FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1A37 ,'HK CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORKGON 15 Many a Car Is Wrecked by a Loose Nut at the Wheel. t ; ; i i i r 1 fp fl I -:i 1. 1 Automobiles Automobiles Automobiles Automobiles CapitaliLJournal CLAitsiFien advkhtimno BATES pr Line. S timet 3&o Par Una. Umei 40o Pr lis. I nontb Minimum per ad 95 oenta Want ads must Dt id Of 10 am day of publication. Circulation of the Capital Journal (or the week ending May 39, 1031. Dally average distribu tion 11,309 Net Paid 10.560 Hsnber Audit Barcae st Circulations For Sale Houses MODERN COLONIAL HOME Seven nice rooms large cor. lot, only 1 blocks out. modem in every way. with oil burner. You will like thin home. Offered below cost. Price 75O0. If you want a REAL HOME at the right price SEE this today! W. H.URABENHORST&CO.. Realtor! 134 a. Liberty ot. rn. otoo. auj- 42800 Home in N. Salem, living r dining r, nook, kitchen, 3 bedrooms. bawmeut, furnace, fireplace, paving. Trade for smaller house. 200 down. Living r., dinette, kitchen. bedroom, toilet. light 850. 575. House 16-018, 11K..U, garage, sev eral trees, paving, close to bus line. MRLVIN JOHNSON or C. O. BICE T25 Court St. Phone 3723. al33 CLOSE IN HOME Hi rooms, modern with full cement Hsement. furnace, fireplace, larite living room, nnrawooa Hours, oouuie garage. Located In good district only o blocks out. nice cor. lot, both Sts. pnved. Now rented for a;j7.50 per mo. Price 4iUO 9ow aown, nu, ei-o pet month. A REAL VALUE. W. H. GRABENHORST St CO.. Realtors 134 fl. Liberty St. n. own. tisa S'4 A. Tract close to Salem. 4-r. house, 150 cash. Price aUOO. KRUEOER 14T N. Com'I. St. Phone 4728. al34 SACRIFICE SALE This 6-rom plastered home with two nice east front lots, bearing fruit, paved street. Located near the New Senior High scliol at 825 N. 15th St. Price 1700 If sold RIGHT NOW to clow an Estate. Must be all cash. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION! W. H.ORAHENHOHSTA.-CO.. Realtors 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 6468. al33 BY Owner: Small Sub. house. 33i acres. Has own water system, small furnace, some furniture If wantrd 12300. Ph. 3808 for Information. a!38 LARK IN REALTY CO. 109 S. Com'I. St. - - Phone 6470 Resident Phone 77P23 BARGAIN DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN Just think here U get two good homes on one lot. LIVE IN ONE. rent the other. Paved St., good location, cloio to school. All boos for ONLY 3U)0 BEFORE TJ BUY SEE US! al33 1600 HOME Good 8 -room plastered home In good location, south on Saginaw St. Largo east front lot. shade trees, fruit trees. With some repairs this property would make a good duplex, tiooo down. bal. terms. FE THIS BARGAIN Today! W H. GRABENHORST fc CO.. Realtors 134 6. Liberty St. Ph. 6468. al33 A REAL BARGAIN! Store with living quarters. Lot cost 9800: stock valued at 200. Good building. A real buy at 1850 with best of terms. ROBERT F. BUDROW Real Estate 12 Ladd St Bush Bldg. Ph. 5965. ft 133 B-ROOM strictly mod. home for sail by owner. Ph. 6112 or 6172. a!35' 500 DOWN Bal. MS per month will buy this NEW MODERN up-to-date 5-room home witn attie, manogany imun. tile bath, hardwood floors throughout, nicely decorated IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Price M500 SEE THIS HOME BE FORE YOU BUY OR BUILD. W. H. ORABENHORST ft CO.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 6468. a-133 HSE. Owner. Bx. 152 Cap. Journal. ,135 NICE LITTLE HOME on quiet street, Hock from bus, 4 blocks from school. 800 with terms. Dial 7807 day. 88.15 evening. Socolofsky St Son, 1st Nat'l. Bank Bldg. 134 DIRECTORY BICYCLES and Accessories. Ramsden 143 S. Lib, o CONTRACTING A. J. Anderson. Ph S010. 440 Water St. EXCAVATING EXCAVATING of all kinds; baaementa tiuir. dirt hauled or moved, or for aalft BES Ben Otjen & Sons. Phone 8080 o EXCAVATING of all kinds, baaement dug. dirt hauled it moved Dirt for a. Salem Sand at Oravel Co. 9408. o FLORIST Brelthaupt'a for flower,. Dial 6904. 0 PLUMBING THEO. M. BARR. Plumbing, heating, sheet metal works. 164 S Commercial street. o Paint inp-I'aperhHneiriK Reaa. Prices. Knmtnskt. Ph. 3757. o!52 ' PHOTO ENGRAVING Salem Photo Engraving, 147 N Corn! STOVES AND FENCE REPAIR stoves, ranges, circulators ell new end re-but It stoves, ranges and circulators. Fence and fence posts R. B Fleming, ?62 Chemeketa o" TRANSFER and STORAGE THERE Is no moving lob too small or too large for us We also handle furnace and stove oils, coal and bri quets. Phone 313. for prices LAR UER TRANSFER ft 6TOHAOB. O TYPEWRITERS All makea aold. rented and Repaired Needham'e Book Store, 465 State St. o WASHER REPAIRING We aervic a:i makea waahent Salem Appltance Co Exclualve ABC dealers 453 Court Ph 0011 o WELL DRILLING SITED Rt 4. Boa 310 Ph 38T3 0134 WINDOW CLEANING NEW DEAL WINDOW Cleaning Co Window,. Floore. Wor-dworH P 9337 o WOOD SAWING 'WOOD Reasonable 8290 0152 Try a Journal Want Ad i -i 1 1 I an iwi ;;'M';tr!7Mis$ BAILAR,P) "I'm getting a swell used car through a Capital Jour nal classified ad now will you give me a date?" For Sale Houses S BEDROOM house with 3 fine lots, nice shade trees and fruit In Englc--wood district. Price only 3750 2300 Home Ownera loan at 23 a month, bal. cash. 2 bedroom house In Hollywood dis trict on paved street, close to school. Price 92350. 1 150 loan, payable 16 a month, bal. cash or take a car for part payment. 5 room house. 2 nice lota In east 8a lem. Price 2400. Exchange for small acreage close to Salem. North Salem vacant lot as low as 100 each. S. M. EARLE OR VICK BROS.. 208 No. High Phone 0678. al34 NORTH EASY WALKING DISTANCE Nice & rm. home with fireplace, base ment, furnace. Lawn and shruhbeiy 3150. Terms. SOCOLOFSKY St SON 1st Nat'l. Bank Bldg. al34 SACRIFICE Tills 4 room, plast. home, good lo cation In north Salem. New paint Inside and out. owner leaving city within the next few days. Price 91800 700 down, balance easy terms per mo. You will like this' home. It Is offered below Its real value. See us at once. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 8468. a!32 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Your choice of two beautiful, mo dern homes, both vacant and ready for you. One nenr Englewond school at $4500. Another near Hollywood district at (4250 with terms to suit Call to see them. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS & MILLER. Realtors. 344 State St., Phone 6708. a 2 NICE homes In North Salem. Value 5000. Must sell at once. A real sac rifice. A good investment. 3800 for notn. 91600 casn. pn. aiat BY EMMA MURPHY BROWN at 1060 N. 4th Beautiful 5-rm. houw. Tile bath, cedar closet lining; oak floors throughout, gumwood finish In living room, tapestry wall paper. Ultra modern kitchen, neautirui lawn and shrubs. Just reflnished outside and in. Phone 8753 or 9111. MODERN 6 room house. 1790 N. Cap! tel. H. C. Hummel. 133 For Sale Farms FIVE Acres. Improved with good five room cottage, electricity, poultry hous e. Just west of Liberty. 91500. Easy terms. HAWKINS & ROBERTS, INC. Guardian Bldg. Salem, Ore. bl35 2500 1H acres with a small home, chicken house, 800 loganberry plants. 20 cherry trees. 926508 acres with new 4-room fcoust. barn, some fruit, pressure water sys tem, fenced. An excellent buy. P. H. BELL 420 Oregon Bldg. Phone 8121 bt33 WILL SELL or trade twenty acres good unimproved land with spring, sightly location, six miles east of Portland value to 3000. for modern six-room house In Salem. Must be a bargain Addreas owner, P.O. Box 175, Salem Oregon. bl34" FINE List of Country Homes and Farms. One acre up. W. V. HOMESEEKER3 AGENCY Oregon Bldg. Salem. Ph. 4497. rl34" FEDERAL Land Bink Farms. See W. S. Bartlett, 8ecy.-Treas., 216 Oregon Bldg. b For Sale Miscellaneous MARSHALL-WELLS 2-ln. pump stock. Trade or sell. 2880 Brooks St. Cl33 2-Cow Cream Separator and 10-lnch plow. Rt. 8, Box 361, near Salem Golf club. el34 RABBITS A Mutches Cheap. 1705 N. 5th St. cl35 STOCK of men's second-hand suits, overcoats, etc. Good condition. Sell cheap for Quick sale. 1694 North Com mercial. C134 DANDY home - built. streamlined house trailer, 6x12, 9125. Bullt-lns. Phone 9650. cl36 9190 White Rotary Electric sewing machine, 969.50. 960 Union. c!34 TRAILER HSE. Complete with good furnishings, reasonable. Must sen. see Mrs. Lady, U blk. N. Salem Sand A Gravel. Cherry Ave. cl33 PENFIELD Automatic Gas Water Heat er. Easy terms. Rt. 4, Box 96. 1 nVle South on highway. cl33 SPECIAL: Poultry Fertilizer sacked Ith peet mow 25c sack at hatchery. Bring sacks. Ph. I33F2. Lee's Hatchery CROOKED FINGER Mountain Orown non-Irrigated Bur bank seed potatoes. Ex cells all others as a crop producer when planted on lower elevation Why not plant the best! PURITAN CIDER WORKS. West Salem. Cl36 FERTTLIER. River sht and garden rock. Phone 3800. Lacey. cl40 HIQH EST cssh prices paid for led furniture, tools, mures etx. by Wood. ry Woodry Auctioneers. Ph 9110 ALL Kinds of dirt. Ph. 3575. POULTRY rertlizr sacked with pet mos. Ph. 133F2, Lee's Hatchery. c TYPEWRITERS, adding machines. cash registers sold, rented, repaired Roen 420 Court Phone 677 e NARROW widtrn white shoes 12.40, Q reex Damns. 340 No, Coml. iFor Sale Miscellaneous FURNITURE. Llneoleum. Range, etc. Largs stock, new and used, out of the high rent district where moderate prices prevail. Your own terms in reason Wood 17 Furniture Co. 474 South commercial st Ph. 0414. For Sale Livestock UOOD Work Horaea. Phont Bill Smith, 3 miles W. of St. Paul. 1 140 For Sale Wood WOOD. P. 48P14. Smlth-Hubens. eel59 16" OLD FIR. Phone 4218. WOOD. Phone 8839. For Sale Poultry White Loan or n Hens. Excellent pro ducers, 60c each. Rt. 7, Box 13. Call 80F13. Gralapp. fl33 Wanted Help TURKEY Pickers Report Monday a.m, at 8 o'clock. 450 N. Front. gl33 GIRL for gen. hswk. 3 in family, good wages. Ref. Box 151, Cap. Journal. R134 GIRL or woman to care for children. some house work. 1547 Mill St. gl33 WANTED: SalpKmtn. Must have refer ences and be able to sell to farmers. Salary 950 a week covering local te: ritory. Write Bx. 147 Cap. Journal. g!34 Wanted Situation EXPERIENCED girl wanta housework, (2s mo. Shrewaburv, Rt. 3, Bx. 183B. hl33 EXP. Painter, work under contractor or by nr. 67 N. front. hl33 Experienced Carpenter Foreman, that can produce, wlsnea to contact con, tractor. Addreaa Box 146 Capital Jour, nal. h!33 Wanted Miscellaneous HORSESHOIKO. Q. Barnea. Ph. 3994 1133 PAINT'.KO of all kinds. Best ref. Low- eat races. Phone 3781. 1137' WANTED: All enamel late model ransr Phone 3346. 1133 TOP PRICES PAID Live worthless horaea. cowa. Foi feed. Phon. B138. 1143 For Rent Furn. 2-r. Apt. 575 Marlon. MODERN 3 -room furnished House. 438 N. Winter St. J 1 & 2 rm. apts., 460 N. 13th st. J137 LARGE, airy sleeping room with al cove for 2 men. Convenient to state office bldg. References exchanged: 1493 Center St. J134 BOARD 4c room, 3 blocks from state house. Private home. Phone 6752. J134 SLEEPING rm. Private home, 153 N. 13th St. J134 LOVELY one room furnished apt. for employed lady. 666 So. Bummer. J137 SMALL modern house, 1620 Madison. J134 APTS. Sleeping rms., business location. Phone 5470109 S. Com'I. J136 Furnished APT. Ph. 8039. LARGE frame house. See H. L. Stiff J133- Small Film. Apt. 432 Marlon St. J133 THREE-room furnished Apartment. 598 N. Commercial St. J 133 NICE Rms. close In. Dbl. 915, single iu. pn. evenings 7314. JI331 7-RM. furnished house, 1528 N. Capi tol. Call 4389. J135 NEAT 3-rm. furn. Apt. Attractive, quiet location. Adults. 926; 476 N. Capitol. J133 Unfurnished Apt. vacant the 10th. Ad ults. Hawthorne Court, 1000 N. Capitol J VACANCY Roberts Apt. J133 MODERN S rm. furn. house. Inquire 1160 Union. J134 SLEEPING room, 725 Court St. J' OFFICE ROOMS In Salem's largest St most modern office building See Mr NichoUon or call 6123 First National Bank Bldg. PIANOS Phonogripns and sewing machines for rent H I Stiff Furni ture Co. ) OFFICE room tor renv. 981 State St. Phone 8719 Clen Furn. Rms. Rea. 840 Union JI M HOTEL MARION offers attractive rooms at low weekly and monthly rates Modem Coffee Shop Phone 4123 Room and Board PRIVATE home, two ladles. 6730. 1J131' BOARD ft ROOM. IM North 12th. JJ112 BOARD and room. 161 South 14th Just off 8 tale street. J) 138 Lost and Found LORT; Otrl' Ruby Reward. P'i 17ri. kltt Price and Quality in Used Cars at McKAY'S 1S30 1633 1934 1034 1936 1934 CHEVROLET COUP'S New paint, class condition. Tee this car before CHEVROLET SEDAN UpholsteYy motor A-l Condition. This car will give miles of good service at low cost 9585 PLYMOUTH COUPE Leather upholstery, new paint, new tires. Priced to Sell 9445 GRAHAM SEDAN New paint, very clean upholBtery, good tires. A Very Good Car at a Very Good Price 9495 CHEVROLET TOWN SEDAN Paint like new, mohair upholstery perfect condition. Good tires. ONLY 9645 CHEVROLET PANEL Motor reconditioned. New paint, tires like new. O. K. Guarantee 9445 - - - MANY MORE MAKES At MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM - - McKay Chevrolet Co. CLOSED SUNDAYS 333 Center Phone 3189 430 N. Com'I. SAVE MONEY! "C" Shrock TO BUY OR SELL YOUR CAR WE HAVE "B O." (BARGAINS ONLY) Lost and Found LOST: Pair of glasses at Chemawa festival. Return to Chemawa Store. Reward. kU3 Personal I WILL. NOT be responsible for any bill, contracted other than by myat'lf Cecil Howard Brown. 1135 PSYCHOLOGIST Mia. Martin, favor ably known, dependable advice. Ph 6400: 428 N. Church St. 1135- MRS. PALMER Nationally known MEDIUM ADVISOR. ONE WHO HAS PROVEN HER ABILITY TO THE MOST SKEPTICAL PERSONS. TRUE ADVICE ON ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE. READINGS DAILY. NO READINGS SUNDAY 640 CHEMEKETA. r!33 Miscellaneous 910 REWARD each, for information leading to arrest of thieves of filbert trees and chlttum bark off my four Scotts Mills farms during past 3 yrs. I. D. WORDEN. Sllverton. ml36 PERSIAN kittens given away free; 667 No. 15th street. ml 34 IF You Like to Draw, Sketch or Paint, write for talent text (no fee). Give age and occupation. Box 138 Cap. Journal. ml 35 WE Pick up dead and worthless hors es, cows, sheep free of charge. Ph. 4869. ml54- Real Estate WHAT are last year's rent receipts worth? 925 per mo. including all inter est makes payments on N. Salem mod ern 4-rm. 4a Nook, fireplace, open front porch . large lot 60x 1 32. Beau t If ul shrubbery, also 1 car garage. 15 down. Price only 92650. LOTS LOTS LOTS as low as 9400; 950 down, 910 mo. including Interest. ACREAGE Also can be bought as low as 950 down, 10 per mo. WHY be crowded In the city when you can have home in the country for only 9200 down and 920 a mo. Chick enhouse for 75 chickens, small barn, house and garage. Price only 91200. For Action SEE Mr. WIDENER with WM. B LIVEN 215 Masonic Bldg Phone 7906: evenings 3580. nl34 HOMES - FARMS - LOTS and Apart ments. Sale, Rent and Trade. Your choice of beautiful homes for only 9500 and 91000 down. All close in. Some near New High schol. See me for the best buy In Salem on a Service Station pumping from 7000 to 10.000 gals. Priced at only 91700 plus stock at Invoice, which will run about 92800. I have client with 9100 to pay down on property. Ph. 3781 HARRIMAN 1075 N. Capitol pl83 For Belcrest property Ph. 4728. nl34 CHOICE LOTS! In North part of town, upon which we will be glad to build a home accord ing to your own plans and specifica tions. Furthermore we are In a posi tion to finance them for you. P. H. BELL 429 Oregon Bldg. Phone 8121 nl33 9100 DOWN 920 per mo. 4 -room plas tered house, large lot, several fruit trees 91 100. 9500 down. Good home 5 rooms, base ment, furnace, corner lot 595 N. 18th. 92650. 9500 down. New Enallsh type home. 5 rooms and unfinished upstairs, basement, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, etc. 93950. MONEY TO LOAN MELVIN JOHNSON or C. O. RICE 725 Court St.Phone 3723. nl33 92700 will buy 42 acres all In cultiva tion except 2 4 acres of oak tim ber. 8 miles from Salem. Will ex change for Salem property. 94500 takes 27 acres only four miles east of Salem. Two acres loganber ries, family orchard, six acres In clover. Creek and spring, electric lights and water system. Good five room houe, barn and three rhtrken houses. This Is a good little dairy farm. 92000. good five-room house and two fine lots. Corner and both street pavd. Lots of fruit. Close In. North Salem. We have a buyer for three or four acres with a running stream near Salem. ROSTETN St A DO LP H, INC. 110'i N. Com'I. n!33' WELL LOCATED TIMBERED TRACT 147 acres few mllei north of 8alm on good road. 85 acres choice timber, fir. ash. maple and cdsr. Estimated 6000 cords. Balance of land swampy and ftne pasture. To cloe an entate priced for short time only. 96500. CHILDS Al MILIEU Realtors. 344 Stste St . Phone 870fl n Financial Loans AUTO LOANS NEW LOW RATES Wn,I.AMFTTF LOAN CO 512 Guardian BMff--M-1R f AUTOMOBILE LOAr'fl LOW RATES - - - EASY TERMS CONFIDENTIAL P A FTXER fl - Lie M-157 rlV) Try a Journal Want Ad good tire, motor In first you buy , like new. Very good tires. ..9195 Bozell-Grimson Motors Special Bargains IN OLDSMOBILES 36 OLDS Sedan 9845 36 OLDS Coupe , ....9725 35 OLDS Sedan 9693 34 OLDS Bus. Coupe 9495 33 OLDS 8 Sport Sedan 9495 29 OLDS Sedan 9195 28 OLDS Sedan 9160 These ram are all In Fine Condition with good tin, und will give many miles of carefree service! MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM TERMS - - TRADES Bozell-Grimson Motors Inc. USED CAR STORE 856 N. Liberty Phone 3634 Q OPEN UNTIL 0 P M Frank Doolittle PONTIAC DEALER See These Bargains 1936 CHEVROLET MASTER COUPE This car looks and runs like new has radio, heater, electric clock, new tires and dual equipment throughout. A real buy at. .9850 1B30 CHEVROLET PICKUP. This pick up has all-steel cab 8' box. 80 tires, hydraulic brakes has been driven 14.000 miles and It is honey. See ) today al 405 1936 PONTIAC 8 2-Dr. TOURING SEDAN. This car has all steel body turret top bullt-ln trunk beautiful broadcloth uphols tering, hydraulic brakes the beautiful Silver Streak Pont lac for only $625 WE ALSO HAVE 20 OTHER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM HOMB OF GOOD-WILL GUARAN TEED USED CARS DOOLITTLE MOTORS PONTIAC 6 and 8 N. Coml. it Center Sts. Phone 6266 Automobiles FOR SALE by ownrr: LaSnlle Sedan. A-l shape, 9176. Fairgrounds Cottages. No. 4. qI33 1937 V-8 Coach driven 12 miles. 950 reduction. Phone 6669. ql35 STUDEBAKER '24 Sedan. Sell or trade for pigs, chickens, beef, wood. Morton, 2880 Brooks St. ql33 '31 Pontlac 6 cyl A-l cond. Bv own er, sale or trade; 965 Highland avs q!34 997 50 FULL Price. Cadillac sedan. Rt 4. Bx. 98. 1 mile south on hl-way. q!33 1931 AUBURN Sport Sedan. Good car, 105: 1044 Hawel Ave. ql33 Financial Loans WANTED 42 B00, 6. No brokers. Bx, 160. Cupltnl Journal. rl34 MORTGAGE LOANS on well Improved country or city property. Low rates. No brokerage or commission. Ladd ABmh Trust Co. rl46 AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED Money to buy new or used cars Pri vate money at very low rates No red tape 1 to 20 months to repay ROY H SIMMONS 138 S. Commercial St., 1 door south of Ladd ft Bush Bank. Phone 0168 Lie. No. Ml 52 r LOANS FARMS AND CTTY PROPERTY Before borrowing elsewhere consult our Loan Department HAWKINS ROBERTS. INO Ouurdian Building Salem r CONSCUDA.TE YOUR DEBT Borrow from an independently owned and operated Salem company where your problems will receiTe personal consideration both before and aft the loan is made Interest on unpaid balances No fees Quick. Cour'-eoua Service WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT General Finance Corp. 136 9 Commercial St., 1 door south of Ladd At Bush Bank. Phone 9168 Lie. No M-138. r MONEY TO LOAN On 8s lem residential property under the PH. A plsn Long term loans with low month)? payments No commie si on Refinance or build a new no me W H ORABENHORST Aj CO Realtors 134 S Liberty M Phone 6s6Ji r MORTGAGE LOANS on busillTsa and residence propertle-i Low eat rates Abraxas sUUs, Ino alasome Bldg. r Gosh! Look at the BARGAINS AND Better Prices Lower Terms 1935 REO Sedan I 35 1925 DODCIE Coupe I 33 1937 NASH Coupe ( 45 1937 ESSEX Coach t 45 1937 CHEV. Coach 55 1926 OAKLAND Sedan 55 1028 FORD Coupe alls 1930 ESSEX Coach IVii 192S FORD Sport Rdst (145 1930 FORD Sport RUat 155 1929 CHEV. Coach 175 1S29 NASH Adv. 6 1185 PICKI'PS PANKI.S 1930 DO DOE t-ton Panel 17ft 1936 DO DUE Va-ton Pickup ....(565 Herrall-Owens Co. "DKPEXDAIIII.ITV "The Home of Dependable Used Cars and Trucks" DODGE & PLYMOUTH and DODGE TRUCK DIST. 235 8. Commercial - Phone 3169 OPEN EVENINGS CLOSED SUNDAYS NCW Used Car Park Church St. acroaa from the Stat. Theatre USED CAR PARK Dallaa, Oregon, Oak at Main Street STUDEBAKER SELECTED CERTIFIED USED CARS 35 Studebnker Diet. Coupe, low mileage, looks like new 9595 35 Studcbaker Com. Cutt. Sedan, only 12 000 miles, four new tires: this flue luxury car at less than half the original sale price. See St compare the value in this car at 9735 28 Stude Diet. Sedan, thousands of economical miles at very low cost per mile top condi tion 9176 34 Hudson DeLuxe Sedan, 6- wheel equipment 9575 32 Ford V-8 Tudor Sedan refln ished good motor and tires.. 8295 31 Studebaker Cpe.. A-l condi tion 275 30 Ford 2-dr. Sedan, new paint, mechanically OK 9245 32 Graham Coupe, reconditioned 2H5 29 Bulck Cpe., A-l shape 9225 30 Chrysler Coupe a good buy.. 9246 28 Chevrolet Coach, good trans portation 9125 Dodge Sedan, reliable 9 75 Bonesteele Bros. INC. Phone 4444 Corner Liberty At Chemeketa 8ts. Get Ready for SUMMER DRIVING with a Good USED CAR 1937 Ford DeLuxe Fordor Sedan. .9725 1938 Ford DeLuxe Coupe. Radio. .9575 1935 Ford DeLuxe Cp.e Radio... 9485 1929 Ford Sport Coupe 9145 1928 Pontlac Sedan 91 15 1929 Do So to Spt. Roadster tft 1928 Chrysler Coupe .9145 1S29 Buick Coupe 9145 Valley Motor Co. OPEN EVENINGS and WEEK DAYS CLOSED SUNDAYS - - - Three Lots Center dt Liberty - - Marlon At Liberty Hollywood q HONEST Used Car Values 1935 PLYMOUTH DeLuxe Bus. Coupe. Radio, heater. 60-day nuarantee 9645 1933 PLYMOUTH Coupe. Overhauled. 30-day guarantee 9395 1932 DeSOTO Business Coupe. Com plete overhaul. JO-day guaran. 9345 1931 BUICF "juort Coupe Overhaul' a 9275 1930 CHKV; ' LET Sedan. Was 9245 NOW 9200 1930 FORD Tudor 922, 1930 FORD RondHtrr 9190 1929 CHEVROLET Tudor 9160 1928 PONTIAC Sedan .914S 1127 DODGE Sedan 9 85 W. L. Anderson, Inc. 380 Marlon Tel. 7703. Open EVENINGS Closed SUNDAY3 For Terms and Trades SEE Jim St. Clair q Triple Safety USED CARS 35 Ford Tudor 9415 35 Hup Sedan. I.ow mlleaHe. ,. , .975 35 Plymouth Tudor 34 Oof! Sedan 94) 30 Model "A" Coach .91f: 30 Olds Sedan 3O0O0 ml lea ...,.12'li 33 Drvtge Sednn 'Reconditioned 943". 29 DodKe S'dan 29 Bulrk Sedan W 29 Nash Roadster 9 Hi 28 Ford Con. Coupe 9 5 Model T Coupe 2 28 Buick Sedan 9 85 AND SEVERAL OTHERS Carter Motor Co. NASH to LAFAYETTE Dealer Used Car Lot 985 N Coml. 9vn rntr L Phnna a734 Ph, 342 L O'J DODCIE Sedan CHEV. Coach CHRYSLER Sedan NASH Sedan OAK. Sedan. Low mileage. CHEV. Coupe DURANT Sedan HUDSON Sedan OLDS Sedan CHEV. Coupe PONTIAC Cebrlolet CHRYSLER Cabriolet .( 50 I 45 a o . 60 . 75 .1 83 .U5 .1123 .(145 .(165 .(165 .(233 .( 30 .(103 .(163 TRtTK 1928 CHEV. 1-ton Truck ... 1928 REO 1-ton Truck 1929 CHEV. i)t -ton Truck Personally Indorsed HUDSON "6" SEDAN 35 "LATE SERIES' DeLUXE. Original DiacR i iimn; monair upnoiaiery spotless, steel body, safety glass. built-in trunk, electric gear shift. See this for real value. We very sel dom get one In trade. Small down payment. 925 per month on bal. State Motors, Inc. PACKARD - HUDSON - TERRAPLANB S25 Chemeketa at High. Ph. 8400 OPEN EVENINOS TILL 0 P.M. q Transportation DRIVING to L. A. Sat. nlte or Sunday a. m. Take 1. Drive and share 770 No. Front st., after 6 p.m. x!34 Legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MAR ION COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OP THE ES TATE OF ROSA L. BROWNING, Defeased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tht the undersigned wa on th 13th day of May, 1937, by the County Court of Marlon County, Oregon, duly ap pointed Executor of the estate of ROSA L. BROWNING, Deceased, and duly qualified a such. That all persona having any claim) against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned, at Room 304 U. 8. National Bank Building, Salem, Ore gon, within six months from the date of this notice, to-wlt: May 14, 1937. ARNEY B BROWNING, Executor of the Estate of Rosa L. Browning, deceased. KEYES & PAGE, Attorneys for Executor, 306 0. 8. Natl. Bank Bldg. Salem, Oregon. May 14, 21, 28, June 4, II ACROSS L Competent 4. Japanee aaBh . Cavity 1J Fly alort 13 Dull cdor 14. Russian river 14. Selene- that deala with tlie action and motion of fluids Is. RnuR mora 19. Drinking vespal Raisert it. Corded fabrle :'5. Carol 28. UaMe aea Boo 19. Animal wltb two feat 81- Nothln 12. To a higher point 13. One who ex amines ac counts 35. Toward 36. Acmilrea by labor 15. Small engine 10. Pair 41. Sphera 44. Very small 45. Chronlrler of event, 4. Reclamation 1925 1928 1927 1927 1927 1928 1928 1929 1929 1929 1929 1930 Solution of V.aterday's Puol. VB E TlsER P cga9lALlD Qp R E EgA L L E Y Ejiflg 1 M el i sJaMoip ISMs e a g cbwriRll VE StgATPA R Ji fppsatE rk T nIaTF jTq m AjRll SllNHAlgT ON E P AjNEOgAT E: N S El IETe MjJfAlG E "gV A H i Eira R EllDlgiN TlUipt S mMmwm, w e m cDNl HiElElLi ill insect R2 What? 54. Refune to take notice of 61. Devlre used in towlns certain car no aboard ship M. F.arller 9. Uravv with mnltature DOWN 1. Trre t (add S 8ral1n devlre au. Hamtiini ."d or aetlon MR WflOil ELlA VlEl , p 3 IIP5 I6 I7 KIP I ' " ii - i B-MW i i jff ZSkt IS lit -' ... JA.... uAZL. Jiim. -., II tis-i- aa ' '' , A r -p3z 7T" Automobiles Otto J. Wilson's USED CAR BARGAINS! 1934 OLDS Sed. Built-in trunk (73 1036 OLDS Da Lux. Coupe. Radio and heater 76s 1936 BUICK Small aerlea Coupe.. aaaj iwjo rvmu luaor aeaan B39S IMS HUDSON DeLuxe Coupe ....BUM 1S3 PONTIAC 4-dr. Touring Se dan tens 103S BUICK 4-door Sedan S53S 1934 CHEVROLET -door Sedan. Bullt-ln trunk &15 1934 GRAHAM 4-dr. Sedan. Bullt-ln Trunk $495 1933 DeSOTO DeLuxe Sedan :5 iwao buick 0 small series Sedan S31J 1931 HUP Sedan uus 1919 BUICK Standard 6 Coach . .ana 1930 HUDSON Sedan 1143 1930 FORD Model A Coach S199 19'J9 FORD Model A Sport Coupe S14S 1938 PONTIAC Sedan SUS 1939, STUDEBAKER 6 Sedan . .. . IS 1930 ESSEX 6 Sedan 4 95 1929 FORD Model A Coupe 6 95 1928 BUICK Standard fl Sedan. ..6 05 1928 BUICK 7-paaa. Sedan I 95 1928 OLDS 6 Coach ) 95 1929 FORD Roadster 4 rs 1927 BUICK Standard fl Sedan,. 4 75 192S FRANKLIN Roadster 0 75 1927 ERSKINE Sport Coup. 0 75 1927 BUICK Sedan 0 75 1927 OLDSMOBILE Coach 0 75 1928 WHIPPET fl Coach 0 50 BUICK 6 Touring 0 85 I92A DODGE 4 Sedan 0 35 1927 PONTIAC Coach 0 35 NASH Touring 6 19 --TRUCKS-- 1935 DODGE i-ton Pan. Deliver; 05SS 1929 CHEVROLET ft-ton Panel Delivery 914S 1937 PONT1A0 H-ton Pickup... 0 10 Otto J. Wilson BUICK SALES SERVICE OPEN EVENINOS - CLOSED SUNDAYS 866 and 368 N. Commercial Phone 5451 Salem. Ore. q ORVALS USED CARS 19S1 CHEV. SEDAN 4286 1933 GRAHAM SEDAN 4395 1933 TERRAPLANB SEDAN 4395 1929 FORD 8EDAN 4175 1928 FORD SEDAN 4125 1928 FORD TOURINO 4 95 1928 FORD RDST 4 99 1939 FORD COUPE 4146 14 Fords and 16 Other Make to Chooa. From TRADES and TERMS Center at Ohureh Phon 4703 pP.". .E.venfn S.133 Legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned, C. H. Mont gomery, has been, by an Order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County, appoint ed Executor of the estate of HAR RIET MONTGOMERY, deceased, and that Letters Testamentary havt Issued to him. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified and with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned Executor, at Room 70T First National Bank Building. Salem, Oregon, on or before six months from the date of the first publication of this Notice; said first publication being made this 7th day of May, 163T. C. H. MONTGOMERY, Executor of the Estate of Harriet Montgomery, deceased. ROSS SB FORD, Attorneys for Estate. Salem, Oregon. May T. 14, 31, 28, June 4 If. Have Del nc 3t, Used a prepa ration of In dliro In taun derlng clothes It. Do somertxtis in return is. rree tl. k'lniaj 'li. Caress U. Radium smanatfoa XI. Honorabl fame or radiant beauty tl Public con vnysnce 10 tftate or tStto ditloni suffli 33. Fired of 34. Revolved 3T. College cbeet 19. Metal 41 An us tie animal 43 Artificial la iiK u re 41 Metallic aM'-f 46. Certain 47. To an Inoer onlnt 48. ttonouo 4!). Past 53. first woman fil. DometUo fowl . Negative 57. Short for a man's nme Uaae a mli take Peculiar Purt'iiase Tavern Urgunlr por tion of soil Sourre Ingrpillnt of varnish Atrial rail ways: colloq. Wnrd indi cating time. Sa In namlna a day aSCENtTHeetElCTYi