Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 14, 1937, Page 5, Image 5

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    Thursday, October 14, 1937
The Capital Journal, Salens Oregon
Society, Clubs and Music
War Mothers
To Convene
Here Soon
American War Mothers from the
state over will Rather In Oregon's
capital October 28-29 (or the state
convention ot that organization. The
various sessions will be held at the
Salem Woman's club In North Cot
tage street
Mrs. Mary Ayers will act ss gen
eral chairman for the convention
and In charge of housing will be
f Mrs. Mary Rauch, Mrs. Rose Hage
dorn and Mrs. Perkett. Mrs. Mabel
Lockwood will be In charge of press
Mrs. Unfile Lee and Mrs. Minnie
Humphreys will arrange the regis
tration or delegates. Mrs. Mabel
Lockwood, Mrs. Sarah Peterson and
Mrs. Mettle Schramm will make up
the credentials committee.
The reception committee will In
clude Mrs. Emllie Hendricks. Mrs.
Margaret Eu banks, Mrs. Florence
Oarver, Mrs. Ada V. Skiff, Mrs. Ma
ttel Lockwood, Mrs. Anna Penney
and Mrs. Llzbetrr Waters.
The banquet will be In charge of
Mrs. Lulu- Legge, Mrs. Addle Mills
and Mrs. Carrie Lindsay. Mrs. Addie
Curtis, Mrs. Myrtle Littlefleld, Mrs.
Matilda Nadon, Mrs. Lena Waters
and Mrs. Rose Hagedorn will arrange
the decorations.
The D.A.V. auxiliary will be in
charge of transportation and the
American Legion auxiliary will ar
range the seating of state officers.
V Beta Chi Girls ,
Give Dinner
Beta Chi sorority entertained with
a gala dinner at the chapter house
Tuesday night in compliment to a
group of rushees. The comic strip
motif was carried out in the ap
Assisting In the serving were Miss
Dorothy Cutler, Miss Harriet Wins
low, Miss Marjorie Tiedman, Miss
Mary Sadler, Miss Dorothy Leeper.
Miss Betty Dotson and Miss Mar
garet Ayers made arrangements for
the dinner.
Mothers of Band
. Boys Meet
The Salem high school band boys'
mothers' club met at the Y.M.C.A.
Wednesday afternoon and made
plans for the ensuing season. Mrs.
Zina Sharpnack Is president and
Mrs. Lloyd Relnholdt Is secretary of
the organization.
Next Tuesday the group will meet
at the home of Mrs. John Man: and
sew on music holders for the band.
Mothers are buying transparent
slickers for band members, It was
announced at yesterday's session.
W. F. M. S. Rally
In Session Friday
The Woman's Foreign Mission
ary society will hold a district rally
In Salem all day Friday at the Ja
son Lee church. Thirty churches will
be represented.
The morning session will convene
at 10 o'clock and at 12:30 luncheon
will be served.
Special guests for the day will be
Rev. Lynn Wood, Mrs. Stanley Cle
ment, Miss Louise Godfrey, Mrs. M.
B. Paranouglan and Mrs. Jessie
Mrs. Gardner Knapp Invited mem
bers of her contract club to a des-
sert luncheon Wednesday In her
Chemeketa street residence. Mrs.
James Hardle was an additional
RIGHT in line, color and pep for football
games ... or any fun that's going! From soar
ing roll brims to flower-pot turbans tight as
your hairl In the new Winter sports shades.
Jolliers -2nd. Floor
uut M
At the regular meetlrg of the
auxiliary to the Disabled American
Veterans of the World war, held on
Monday night at the Y.W.C.A., Mrs.
Josephine Ostrander, state com
mander of the auxiliary, presented
an interesting report of her visit
to the Bend chapter of the auxili
ary last week.
Standard Bearers
Have District Rally
An event of Friday will be the
district rally of the standard Bear
ers, which will be held at the First
Methodist church. A banquet will be
served at t o'clock In the dining
room and girls will be present from
Amity, Corvallls, Bay City, Dallas,
Eugene, Halsey, Junction City,
McMlnnvllle, Nehalem, Jason Lee,
Leslie and the First Methodist
Each group will contribute a
number on the program. Special
guests will be Mrs. M. B. Paranou
glan, Mrs. Louis Magln, Mrs. J. W.
Bunch and Miss Louise Godfrey.
Orients! decorations will be used
about the rooms and In the table
Dessert Luncheon
For Agenda Club
Mrs. Myron Butler entertained for
members of the Agenda club at her
country home Wednesday. A dessert
luncheon was served and autumn
flowers provided the decorative
Present were Mrs. Galen Slddell,
Mrs. Olen Sheddeck, Mrs. Don Pat
ton, Mrs. Frank Hrubetz, Jr., Mrs.
C. J. Morgan, Mrs. Gilbert Ham
man, Mrs. Norval Hlrons and the
hostess, Mrs. Myron Butler. Mrs.
Hamman will entertain the club In
a fortnight.
Eugene Spinsters
Hold Nominations
Nominations for new officers were
held at the meeting of the Eugene
Spinsters club Monday evening at
the home of Miss Elizabeth Ann De
Busk. Nominations include: Miss De
Busk for president: Miss Rhoda
Armstrong for vice-president; Miss
Roberta Marshall for secretary; Miss
Barbara Rooms, treasurer. Retiring
officers are Miss Marlon Morse,
president; Miss Althea Peterson,
vice-president; Miss Helen Tillman,
secretary; Miss Roome, treasurer.
Thursday Club
Is Entertained
Mrs. John L. Rand and Mrs. Geo
rge Rossman entertained with a
dessert luncheon at the former's
Court street residence this after
noon In compliment to the Thursday
club and several additional guests.
Additional guests Included Mrs.
Charles L. McNary, Mrs. James
Mott, Mrs. Harry Belt and Mrs. Per
cy R. Kelly.
Being welcomed as new members
are Mrs. Charles H. Martin, Mrs.
John Scott, Mrs. E. T. Barnes, Mrs,
Paul Wallace, Mrs. E. C. Richards,
Mrs. Bruce Baxter, Mrs. Charles
Gray and Miss Margaret Cos per.
Other members include Mrs. John
Albert, Mrs. C. P. Bishop, Mrs. Rich
ard Cart wrlght, Mrs. Russell Cat
lln, Mrs. F. A. Elliott, Mrs. R. B.
Fleming, Mrs. R. J. Hendricks, Mrs.
W. E. Kirk, Mrs. B. 0. Miles, Mrs.
Marie Flint McCall, Mrs. George
Pearce, Mrs. R. p. Boise, Mrs. Frank
Snedecor, Mrs. Charles Park, Mrs.
C. K. Spaulding, Mrs. Frank Spen
cer, Mrs. A- N. Moores, Mrs. E. C.
Cross, Mrs. Frank Benson, Mrs. W.
C. Hawley and the hostesses, Mrs.
George Rossman and Mrs. John L.
Sanaa an nw itra.
Medical Auxiliary Plans
Affairs for State
roe woman's auxuiary to tne Oregon state Medical society will
meet in 8a Km next Thursday, Friday and Saturday for the annual con
vention. The auxiliary will meet In the First Presbyterian church with
registration taking place at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Hugh Dowd of Salem
will give the greeting and Mrs. Charles Edwin Sears will respond. Fol
lowing the roll call of delegates'
the usual reports will be given by
Mrs. James Odell, Mrs. Ralph
Stearns, Mrs. Alice Fisher and Mrs.
O. E. McCain. Mrs. Burton My
ers of, Salem will give the report
of registration and reports of state
officers will also be given.
Mrs. George H. Bendshadler Is
the president-elect. District reports
will be given by Mrs. Carl Emmons
of Salem, Mrs. William Weese of
Ontario and Mrs. C. J. Rademach
er of Bend.
A luncheon will be held at the
church at 12:30 o'clock with Dr. W.
W. Bauer, national advisor of the
national medical auxiliary and also
advisor for the national Parent
Teacher association, as speaker. All
members of the Salem P. T. A.
groups are Invited. '
At 2 o'clock the afternoon ses
sion will resume with Mrs. John
Abele of Portland In charge of the
program. Following the session
trips will be made to the linen
mills and state Institutions under
the direction of Mrs. Horace Mill
er. From 8 to 6 o'clock the aux
iliary members and their husbands
will meet at the Capitol theatre to
view a picture of medical interest.
Dinner will be served at 7 o'clock
with Mrs. C. A. Downs arranging
the program. Members will come
in old fashioned costumes and a
clever skit, reminiscent of olden
times, "By Lamp Light, " will be
A breakfast will-be held at S
o'clock Friday morning at the
Golden Pheasant. At 0:30 o'clock
the business meeting will be called
and county presidents will give
their reports. Mrs. L. O. Clement
of Salem is president of the Polk-Yamhill-Marion
auxiliary and will
make her report.
Reports will also be made . by
special committees on cancer con
trol, McLoughlln house, resolutions,
registration and credentials, nom
inating committee and finally, the
election of officers.
Luncheon will be served at noon
with Mrs. George Vehrs in charge.
"An Ideal Program" will be the
The home of Mrs. Charles O.
While limited supply lasts-youc Bc.r .. orw.8 you one
on package. Gel acquainted with that new, delicious Bakes
lorg end golden brown. You'll lay they're the grandest you aver
tasted! And right now, to mote it easy for you to enjoy them
you can BUr ONE GET ONE FPEE! The lint tail wins you
Is that "eriipi-lreih" western-mode flakes. In fact, if you're not
delighted otter tasting them bring back the packoge and your
money' will be refunded! What's more, there's a VAlUASlE
' COUPON IN Vint PACKAGE, good in exchange for 500 fin
J premiums. Buy a package of Alters Corn Flakes ot your grocer's.
Ml I In ODC lodoy and GET ONE PACKAGE FEE while supply lasts!
CtTI0 tv amis lto MilttNO CO-MCrrrc eossf Clli smifM oe Most fnM to tft
Robertson on Fairmount hill will be
the scene of a tea honoring visit
ing matrons from 3:30 until 5
An informal banquet will be held
at 1 o'clock that night at the Ho
tel Marlon.
Saturday morning tae state offi
cers will breakfast at the Oolden
Pheasant with the regular business
session taking up at . Final re
ports will be given and officers In
stalled. A post-convention board
meeting and adjournment will com
plete the three-day session.
Mrs. H. K. Stockwell and Mrs.
James Sears are arranging a golf
tournament for 10 o'clock Saturday
Mrs. Carl' Emmons, who has
been serving as first vlre-presi-dent
of the state auxiliary, i Mrs.
Hugh Dowd will be co-chairmen of
the convention.
Mrs. Burton Myers, Mrs. Ken
neth Power, Mrs. I. M. Sanders,
Mrs. J. O. Mathis and Mrs. Barlow
will serve on hte reglstraiton com
mittee. The tea on Friday will be ar
ranged by Mrs. Verdon Hockett,
Mrs. R. Lee Wood. Mrs. Jcrsld
buster brown
satin to be tinted
silver kid .
black patent and velvet
in white
black colors
buster brown shoe store
' 125 n. commercial
Backstrand, Mrs. Robert Joseph,
Mrs. Kenneth Power and Mrs.
Vem Miller,
Mrs. Horace Miller Is In charge
of entertainment.
V. F. W. Auxiliary
Officers Elected
The Veterans of Foreign Wars'
auxiliary met Tuesday evening at
the armory and elected officers for
the ensuing year.
They Include Mrs. E. L. McElvaln,
president; Mrs. Ward Wolf, senior
vice-president; Mrs. Cyril Nadon,
Junior vice-president; Mrs. Frank
MlUett, treasurer; Mrs. Onas Olson,
chaplain; Mrs. Fred Egelus, con
ductress; Mrs. Harold Perkins,
guard; Mrs. Dave Furlough, trustee.
The group wUl meet at the home
of Mrs. Onas Olson, 1810 South
Winter street, at 3 o'clock Friday
A. A. U. W. Board
At Barrett Home
Board members of die American
Association of University Women
met Wednesday evening at the
home of Mrs. Phillip Barrett, as
sociation president. Those present
Included Mrs. Waldo Zeller, Mrs.
T. O. Mason, Mrs. V. Mcliityre, Mrs.
Glenn Stevens, Mrs. Earl Stewart,
Mrs. C. F. Luther, Mrs. Lloyd Hock
ett, Mrs. Roy Lockenoiir, Mrs. J. A.
Jelderks and Misses Martha Jane
Hottel, Mabel Robertson, Helen Ar
thur, Dorothea Steuslolf, Marjorie
Chrlstenson, Esther Gibbard, Fran
ces Virginia Melton, Josephine
Baumgartner and the hiistess, Mrs.
Philip Barrett. At the supper hour
Mrs. Barrett was assisted In serv
ing by Mrs. Hockett and Mrs. Jel
derks. The regular monthly meeting of
fConcluded on Page 6
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