. nlGB R. A. canning cherries, 3c lb. pick. Roberts station. Ph. 22147. U Evan Oil- Stove. Cost $108. Sell for half. Inq. 1510 N. 19th. Ph. 4834. Springer Spaniel dog, 1 yr. old, fe male. Ph. 8541. nl63 Cherries Lamberts. Bings and Roy al Anns, ready to pick for canning, 2".ic lb. U pick, bring containers. Out river rd. to Keizer school, turn right, 1 mi. Rt. 2. Bx. 103. nl63 ENTIRE Force building ships. For the duration, open 1 day a week. Open Fii., July 10th. Get a good vacuum now! Parts & Repair any make. VINCE'S VACUUM STORE 3320 Portland Rd. Ph. 6292. n!62 FOR SALE Good welder's hood, used one week. Tel. 6074. nl61 Boy's bicycle. Mitchell's, 4 Corners nl63' UDrieht Piano, mahogany case, $75, 1690 S. Cottage St. niea Raspb. on share. Ph. 22208., . n!65 Bathlnette. like new. 1242 3rd W. Sa men Enamel wood range; coil; good cond. 1115 Madison St. nl61 Persian kittens. 565 S. Winter. nl61 Cherries. You pick, 3c lb. A. Len gren, Portland Rd., Rt. 7, box 128 niBi- Hostess gas stove, table model, like new; also large crib. pn. dU4d. nioi Berries. Cherries, pick your own. Nel- sons poultry xarm, u rn. o-iou. nl62" REROOF NOW Lowest prices, FHA loans, best roof ing guaranteed. Ph. 6627, res. S2aB muz CHARIS Foundation Garments. Ph 5725. nl69 Wanted Miscellaneous Will pay Cash for used elec. refrig erator. 727 So. 12th. nal02 Highest cash prices paid for USED or. JUNK TIRES or TUBES. Don Madison, 590 No. High. na!66 Used Furniture. Ph. 9185. Personal will not be responsible for any bills contracted other than by my self. Fred Bayer. pl62 Mrs. Martin, Professional Advisor psycho-analyst. Appoint. P. 4960. pioi- Palmlst. P. 4263. Hazel Barton. B St, pi64- Automobiles EXCELLENT '38 Plymouth Deluxe Fordor Sedan; 5 good tires; only $535.00. Box 204, Capital Journal. qibd '35 Chcv., ch.. $105; cheaper for cash. 1265 S. High. ql63 Will trade '35 Ford Tudor; fine shape; for Chevrolet Pickup. J. Lynn, Route 4, BOX ill A. qiorj Defense worker wants best sedan $300 cash will buy. Ph. 21171. qib.1 '40 Con't Ford Cpe., No. 1 cond.; 5 good tires. $850.00. Mrs. Geo. E Allen, 1010 N. 21st. Ph. 6397. ql64 FOR SALE '34 V8 Coupe for $110 or will trade for refrigerator. 835 Academy. 0.161 Financial LOANS $25 to $300 Almost any credit-worthy person who rcallv needs cash ... to pay off old debts; for medical or dental work or for some other worthy purpose, can qualitv for a loan at personal. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Ground Fid., New Bllgh Bldg. 512 State St. lat High St.) Telephone: 3101. Btate Licenses: S-122, M-165. H8f LOANS FOR ALL TYPES OF LOANS SEE STATE FINANCE CO. 344 Bt B.2falM.222 Automobiles WE PAY TOPS! GET EVERY DIME YOUR CAR IS WORTH I Cash on the Barrel-Head "C" SHROCK. Salem's Oldest Independent Used Car Dealer. N. E. Corner Church and Chemeketa Ph. 7922. ql02 CASH FOR ALL TYPES OF CARS STATE MOTORS, INC. 340 N. High ql61' Financial AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS Contracts refinanced to reduce pay ments. Money for new or used cars. No delay or red tape. You will re tain 'possession of the vehicle. 1 to 15 MONTHS TO PAY Roy H. Simmons 136 South Commercial Street Phone 9168. Lie. No. M-152. r' QUICK CASH LOANS All Plans One to 12 Months GENERAL FINANCE CORP. 136 S. Commercial St. License No. S-138 r AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co, 5th Floor, GUARDIAN BUILDING License No. M-159 AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CALKINS FINANCE CO. "Salem's Personal Loan Center' 315 Court St Salem Phone 4448. State License S-228 M-278. Wanted to BUY for ' CASH Real Estate mortgages, Real Estate con tracts, Merchandise discount paper. state Finance Co., 344 state bt. WANTED PRIVATE MONEY to Loan on Good Salem Real Estate Will Pay 6 Interest W. a GRABENHORST & CO. REALTORS r' MONEY TO LOAN On Farm, City or Acreage property. CHILDS St MILLER, INC. 344 State St. Ph. 9261. FARM and CITY LOANS Quality Mortgage Loans at 414 where loan does not exceed 50 of present value. Not an FHA loan. Prompt service. Minimum details. We offer a 5 rate on loans of larger -percentage of value. Will pay Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO, 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 7162. We loan on farm, resident!) Si business property. Will buy mort gages, contracts. HAWKINS & ROBERTS,- INC, Realtors. Guard lan Bldg. Transportation Lady wishes ride to L. A., July 25 Share exp. Bx. 199, Cap. Journal X163 Legal NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT As execulrlx of will and estate o( Jo seph BenJam n. deceased, l nave niei In CIrrulL Court of Marion County. Ore. aon. In Probate, my final account; and snld Court has anoo nted Friday. Ju .11. 1042, at eleven o'clock a. m. for hearinic ot objections thereto and settle ment tnereof. LOUISE C. BENJAMIN. Executrix. MARKS & McMAHAN, Attorneys for Execulrlx. 1 . July 1. s. 1 NOTICE Sealed bids for boarding- for a period of eleven months commencing August l, ibz, all prisoners confined in the Marion coun ty Ja 1 w be rcce ved by ine coun Court at 10:00 a.m., July 24, 1042, in the .County court room In the Courthouse at Salem. OrcRon. Bids must ho submitted on proposal forms obtained from the County Clerk and must be filed with the County Clerk before the time ment oned above. The rlitht is reserved lo reject any or all proposals or to accept the proposal deemed best for Marlon county. Lee ohmsrt. County Clerk Pro Tem, (June 24-July l, R, 15, 22.) Los Angeles Gets. Air Raid Alarm Los Angeles, .Tuly 8 U.R1 preliminary (yellow) air ra aid alert and radio silence was or dered in the Los Angeles area last night because of approach ot an unidentified target, later identified as friendly. The silence lasted only 13 minutes and there was no black out. Text of the armys announce ment follows: "The fourth fighter command ordered a preliminary (yellow) air raid alert and radio silence in Los Angeles and vicinity at 10:06 p.m. toniRhl (July 7) when an unidentified target was re ported approaching the area. The 11 clear was given at 10:19 p. m. when me target was iden tified as frnlndly. No blackout was ordered." Californians Dominate Play Portland, Ore., July 8 (VPi Californians dominated the field today as men's singles players completed the second round In the annual Oregon slate tennis tournament. Jim Brink, the lanky Seattle soulhpaw who Is seeded second, Harry Buttimer, San Francisco, and Ken McCarthy, Fresno, al ready have gained the quarter f 1 linals, and by nightfall five other i War Bonds May Be Used as Pay Washington, July 8 (U.R) Some members of the war labor board today indicated that if the board orders a wage increase for "lit tle slccl" workers at least part of it may be payable in war bonds. Board officials emphasized that no decision has been reach ed cither on the wage or the nion shop demands of the Unit ed Steel Workers (CIO) in the four little steel companies. President Roosevelt's state ment at his press conference late estcrday that a steel wage in crease would be a factor in in creasing the cost of living caus ed considerable discussion among the board members. Mr. Roosevelt said he certainly was against any further increase in iving cost, but would not say whether he favored or opposed steel wage increase. One board member said wage increase payable in bonds would have no effect on living costs since it would not add im mediately. to the purchasing power of the workers. The bonds could be converted to cash after 60 days, but he said he believed most workers would hold them except in cases of urgent need. Drunks in Autos Subject to Arrest An intoxicated person sitting in an automobile, even though he may not be driving or creat ing a disturbance, is subject to arrest under the statute making it unlawful for any person to be in a stale of intoxication on i public highway, Attorney Gen eral I. H. Van Winkle ruled to day. There are no exceptions, Van Winkle held, except in rare in stances when the accused is "in- vountarily and forcibly taken from a private place to a public place during a stale of intoxica tion." The attorney general conced ed, however, that there may be special cases in which "the good judgment and discretion of the law enforcement officers might well be exercised." (Continued from page 7) Holiday guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. C. H. Murphy were Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Stu art and Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Stuart of Albany. Mrs. Jennie Martin, who has been confined to the hospital since suffering a stroke four weeks ago, has relumed to her home and is receiving visitors. Brooks Mrs. Harry Bosch will entertain the Brooks Gar den club in her home Thursday with an all day meeting and no host luncheon. The annual picnic of the club was held at the -home of the president, Mrs. John Henny Reports of the slate federation o garden clubs, which was held in Salem, were given by the dele- gales, Mrs. Henny and Mrs. Brilt AspinwaU. Visitors present were Miss Belly Bonn of Gervais, Miss Mary Gemmell and Miss Dawn Corwin of Dunsmuir, Calif. Twenly-lwo members were pres ent. Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Goltenberg and their daughter, Miss Gnnelle Gotten berg, attended the Saturday evening, July 4, wedding cere mony at Bethel Lutheran church in Portland, ot Miss Helen Ol sen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Otto Olson, all of Bend, to Le- land Guslafson ot Portland, Rev, Johnson officiating. A reception was given al the church social rooms following Ihe ceremony with more than 200 guests attending. Both Mr. and Mrs. Guslafson were members of the junior class ot the Oregon State college last year. They plan to make Portland their home for the summer. Mrs. Gustafson Is a relative of Mrs. Gotlenberg. players will Join them. Only ranking player defeated yesfcrday was Walt Palaske, Portland, seeded fourth, who fell before Jim Livingstone, unseed ed San Franciscan, 6-4, 8-1. In women's singles, unranked Patlv Greenup, hard-hitting Ta- coma girl, and Daphne Buckell, the defending champion from Berkeley, Calif., gained the semi final round. Continuation of Desert Tank Battle from page 1 joining in a clanking desert me lee which was partly obscured by sand clouds. They roared forward, sliding and zig-zagging down the in cline. . Ahee opened up with a blast from his 75-millimeter gun. The Americans picked a vulnerable enemy tank and let him have it until he burst into flames. Another one then came into the range of their sights. One after another they blast ed the German tanks to a halt and saw some of them burst in to flames, until they had picked off four. The arrival of American tank crews in the desert was not known until the battle began They drove to the front lines from a lank assembly point in British trucks with British driv ers and then met the British tank brigade with which they moved into the front line. Canadian Draft Now Assured Ottawa, July 8 (U.m Final approval o a measure that will enable Canada to draft men for overseas fighting was assured today. The house of commons voted 158 to 54 last night in favor of the second reading of an amend ment to the national resources mobilization act, which will de lete the prohibition . against sending drafted soldiers abroad. Because the second reading is the chief stumbling block, the passage made approval of the third and final reading, which soon will be held, cerlain. Forty-five Quebec liberals bolted the administration and were joined by the cooperative commonwealth federation mem bers last night. Conservatives and social credit members voted with the main block of liberals. Prime Minister W. L. Mac Kenzie King promised the house before the vote on the second reading that the government would come back for a vote of confidence immediately after it passes any order-in-couneil en acting conscription for overseas service. Pals Taken Along For Naval Service Seattle, July 8 VP) The navy sent a super-salesman south yes terday for training at the San Diego naval station and with him went his customers. Recruiting officers said Wal ter Troyer, former Seattle high school star alhlete, told them he haled to leave his friends be hind when he joined Ihe navy and asked why he couldn't try and take his pals with him. 'Go to it. You're on recruit ing duty now," Lieut. E. W. Fra- ser, the recruiting officer, told him. All left yesterday with Ap prentice Seaman Troyer, dub bed super-salesman of the northwest, it not the nation, by Lieut. Fraser. ACROSS 81. mm L Bilrdftn S.I. HBfaril 6. Dfivourfd Xfi. Calls forth H, HonftVcontalnur 38. Thongs for 11. Hawaiian danc throwing 13. Lona Star Javelins stafa: abbr. 10. Mfnslira 14. wlriBB II. Baked clar li. Entry In an account IB. OvrrstiiffM footstools IS. Contutictlon 19. Bftllsr 21. T.eava 22. To a point Inslda II. Til la of MohatnmaA 25. Mountain In Msssachu- sal.ta 43, Range or knowleilRS 44, Mini' 4. l.,lttla not 45, Phiim do. Bitter velch 62. At any tints 1,3. While, S4. Make resilr efi. Continent: ahhr. St. Anitellc (i. Distant: Drs'fli IS. HariUnail ft. ftlK 28. MKht moisture M. Biblical towsr 20. Point 66. Crisp cookie 1 v 3 y wt r i7 w r IT j" II T LIJJ?II " lllll"" Mm ,-r-m " WL it 33 Si WT 6Wl - ciM IS '0 ba ki m pS5" N I 1 Iff Mil Light Experts To Aid Defense The appointment of a group of lighting experts to assist county defense councils through out the state in all illumination problems, particularly those stemming from blackouts and dimouts, was announced today by Gov. Charles Sprague. Other members are Walter E. Potter, General Electric com pany, Portland; Tom O. Russell, public utilities commission, Sa lem; George Bocarde, Pacific Power and Light company, Port land; Ted Fitch, Portland Gen eral Electric company, Port land, Don Runyard, California-Oregon Power company, Medford; Prof. W. Wcinger, Oregon State college, Corvallis; Donald C. Campbell, Bonneville adminis tration, Portland; and W. L. Widdows, state highway com mission, Salem. The governor also announced he had appointed area lighting consultants to aid in dimnut op erations along the Oregon coast. They include Robert Gordon, Tillamook area; Elmer Kime, Newport area; Al T. Peterson, Marshfield area and south; A. S. Dempsie, Astoria area; and M. C. Thorn, Seaside area. Promotions Given 72 Non-Com Officers Washington, July 8 () Mentioned for their "especially competent" service as members of the marine corps, 72 non-commissioned officers have been promoted, Lieut. Gen. Thomas Holcomb, corps commandant, announced yesterday. Included in the list of men, 70 ot whom are being advanced to second lieutenant and the other two to marine gunner, are the following men from the Pa cific northwest: Staff Sergeant Victor Earl Sellers, 30, Myrtle Creek, Ore., a ten-year veteran presently sta tioned at Midway island, being raised to the grade of marine gunner. Louis G. Madsen, 23, Forest Grove, Ore., (other information undisclosed), promoted to sec ond lieutenant. Donald H. Castle, 394 South First street. Walla Walla, ser geant, parachute battalion, Camp Elliott, promoted to second lieu tenant. Morrison Bridge Reopened Today Portland, July 8 W The Morrison bridge over the Wil lamette river here will be re opened Ao traffic late today. It has been closed for four months for reconstruction ot the west approach for the new riverfront highway. A SALEM LODGE No. 4, AF & (ZoAM, Thur., July 9, AIM. de- VNgrec, 8:00 p.m. A Piicltlu louue No. 50 AF Ss AM. yreVsF.C. degree Wed., July 8, 7:30 'Vp.m By order W.M. 161' Solution Ol Yesterday's Puizl S,",l?t! v, I. Nourlahlnr X. Rubber tret 4. Heavy TrrttvaJ ilk fabric I. On ttis mmmlt 6. Chord of (out T, Prais 8. Arrivtri 9. Palm leaf in, Troplc.Ll frail II. Broom 17, Roman Ttoet in, FtAt: muslru 2.1. T.ike a nrtth 2. SnlntUlAt 2fi. SIR Ik 27. Direction 23. Bfor. 32. rirci or light 34. Pilot 35. iSth century philojopher 37. Orefrf Rhot Rhvthm 42. Infuse- emotion I or ideas Into 45. FaMer. in on n min at tha eflrth'i center 47. Smoother 4. Agreement! i nrjiyhb whit 61. Resist authority (I. Secondary chnol: colloq. 55. Sour 67. Air: comb. form (9. Old muftlcu ' not tU Poem 67. City In Nevada DOWN 1. Buckeye state Lodges A,KllMEAaonoA W t tiillA I L E Y VE A TIE L L J TjUSEE E kB i ii iH Blk 0 D L L J 1 3si I A 1C3 hone yBc m u k keR E W fJBc H A JEfSE L E. EBc M A. fBoIpLs j skfc o u p. TjlMujajr o tp l o Gtvnpjy. K3(e u nJH cipHe" s!sJH 6 u l b iBo a i InHs'io "a tj aBk" i In e mati c BA. TllilExllIi M A