WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10. 1937 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON HIGH SCHOOL TO BE FINISHED BEFORE APRIL While he would tlx no specific date or the completion of the build Ing, Leslie Howell of the firm of Knighton and Howell, Portland ar chitects, told members of the school board last' night that the new senior high school would probably be turn ed over to the district late In March. Howell made the prediction In con nection with the discussion concern ing the proposed shops building which was finally awarded the Holt man company at a bid price of 14, 708.08. The board had been dicker ing for several weeks in an effort to get the cost down within the amount of money available and finally ac cepted the bid when Howell express ed the opinion that the shops could not be built lor any less. Architects' Xees amount to $2092.49. The building, a two-story concrete affair, with mill constructed Interior, mt ..... u wiukw a, wte vuuuath or price. However., it can be used and will probably be available tor class work next fall. Construction of the shoo buldline will mean delay In completing the osreteria, it was explained last night. The board has available around $6500 with which to place partitions In the pace set aside for the cafeteria. However, Hoffman company said the work would cost $13,000. The latter figure was disputed by Architect Howell who said the Job could be completed at a much less figure. Pending final inspection of the building by Architect Howell, the ecnooi Doard last night held up a resolution oi acceptance In connec tion with the Bush grade building. This building Is the first of three constructed under PWA grant to reach completion. After listening to a protest by Roy JStevene, fuel dealer, who was low bidder on 471 cords of wood, against being compelled to pile the fuel 10 feet 4 Inches high, the directors agreed to depend upon A. W. An drews, superintendent of building and grounds as to whether the dis trict was getting the entire amount contracted for. FEMALE EQUALITY BILL APPROVED Following a hearing In the legis lature, the senate committee on elections approved one bill granting equality to women in party politics, and rejected another bill formed long similar lines. Several women appeared at the hearing to advance arguments for the bill providing for the election of precinct com mli tee women. The committee rejected this bill, and approved another measure pro viding for the equality of men and women in political party organiza tion, but not specifying as extensive dual representation as the other measure would have provided. Both measures were sponsored in the senate by Senators William L. Dickson and Thomas P. Graham of Portland. 'GLEE' TURN-INS SET FEBRUARY 26 ' As a preliminary looking toward freshman Olee, outstanding campus performance, all classes at Willam ette university held Initial prepara tion conferences yesterday. Members ef the music committee, including Sarle Potter, Lois Burton, Helen Purvlne, Ina Bennett and Dayton Robertson, have set Friday. February S", as the deadline for the turning In of words and music to the gradu ate manager's office. Novelty songs will be the theme e! this year's glee, with the song con sisting of 16 lines Judges have not been named but the selection Is ex ' pected scon. The classes will be Judg . ed on presentation rendition, words and music. The decorative scheme has not been announced, but the freshmen promise a decided novelty. Members of the senior class, who have never placed higher than third In the glee, this year are seeking to climb the ladder to the highest place, and have begun to work on their song. Committees for the senior class are: song, Owen Oallaher, Frank Pember ton am) Louella Com; formation. Warren Peters. James Pyke and An sa May Onrath. Donald Mist Lois St. Helen has . been spending some time at her home here suffering from sinus trou ble and flu. Shakespeare Due CLAIM ABILITY TO HOLD MADRID INDEFINITELY Madrid, Feb. 9 (By Direct Cable at 10 p.m. Tuesday) (JP) Seasoned socialist defenders of Madrid will be able "to hold the city indefinitely" against fascist besiegers, government commanders predicted tonight. ' Late reports to military headquar ters said Insurgent troops were driv ing against Vallecas, ft small town on the Madrid-Valencia highway about six miles southeast of the cap ital. Fighting whs iri progress on the highway near the Junction of the Man una res and Jarama rivers, headquarters asserted. No mention was made of the victory in cutting the road which insurgents claimed in earlier dispatches direct from the front.) Alarm over the city's destiny, de spite the military predictions, was sounded in Madrid newspapers. Among the typical appeals' for as sistance was one which said: "Madrid is in dangerl Therefore, all reserves in the heroic city must be mobilized to defeat the enemy I" An intensive- campaign was laun ched to have workers enroll in fac tory reserve brigades for daily mil itary Instruction. (At this point, the heavily-censured dispatch Jumped from one subject to another, apparently re lating to military reports from the southern front around Cordoba.) The dispatch said: "The town of Montoro fa town 25 miles northeast of Cordoba) is ex pected hourly and Lopera and Villa Del Rio (two other small towns in the same section) soon after. "Reports said a train carrying a thousand of Franco's (Insurgent Generalissimo Francisco Franco) foreign troops was derailed as ft re sult of sabotage committed by gov ernment agents, who filtered into the fascist lines, and fell into ft ra vine near Cordoba, The casualties were not mentioned." Mill City Mrs. W. J. Robinson accompanied her son, Charles Kelly, to Salem Monday morning to see her sister, Mrs. Harry Budlong, who has been 111 for several days with ft se vere attack of influenza. SUSPENSION OF GLOVER FROM BAR REQUESTED An order lor the three year su spension of Ronald C. Olover of Salem from the practice of law In Oregon was filed with the supreme court yesterday by the board of governors of the Oregon State Bar association. Olover has GO days In which to appeal before the order becomes effective. The findings were reached at a meeting of the governors January It. At that time the board adopted the findings of a trial committee with one amendment. A pertinent paragraph In the order reads; "That the conduct of the said Ronald O. Olover was unethical. wrongful, fraudulent and corrupt and wai; contrary to his obligations as an attorney at law and an offi cer of the courts of the state of Ore gon, and that by reason thereof the said Ronald O. Olover should be su spended from the practice of law tor a period of three years." The complaint, according to trial committee records, concerned the estate of Clark Bundy, who died January 16, IftH. The charges uv volved testimony that Olover Is said to have given In a contest over the will as to time, place and manner In which a. purported will was drawn. Olover was attorney for Rosy B. Coulson, one of the heirs. In a proceeding to Impound the will. Records show that Olover testi fied that the will that was filed for probate was written hi his office under the direction of Bundy la November, 1933. Later, It developed, according to the findings, that Coulson typed the will somewhere else and at another time. The records show that Olover de fended himself by contending that he did not know these things until after completion of the trial. The findings Indicate that the trial com mittee was convinced that before he made his final argument In the case Olover knew that his testimony was erroneous. Here are Edna Mv niivM- and Norma Shearer in a scene from "Romeo and Juliet," which will be seen at two perform ances at the Elslnore theatre Thursday, February 11. The afternoon show will be at 2:30 o'clock and the evening offering at 8:30 o'clock. All seal are reserved. SPEAKERS URGE PEACE PROGRAM America should keep clear of any European controversies, Leonard Mlall, British student from Cam bridge university, warned a capac ity audience at the First Methodist church last night when he appeared as one of the speakers on the emerg ency peace campaign meeting. "If we blow up in Europe, for God's sake don't come in," ttw speaker added. "Let there be one place in the world where sanity may prevail." Miall said distribution of the world's raw products In order that countries which lack many essentials may be able to acquire them on a fairly even basis, would go a long way toward erasing possibility of an other world-wide conflict. He urged the fostering of an emotional move ment in favor of peace on a basis similar to that engendered during a clash of arms. Dr. Aurelia Henry Reinhardt, pres ident of Mills college, another mem ber of the peace campaign party who spoke last night, suggested a federa tion of nations on the basis of neigh bors. She advocated the keepUig foremost in the minds of instructors and students alike a peace program. C. A. Keils presided during last night's program which was spon sored by the Salem Ministerial asso ciation. Musical selections were pre sented by Ralph Oustafson, vocalist, and T. S. Roberts, organist. FUNERAL DIRECTORS' OF VALLEY MEET Central Willamette Funeral di rectors held ft Salem meeting last night at which Glen 8. Macy of Mc Minnville. president of the United States Embalming board, was guest speaker. He discussed the efforts be ing undertaken in a national way to pass legislation that would raise the standards of the funeral profession, higher education being ,one of the main requirements. C. W. Henkle and J. Paul Boll- man of Dallas cave short talks on Riihtppij nf nrof os&lnnn 1 fntrt-pjif.. ' Dr. L. E. Barrick. chairman of the legislation committee, reported on the progress of House Bill No. 38 which proposes to govern the fitner al profession and requires college education and a longer term of ap prenticeship as further safeguard to public health by all desiring to en ter the funeral profession. 1 George S. Ryan of Portland, ex ecutive secretary of Oregon-Wash ington state funeral directors asso ciations, discussed late rulings oi the Social Security act and Invited all members to a mid-winter session of funeral directors In Tacoma Feb ruary 23, 1937. President J. Melvin R,ingo, of Wood burn presided. TRY THIS WAY TO QUICKLY RELIEVE ECZEMA ITCHING If your akin is broken out with fiery" or "weeping" ecxema, yoa want to relieve the intolerable itch ing and burning as quickly as pos sible. Resinol Ointment does this nd also com hats the irritation earned by eczema Jts oily base be ing ideal for penetrating the outer layers of the skin and securing sleeper action. Wash the affected parts with ejrarm water and Resinol Soap. It Is especially suited to tender sKin aoaps containing too much alkali may Irritate. After weaning off scales and crusts, pat dry with a oft cloth. Do not rub. Apply a thin layer of Resinol Ointment, letting it remain for sev eral hours. Apply again liberallyat bedtime leaving on all night. The longer Resinol is in contact with ' the skin, the more good it does. Bay Resinol Soap and Ointment t any drug store. Sample free. XfjK MIaflJ, i& flalto. Hi. TAKE WEIGHT OFF TIRED FEET U Fit Tt Emt W. Witboit StamttM DifU, r Back-Bnatthr. feadiaf: (1 Holing EiarciMia If your fet and ankUn f1 tired and ache all over because you are carry Inn too much fat do somethtnn about 1L Try the treatment that has halped million to reduce excess wciirhL There'e a reason why to many people find die tin alow and often times futile In iwluclns. The reanon, doctors say, Is often bvftuse a llttls gland Is not working fight. All the blood In your holy git through this tiny gland sixteen times ery day. If It doesn't pour Into tht blood stream about one and on-half drops of vital fluid evry Z4 hours, many people take on ugly fat Thta fluid helps Nature to "burn up" ex cess food and fatty tlnmm In much the same way as a good "draft'' acts In a furnace. Now, physicians eomhat this con dition by feeding this gland the aub. itance It larks and mtlllona nf pounds of excess fst has been wiped out in this way.. Hit rm ola Prescription Tablet are based on the same method awd by doctors. So don't wut your time or money tailing to reduce with star vation diets or back-breaking exer elaes. Start the Marmol treatment today that millions hare used irac eeegfutly to get nd of excess fat. The formula Is In every box so you know just what you sre faking. rm't vult get a box of IL&rmols, today Iron Tout dnifftlsfc' mmmm- 1 --------- gitssxs For Graceful, Sweeping Lines! FLEX-O-BACK .98 Size 34 to 43 2 SltuJuUing aids hook fooodW boo with patented sliding back said Swarm nplift bust section. 2S" model of pre-ebrunk print ed batiste that wears and wears! Very comatable, and flatter iog to the figure, toot Lot Mo. 3704 Amazing Values! JVew Spring ' A I N S y R Of Fine 9' Priscillas with jumbo site pus sy willow dots t Cottage sets . . . cream with white or colored dots. Tailored net pairs, too, in the popular sun-tan shades. Choose your curtains today! A Brand New Array of MALABAR DRESS PRINTS Imagine, only agra. Interesting new patterns and, f course, solid colors! Wo ven 39 inches wide, shrunk in finishing to 36 inch width. All fast color! Plan your Spring sewing NOW see these prints TODAY I- Outstanding value! 'Attractive Cynthia SUPS l on With Shadow Panel So lovely you'd think they cost much more! They wear well, fit smoothly and launder beautifully, too! V and bodice top models. Tailored or trimmed. Table Damask Ruiido Prints, yd Dimity Lingerie, checks Duretta Cloth Barber Towels, 6 for . . . Rayon Bedspreads . Mattress Covers .. 59C ISC 25C 33C $1.98 $1.25 Goose Down Pillows, ea. $J-98 1 Lb. Wool Batts ...... $1,39 Slipshocn, yd. . 25C Rayon Twill, yd. J3g Ramona Cloth, IQfi 4" White " Mattress Protector . . . C4 SQ Quilted White Pique 36", yd. .... Daby Department Infants Organdy Dresses, 1 to 5. ... Nursery Toilet Seat Nursery Toilet Chair Infant's Auto Seat Infant's Feeding Plate Electric Bottle Warmer Baby Record Book Novelty Crib Pillow . . . . Infant's Stroller 59C 98C 93C 89C 39C 93C 93C 98C You'll Want Several at This Amazing Price of Only 39c They look and wear for all the world like very expensive frocks ! Smart, up-to-the-minute styles that please and flatter the most particular of women. Princess models, boleros, two-piece and coat effects. The seasons new est fabrics! Sizes 14 to 52. TWO OTHER GROUPS FEATURED AT ONLY 90c & $11.90 Here's a Bargain For You . . . Men FELT Hats e8 A Dandy Hat for Knock-around or Work Penneys Work Clothes Wear Longer Oxide Bib Overalls ... .-. .-. C Bib Mac Waist Overalls. . gtyg J. CP. Work Shirt 49C 39C 25C 25C 54C Work Glove Horsehlde Faced Work Glove, 2 for Nap-out Work Sox, 3 pr. Roekford Type Union Suit Medium Weight Moleskin Work Pants 1,()9 Shirts & Shorts, ea. Twill Work Pants . Work Suits Bov's Bib Overalls , 25C $1.29 $1.98 ; 49C Boys'J. C P. Work Shirt JQjJ Boys' Long Wearing Sox. JC Notion! and Toiletries Department Women's Umbrellas 98C Women's Smart Purses 98C Forham's Tooth Paste v. ..... 39g Aywon Tooth Paste J5C Rubber Aprons JJ5C Tweezers JQf Nail Files ', Bob Fastners .'. nfant's Stroller $3 98 - I Bob Fastners tK2a)BttaLslaH3BBtiaassaalssslBsBMdasBat