The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon Five Society Cl ubs and Music Edited bf Utrsuerllt Rleder, Phone 1671 To be O Miss Weller Presented In Recital Miss Elma Weller will present Mary Elizabeth Welder in solo recital this evening at her resi dence studio, "695 North Liberty street. She will be assisted by Martha Elizabeth Weller, violin student of Mary Schultz Duncan, and Mrs. Charles Benner-Garri-son, soprano. The program will include: Invention No. 10 Bsch Shenerdi tnd Bans Heller Triumph Heller Warriors SotiB Heller concerto in D Msjor Kledlnr Allexro Moderato Arabeske MacDowell Tarantelle MacDowell To a Wild Rose MacDowell Adoration Borowskl The Bleep that Flits on Baby's Eyes Walts In O Flat Major Chopin alts In D Flat Major Chopin Members of the Missouri club will meet this evening at 240 ',4 North Commercial. . Pan-American Class Hears Miss Bratzel Members of the Pan-American class of the Salem Woman's club met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Clifton Mudd for the final meeting of the year. Sharing hostess honors with Mrs. - Mudd were Mrs. Saul Janz and Mrs. Lyman Bundy. Miss Hattle Bratzel, delegate to the convention which was held recently In Fort Worth, Texas, spoke to the group, describing the convention. She stressed that western hemisphere solidarity had been emphasized. , O' The regular dinner meeting of the Business and Professional Women's club will be held Tues day, May 26, at 6:30 o'clock at the Golden Pheasant. Speaker of the evening will be Major R. E. M. Des Islets, area engineer for Camp Adair. The executive board will meet at 5:30 o'clock Tuesday, May 26, just before the dinner at the Golden Pheasant. Mr. and Mrs. W. Edwin Seam ster are being felicitated upon the birth of a daughter, May 14, at the Deaconess hospital. Mrs. Seamster was a nurse at the Dea coness hospital for several years. - ' Word comes from Seattle that Mr. and Mrs, Delbert Lee Ander son of that city are receiving felicitations upon the birth of a daughter early this morning. She has been named Margaret. Donna Unruh. To Be Presented In Recital Donna Unruh will be present ed this evening in a recital at the Calvary Baptist church Gladys Edgar will accompany She will be assisted by Marilyn Wyatt. The recital will be at 8:15 o'clock. Miss Unruh stud ies voice with Lena Belle Tar tar and Marilyn Wyatt is a piano student with Mrs. David Eason. The program will include: WldmunK Pram Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt? Techalkownlcr 3ch liebe dich Oilec Recitative and Aria from "St, Paul".. Mendelssohn And He Journeyed But the Lord la Mindful of His Own Aria from "The Elijah" Mendelssohn O Rest in the Lord Piano a roup Spirituals Sometimes X Peel Like a Motherless Child Arr. Fisher Were You There Arr. Burleigh Swee,t Little Jews Boy MecGimsej There Are Fairies at the Bottom of Our Garden Lehman Two Little Shoes Mana-Zucca The Elf-Man wells Lions Auxiliary Elects New Officers Members of the Lions auxit iary met Thursday afternoon at Godfrey's for a luncheon meet ing. Mrs. La Verne Young was elected president, and other of ficers include Mrs. J. K. Hub bard, vice-president; Mrs. Char les Strickfadden, treasurer, and Mrs. Floyd Seamster, secretary, The officers will be installed at the June meeting. After the luncheon the group met at the home of Mrs. C. F Putnam and hostesses were Mrs. Estill Brunk, Mrs. Douglas Yea- ter and Mrs. James L. Cooke Mrs. W. Vernon Gilmore was welcomed as a new member. .- Woodburn,, Members of Woodburn auxiliary,' American Legion, will hold the annual pop- py sale in Woodburn and vicin ity Friday and Saturday, May 22 and 23. The sale will be un der the direction of Mrs. Nellie Yates, auxiliary president. Falls City Mrs. Mollie Shep herd and Mrs. Mabel McSorely of Salem were house guests of their son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Shepherd for the past week. tnter the cardigan, among suit favorites. It's a versatile suit, be cause the Jacket serves as a top- .per with frocks. A good style lo make in vibrant colors, as well a the always smart navy. Pattern Includes notched collar version. Style No. 2576 is designed for sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 36, 38, 40 and 42. Size 36 requires 3 yards 39-inch fabric for Jacket and skirt; 3 yards braid. Blouse No. 3148, sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 36, 38, 40 and 42, is a separate pattern. . 4 Head about the real-life expert- Wnccs of home sewers in our new Fashion Book! Fashion problems of the career girl, the farmer's wife, the suburban matron, the busy mother they're all solved, smartly and Inexpensively. Send 15c for your copy I 10c if ordered with a pattern. Send FIFTEEN CENTS (15) (coin ts preferred) for PATTERN Write plainly YOUR NAME ADDRESS A NT STYLE NUMBER BE SURE TO STATE SIZE YOU WISH Address PATTERN DEPARTMENT Capital Journal SIB Mission street, San Francisco Calif r Redecorated . Enlarged USUAL l50 WAVE 1 Perm Oil Push teM Ware, complete C Os-m Thsrsasr Bvt fcr AslnlmM Castle Perm. Wavers Bonheur Club Will Have Dance Bonheur club will entertain with its final dance of the sea son at the American Legion home Saturday night between the hours of 9 and 12 o'clock with the Oregonian's orchestra playing for the dancing. A midnight supper will oe served in the dining room. Mem bers of the committee in charge of the supper are Mrs. Knight Pearcy, Mrs. E. A. Brown, Mrs, Arthur Selander, Mrs. L. M, Flagg, Mrs. Warren B. Baker, Mrs. Harry Holt and Mrs. E. T Hartwell. The Parents' club of Boy Scout troop No. 1, will meet to night, May 22, at the Rotary hut at 8 o'clock. Salem Maids Receive Honors Oregon State College Four Salem students were honored recently at the honors convoca tion held during Women's week end at Oregon State college. Eileen Holden, junior in sec retarial science, was one of the 10 junior women tapped during the convocation for Mortar Board, senior women's honor society. Nancy Day, sophomore in ed ucation, was among the 37 wom en pledged to Euterpe, honor society in music. Willeta Mulkey, graduate in home economics, was oledged to Kappa Delta Pi, honor society for men and women in educa tion. Arline Sholseth, junior in pharmacy, was also pledged to Euterpe. Woodburn Musicians To Give Recital Woodburn Mrs. Edward Mohr (Vera Jean Huber) of Sa- lem will present her Woodburn piano, pupils in recital at the local Presbyterian church Fri day evening and Saturday after noon of this week. Friday evening at 8 o'clock, Mrs. Mohr will present Dwight Gralap of Woodburn and Lois Ann Taylor of Salem. Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock Junior Sullivan, Priscilla Asper, Hazel Hermanson, Nancy Ernest, and. Sylvia Webb will be presented. Mrs. Oswalt Morley of Salem will assist at both recitals with vocal selections. The public is invited. Oregon State Mothers will meet at the home of Mrs. Wilmer Page at 1623 Chemeketa street Monday for a 1 o'clock luncheon. Mrs. O. I. Paulson will preside at the business meeting which will follow the luncheon and the afternoon will be spent In sew ing for the Red Cross. Tea will Be Event Of: Saturday : Event of the week will be the tea which will be given Satur day afternoon, honoring Mrs. Robert G. Brady, Jr., and Miss Ruth Anunsen, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Severne Anun sen. Hostesses for the lovely af fair will be Mrs. James T. Brand, Mrs. David Wright and Mrs. Ray A. Yocom. The tea will be giv en at the Brand home in North Summer street. The hours are from 2 until 5 o'clock and several hundred ma trons and maids have been bid den to call. Miss Ruth Anunsen will be come the bride of Thomas Bur ton Hill, Jr., at a ceremony which will be an event of Sunday, May 31, at the First Congregational church at 4 o'clock in the after noon. A reception will follow in the church parlors. Matrons are Honor Guests Mrs. Grover Hillman enter tained Thursday evening with a delightful surprise party honor ing Mrs. Claybourne Dyer and Mrs. Robert C. Cannon. The smart affair was given at the Hillman home in South Church street. A color scheme of pink, blue and white was used in the decor. Bouquets of snapdragons, iris, carnations, roses, sweetpeas and forget-me-nots were about the rooms. Guests were seated at small tables for a dessert supper and several hours of contract were in play. A shower honored Mrs. Dyer and Mrs. Cannon. Bidden to honor Mrs. Dyer and Mrs. Cannon were Mrs. Joseph Devers, Jr., Mrs. James H. Nich olson, Jr., Mrs. Harry Wiedmer, Mrs. Lester Carter, Mrs. Harvey Quistad, Mrs. Russell Woodward, Mrs. William. Dyer, Jr., Mrs. Meredith Huggins, Miss Dorothy Blaisdell, Miss Maxine McKillop and Miss Barbara Williams, Writer's Club Has Meeting The Salem Writers' club met Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Blanche Jones, with Mrs. Frank McWhorter and Robert Rawson as hosts. Original work was read by Miss Edna Garfield, Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Franklin, Mrs. Julia Lytle, Mrs. J. C. Nelson, Dr. Morton E. Peck, Perry, Reigel man, Dr. Mary Rowland and Mrs. Jessie Singleton. Election of officers for the en suing year was held, Dr. Morton E. Peck being re-elected leader and Robert Rawson being re elected secretary-treasurer. Hubbard The marriage of Miss Cleo Carothers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen C. Caro thers of West Hubbard, to Edgar D. Crawford, will be an event of Sunday, May 24. The wed ding will take place at 2 o'clock in the Aurora Lutheran church and will be followed by a re ception in the church parlor. Falls City Mr. and Mrs. Cal vin Barnhart, son, Harold and daughter, Janet, were week-end guests of her sister's family, Mr. and Mrs. Gay Diehm of Salem. Breakfast Fetes Matrons Mrs. Frank Litwiller enter- tained Tuesday morning with a delightful breakfast at her home in Glen Creek drive. An ar rangement of spring flowers centered the breakfast table. Covers were placed for Mrs. James F. Davis, Mrs. Eugene Krebs, Mrs. Paul Knapp, Mrs C. E. Falter, Mrs. C. C. Edwards Mrs. W. W. . Hess, Mrs. Stella Hoffer, Mrs. L. E. Flathers, Mrs. Frank Litwiller, Jr., of Port land, and the hostess, Mrs Frank Litwiller, Sr. - The Ladies' Auxiliary of the carpenters, who meet weekly, met Wednesday - afternoon to make garments for the Red Mrs. Chas. Hinshaw of Nashville, Cross. Refreshments were served Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Stewart and by the hostess, Mrs. Harry John- children and Mr. and -Mrs. Wm. son. I Dixon, all of Salem Woodburn Miss Jean Royse, valedictorian of the graduating class of Woodburn high school, is one of 73 graduating seniors to receive a free scholarship to Oregon State college. Miss Royse is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Eugene E. Royse of Woodburn. Falls City Those who enjoy ed a no-host dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Wilbur Brlnkert Sunday were: Mrs. Fred Crowley and son, Leonard of Rickreall, Mr. and Festival Is Given By Studio The Melton piano studio is presenting today a Music Fes tival. In previous years the studio has given six programs, but this year they have been combined Into one festival dav of music. The afternoon program from 3 until 5:30 o'clock In the after noon is of an informal natui- and the evening program will be formal. It is being given in the carrier room of the First Methodist church. The program will include groups of piano solos, duets and duos by the pupils of Frances Virginie Melton. Assisting the students will be Miss Nancy Wallace, soprano, who is a pu pil of Josephine 'Albert Spauld ing and Miss Mary Ann Brady, soprano, a pupil of Lena Belle Tartar. Accompanists will be Miss Evelyn Johnson and Miss Alice Rose. Miss Nancy Wallace will sing "I Bring You Heartsease," by Branscombe; "Jeune Filetle -. arranged by Weckerlin; "Smiliiv Through", by Arthur Penn, and "The One Little Cloud", by Tysch. Miss Mary Ann Brady will sing "Lullaby" by Brahms: "Dedication" by Strauss, "Ele gy" by Massenet, and "The Lass with the Delicate Air" by Ame. The public is cordially invited to attend. Legion Auxiliary Elects Officers West Salem Election of offic ers for the auxiliary of King wood post, American Legion, was held at the regular meeting last night. The nominating commit tee, composed of Mrs. E. A. Dickson, Mrs. Lillian Williams and Mrs. Ray Lacey, submitted the following nominees, who I (Concluded on Page 8) Miller's Gift Shop is fairly bristling with new gift things! Every day brings big freight and express ship ments of fine giftwares you'll want for graduation and wedding gifts. Shop this gift section tomorrow and see fot yourself the grand array that awaits your choice! Scrap Books .. 59c to $2.95 Framed Pictures (new) 50c to $3.39 Leatherette Novelties . . 59c to $2.95 Bud Vases . . .50c to $1.00 Book Ends $1.50 to $5.50 Picture Frames .................. $1.00 to $2.95 Cigarette Boxes 89c to $2.85 Ash Trays 50c to $1.95 Table Lamps $1.50 to $5.50 Stationery 30c to $2.50 Pottery Figures ... 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Stationery, ! lureS . Put IflJlrrorS I Normals! nf)S 1 tvlilunerul L Phone 3603 MS 1st Htlt Bank Bldi.