Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 01, 1937, Page 10, Image 10

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1 1- LOCALS '1 1
' Decision was reached by the coun
ty court today not to accept a bid
for cutting an hauling 1500 cortts
of wood from the county's Battle
Creek wood lot for a little under
11500 or a little under 3 a cord. The
bid of $1.25 a cord for cutting was
considered reasonable, and in fact,
the whole bid was considered reas
onable, but court members stated
they wish the county trucks to do
the hauling as tlvre are periods in
the fall when the trucks are idle and
the hauling can be done by couniy
men end equipment and at the same
time keep the trucks in operation
' over otherwise inactive periods. The
county will probably cut wood this
"4 year on both the Battle Creek let
Jl and wood lot east of the city.
Hear Dr. Towifeend at the armory.
h 1 o'clock Sunday. Adm. free, 104
V Application has been filed with
. the county court for a permit to
move a bulidoae and caterpillar,
' ' both very heavy pieces of equipment,
'x from eUverton to Mchama, The ini
tial cause for filing application for
a permit is the wiath of the equip
1 mens which is piaced at 10H feet
, while regulation size vehicles come
1 under the 8- foot limit.
The county court was advised to
day oy Secretary of State Sneil of
a law passed by the last legislature
which brings county trucks under
the ?as tax refund and allows a re
fund for all trucks, equipment, grad
ers, tractors and other machinery
used in the construction and main
tenance of roads. Before enactment
of this law all machinery which was
used in the buiJding up of a road
was given a gas tax refund when the
machinery was owned by the county,
but any of the machinery which had
a tendency to tear a own a road, such
as trucks, was not granted the rebate.
New homes open for inspection in
Rosedale Addition at N. 16th & Jef
ferson St., Sundcy between 2 and
4 p.m. W. H. Graoenhorst & Co. 104'
Ralph E. Moody, assistant attorney
general, will return to his desk here
Monday after an iliness of more than
a month. He spent the past 10 days
at a beach resort.
Hear Dr. Townsend at the armory,
1 o'clock Sunday. Adm. free. 104
The auxiliary to Townsend club
No. 13 will meet with Mrs. Nettie
Weins, 1431 North Cottage, May 3,
at 2 o'clock p. m.
Mrs, A. P. Solie, who has been
employed In Salem for several
weeks, will return to her home in
Silverton Sunday. Her husband
has been very ill.
4 -Comer Grocery under new own
ership. See Monday's paper. 104
Alice M. Bancroft as adminis
tratrix of the estate of Minnie ?.
Baker has filed her account show
ing no obligations incurred with a
claim of siOO allowed and receipts
totaling $340.02.
Final order has been entered In
connection with the guardianship
estate of Chester P., and Catherine
M. Banta of which Nellie M. Ban
ta is guardian. The report shows
receipts of 250.
Hear Dr. Townsend at the armory.
1 o'clock Sunday. Adm. free. 104'
Final hearing on the estate of E.
A. Dunlap. W. I. Needham, execu
tor, has been set for June 1 In
Voluntary nonsuit has been taken
In circuit court In the case of In
dustrlal accident commission
against Edward Schunke and oth
ers. Apostolic Succession of the Pope?
Rutherford Sunday 5:45 p.m. KSLM
Suit for foreclosure has been
filed In circuit court by Gordon K
Moll and others against Pearl
Wood and others.
Plea of not guilty was entered by
Luther Hook charged with larceny
of two heifers from Raleigh Harold
and Judge McMahan has ordered
that he be held for trial with $500
bail set Ernest WUSiam Martin
pleaded guilty to forgery of a $12
check and he was sentenced to
year in prison and paroled, one
condition being he make good on
checks Issued.
The Bakerite Bakery, formerly lo
cated at 345 State St., will be located
at 150 N. Commercial St. May 3. 104
On account of the Rural avenue
pipe line construction South Com
mercial street from Lincoln to Jer
ris avenue was closed to traffic
yesterday. The detour Is by way of
Lincoln, Hieh and Jerri. Other
detours will be necessitated by the
Early last night a burglar enter
ed the home of D. D. Olmstcad, 245
Union street, and stole a $40 suit
of clothes and $15 in currency, the
money belonging to Richard Rose
crans. a boarder at the home. The
burglar entered by a bathroom win
dow after cutting a screen, and
nude his exit by a rear door.
Hear Dr. Townsend at the armory.
1 o'clock Sunday Adm. free. 104
The Oregon iupreme court today
scheduled a hearing en banc on the
suit of Coos county vs. L. W. Oddy.
county clerk, for Tuesday, May 11.
Coos county, following a 1935 en
abling act by the legislature, sought
to hold an election for Issue of
$378,000 In funding bonds to cover
highway warrants and interest In
eurred In 1931-34. Oddy refused to
carry out procedure for the election,
the county brought mandamus pro
ceedings In the circuit court and
won the suit. Adriy appealed from
the decree of the lower court.
Mr and Mrs. Harry R. Rowe will
entertain as guests Sunday Mr. and
Mrs. O. O. Parker, Mr. Nichols and
son. Bud, Mrs. Bessie Bonney, Mrs.
Ella B. Jones, all of Portland, and
Miss Kathryn Rowe, a student at
Oregon State college.
Dick Chaney, Melio Moon Sat. 104'
Attorney General I. H. Van Win
kle ruled that a mayor of a city or
town could not serve as a member
of a wrestling or boxing commis
sion. The opinion was requested by
the state advisory board of the box
ing commission.
Saturday Is the last day of the
jewelry auction. Sales at 2 and 7:30
p.m. dally. Aiken's Jewelry Store,
43? State., opposite Sears. 204
The Marion county health de
partment will continue Its program
of Immunizations throughout next
week, according to ft schedule of
activities listed today. The first
immunization clinic will be held at
Mehama Monday forenoon. The
schedule of other clinics Includes:
Monday afternoon, milkhandlers at
health department; Tuesday, all
day, school and preschool at Sil.
verton; Wednesday, forenoon, vac
cinations and immunizations at
Seven Day Adventist school; after
noon, school clinic at health de
partment; Thursday, forenoon, vac
cination clinic, Salem high school
girls; preschool clinic at health de
partment; Saturday, 8:30 to 10 a.
ra., vaccination and immunization
clinic at health department.
Grand Central Florist, 185 N Hi.
Jack Hall will have a preliminary
hearing in justice court Monday
morning at 10 o'clock on a charge
of non-support of his children. In
lieu of $150 ball he Is held In jail.
Salem Vintage. 149 M. Hi Ph. 4014
Ernest Willard Collar was fined
$2.50 in justice court today for de
fective brakes on his automobile.
Sheriff A. C. Burk returned from
San Francisco today with P. D.
Dick,- who was wanted here on an
embezzlement charge.
Bass-Hueter pnt. MathLs, 474 Perry
J. W. Pryberger Is booked by the
city police for allegedly failing to
observe a stop sign.
Dick Chaney, MeUo Moon Sat. 104'
Cars driven by Elmer Pat Bums,
995 South 14th, and Bill Kurk, rc-.te
3, collided shortly after last mid
night In the too block on South
Commercial, badly damaging the
vehicles but Injuring no one. The
Burns car crashed the rear of the
Kurk car while it was standing be
cause of running out of gasoline.
Burns, employe of the Salem Brake
station, was testing the car he was
driving. Cars driven by Ivan D.
Merchant, 880 E street, and an un
identified driver collided at Court
and Capitol without serious damage
Buy jewelry at your own price.
Jewelry auction until Sat. nite at 2
& 7:30; 457 State St. 104'
Robert Fromm has taken out a
building permit for the erection of
a store building at 2535 Portland
road, to cost $2000.
Saturday nlus is your last ehance
to buy jewelry at Auction ftt the
R. C. Aiken Jewelry store, 457 State
Mrs. George Moorhead, executive
secretary of the Marion County
Health association, will speak at the
Chamber of Commerce luncheon
Monday noon.
Kapphahn Winery,
Portland Rd.
Members of the Pendleton Bar
association are arranging ft dinner
to be given Monday night in honor
of the homecoming of Chief Justice
Henry J. Bean who will preside over
the sessions of the supreme court in
Pendleton Monday and Tuesday,
according to word received by Jus
tice J. O. Bailey, Friday. Pendle
ton Is the old home of the chief
Justice, Members of the court are
leaving today for the Round-up
Saturday nite is your last chance
to buy Jewelry at Auction at the
R, C. Aiken Jewelry store, 457 State
Persons planning week-end trips
over Sunday should remember the
poor condition of several of Ore
gon's secondary highways, the state
highway department cautioned to
day. "We just got through a hard
winter and have not had much time
to put highways back In shape," the
maintenance division said.
Kapphahn Winery Portland Rd. 104
Order has been entered in pro
bate dismissing spendthrift guard
ianship proceedings against Earl T.
Caufield who died leaving no es
tate since the proceedings were in
stituted Saturday nite is your last chance
to buy jewelry at Auction at the
R, C. Aiken Jewelry store, 457 8tate
The county court was In recceipt
today of a proposed new contract
from the bureau of public roads
modifying the old contract between
the government and the county for
surveying cost on the North San-
tiam highway and Increasing the
county's contribution from $8500 to
$14,600. The contract did not ex
plain th reason for the proposal j
and the court will writ for an ex
planation. But It is presumed the
contract simply permits the bureau
to transfer certain other funds to
the survey fund and is not a request
for any additional funds from the
county, being entered merely as a
bookkeeping proposition.
Notice to Odd Fellows. Chemekeia
lodge No. 1, 1.O.O.F., will have charge
of service of Oliver U Darling, Theo
dore D. Harrison Monday. E. C.
Bushaell. 104
Authority has been given in pro
bate to Mollie Burroughs, guardian
of Dosco E. Burroughs, to convert
Into cash eight adjustment certifi
cate bonds of $50 each.
(Continued from pftge 1
The captains of the nine ships,
which already have reached Bilbao
through the Insurgent sea gauntlet,
said they hoped to be able to re
move between 4.000 and 6,000 chit
drento St. Jean de Luz, around the
bend of the Bay of Biscay in France.
Oen. Franco, virtually defying
Great Britain and France to re
move non-combatants from Bilbao
despite the sinking of the battleship
Espana. backbone of his Bay of Bis
cay fleet, curtly notified the British
ambassador to Spain that insurgent
men-of-war would not be pledged to
respect foreign ships removing Bil
bao's civilians.
The entire crew of the insurgent
battleship Espana, sent to the bot
tom by government aerial bombs
yesterday, meanwhile was reported
saved. The Basque government said
the insurgent cruiser Velasco and
fishing boats from Santa rider picked
up officers and men, including sev
eral injured by a below-decks ex
plosion. Hendaye, Franco-Spanish Fron
tier, May 1 U.R3 Loyalist warships
steamed to the defense of be
leaguered Bilbao today and bom
barded rebel-held ports along the
Bay of Biscay.
The broadsides were part of
new offensive started earlier by the
Basque land forces. A Bilbao com
munique reported the capture of
Garona and Cota as the loyalist de
fenders followed up a drive which
threw back the advancing: rebel
army of Oeneral Emlho Mola near
ly two miles on the bloody, devas
tated Guernica salient.
The loyalist warships bombarded
the rebel-held ports of Lequeltio
Ondarrao, Mortico, San Sebastian
and Los Pasajes.
The firing at Lens Fasajcs could be
heard clearly on the French side of
the frontier.
Madrid, May 1 U.f8 A continu
ous barrage of rebel shells crashed
into the heart of Madrid today and
at 5:20 p.m., after four hours, still
fell intermittently in the Gran Via
section of the capital.
Although the Gran Via apparent
ly was the main rebel artillery tar
get, shells fell throughout the city
in another day of a fortnight's al
most constant bombardment.
The insurgents were firing from
several artillery emplacements. One
shell would crash in the Gran Via
one moment, and & moment later a
shell would strike some distance
An eight-Inch shell tore off part
of the roof of the Central hotel,
showering the sidewalk with brick
and debris. Part of a stone balus
trade on the cornice was shattered.
Smoke covered the Gran Via area
tonight for a distance of 200 feet,
rising from the exploding shells
and debris.
Rabbi Henry J. Berkowlta of
PorUand has been selected to give
the commencement address to
members of the Salem senior high
school graduating class, Principal
Fred J. Wolf, announced today. The
commencement exercises will take
place Thursday. June 3 in the audi
torium of the new senior high
school. While Rabbi Berkowiu ad
dressed the seniors of Willamette
during their commencement exer
cises last year, he had never before
appeared before a Salem high
school group.
Baccalaureate services for Salem
senior hich will be held in Leslie
junior high school Sunday, May 30.
The Leslie auditorium was selected
because no Salem church Is larze
enough to accommodate the 450
seniors and their relatives.
Final order has been granted in
probate to Truman Butler as guar
dian for Oscar D. Johnson, minor.
The estate of Pauline M. Hayden
has been appraised at $5750 by Bert
T. Ford, Mina Ott and Esther Al-
Ladd & Bush Trust company, as
guardian for James H. Murphy, is
authorized In a probate order to pay
the state $20 a month for the care
of G. W. Murphy, father of the
Sheriff Burk has filed with the
county clerk here a waiver of ex
tradition signed by Franklin T.
Dick, apprehended in California on
a charge of larceny by embezzle
Final account oi Minnie Cooper as
guardian for Joan & and Bruce Coo
per shows receipts of $625, disburse
ments of $901.66 and deficit of $278.
SS, The report stages that a loan of
$409 was secured from the federal
housing administration to make re
pairs on a hou&a
owned by the
4Continud from pge 3
ierrdty and sorority houses during
the day.
The "college night program in
Waller hall and the May week-end
party In Fraternal temple Friday
night were well attended as was
the Y.W.C.A. breakfast which was
held on the campus Saturday morn
ing. Freshmen proved entirely too
strong for their sophomore oppon
ents in the annual tng-o'-war held
shortly before noon and the sophs
were pulled through the mill race.
The coronation of Queen Gwen I
at 2:30 o'clock and the novelty
dances which followed in the open
court located Just northeast of the
gymnasium, were highlights of the
afternoon 'a celebration. The scheme
of this year's dances was "Toyland
at Play" and during the perform
ance "dolls" climbed down from
their racks and went through well
executed maneuvers.
Following the coronation short
plays were presented in Little Thea
tre while a baseball game between
Willamette and Portland university
at 3:30 attracted the sports minded.
The concluding part of the fes
tivities will come tonight at 8:15 in
the form of the annual junior play
"Mrs. Moonlight at Leslie junior
high auditorium.
Topeka. Kas., May i (Click
ing mugs and gay shouts of "prosit
welcomed legal beer back to Kansas
today after a statutory absence of
56 years from the state where carry
nation's hatchet once hacked sa
loons. The 3.2 beverage now legalized
has been sold in many cities along
with more potent varieties since
the nation deserted prohibition but
it was without benefit of law aio
without benefit to state coffers.
Today while the thirsty quaffed
the first legal beer since May J,
1SS1, the state which long was
known as "bone dry had not only
a new source of revenue but of law
suits as well. Attorney General Clar
ence V. Beck estimated as many as
53 may be necessary to decide all
questions. One suit pending in Ot
tawa, Kas., chaiienges the right to
zone against sale within 300 feet of
a church, thus cutting off a drug
store's business.
Cities and counties will collect
license fees from retailers ranging
license of $50 a year will permit
from $25 to $196 a year. A special
sale in grocery stores by the pack
Washington, May 1 UJ.PJ Justice
Owen J. Roberts, youngest member
of the U. S. supreme court, observes
his 62nd birthday tomorrow, still
defying classification with "liberal"
or "conservative" groups on the tri
The square-shouldered prosecutor
of the Teapot Dome case probably
will forego any outward observance
of the occasion. Attendance at
court Monday will prevent him
from spending the week-end at his
Pennsylvania "gentleman s farm
his favorite recreation.
It was believed more likely that
Justice Roberts, whs is republican
by politics but more democratic
than most other members of the
bench, will devote the day to work
ing over some one of the many im
portant opinions that are usually
entrusted to him by Chief Justice
Charles Evans Hashes.
Welfare Work Has
Leadership Change
Portland, May 1 (?v- A shift oi
leadership in welfare work from
srivate to public agencies was
pointed out by Dr, Arlme Johnson.
ot Uve University of Washington In
an address before the 21st annual
meeting of the Oregon conference
of social workers, in session nere.
She recommended provision for
standardised training for the pro-
teuton, and a proirram of estab.
Sishtow a hlrher standard of train,
ing for those now in the work.
War Department
Bill Sent Senate
Washington. May I (URi Brush-
in? aside republican demands for
curtailing national defense appro.
priations in the Interest of econ
omy, the house yesterday paused
and sent to the sliate a 41B.413,383
war department appropriation bili
for the 1938 fiscal year.
Washington, May 1 (ifi A low bid
of $125,000 was eutanitted by L. H
Hoffman, Portland. Ore., for eon-
struction of a post office at Ban
ners Ferry, Idaho.
Marriage Men?f have been issued
to Chester B. Fra?i legal, sr me
tal worker, 1064 Mih, and Neilie V
Dillon waters, legal gradtiate nurse,
475 N Capitol, bom Saiem: Lawrence
C. Henderson, leal service station
operator, 210 Center, and Margaret,
G. Ktns, legal, tcnographer, route
3, both Salem; Leonard E. Gainer, 23,
logger, Lebanon, an: Lilly T. Nelson,
23, school teach'-r. Seotu Mills.
Joseph B. FeJios has filed his final
account as administrator oi the es
tate of William Wiilace Ryan, show-
mg recipi of $35.35 and dimr-
iuxnu U same.
Strip-Tease Performers Caught in New York Raids
k .. 4..---ijAjrr.yj- if
District Attorney William Geoghan, of Brooklyn, Warning burlesque shows far an inrreane in sex
crimes, directed three simultaneous raids on Brooklyn atrip palaces. Managers and 11 girls were
hustled off to a police station. Most of the girl hd or kept tiieir faces covered when sews pttotog-
raohers sssrsred.
New York, May 1 CUFD The ap
parent death knell of burlesque in
the metropolis was sounded today
hy License Commissioner Paul Moss
when he refused to renew the li
censes of 14 theatres on the ground
that "coarse, vulgar and lewd" per
formances had endangered public
Moss said he was compelled to
refuse new permits to replace those
which expired last midnight despite
the fact his action might throw 600
to 700 technicians, strip-tease danc
ers and other entertainers out of
Burlesque's first reaction to the
hardest hlow it ever has suffered
here was an intimation that the
power of the city to suppress the
shows would be fought in the courts.
It was generally agreed, however,
that the present nudity and double
entendre skirts would not return
for some time even if the has is
Many of the theatres affected had
already sold tickets for eariy per
formances when the decision was
announced and executive conferenc
es were called. Despite the intensive
campaign conducted by clergymen
and social organizations with the
support of Patrick Cardinal Hayes
operators had confidently expected
renewed warnings to "tone down."
Newport, May I A cartridge
exploded in a rubbish fire today
and lodged in the eye of May Case,
5, daughter of William Case. The
child was token to a hospital at
Salem where doctors feared she
might lose the sight of the injured
The physician in charge of little
May Case at Salem General hos
pital said today he was hopeful of
saving the child's eye. There has
been an impairment of the vision;
caused by a piece of the cartridge
lodging in the eyebell, but if in
fection can be prevented it is prob
able she will have partial vision
with the eye.
Washington, May 1 Republi
can Chairman John D. M. Hamil
ton, silent on national issues since
the November election, will dSsetf
talk of poHtirai realignments to-
nicht in a broadcast addrew.
The speech 1 over the NBC red
network from S:W to IS p. m. EST?
will bepln a series scheduled for
successive week-ends.
Crawford Aroused
By Recent Ouster
Klamath Fails, May t m Wad
Crawford, ousted superintendent of
the Klamath Indian reservation.
ssid he would leave for Washington
after vacating his offke imme
diately following notification of his
dismissal by Secretary of the In
terior Harold lekes.
Crawford yesterday dispatched
"hot" teiejmtms to Ickes and In
dian Commissioner John ColHir.
The wire to Iekes ?aid he regretted
the secretary had "followed Col
lier's fal chargfs against me
The former snpeiint,ndentt who
is of Indian blood, ssid he wmM
continue to live on the reservation
as a tribesman.
Social Sewing Club
Guest lialtimores
Miil City Mrs. Hrory Baltimore
was hostess to the memtxrs of the
Social Sewine clb at her home
on Thun?ay afternoon. Sewing
and vtMtin were the mam diver
sions of the afternoon, after which
delicious refreshments were served
by the hostess.
Special iruexts were Mrs. I. E
Bierce, Mrs, BsJi and Mrs. Cieve
Dbv& and Joan. Club members
present included Mrs. Sitivard Jrp
sen, Mrs. R. D. Tiirpin. Mr. C, B.
Rogers. Mrs. Ed Hayn. Mrs. H.
I. Flymaie. Mrs. Chas Sullivan, Mrs.
O. R Newman. Mrs. Otto Oeensen,
Mrs. Clara EHsworth. Mrs. Mary
E. Hendricon, Mrs. W. J. Bohin
rm and the hostess, Mrs. K. T
MeCarn Sentenced
For Burning Hotel!
Klamath Falls, Ore., May i s I
Robert Wellington McCara was sen-;
tenced ye&terday 10 2Q years in the
state penitentiary m connection with
the burning of the Groves hotel hi
Merrill In December 1935.
In a statement made to members
of the arson force of state police,
McCirn allegedly also confessed set
ting fires to femklmg at Tuielake
and Etna, aatf and to shooting
himself through the foot "just ts
show somebody he could do iV
It was suggested in court that
McCara be kept in the observation
ward at Salem for some time.
Jamaica, H. Y , May 1 m.K Mi-
ssiJst won the ao,0 added Wood
memorial today aa Pompoon. the
odds on favorttt, finished out of the
Marshal! FMd's Sir Datnion fin
ished second to th Wlieatiey ta-
He's winner. Joe W. Brown's Jew
ell Dorsett, imy uas third.
Pompoon, favorite for next wek's
Kentucky derby, was filth.
Pompoon a never better than
tilth throughout, tha mile and 10
yard race. It wbs certain Ue de
feat would move Jerry Loucheim's
colt, champion two year old last
'ear, out of the favorite position
for the derby which It had occu
pied all winter.
Melodist, a t&ree year old son of
Hoyal Minstrel-Vexing who ako is
entered in the Blue Grass elmtie.
von by two icnstlw Sir Dsmlar,
led io the baekstrctch where he
succumbed to the winner who was
ridden by Mick Wail,
Dallas The annual Mother's day
program of the Dallas W.C.T.U.
was given Wrdnefdsy afternoon at
the home of Mm J. O. Van Ors
dei, who. with Mrs. W. F, Miller.
formed the hostess committee for
this occasion.
Mrs, W, P, Miiier. president ef
the local chapter was hi charge
of a short business session during
which it was snnend that the
next county institute mcetinj? axiuld
be held at Falls City on May IS
and that Mrs. Huth Tooze of Sa
lem, state vice-president, would be
the main speaker, Mrs, Harry Suts
had charge of the devoHons,
An excellent program had been
arranged by Mrs. Van Orsdel. It
included a vocal sols by Mrs, Ralph
M. Murphy, accompanied by Mrs,
Editjer; a resdJnif. Teachers to
Parents, by Mrs. Siiiz; an Instru
mental solo by Mrs. Harry Marie
wart ; a short is Ik on "Home and
Mothprs" by Mrs, Dean VtTmiiliom
a reading on Mother's Day by Mrs.
Jjy Robbins; a vocal solo by M&s
Kadlne Milhoien accompanied by
Miss Betty Scdgwk-K, and a talk
and porm on Mother's Day by
Jeanne Hartman.
During the tea hour Mrs. M A,
Coniee, county president, and Mrs.
Miller, local president, presided at
tiie tea table, which was centered
wth a bowl of gold alyssum guard
ed fey yellow mat-chins; candles.
Thirty member and Incnds were
Arrests Ordered in
Dress Worker Strike
Montreal, May 1 flJ -ft Prime MJn
istrr Mauris Dsiplesxis of Quebec
moved to end a 15-dsy strike of dress
workers tortay by ordering flje ar
rest of two miUm Naders on a ehargr
of "conspiracy against the public
"We will not stand for any com
munlHc influence, he said.
Iohce were tfild to srrest and
hold without bail Bernard Shane
International Ladies Garment Work
ers union orcam?er, and Raoui Tre-
p&fiier, strike rommlUe chairman,
It was reported that they would
surrender Mondav.
Kleinsorge Named
Rotary President
Silverton Dr. H Kleuuefm
was eirtcd aa president of die Sil
verton Rotary club st tlw last meet
ftat ; H. R, Irish, vie-presM
Cliff Rue, treasurer; Harold Davis,
iwcTf lary ; T. X Leons.d aJd Dr
C, H. Wilson., director. Oordon
VanCleave of the local electric store
wii! be the Mmsday noon speaker
i&ikteig on corns uniiy servic
Stooping. Term, May 1
Jacfcon Whitlow mountaineer re
ligious sealot, eudd his 53 -day fast
today with the sudden declaration
that the Lord Im spoken," co
znand&g him to eat.
He told me to take beef tea and
some squirrel broth " WhiUow said
to his wife m a weak voice. "My
mission has ended."
Tommy Whjtiow, aged father of
the faster, went mio the woods and
bagged a squirrel for the broth.
Florence Whitlow, dark-haired
mountain wile of the man who re
fused food on the Lord's borders
sent 10 miles down into tlie v&Hey
for beet to mates tlie beef tea.
"The Lord led me into this and
he will bring me out again," Whit
low told his whs and parents who
have been with iam during his 53
day fast, He related medical atten
tion, offered by Dr, B. E. StandeJer
of Dunlap, aaser&pg "I'll depesd on
the Lord.
Wly:hw sipped the squirrel broih
with relish.
"Htliemiah" shouted the mother
of Jackson. Mrs. Whitlow, the wife,
joined in,
Corvallls, May i DoimL-ii
Whipple of Mfilaila shouted his way
to the ho? callfiig championship at
the annual Mate Future Farmers of
America convention today,
Whipple's pfcs to the porkers was
so convincing and so .uppriort no
other competitor got a show.
S'a funny thmk, too. Young Whip
ple never owned a ho in his life
arid what's more ,there's never been
one on the home farm. His training
has been pre s ty mmh along theo
retical lines. Vet hie combination of
vocalising with the persuasive beat
of a feed backet got the results at
lenxt it appealed to pig psychology.
Hie eome-nUon nearod its close
with judges laboring over tompiia
lion of points in fruit grafting,
stock judging, seed fudging and oth
er conte.-tts. The delegates joined
with Oregon State college husband
ry students for a LUUe Interna
U final stock show before leaving
far their homes.
Corvallls, May 1 i?V-Tiny Carol
Maxtlrld lost her life laie yesrr
day at Burnt Woods when lire c&
trmfd hrr parenW home.
The 22 mnnsh old loi's mo!hrr,
Mrs. Darrell Maxflcid, and hrr
aunt, Mrs. Lawrence Woolcy, were
iewrely humrd,
Tlie womea saw flames shoot
from the srerand story of the frame
dwelJln? as $hr$ carried furniture
to the highway in preparation f?r
moving to a new hnne, H'e fire
eat them frfm the stairway Heat
and smoke drove thf m imm a Isd
d?r plad against the Infants
window on the scw4 Hoor.
"Hie mism of tiie tire could not
fee dftrmlnrd,
Retzer Alternate
For West Point Post
Washington. May I M Keith B.
nnttT. HpfKjrs Orf won
nomination ty from Bp. Jsmrs
fott frr appomUsent to the VniiH
Stiitrs MsHiary ftradftny, with Oa
hn F. HrikMn, E-f, Ore., snd
KaH f3, lieser, Dallas, Ore cin
as alternates.
Salmon Meeting
Called for May 7
Wahi;ni?tfn. Mnv 1 A ron
fprenrr of the f1:-htn? industry
the northwest with rnnk T, HHL
idprnl mm mf- sonr of llshris,
will bf h?M at PortSand. Ore , May
f tr dlsrss i$w eonst-rvation of
salmon as aHccird hv the eonMe
tion of risms on ih Columbia rivpr.
trery day. ifetr '
2kwr m
Dial SIC 581 ronrt St. Sni'm
Moscow, May I War Com-
mis&ar Kiemenii Voroshnov in a
May day address today declared thai
world peace was threatened by the
fascia, states who stood ready U
.start "a new world slaughter.
Voroshuov addressed uniU of tha
Bed army of Soviet Russia in a big
d? mans; ration at the Rd Square
of Moscow marking the rommnist-
iiupircd observance of May day as
a laboring cass holiday.
Fascism Is the irrecoscSabJe
enemy ot tiie SevlH Union," the war
ceaimisar said. "Only this Red army
prevents it from attacking tha
Sovsrt Union and starting a new
world slaughter ,
"Our enemies say that the Red
army is organized for attack. Bui
the Red army was. Is and will be
the stronghold of peace la the
In a May day review Uirough the
Red Square the Co&sacks appeared
as a military unit for the first Umt
since the Bolshevik levomtkas over
threw the Cs&rtst regime in Hit.
The Cossack artillery and Cos
sack cavalry dashed through tbe
square at a gaUop, They wore the
colorful Cossack uniforms and gave
the resounding Cossack cry.
The new generation of Cossack
have been absolved from the stigma
of Czarist service and were admit
ted to the Bed army a year ago.
Dublin, Irish Frw Stat, May t
iPt President Esshsq De Vaierfc
Uid before his people texts? ft con-
stituuon designed to rstep ssj
U last vniagra Bntjan cesrtra,
proclatminff aU lifiaad "sover-
ign. Independent, des&emtu
The decssmeet offered for th
votets raUftaattan 1st next monOi,
M -the Irish nation hereJw mt
flrms to InaUenaMe, eesraeign rifsM
lo choose lis esm form of govern
ment, to determine relations irith
other nations and to develop Us
Bfe, poUUcul, HSSiiajiie jd Bfl-
iuial. In ftceorsmee "lth its ess
gentus Mid traditions."
The cansUtaHoo corered the
possibility of s Jc4n!iMt ot a Irish
Free State d northern Irel&nd,
outlining the bsUomJ territoiy
"the whole of IreAmd, to WMtS
and tenit1i seas
Its pablleatltm today marked en
other and possibSy nna!-iniiestsne
as the lon and sometimes wrafstae
strugsjle tor Irish freedom.
The constttatton would gi the
Irish Free State the nrient taase
of the country, -Bre," rsd estso
llsh OseMe s the pmftantaajrt na
tlona! ianase.
Portland, May 1 The rtate
buard of dental examiner ftn
nouliccd the etestfcss of Dr. O, J.
Johnsoa. KJamath Falls, as presi
dent toda?.
Dr. Arthor P. Weeks, FartJand,
was re-named secretary. I. WiJl
E. Moiley, Sasene, Red IX. A. S.
Greeuhalsh, Iorttand, reeetitly ap
pointed by tio'- rr;.or Martha U--t
ftetr irata tor the first time.
New York, Miy 1 U Yale W
Wue ere. maMnj its tin start oi
Ma seatoo, saeis to a two Seasgfli
triumph in the Btaeiwell ep
isday on the Hartwc Ir EM junte'
varsitv aisd Jreshisan eighl nad
Yaie on oy to lerasths. with Cs
ltimJta second, a quarter letsth in
tront of Penjis,j1nis. Tot tit andl
covered U note and three-qaartras
course tn 4. Ostombai ras stei.
cd at ll and Pena to :12A
AwirttKm has iwm Hied to c&
cyit csurt askiiig Uml the case of
Lnrtiie Aldrtth sTOnst the T. B,
Jones e4ate &e plsred m the trdai
docket. AppIfcsUraa is being made by
Townsend Supporters
jce iteieonw jai. Enjoy a taJS
course Turkey Dinner IE
and 1i trsosjnings
HorNohnr I.onchftmclte
im sd. mi st.
i'se mum
rharU Chao
Cfeineae Iters
are mm pevion
oua tiser rseai
ing lrtoe tsas
oeen tested
foiiowing chroatc
iiilnfiEs; thrt. s. 8. fan
!inutls, itsrrh ears ninkts,
a-Mhma. ehronl? coagh. stons-sch,
gall sisnes cslstls. const tmti cm
dlabrtf fcHtn, felsdder npsrt.
nerves, aenralla. rnennat,
high feiood iress4ire. 0sn4 zkm
sorrs. male fesssle, children dis
orders a 9tmKt fin ChiRt
Hrr ftHtt, f;
If Jl rtWHWM St. cvp.
Wtu Mtf 4&r titer
f.m4tt Cff Kfiniif . tc J.