Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 11, 1938, Page 7, Image 7

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    Friday, March 11, 1938
The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon
Spencer Tracy,
Luise Rainier
Win Honors
Hollywood, March 11 (U.R) Best
movie performances during 1937
were by Luise Rainer and Spencer
Tracy, balloting by the Academy of
Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
had decided today.
Tracy, who won first prize for act
ors by his performance in "Captains
Courageous" was in a hospital re
covering from a minor operation
when the committee called him up
last night. He said he was mighty
pleased. Then he went back to sleep.
Miss Rainer, who carried off first
honors for actresses by her portrayal
of a Chinese peasant woman In "The
Good Earth, was sitting in her
house slippers when the committee
announced her the victor. She'd had
an invitation to attend the dinner
In the Blltmore Bowl, but she said
"no thanks." When she learned she'd
won she changed her slippers, put
on an evening gwn and hastened
downtown for her doll.
These dolls, which arc in the form
of an immodestly clothed youth
about six inches tall, are known fa
miliarly to Hollywood as "Oscars."
They look gold, but aren't.
WarnT Brothers got one for "The
Life of Emlle Zola," judged the best
production of 1937. Other awards In
cluded: Joseph Schlldkraut best support
ing actor, In "The Life of Emlle Zo
la"; Alice Brady, best supporting
actress, in "In Old Chicago"; Leo
McCarey, best director for "The
Awful Truth," and William A. Well
man and Robert Carson, best orig
inal story, for "A Star Is Born.
(Continued from Page 5)
rett, Dave Compton, Marian Hult
enberg and Maxine Oahlsdorf.
Betty Hamilton is one of the
members of the committee for the
frosh glee which will be presented
during spring term. She Is also the
student representative of her house
for the drive for spring term ASUO
cards. Betty and Maxine Gahlsdorf
are both planning on spending part
of their vacation in Portland.
We recommend the Sigma Chi
house as headquarters for an in
firmary solely for maimed athletes.
This column has followed the hob
bles of Howard Damon since he
fell and broke his leg in a wrest
ling bout, and last week announced
that the two artificial legs which
have been accompanying him for
several weeks would soon be aban
doned for the real thing.
Earle Maynard will enjoy a trip
to Mt. Hood over the holidays . . .
he escorted Eleanor Swift to the
Sigma Chi dance . . . that miss has
been seen in the company of a
red-headed Sigma Phi Epsilon . . .
Marian Hul ten berg's recreation
next week will be horse-back rid
ing , . . Harriet Mlnturn was home
last week for one afternoon . . .
Sigma Chls spend afternoons In
the still Icy millrace . . . Marian
Hultenberg and Ruth Hill man, the
latter as punishment for being
elected house president, were dunk
ed In its waters . . . Verdi Seder
strom will see a great deal of his
Trl-Delt friend in Salem, for she Is
now a resident there, returning
next term to the University. . . Phil
Barrett proudly displays the pledge
pin of Theta Chi, paying for it, as
all pledges must, by piling wood and
doing other odd Jobs.
Bridge Party
Given Recently
Independence Miss Dora Oalla-
gher and Miss Eleanor Leonard,
teachers in the training department
of the Normal school, entertained
number of their friends at a bridge
party at the Woman's club building.
Fourteen tables of bridge were In
play and this was followed by dainty
In the group were Mrs. M. C. Wil
liams, Mrs. Ivy Robinson, Miss Lau
ra Taylor, Miss Reed, Mrs. Pearl
VanOrsdel, Mrs. Breshears, Mrs. W.
H. McBee, Mrs. M. Nelson, Miss
Potter. Mrs. Paul Robinson, Miss
Scheffskey and Miss Mary Donald
son, Mrs. Krieg, Miss Crlswell, Mrs.
Helen Kirkland, Miss Dallas, Mrs.
J. H. Hart, Miss Faye Johnson, Mrs.
Florence Hutchinson, Miss Simp
kins, Mrs. R M. Walker, Miss Mar
tha Taylor, Mrs. Elsie Bolt, Miss
Gwenson, Mrs. M. J. Butler, Miss
Myra Montgomery, Mia Ann O'
Neill, Mrs. Erlckson, Mrs. Ellen Da
vis, Mrs. R. W. Craven, Miss Wall,
Mrs. Thelma Talent, Mrs. 8. B.
Walker, Miss Arbuthnot, Mrs. Hew
ett. Miss Bralnard. Mrs O. O. Walk
er, Mrs. Cleve Robinson, Miss Brown,
Miss Hedrlck, Mrs. O. C. Skinner.
Miss Trotter. Miss Emma Henkle.
Miss Bonnlcson, Miss Duguid, Miss
Bishop. Miss Dora Hendy, Mrs. Mil
ler, Miss Carrol. Miss Gill, Mm.
Jeldy and the hostesses.
V. F. W. Daughters
Unit Formed
Sllverton A unit of the Daugh
ters of the V. F. W. of Sllverton
Auxiliary to post No. 3004. was In
stituted Wednesday evening in the
armory club room. Mrs. A. P. Solle,
Auxiliary president, assisted by the
Auxiliary secretary, Mrs. L. A. Stan
dard, and the Auxiliary conductress.
Mrs. L. Deverlcks. Instituted the
unit. Twenty girls were enrolled
Including tola DeSart, Wreva and
Lucille Deverlcks, Bemice and Clsr
ice Plent. Norma Flnlay, Beatrice
Grant. Alberta and Betty Keen.
Jean Day and Carol Long, Bonnie
Jean McPlke. Frances Mehl, Colleen
Rappe, Yvonne Service, Bessie
Standard, Opal Tokstad, Caroline
Wagner, Marie Anne and Doris
Whltlock. Corsages were presented
to each girl
Election of officers was held 1m-
Flood Victim Removed From Isolated Canyon Strapped m an improvised stretcher, Arlle Booker,
CCC camp watchman at Coldbrook. Calif., in San Gabriel canyon near Los Angeles, who suffered a
leg fracture and possible Internal Injuries In the collapse of a building during the peak of the flood, is
shown as he was paddled out to a coast guard amphibian plane on San Gabriel lake to be flown to
safety. The flood waters Isolated the canyon. Associated Press Photo.
mediately ' following the instituting
and the following were elected or
President, Frances Mehl; first
vice-president, Wreva Deverlcks;
seccond vice-president, Marie Anne
Whltlock; treasurer, Bessie Stand
ard; conductress, Yvonne Service;
chaplain, Opal Tokstad; patriotic
instructor, lola DeSart; guard, Car
oline Wagner; color-bearers, Clarice
Flerst and Lucille Deverlcks; his
torian, Alberta Keen; secretary,
Doris Whltlock; musician, Bonnie
Jean McPtke.
Installation of officers was then
held. The president-elect, Frances
Mehl, who was ill, will be Installed
at the next meeting of the unit.
This first meeting of the Daugh
ters of the V. F. W. has been called
for Wednesday evening, March 30, at
7:30 o'clock in the armory.
A short program was presented.
Refreshments were served by a
committee including Mrs. J. L.
Stanton, Mrs. M. 8. Chandler, Mrs
Arthur Nelson and Mrs. L. W.
Coughennower. About 75 were seat
ed at the tables which were beauti
fully decorated with the St. Patrick's
day motif and daffodils. A special
table was arranged for the new
daughters' unit.
The advisory council composed of
the president, Mrs. A. P. Solle, treas
urer, Mrs. Scott McPike, and Junior
activities chairman, Mrs. L. Dever
lcks; commander, M. 8. Chandler,
and the secretary, Mrs. L. A. Stand
ard were also seated with the girls.
Favors and clever place cards for
everyone added to the enjoyment of
the delicious lunch.
FIRST BAPTIST N. Liberty and
Marion fl's, Irving A. Fox, D.D., pas
tor. Bible school 9:45 a.m. Worship at
11. Subject: How a Christian May
Glorify God. Senior young people's
meeting 8:1S p.m. High school 6:30.
Gospel service 7 30 p.m. Subject: The
Age of the Kingdom or God the Son
Here In Immortal Fleihf In this mes
sage the subject of the Marriage of the
Lamb, the appearing of Christ in
Glory, rebuilding of Jerusalem and
1000 years of glory will be explained.
Wednesday 7:30 p.m. prayer and tes
timony meeting.
and 17th Sts. Rev. A. P. Voth. pastor.
Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Worship at
11. Sermon by Rev. G. P. Schultz of
Chicago. 111. Evening service 7:15. Sun
day night will be the closing night of
nev. scnuiws meetings conducted
each night except Saturday.
South High. Rev. Arno Q. Wenlger.
pastor. Sunday Bible school B:4S a.m.
Morning worship at 11. Subject: The
Doom of Doubt or Failure Through
Unbelief. The ordinance of baptism
will be administered. Senior forum
at 0:30 p.m. Lessons Learned from Ad
vertisements. Miss Mildred Smith.
High school B.T. at 0:30. Worship at
7:30. Sermon topic: The Abandoned
Child. Mid-week service of prayer and
Bible study Wednesday 7:30 p.m.
synod. 16th and A Sts. H. W. Gross,
pastor. Sunday school 0 a.m. German
services 1 a.m. English at 10 Lutheran
radio hour 1 :30 p.m. over KSLM.
Speaker Dr. Walter A. Maler. Lenten
services Wednesday 7:45 p.m.
Services Sunday at 7:30 p.m. at 348
North Commercial, upstairs. In K.P.
hall. Messages, circles at 3:30 p.m. by
accredited medium. Rev. Lulu Middle
steadt, pastor.
ION 433'4 Ferry St. Sunday school
10 a.m. Worship at 11. Evangelistic
service 7:45 p.m. Messages on proph
ecy every Tuesday and Thursday 7:48
p.m. Young people's meeting Satur
day evening at 7:45.
Market Ht. Rev. D. A. Cohagan. pas
tor. Sunday school 0:45 a.m. Worship
at 11. Subject: A Man and Hit Money.
Y.P. meeting 0:30. Evangelistic service
at 7:30. Subject: The Judgment. Pray
er meeting Thursday 7:30.
3 :30 p.m. Sunday In the Fraternal
temple. Center street near Liberty.
HiDia stuay oasea on mi can ;B.
cial and Myers Sts. Dean C. Polndex
ter. minister. Sunday school B:45 a.m.
Morning worship at 11. This la Thank
Offering any for the W.P.MJ. The
message will be given by Mrs. Jesse
Bunch of Poreot Orove. Junior league
win meet in Leslie nan at a p.m. Intermediate-Senior
league 0:30. Topic:
The Courage of Jesus. The young peo
ple's league will meet at 6:30 In Leslie
hall. At 7:30 aervioe Dr. Louis Magin
will give a report on the uniting con
ference of Methodism held In Chi
cago. All men of the church and con
stituency will gather for dinner Wed
nesday evening at 0:30. An Interest
ing program will be presented.
D Sts. J. F. Olthoff. pastor. Bible
school at 9:45 a.m. Sam Schtrman,
supt. Morning worship In German
at 11. Sermon: The Altar of Incense.
fDer Raurhaltar). Gonpel service in
English at 7:30 p.m. Cantata practice
Monday 4 p.m. Prayer meeting Wed
nesday evening at 8. W.MS. Thurs
day at 3 p m.
1st Episcopal. Jf, W later, Jefferson and
Fairgrounds road. Lynn A. Wood, min
ister. Church school 0:45 a.m. Morn
ing worship &t 11. Theme: Looking at
the World. Epworth Leagues 0:30 p.m.
Intermediate, high school, senior. Eve
ning service 7:30. Rev. Edwin Horst
man of Salem Evangelical and Re
formed church, secretary of Minister
ial association, will preach.
Ferry and 13th Sts. Sunday school 0:45
a.m. Evangelist Kathleen Belknap spe
cial speaker at the 11 a.m. and 7:45
p.m. services and speaking each night
at 7:45, except Monday and Saturday
night for two weeks of public meet
erty and Center Sts. Robert A. Hutch
inson, minister. Church school 9:45 a.
m. Prof. E. S. Oliver supt. Worship
service In Grand theater at 11. Ser
mon: Imprisoned Splendor. Solo: "The
Lost Chord," Keith Sherman. Anthem:
"The Lord Is My Shepherd." Young
people's study group tn the parson
age at 6 p.m. No evening service.
Center St. at 13th, Leo Webster Collar
pastor. Christian Workers' prayer
meeting 0 am. Bible school 9:45. F.
Lltwiller. supt. Worship at 11. Duet by
Corar je and Carmogene Hoffer. Choir
selection directed by J. Frleaen. Ser
mon: The More Abundant Life. Young
people's services at 6:30: Seniors, Hen
ry Mattson. president; Juniors. Mr.
and Mrs. M. Mott. leaders: Pioneer
group, Mrs. Lenna Cashion, supt. Spe
cial missionary sanitarium service at
7:30 p.m. Representatives from the
missionary sanitarium located at Nam
pa, Idaho, will have charge. Duet by
Mr. and Mrs. John Frlesen: choir se
lection. Sermon and testimonies Riv
en by representatives from the sani
tarium. ROSEDALE FRIENDS F r a n C 1 S
Ohse, minuter. Sunday school 10 a.m.
Orpha Cammack. supt. Morning wor
ship. 11 a.m. T. Clio Brown, guest
speaicer. christian Endeavor 7 p.m.
Evening evangelistic service 8 p.m.
Francis. Ohse, minister. Chester Skel
ton, Sunday school supt. Unified Sun
day school and ohuroh at 10 a.m.
Special speaker,
Hazel and Academy. Sunday school
10 a.m. Church 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Prayer meeting Thursday evening. Mr.
Egdon, a missionary from South
America, will have the evening ser
vice at 7:30.
tage and Chemeketa. Sunday school
10 a.m. Evening service 6:30; relief so
ciety Tuesday, 2:00; M. I. A.. Tuesday,
7:30. A. C. Hawkins, branch president.
State street at Church. Jamea E. Mll
llgan, pastor. Robert M. Gatke. suDt.
of Sunday school, Mrs. Sarah Louis,
director of young people's activities.
ounaay scnooi :40 a.m. Morning wor
ship at 11. Sermon: Some Things
That Really Matter. Evening sermon
auoject: jesua seta a New Standard.
University vespers, sunset hour 6:30,
devotional! at 6:30, led by Prof. Her
man Clark. Young adult group 6:30
at the parsonage. Mrs. Sarah Louis
leaning. Hign scnooi league at 0:30;
Intermediates 6:30 presenting a reli
gious drama.
Green of Phoenix, Ariz., will conduct
special meetings at the Woman's club
hall at 460 N. Cottage St. Subject for
Sunday at 3:30: Willing Workers.
Evangelistic message at 7:30 p.m. Bi
ble study Wednesday and FrfSay eve
nings at 7:30.
18th. Rev. Amos E. Minnemann, A.M.,
pastor. German subject at 9:30 a.m.:
O Woman. Great Is Thy Faith. Eng
lish at 11, subject: The Precious Gos
pel In the Word About the Little Pet
Dogs. Sunday school at 9:30 a.m.. Mrs.
Jacob Fox, supt. German Lenten ser
vices Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Subject;
Jesus' Last Passover: 7:15 p.m. De
nied By Peter. English Lenten services
Friday 7:15 p.m. Subject: Justice Gone
SEVENTH DAY A rv ir wn bt u
Summer St. at Hood. L Mi.m,....'
rilnlster. Sabbath school Saturday 0:45
...... w.n.ivuB ana classes ior all agea.
Divine worship at 11. Sermon by
Glenn Patterson. Evening services will
!ilILu.Mxt wek- Subjects: Sunday,
Will the Jews Return to Jerusalem and
be Converted As a Nation? Wednes
day: He That Liveth and Was Dead
Friday ? Millionaire of Faith. Special
music each evening with a beautifully
Illustrated song Sunday night,
High. Guy L. Drill mlntxter. Church
achool 0:30 a.m. B. W. Cooley, supt.
Worship and communion at 10:45.
Sermon: Another Source of Perennial
Olsdnrw. Christian Endavnr at 6:15
Worship Service
In Grand Theatre
Sunday. 11 a.m.
Robert A. Hutchinson
Good Music No Eve. service
Attend Church Somewhere
Evening service at 7:30. Sermon: The
Appalling Horror of Salem. Service
Wednesday evening at 7:30,
meketa Sts. Graver C. Birtchet. D.D.,
pastor. Prof. Wm. H. Wright, director
ol youth Activities and muatc. Church
achool 9:30 a.m. J. J. Fltzstmons, supt.
Morning worship at 11. Sermon: The
Cross and Forgiveness. Anthem: "O
Praise the Lord of Heaven." Duet: "O
Let Him Whose Sorrow," Mrs. Hughes
and Prof. Wright. Christian Endeavor
societies at 0-30 p.m. Worship at 7:30.
Sermon : The Glorious Company of
the Apostles: I. Peter. Anthem: "Come
Unto Me, Ye Weary." Thursday 7:30
p.m. prayer meeting, Bible study.
ANCE W.C.T.U. hall. Ferry and 8.
Commercial Sts. Rev. Lloyd Rice, sup
ply pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m.
Services at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Women's prayer band Tuesday 3 p.m.
at 1910 S. Commercial St. Cottage
prayer service Wednesday 7:45. Y. P.
meeting Friday 7:45, 3420 Lee St.
31514 N. Commercial St. Sunday: Bi
ble school 3 p.m. Ester Baker, supt.
Devotlonals at 3. evangelistic at 7:30.
Services at 7 30 p.m. Tuesday. Thurs
day and Saturday. Wednesday night
cottage prayer meeting, also young
people's meeting at Mission, Ester
Baker In charge. J. C. and Daisy Wil
son, pastors.
N. 17th at Nebraska St. O. E. Foster,
minister. Sunday school 0:45 a.m.
Worship at 10:50. Solo by Miss Dor
othy Foster. Sermon: Confession. Sen
ior Endeavor lunch and vespers 5:30
p.m. intermediate Endeavor 6:30. Rev.
H. C. Stover, of Knight Memorial
church, will speak to young people at
p.m. ana give tne even'ntr sermon
at 7:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday
evening at .ju.
summer St. Rev, James E. Ca mo be II
minister. Wllmer N, Brown, director
of youth activities and music. Sunday
scnooi v:o a.m. k. h. Ermel supt.
Worship at 11. Sermon: Living Sacri
fices. Youth groups meet at 6:30 p.m,
at which time Mrs. Post, a returned
missionary irom Borneo, will speak
Evangelistic service at 7:30 p.m. with
Gospel In song and message. Bible
stuay and prayer service Thursday
evening at 7:30.
ENTIST Chemeketa and Liberty Sts.
Sunday school 11 a.m. Church services
at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Lesson-sermon:
Substance. Wednesday evening service
at 8. Includes testimonies of healing
In Christian Science. Reading room
In room 305 Masonic temple open
dally except Sunday 11 a.m. to 0 p.m.
Wednesday until 7:30 p.m.
N. Capitol and Marlon Sts. Edwin
Horstman, pastor. School of Christian
Education r.nd adult discussion class
10 a.m. John Denny, supt. Worship at
II. The Helping Saviour. Male quartet
will sing: I Shall See Him. Wednesday
at 8 p.m. Lenten meditation. Jesus
ouiiers i-nrougn Envy and Jealousv.
Friday 10:30 a m. to S p.m. meeting
of the Evangelical and Reformed Wo
men s Federation of Portland area,
TIONAL S. 19th and Ferry. H. C.
Stover, minister. Morning worship at
ii. eermon: rne uisiurmng Christ.
Anthem: "Open Wide Thy Heart."
Evening services at 7:30. Sermon by
o. rTiBier oi me sngiewooa
U.B. church. Sundav achool at 10 a m
Roy Harland supt. Christian Endeavor
at 6:45 p.m. Church night supper at
7 p.m. Wednesday, speaker. Rev. Rob
ert Hutchinson ol lh First Congre
gational church.
Guderlan, pastor, Sunday achool 0:30
a.m. Services at 10:50. Topic; Com
panionship with Christ.
avenue at Church St. T. Clio Brown,
pastor. Bible school at 10 a.m. Clifton
Ross supt. Preaching service at 11.
Subject: Stewardship. Rev. Herman H.
Macy of Scotta Mills bringing the
1 DayOnly,Sat.,3p.m.to6p.m
TawarSs This Parchste
Batltlee fmrT to One ef Oar
csslar SS-t
Cross Necklaces
In Plain or With Facsimile
Urine lata Mapm ani r ttere
anS rerri f wr r'filir SS CrM
Ncfclsc. Te uw aallv 14.41. Tbla
nrrrlr atla ar Imr total aSvtrtlalae,
isnMa, satMPMale. ate. Netbias aiere
to r.
New Streamline Design
TbM seasilfsl CrM Neefeleees are
Ihs mtw faahtoa ! I i tr
ait mmr narnlna, a'ltrnMH anS
A variety ef slrlea far
watnra ens' elrla, la alala ar fanrr
yrllaw salt Saaisaa, aaataJeto Jts
This Sale for
If you can't at.
Und this sale.
Itavt money at
stort. Your Cross
NMklaea will be
bald aside fot
yon. All O r s s
Necklsces are
Natural Trllew
dole finish.
Phone S4S
Cor. Court A High St.
Sadie" Billed,
State Theatre
Sadie DeVaux, nee Edward Kin
ney, will be on the stage of the
State theatre, where he Is featured
In conjunction with the regular
acts of Eastern circuit vaudeville
this week. Sadie will feature his
female Impersonations, doing the
bolero dance and featuring the songs
that he did for night club audiences
in eastern cities.
Sadie's local fame came when he
was discovered by local police of
ficers doing his female Impersona
Don Camp, a 14-year-old boy. Is
a featured performer recently from
the Rosy theatre In New York and
the Balban Katz circuit. Don
does a combination hand-balancing'
tap and Russian dance act In a bet
ter style than performers with many
more years' experience. The Palmer
twins, two female hUl-blllles, do a
very pleasing act featuring original
songs and instrumental numbers.
Joe Williams, known as the "Sha
dow." a colored boy of exceptional
ability, has appeared In many mo
tion pictures and about every color
ed nleht club in America. "Sha
dow" is one of the very few colored
entertainers to appear to American
night clubs catering to the elite.
A first run feature picture, "The
13th Man," featuring Weldon Hey
burn and Irene Courtney, with i
specially selected array of short sub
jects comolete the Oate theatre
program for Friday and Saturday,
message. Christian Endeavors at :30.
Evangelistic service at 7:30. Prayer
meeting Thursday at 7:30 p.m.
(Christian). Court at 17th 8t. D. W.
rtanlAl. nnntor. Bible school B:4S a.m..
Waldo Miller In charge. Worship and
observance of the Lord's supper lo:.o.
Vocal solo by Susanna Hawkins. Mes
sage: The World's Need of a Chrlst
likA church. Evening service and
Christian Endeavor at 7:30. Musical
program under direction of W. T. Van
Slyke. Message: eeven riciurc. oi me
Undlscouraged Christ. Mid-week ser
vice Thursday at 7:30 p.m.
TRINITY M. J. K. Fuhr. pastor.
Sunday school and adult Bible class
es at 10 a.m. Divine worship at 11:00
a.m. Sermon theme. "Be It Done
Even as Thou Wilt. Special music
by the Trinity choir. Fellowship dinner
served at noon by Mrs. O. Totland,
Mrs. M, Endresen and Mrs. O. G.
Satrum. Program under the direction
of the Junior choir will be given right
after the dinner.
The proup committees from the
varloua city organizations which met
under the auspices of the Lutheran
Brotherhood, will meet again In the
Trinity church parlors on Monday
evening, March 14, at 8 o'clock. The
regular meeting of the Brotherhood
will be held the following evening,
Tuesday, at Trinity church.
Lenten services on Wednesday at 8
p.m. Rev. O. J. Mlnthun will preach
on the "ermon theme. "Jesus' Be
trayal." The Mission circle will meet
on Wednesday afternoon, 3 o'clock, at
the church. The L. D. R. work meet
ing has been postponed from Tues
day. March IS, to Tuesday. March 22,
meeting to be held at the church.
Choir rehearsals on Thursday at 7
and 8 p.m. Confirmation classes on
Saturday at 9:80 and 10 30 a.m.
son, pasor. Sunday school and Bible
classes, 945 am. Miss Olpa Johnson,
superintendent. Divine worship, 10:45
a.m. Subject. "From the Power of
the Devil." Norwegian service. 11 :30
a.m. "Guda Velaignlng." Evening ser
vice at 7:30. Subject, "The Open
Door." The choir meets for rehearsal
Wednesday B p.m. Lenten services
Thursday. 7:30 p.m. "Christ Interced
ing for the Thief." Confirmation In
struction Saturday, 10:00 a.m.
METHODIST D. Lester Fields,
minister. Sunday school at 8:45 a.m.
with special program at the begin
ning of the school each Sundav. Morn
ing service at 11 o'clock. The ser
mon theme. "How Shall We Escape?"
Special music by the choir The even
ing service at 7:30 p.m. is a popular
service with special singing of old
familiar songs and learning some of
the new very fine hymns In our new
hymn book. Tne sermon theme.
"Not by Might.
Epworth league at 8:30 p.m. Oood
subjects and fine meetings make
these meetings very attractive. Mon
day. 7:30 p.m., meeting of the offi
cial board la the annex ot the church.
Zook. pastor. "Living in the Golden
Age" will be the subject of the ser
mon Sunday night at 7:30 This will
be an oxposltton of the Bible doctrine
of the Millennium. The musical at
traction for this service will be the
second music request night and will
consist of vocal solos, duets quartets,
instrumental numbers and anthems
by the choir. The Bible school, F.
M. Powell, superintendent will meet
Limit 2 to a Coupon
This affar la saaSa aaaslbto ar tba
aaa'atartr. LlailUS laaalr far
lb I spaclal aal. W rrtrrra laa
rttbt to eaaatlilaa. This
raaaaa Is saaS ealr vblle eetr
tltint sals Is aa.
3 Hours Only
Mall oroars, add
c extra. State
plain or fancy
Ores Nacilact.
Ivarr Great
NecklaaS guaran
teed asaintt tar
niih, leas ti stone
ef less ef bril
liancy. DRUGS
it M ijo. Aa attendance of 100 Is
expected, a high water mark for this
time oi year, subject oi morning
sermon at 11 a.m. will be "The Christ
of the Changing Centuries, Who Never
Changes. The Christian Endeavor so
cieties in two divisions will meet at
Jenson, pet tor. Class meets Saturday
morning, 10 o clock; Norwegian ser
vice, 10 clock, pastor In charge. Wor
ship service, English, 11 o'clock.
Leagues sundav evening at 8:30 and
7:30. Choir rehearsal Thursday even
ing at a nciocK. Thursday afternoons.
devotlonals In Norwegian language, 3
o'clock; Friday evening at 8 o'clock.
free program at Eugene Field audi
torium, auspices Methodist church.
Erntson. pastor. As usual Sabbath
school convenes at 10. The subject
under discussion will be the "Proper
Diet and Dress for Christiana." A
question that will be answered Is
"Should Christiana try to Imitate the
lower strata of society or should they
dress In harmony with their faith?"
Preaching at 11 a.m. by the pastor.
The subject will be "The Holy Spirit.
Hsve You Received It? Do You Per
sonally Know It You Hava?" PlyT
meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.
No one had found a Bible text call
ing the first day of the week. "The
Lord's Day or the Sabbath Day. So
no one claimed tne aio reward. This
Sundsy will be the last chance. The
subject will be, "Is Sunday the Lord's
Day According to the Bible? If Not
How Did It Coma to Be Called by
That Name 7"
R. Cross, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45
o'clock. Devotional nour, 11 o'clock,
Sunday a.m. Y.P.S., 6:30. promptly,
Sunday evening. Evangelistic service.
7:45 o clock Sunday evening: Weekly
services Wednesdays and Fridays, 7:40
o'clock. In the near future the pas
tor and congregation will conduct a
Bible study of the tabernacle as a
type or unrist. a miniature utoer
nacle will be on display.
street. Sunday achool at 9:45 o'clock.
Regular service at 11 o'clock.
thur Sullivan, pastor. Monday,
Wednesday, Friday and ' Saturday
morning mass, 8:15 o'clock; Tuesday
and Thursday, 7:00 o'clock. Sunday
night, 7 :30, holy hour; Wednesday
night, 7:30, The way or tna cross and
Benediction; Mission special service
from March 37 to April 3, Father John
Stanley of New York, In charge.
Sllverton and Salem congregations
meet at lath and Leslie streets. Salem.
Pastor. E. N Bivens. Church school.
10 o'clock Sunday morning. Dr. H. W.
Beal, director; 1 1 o'clock, worship
hour, speaker, F. E. Hammel) of
Brooks: 815 Sunday p.m., Zlon league
tot vouth. ami .lo stud ot Book
of Mormon for adults. Dr Beal di
rector; 7:30 Sunday p.m., missionary
service, in cnarge oi ur. n. w. seat;
Wednesday evening. 7:30. prayer ser
vice: Woman's department meets all
day Friday at church, no-hostess
tor supplied. Rev. Pauline J. Coffee,
colored singing evangelist: Sunday
scnooi, iu o ciock, narvey nauett, su
perintendent: worship service at 11
o'clock a.m., and 7:45 p.m.; Young
reopie s society, o:b sunaay evening.
Duff, Jr., pastor. Sunday school at
10:00 a.m. Christian Endeavor at 8:30
p.m. The pastor will use as his topic
at tne 11:00 ociock nour a Bcin
tlflc Explanation of the New Birth."
Science services are held at 410 Mill
street every Sunday at 1 1 :00 a.m
Sunday school at 10:00 a m. Wednes
day evenlrg meeting at 8:00 p.m. the
first Wednesday of the month. Read
ing room at the same addresa open
Wednesday from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m
The subtect of the lesson sermon for
this week Is "Substance."
ery Sunday, first and third Sundays
at iu:uu ociock' secona ana tourtn
8.00 o'clock. St. Anne's Altar soci
ety meets at the homes of the mem
bers the first Tuesday evening of
each minth at 7 :30. Communion
Sunday, the second Sunday at 8:00
Nararenus, superintendent. Sunday
school at 10-00 a.m. at the Oakdale
school house.
Linn, pastor Sunday school begins
at 10:00 a.m. Worship service Is at
March 12 to March 19th.
Helena Rubinstein
Beauty Preparations
20 OFF!!
You hare a full week in which to stock up on these wonderful values. To
most of you, Helens Rubinstein's name is a beauty byword. But if you
haven't learned what these preparations con do to xive you a beautiful
complexion and a glamorous make-up, here is your chance!
Choose from
$1.00 Beauty Grains,
1.00 Pasteurized Face Cream 80e
1.00 Youthifying Tissue
Cream ...80e
1.25 Skin Toning Lotion 1.00
2.00 Refining I,otlon 1.60
J.25 Anil-Wrinkle !.t)on J.00
1.00 Skin Clearing Cream .. 80c
1.00 Persian Mascara 80c
$1.50 Town and Country Make-Up Film
Capital Drug
Cor. Liberty A Slat
Arterial Main
In Full Service
The new 12th street arterial wa
ter main is now in complete serv
ice, Manager Cuyler Van Patten of
the water department said today,
and U operating aatlsfactorlly.
Another new development la re
moval from service of the well at
31st and Market streets, and since
the Madison street well was re
moved from service last November,
the people of no part of the city
are now using well water.
Van Patten said the pressure at
31st and Madison has increased 10
pounds since the new service was
opened up. Previously this was the
lowest pressure point in the city.
Of the present development pro
gram only the Claude and Cross
street line, two Dlocks on south
Commercial, and a future service
Una oq filWutaa toad ttva o&V?
uncompleted jobs of the present
development program. However
only 30 per cent of the pipe of the
ultimate program has been laid.
will conduct the services The hour
for the young people who meet in the
afternoon for league will oe i
nounced at the morning worship.
DALLAS MISSION First door east
of laundry. Mr. and Mra. E. E. Menke.
pastors. Special evangelistic meetings
every nignt tnis weex at 7:au; tnree
services on Sunday at 11:00 a.m.. a
p.m. and 7 :30. Services are being
conducted by Evangelist and Mrs.
W. H. Kress.
dav school bea-lns at 3:00 D.m. There
are classes xor young ana oia. Lnao
Hiebert is in charge. Sunday even
ing Mr. Neufleld will speak and the
Junior male Quartet of the M, B.
church will sing.
0. Hiebert. Regular services will be
held this Sunday with Sunday school
and church at the usual hour in the
morning, and evening services at 8:00
Wall, minister. Sunday school at
9:45 a.m, Otto Bier, superintendent.
Rev. A. N. wiiiems of Fresno, calif.,
who Is conducting evangelistic meet
ings this week, will be here Sunday
and every evening next week Includ
ing Friday evening. Rev. Wlllema will
speak Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m.
on tne suoject, "uott ruer uns.
(German). At 3:30 p.m. there will
be a special service for the young
neople. The, tontci toe tb attaint
services win oe as iouows: sunaay
March 13. "Three Men and Three
Trees"; Monday. March 14. "The
'Comes' of God's Word": Tuesday,
March 15. "The Great Words of Con
version"; Wednesday, March 16. "The
Great Words of Salvation"; Thursday,
March 17. "Why I Believe In Lite
After Death"; Friday. March 18,
"Words for the Weary. There will
oe special music, under tne leader
ship of A. U. Frlesen. at all of these
ner Court and Church streets. Sunday
school at 930; morning worship at
io:ao; evening woranip at 7:au; TueS'
day and Thursday at 7:45. Sacred mu
sical concert Sunday evening at 7:30
by a 31 -piece orchestra, which fur
nishes music for all other services.
Lente, pat tor; 9:45, Bible school; 11:00,
joint at the Methodist church;
sermon oy hiss Nora joraan. evan
gelist; 6:30, youth meeting with the
Methodist group: 7:30, evening service
at the Metnodist church; Tuesday.
3 :00, woman's Missionary society
meeis witn Mrs. u. a. uurry; weanes
day, 7:30, mid-week prayer and praise
service; weanesaay, s:au, cnoir prac
tice; on Friday evening of this week
the evangelist, Miss Nora Jordan,
will give a special sermon for young
people. Sunday, March 20, Dr. E. W.
Pettlcord. district superintendent, will
be here both morning and evening. .
Clay. O. D. Harris, minister. "A Son
and Hla Mother." will be the sermon
topic at the Christian church at the
morning orshlp Sunday. This will
be the tecond In a special series of
sermons based upon the ee,a Uat
sayings of Jesus. At 7:30 p.m.. the
pastor will speak on the theme.
"Come Ye Out." Special music will
feature both the morning and even
ing worship services. Mid-week wor
ship Is on Wednesday evening at 7:30.
Bible school at 9:45 on Sunday, and
Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p.m., Sun
day. A special pre -Easier campaign
Is underway by the Bible achool to
Increase attendance with 800 as the
aim for Easter Sunday.
aon street. H. E. Widmer. pastor. Resl-
this wide assortment at
now 80e
$2.00 Novena Night Cream ..
3.00 Muscle Tightener
2.00 Special Eye Cream
1.50 Herbal Hand Balm
1.00 Acne Cream
1.00 Powdrm
1.00 Lipsticks
1.00 Luminous Eye Shadow
denoe S18 Mill street. Sunday school
at 10 a.m. At 11 o'clock preaching.
Christian Endeavor at 7 .30 p.m.
Prayer and Bible study at 7:30 P.m..
Linn, minliter. Sunday achool at 8:48
s-ro. Sunday J Ihe Jast day of th
evangelistic services. Miss Nora B.
Jordan, evangelist, will speak at 11:00
a.m. and again at 7:30 p.m Miss Bea
trice Spies will have charge of the
singing. Miss Jordan and Miss Spies
win sing together at both services.
On Friday night of this week, March
ll. Miss Jordan will discuss the nues
tion of popular amusements. This
la young people's night. There will
be a group of young people from Ore
gon City and from two or three other
places outside of Dallas.
FREE METHODIST 334 Mill street.
Rev, Valeria Cleveland. Daator. Sun
day services are as follows: Sunday
scnooi at 10 a.m. Preaching at 11
a.m. Young People's meeting at 8:48
p.m. Preaching and testimony at 7:30
p.m. Wednesday prayer meeting at
7:30 pm. Heb. 10:31 "It Is a fearful
thing to fall into the hands of the
living God " R. Nungester, Sunday
school superintendent.
LIANCE Harvey Larson, pastor. Sun
dsy school at 10:00. A missionary
apeaker will take part of the hour.
uosoei services at 11:00 and 7:30 n.m.
Rev. Paul W. Ounther, Slam, will be
tne apeaxer. Young oeoole'a service
at 6:30. Evsngellstic-mtssionary ser
vices eacn evening. Monday through
Wednesday, at 7:45. The speakers will
be Evangelist Rev. R. F. c. Schwed
ler of Philadelphia. Pa., and Rev.
Paul Ounther of Eastern Slam. Young
people's fellowship hour this week
only on Saturday night Instead of
the usual evening, which Is Friday
at 7:45. v
len and Edythe Mae Phillips, pastors.
Under direction ot Edythe Mae Phil
lips the Sunday school will follow a
new course of study to oe introduced
Sunday at 9-45 a.m. and will cover
the Bible from cover to cover, modem.
scientific, all Bible, and strictly fun
damental. Worship at 11. "What Do
we Believe?" Rev. rniuipa. Evangel
istic service 7 '45 p.m. Rev. Edythe Mao
Phillips will bring an Illustrated mes
sage. Topic: Eternal Life on the Bar
gain Counter. Crusaders, senior and
Junior. 6:30 p.m. Thursday at 7:30 p.
m. prayer and Bible study. Subject:
Prevailing Prayer.
CHURCH OF GOD H. 8. Fulton.
pastor. Sunday achoo. 10 a.m. VforsriVp
at 11. Evening worship ar 7:30. Wed
nesday 7:30 p.m. prayer service and
Bible study. Missionary society 10 a.
m. Thursday.
T. J. O'Counor, minister. Sunday Bi
ble school 10 a.m. Mrs. Blssel, supt.
Communion and sermon at 11 a.m.
Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p.m. Praise)
and sermon at 7:30. Wednesday Bible
study and prayer. Thursday, women's
council. First Tuesday of each month,
VMS. Mrs. A. Mitchell, president.
services Wednesday and Friday eve
nings at 7:30 during Lent. Sunday
masses 8 and 10 a.m. Rosary and ben
ediction 7:30 p.m. Baptisms Sundays
3:30 p.m. Office hours 9 to 13. In
structions by appointment.
School 10 a.m. WorBhlp at 11. Sub
ject: The Water of Life. Evening
worship at 730, Mr. Popplnga speak
ing. Thursday evening chorus practice
at the home of Carl Huber, Prayer ser
vice Thursday evening at 7:30.
school 10 a.m. A. M. Van Cleave aupt.
Worship at 8 p.m. Subject; The Rain
bow in the Clouds,
METHODIST episcopal Sunday
school 10 a.m. Worship at 11. Sub
ject: Surface Living. Epworth Leagues
at 6 p.m. Adults at 7:15. Evening aer
vioe 8. Prayer service Thursday 8 p.m.
per. pastor. Sunday school and Bible
class 10 a m. Vesper service 8 p.m. No
Luther league. Thursday at 3 p.m. La
dies' Aid will meet, Mra. Helen MathU
eaoo. anil Mra. Evelyn, Math.leaoii, boa
tesses. Choir rehearsal Thursday eve
ning at B. Confirmation class 10 ajn
English service at 11. Sundsy school
at 10. Luther league 1:30 p.m. Lunch
will be served at close of the morning
service. Choir rehearsal Friday eve
ning. Ladles' Aid Wednesday at 3 p.m.
Mrs, Roatvald. Jr.. hostess The Mon
itor and Woodburn prayer groups will
meet at the home of Rev. snd Mra.
Roger Tuesday evening. Oluf Asper,
20 discount:
Phone 3118