SATURDAY. JUNE 5, 1037 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON 11 The Design of the Car May Change, But the Same Old-Fashioned Mortgage Covers It. V CapitaliUournal CLASSIFIED AOVEBTISINO RATES Per li "X ptr Una. S timet 3So Per line. Umre oo Per line. I month SI .36 Minimum per ad 2S cent. Went ads must De la Irf 10 am of publication. Circulation of the Capital Journal (or the ink ending May 39, 1937. Dally avtrane distribu tlun 11,309 Met Paid 10,560 sjeMbar Audit Barsaa et Olrcalallon For Sale Houses NEAR NEW SR. HI. DIST. 6 rme. 3 bedrooms, lurnace, fireplace, paved St. Laree collection shrubs, Reduced Irom 4500 to IH6.S0. Terms. A REAL BUY: 6-rm. bung. Basement, furnace, fireplace, pavement. Lot SOx 160. Near new Sr. HI. :i250 S500 down, bal. WO per mo. RICH. L. REIMANN. 187 8. Hlh. Dial 8633. .134 DELIGHTFUL NELSCOTT HOUSE to irll or trade lor Salem house. Well built, good location. Rents for $50 pir mo. Price 11580 with Terma. ROBERT F. BUDROW Real Estate 12 Ladd St Bush Bldg. Ph. 6965. b!34 CAPITOLA ALL CITY CONVENIENCES Electricity, Telephone. City schools. . . ALL COUNTRY FREEDOM. No high city taxes. No assessments. Pay for home like rent. But It Is YOUR HOME. A&CHEM St THOMAS Real Estate 360 N. High St. Phone 3311 a 1 36' 600 HOUSE 16x28. garage., paving, close to bus line. $200 down. Living r., dinette, bed r., kitchen, toilet, light $850. $600 down. 3-r. bungalow in line con dition at ai4u Mapie Ave. Basement, furnace 42500. 2800 6-r. house. N. Basement, furn ace, fireplace, close to school. Take smaller house. 500 down. New English type home, modern every way, oak floors $3950. MEL V IN JOHNSON or C. O. RICE 725 Court St. Phone 3723. al34- MODERN home In excellent condition. S rms., nook and glassed-in sleeping porch. Fine basement. Ldy. trays. Beautiful large lot with big fruit trees, N.E. of State Bldgs. 3250; or furn- lahed 3500. This place will carry a good loan. Modern 4 rms. and nook. Partly re- decorated. Base., furn., flrepl.' Nice shrubs and roses, worth, near school. 2000 cash. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 381 State Ph. 7113 al34 SPECIAL HOME BARGAINS $1600. Good 8 -room plastered home with lot 60x150 with east front. shade trees, would make a nice du plex with some improvements. IT'S A REAL SNAP. 1900. Five rooms, plastered, cement basement, furnace, garage, located near Washington school. Only (250 down. bai. per montn. 2500. Five room plastered home with full cement basement, furnace, fire place, garage, near school. WOO down, bal. $25 per mo. 1700. Six room plastered home with two nice large east front lots. Lo cated near the new senior High school at 825 N. 17th St. Nice bear ing fruit trees. Must be all cash to settle an Estate. IT'S A BUY. 2000. Seven room home located on Hines St. near S. 12th St. 150 down, bal. 17.50 per month. 1800. Good 4 -room plastered home located N. Newly decorated Inside and out. $700 cash. bal. terms. Paved St. Good location, plastered and a H ISA Li BUY. SEE US FOR BARGAINS W. H. GRABENHORST St CO.. Realtors 134 8. Liberty St. Phone 6468. aI34 5-ROOM strictly mod. home, complete ' ly furn., for sale by owner. Ph. 6112 or 0172. ai30' DIRECTORY BICYCLES and Accessories. Ramsden 143 S. Lib. o CONTRACTING A. J. Anderson. Ph 3010. 440 Water St. EXCAVATING EXCAVATING of all kinds: basementa dug, dirt hauled or moved, or for sale SEC Ben Otjen at Sons. Phone 3080 o SXCAVATINO of all kinds, basement dug. dirt hauled or moved. Dirt lor ale. Salem sand ei Gravel co. 40B. o' FLORIST Brelthaupt'i for flowers. Dial 5904. 0 PLUMBING THEO. M. BARR Plumbing, heating heet metal works. 104 8 Commercial street. Painting-PaperhanRing Real. Prices. Kamlnskl. Ph. 3757. 0152 PHOTO ENGRAVING Salem Photo Engraving. 147 N. Coml STOVES AND FENCE REPAIR stoves, ranges, circulators Sell new and re-bullt stovea. range and circulators. Pence and fence ooata R. B Fleming. 763 Chemeket o TRANSFER and STORAGE THERE Is no moving Job too amsll or too large for ua We also handle furnace and stove oils, coal and bri quets Phone 3131 for prices LAA- ilER TRANSFER STORAGE. TYPEWRITERS All makes sold, rented and Repaired Needham's Book Store. 465 State St. o WASHER REPAIRING We service a.l make washers Salem Appliance Co Exclusive ABC dealers 453 Court Ph 9611 WELL DRILLING 6 NEED. Rt 4. Box 210 Ph 36F3 ol34 WINDOW CLEANING NEW DEAL WINDOW Cleaning Co ' windows Floori. Wor-dwo" P 9317 o' WOOD SAWING WOOD tawing Reasonable. 8290. ol52 JOB "Oh, he's buried in one of those books he bought through the Capital Journal classified section" For Sale Houses NEW MODERN HOME 4500. Finished In mahogany, tile bath, hardwood floors throughout. Located in a nice new district, cor. lot, paved St. Only $500 down. bal. monthly. Ready to move right Into. See W. H. GRABENHORST St CO. W. H. GRABENHORST St CO.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 6468. al34" CLOSE IN BRICK HOME 8 rooms, hardwood floors, hot water heat, fireplace, very well constructed, located 4 blocks out. Price for QUICK SALE 400O 11500 down. bal. terms at b Int. A WONDERFUL VALUE. WORTH TWICE THE PRICE. W. H. GRABENHORST St CO.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 6468. al34" 2'j A. Tract close to Salem. 4-r. home, 150 cash. Price 900. KRUEGER 147 N. Coml. St. Phone 4728. Bl34 HSE. Owner. Bx. 152 Cap. Journal. &136 NICE LITTLE HOME on quiet street, block from bus, 4 blocks from school. 800 with terms. Dial 7807 day, 8835 evenings. Socolofsky St Son, 1st Nat'l. Bank Bldg. al34 3 BEDROOM house with 2 fine lots, nice shade trees and fruit In Engle wood district. Price only $2750 2300 Home Owners loan at 23 a month, bal. cash. 2 bedroom house In Hollywood dis trict on paved street, close to school. Price $2350. $1150 loan, payable 15 a month, bal. cash or take a car for part payment. 5 room house. 2 nice lots In east Sa lem. Price $2400. Exchange for small acreage close to Salem. North Salem vacant lota as low as ioo each. S. M. EARLE OR VICK BROS.. 208 No. High Phone 9678. a!34 NORTH EASY WALKING DISTANCE Nice S rm. home with fireplace, base ment, lurnace. Lawn and shrubbery 3150. Terms. SOCOLOFSKY ft SON 1st Nat'l. Bank Bldg. al34 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Tour choice of two beautiful, mo dern homes, both vacant and ready for you. one near Engiewood school at $4500. Another near Hollywood district at $4350 with terms to suit. Call to see them. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILD6 ft MILLER. Realtors. 344 State St.. Phone 6706. 2 NICE homes In North Salem. Value $5000. Must sell at once. A real sac- rlfice. A good Investment. $3800 for both. $1600 ciwh. Ph. 3385. al34 BY EMMA MURPHY BROWN at 1060 N. 14th Beautiful fl-rm. house Tile bath, cedar closet lining: oak floors throughout, gum wood finish In living room, tapestry wall paper. Ultra modern kitchen, beautiful lawn and shrubs, just rermiahed outside and in Phone 8753 or 9111. a For Sale Farms 143 ACRE RANCH With about 90 acres of plow land, bal. timber and pasture. Located 8 miles out. Price, if sold right now, $35 per acre. SEE THIS BARGAIN BEFORE YOU BUY. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 S. Liberty St. b!34 SACRIFICE SALE 206 ACRES Located about 12 mites southwest of Salem near the Willamette river about 70 A. of Ideal farm land, bal. good level pasture, good roads, on n.R. no Dings. Price $25 per acre. IF YOU LOOK AT THIS, YOU WILL BUY IT, W. H. ORABENHORST ft CO. 134 S. Liberty St. bI34 $3000, 20 acres about 4 miles from oa.ein, in acres cumvmca, some prun es, house, barn and chicken house. 3000 10 acres with 6-room house Located on highway. Suitable for a service Ut ion. P. H. BELL 429 Ore Bldg. Phone 8121. bl34 40 ACRES river bottom farm. S miles Independence. Ideal for alfalfa, corn and any other crops, could be irrigated from small lake. Some trees. $4000. Valley Land Co. 370'fr state. b!35' 4 A. 3 blks. from city limits on paved road. 2 A. in fruit $2100. 5 A. 1 ml. from city limit. 3 A. In i run. nice mag. site ou. IS A. 3 mi. from city, large 3-r. house. S A. orchard, 28 timber. On paved road, good soil 3500; 1300 down. 20 A. 3'i ml. from city, 0-r. house, barn, creek. 2 A. fruit, good soil, stocked ft equipped $3750. Take small house In Salem. 105 A. 7'i ml. from P.O. Large house barn 36x50. other bldgs. 70 A. In crop. Creek. Willamette tilt loam $9500: $3000 down. MELVIN JOHNSON or C. O. FtCF 735 Court St. Phone 3723. bI34 80 ACRES, about 30 acres In cultiva tion, balance pasture and timber. Year 'round creek, six-room house, barn and chicken hotiM. family orehtrd. Southeast of Salem on a market road Priced real low st $3000. Part terms. 3 ACRES Almont new four-room hou. good barn and chicken house. Lights and water system, family orchard. Onlv three miles east of Salem. Price $2600. Terms. 36 ACRES. Han 35 acres in cultivstlon. good black toll, balance pasture ana ome good timber, creek and spring. F!r set of buildings. Stock and equip ment goes with the place. A Real sac rifice for $3500. ROSTFIN ft ADOLPH. INC. HO N. Commercial bl34 For Sale Farms FIVE Acres. Improved with good five room cottage, electricity, poultry hous' ex. Just west of Liberty. 1500. Easy terms. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS, INC. Guardian Bldg. Salem, Ore. bl35' WILL SELL or trade twenty acres good unimproved land with spring, sightly location, six miles east or Portland value to $3000. for modern six-room house In Salem. Must be a bargain Address owner. P.O. Box 175, Salem. Oregon. bl34' FINE List of Country Homes and Farms, one acre up. W. V. HOMES EEKERS AGENCY Oregon Bldg. Salem. Ph. 4497. rl34' FEDERAL Land Bunk Farms. See W, S. Bartlett, Secy.-Treaa.. 216 Oregon SlOg. D For Sale Miscellaneous VACUUM CLEANERS Reconditioned and Guaranteed Energex $495; Airway $5.95; Check Seal $6.96: Royal $14 SO: Regina $17.60; Eureka 17.50; Hoover (beater typo 27.60. 3 Electrolux (new models) price. Mftni uiniuta. come in and look tnese over Real buys. Terms ft Trades. SALEM HDWE. CO. 120 N. Com mercial St. Phone 4906 cl34 TRAILER House 7x14 $125. See Long 332 Water St. cl34 1 IDEAL dust sprayer. A. J. Graff, RFD 1, Hood River, Ore. cl39 RABBITS ft Mutches Cheap. 1705 N. 5th St. cl35 STOCK of men's second-hand suits. overcoats, etc. Good condition. Sell cheap for quick sale. 1694 North Com mercial. C134 DANDY home - built, streamlined house trailer, 6xl2, 125. Bullt-lns. Phone 9650. C135 190 White Rotary Electric sewing machine, $69.50. 960 Union. CI34 SPECIAL: Poultry Fertilizer sacked with peet moss 25c sack at hatchery. Bring sacks. Ph. 133F2. Lee's Hatchery. CROOKED FINGER Mountain Grown non-Irrigated Burbank seed potatoes. Excells all others as a crop producer when planted on a lower elevation. Why not plant the beet! PURITAN CIDER WORKS, West Salem. cl36- FERTTLIER. River slit and garden rock. Phone 9800. Lacey. C140 HIGHEST cash prices paid for ated furniture, tools, ranges, etc.. by Wood IT ft Woodry. Auctioneers. Ph. 8110. ALL Kinds of dirt. Ph. 3576. POULTRY fertilizer, sacked with peet moss. Ph. 133F2. Lee's Hatchery. c TYPEWRITERS, adding machines, cash reglstera sold, rented, repaired. Roen. 420 Court. Phone 6773. c NARROW widths ladies' white shoes, 2.49 Greerbaum't 240 No Coml c FURNITURE. Lineoieum. Range, etc Large stock, new and used, out of the high rent district where moderate rices prevail. Your own terms In reason. Woodry Furniture Co. 474 South Commercial St. pn. mi. For Sale Livestock GOOD Work Horses. Phone BUI Smith, 3 miles w. of St. Paul. f!40 For Sale Wood WOOD. P. 48F14. Smith-Rubens, eel 59 WOOD. Phone 6836. Wanted Help WANTED: Middle-aged couple to farm 35 A. place. Tenant must furnish his own farm animals and equipment. Sre Dr. Baum. Guardian Bldg. g!36 GIRL to do hswk. Permanent. Apply between 8-7 p. m. wk. days, any time Sundays. 1030 No. Cottage. gl36 OIRL for gen. hswk. 3 in family, good waget. Ref. Box 151, cap. journal gl34 WANTED: Salesmen. Must have refer ences and be able to sell to rarmers. Salanr $50 a week covering local ter ritory. Write Bx. 147 Cap. Journal. gl34 Wanted Miscellaneous PAINTING of all kmd. Beat ref. Low est rates. Phone 3781. 1137 TOP PRICES PAID Live worthless horses, cowl. Fox reed. Phone B131. 1143 For Rent PASTURE for 300 sheep, or for cattle. Valley Land Co. 37Q' Bute. J135 3-ROOM furnished house. Nice yard Call 6354. J134 LARGE airy sleeping room, convenient to state office bldg. 1493 Center, or Phone 5113. J134 HSE. for $25. Ph. 7113. J134 NICE Rm. close In. 7214 845 Marlon J134 3-RM. Furn. Apt. 785 N. Capitol. J136 FOR RENT Sleeping room. 896 N. 17th J134 Furn. 3-r. Apt. 875 Marlon JUS 1 ft 2 rm. apt. 460 M. 13th at. J 137 Automobiles Gosh! Look at the BARGAINS AND Better Prices Lower Terms 1935 REO Sedan 39 1935 DODGE Sedan 50 1935 DOIXiE Coupe 35 1K28 CHEV. Coach I 45 1937 NASH Coupe 45 1037 CHRYSLER Sedan 80 1837 ESSEX Coach 45 1027 NASH Sedan 80 1937 CHEV. Coach 55 1037 OAK. Sedan. Low mileage.. 75 1928 OAKLAND Sedan 55 1028 CHEV. Coupe $ 85 1928 FORD Coupe SI 15 1928 DURA NT Sedan lb 1930 ESSEX Coach 125 1929 HUDSON Sedan 1125 1929 FORD Sport Host 145 1929 OLDS Sedan 145 1930 FORD Sport Rdat 155 1929 CHEV Coupe 8165 1929 CHEV. Coach 8175 1929 PONTIAC Cabriolet 165 1939 NASH Adv. 8 8185 1930 CHRYSLER Cabriolet 8335 PICKUPS & PANELS TRI CKS 1930 DO DOE Vi-ton Panel 8175 1928 CHEV. 1-ton Truck 50 1836 DOIXIE ,?-ton Pickup ....8565 1928 REO 1-ton Truck glOO 1939 CHEV. l(i-ton Truck ...8165 Herrall-Owens Co. "DEPENDABILITY" "The Home of Dependable Used Cars and Trucks" DODGE A PLYMOUTH and DODGE TRUCK DIST. 235 S. Commercial - - . Phone 3169 OPEN EVENINGS CLOSED SUNDAYS NEW Used Car Park Church St. serosa Irom the StaW Theatre USED CAR PARK Dallas, Oregon, Oak at Main Street For Rent LARGE, airy sleeping room with al cove for 2 men. Convenient to state office bldg. References exchanged: 1493 Center St. J134 BOARD ft room, 3 blocks from state house. Private home. Phone 6752. J134 SLEEPING rm. Private home, 153 N. 13th St. J134 LOVELY one room furnished apt. for employed lady. 666 So. Summer. J137 APTS. Sleeping rms., business location. Phone 5470109 S. Com'!. J136 7-RM. furnished house, 1528 N. Capl tol. Call 4389. J135 NEAT 3-rm. furn. Apt. Attractive, quiet location. Adult. $25; 475 N. Capitol. . J135 Unfurnished Apt. vacant the 10th. Ad ults. Hawthorne Court, 1000 N. Capitol J MODERN S rm. furn. house. Inquire 1160 Union. J 134 OFFICE ROOMS In Salem's largest ft most modern office building See Mr. Nicholson or call 6123 First National Bank Bldg. SLEEPINO room, 725 Court St. PIANOS. Phonographs and sewing machines for rent. H L stiff Furni ture Co. OFFICE room tor rem,. 381 Stat St. Phone 3713 1 Clean Furn. Rms. Rons. 840 Union. J134 HOTEL MARION offers attractive rooms at low weekly and monthly rates. Modern Coffee Shop Phone 4123. ) Room and Board R. ft B. In private fnmlly, 1 blk. from State Hse. Ph. 6752; 152 N. 13th. JJ136 BOARD ft ROOM. Phone 8236. JJ139- BOAHD 4k ROOM. 166 North 12th. 1J1I3 BOARD and room. 161 South 14th. Just off State street. JJ138 Lost and Found LOST: Light Brown coin purse con taining bills and 2 hse. keys. Reward. Phone 7367. kl36 PARTY who lost article at sale on N. High St. Sat. p.m. can contact by phoning 749B. kl35 LOST: Girl's Ruby ring. Reward. Ph. 17F15. kl35 Personal MAN OLD AT 57 OETS PEP "Ostrex made me feel young. L, Wlnslow, Deschutes, Utah. New Ostrex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster In vlgorators and other stimulants. One dose starts hew pep. Coats little. Call, write Perry's Drug Store. 1134 I WILL NOT be responsible for any bills contracted other than by myself Cecil Howard Brown. 1135 PSYCHOLOGIST Mrs. Martin, favor ably known, dependable advice. Pn 6460: 428 N. Church St. 1135 MRS. PALMER Nationally known MEDIUM ADVISOR. ONE WHO HAS PROVEN HER ABILITY TO THE MOST SKEPTICAL PERSONS. TRUE ADVICE ON ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE READINGS DAILY. NO READINGS SUNDAY 640 CHEMEKETA. 1133 Miscellaneous 10 REWARD each, for Information lead ng to arrest of tnieves or inner treea and chlttum bark off my four Scott Mills farms miring past 3 yrs. I. D. WORDEN. Silverton. ml36- IF You Like to Draw, Sketch or Paint, write for talent test (no feet. Give age and occuDatlon. Box 138 Cap. Journal ml35 WE Pick up dead and worthless hors es, cows, sheen free of chance. Ph. 48G9 ml54 Real Estate RESTAURANT and Fountain, beer li cense, on Pacific highway In Salem. Circumstances mske sale Imperative. l' A. river frontage. 3 large rms., eiec, new chicken house, barn wooded park $1300. 8 rms. and breakfast rm.. English stuc co, furnace, fireplace, double plumb ing, corner of Market and 18th In fine new addition close to schools and bus. Will take good car down pmt. and easy terms on balance. wiNNirc ptttyjohn 477 Court Street nI34 LOT BARGAIN Good lot on paved St. Cement wslk IK-ated on Market St. near N. 14th St. Price $375 If POM right now. Clear title. W. H. ORABENHORST ft CO 134 8. Liberty St. n!34 IDEAL Suburban bldg. site. 3 ar. fine dark toll. Mostly In bearing fruit and nut rltifu In Vnti will lllrn th' WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE Phone 7113 381 State. n 1 34 V7 AC. or more. $250 and up. Bt of soli. Wlllamett stlty Ioam. Flnext 'if water from deep drilled wells. rlo to schools and store: 2 ml. N. of city lim It. If you have $100 or more we will build a hous for you. No shacks or xTiantlea will be built nn the trarti , For particular and lnprtion sk 'aleamen. RT"H U REIMANN. 117 8. HmH ti ami ii Automobiles Real Estate 20 ACRES OF TIMBER Located 8 miles out on good road. En ough timber to pay for the entire tract. Price $1200 If taken RIGHT NOWI SEE W. H. Grabenhorst ft Co. 134 S. Liberty St. nl34 REALLY beautiful modern suburban home, half acre native trees and shrubs, lovely view, scenic setting, rock gardens, flowers, five rooms, garage, a mnet center aaiem t45UO. Terms. Close in 25 sere farm, new five-room nouse. water svstem. 10 acres onirics. live or woods, garage and lame chick en nouses, $4500. Would consider small Apt. house about same value, or Cali fornia home. E. A. JENSEN Real Estate 1321 Edgewater St. Phone 8877. nl39" WHAT are last year's rent receipts worth? $25 per mo. Including all Inter est makes payments on N. Salem mod ern 4-rm. ft Nook, fireplace, open front porch, large lot 50x132. Beautiful Aiiiuorjery, also I car garage. 15 down. trice oniy tyuau. LOTS LOTS LOTS as low as $400: $50 down, $10 a mo. including Interest. ACREAGE Also can be bought as low as $50 down, $10 per mo. why oe crowded in the city when you can have a home In the country for only 200 down and $20 a mo. Chlck- en house for 75 chickens, small barn, house and garage. Price only $1200. For Action SEE Mr. WIDENER with WM. B LIVEN 315 Mn.ionlO Bldg Phone 7906; evenings 3580. nl34- For Belcrest property Ph. 4728. nl34' WELL LOCATED TIMBERED TRACT 147 lA acres few miles north of Salem on good road. 85 acres choice timber. fir, ash, manie end cedar. Estimated 6000 cords. Balance of land swampy and fine pasture. To close an estate priced for short time only, $0500. childs & miller. Realtors. 344 Stnte St.. Phone 6708. Exchange Real Estate 75 ACRES near Florence, 82500. Clear. ror modern snlem house. Would as sume mortgage. Valley Land Co.. 370'$ state. nnl35 2-FAMILY apt. In heart of Vancouver, Wash. Trade for serv. stat., acreage. farm near Salem or Salem prop. 86500 val.. trade clear ror clear. Owner. 2R19 E. 7th St- Vancouver, Wash. nnl34 Financial Loans AUTO LOANS NEW LOW RATES WILLAMETTE LOAN CO 919 Ouardlan Bldg M-159 r AUTOMOBILE LOANS LOW RATES - - - EASY TERMS CONFIDENTIAL P. A. EIKER State Lie. M-157. rlSO WANTED 82800. 6. No brokers. Bx. 150. Capital Journal. rl34 MORTGAGE LOANS on well Improved country or city property. Low ratea. No brokerage or commission. Ladd St Bush Trust Co. rl46 AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED Money to buy new or used cars Pri vate money at verr low rates No red tape 1 to 20 months to repay ROY H SIMMONS 136 S. Commercial St., 1 door aouth of Ladd 8t Bush Bank. Pbon, 916R. Lie. No. Ml 52 r LOANS FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY Before borrowing elsewhere consult our Loan Department HAWKINS 81 ROBERTS. 1NO Guardian Building Salem r CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBT Borrow from an Independently owned and operated Salem company where your problems will receive persona consideration both Defor, and afti the loan Is msdc Interest on unpaid balances No fees Quirk. Courteous Service WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT General Finance Corp, 136 8. Commercial St.. 1 door south of Ladd 8c Bush Bank. Phone 9188 Lie. No. M-138. MONEY TO LOAN On Salem residential property under the V H A plan Long term loans with low monthly payments No commis sion Refinance or build a new home W H ORABENHORST ft CO Realtors 134 S Liberty M. Phone 6468 r MORTOAGE LOANS on business and residence properties Lowest rates A brums ft Ellis, Inc.. M asomc Jij Business Opportunities FOR SALE Reataurant business wi'h equipmem. amw. ana prii-ri w bought. 152 Garfield St, Woodburn. BEACH INCOME PROPERTY It Cabins. 4 Apts. ft Market, overlook ing Ocean and popular bathing bearli. Season Just starting, all year Income. H-ll furniture and all. Price cut to $8500. half cash, long time on bal. Owner sick, must change climate. Tke mfe and house in valley. For partirii lara ask Salenman. RICH L. REI MANN. 167 8. High. Dial 8632 Ul3 LARGE Company establishing branch )i tores. Small Investment good In come. Box 153 Capital Journal. u!34 Try a Journal Want Ad Automobiles Frank Doolittle PONTIAC DEALER 1936 CHEVROLET Town Sedan Original Urea , 1936 CHEVROLET Coupe Radio, heater 19o6 FORD Tudor Sedan Trunk, radio, heater , 1935 PONTIAC 3-door Touring Sedan 1938 CHEVROLET Pick-up 14.000 miles .... 1935 FORD DcLuxe 3-dr. Sedan 20.000 miles . . 1934 PLYMOUTH 4-dr. Sedun 1935 FORD Pickup Extra good 1932 PONTIAC 4-dr. Sedan 1933 CHEVROLET Coach 1929 BUICK Small Series Sedan , 1829 CHEVROLET Sedan Deliver! 1927 BUICK 4-door Sedan 1928 CHEVROLET Coupe 1837 OAKLAND Coup Home of Good Will Used Cars 6 PONTIAG-3 DOOLITTLE MOTORS N. COMMERCIAL and CENTER 8TS. ... PHONE 8268. Otto J. Wilson's USED CAR BARGAINS! 1938 1936 1936 1936 1935 1935 1933 1934 1934 1932 1830 1831 1929 1930 1930 1928 1929 1930 192S 1028 1828 1829 1927 1936 1927 1927 1927 1928 1926 1927 OLDS 6 Sed. Built-in trunk OLDS DeLuxe Coupe. Radio and heater BUICK Small series Coupe. 8735 8763 8865 8515 8565 8865 6535 8M5 8495 FORD Tudor Sedan HUDSON DeLuxe Coupe PONTIAC 4-dr. Touring Se dan BUICK 4-door Sedan CHEVROLET 4-door Sedan. Built-in trunk GRAHAM 4-dr. Sedan. Built-in Trunk DeSOTO DeLuxe Sedan BUICK 8 Small Series Sedan HUP Sedan BUICK Standard 6 Coach .. HUDSON Sedan , FORD Model A Coach PONTIAC Sedan 6TUDEBAKER 6 Sedan ESSEX 6 Sedan BUICK Standard 6 Sedan... BUICK 7-pass. Sedan OLDS 6 Coach , FORD Roadster , BUICK Standard 6 Sedan.. FRANKLIN Roadster ERSKINE Sport Coupe..... BUICK 8rdan OLDSMOBILE Coach WHIPPET 6 Coach DODOE 4 Sedan PONTIAC Coach NASH Touring 8395 8315 8295 6175 8145 8195 6115 8 35 6 95 9 95 8 95 6 95 8 15 6 75 S 75 8 75 8 75 8 75 8 50 8 35 .8 25 6 25 - - TRUCKS - - 1935 DODOE i-ton Pan. Delivery SSO 1929 t'HEVHULisr -ton panel Delivery $145 1037 PONTIAC H-ton Pickup... 35 Otto J. Wilson BUICK BALES ft SERVICE OPEN EVENINGS - CLOSED SUNDAYS 368 and 388 N. Commercial Phone 5451 Salem, Ore. q1 Get Ready for SUMMER DRIVING with a Good USED CAR 1937 Ford DeLuxe Fordor Sedsn..$725 1936 Ford DeLuxe Coupe. Radio. .57o 1935 Ford DrLuxe Cp.e Radio... $4BS 1929 Ford Sport Coupe $145 1928 Pontlac Sedan $115 1929 LVSoto Bpt. Roadster $2?5 1928 Chrysler Coupe $145 1929 Bulck Coupe $145 Valley Motor Co. OPEN EVENINGS and WEEK DAYS CLOSED SUNDAYS Three Lots Center 8e Liberty - - Marlon At Liberty Hollywood tj- Legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice la hereby given Uiat the undersigned has been duly appointed executrix of the estate of W. W. Moore, deceased, and any and all persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to present said claims, duly verified as by law required, at the office of my attorney, A. O. Bcattle. Hogg Build ing. Oregon City. Oregon, or at my residence on North Church street, in Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated May 28, 1937 Date of first publication May 29, 1D37. Date of last publication June 26, 19H7 MABKL A. MOORE. Executrix of Die estate of W. W. Moore, Dcctved. A. O. BEATTIE, Hogg Building. Oregon City, Ore. Attorney for executrix. May 29. June 5, 12, 19, 26 NOTICE TO f'RF.niTOK NOTICE HEREBY LS GIVEN that the undersigned has been, by the County Court of .Marion County. Ore. gon, appointed administrator of the estate of OTTO E SCHMIDT de ceased, and has qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate hereby are required to preenl them, with proper vouchers, to the undersigned at 193 North High street, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof: 15 May. 1937 B. LORINU SCHMIDT. Administrator. CAR-SON A CARSON, Salem, Oregon. Attorneys for Administrator. May 16, 22, 29, June 5, 13 Automobiles 882S 8695 8625 8625 825 8491 8450 8425 8393 8275 8165 8125 8125 8116 8 68 HONEST Used Car Values 1935 PLYMOUTH DeLuxe Bus. Coupe. Had lo, heater, 60-day guarantee $545 1933 PLYMOUTH Coupe. Overhauled 30-day guarantee $395 1932 DeSOTO Business Coupe. Com plete overhaul. 30-day guaran. 3d5 1931 BUICK Sport Coupe Overhauled 2T5 1930 CHEVROLET Sedan. Was $245 NOW $200 1930 FORD Tudor 225 1930 FORD Roadster $190 1929 CHEVROLET Tudor $10 1928 PONTIAC Sedan $145 1027 DODOE Sedan 85 1937 PLYMOUTH DeLuxe Tour. Sedan. Heater 815 V. L. Anderson, Inc. 360 Marlon Tel. 7703. Open EVENINGS Closed SUNDAYS For Terms and Trades SEX Jim St. Clair FOR BALE '37 DeSotO B Cpe low muenRO, 8800. Arnold Ackland. Rt. 7. Bx. 172. Salem. 0.134 1937 V-8 Coach driven 13 miles. 850 reduction. Phone 6689. q!35' '31 Pontlac 6 cyl., A-l cond. By own er. Sale or trade; 065 Highland ave. ql34 Transportation DRIVING to L. A. Sat. nlte or Sunday a. m. Take 1. Drive and share 770 No. Front at., after 6 p.m. X134 Legal IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OP OREGON, No. B222U In the Matter of Aaron J. Schalk, Bankrupt. To the creditors of Aaron J. Schalk of Salem, In the County of Marlon and District aforesaid, a bankrupt. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 27th day of April, 1937, the said Aaron J. Schalk was duly Ad judicated bankrupt and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held In the Law Library of the Law Office of Keyes Si Page, In Room 304 U. S National Bank Building, in the City of Salem, Oregon, on the 16th day of June, 1937, at 1:30 o'clock In the afternoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such oth er business as may properly come be fore said meeting. WILtARD L. MARKS. Referee in Bankruptcy. ACROSS fu Border 4. Surnirljanites who travel dally to their city business 11. Devoured 14. Seir-evident 15. Switch from one track to another 17. Lower part o the ear lit. Italian river 19. Instance 20. Singing voice si. n 22 Claying card 12. slal.iyan dag ger; variant 11. Oven jr.. Musical note 16. Sumiiirnn squirrel lirt!w in. Contradict M. Calla to mind at). Minute orifice 31. Snft groan 31. Indian mul berry m. unit of weight US. Repair 16. Southern si nf: abur. 7 Parlet IS. Nerve network Solution of Vestordayt Pusxie ABLEgf OIBI I OHIOILTE SQAPMDLJNyyRAL HlY D ROlD YIN AMI C S BR E D0R EPPSING LE RHfelPE DIN 1L U P AU 0 I f 0 RaT Q EARNtstelMQIQg D VIA DHOR BSSf I NY HH iJsilfoRLANBSI HI Pp TMA N I E t I GNOREHSf EE VE SIOOMlEIRHSlOlblPIEN Scaiirhnnvian navigator 40. While 41. Relieve 42. Empty 43. Kind of flan it. Ry birth 47. Owned 4s. Shout DOWN 1. Knave Scat of Cornell Unfvermty I. French river 7 12 3 I 4 S Y 17 S W " '2 uAau 'I nf mzi 22 f fH! SfL f 1 ii t ''.' '4 .,;, 35 T36 . ''. u. f T uiu .', : 4. '' BOOKS ON CRIME AT PUBLIC LIBRARY Frequent call for recent and au. thorttetlve material on criminology have been met by the Salem Publls library, according to James T. Ru bey. librarian, who ha announced the accession of Hatcher' "Text book of rlrearms Investigation," Bo derman's "Modern Criminal Inves tigation," and Henry's "Textbook of Fingerprint Classification," all of which appear on this week's new book list. New fiction acquired for the week include Oellhorn, "The Trouble I've Seen;" Deeping, "Blind Man' Year;" Zane Orey, "West of the Pe cos;" Brand, "Outward Room," and D. H. Lawrence's "Son and Lovers." Biography Is well represented by Thirkel, "Tribute for Harriette:" McAdoo, "The Woodrow Wilsons;" Leslie, "Rodin, Immortal Peasant;" DuMaurler, "The DuMauriera," and Shcpard, "The Lit of Branson Al coa." Advanced art students will be in terested In Schaeffer's "Pose Please," fishermen In Roy Schren kelsen's "Pishing tor Salmon and Trout," and student of American social and political trends In Du- mond's "Roosevelt to Roosevelt, and Asch's "The Road: In Search of America," all of which con be found on the library's shelve this week. Lackey Sells Store Woodburn J. R. Pollock of Cho- te-au. Mont., has purchased the Red and White grocery from Bob Lackey and took possession last week. The family were accompanied to Wood burn by his mother and step-father, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Guerrln, who have purchased a home on the highway. J. M. Weaver, also of Mon tana, la assisting in the store and Em 11 Budeau Is retained as clerk. NAVAL MAN BACK Silverton Wesley Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lewis of West Main street, is spending five days at home from the U.S.S. Arizona which Is at Bremerton at the pres ent. Lewis is serving his fourth year In the navy. He made the trip home to attend the graduating exer cises of the senior class of which his sister, Ruth, was a member. Legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That the Last Will and Testament of Jennie M. Thomas, deceased, has been duly proven and admitted to probate In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County, and the undersigned Ethel Thomas Allison has been appointed Executrix thereof, and that Letters Testament ary have Issued to her. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duty verified and with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned Executrix at the offices of Ross & Ford, 707 First National Bank Building, Salem, Oregon, on or before six months from the date of the first publication of this notice; said first publication being made this 29th day of May, 1937. ETHEL THOMAS ALLISON, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Jennie ISC Thomas, Deceased. ROSS & FORD, Attorneys for the Estate. May 29, June 6. 12, 19, 36 IS. Disdain It. Compete point tO. English musical composer tU Metal fasteners XI. Arrived M. Part of a type face which projects be yond the body IS. Period lor which nr thing lasts IT. No longer la force 18. Highway . Ossified cartilage .10. Suddenly 12. One that bring Into line S3. Sen-lie follower 4. Seize 3V Table-lands . French monetary unit M Fury IB. Kind oi rail way: colloq. 41. Type measures 41. River bottom 44. Ritatt 4s. Engineering degree 4. Kino ot tall- trig vessel ft. Draft animal . Inatrurnetils for measur ing electrical current 7. Discusses I Beak of a bivalve shell 5. To; Hcotrli 10. Abbreviation for ethyl 11. Maluralv