The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon Seven Observance of Easter to Start With Sunrise Services Friday, April 7, 1939 Organ Recital At Leslie ME Sunday at 4 A 4 o'clock organ recital Sunday afternoon will be a feature of Eas ter observance on the part of Leslie Methodist church. Mrs. Margaret H. Rlppey of Portland will present a program of Appropriate music on the newly installed Reuter pipe or gan. Morning worship at Leslie will take place at 11 o'clock 8unday, with Rev. Dean 0. Potndexter speaking on the subject, "The Lord of Life.1 There will be a baptismal service for children. Young people of the congregation will have Easter breakfast at the Boyce home, 1870 Market street. The organ program follows: Air for the O B trine Bach Adailo MtndelMohn (From the Flrrt Ore in 8onata Andante Sumlti Allegro Jubilant Mtllican Meal ut ion Pryttnter Cantilena Fryalnttr April , Oaul Rwurrectlon Horn Johnaton Christ Ii Risen Ooaa Meditation Pathetlque Stouihton Bouree Chenoweth Bouerel . Dickinson March Oullmant The public is Invited to attend all of these services. CHURCTH OF THE NAZARKNE wnwr oi. at lath. Leo Webster Col. lar, pastor. Easier sunrise service tt Evangelical church 0:30 a.m. Bible ecnooi g:5. special faster program. Worship at 11. Special Easter music, Easter love oiiering: choir anthem; ermon: The Power of the Reaurree- tlon. Special Easter drama In the main auditorium at 6:30 p.m. At 7:30 w cnoir, srnest mesen. director. will present the Easter canuta. "The resurrection mory." solo parte by uarmogene Holier, carol Joy Emel, ioueiia naray. uorouiv javei. wn. lard Frleaen. Lowell Love all, Robert nuston, gnanea collar and Fred Bcnroedar. Mrs. Doris Frleaen, pianist. FIRST CHURCH OF OOD Cottage oc. at mooo. Kev. j. r. Lawson. pastor. Sunday school 9:40 a.m. Lyle Knox. supt. Preaching at 11. Subject: The Risen cnrist. Text: He U not here, He Is risen. Easter program at 7:30 p. m. Drama: The Challenge of the Cross. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 pjn. 8T. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL Church and Chemeketa fits. Rev. Oeorae H, Swift, rector. Holy Eucharist, full cnoir. e a.m. Children's euchsrist. boys' choir, 0:4B. Tours service of the Holy Eucharist, both choirs. 11 a.m, Choir director, Ronald Craven: org anist, Mrs. Kenneth Dalton. Anthem Break Forth Into Joy. FREE METHODIST If. Winter and Market Sts. Rev. D. A. Cohagan. pas tor. Easter lesson and program by the Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. Easter message at 11: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ. TP. Bible study 0 pjn. Evangelistic service at 7:30. Sub ject: Let Me In. Prayer meeting 7:30 Tnursoay evening. KNIOHT MEMORIAL Perry St. at itn. Howard c. stover, minister, Sunday school program at 10 a.m. Morning service at 11. Easter sermon Infallible Proofs. Solo: I Was the Tree, Allene Moored. Solo: Hosanna, Ever ett Craven of Portland. Anthem: Op en the Gates of the Temple. Evening aernee at 7:30. Easter concert. PENTECOSTAL MISSION S 1 B U N Commercial St. Sunday: Bible school 9 p.m., devotional! at 8. evangelistic 7:30. Revival meetings nightly at 7:i J. C. and Daisy Wilson pastors. CHURCH OF CHRIST Cottage St. at Shipping. Bible study 0 a.m. Wor- anm at u. euniect: Religion, com- munlon at 11:45. Young people's meeting o:s p.m. Preaching at 7:30 Subject: Who Then Can be Saved? Wednesday service at 8 p.m. Gospel song practice and discussion or prob lems on religious subjects. H. R. Tnomniu, minister. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN Missouri synod, 10th and A Sts. H. W. Gross, pastor. Sunday school 9 a.m. Special Easter services. German at 9, English at 10 a.m. Lutheran radio hour 1:30 over KSLM. Bible discussion 7 p.m. PROGRESSIVE Psychic and Divine neauns center, 34s n. comi. St. spir itual messages and services 3:30 and 7:30 p.m. Leroy Stout, speaker. TMMANUEL BAPTIST Hare, and Acamey Sts. Sunday school 9:45 a.m., children's Easter program. Church at 11 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. BTPU 0:45 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursdsy 7:30 p.m. CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE 301 S. Commercial St. Paul A. Collord, pastor. Bible school Sunday at 9:45 a.rt. Special Easter service of recitation.- sons and ser mon at 10:45. Young people's meet ing, junior, senior, o:30. At 7:30. ser mon: The Tenses of the Resurrection. Tuesday 9 pjn. Missionary prayer nand, 1910 S. commercial Wednes day 7:45 p.m., cottage meeting. Friday i:o p.m. cnoir renearsat. COURT ST. CHRISTIAN Court at I7th St. W. H. Lyman, minister. Easter breakfast at 7:30 a.m. Bible school 9:45. Easter program 10:30. Worship and communion at ii. cnoir numbers: Easter Dawn. Easter's Melody. Ser mon: The Christ of the Resurrection. Evening service at 7:80. Vocal duet The City of Oold. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lyman: double quartet. H Went All the Way. Sermon : With Christ Throughout Eternity, Christian deavor 8:45 pjn. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Meet at f pffl. Sunday In the Fraternal tem ple, 447 Center street, for Bible atudy and instruction. ENOLEWOOD UNITED BRETHREN N. 17th st Nebraska St. O E. Foster, minister. Easter breakfast at the church at 7:30 a.m. Sunday school 9:46. Worship at 11. Solo: In the End of the Sabbath. Miss Manan cnese. Sermon: From Darkness to Dawning. Sunday evening service, 8:80 to 7:30. In charge of Christian Endeavor. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:so p.m REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JES TJS CHRIST, L.DS 12th and Leslie. . V. Hamrnel, pastor. Church school 10 ajn. Dr. A. W. Beal. director. A abort Easter program following clsae work. Sermon: Resurrection, at 11. Book of Mormon and Zlon League at :0 pjn. lecture bv Dr. Georee A Si mon of Eugene: Palentln of Toot in Fulfill meat f the Scriptures, 1:4 This Painting, "The Woman at the Tomb,' by William Adolphe Bouguereau, depicts the scene of the first Easter when the women found the stone rolled away from the tomb, and an angel waiting with a message that Jesus had risen. Belcrest Park Scene Of Union Meeting And so they came "early sunrise" to anoint the body for burial. As they approached the tomb, the question presented itself, "How shall we move the atone?" But when they got there, they looked, and behold, the stone was rolled away I ! Stranger still, there was a young man sitting in the sepulchre, wear ing a white robe: and he said to them, "Do not be amazed) You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He is not here he is risen; See, here Is the place where they laid him.' Celebration of the event as told In the above sketch from the Gospel as it pertains to the Resurrection, will take various forms Easter Sunday. Clad In new raiment, symbolical of the season, capital city residents will visit the churches of their faith where they will listen to appropriate mes sages and give ear to serious discus sions of the meaning of Easter and the risen Christ As has been the custom for a num. ber of years, young people of the several congregations of the city will sponsor a sunrise service at Belcrest Memorial park Sunday morning. They have extended an Invitation to people of all faiths, or not at all, to take part in the program which has been arranged under the direc tion of Gordon Randall of the Court Wednesday evening prayer meeting. Friday at 3:30, women's department at 345 Bellevue St. for quilting. Friday 7:46 pjn., Zlon league recreation. FIRST BAPTIST N. Liberty St. at Marion, irving a. fox, pastor, sime school 9:48 a.m. Worship at 11. Sub ject: The Walk to Emmaus and a Burning Heart. Senior BYPU at 8:16, high school at 6:30. Gospel service at 7:30. Subject: Did Our Lord Jesus Come Into the World to Make Men Moral or Immortal? Scriptural bap tismal service. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTOT If. Summer St. L. E. Nlermeyer, minis ter. Services Saturday : Sabbath school 9:45 a.m. Worship at 11:10. Sermon' by pastor: The World's Greatest Bat tle. Young people's meeting 3:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30. GRACE GOSPEL HALL 16th St. at Mill. All-day meeting Sunday. Sun day school 9:48 a.m. Lord's Supper at 11. Lunch at l. Preaching 3:45 ana 7:45. Outside speakers at each meet ing. CHRIST LUTHERAN Ai.0. State St. at 18th. Rev. Amos B. Mlnneman. A.M., pastor. English Easter sunrise candlelight services 6:30 a.m. Sub ject: Jesus Christ, The Son or Right- eousnes Arisen with Healing tn His Wings. Easter breakfast following sun rise services. German Easter service at 9: Subject: The True Easter Heart. Sunday school at 10. Rev. Mlnnemann, supt. English at II. Subject : The Lamb at Our Easter Feast. Sunday school Easter service with pageant, Paens of Praise. 7:30 p.m. Dorcas so ciety Wednesday at 3 p.m. CALVARY BAPTIST S. Liberty at Miller St. Rev. Amo Q. Wenlger, pas tor. Bible school assembly at 9:46 a.m. Worship at 11. Easter message. Choir anthem: Calvary. Ordinance of Be liever's Baptism administered. Spe cial young peoples meeting at 0:15 P, m. Worship at 7:30. Easter cantata: The vaster victory, by vested choir. I. D. Llndburg. director. Mid-week service Wednesday 7:30 pjn. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Cen ter and Liberty Bts. Robert A. Hutch inson, minister. Church school and young people's forum at 9:45 ajn. Dr. W. C. Jones, supt. worship at ii Sermon: The Sacrament of Life. An- them: Now ts Christ Exalted. Solo: Unfold. Ye portals, Mary Virginia Nohlgren; violin solo: Ave Maria, Dal bert Jensen. Junior choir numbers: Jesus Christ is Risen Today and Re joice. Olve Thanks and Sing. Baptism of children at this service. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCI ENTIST Chemeketa at Liberty Sts Sunday achool 11 a.m. Services at 11 a nu 8 p.m. Lesson-sermon: "Are Sin, Disease and Death Real?" Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 Includes tes timonies of healing through Chris tian Science. Public reading room. 306 Masonic temple, open dally ex cept Sunday and holidays from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Wednesday until 7:80. FIRST CHRISTIAN HI itl fct. at Center. Guy L. Drill, minister. Church school 9:80 ajn. Lord's Supper and 1 : rMJ'at (J on the first day of the week, at street Christian church. Rev. Rob ert Hutchinson of the First Congre gational church will deliver the main address. The program: 5 :45-8 :00 a. m. Organ prelude, Phil Barrett, First Presbyterian church. Trumpet duet, Ronald Adams, Calvary Baptist, and Warren Blg gerstaff, Jason Lee. Group song, "Christ Arose,1 led by Wllmer Brown, First Evangelical. Invocation, Rev, James E. Mi 111 gan. First M. E. Nasarene quartet, Frank and Mar vin LitwiUer, Wlllard and Ernest Friesen. Scripture reading. Martha Okuda, Japanese church. Vocal solo, "Day Is Dawning," Speaks, Clarice Waring, Leslie M.E. Address, '3alutatlon of the Dawn,1 Rev. Robert Hutchinson, First Con gregationaL Group song, "Christ, the .Lord, Is Risen Today." Benediction, Rev. Henderson, First United Brethren. A public address system will be on hand, so that all in attendance may hear. worship at 10:46. Sermon theme: The Victory of the Ages. Knight Templar Easter service st 4 P-m. Sermon: The Foundation of Fraternal Security. At 7:so we cantata victory Divine will be given, with Victory service. Wed nesday 7:30 p.m. special showing of moving pictures of present day con ditions In China. Cars will call lor those desiring transportation to any of these services. Call the office. JASON LEE MEMORIAL Method ist Episcopal. N. Winter, Jefferson and Fairgrounds Rd. Lynn A. Wood, min ister. Church school 9:46 a.m. Special Easter worship services. Special an them by senior choir at 11: Triumph ant Strains Arise. Prof. Herman Clark, director. Infant baptism. Sermon: The Easter Message. Ep worth Leagues 6:80 p.m.. Intermediate, high school, sen ior. Evening service at 7:30. Easter music by vested young people's choir directed by Robert Klemple. Easter arama, auectea oy Miss Beulab Gra ham. HIGHLAND FRIENDS Highland Ave. at Church St. T. Clio Brown, pastor. Bible achool at 10 a.m. Wor ship at 11. Rev. W. E. Cox of Port land will be guest speaker. Junior and high school Chrlstlsn Endeavors at 6:30 p.m. Evangelistic service 7:80. School In Christian education for grade children Thursday 3 :30 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening 7:30. Monthly business meeting following prayer meeting. FIRST EVANGELICAL Marlon St. at Summer. Rev. James E. Campbell, minister. Wllmer N. Brown, director of youth activities and music Sun day achool at 9:46 a.m., W. N. Brown, supt. Worship at 11. Sermon: The Im perishable Ones. At 7:30 p.m. the choir will present Olivet To Cslvary. Bible stuay ana prayer service 7:80 Thurs day evening. EVANOELI8TTC TABERNACLE Ferry and 13th Sts. Special Eastertide services with the Fox evangelistic ear. ty at 7:80 each evening. Miss Ethel Fox will speak Good Friday on: Seven Lt woros or Jesus Christ. nn: Lome Pox will speak Saturday night on: Turning the world Upside Down. Sunday achool rally Easter Sunday at 9:46 a.m. At 11 Evang. Ethel Fox win b Dealt on: Bread from HHn At 7:80 p.m. Evang. Lome Fox will speak on: The Harvest of Hell. The Fox trio will present Mr. Fox's own vocal and Instrumental com position: xne oia. old Story, a 30 minute com position. EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED N. Capitol St. at Marios Edwin Horst man pastor. School of Christian Re ligion 10 a.m. Albert Barth. supt. Worship at 11. Subject: Resurrection Morning Then and Now. Special Ess ter music. Holy communion. Easter program by Church school and young people at 7:45 p.m. LESLIE MEMORIAL Friday even ing aervtoa at 7:80. Holy communion. Reception of members. Message: The Desire of the Heart. Miss Harriet Coons win sing. FTReTT FRESBTTERTAN Winter St. at Chemeketa. Henry Mareotte. D. D.. pastor. Church school a as imply aad Christ Church Has Cantata Sunday evening at 1:30 o'clock Christ Lutheran Sunday school will have 1U regular annual Enter wonhlp program for Sunday achool and congregation. The services constat of exercise, and tinging by the Sunday achool and end with the beautiful pageant- cantata. "Paens Of Victory." a rep resentation of the resurrection story In song and pantomime. The program Is as follows: !. Scripture: "Tfc. latter Jo,." XL Bxerelee: aertpiurt. unguis us reelta- Ueoa: "Com, And Baal" III. Exerdae: Scripture end neltattoa,: Oo And TUI" XV. Paseant-cantala: "Plena Of Victory." All of the members of the junior choir, the costumed characters and the readers In the pageant are members of the 8unday school. The Luther League of the church will sponsor the annual Easter breakfast to which aU of the mem bers of the church are Invited Im mediately following the sunrise services which will be held at 6:30 a. m. Easter progrmm la auditorium at 0:80 a.m. Worship st 11, Sermon: Can the Modern Man Believe in the Resur rection? Choir anthem: An Kaater Hallelujah and Unfold T Portals. Solo by Josephine Albert Spauldlng: In the End of the Sabbath. Commun ion service at 4 P-m. Baptism of chil dren and reception of new members. High school CJE. at :S0 pjn., other C. E. groups will not meet, no evening service. Meeting of Preabytery Tuea day and Wednesday. Mid-week service Thursday evening at 7:90, SALEM HEIGHTS Madrons and Liberty roads. Rev. Alfred K. Vosper. Sunday school 9:46 a.m. Easter service at 11: He Is Risen. Baptismal service. SOUTH SALEM FRIENDS 0. Com mercial at Washington St. Dillon W. Mllli. pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m, Worship at 11. Sermon: The Majesty of the Easter Message. Easter vesper service at 4 p.m. Cantata: Easter An gel, will be presented oy a onorus from the Salem Friends churches. No evening servicee. BETHEL BAPTIST If. Cottage and D Sts. J. P. Olthoff, pastor. Bible school at 9:45 a.m. Bam scnirman. supt. Pastor's talk: The Empty Tomb. Morning service In Oerman at 11. Easter anthem by choir. Sermon: The First Walk with the Risen Christ. Evening service In English at 7:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:48 p.m. Baiter program by young people. WOODBURN CHURCHES METHODIST EPISCOPAL Sunday achool Easter program at 10 aJD. wor ship at 11. Topic: Reception of mem bers and Baptismal Service. Epworth League service at sunrise at the church. Easter cantata: Rise Glorious Conqueror, 8 p.m. Communion ser vice begins at 7:45. Rev. Hawk will speak, r. o. Kieen, pastor. FOURSQUARE GOSPEL Sunday school st 9:46 a.m. Worship at 11. Rev. Phillips speaking. Easter mess age st 7:45 p.m. An Easter pageant will be presented by the young peo ple of the church : The Cross of Light. directed by Mrs. Ruth Hastle. The choir will sing, Mrs. Elizabeth Mills, director. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Easter program for Sabbath school 10 a.m At 11 the choir will give the story of The Resurrection in song entitled: Je sus Only. Address by the pastor. At 0:30 pjn. Christian Endeavor. BETHEL PRESBYTERIAN Easter program at the Sabbath school hour. Consecration service for inrants. Tne Christian Endeavor meets at 7:15. Evening worship at 8. TMMANUEL LUTHERAN Divine worship at 10 a.m. Saturday confir mation class 10 a.m. Sunday school social at the hall 1:30 p.m. Junior choir practice at 4 P-m. Oluf As per, pastor. MONITOR NIDAROS LUTHERAN Divine services at 11:30 a.m. Sunday school and Bible class at 10. Young people's meeting 3 p.m. Lunch at the hail at the close or morning- service Ladles Aid at the Rogens Wednesday at a p.m. oiur Asper, pastor. CHRISTIAN Bible school 10 a.m. worship at It. Preaching 7:30 . pjn Christian Endeavor 7:80 pjn. PENTECOSTAL MISSION Assem bly of God. Sunday school 10 a.m Worship at It. Young people's 6:30 pjn. Evening service st 7:30. Tues day prayer service at 7:45 p.m. Friday 'BIBLES Make Beautiful EASTER GIFTS We have a large selection of In many Bindings or ciotn, koid and leather also red editions all to be disposed ing the Easter period at Commercial 163 N. Commercial SU Bible study 1:48 pjn. Special youni people's service Friday, April T. Albm Johnson, pastor. CHURCH OF OOD Inter prosram by Sunday school at 10 SJn, Beater sermon at 11. Bvenlnc at 7:0. Wed nesday 140 pjn. prayer service and Bible study. H. 6. Fulton, poetor. ST. MART'S EPISCOPAL lasur communion services at S:30 ajn. ST. LURK'S CATHOLIC Sunday masses and a and 10 ajn. Rosary and benediction at 7:30 pjn. OXIlos hours to 12 ajn. SILVERTON CHURCHES ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC Father Car berry. Holy Thursday mass 8:16, Holy hour 7:30. All dsy adoratlou. uooa rriaay mass or Pre-sanctiried adoration of cross ail day. sta tions t:w. noiy oaiuroay, oieMiugs at 7, mass 8:16. Confessions Thurs day, Friday and Saturday following devotions. Saturday a p.m. and 7 p.m, caster masses: High mass a, low and benediction at 10. CALVARY LUTHERAN O. C. Ol sou, pastor. Sunday school and Bible classes 9:45 a.m. Miss Olgs Johnson supt. Divine worship at 10:46. Subject: The Resurrection a Living Soul Ex- perienoe of Every Christian. Special Easter music by choir, Oscar Satrum, Director, caster program 7:30 p.m Quarterly business meeting Tuesday at 7:80 p.m. Choir rehearsal Wednes day at I p.m. Services Thursday at i:ao pjn.. Rev. o. o. Heuand. of Ev erett, wasn., apeaKer.oregon Circuit of the Lutheran Free church convenes Friday. Saturday and Sunday. Pro gram: Friday 10 ajn., sermon by Rev. O, H us toft of Astoria. Friday 3 p.m., itev. j, a, -jvoite oi Astoria, speaker, at 7:30, evangelistic service. Rev. O. C Helland, speaker. Saturday at 10 the Rev. A. Oftedal of Spokane and others will speak. Confirmation Instruction at the parsonage 10 a.m. Women's Missionary federation In charge of tne evening session at 7:30. TRINITY M. J. K. Fuhr. pastor, Sunday school 10 ajn. Special Easter program by Sunday school. Easter ser vice at 6:30 a.m. Sermon topic: Early at the Sepulchre, and at 11 a.m.: Vic tory, special music lor both services, Luther league at 7 p.m. Topic: The Victorious Christ. Teachers will meet at the home of Mrs. L. Qoplerud Mon day evening st 8. Dorcas society Tues day evening 7:30. Board of trustees meet Tuesday 8 p.m. Quarterly con gregatlonal meeting April 13 at 8 p. m. in the church. Confirmation class Saturday: seniors st 9. juniors at 10:30 ajn. English Holy community service tomgnc as t:o, TMMANUEL LUTHERAN J. M. Jen son, pastor. Saturday: Senior class at 9 a.m.. Junior class at 10 30. Easter Sunday sunrise service at 6 a.m. Sun day school at 10. Easter service at 11 Subject. God's Easter Message of the World. Special music. Sunday evening leagues meet at 6:30 and 7:46. Good Friday Norwegian service and com munlon at 10. Quarterly meeting of the church Wednesday evening, April 1.1, st e. FIRST CHRISTIAN Frank W. Zook pastor, sunrise service at 6:30 a.m under direction of the young people, Bible school at 10. F. M. Powell, supt, xne pastor win soeaK at u a.m. on The Startling and Infallible Proofs of a Risen Lord. The chorus choir will present special Easter music Evening service at 7:30. Special mu sic oy ootn cnoirs. special sermon, METHODIST D. Lester Fields, minister. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Mrs. Nada Orlnde, supt. Morning ser mon theme: An Event that Changed tne world, special cnoir numbers Incidental solos by Ernest Byberg and Dorothea Hearth. Evening service, two pageants by the sunaay school, en titled: The Three Friends and The Challenge of the Cross. Special music by the Sunday school orchestra. Mon day at 7:30 p.m. official board meet ing. Ladles Aid society Thursdsy st 3:30 p.m. at the church; prayer meet ing and Bible study at 7:30, also Holy communion. CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE 606 North Second St. R. R. Irwin, pastor. Sunday achool at 10 a.m. Harvey Halle tt, supt. Worship st 11. Subject: If Christ be Not Risen. Special Eaester music by choir both morning and evening. Young people's hour 6:45 p.m. Topic: The Relation ship of Jesus to the Father. Evangelis tic service at 7:46. Subject: Behold! My Hands. Bible study and prayer ser vice Wednesday evening at 7:45. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 8. Third St. Sunday school 0:45 a.m. Worship at 11. Mid-week service Wednesday. CALVARY PENTECOSTAL Of the Assemblies of Ood. Inc., 236 Lewis St. Ferris A. Dodd. pastor. Sunday school 0:48 a.m. Worship at 11. Young people's meeting 6:46 p.m. Evangelis tic service 7:46. Wednesday and Fri day evenings prayer and Bible study at 7:30. Bible, laura- letter J l30ff! ol dur Book Store Phone 4534 1 Calvary Choir Gives Concert The Tested choir of the Calvary Baptist church will present, under the direction of B. D. Llndburf, the cantata, entitled The Easter Vic tory," by Petite, Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock. Thirty-six voices will make up the choir. Mrs. Fred Lehmann will preside at the piano throughout the evening. The fol lowing numbers will be heard In the cantata: Chorus: "Dawn After Oarkntsa. Duet: "Wa Nd Hire." Mrs. J. Dais Tay lor. Ronald Crarrn. Chorus: "Ht Blscps. Bolo: "sr T Hot." Ron aid Oraren. Chorus: "Anc?ls Rolled lh Stona Away," Mrs. J. uaia Tarior ana Choir. Women's Chorus and Trio: "Morn of Jot." Mrs. j. uait Taylor. Hits Jossphlnt Evans. Mrs. Ilda Bliunhlmcr. Solo: "The Cross." MlM Carta Williams. Chorus: "Open Wide tht OaUs ef Para dise. Nell Flctnlna and Choir. Solo: "Earth and Heavtn Rejolc,1 Ron ald Craven. Cborui: "If Ye Bellevr," Fred Lehnaao. Urt. J. Dale Taylor and Choir. Quartet: 'Te Uiht Has Come," Mrs. J. uaie Taylor, HIM Carla Williams. Ronald Craven. K. D. LiAhura. Oboius: "God's Great Love." DALLAS CHURCHES DALLAS METHODIST John A. Linn, minister. Sundat school meets at w:o ajn. next wunuay. "The Olor- suua rnci oi immortality," is tne ser mon subject the pastor will alia re with his congregation st the Easter worship service st 11:00 ajn. next Sunday. Parents who wish to have their children baotlzed aret asked tn ring them, but should previously confer with the pastor about the service. Epworth league la at 6:30 p.m. The choir will provide several musical selections for the evening worship service st 7:80. in keenlne with the Easter season. There will be a brief talk by the pastor. Church- night will be under the supervision of the young people on luesdav. AorU ii, beginning witn a pot luck dinner at 6:30 p.m. The young people have planned a program around your fav orite nobby. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science services are held at 410 Mill street every Sunday at 11:00 a.m, Sunday school at 10:00 a.m. Wednes day evening meeting at 6:00 p.m. the first Wednesday of the month. Read lng room at the same address open Wednesday from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m, The subject of the lesson sermon for the week is "Are Sin, Disease and Death Reel?" FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Walter Duff, Jr. Sunday school will open at 10:00 and special Easter features will add to the program The wor ship hour at 11 o'clock with the message by the pastor of the church, Mr. Beaupre win sing s baas solo. lit' ting for the Easter season. There will be observed a baptist service and also reception of members st the close of the message At 4 o'clock In the sfternoon the imnual "Easter vesper service will be presented There will be no Endeavor this week MENNONTTB BRETHREN F. F. Wall, minister, Sunday school, 9:46 a.m. Easter message by Rev. H. D. Wlebe (German) 11:00 a.m, Young people's fellowship hour, 6:46 p.m. The Young People's choir, under the direction of Sam Wall, will render a cantata, "Prince of Life." at 7:80 p.m. Wednesday evening, Bible study and prayer meeting. DALLAS EVANGELICAL F. A Lens, pastor: 6:00 a.m. the church cooperates with others in the Sun rise service: 9:46. Easter program by the Sunday school, and brief class session: 11:00, Easter service, recep tion of adult members and Easter sermon bv t1e pastor from the sub ject, "Life Trlumphent"; 6:30 p.m.. young people and junior groups meet In lenvue services: 7:30 p.m., Easter musical program by the choir, under the direction of H. E. Abal. Thursday, 7:30-8:30, a special communion ser vice will be held. There will be no set program. Tuesday, 3:00 p.m.. Wo men's Missionary society meeting st ef KARL'S SHOE STORE Cor. Slate & Commercial Salem, Oregon the borne ef Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Coy. 16 Ash street. Wednesday. 740. mid week prayer service sod choir prao- FIRST CHRISTIAN Jefferson at Clay. O. D. Harris, minister. In wor ship and praise, with special music and sermon, the First Christian church win exalt the risen Christ in its Easter services next Lord's Day. -Why Seek Ye the Living Among tne Devi?" win be the sermon in the special series, "Some Great Ques tions of Calvary," which have been used for several Sundays, at the morning worship hour, 10:46 o'clock. At this service the choir win ore- sent the anthem, "On Wings of Liv ing Light." with incidental solo bv Errol Harris, and Mrs. O. D. Harris will sing. "Hall. Joyous Morn," by Cad man. Preceding this service, the Bible school has set an aim In at tendance at 9:46 at 976. Other ser vices of the day will include a union sunrise prayer service on Domas- cnorsay niu. weather permitting. CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY AL LIANCE 407 Shelton street. Rev. Loyal H. Vlckers, pastor. Residence 636 Academy street. Office In the church. Sunday school Is conducted every Sunday morning at 10:00 ajn. The entire hour will be taken by a special Easter program being pre sented by the children of the Sun day school. Morning worship at 11:00 a.m. The pastor will bring a special Easter message using for a subject. 'A Question About Immortality." The choir will also present a number of Easter songs. The young people have their regular Sunday evening meet ing at 6:30. They are also having a special Easter sunrise service, meet ing at the church at 6:00 a m. Trnns portatlon will be provided to the place or the service. APOSTOLIC FAITH Corner Court and Church streets. Sundsy school at 9:30. Morning worship st 10:80. Evening worship at 7:30. Tuesday and Thursday at 7 :46. Sacred musical concert Sunday evening at 7:80 by a 21 -piece orchestra, which furnishes music for sll other services ST. PHILIP CATHOLIC Mass ev ery Sunday, first and third Sundays at 10:00 oclock, second and fourth, 8:00 o'clock. St. Anne's Altar soci ety meets at the homes of the mem bers the first Tuesday evening of each month at 7 :30. Communion Sunday, the second Sunday at 8:00 oclock. ASSEMBLY OF OOD In basement of Dallas library. Minister, Jacob Aus tin of Salem. Sunday school, 3 :30 p.m.: preaching, 8:30 pjn.: evening service, 7:so pjn. COTTAGE BIBLE SCHOOL Lea sons every Monday night, 7 30, at 111 Washington street. Come and bring your Bible, Alonso Payne of Seattle, Wn instructor. ANTIOCH SUNDAY SCHOOL Sun day school begins at 3:00 p.m There are classes ior young ana oia. aire N. A. Nelson Is superintendent and Sol Ed 1 Ber is assistant. OUTHRIB UNION There will be no Sunday school or church services I at Guthrie on Sunday, April 9, as the Sunday school has accepted an Invitation to be present at an all day meeting and Easter program at Antloch on that day. On Sunday evening at 8:00 o'clock the Easter program will be given at the school. FREE METHODIST 334 Mill St. Rev. E. I. Harrington, pastor, Sunday services will be as follows: Sunday achool, 10:00 a.m. Special Easter ser mon by the pastor, 11:00 a.m. Preach ing at 7:30 p.m. OAKDALE SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday school st 10:00 a.m. at the Oakdale school house. Cottage prayer meetings every Thursday evening at 8:00. GRACE MENNONlTB 307 Jeffer son street. H. E. Wtdmer. pastor. Sunday school. 10:00 a.m. Preaching at 11:00 a.m. Sunday evening at 7:80 we will have an Easter program. Thursday evening. 7:30, prayer and praise service at the home of Peter 8b rag. SALT CREEK BAPTIST Otto Nal Unger, minister. Sunday school, 9:46 a.m. John Wlebe, aupertn ten dent. Morning worship, 11:00 a.m. Sermon, "The Rising Tide." The Junior young people will meet tn the lower church auditorium at 6:30 p.m. Evening wor ship service, 7:30. The young peo ple will be tn charge of the first part of the worship hour. Following the worship aervlce will be a bnptlwmal With Brilliant Attractive Styles! In blue, burgundy and Japonica MEN'S OXFORDS In Wide Selections In every style !?-95 Jason Lee Singers' Program Tonight The senior choir of the Jason Let church, under the direction of Pro feasor Herman Clark of Willamette university, will render John Stain ers "Crucifixion, this Friday eve ning at 7:30 o'clock. The musical composition la a meditation on the sacred passion of the Holy Redeem er. The rendition will be followed by a candlelight communion serv ice. Among the numbers on the pro gram are: "And They Came te a Place Named uetbsmane" Ttner Sole . Clare MacParlans The Aseny" casts Bsu Solo, Fiord HiunsartMT "Processional to Calvary" Obstr Tenor Solo. Robert Klemoel "And as Moses Lifted up too Berpcotf Tenor aoie Robert Klemoel "Ootf to Loved the World' Cbotr "The Appeal of the Cruellled" Choii The public is Invited to attend this service. The church Is located at North Winter and Jefferson streets. Easier Music ai Knight Memorial A ooncert of Baster music will be presented Sunday evening at the Knight Memorial Congregational church at 19th and Ferry streets. The concert Includes: Proeeiilonal Hymn Ohrlst The Lord Is Risen Today. Anthem. "Open Our Eyes, Macfalrlsnd. Duet. "The Cross," Wars, Seneltta Har- land, Harriett Smart. Anthem, "Sheep and Lambs. Homer. Bolo. "Open the Cotes of the Temple," Knapp. Richard Smart. Anthrm. "Sunrise en Esitsr Morning,1 oias. Anthem, "Christ Triumphant," Ward Stephens. Solo, "At tht Bend of tht Baboath. Dpesas, Mrs. james Tteo. Anthem, "Where Lift Xs Waking AB Around." Hopltlns. The chorus Is accompanied by the organist of the church, Donald J. Allison. Three Services at St. Paul's Church There will be three services In St Paul's Episcopal church on Baster morning. Adult choir at :00; boys' choir 8:45: both at 11:00, The choir under the direction of Ronald Craven will stnf the Tour's Communion at 6 a. m. and at 11 a. m. Service as follows: Proeaulenal, "Jesus Chrut b Rlam Ta da," Christ Our FsaM, Bhappfrd Colltct. EplaUs, Oloila TIM ana Oo.p.1 Laus Chrlatua , ores' Hymn "... 'Th, Stnf, Is Or" Btrmon "Th. StsnlMcanet of Baaur Anthatn, "Break Forih Into JoT"..Barnbr Sursum Ooroa, Sanotus. Asnta 0.1, Nona Dtmlttl, Reaasional "Ha Is Hlsaa" Knights Templar To Observe Easter DeMolay Commander;, No. 1, Knights Templar, in observance of Easter will attend the First Chris, tlan church on Easter Suuday. The service will be at 4 p. m. Rev. Ouy Drill will preach the ser mon. The service Is open to the public and everybody la Invited. Commandery members and their families and aU Masons and their families are specially welcome. servloe. Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. We sbsil have our quarterly business meetlnB. All members ere urged to be present. Friday, 1:00 pa. Mais chorus rehearsal. SHOES in New Colors!! '1.99 and $2.25 Children's Shoes Sturdily Built for Summer Wear 99c to. 1.99