Friday, May 6, 1938 The Capitol Journal, Salem, Oregon Three 7924 Cannot Mark Ballots At Election Official registration figures com piled today showed that 7.924 per sona registered other than democrat or republican, making them Ineli gible to vote in the primary election two weeks from today for candidates In either of the two party races. They may, however, vote In the non-partisan Judiciary contests. Those who lose their votes In the primary contests for state, county and other political offices Include 941 socialists, 327 prohibitionists, 110 progressives, and 6.546 others who registered Independent, com munist or who refused to divulge their party affiliation. The total of 265.132 republicans and 248.169 democrats was the same as compiled Monday by the Asso ciated Press. The total registration, an all-time primary election re cord, was 521,225. There will be 1,681 precincts In the state, 54 more than In the 1936 primary. Multnomah county's 438 precincts were the same number as in 1936, while Lane county, having the second largest number, was given 112, or 16 more than two years ago. Marion county Is third with 80, an Increase of three, and Jack-son bounty has 70. the same as in 1936. Klamath county has 66. an increase of nine, while Coos county has 57. one more. The number of precincts in other counties for the primary election in clude: Baker 38, two less than in 1936: Clackamas 77, 15 more; Doug las 49, no change; Josephine 27. no change; Linn 54, no change; Polk 95, no change; Umatilla 41. no ' Mange; Washington 50. one more; I and Yamhill 33. 12 more. The 110 progressives who register ed were Just half the 1930 total, while the ranks of the prohibitionists have dropped from 703 to 327 since that time. The number of socialists has remained about the same since 1930. falling from l.$59 to 941. The number listed In other groups de creased from 8.228 to 6.546. Spaulding Store Opening Today The Charles K. Spaulding Log gin? company will thi afternoon and tonight hold the opening of its retail lumber and building ma terial store at Front and Ferry streets. The store is newly modernized and invitations to attend the opening have been sent out by the com pany. The firm offers its assistance in preparation of plans and cost esti mates for new home construction .and will explain how a new home kaay be financed under the federal Housing administration program. Ruling Made on Clerk of Court The Multnomah county clerk does not have authority to accept candi dates for clerk of the county district court, vacated April 31 by the death of J. E. Sophy, Attorney General I. H. Van Winkle ruled today. Van Winkle said that since Sophy died after expiration of the filing period, candidates for the office should not have their names on the ballot. He added, however, that If voters , write in names of candidates for the office, ballots so marked would not be void. Honor Mrs. Benedict Suver A surprise birthday party was given for Mrs, 8teve Benedict, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kester recently when a group of friends gathered there for a no host dinner served at ( o'clock, cafeteria , style. Those present were Mr. and r Mrs. Harry Kester of Monmouth, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Flicklnger, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Yates of Corvallls, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vanderpool. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Benedict and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kester. 8nver People More Suver Mr. and Mrs. Ernest John son and family have moved from the W. J. Kerr place to the Hefley place in the Fair view neighborhood, .and what Is better known as the - old Chamberlain place. Johnson has been working for Mr. Falk for some time and the children attended school here. They will now go to Monmouth on the school bus. Doon't Ton With Voo Were the Clown? The Al O. Barnes and Sells Floto Combined Circus coming to Salem Friday, May 13th, has, among Its 1,000 new wonders, four rings of expert clowns. Their business is to make two laughs grow where only one grew before. Between shows, however, they rest. Here's one posing with beautiful Rose Rlef fenach of the famous Rleffenach troupe of rid ers. This famous European family, offering the most amazing rid ing stunts ever witnessed this Mason with the big show, Is mak ing its American debut. ft )&':' -4 )& ... I I t ii V If She Needs Help Bonita Granville plays the "problem girl who typifies many youngsters of today, and Dolores Costello is the un derstanding teacher who helps her get straightened out In "Be loved Brat," starting Saturday at the Capitol with "Victoria the Great," starring Anna Neagle, the companion picture. Angling Poor, Too Much Cold Rains Portland, May 6 MV-Continued rains and cold weather have dam pened fishermen's chances for the coming week-end, the state game commission bulletin said today. The McKenzie rivcT. with limit catches of big trout taken, was the one bright spot in the state. Data by counties Included: Marlon Streams high and cold and angling poor. Polk Few catches reported from Pedee, Big and Little Luck lam utes, Rock and Teal creek. Most other streams have been poor. Linn Main rivers high and fish ing poor. Yamhill Unchanged In past week. A few fish caught on spinners and eggs. Benton Fishing only fair. A few limit catches on spinners and bait Water too cold for good fly fishing Lane Good catches ranging from 10 to 18 Inches in -past week from the McKenzie. Siuslaw and North Fork offered fair fly fishing. Good catches of bass on the lower Long Tom were reported, while Lake creek and Triangle lake were fair for bait and flies. Clatsop Weather unsatisfactory Mostly small catches reported. Tillamook Fishing poor the last week due to rain and cold weather. FIRST' BAPTIST N. Liberty and Marlon St. Irving Andrew Pox. pastor. Soeclal Reltelous Service for the Re' serve Officers assembled in Salem at 8:30 a.m. Subject: Reduction of Armaments. Is It Scriptural Bible school at 0:45. Services at 11. Subject A Mothers Love or The Words of King Lemuel Taught Him by His Mother. A Mother's day service. Sen tor B.Y. at 6:15, high school group 0:30 p.m. oospei service 7:30. subject The Course of This World According to Scripture. Tuesday to Thursday tne Oregon state Baptist convention PROGRESSIVE PSYCHIC & DIVINE HEALING CENTER 248 N. Com'l. St. it.p. nail, services at 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. Speaker, Rev. Mattle Pagget. Mes sages. CHRIST LUTHERAN A.L.C. State St. at 18th. Rev. Amos E. Mlnnemann AM., pastor. German at 9 :30 a.m Subject: The Unending Joy After s Little While. English at 11. Subject: The Joy that No Man Shall Take rrom us. Botn services communion services. Sunday school 8:30 a.m. Mrs. Jacob Fox. supt. Congregational meet ing at 2 p.m. Mother's day and India Lace services 7 p.m. Special music by the choir. Sacred concert by Or ben oime Monaay evening at a. ROBERTS COMMUNITY Lawrence Ouderlan. pastor. Sunday school 9:80 a.m. unurcn service at io:oo. topic: The Indifferent Man. Special music. IM MANUEL MISSIONARY ALLI ANCE N. 5th and Gains St. Sunday school and Bible studv 9 :45 a jn. Preaching at 11 and 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p.m. Rev. M. H. Pitcher, pastor in charge. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN Missouri Synod, 16th and A Sts. H. W. Gross, pastor. Sunday school and German services at 9 a.m. English at 10. Spe- vhrfk ;ttiifrJuS'0gt ?i Li if: . ' cfal musical concert by Otto Bag-ana, concert Harpist, ax 7:ao ana t p.m. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Sunday at 3 p.m. in Fraternal Temple. Center St. near Liberty. Subject: The Re sponsibility of Training cnuaren. FREE METHODIST N. Winter and Market Sts. Rev, D. A. Cohagan. pas tor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Emory Goode. supt. Worship at 11. Special musical number by male quartet. Ser mon subject: Spiritual Values of Mo therhood. T.P. meeting e :30 p.m Louise Hansen, leader. Evangelistic service at 7:30. Subject: Plraalng God. rrayer meeting Thursday 7:30 pjxu JASON LEE MEMORIAL Method ist Episcopal. N. Winter, Jefferson and Fairgrounds Road. Lynn A. Wood, minister, cnurcn scnooi 9:45 a.m. Worship at 11. Mother's day service, Theme: Things Which Interest Moth ers. Ep worth leagues 6:30 p.m.. Inter mediate, high school, senior. Evening service at 7:30. Theme: Factors that Unite Families and Nations. Epworth league council 8:30 p.m. EMMANUEL FULL GOSPEL ASSEM BLY Third floor old Y.M.C.A. build ing. Commercial and Chemeketa Sts. Tuesday 7:45 p.m. Bible study. Thurs day 7:45 p.m. evangelistic. Saturday 7:45 p.m. young people. Sunday 9:45 a.m. Sunday school, 1 1 preaching, 7:30 p.m. evangelistic. M. R. Tatman, minister. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL State St. at Church. Dr. James E. Mll llgan. pastor. Mrs. Sarah Louts direc tor of young people's activities. Wor ship at 11 a.m. Sermon: Behold Thv Mother. Evening worship at 7:30. "The Saint Cecelia Mass," presented by vuinnieu oongmen. eunaay scnooi school age 8:30 p.m.; Junior high v-.ta a.m. tpwortn league for high E.L. 5:30. Miss Echo Johnson, sponsor; young adult group 6:30: college group vesper hour 6:30, suneset hour 5:30. ROSEDALE FRIENDS Francis Ohse minister. Sunday school 10 a.m. Or pha Cammaek. supt. Worship at 11. Sermon: Memories of Mother. Chris tian Endeavor 7 p.m. Services at 8. SALEM HEIGHTS Francis Ohse, minister. Chester Skelton, 88. supt Unified Sunday school and church 10 a.m. Steropticon slides of "Pilgrim's Progress" will be shown at 7:30 p.m. FIRST CONOREOATIONAL Lib erty at Center. Robert A. Hutchinson. minister, cnurcn school 9:45 a.m. rroi. a. . uuver supt. worship at II. Sermon theme: Motherhood A White Core of Ever-burning Light. Anthem: "God Bless Our Mothers." offertory solo: "Mother, My Dear," Mrs. Ersel Mundlnger. No evening service. KNIGHT MEM. CONGREGATIONAL Ferry and 19th Sts. Rv. Howard C. Stover, minister. Motrera day service at 11 a.m. Sermon: Mothers and Mor als. Mother s day music by choir. Eve ning sermon at 7:30: A Mother's Re quest. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Pil grim fellowship and Christian En deavor at 6:45 p.m. Monthly church mgni supper Tuesday at 7. Prof. Ar thur StUlman of the U. of O., sneaker. HIGHLAND FRIENDS Highland Ave. and Church St. T. Clio Brown, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Preaching at II. C. E. meets at 7. Evangelistic service at 8. Praver and monthly business meeting Thursday. CALVARY BAPTISTMHW a Liberty Sts. Rev. Arno Q. Wenlger pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Wor ship at II. Mother's day service with message by pastor. Ground-breaking ceremony Immediately after wanUr service. Young people's meetings 6:30 p.m. worsnip at 7:30. Dr. F. W. Starr ing of Portland, executive secretary' of the Oregon Baptist state conven tion, speaking. No mid-week service because of state convention In Salem at the First Baptist church. EVANGELICAL AND RRFORMVn- N. Capitol and Marlon Sts. Edwin Horstman, pastor. School of Christian Education 10 a.m. John Denny, supt. Worship at 11. "Oratitude." Mother's day service. Special music. FOURSQUARE OOSPFT Riwvman St. at 19th. Rev. Stewart O. and Juan It M, Billings. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning worshiD at 11 Anhut Mind Your Own Business! Young peo ple's strvlce 6:15 p m. Evangelistic ser vice at 7:45. Theme: Mother. Wednes day 7:45 p.m. prayer and praise ser vice. Frldya 7:45 p.m. Bible study. Rfv. Billings continuing study of the book of Galatlans. ENOLEWOOD commitm rrv nni. ed Brethren, N. 1th and Nebraska Sts. O. E. Foster, minister. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Worship at 10:50. Violin solo by Miss Marian Chase: duet by Mrs. V. N. Lowery and Mrs. O. E. Foster. Sermon: A Mother and A Cross. Eight mothers will be hos tesses at the morning service. Chris tian Endeavor 7 p.m. Services at 8. Prayer meetln WednMdav S Dm Mothers and daughters banquet 6:30 p.m. Thursday sponsored by Mission ary association. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF GOD 31514 N. Commercial St. Rlhl trhnnl 3 p.nv. devotional at 8. evangelistic 7:45. Services at 7:45 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Wednesday night cottage prayer meeting at 1015 B- 25th St. Young people's meeting at 7:46. J. C. and Daisy Wilson, pastors AMERICAN LUTHERAN Church street between Chemeketa and Center. Rev. P. W. Erlksen pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. R H. Poff supt. Bring flower for Mother's day floral parade. Mothers day worship at li. sermon: Mother and Horn. Anthm: Awake My soul choir; solo; o utile MoUier i DALLAS CHURCHES a n inniHnB rh fnllnwlna services will be held at the Woman's club rooms in tne ua.iu puouw orary. asuuunj w'- - . --- . ... v it . An. Bunriav venlnff service at 7:45; Thursday evening at will ' ttm the deener teaching In the tur.H nf nnM" htr Kress. Rev and Mrs. W. H. Kress of Otympla, Wn., will be in charge. s mm nmnlAnTOT OOA Will . Slav, vnien . . at 10:00. preaching at 11:00, Young reopies service .w ii.ut-. lng at i:io; weanesaay .u prayer service. Come and hear i Gospel. APOSTOLIC FAITH MISSION Cor ner Court and Church streets. Sun day school at 9:30. Morning worship at io:30: evening worsnip at 7 Tuesday and Thursday at 7:45. Sa cred musical concert Sunday even lng at 7:30 by a 31 -piece orchestra, which furnishes music for all other services. OAKDALE SUNDAY SCHOOL I. 8. Nazarenus, superintendent. Sunday school at 10:00 a.m. at the Oakdale school house. Cottage prayer meet lngs every Wednesday evening at 1 ;uu. CHRISTIAN ft MISSIONARY ALU. ANCE Harvey Larson pastor. May 8 is Mothers day and services fitting to tne occasion wm ue observed In the Alliance church. Different mothers will be taking part In the services. Sunday school scholars meet at 10 for the opening exercise period ana go to tne amerent classes later. The Workers meet on the platform of the church for prayer at 9:45. Morn ing worship at ii:oo. "Mothers Day Sermon." Young people's service at 6:30 p.m. Evangelistic service at 7:30. Prayer meeting and mid-week service Wednesday, 7:45 p.m. women's meet' lng Thursday afternoon at 3:00, Young people's fellowship Friday at 7:4 pjn. SALT CREEK BAPTIST Rev. J. N. C. Hiebert: 9:45 a.m.. Sunday school John Wlebe, superintendent; 11 :00 a.m.. morning worship. German and English messages In keeping with the subject. "Mothers' Day"; 8:00 p.m.. a Mothers' day program, con sisting' of readings and songs, enti tled, "Lost, a Coin and a Boy," will be given by the BYPU. Tuesday, 8:00 p.m., gospel service at Gooseneck with Dick Bartel in charge; Wednes day, 8:00 p.m., prayer meeting and Bibie stuay. DALLAS EVANGELICAL F. A. Lenz. pastor: 9:45, Bible school: Mothers' day numbers will be given by individuals and groups; 11 :oo morning worship; sermon. "Mother, the Incarnation of the Carnation' Ray Brown will sing "That's What God Made Mothers For": e:30. Evan gelical league of C. E., both Junior of Mine, Richard D. Barton. Mother's day young people's service at 6:30 p, m. miss Maxine Aasneim, icaaer. FIRST CHRISTIAN Center St. High. Guy L. Drill minister. Church scnooi 8:30 a.m. e. w. cooiey, supt, Morning worship and communion at 10:45. Anthem: A Mothers Love, with incidental solos by Misses Louise Ash' craft and Frances Burger. Men's quar tet' Mother ?r Min. sermon: Tne wis dom of a Great Mother. Christian En deavor at 6:16 p.m.. union service with state convention echoes. Evening service at 7:30. Sermon: Prepare To Meet Thy God, Evangelist Walter Flscus spoaks at both services and every night this week except Monday, aii 1:10. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Winter at Chemeketa. Orover C. Blrtchet. D.D. pastor. Prom. Wm, Wright director of music ana youth activities, cnurcn scnooi meets at 9:30 a.m. J. J. Fltz- fllmmons supt. Worship at 11. Moth ers day measage by Rev. E. W. War rington. D.D, of Oregon State college. Solo: Mother, My Dear," Mrs. Anabel Moon. Anthem: Blest Are the Pure in Heart. Evening worship at 7:30. ne ports rrom delegates to Older girls' and boys and Christian Endeavor conferences. Mid-week, service 7 :30 Thursday evening. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTTST N Summer St. at Hood. L. E. Nlermeyer minister eaooatn scnooi Saturday at 9:45 a.m. Worship at 11. Sermon by pastor. iTie unurcn scnooi children will give a program Monday nla-ht at e in tne saiem woman's clubhouse on N. Cottage. Refreshments will served following the program. Prayer meeting weanesaay p.m. Thurs day night at the Cherry City Bakery auditorium Capt. O. L. Hall of Mc Mlnnviiie will present an evening's interpretation of "The Homespun Poems of the Hoosler Poet, James Whltcomb Riley." Dorcas society pro gram preceded by supper 0:30 to 7:15. COURT ST. CHURCH OF CHRIST Court at 17th St. W. H. Lyman, min ister. BiDie scnooi v:a a.m. worship and communion 10:45. Solo: Lord. Thy win oe Done. Mrs. Frances uenmson, Sermon: Mother Was There. Booster meetlrur for grade school pupils 6:46 pjn. Evening service at 7:30. Young people or the c t in charge. Chris tian Endeavor discussion groups 8:30. LESLIE METHODIST EPISCOPAL S. Commercial at Myers. Dean C. Polndexter minister. Church school 9:45 a.m. Worship at 11. Sermon: The caning or Christian Motnernood. spe cial music by choir. The leagues will met at 7 p m. sermon theme at a: Susanna wesiey. GERMAN BAPTIST N. Cottage and D Sts. Rev. J. F. Olthoff, pastor. Bi ble school 9:45 a.m. Sam Schirman, supt. A picture of the Bible school wu be taken at 10:40. worship in Ger man at 11. Sermon: Honor Thy Moth er (Eh re Delne Mutter). Young peo ple's meeting at 6:30 p.m. Evening ser vice in English at 7:30. No mid-week service because of Oregon Baptist state convention at First church. FIRST EVANGELICAL Marlon and Summer Sts. Rev. James E. Campbell minister. Wilmer N. Brown director of youth activities and minister of music. Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. R. H. Ermel supt. Worship at II. Ser mon: Christian Mothers. Youth groups meet at 6:30 p m. Evangelistic ser vice at 7:30 with Oospei In sermon and song. Bible study and prayer Thursday evening at 7:80. CHURCH OF OO D Evangelists S M. and Marie B. Pearson now con ducting revival campaign. 940 8. 92nd St. Special music and singing each evening starting at 7:45. J. C. Klmmel pastor. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCI ENTIST Chemeketa and Liberty Sts. Sunday school 11 a.m. Church servic es at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Lesson-sermon: Adam and Fallen Man. Wednes day evening meeting 8 p.m. Reading room In Mason le building, room iOb, open dally except Sunday 11 sjn. to 9 p.m.; Wednesday until 7:30. EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE Ferry and 13th Sts. Sunday school at 9:45 ajn. C. A. Wilson supt. Church service at 11. Subject: The Glory of Motherhood. Evangelistic service at 7:45 p.m. Subject: A Ood of Love and a World of Sin. Bible study from the Epheaian epistle at 8 p.m, Tuesday. Young people's service at 7 30 p m. Thursdav. Praver meeting 8 p.m. Fri day. G. O. Weston pastor and young people; 1:90. evening ser vice; Mothers' day specials In speak ing and singing; a pageant, ''Seek ing the Way," will be given by 13 young people. Wednesday. 8:00, class es In catechism; Wednesday, 7:30, church night. A devotional hour will be held In the auditorium. Matters of interest to the Whole cnurcn win be presented. Following this a Chris tian Feuowsnip ana ngnt rciresn ments will be enjoyed by all. Every member Is urged to be present. On Friday evening of this week the young people will meet at the park for a social and wiener roast. Tha tlma Is 7:00 D.m. On Saturday evening the Builders class of the Cunday school will hold Its monthly social at the Floyd Sen- ter come. ADVENTIST C. J. Cole, pastor. Services begin at 9:45 a.m. Preaching at 11:00 on the visible fruit of our mission work. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at a:oo witn Bible study on the Judgement and iu ainarea issues. ORACE MENNONITE (Meeting temporarily at the Adventlst church on Washington St.) H. E. Widmer, pastor. Residence 318 Mill St. Sunday school at 10:00 a.m. with John Rupp as superintendent. Preaching at 11:00 by the pastor. Evening C. E. at 7:30. Thursday evening at 7:30, prayer and uiDie stuay. FALLS CITY METHODIST John A. Linn, pastor. Sunday school be gins at 10:00 a.m. The 11:00 a.m. wor ship service will be conducted by Francis Wise, assistant pastor. The last Quarterly conference will be con ducted Sunday afternoon. May 18, at e:uu o cioca. FIRST CHRISTIAN Jefferson at Clay. O. D. Harris, minister. Special Mothers' day services will be observed at the Christian church next Sunday. At the morning worship, 10:45 o clock the pastor will apeak on the subject, "Mothers or the Bible." Tne mothers of the church will be the honored guests and special music, appropri ate to tne service, win be given. At 8:00 p.m. a short play, "Moth era of the Faith," by Louise Miller Novotny, will be given, together with a special program or music with Mrs. Walter Duff. Jr and Sol Edlfer as guest soloists. Bible school convenes) at 0:48 a.m. and Christian Endeavor, both senior ana intermediate, at 7:oo p.m. Mid week worship is on Wednesday even ing at s:oo o clock. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Walter Duff, Jr.. pastor, Sunday school at iu:uu. christian snaeavor at o:au. The morning church service will be In honor of our mothers. The pastor wui speak on tne subject, A Chris tian Mother." The mid-week service will be held on Wednesday evening, DALLAS METHODIST John A. Linn, minister. Sunday school begins at 9 :45 a Jn., with Ralph Murphy, superintendent. In charge. At the Mothers' day service Sunday the pas tor will speak at 11:00 a.m. on "Our Heritage from Christian Woman hood." Appropriate musical selections are being prepared by the choir for this service. Epworth league services begin at 6:30 p.m. Miss Esther Green well Is sponsor for the league. A treat in music is in store at the 7:30 p.m. service in the coming of the choir from the Leslie Methodist church of Salem. Choir rehearsals are each Wednesday at 7:30 p.m., under the leadership of Miss Dortha Green well. The Bible study and prayer nour is Thursday at 7:so p.m. lea by the pastor. The fourth quarterly conference will be held after the evening service on May 15 at which hour Dr. Louis Magln, district superintendent, will be present and speak. On May 34 the Aidersgate experience of the roun der of Methodism. John Wesley, will be celebrated. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science services are held at 410 Mill street every Sunday at 1 1 :00 a.m. Sunday scnooi at iu:oo a.m. Wednes day evening meeting at 8:00 p.m., the rirst weanesaay or tne montn. Reading room at the same address open Wednesday from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. The subject of the lesson ser mon for this week la, "Eternal Pun ishment." ST. PHILIP CATHOLIC Mass ev ery Sunday, first and third Sundaya at 10:00 o'clock second and fourth, 8:00 o'clock. St. Anne'a Altar society meets at the homes of the members the first Tuesday evening of each month at 7:30. Communion Sunday, the second Sundsy at 8:00 o'clock. ANTIOCH SUNDAY SCHOOL Sun day school begins at 3:00 pjn. Lando Hiebert la in charge. SILVERTON CHURCHES TRINITY M. J. K. Fuhr. pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Mother's day and Centennial observance 1 1 a.m. Girls of the L.D.R. will present each mother a flower corsage. Special mu sic by choir. Mrs. T. Anderson direct or. At 13 noon the Y.P.S. will serve dinner followed by special Mothers day program. Dorcas society Tuesday afternoon in tne cnurcn parlors, cnoir rehearsals Thursday. Juniors 7:15, senior choir at 8. Senior confirmation class Saturday 9:80 to 11 ;30 a.m. P he con firm at Ion class discontinued. Con firmation service Sunday, June 6. Report of Luther League convention at the Y.PjS. service Sunday after noon. Reports by delegates from Jun ior league next Sunday evening. La dles' Aid program and refreshments May 17 at the church. CALVARY LUTHERAN O. C. Olson. pattor. Sunday school and Bible class 9:45 a.m. Miss Olga Johnson, supt. Mother's dsy. Mothers asked to visit Sunday school. Special program in Honor or mothers and the children will given to each mother a flower, A bouquet of flowers will be present ed the oldest mother at Sunday school. Divine worship in English at 10:46. Subject: Hannah Samuais Mother. Norwegian service at 3:30 p.m. Eve ning services at 8. Evangelist Johan H. Hanson will speak at all three ser vices Sunday. Monday at 8 p.m. Sun day school teachers' meeting at the Joseph LeRUd home Tuesday 8 p.m. Naomi club with Mrs. Ed Dears. Thursday 8 p.m. Zlon aoclety and prayer meeting at F. Lund home. Confirmation instruction Saturday at 10. Willing Workers meet Saturday, with Mrs. Carrie Peterson, Rock St, SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST If. O. Erntson pastor. Sabbath school 10 a. m. Preaching at 11, Questions to be answered: Will a Person Who Died Without Baptism be Saved? Will Sprinkling Save a Baby? Is Baptism a OAving urainanee? services Wed nesday at 8 p.m. to take place of the Sunday night meeting. METHODIST D. Lester Fields min. Sermon them at 11: Earth's Best Trea sure. Special music by choir. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Special Mother's day program at tne beginning of school. Flowers furnished. No evening service. Union service at Eugene Field audi torium at 8 p.m. Epworth leagues at 6:30. Monday nlfht meeting of offi cial board of the church at 7:30. Thursday 7:30 p.m. prayer meeting in annex. Subject; Companionship with Jesus, W MANUEL LUTHERAN ReV. J. M. Jenson, pastor. Class mats Satur day at 10. Sunday sehool 10 am. Mother' day service following: abort WOODBURN CHURCHES FREE METHODIST Marvin Knlgge pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Mo ther's day service at 11. Service train ing class at 7 p.m. Preaching at 8. Wednesday, May 11, special mission ary service at 8. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Mother's day service, special music and ser mon. Christian Endeavor at 7. Choir practice at Huber home Thursday. Prayer and praise service 7 pjn. Thursday. BETHEL PRESBYTERIAN Mov er's day program at Sunday school hour. Christian Endsavor at 7:15. Eve ning worship at 8. Choir practice at the Kocnlg home Monday evening. CHURCH OF CHRIST (Christian) T. J. O'Connor, minister. United pro gram of Bible school and 11 a.m. ser vices. Following children's program the pastor will deliver a short address on Mother. Music week sermon by pas tor at 7:45 p.m. Instrumental and vo cal solos featured. ST. LUKE'S CATHOLIC Sunday masses 8 and 10 a.m. Rosary and ben ediction 7:30 p.m. Baptisms Sundsy 3:80. Office hours 9 to 13. Instructions by appointment. NTDAROS LUTHERAN Monitor. Divine service at 11 a.m. Sunday school at 10. Luther league program 1:30 pjn. Lunch at noon. Ladles' Aid Wednesday at 7 pm. Conflrmanta will meet same day at 4:30. Oluf As per. pastor. CHURCH OF GOD Sunday school 10 a.m. Preaching at 11. Indies' trio will sing Mother's day song. Baptis mal service at campground at 8 p.m. Christian Crusaders at6 :45. Evening preaching at 7:45. Prayer service Wed nesday 7:45 p.m. H. S. Fulton, pastor. METHODIST EPISCOPAL R. G. Kleen, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Worship at 11. Topic: The Faith of Thy Mother. Epworth league 7 pjn. Topic: The Hebrew Religion. Adult session of classes. English service at 11 a.m. Junior league 6:30. Seniors dismissed. Choirs meet Thursday at pan. for rehearsal. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE South 3rd St. Sunday school 9:45 ajn. Regular services at 11. REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JSS U8 CHRIST L.D.S Sllrer ton and Sa lem congregations. 13th and Leslie Sts., Salem. E. N. Bllvens, pastor. Church school 10 a.m. Dr. H. W. Beat In charge. Worship at 11. Mother's u-y program. Book of Mormon study 8:15 p.m., young people's Zion league at 6:15. Missionary service 7:45 p.m. E. N. Blvens speaker. Subject: Opening the Doors to the Kingdom. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. prayer service. Zlon league social meeting Friday night. ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC Father Ar thur Sullivan, pastor. Sunday masses at 8 and 10 a.m. Week days 8:18. First communion to a large class Sunday morning. FIRST CHRISTIAN Frank W. Zook pastor. Bible school 10 a.m. F. M. Powell, aupt. Special program. At 11 a.m. the services wll be given over In honor and devotion to mothers. Pastor's aubject: The Mystery, The Wonder, and The Beauty of Mother hood. Christian Endeavor societies 6:46 p.m. No evening service. Union services at Eugene Field auditorium. CALVARY PENTECOSTAL Of the Assemblies of God. Inc. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Worship at 11. YP& 6:30. Evening service 7:45. Services Wed nesday and Friday evenings. GOSPEL TABERNACLE Sunday school 10 a.m. Harvey Haiiette supt. Worship at 11. Rev. D. D. Phillips of Salem Gideon society, speaker. Text subject: Being Filled with the Spirit. Young people meet at 6:45 pjn. Eve ning worship at 7:45. Rev. Phillips will give his life story. Wednesday 7j45imrayeTsenlce TASTY SwMt good from our bakery Including French Pastry. Served dally. THE SPA AN INVITATION For THIS EVENING We Invite you to attend the opening of our new retail store at Front and Ferry streets, this evening, May 6th. We have in our display room the newest and most practical materials with which to add charm and beauty to your home. We offer you a complete building service and will gladly explain how you can own a new home or modernize your present home on the monthly budget plan. We cooperate fully with the Federal Housing Administration. We carry on hand at all times a full and complete line of building materials, and will assist you in the selection of the proper materials for your particular need. Chas. K. league at T. Evening service at 8. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN Sunday school at 10 a.m. Vesper services at 8 p.m. Thursday at 3 Ladles' Aid with Mrs. Burst ad and Mrs. BJornaaj ml W.wwk.CW. Colon . rHOSrHOROUS RED SNAPPER SAND PIPER SEA BREEZE . RAIN RUST .SPARKLE GLITTER ZEPHYR CORAL DUNE . SUN MAILORDERS FILLED 176 N. Liberty Street, Salem, Ore. NEXT TO FRED MF.YKR Spaulding Company FRONT AND FERRY STREETS "We Like to Help Folks hostesses. Bring penny boxes. Tues day evening at 8 the Monitor and Wood burn church choirs will render a sacred concert in the high school auditorium. Free will offering. Oluf As per, pastor. : " ,ra HIGH TWIST SHEER CHIFFONS 3 2 Formerly 77c a Pair GIFT CHEST FREE! ADD S FOR POtTAQR Logging Build"