Wednesday, October 12, 1938 The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon Society, Clubs and Music taiite o ftovtaa tort, Phoat MtB B.P.W. Banquet Thursday at Hotel Marion Leslie M. Scott, president of the Portland Chamber of Commerce, will be the speaker for the Business and Professional Women's banquet Thursday evening at the Marion ho tel. Mr. Scott is the son of the late Harvey W. Scott, former editor of the Oregon i an. His aunt, Mrs. Abi gail Scott Duniway, was a pioneer advocate of women's rights. Mr. Scott was graduated from the University of Oregon in 1899. He joined forces with his father In 1899 and until 1904 was state cor respondent and news and political writer of the Oregonian. In 1904 he became associate editor and remain ed as such until 1910. In 1911 he be came intimately identified with the business Interests of the daily and was made vice-president of the com pany publishing it, a position which he still retains. Guests of the B. and P. W. club, who represent the civic clubs in Sa lem, are Dr. Helen Pearce, Interna tional Zonta; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan J. Stewart. Rotary club; Mr. and Mrs. David A. Wright, Kiwanls; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ramseyer, Lions; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Lee, 20-30; Mrs. Earl Andresen, American Le gion auxiliary; Miss Irene Windsor, Junior Woman's club; Miss Lillian McDonald. Zonta; Miss Grace Elisa beth Smith. Altruists; Miss Verda Olmsted, Ecclesia; Miss Rovena Eyre Capital Journal; Miss Maxine Bur en, Statesman; Miss Orma L. Beard- shaar, Credit Woman's Breanfast club; Miss Eula J. McCully, Wom an's club; Fred D. Thielsen. Cham ber of Commerce; Mayor and Mrs. V. E. Kuhn. Judge and Mrs. Percy R, Kelly and Mrs. Waldo C. Zeller, A.A.U.W. Mrs. George H. Swift Entertains Guild Mrs. George H. Swift entertained the Junior Guild of St. Paul's Epls copal church Tuesday afternoon at the rectory. Assistant hostesses were Mrs. Henry V. Compton, Mrs. E. J. Soel lars and Mrs. I. M. Schannep. Present were Mrs. David Eason, Mrs. Harry Crain, Mrs. George Ot ten, Mrs. Harold dinger. Mrs. John Brophy, Mrs. Henry Compton, Mrs. George swift, Mrs. E. J. Scellars. Mrs. William H. Lytle, Mrs. Robert Stanfield of Portland, Mrs. Donald C. Roberts, Mrs. Arthur Knox, Mrs. Charles Jory, Mrs. Harold H, Young, Mrs. Frank Patterson, Mrs. Homer Goulet, Sr.. Mrs. U. G. Ship ley, Mrs. Cal F. Patton, Mrs. A. D. Woodmansce. Mrs. Ivan O. Martin, Mrs. J. N. Chambers, Mrs. Alton D. Hurley, Mrs. Miller B. Hayden, Mrs. I. M. Schannep, Mrs. Kenneth Bell, Mrs. Edward Duffy, Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, Mrs. Sydney Krom- er, Mrs. Lee Warnick and Mrs. Cor- ncllns Thomas. Mrs. Ira L. Darby and Mrs. John J. Elliott are catling a meeting of all women working on the Commun ity Chest drive for Friday morning at 10 o'clock at the Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. Harris Lletz Invited members of the Adolynk club U) her home for luncheon and cards this afternoon. Additional guests were Mrs. Frank Prime and Mrs. Richard Meyer. Date Set For I Three-Act Play 1 November 3 is the date chosen for the presentation of "The Dark Tower," which is a three act play from the pen of Woolcott and Kaufman. The performance la be ing sponsored by Capital unit of the American Legion auxiliary and Is being produced by the Salem Civic Players under the diiection of Miss Beulah Graham. A cast of unusual talent is now working on this three act comedy In the old high school building, where the Salem Civic Players have their headquarters. The ticket sale, to be announced later, Is in charge of Mrs. Prank Marshall, finance officer of the American Legion auxiliary. House Mother Honored Guest Alpha Phi Alpha sorority will en tertain at tea In the North Summer street chapter house Thursday af ternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock honor ing the new house mother, Mrs. W. E. Kirk. Miss Ruth Yocom will greet the guests at the door and Miss Betty Williams will Introduce to the line, which will Include Mrs. Kirk, Mrs. Frank Erickson, Mrs. Lestle Sparks and Miss Marjorie Jones, house president. Gold chrysanthemums will form the decorative note about the rooms and on the tea table. Mrs. George Vehra and Mrs. Charles Wilson will preside at the urns from 4 until 5 o'clock. Mrs. Bryan Goodenough and Mrs. David Wright will pour from 5 until 6 o'clock. Sorority maids will assist about the rooms. Townsend chorus will gather at the home of Mrs. T. W. Davies, 941 North Cottage street, at 7:30 o'clock Saturday evening. Frank N. Derbys Wedded 60 Years Felicitations will be extended to Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Derby Friday upon the occasion of their 60th wed ding anniversary. They will enter tain with a dinner with only mem bers of their family present. Mr. and Mrs. Derby were married In Iowa Just 60 years ago. They came to Salem 47 years ago and have made their home here since that time. Woman's auxiliary of St. Paul's Episcopal church will entertain with a no-host luncheon at the parish house Thursday. Mac Dowell Club Holds First Rehearsal of Year The Salem MacDowell club will nave an unusually successful season if plans made last night at the home of Mrs. Laura Rand Terril, director, materialize. The club, one of the oldest singing organizations In the state, has named Prof. William Wright as co-director with Mrs. Terril for the first concert and Mrs. Charles Sherman has been named business man ager. Concerts will be given In early December, February and April I at last night's session. All old with John H. Patrick, basso with the Chicago Civic Opera company, as the featured artist at the second concert. The music board, whtcn includes Mrs. Arthur Rahn, Miss Dorothy Pearce and Prof. Wright, Is ar ranging the club's repertoire for the winter and rehearsals were started Salem Women j Attend Meeting Mrs. Louis Magln, Mrs. Dean Poindexter and Miss Eugenia Sav age returned to Salem Monday night, after a four days' visit in Boise, Ida., where they attended the Columbia river branch meeting of the Woman's Foreign Missionary society. Ninety-eight delegates from the states of Oregon, Washington, Mon tana and Idaho were present, in cluding three furloughed mission aries, Miss Eugenia Savage of Sa lem, soon to return to China; Miss Marie Corner, formerly of Salem, who is soon to return to India, and Miss Grace Clark of Soutn Africa. The convention was held in the First Methodist church of Boise, of which Dr. Thomas Atcheson, form erly of Salem, is pastor. members of the club were present and many new voices have been added to the chorus. Others Inter ested In becoming affiliated with the club should get in touch with Mrs. Delbert Schwabbauer or Miss Esther Wilcox. Mrs. Gordon Finlay will serve as accompanist for the club during the ensuing year. Mrs. David Bennett Hill will again act as social chair man for the club. Officers include Mrs. Delbert Schwabbauer, president; Mrs. Su san Krueger, vice-president; Miss Esther Wilcox, secretary; Mrs. Gladys Mclntyre Thomas, treasur er; Mrs. Anabel Moon, auditor Julia Query Opens Salon in South Word has been received from Los Angeles that Miss Julia Query, for merly of Salem, has opened a gown I salon In Los Angeles. Miss Query, who has studied at the Chouinard School of Design, will specialize in designing the models. A vocalist of note. Miss Query Is a past president of the 8alem Mac Dowell club and was formerly member of the Englewood school faculty. Mrs. J. Lyman Steed Gives Book Review The O. E. 8. Social Afternoon club met at the Masonic temple Tuesday afternoon for an Informal party, Mrs. J. Lyman Steed re viewed "The yearling. At tea time the serving table was centered with a bowl of Autumn flowers and burning tapers. In charge of the arrangements were Mrs. Elmer McKee, Mrs. Wil liam Ellis, Mrs. Ivan Stewart. Mrs W. L. LaDue, Mrs. R. T. Boals. Mrs. Pearl Collins, Mrs. Albert Gragg and Mrs. Amos Vass. Cap and Gown Gives Benefit Willamette University Campus Cap and Gown. Wlllanfette-university senior girls' honorary organiza tion, is sponsoring Its semi-annual ice cream social in Chresto Cottage this afternoon and evening between the hours of 12 and 10 o'clock. Members of the organization who have been assisting with the plans for the social are Miss Betty Craney, Miss Suzanne Curtis. Miss Betty Dot son. Miss June Johnson and Miss Martha Okuda. Woodburn Golfers To Play Thursday Woodburn The regular Woman's day play will be held at the Wood burn Golf club Thursday If weather permits. In case of rain, entertain ment will be provided in the club house. Each one attending is asked to bring her donation for the beano game which will be held next Sun day evening. Mrs. Ray Glatt and Mrs. L- C. Buchner are In charge of the no-host luncheon which will be served at 1 o'clock. N.A.L.C. auxiliary will be enter- talned at the home of Mrs. Arthur Welch, 455 South Capitol street, at 2 o clock Friday. The AA.U.W. Music Appreciation class wM meet at the residence studio of Miss Prances Virginia Mel ton In North Capitol street this eve ning at 7:45 o'clock. Miss Melton will be assisted by Mrs. Gladys Mc lntyre Thomas, who will sing dur ing the evening. Scott-Weisser Vows November 11 The engagement of Miss Erma Weisser. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Weisser of Salem, to Hugh A. Scott of Salem, son of Mr. and Mrs. Quincy "Scott of Portland, was an nounced last night at a dinner given by Miss Weisser at the Quelle. The wedding will be an event of Friday, November 11, and will be a home ceremony. Miss Weisser attended Salem schools and Willamette university. She Is employed at the Pacific Tele phone and Telegraph company. Mr, Scott Is employed at the sec retary of state's office. He is a grad uate of the University of Washing ton and a member of Alpha Lambda. Covers were placed for Mrs. J. F. Weisser, Mrs. Quincy Scott and Miss Dorothy Scott of Portland, Mrs. C. H. Glenn, Mrs. Lee Weisser, Mrs. Kenneth Lee, Mrs. Otto Bertram, Mrs. Claire Rush. Mrs. Victor But ler, Mrs. George Spaur, Mrs. Olive DeSart, Mrs. Robert Driscol), Miss Jane Keith. Miss Chloe Anderson, Miss Ela Lovre and Miss Erma Weis ser, Members of her contract club were entertained at luncheon and cards this afternoon by Mrs. George Weller. Mrs. Edwin Keech entertained members of her contract club in formally Tuesday night at her home In Ben Lomond park. fivtller1' AS SEEN THB MAGlAZlNE FOR MEN H, LlGH style and quality at money'Saving cost it the economy story of STYLE-MART Coats. Thanks to STYLE-MART, rigid standards for fabrics, ratterns, styling and work manship, STYLE-MART Coats are long in life, look,, tailoring and value but pleasantly short in price. Come in soon and let us show you our large STYLE-MART selection. m Ifei $0500 mmmi mm FOR YOUNGER MEN See our tcindowt for STYLE-MART authentic model in finer SuiU and Coou. Mill agasaata -inn,! iiirainrwr iKsfitM. ers We ace pucuv to be with Buster Brown Shoes for Boys and Girls . . . and helping your youngsters "Step to Success". Introducing for the first time, these well-built, scientifically constructed shoe. All important, is a healthy foundation for growing feet. These correctly styled shoes give proper support and protection. A wide selection of adorable styles to delight any little girl, designed in the newest leathers. Mannish styling to bolster youthful ego, in sturdy, flexible leathers for double wear. Arbuckle-King & Co. Buster Brown Shoe Store On State St 20 Steps from High Daleth Teth Gimel Pledges Co-Eds Willamette University Campus Daleth Teth Gimel rushing (or this semester was brought to a close this week with the formal pledge ser vice held at Lausanne hall Tuesday night. Oi-ls pledging Daleth Teth Oimel were Miss Blllte Richardson, Miss Sally Anderson, Miss Margaret Am bier, Miss Doris Rlggs, Miss Phyllis Hauglburg, Miss Betty Keller, Miss Betty Paine. Miss Carol Johnson. Miss Helen Acheson, Miss Elite Bar rows. Miss Marie Hall, Miss Melba Lieberman, Ml&s Betty Byrd, Miss Betty 8trachan, Miss Owen Orlltlth Miss Elizabeth Hamilton. Miss Lois Johnson, Miss Esther LaMour, Miss Elizabeth Ralston, Miss Delores Netx, Miss Barbara Brandt, Miss Esther Qunnesdal, Miss Alleen LaRaut. Miss Esther Devore, Miss Dee Dugan, Miss Qeraldlne Arnett, Miss Mary Elizabeth Ross, Miss Carol Clark, Miss Jane Patton and Miss Hazel Sorenson. Marlon county unit of Pro-America entertained at tea at the Marion hotel Monday afternoon. Miss Lorl ene M. Conlee of Portland waa tha principal speaker and Mrs. George Oerllnger and Mrs. Quincy Scott also spoke informally. At tea time Mrs. Charles L. Mc Nary and Mrs. Charles A. Spragua dispensed hospitalities from the tea table. Mrs. Floyd Headrlck waa chairman of the tea committee. ... Oregon Mothers Sponsor Parties The Dallas residence of Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Starbuck was the scene of the first Autumn meeting of the Polk-Marion county branch of the University of Oregon Mothers' club Monday afternoon. Mrs. Phillip E. Barrett presided and hostesses for the affair were the Dallas mothers, November 8 and 9 have been nam ed as Oregon's Mothers' day and will be observed throughout the state (Concluded on Page 11) BULB PLANTING TIME TULIP BULBS Mixed 25c dozen, ia. named varieties 1"C doi. up Narcissus Daffodils Many varieties For indoor use: CHINA LILY PAPER WHITE NARCISUS HYACINTHS SHRUBS. WE ARE DIGGING Let us plan and plant your HYACINTHS $1.00 do Crocus 25c. oz. LILY BULBS Bulbs of all kinds: Anemone Aconite 8cllla Snow-drops Ranunculus Chlonodoxa THEM AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. new home. Estimates Free. Knight-Pearcy Nursery 375 South Liberty (IK blocks south of Armory) Wig; mtt 9 o Mite GOATS 1 msif Regular 1.49 Values! Xo a Clearance, hnf IV e w Hals at a Sensational Price mil m 1 JLuiV Quality Thai Xever Could De Duplicated at This lrice New ... Sensational! Wt'rt so proud of these values wt dare yea to equal them anywhere! Just think . . . your new winter hat at just halt the price you'd expect to pay. Newest Fall styles . . . bretons with profile brims, toppers, toques, casual souchies, and off-the-face styles. Warm shades that lend spice and dash to your everyday costume. Choose from wine, rust, plum, teal, dark green, black, brown or navy. Fine pliable felts with rich touches of trim ming . . . veils, feathers and ribbons. Come early for best selection. ALL HEADSIZES I M 111 W 484 STATE ST. (HON MM