WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1937 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON j3 Most People Are Willing to Give the Doctor Credit for Their Recovery Cash Is What He Would Prefer. CapitaljJournal CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Per line 10o Par line. S ttm.a 3ftr Per line, a time. 40c Per line. 1 month $1.35 Minimum per Ad 35 cenU Went Ads inuat be In by 10 ejn. day ot publication Circulation of the Capital Journal for the week ending June It, 1937. Dally average distribu tion 10,782 Net Paid 10.491 McMber A..1I Bnraaa al Clrceuuiaiu For Sale Houses A BARGAIN MAKE AN OFFER a rooms. 4 bedroom, large well built home In a wonderful location, beauti ful lot. furnace, aouoie garage, mm than 13000. Small down payment. ROBERT F. BUDROW Real Eatate 13 Ladd it Bush Bldg. Ph. 6985. ale WiSO 0-room house with basement, garage, Irult trees. Will accept some trade. 4350 fl-room mod. house. Fireplace, I basement, furnace, trays, garage. $360 down will handle, balance monthly, including Interest. 1750 Here Is a 6-room house with an extra lot. Garage, woodshed. 1200 down, balance like rent. P. H. BELL 429 Ore. Bldg. Phone 8121. alB6 t NEWLY FINISHED Inside and out: Attractive small home, 1 bedrooms. slshMv location, lawn, flowers, trees and shrubs. Reasonable down payment, bal. 115 month. Price 11475 BECHTEL-BKASHEK, 341 State St. --Dim 6963 al86' HOMES PRICED RIQHT 12300 buys this 6-rm. home located on attractive lot 50x150 on Marlon St. Near new Hi. Schl. and state bldgs Full basement, aurajte. etc. 2500 buys this 7-rm. home located on cor. lot very near new HI. schl. New apartment upstairs, new plumbing, etc. 1100 buys this 6-rm. plastered home on large lot near new HI schl. Dug basement, garage, plumbing, etc. CALL R. A. Johnson with W. H. GRABENHORST St CO. 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 8468. a!6fl HOME OF rooms and garage, paved street, cement walks, near bus and school, close In 4250 cash. bal. 125 monthly. Price 1400. KRUEGER 147 N. Com'l. St. Phone 4728. a 168' LOOK AT THIS: 3200 buys this 6-rm. plastered home on attractive east Iront lot. Several shade trees, fireplace, furnace, garage, etc 260 down OOOD BUY GOOD TERMS! CALL R. A. Johnnon with W. H. GRABENHORST St CO. 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 6468. 168 RIGHT DOWN TOWN Well built 8-room home, basement, furnace, fireplace, corner lot 50x100 ft. Only 2 blocks from new State Cap itol building. It's a Real Buy at 96300 Call to see It. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS St MILLER REALTORS 344 State St, Phone 6708. a OWNER wants to sell or Exchange for smaller house. See it today, 1190 s. Liberty. a!68 MR. BUILDER We have 3 large corner lots, both Sta, paved and paid. Oood 5-room bunga low with basement and room for two more houses. Located close to Leslie Junior high. For quick aale only 2500 BEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS St MILLER REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 6708. WE have now ready for sale 3 4 -room modern houses on one acre at city limits East. 2 nice bedrooms, bathroom and cheerful kitchen with lots of bullt-lns. Our price Is 82500 and can be handled with as low a payment 200. Also a modern 3 -room house and one acre at 82250 with 8200 down. 8-ROOM modern house on fine corner lot at 2396 State St. This is very desir able property and owned by out-of-town client. Ha full cement basement i with furnace, fireplace. 2 bedrooms down. Also nice Sun room. Price only 3500 Liberal Terms. S. M. EARLE or VICK BROS. 308 N. High St. Phone 9678. a!67 SMALL Apartment house, three blocks from business center. Income 870 per month, value Increasing. 83500 eah will buy It. Inquire of owner, lotu Oak St. alflfl ULTRA-Modernlstlc new 5 rm. house, oak floors throughout, tapestrv will paper, modern In every respect. Terms Cor. Capitol St Shipping. Ph. 8753 Emma Murphy Brown. a DIRECTORY BICYCLES and Accessories. Ramsden, 143 S. Lib. o CONTRACTING A- J. Anderson. Ph. 5010. 440 Water St EXCAVATING EXCAVATING of all kinds: basements dug. dirt hauled or moved, or for sale. BEE Ben Otjen St Sons. Phone 3080. o EXCAVATING of all kinds. Basement dug. dirt hauled or moved Dirt for k sale. Balem Sand At Gravel Co. 0408. o FLORIST Brelthaupt's for flowers. Dial 5904. o PLUMBING THEO. M. BARR. Plumbing, heating, sheet metal works: 164 S. Commercial treet. o STOVES AND FENCE REPAIR stoves, ranges, circulators. Sell new and re-built stoves, ranges and circulators Fence and fence post. R. B. Fleming. 262 Chemeketa. TRANSFER and STORAGE CITY TRANSFER fc DELIVERY SER VICE Ph. 6816 Moving, hauling A hipping at reduced rates. 180 FOR local or distant transfer storage. burner oil. call 3131, Larmer Transfer Co Trucks to Portland dally TYPEWRITERS All makes sold, rented and repaired Needham a Book Store, 465 State St. o WASHER REPAIRING We service sll makes washers Salem Appliance Co , exclusive ABC dealers. 453 Court Ph 9811. o WELL DRILLING ..NEED. Rt. 4, Box 310. Ph. 3F3 ol92 WINDOW CLEANING NEW DEAL WINDOW Cleaning Co Windows, floors. Woodwork. P. 9337. o "We'll have to start looking in the Capital Journal ads for a new rug. This one'H only last a few more babies!" For Sale Houses FOR SALE or LEASE: 5 -room house. 3110 Myrtle Ave. Ph. 6838. al6T RESIDENCE. 2 lots. 82000. 3390 N. Liberty. Write H. E. Rankin, Kelso. Wn. awi SEAL Rocks, 2 nr., 20 mln. Salem. Opp. state park. Ocean front. hwyM 8-rm. home, 3 bedrms., bath, well: 3 big lot, view. Freeman, 1214 8. E. lAth ave.. Portland. al66 For Sale Farms 40 ACRES river bottom farm, some of the best soil In the valley. Ideal for corn, potatoes, alfalfa: could be ir rigated; 94000. valley Land Co., 3u3 State. bl67" SHEEP or stock ranch, good bottom land, plenty grass, shade 'and watrr. Valley Land Co.. 370 z Stale. bltiT BELIEVE IT OR NOT! Absent owner says sell one of the best small general farms in Willamette valley Tor only 350U. Terms. 44 A., lo cated on paved road, near school. 25 A. cultivated, new land (wheat 50 Bu t Wooded pasture with live creek. Small house. Barn, 3 good chicken houses. BECHTEL-BRASHEK 341 State St, Dial 6963 bl66 A REAL VALUE 68 acre farm. Willamette soli, fair buildings. Located near Lake Lablsh. Price 885 per acre. W. O. KRUEGER 147 N. Com'l. St. Phone 4728. hl63- LAND BARGAINS 206 acres of level land. Han been used for pasture for several years. Good roads, near the Willamette river. No buildings. Price for QUICK SALE 25 per A. Terms. 143 acres with about 90 A. of plow land. Spring, some timber, bal. pasture. Large old barn, no house. Price (35 per acre $3000 down, bal. terms, miles out. SEE W. H. GRABENHORST St CO.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 6468. b!66 RIVER BOTTOM FARM 52 acres of good rich river bottom land, about ten acres In bearing fil berts. Royal Anne cherries, peaches. Eng. walnuts and a few apples and pears. Several acres in clover. Running water, gravity water for domestic sup. ply, modern 6-room home with full cement basement, oak floors, fireplace. necessary out-buildings. Located 4 miles out. Price 10.000. SEE W. H. GRABENHORST St CO., Realtors 134 8. Liberty St. Phone 6468. bl66 ACREAGE 7 A. 3 ml. 6.E. from center of city. House situated In beautiful native grove, completely modern, full base ment, hardwood floors, electric water system, oil burner in furnace, small taarn for three cows, chicken house, double garage, on paved highway. Ow ner will take Salem residence as part payment. It Is necessary to see this property to fully appreciate It. 10 A. 5 ml. E. 6-r. house, good barn, all In cult., family fruit, apples, pears, cherries, filberts St grapes. Price 83200. 11 A. New house, barn, family orchard, all in cult. 4 ml. from Salem. Price 4500 Terms. 29 Acres. New house, near small city. 1200. Will trade for Salem borne up to 82000. 165 A. 6-r. house, family orchard. 6S A. in cult., balance timber and pasture. Approximately 2000 cords of wood. Price 830 per A. Easy terms. WM. McOILCHRIST. JR.. OR R. D. EMBREY 335 Strtfe St. Phone 4838. bl66 FOR SALE: Improved S acres. Elec tricity, telephone, water system. 1; miles north city limits. J. A. Gard ner. Rt. 7, Box 62. bl67 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION of a close-in farm, 6 miles on market road. 80 acres with about 20 acres cul tivated. Small set buildings. Spring St well water. Price 83500. Part terms, bal. easy. SEE Mr. Child with CHILDS St MILLER REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 8708. b' MR. HOMESEFKER If you can begin work immediately on a neglected but good family sized farm and can raise 81000 or more, for live stock, tools, down pavment. etc.. with in 6 months, see F65. Just cataloged for sale in our office. W. V. HOMESEEKERS AGENCY 326 Oregon Bldg. 494 State Street bl66 5 ACRES, new hnuse. close In. Eav terms. Phone 4285. bl67 FEDERAL Land Bin Farms. See W S Bartlett. Secy.-Treai., 318 Oregon Bldg. b For Sale Miscellaneous BOOKS: Modern, classic. Entt. texts, anthologies 130 N. 18th. P. 5055. cl67 ZENITH RADIO 1159.50 1937 12-tube 4-band al-wsve Zenith used 9 months. Bsl. due $98.50. Terms 85 monthly. SEE Mr. Janr. GEO. C WILL MUSIC STORE cl69 Youngberrles. Ph. 44F13. ZlelUvkl. c!70 20 lbs pte cherries 11 4c you pick Youngbernes. Tel. 77F2. cl69 WILD mountain blackberries. M 25 crate. Ph. 4679. We deliver. Ed Zf llnskl. el67 CUTHBERT Raspberries for canning Few days left. Phone 4533. . clo7 CONCRETE Mixer St Tools at reason able price. Call 150 Hoyt St. after 6pm cl67 FRIOIDAIRE, capacity, 865. gr-od condition, Phone 6163. 4 ft. el 68 ;: lj For Sale Miscellaneous MAJESTIC RADIO 178 8-tube Majestic, like new. Balance due 19.50. Terms 83 monthly. SEE Mr. Janz. GEO. C. WILL MUSIC STORE. Cl69 H1GHEHT cflBo prices paid (or Used furniture, tools, ranges, etc.. oj Wood ry St Woodry. Auctioneer. Ph. 6110. FURNITURE. Llneoieum. Range, etc Large etock. new and used, out of the high rent district where moderate prices prevail. Your own terms In reason. Woodry Furniture Co.. 474 South Commercial St Ph. 8414. c SALE or trade, luxurious new custom house trailer for farm or suburban property. Eyerly Airport. cl68 SMOOTH top gas range and radlant flre. Reasonable. Side entrance, 815 N. Winter. cl66 14-FT. Mccormick header. In Al con dition. Drapers, reel, like new. Com pleted 1938 harvest without trouble, now replaced by combine. Price 6100 delivered Salem, or 860 if you come up, look It over and take It. Stew art Hardle, Condon, Ore. cl67 DRESSED hens for canning and re frigerated lockers. Special prices in doz. lots. Buy now while cheap. Ph 133F2. Lee's Hatchery. c TYPEWRITERS, adding machines, cash registers sold, rented, repaired. Roen, 420 Court. Phone 6773. c- For Sale Livestock GOOD milk cows and heavy springers. Iuqulre at Red Front barn, between Front and N. Commercial Sts. on Co lumbia. e!87 For Sale Wood GOOD dry 16-ln. Old Mountain Fir. Phone Maker 7888. e!71 16 IN. old fir. Ph. 4218. DRY 16" old fir 85.50. Ph. 9456. eel66 For Sale Poultry HATCHING egga wanted for summer and fall Barred Rocks, Reds and New Hampshlres. Make arrangements now for early deliveries. Write today. Make extra profits. Phone 133F3, Lre's Hatchery, Salem, Oregon. f 170' LEGHORN hens in production. Care fully selected. Phone 133F2. Lee's Hatchery erf Wanted Help ATTENTION HOP PICKERS We are registering pickers for Mitoma, Curtis and Durbin yardB. Durbln St Comoyer, over J. C. Penney Store, N. Liberty St. WANTED Experienced salesday at the Treasure Chest. gI6H' WANTED: Couple to board Gentleman for rent of home in city. 1160 South 14th. glGS WANTED: Girl for lunch room work Experience not necessary. Go in Farm Jefferson. 3 miles N. gl66' HAVE profitable connection for live sales people. Out of town people write: 716 First Nat l Bank Bldg.. City. gl70 YOUNG Ladies, 20-25. Free to travel In high class advertising campaign with group of other girls. Must be neat and intelligent. Mrs. Harrison, Marlon hotel. gl66 MARRIED Man to do general farm work and some milking. Ph. 3822 be tween 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. gl66 4 YOUNG men 18-23. high school or college, to travel in high class adver tising campaign. Free transportation, good Income If qualified. Mr. Harrison. Marrlon Hotel evenings. gi68 CHERRY PICKERS The 500 register ed pickers for R. W. Clarke orchard, report for picking Monday morning. July 12. Information by telephone not available. Rl67 Wanted Situation WANTED: Any kind of work. Experi enced in tractor driving. Box 306 Cap ital Journal. hl67 CARPENTER work wanted; 465 North Cottage. hl67 WIDOW with son wants housekeeping In motherless home; 1490 Saginaw. hi 66 EMPLOYED young man. with steno graphic and bookkeeping experience, seeks position with opportunities for advancement. Will start with low sal ary. For personal Interview write Box 197 c-o Capital Journal. h!68 Wanted Miscellaneous WOOD Bids wanted by Salem Public Library. Forty cords. 24-lnch heavy dry second growth, to be delivered during the season as wanted. 1166' TO RENT 2 or 3-room furnished Apt. in a radius of 6 or 8 blks. of State hos pital, by middle aged couple. Howard Edwards. Sta. "A". Salem. 1167 TO buy girl's bicycle. Call 1835 TrsdV. 1167 TOP PRICES PAID Worthies hors es, cows. Fox feed. Ph. 8138. 1177 CLOSE IN: Modern, finely furnished 4-room Apt. Phone 8490. J 168 FUrN. 3-rorm Apt ?2.50, 653 N. 16th st Phone 6267 or 6421. J168 Automobiles OTTO J. WILSON OFFERS TO THE USED CAR BUYER THIS OOOD USED CAR AND MAUK 1938 HUDSON DeLuxe 0 Touring Sed. and out just like new. equipped with eiectrie gear shift 746 T 1936 OLDS DeLuxe 6 Sedan Built-in trunk. Steel turret top. This car Is finished In a beautiful shade of gray. A Real Buy at 735 T 1936 OLD5MOBILE DeLuxe Coupe. Radio, Heater. Electric clock and many other extras, bow mileage 8735 T 1936 FORD DeLuxe Coupe Driven only 10.000 miles 8585 1936 FORD DeLuxe Tudor Sedan Trunk. Radio, Other Extras 861S f 1936 FORD DeLuxe Tudor Sedan Driven only 11,000 miles 8593 t 1935 HUDSON DeLuxe 6 Coupe Low mileage Electric gear shift 585 1934 PONTIAC DeLuxe Sedan Driven only 20.000 miles. This car la Just like new, both inside and out . MS f 1933 BUICK Series 87 Sedan 6-wheel equipped. Trunk. A Dandv 53 T 1933 BUICK Series 67 Sedan 6-wheel equipped. Trunk rack $bli y 1933 BUICK Series 57 Sedan Formerly owned by prominent local people. This car has had good care and la far above average 8535 f 1935 ORAHAM 4-door Touring Sedan All steel body. Hydraulic brakes 849ft ? 1932 DeSOTO DeLuxe 6 Sed. This car was formerly owned by one of our own mechanlca and Is in perfect condition 39S ? 1931 BUICK Small Series Coupe Spotless In every way 9345 ? 1930 FORD Sport Cpe. Just overhauled in our shop 215 ? MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM No Reasonable Offer Refused on Any Car we have In Stock OTTO J. WILSON BUICK SALES AND SERVICE 366 and 388 North Commercial - - Phone 6451 - - Salem. Ore. Frank Doolittle PONTIAC DEALER GOODWILL USED CARS 1836 PONTIAC COUPE Has original brown finish, mohair upholstering, all steel body, turret top. Hydraulic brakes. Original tlrea. Actual mileage 13.000. SEE it Today 1.735 1935 FORD DeLUXE 4-DR. SEDAN This one has nice roomy built-in trunk, mohair UDholsterinc. dark nt-nv finish in ,. best of condition. Has complete new reconditioned motor. A buy for 1495 1934 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEDAN This car has hydraulic brakes, all steel body, dark gun metal finish, ne v tires, interior very clean. Mechan ically in the best of condition and looks. ONLY $450 6 PONTIAC 8 DOOLITTLE MOTORS North Commercial at Center St. For Rent NEW 5 -room house and garage, 1340 N. Church 835. . jibs Furnished Cottage close in. Adults only. 840. 837 N. Commercial St. J168 FURNISHED 4-room Apt. Piano, re frigeration, sleeping porch. 359 N. Liberty. Phone 7124. J 5-RM. furn. Apt. Close In. Adults. 404 North Church. Phone 7748. J167 3 RM. furn. apt., 640 Marlon. 5 ROOM cottage at Tart, Ore. 3319. Phone J168- SLEEP, rm.. 1225 N. 18th St. 1166 7 room house at 340 Bellvue. furnace. flreDlace. a.10.00. Phone morn Ins nr evening. 4043. J160 FURN. 2 St 3 R. Apts. St Sleep R. St 3-R. Unfurn. Apt. 640 Chemeketa St. J168 LARGE front sleeping room with stu dio couch. 840 Union St. J 167 CLEAN front housekeeping room, light, gas. 84 wk. Garage If desired. 790 N. Commercial. J 182 OFFICE ROOMS In Salem's largest St most modern office building. See Mr. Nicholson or call 6128 First National Bank Bldg. J' PIANOS Phonographs and Sewing Machines for Rent. H. L, Stiff Furni ture Co. J I LGE. 2 r. apt. Adults. 460 N. 13th, Room and Board Room-Bd. Private family. P. 6557. JJ 1 70 2 Ladles. Private home. Ph. 6730. JJ168" ROOM St BOARD. Large room with fireplace. References. Phone 3634. JJ 1 68 RMS, table bd. 161 8. 14th, Ph. 6298 JJ173 Board-Rm. and Garage. 1445 Oak JJ 170 Lost and Found LADY'S Fountain Pen. Ph. 7113. kl6T LOST Frmale Alrdale dog. Notify R G. Crocker, Rt. 1. Rlckreall. Reward m8 Miscellaneous We pick up dead St worthless horses, cows, sheep free of charge. Ph. 4869 ml87 REBORINQ specialist, 16 yrs. Model A and Chev. 4 s, 825. Chev. 6 S3 1 90-day guar. Other cars In proportion. 980 South Commercial. ml66 REG IN A VACUUM CLEANERS You re entitled to a free demonstra tlon of the new Rcglna Homecleaning service or service on your old Regina Cleaner. Call 3505. Authorized Regina Sales and Service. mlRS Real Estate CAPITOLA ACREAGE With light and water, fruits and nuts, delightful spot for home. Small down payment, very easy terms. Aschlm St Thomas Real Estate 260 N. High St. JPh one 331 1 8 r Real Estate Wanted WANTED to buy medium sired farm in Stayton or Sublimity territory, with or without buildings. Several hundred dollars down: reasonable price. What have you and your proposition. Write Bx 203, Capital Journal. 1167 HOMESEEKERS now on their way here want homes ranging from 81000 to 13500. Some have cash, some will want eaay terms. If you have a home for sale list it In our catalog No charge W V HOMESEFKERfl AOFNCY Oregon Bldg 494 State St. Ph 4417 Financial Loans 4 We nave never psid less than this rate on avinga and invfstmeut Insured to $5000 Mutual Federal Savings At t-osn Aas'n 143 8. Liberty St. Phone 4ft44 r MORTOAGE LOANS on business and eestrtnce nronerMes. Lnwi istes Abrams Eliu. Inc.. Mssonie mie f Automobiles OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE A THE PRICE YOU WISH TO PAY I Our Price Your Offer Finish inside Phone 6266 Quality Used Cars and Low Prices at McKays 1928 FORD Srdan Air Wheals. .1136 1029 PLYMOUTH Cpe. New paint ln 1933 CHEVROLET Sport Coupe. .,326 1P36 CHEVROLET Master Coupe. .63fi 1936 CHEVROLET Town Sedan.. 9645 1936 CHEVROLET Sport Sedan.. 696 1934 CHEVROLET L.W.B. Truck (460 1935 CHEVROLET L.W.B. Truck 4 new tlrea 1526 McKay Chevrolet Co. CLOSED SUNDAYS 430 N. Com'l. 333 Center. Ph 3! 69 Automobiles Dodge DeLuxe Sedan Iatc Dec. '34 model, 6-wheel, original finish, heater, radio, trunk. Car 1 better than average cond., 9555, 8276 cash, bal. $32.20 per mo. By owner. Phone 7184. ql68 '29 FORD It. del. Fine shape. Bargain. Klngftlcy's Ice, 480 Center. ql67 1929 DURANT Coach. Bargain. Terms. 19:40 N. Liberty St. ql66 Financial Loans AUTOMOBILE LOANS LOW RATES - - EASY TERMS CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBT Borrow from an independently owned and operated Salem company where your problems will receive personal consideration both before and after the loan is made. Interest on unpaid balances No Fees Quick. Courteous Service WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT General Finance Corp 138 S. Commercial St. 1 door so'ith of Ladd St Bufch Bank. Phone 9168 Lie. No. M-138. $ $ $ $ FOR your Immediate needs, see us for small loans. Any amount up to juu. CHILDS St MILLER. INC. 344 State St.. Salem. Lie. No. S-204 r MONEY TO LOAN If you want immediate action, see us for I arm, city ana improvea acreage loans. CHILDS 8c MILLER Mtge. Loans 244 State St. Phone 6708. T CONFIDENTIAL EIKER State Lie. M-1S7 P. A rl76 AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED Money to buy new or used cars Pri vate money at very low rates. No red tape 1 to 20 months to repay ROY H. SIMMONS 136 S Commercial St. 1 door south of Ladd St Bush Bank. Phone 9)68 Lie. No. M-152 r WE have money to Loan P H. BELL 429 Ore Bld Phone 8131 r!77 LOANS FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY Before Borrowing Elaewher, Conault Our Loan Department HAWKINS ROBERTS. INC Guardian Building 6aem r MONEY TO LOAN On Salem residential property under th. F.H A plan Long term loan, wltb low monthly payment. No comml, alon. Refinance or build a new nom, W H ORABENHOR8T CO Realtora 134 fl Liberty t Phone 6461) r AUTO LOANS NFW LOW RATTS WILLAMETTE LOAN CO. 313 Guardian Bldg M-139 r Aurora Mr. und Mrs. Oeorge W Askln were Sunday rucMa of Mr. and MrA. R. A. Rosenbalm al Amity. A. W. OImv of Portland 1 making; brief vlalt In Aurora. He U a ueat of hL alster, Mrs. Annie Becke. and hl niece and nephew. Orletta Ocor gla and A. W. Kraua. Legal No. 26575 SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OP OREOON FOR THE COUNTY OP MARION DEPT. J. FRED VIESKO and ALT A VIESKO, hi wife, Plaintiffs, vs The unknown heirs of WM. J. SUL LIVAN, deceased, and the un known heirs of ANGELICA OER VAIS. deceased; also all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest In the real estate described In the complaint herein, Defendants. TO: The unknown heirs of Wm. J. Sullivan, deceased, and the un known heirs of Angelica Oervais. deceased, and all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right. title, estate, lien or Interest. In the Name of the State of Oregon: You and each of you are hereby notified to appear and an swer a complaint filed against you In the above entitled cause on or before the 7th day of August, 1937, and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the whole of the relief prayed for in said Com plaint, and a Decree first quieting the title to the following described real premises, to wit: Beginning at the most south erly corner of the Joseph Ge.vala D.L C. No. 69 T. 6 S. R 3 W., W. M. Marlon County, Oregon; thence along the south line of said claim North 70 degrees 30 minutes West 49.38 chain to the bank of the slough; thence North 19 degrees East along said bank 10.00 chain; thence North 5 degrees East along said Bank 9.86 chains to the bank of the Willamette River; thence North 80 degrees East along the meandering of said river down stream 8.66 chain; thence North 56 degrees East along the bank of said river 1.70 chains; thence South 82 degrees 45 minute East along the North line of the tract of land conveyed by W. I. Need ham, Sheriff, to J. W. Ebner by deed recorded In Vol. 148, Page 477. Deed Records, to the most northerly corner of A 1.36 acre tract of land conveyed by John W. Ebner and wife to Walter Skelton by deed recorded In Vol. 155. Page 91, Deed Records; thence South 47 degrees 68 minutes West along the Northwesterly line or said tract 12.44 chains to the moat Westerly corner of the tract of land conveyed by J. C. Wolf and wife to Walter Skelton by deed recorded In Vol. 149, Page 28, Deed Records; thence South 25 degrees 45 minutes East 9.00 chains; thence south 34 degrees 15 min utes East 1.26 chains; thence south 61 degrees 15 minutes East 3.81 chains to the most North erly corner of an 0.33 acre tract conveyed by J. W. Ebner to Wal ter Skelton by deed recorded in Vol. 155, Page 91. Deed Records; thence South 28 degrees East along the West line of said tract and along the East line of the 034 acre tract conveyed by Wal ter Skelton to J. W. Ebner by ' deed recorded In Vol. 165. Page 99, Deed Records, 10.98 chains to the southeasterly boundary Una of the Joseph Gervais D.L.C.; thence south 69 degrees 27 min utes West along said line 10.09 chains to the place of glnntng, save and except the tract of land 15 feet by 38 feet described as an exception In the above mentioned Ebner deed, recorded In Vol. 148, Page 477. Deed Records for Mar lon County, Oregon, being a part of the Joseph Gervais D.L.C No. 69 Township 8. South Range 3 West W. M. Marlon County. Ore gon, and save and except 6 78 acres conveyed by Helen G. Eb ner to Walter Skelton by deed recorded In Book 206. Page 117. Deed Records of Marlon county, Oregon, ssld traet of land con taining 129.60 acres of land, more or less. Also the relief prayed for requires each and all of said Defendants to set forth any right, title or Interest which they may have or claim to have, In said real premises or any part thereof, and a decree that Plaintiff is the owner In fee sim ple of said real premises, and for such other, further or different re lief as to the Court may seem Just and equitable. You are Hereby Notified that on the 6th day of July, 1937 the Hon L, O. Lewclling, Judge of the above entitled Court made an order in the City of Salem. Marion County Oregon, authorizing the making of this Summons to be served upon you by publication thereof once a week for four consecutive weeks In the Capital Journal, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published weekly in Salem. Marlon County, Oregon, and possessing the qualifications required by law for the publication of summons, the first publication thereof being made on the 7th day of July, 1937, and the last publication thereof being made on the 4th day of August, 1937, and the same will expire on the 7th day of August, 1937. And you, and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer said comnlflLnt on or before the 7th day of August, 1937. KEYES it PAGE. Attorneys for Plaintiffs 306 U. 8. National Bank Bldg Salem, Oregon. July 7, 14. 31. 38. Aug Business Opportunities LARK IN REALTY CO 100 fi. Com'l. fit. . . Phone 6470 IDEAL location for Service Station and cniTiD. live wiwr, Drimr. anaoe tre, ON NEW SUPER H1UHWAI, for Appointment. 8 acrea and service tat ion, also living quartern. All go" for S1360. SERVICE STATION and great rack In city, 5-rm, good home, owner will consider a going farm. This u located on Pacific Highway route thru city. iga BL'SINRSS OPPORTUNITY Kxcellent grocery, meat, merchandise and aervlce station bunlnena In thriv ing valley town. Locafd on Hlway S9E. Owing to tllneaA owner must aell buildings, equipment and atock. In cludes good living aparttrnt. Price 116.000. Might take small home or farm for part. 8Fr Mr Walter with CHILDS Ac MILLER REALTORS S44 state St. Phone 8708. u Try a Journal Want Ad Automobiles Drive a R&G USED CAR 1936 FORD DeLux. Coup,. 14.000 mllea 5flft 1936 FORD Cabriolet Low mile age t645 1936 FORD Pick-up 15.000 mllea 1495 1935 FORD Tudor Sedan S660 1934 CHEVROLET Coach M25 1931 BUICK Cpe. Re bored motor 9319 1931 CHEVROLET Coach 265 1930 DeSOTO Coup. 1193 1H3U rviuj Koaaater Ilea 1029 PORDSpt. Cocpe 1143 193S FORD Model A Roadat.r...( 93 ALSO Trucks priced aa low at 1230 Valley Motor Co. OPEN EVENINGS WEEK DATS CLOSED SUNDAYS - - - Three Lots - - - Cntr Liberty - - Marlon Ubarty Hollywood W. L. Anderson, Inc. FOR GOOD USED CARS 1936 , $635 Heater. ' , IQQf? DODGE DeLuxe Coupe. CQC 1J6b Radio At Defro.ter fan DeSOTO Custom Sedan dMqr: 1 Completely rec'dltloned V'' 1931 ""K. "1r $275 paint IQQfl MARQUETTE Sedan. tOCft iJM A good clean car JU 1930 rPfV r'!"' $195 1931 PRD CouDe $225 1929 FORD Tudor. Oood $140 1928 $125 1927 CHBY8LER 80 65 See JIM ST. CLAIR for Term, & Trade, OPEN EVENINGS CLOSED SUNDAYS W. L. Anderson, Inc. DeSOTO and PLYMOUTH Car, 860 Marlon. Tel. 7703 q' The "Home" of Dependable "Blue Seal" Cars BETTER CARS FAIRER TRADES 1036 DODOE 4-Dr. Tr. Sedan DeLuxe. Radio. Heater 379S 1939 DODOE Coupe ,67S 1936 TERRAPLANE Coupe. LOW mileage. Electric hand ....1645 1933 DODOE Sedan 4635 1936 LaFAYETTE Sedan. ....... .(625 1935 ORAHAM Sedan t.143 1936 WILLYS 77 Sedan 465 1933 BUICK Coupe 1375 1931 HTUIiFTDAKER COlipe ,325 1931 CHEVROLET Coupe 25 1931 FORD Coach 365 1929 CHEVROLET Coach 1.V 1939 CHEVROLET Coupe 160 Herrall-Owens Co. "Dependability" "The Home of Dependable Uaed Cara and Trucks" Dodge At Plymouth and Dodge Truck Dlst. 333 S. Com'l. . . Phone 3169 OPEN EVENINGS CLOSED SUNDAYS New Used Car Park Church 6U Acroaa from State Theatre ACROSS 1. Defect ft. Rigid 10. Out or danger 14. Heroine of "Cavatllena ituntlcana" It. In tit r open cuiirtyard of a noun It. Umb'i pen name IT. Sour aubiitanc 18. Uocldefi of peace It. Low tufltd plant 10. Chief execu tive of a tate 33. Portion or half 24. Old tribe of Indiana 2. l,or, float :. State bordering on the Mm- Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle IPIAIRglA B HI AILnAjvC rrlETpib u ilfnpTLiR as q uWfOM Al l skn utBapisTon CRfEjAlf EBsaYfT HE Old L NNTaTnPS KffuT rAlNfTTE DflNingLfCO "ACLif R EiBiEjcfSep s B,5lVBAiRdRlEaHRIES istlppl: ahbr. tl Habitual drunkard Vk. Twlsta 32. Biblical king 3t. Move by lcp tng lightly and grace fully ST. Accustom! variant tt. Indian let lib 41. l'oem 42. Kingdom in India 49. Small loft mast it. Pluce of the seal: abbr. M. no down 54. tiponfd 56. Aby-sfJt 59. Estrange K2. Molten roc AX Hmll Ulfttid KS. f reedy Cupid 17. Web-footed bird CI. Capital of f Jit via 43. FTairrHnt renin kmuim Numnnc 70. Kits one In aide 41. Trouble 47. Tyrannise noiner Tl. Belgian river - -S ';,, -, :( ',; :', ?;;, fl ZZZliZZZZZZZZ Automobiles Salem Auto Co. OFFERS THE FINEST SELECTION OF USED CARS IN SALEM For Example - A Beautiful 1935 DODOE SEDAN, real low mileage. Just the car for thai vacation. SEC it Today I 841 SEE THIS ONE! 1933 8TUDEBAKER Sport Sedan. Nickel-plated wheel. Side mount, Radeo, Heater. Truly worth much more But TODAY S360 192T NASH 4 -door SEDAN Original finish 1 Ilk new. Upholstering la perfect. Must be seen to be appre ciated. Think of ltl ONLY.. .9128 And Real Term ALSO SEE US FOB THAT NEW PLYMOUTH PICKUP or PANEL DELIVERY Salem Auto Co. TWO LOCATIONS Court At Church 480 N. Commercial ONLY 5 LIVING EX-GOVERNORS The death of former Gov. Jullua L. Meier today left only five living ex-governors, three republican and two democrats. Jay Bowerman, republican, who served from June 17, 1910. to Janu ary 8, 1011, was president of the senate when he aucceeded Got. Frank W. Benson. Bowerman now la living in Portland. Oswald West, democrat, aucceed ed Bowerman, being elected in 1910 and serving from 1911 to 1915. Hi also lives In Portland. Ben W. Olcott, a republican who now lives in Portland, was secretary ot state when Gov. James Withy- combe died, Olcott serving from March 4, 1919, to January 8, 1923. Walter M. Pierce, democrat elect ed governor In 1923 and serving from 1923 to 1927, is representative in congress, his home being In Ls Grande, A. W. Norblad, who Is now In As toria, was president of the senate when he assumed the governor'! chair on December 22, 1929, after the death of Gov. I. L. Patterson. Norblad served until January 12, 1931, when Governor Meier succeed ed him. ORGANIZE TO SELL SUPPLIES TO CO-OPS The Orange Wholesale Supply, in corporated, filed Incorporation pa pers here today to serve Orange supply units tn Oregon and other non-profit cooperative organizations by handling marketing of the affil iated units. The organizations will sell operat ing supplies at retail to farmers who either belong to the Orange or sim ilar cooperatives. W. J. Wilcox, Hood River, wlU continue to be manager of the newly-incorporated firm, which was ap proved last month by the state Orange convention at The Dalles. Officers are George 8. BUUngsley, president, Redmond; James fi. Tay lor, secretary, Hood River, and S. U Canto, treasurer, Milwaukee. 11. Not hard 21. River: Spanish 22. Frequently SS. Hawser IS. Meaaured 17. Rounded cot vex molding St. Apple Juice 20. In theosophy, the body or visible form 11. Path 11. Vends 34. Entry In aa account If. Small Russian coin 19. Disguised or secret agent 40. Smallest liquid measure) 4ft. Clearings fitted for cultivation, variant It. Nasal officer 60. Exist tl. Tenfold 54. Happy eft. Mountain Is ftf. Dressed ft?. Part of a harnebs U. River lit Eng land M. Malt liquor 60. Part of an rifle 1 Biblical tower (4. Perceive optically DOWN L Banner I. Crasy: couth- western U. 8. 1. Animate 4. Long-leggetf blrda I. Old mimical Instrument! Rdlble tubera 7. Roman road 5. Wlngllke pro. eai of a nab Enemy 10. Half tone 11. Drug-yielding piani 11 Clenched hand