THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1937 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON ,3 When the Man Was Asked What He Worked at He Replied, "At Intervals." Capitaljjournal CUSBIPIKn ADVERTISING RATES per line 10o per line, a timea 2Se Per line, 6 time 40c Per line, 1 month .SI .35 Minimum per Ad 35 cent Want Ads must be In by 10 jn. day of publication Circulation of the Capital Journal tor the week ending June 28. 1937. Dally average diaUi bu tton 10,782 Net Paid 10.491 For Sale Houses A REAL HOME BARGAIN New 6 -room plast., home, completely room and inlaid linoleum on drain board and floor In kitchen. Llvlngroom and dinette finished In mahogany. Located at 1540 Jefferson street. Price f4600 U6Q down. bal. 27.85 per mo. to include int. at o. et-E this be fore you buy. SEE G. H. Grabcnhorat. Jr.. with W. H. GRABENHORST At CO.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 6468. a 168 44350 6-room mod. house. Fireplace, basement, furnace, garage, trays, 350 down will handle, balance like rent. A comfortable home for someone. 13700 Large house close to new high , school. Fireplace. Basement, furnace, V- trays, garage, attractive back yard. P. H. BELL 439 Ore. Bldg. Phone 8121. a!6T LARGE CORNER LOT: 7-rm. hse. 3 bedrms. Double garage. Pavement it side walks paid. 8 blks. from city cen ter $3650. WEST SALEM: IV ac. 4-rm. hse. Ga race St chicken hie. Handy to school and store. Entire tract In fruit and berries 2 500; 300 cafch. Rich L. Relmann. 167 S. High St. a 167 MODERN COUNTRY HOME Close in. 7 nice rooms, modern with basement, furnace, fireplace, hot water heat with oil burner, nice trees and shrubs, paved highway. This property is In splendid condition. Price 17600; 3000 down, bal. terms. SEE W. H. GRABENHORST it CO., Realtors 134 5. Liberty St. Phone 646S. a 167 NEAT HOUSE BUILT TO SUIT: COM PLETELY finished, on desirable large umiroan lot. Price aauoo; S300 down. ROBERT F. BUDROW Real Estate 13 Ladd tt Bush Bldg. Ph. 5965. al67' EXCEPTIONAL VALUE This well arranged 5rm. home with EXTRA lot is near schls and bus. Com plete cement basement, furnace, laun trays, fruit trees, new roof and paint JOD. A REAL VALUE. Price S2600. CALL R. A. Johnson with W. H. GRABENHORST it CO.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 6468. al67' COMFORTABLE TWO FAMILY HOME Entrance hall, living rm., 3 bedrms., large kitchen, bath and lot of storago Apace on first floor; living rm., bedrm.. kitchen and another complete bath on second floor. Some furniture also In cluded. In good condition In and out. Large East front lot with variety of fruit, close to Hi school and bus line raved street. COULD OCCUPY PART AND RENT BALANCE Dial 7807 for appointment. SOCOLOFSKY & SON 1st Nat'l. Bank Bldg. a!67 HOME OF 5 rooms and garage, paved street, cement walks, near bus and school, clme In 2!M5 cash. bal. 125 monthly, price a moo. KRUEGER 147 ft. Coml. St. Phone 4728. aI66 RIGHT DOWN TOWN Well built 6-room home, basement. furnace, fireplace, corner lot 60x100 n. only 3 oiocks from new State Cap- ltoi Duiiding. it s a Real Buv at 10300 can to see tt. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 6708. i RESIDENCE. 3 lota. 82000 3390 N Liberty. Write H. E. Rankin, Kelso. Wn al71 WE have now ready for sale 3 4-room modern houses on one acre at city limits East. 3 nice bedrooms, bathroom and cheerful kitchen with lots of taullt-tn. Our price is 12500 and can be hsndled with as low a payment as 200. Also a modern 3 -room house and one aere at 12250 with 9200 down 6-ROOM modern home on fine corner lot at 2398 State St. This Ii very desir able property and owned by out-of- town client. Has full cement basement with furnace, fireplace, a bedrooms down. Also nice Sun room. Price only aaon Liberal Terms. 8. M. EARLE or VTPK BROS 908 n. High St. Phone 967B. al7' DIRECTORY BICYCLES and Accessories, Ramsden, 143 S. Lib. o CONTRACTING A. J. Anderson. Ph. 5010. 440 Water St EXCAVATING BXCAVATTNO of all kinds: basements dug. dirt hauled or moved, or for sale SEE Ben Otjen it Sons. Phone 9080. o EXCAVATING of all kinds Basement dug. dirt hauled or moved Dirt for sale Salem Sand at Gravel Co 9408. o FLORIST Brelthaupfa for flowers. Dial 5904. o' PLUMBING THEO. M. BARR. Plumbing, heating sheet metal works; 164 S Commercial street. STOVES AND FENCE REPAIR stoves, ranges, circulators Sell new and re -built stover ranges and circulators Fence and fence posts R B. Fleming. 363 Chemeketa. o TRANSFER and STORAGE CITY TRANSFER A; DELIVERY SER VICE Ph. 0816 Moving, hailing A hipping at reduced rates. 180 FOR local or distant transfer storage, burner oil. call 3131. Lsrmer Transfer Co Trucks to Portland dally. TYPEWRITERS All makes sold, rented and repaired Needham'a Book Store. 465 State St. o WASHER REPAIRING We service nil mskes washers Salem Appliance Co.. exclusive ABO dssle-t 453 Court Ph 9611 o" WELL DRILLING i SNET3D. Rt 4. Box 310 Ph Sm 0193 WINDOW CLEANING NEW DIAL WINDOW ri.sninf Co Windows, floors. Woodwork, t. B3J7. o- ilijillpl ii "I got it through a Capital Journal classified ad. The audience might not like my play." For Sale Houses I MR. BUILDER We have 3 large corner lots, both Sta. paved and paid. Good 5-room bunga low with basement and room for two more houses. Located close to Leslie Junior high. For quick sale only (2500. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS St MILLER REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 6708. a OWNER wants to sell or Exchange for smaller house. See It today, 1190 S. Liberty. a!68 ULTRA -Modernistic new 5 rm. house, oak floors throughout, tapestry wall paper, modern In every respect. Terms Cor. Capitol ib Shipping. Ph. 8753 Emma Murphy Brown. a FOR SALE or LEASE: 5-room house, 3110 Myrtle Ave. Ph. 6836. al67 For Sale Harms UOOL ! AKM Butttt 150 A. Bottom I turn, oU a. in cult. bal. couia be. Now wasiun;. 'me sou, od set Dluga. avHKI. Menu. & A. ittrm, creek ot hpmu,, iuut wood nmoer, 8 M. Horn Uaieui. oiu btav. IJ A. cult. CtUap 0U0, stJou Uowu. 80 A. bottom mrm, oO m cull iatr larm biutfs. Lignts. wuier sysum, ooa .ocauon. 4oou; .JU00 down. aEE uur l.isi lie tore .buying PRKlNfa. al MAitHTiwwj ul(i8 10 ACRbtt 6 miles aaiem. Bldgs., crt-cs, umber, half in oemes, ciierm-a, nmi and nuts, good income. ouo. i'ernis, V alley Laud Co., d(0',M tiwic. blbu TEW AUltK BAHOA1N Located eaat on ftu road, excellent soil, b acre in luueiu three yts. oiu. several bearing ttojai Aiu.e encmes and Jtug. waiuuu. hiee paicn ol rasp berries. Good 4-room aome built m 1930. Eleclric water system, burn, isiue cnicken house. Price i.aou; ultimo ctun. oai. terms. l ino rKUPfcRl if is OF FERED AT A HEAL SACRIFICE. iEE W. H. GHABIlNHOHgT it CO., Realtors 134 s. Uberty S:. Phone t468. bl7 33 ACRES GOOD BUY 8 Acre prunes it 15 acres good wood timber, only 7 miles out. Price $16uo sduu aown. a ttcai uuy. 96 ACHES '23 A. cult, uood creek, bot tom. Balance in timber and pasture; 6-R. house, 3 barns, 3 poultry houses, good creek, one horse, 2 cows, 3 heif ers and implements, all for 63500 91500 down. 160 ACRES; 50 A. cult. 30 A. timber, good pasture, all fenced. 4 -It. houe. lair Darn, poultry house, price u.i20, 'a down. Soe these before you buy. JAS. D. SEARS REALTOR 476 Court St. Phoiie 8466. bl68 40 ACRES river bottom farm, some of the best soil in the valley. Ideal for corn, potatoes, alfalfa; could bo ir rigated; C4000. Valley Land Co. 37D', State. bl67 A REAL VALUE 66 acre farm, Willamette soli, fair buildings. Located near Lake Labisb. Price $85 per acre. W. G. KRUEGER 147 N. Com l. St. Phone 472S. b!66' FOR SALE: Improved 5 acres. Elec tricity, telephone, water system. 1'3 miles north city limits. J. A. Gard ner. Rt. 7, Box 63. bl7 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION of a close-in farm, 5 miles on market road. 80 acres with about 20 acres cul tivated. Small set buildings. Spring it well water. Price $3500. Part terms, bal. easy. SEE Mr. Chllds with CHILDS it MILLER REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 6708. ti 6 ACRES, new house, close In. Easy terms. Phone 4285. bl67 FEDERAL Land Sink Karma. See W. S. Bartlett, Secy.-lreaa4 316 Cregon Bldg. b' For Sale Miscellaneous NEW house boat on a new barge. Modern. New linoleum throughout; bull tin, cook stove and healing stove, also log float, decked, electric pump with a house boat and all necessary equipment $300 cash. One small row- boat, bod Shannon, Inquire 1026 N. Commercial street. cl68 13 BY 30 ft. Building to be moved. Dimension lumber, shtplap. chicken house. Also pitcher pump nnd 30 fret pipe. Call Friday or Saturday, 17B0 North Fifth street. cl7 USED FURNITURE A large Ice box, (7; several dining room tablea and chairs, good daven ports and overstuffed chairs, sine tent for car with floor; several cots. UPSTAIRS FURNITURE STORE 4-19 Court St. C169' OUTBOARD motor, 1036 Evlnrude Sportwin. Ph. 4928. cl69 STANDARD sire grain sacks, 2096 Tur ner Road. Phone 7173. cl6B BOOKS: Modern, classic. Eng. texts, anthologies 130 N. 18th. P. 5055. cl67 ZENITH RADIO 159.50 1937 12-tube 4-band a 1 -wave Zenith used 3 months. Bsl. due 980. Terms 5 monthly. SEE Mr. Janz. GEO. C WILL MUSIC STORE C169 Youngberries. Ph 44F13Zielinskl. cI70 20 lbs pie cherries $1. 4c you pick. Youngberries. Tel. uru. ciew WILD mountain blackberries. 82 25 crate. Ph. 4679. We deliver. Ed Zle. llnfki. cI67 CUTHBERT Ra-pberTte for canning Few days left. Phone 4533. c!67 CONCRETE Mixr & Tools at reason able price. Call 350 Hoyt St. alter 6 pm. Slot For Sale Miscellaneous FRIGIDAIRE. good condition. 4 ft. capacity, 465. Phone 6163. cI68 MAJESTIC RADIO 178 8 -tube Majestic, like new. Balance due 19.50. Terms S3 monthly. SEE Mr, Janz. GEO. C. WILL MUSIC STORE. C169 HIGHEST casit prices paid for used rurnnure. rooia. ranges etc. by wood ry tt Woodry. Auctioneers, Ph- 6110 FURNITURE, Llneoieum. Ranges, eto. Large stock, new and used, out of the high rent district where moderate prices prevail. Your own terms In reason Woodry Furniture Co.. 474 south commercial at Ph oi4. SALE or trade, luxurious new custom house trailer for farm or suburban property. Eyerly Airport. cl68' 14-FT. Mccormick header, In Al con dition. Drapers, reel, like new. Com pleted 1936 harvest without trouble now replaced by combine. Price 6100 delivered Salem, or 60 If you come up, look It over and take It. Stew art Hardie, Condon. Ore. cl67 DRESSED hens for canning and re. frlgerated lockers. Special prices In doz. lots. Buy now while cheap. Ph 133F3. Lee's Hatchery. C TYPEWRITERS, adding machines, casn registers sold, rented, repaired. Roen, 430 Court, Phone 6773. e For Sale Livestock TEAM of black mare colts, year old this month. Will make 1500 lb. horses. Price 6125. Kephart, opp. store, Mac lea y. el69 GOOD milk cows and heavy springers. Inquire at Red Front barn, between Front and N. Commercial Sta. on Co lumbia. eI67 For Sale Wood ALDER. 5.50 per cord; alab M 50. Ph. 6439. ec ICQ- GOOD dry 16-in. Old Mountain Fir. Phone Maker 7868. el71 16 IN. old fir. Ph. 4218. eel 67 For Sale Poultry HATCHINO csgs wanted for summer end fall Barred Rocks, "Reds and New Hampahlrri. Make arrangements now for early deliveries. Write today. Make extra profits. Phone 133F2, Lee's Hatchery, Salem. Oregon. f 170 LEGHORN hena In production. Care fully selected. Phone 133F3. Lee's Hatrhery ctf" Wanted Help MAN WANTED to supply Rawleigh's Household Products to consumers. We train and help you. Good profits for hustlers. No experience necessary. Pleasant, profitable, dignified work. Writs today. Rawleigh's, Dept. ORO-185-53. Oakland. Calif. gl67 ATTENTION HOP PICKERS We are registering pickers for Mitoma. Curtis and Durbln yards. Durbln it Cornoyer. over J. C. Penney Store. N. Liberty St. g WANTED Experienced saleslady at Steven-Brown. 184 N. Liberty St. gl68 WANTED: Couple to board Gpntleman for rent of home in city. 1160 South 14th. g!68 HAVE profltnblc connection for live sales people. Out of town people write: 716 First Nat'l Bsnk Bldg., City. gl70 4 YOUNO men Ifl-23, high schonT or college, to travel In high class adver tising campaign. Free transportation, good Income if qualified. Mr. Harrison. Marrlon Hotel evenings. gl 68 CHERRY PICKERS The 500 register ed pickers for R. W. Clarke orchard, report for picking Monday morning, July 12 Information by telephone not available. rT7 Wanted Situation WANTED: Any kind of work. Experl enrpd in tractor driving. Box 205 Cnn. ltsl Journal. hl67 CARPENTER work wanted; 465No7th Cottage. hl67 EMPLOYED young man. with steno graphic and bookkeeping experience, seeks position with opportunities for advancement. Will start with low sal arv. For personal Interview write Box 197 c-o Capital Journal. hl68 Wanted Miscellaneous WANT Smsll home for 29 acres at Gates. Improved. 1248 N. Winter. 1167 TO RENT 2 or 3-room furnihed Apt In a radius of 6 or 8 blks. of State hos pital, bv middle aged couple. Howard Edwards. Sta. "A". Silem. 1197 TO buy gtrl"s bicycle7Call 1835"Trs1e 1167 TOP PRICES PAID Wort Mesa hord es row Fox feed Ph 8138 1177 For Rent Cl-ORE IN Modern Wnrly furnished 4 room apt. Phone 8490 J172 NICE St. ileeping room. 860 Chemekt J169 4-ROOM house, newly rrflnl'hed '.fvi-'-mit. -'-lt only. 120; 74" 20U3. Phont 7370. J 167 Automobiles WE MEAN EXACTLY WHAT. WE SAY AT McKAY'S Regardless of the price you pay, the Used Car you buy at McKay's is the Best Value that money can buy. Honest finance charges . . . fair trade allowances and Fair Prices make your Used Car Purchase here a Sound Investment Always! 1B30 CHEVROLET MASTER COUPE Nearly new ai-ply tires, overslw. Original frosty grepn finish, air horns and other extras Truly a Beautiful car ... If you are In the market for a coupe, you cannot afford to pass this one at (635 1B37 CHEVROLET MASTER FOUR-DOOR SPT. SEDAN Very low mil eage. Tlits one cannot be told from new and carries a new car guarantee Priced to move at once 9886 1035 CHEVROLET FOUR-DOOR SEDAN New paint, upholstery like new. Radio and other extras, oversize tires, motor Is perfect. Fully Guaranteed ONLY (585 1036 CHEVROLET SPORT SEDAN Original finish, low mileage and many extras. Cannot be told from new car. In perfect condition throughout. Carries the famous "O.K. Tag" NOW 695 1036 CHEVROLET MASTER TOWN SEDAN Less than 15.000 miles. Original finish .tires, upholstery show no wear. This Is a car you will be proud to own and drive. Guaranteed (645 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM McKay Chevrolet Co. CLOSED 430 N. Com'l. 333 SPECIAL BARGAINS LATE MODELS - - - LOWER PRICES 36 Chevrolet Master 2-Door Sedan 15,000 miles. Beadtiful condition. 36 Dodge Sedan Low mileage and like new. 36 Dodge Coupe Very low mileage and excellent condition. 36 Oldsmobile Sedan DeLuxe Color black. Only 12,000 miles. 35 Dodge Sedan DeLuxe Trunk, Radio and Heater. Beautiful condition. Oldsmobile s Used Car Bargains LOWER PRICES EASIER TERMS 357 North Liberty The Used Car Store For Rent 6 ROOMS clean, 515 Belmont. FURNISHED 3-r. Apt. Sleeping porch. 360 N. Liberty St. Phone 7134. J Small mod. house, near Kelzer school. Wired for Elec. range. Ph. 7421. J169 LGE. clean sleep, rm. Cheap. Ph. 6715. J1C9 NICE sleeping room and garage. Close to capitol; 1143 Union. J 163 4-ROOM furnished house, Frigldaire; 20. 1070 Market. J167 FURN. 3 -room Apt. 22.50; 653 N. I6th St Phone 6267 or 6121. J168 SHEEP or stock ranch, good bottom land, plenty arast. shade and water. Valley Land Co.. 370', State. J 167 NEW 5-room house and garage, 1340 N. Church 35. JI68 Furnished Cottage close In. Adult only, 40. 837 N. Commercial St. J168 5-RM. furn. Apt. Close in. Adults. 404 North Church. Phone 7748. J 167 3 RM. furn. apt., 640 Marlon. J 1 67 5 ROOM cottage at Taft, Ore, Phone 3319. J168 FURN. 2 & 3 R. Apts. it Sleep. R. St 3-R. Unfurn. Apt. 640 Chemeketa St. J 168 LARGE front sleeping room with stu dio couch. 840 Union St. J167 CLEAN front housekeeping room, light, gas. 84 wk. Garage if dealred 790 N Commercial. 1182 OFFICE ROOMS In Salem's largest it most modern office building Se Mr Nicholson or call 8128 First National Bank Bldg. J PIANOS Phonographs an Sewinj Machines for Rent. H. L. Stiff Furni ture Co. J Room and Board RM., board; 168 N. 121h. Ph. 542S. JJ 104 Room-Bd. Private family. P. 6557, JJ170 3 Ladles. Private home. Ph. 6730. JJ168 ROOM St BOARD. Large room with fireplace. References. Phone 3834. JJ188 RMS, table bd. 161 8. 14tb. Ph. 6208. JJ173 Bnard-Rm. and Garane. 1445 Oak JJ170 Lost and Found LOST: Pair Woe. shoes on Bush A S. Com'. Reward. Phone 8171. kI69 LADY'S Fountain Pen. Ph. 7113. kl7- Miscellaneous We pick up dead it worthless horses, cows, sheep free of charge. Ph. 4869 mlB7 REOINA VACUUM CLEANERS You are entitled to a free demonstra tion Of the new Regina Homecleanlng service or service on your old Regina Cleaner. Call 3505. Authorized Rfglna Bnlei and Service. mlRH Real Estate SPECIAL Owner lrnving state, 27 acres 5 miles Salem. Cabin, creek, tim ber. 1100. including 10 arres crop. 500 down. VALLEY LAND CO.. 370' State. nlfl9 ARE YOU I NTER ESTED INA VIEW LOT? Almost x) acre. Salem Heights ave., 2 blks. west off Liberty Road. Call evenings. Mildred R. Brooks. nlG9 FURNISHED or unfurnl'htvT the beautiful 7 room home of Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Woodry. 1810 N. Bummer Phone 5110. n!69 CAPITOLA ACREAGE With light and watrr. fruits and nuts, delightful spot for home. Small down payment, very easy terms. Aschlm it Thomas Real Estate 280 N High St. Phone 3311 flslem. n" Try a Journal Want Ad Automobiles SUNDAYS Center Ph. 3189 Real Estate Wanted wanted to buy medium sized farm in Stayton or Sublimity territory, with or without buildings. Several hundred dollars down; reasonable price. What have you and your proposition. Write Bx 203. Capital Journal. 1167 HOMESEEKERS now on their way here want homes ranging from 11000 to R35O0. some have cash, aome will want easy terma. If you have a home for sale list it In our catalog. No charge Oregon Bldg 494 State St. Ph. 4497 nal70 Exchange Real Estate TRADE: Want 5-10 aero Improved for good house close to high school. 1248 N. Winter St. nnl6B Financial Loans AUTOMOBILE LOANS LOW RATES - - EASY TERMS CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBT Borrow from an Independently owned and operated Salem company where your proniema will receive personal consideration both before and after the loan la made. . Interest on unpaid balances No Fees tatuick, courteous Service WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT General Finance Corp. 136 8. Commercial St. 1 door so'jth of Ladd it Bush Bank. Phone 0168 Lie. No M-138 ! $ $ $ $ FOR your Immediate needs, aee us for small losns. Any amount up to 300. CHILDS it MILLER, INC. 344 State St.. Salem. Lie. No. 8-204 f MONEY TO LOAN If you want immediate action, aee us for farm, city and Improved acreage loans. CHILDS & MILLER Mtge. Loans 344 State St. Phone 6708. CONFIDENTIAL P. A. El K ER State Lie. M-157 M76 AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED Money to buy new or used cars Pri vate money at very low rates. No red tape 1 to 20 months to repay ROY H SIMMONS 138 S Commercial St. 1 door south of Ladd it Bush Bank Phone 9)68 Lie No M-152 r WE have money to Iian. P. H BELL 429 Ore Bldg. Phone 8121 rl77 LOANS FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY Before Borrowing Elsewhere Consult Our losn Depnrtmerit! HAWKINS it ROBERTS INC. Ouardlnn Building Salem r MONEY TO LOAN On Snlem residential property under the FH.A plan Long term loam with low monthlv payments No commie 1on Refinance or build a new home W H ORABENHORST if CO Realtors 134 8 Llbertv M Phone 8468 r AUTO LOANS NEW LOW HAT" WILLAMETTE LOAN CO 51? Guardian Bldg M-I5B A j We nave never paid fjf less than this rate on fa I. -") savings and Investment X Insured to 85000 Mutual Federal Savings it Loan Aas'n 142 B Liberty St. Phone 4044 r MORTGAGE LOANS on business and residence properties. Lowest Kates A bra ma A Ellis. Inc.. Masonic Bldg. r Business Opportunities LARK IN REALTY CO. 109 8 Cnm'l. Sf. - Phone 6470 APARTMENT HOUSE close In, has 6 apartments all rented, plenty of room for more. Income now from ! 60 to 175 prr mo. NOW 18 YOUR CHANCE TO INVTT IN RFAI, INroMI PROP ERTY PRICED AT a000. U167 Automobiles Special For Two Days 1935 TERRAPLANE 2 Door Sedan Excellent condition. Radio & Heater $525 1935 TERRAPLANE 2-door Sedan $495 Oldsmobile Used Car Store SM N. LIBERTY Frank Doolittle PONTIAC DEALER GOODWILL USED CARS 1930 PONTIAC COUPE Has original brown finish, mohair upholstering, all steel body, turret top. Hydraulic brakes. Original tires. Actual mileage 13.000. SEE It Today 1935 ruitu DeLUX 4-DH, s Kuan Tn is one has nice roomy built-in trunk, mohair upholstering, dark gray finish, mechanically in the best of condition. Has complete 10J4 fLiMUUTH -uiv. AEUAN- lnia body, dark gun metal finish, new ically In tha best of condition 8 PONTIAC 8 DOOLITTLE MOTORS North Commercial at Center St. - 619 Court Phone 4846 Exclusive STUDEBAKER Distributor MARION and POLK COUNTIES USED CAR LOT Corner Of COURT it CHURCH 6TS. NEW CAR SHOWROOM AT TEXACO STATION ADJOINING Stude baker President Sedan Looks like new. Heater. Radio. Lota of ! extras. Try It out (1050; Chevrolet Coach Pink of condl- tion M75 34 Plymouth Coach Ref in tahed 475 Dodge Sedan Completely recon ditioned 9525 16 Ford DeLuxe Touring Sedan. See Hi 8875 36 Ford Coupe 8575 28 Chevrolet Sadan Exceptional value (195 '30 Marquette Coupe 9285 '29 Ford A Sedan 8225 '81 Ford Coupe Can't be dupli cated. Traded by original pur chaser M95 - - - PK KI PS 38 International Pickup. Like new 4575 36 Dodge Pickup 665 36 Dual Axle Trailer, 9.20 tires Heavy duty logging equlpt.. , .81500 B0NESTEELE SALES & SERVICE, INC. tit Court Phone MS n.107' V. L. Anderson, Inc. FOR GOOD USED CARS 1936 K .PT", ISS $635 FORD DeLuxe Tour. Tudor. 10.000 ml. Radio Heater, DO DOE DeLuxe Coupe. Radio it Defroster fan DeSOTO Custo.Ti Sedan Completely rec'dlUoned BUICK Coup. Motor overhauled. New top it patnt MARQUETTE Sedan. A good clean car FORD Tudor. The chea pest it best in city... FORD Coupe. Motor overhauled FORD Tudor. Good Urea, paint, motor PONTIAC Sedan. Mo tor in good condition CHRYSLER 60 Coach 1936 1933 1931 1930 1930 1931 1929 1928 1927 $685 $495 $275 $250 $195 $225 $140 $125 $ 65 See JIM ST. CLAIR for Terms St Trades OPEN EVENINGS CLOSED SUNDAYS W. L. Anderson, Inc. DeSOTO and PLYMOUTH Car 860 Marlon. Tol. 7703 q BEAUTIFUL Studebaker Preaident Se dan, 1936 Quality type of Economy. Two-tone Ambertan color. Good tires all around; equipped with radio, heat er, defroster, tachometer, automatic, overdrive, and dual accessories. Largr trunk. Sell new for over $1600 SEE It DRIVE It 81050 110 H P. motor. 125" W B. Enjoy the thrill of power, quality and ribbon like smoothness with the 6 -cylinder econ omy of overdrive, Boncstcele Sales & Service The Texaco Station Cor. of Court it Church St. q!88 Dodge DeLuxe Sedan Late Dec. '34 model, 6-wheel, original finish, heater, radio, trunk. Car la better than average cond., 855S 8275 cash, bal. 832.20 per mo. By owner. Phone 7184. ql68 '39 FORD It. del. Fine shape. Bargain. Kingley's Ice, 480 Center. ql67 Business Opportunities 3-PUMP Oaa Station it Oarage, with living quarters. Sell, lease, stock it part equipment for 81000. SEE JAS. D. SEARS Realtor 478 Court St. Phone 8466. u)68 DAIRY LUNCH: Located in downtown Salem. Doing nice business with mod ern equip. Shown by appointment only 816O0. BEER PARLOR: Located on good Hi way. Directly In front of large dance hall. Averaging 840 per day. This la a sacrifice for all cash 900. FOUNTAIN At LUNCH: With S-rm. living quarters. Near large school In a busy town In Willamette valley. 1400. Rich L. Relmann. 167 S. High St. ul67 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Excellent grocery, meat, merchandise and service station business in thriv ing valley town. Located on Hlwav 99E. Owlnt to Illness owner must sell j buildings, equipment and stock. In cludes good living apartment. Price 18.000. Might take small home or farm for part. SEE Mr. Walter with CM1I OS At MTU FR REALTORS S44 8UM at. PflOn 0708. U Automobiles PHONIC IMU 8725 new reconditioned motor. A buy for $496 car nas hydraulic cranes, an steel tires, interior very clean. Mechan and looks. ONLY 450 Phone 6288 ORVAL'S USED CARS tB33 PLYMOUTH Sedan :t03 1B32 GRAHAM Sedan ;45 1931 CHEVROLET Sedan UOt 1931 FORD Sedan i45 1S31 FOltD sport Coupe S2.15 1931 CHEVROLET Coupe ...... .IJrtS 1S30 FORD Coach WIS 1929 FORD Sedan S165 1929 FORD Koadatcr S.133 1929 FORD Roadster I 93 1928 FORD Coupe t35 1928 OLDS Coup 133 1927 BUICK Sedan t 39 1929 WHIPPET 8edan (125 1929 CHEVROLET Coach 1136 Many Others to Choose From OPEN EVENINOS Center it Church Ph. 4702. Cj Legal NOTICE ON FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned, Clarence Scbo and Ollmore Sebo, Executors of the Last Will and Testament of O. K. Sebo, deceased, have filed In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County their Fi nal Account, and that said Court has. by an Order thereof, designat ed Tuesday, the 10th day of August, 1937, at the hour of ten (10:00) o' clock In the forenoon of &aid day, at the County Courtroom in the Courthouse at Salem, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing ob jections to said Final Account and the settlement of said estate, at which said time and place all per sons so objecting shall appear and show cause, if any there be. why said Account should not, in all things, be allowed and approved, the said estate settled and closed, and the Executors discharged. CLARENCE 6EBO, OILMORE SEBO, As Executors of the Last Will and Testament of O. K. Sebo, deceased, ROSS it FORD, Attorneys for the Estate. July 8. 15, 22, 29, Aug 5 ACROSS t. Child iikpklo 4. Fragrance . Far n Hi clrer 12. Kilible tuber 13. More rational 14. Auricle 15. Taka on way 17. Indifferently uood It. Kei-tentional eon lent 21. Nobleman tt. Krrort :.Y. Ilcadstroriff 38. Paid public notice 29. Seed covering 30. Most easterly of the United St site II. WritiiK lm- plf nient 33 Shoot from ambuili Solution of Yesterday's Puzila G OiVjEiRNlORMrQinETM .TP.TbN' PA QHiAiS'M'SJEAlL I EIN L AVAfl S L ETggA A MIO rgeeis ePr BlIiMiMNlislTlsiY Extinct hirrt UxprtMion of amupf ment Ring Rlowly Puhlir rarrler: Fenmiln name Lamented V'ahh ton able Island report near Venice Continent 47. Wearing cover mgl for the ankle and Inftien n. Table u tenet) Some M. Light and One hH. Iiy way of 7. lart,eBt river in Scotland Ml. Uneven i. Old timeat Dottie 12 3 r ,4 5 i 7 la o " t? "v r mL. i-Ui mtiU, t u , IL 28 21 -0 3o Ji jT"7v"33 5T Is I I I I I I I I ""' I I I Automobiles Salem Auto Co. OFFERS THE FINEST SELECTION OF USED CARS IN SALM For Example A Beautiful 1935 DODOS SEDAN, real low mileage. Juat the car (or that vacation. SEE it Todayl M5 SEE THIS ONE! 1932 STUDEBAKER Sport Sedan. Nicxrl-plated wheel. Bide mount. Rdeo, Heater. Truly worta much more But TODAY (350 1927 NASH 4-door 8EDAN Original unisn ta me new. upnoieterlng Is perfect. Must be seen to be appre ciated. Think of Itl ONLY...12 And Real Terms ALSO SEE US TOR THAT NEW PLYMOUTH rirur or FAN EL DELIVERY Salem Auto Co. TWO LOCATIONS Court it Church 435 N. Commercial Drive a R&G USED CAR 1939 FORD Cabriolet Low mlls- aie ms 1939 FORD Pick-up 15.000 miles 'J5 1939 FORD Tuaor Sedsn 9560 1934 CHEVROLET Coach 9429 1931 BUICK Cpe. Rebored motor 9219 1931 CHEVROLET Coach 9269 1930 DeSOTO Coupe 9199 1930 FORD Roadster 9169 1929 FORD Spt. Cocpe 9145 1928 FORD Model A Roadster. ..8 99 1928 FORD Tudor 9 89 ALSO Trucks priced as low at 1229. Valley Motor Co. OPEN EVENINOS - - WEEK DAYS CLOSED SUNDAYS Three Lots Centsr A Uberty - - Marlon & Liberty Hollywood q Legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice la hereby given that tha undersigned, by an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, duly made and entered on the 23rd day of June, 1937, was apxinted executor of the Estate of Sarah Patrick, deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such exec utor.' All persons having claims against said estate are hereby noti fied to present the same, duly vert fled as required by law, to him at the office of E. L. Crawford, Attorney for Estate, Rooms 20-21 Ladd it Bush Bank Building. Salem, Oregon, with in six months of the date of this notice. Dated this 24th day of June, 1037. DUANE OIBSON. Executor of the Estate of Sarah Patrick, deceased. E. L. CRAWFORD, Attorney for Estate. Ladd & Bush Bank Bldg., Salem, Ore. First Publication 0-24-37. Last Publication 7-22-37. June 24, July 1, 8, 18. 22 I ry a Journal Want Ad Speak rhetorically Rowing Im plement Before Kaota Odd: Scotch Swamp Tree Standard of perl ec ion The pick Breathe heavily la aleep Perce tvd through th ear Greek Island Make of no effect Hair oint rn'iite Manner of walking I'ui down ytitp worm Artlena t.'ancel (tecome Wing Self Yellow ocher Owned Note of the rale OOWN 1, Device for playing a vloltn 3. Froien water 3. Aineriran humonal L Like ft. Hiking dlfth S. United T. Anrlent people S. Vocal aofo