MONDAY, JANUARY 25. 1937 THE CAPITAL" JOURNAL", SALEM, OREGON A Secret Has Two Views Either It's Not Worth Telling or It's too Good to Keep. CapitalJUournal CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATES per line loo per Un. 3 times 25o Per line, 6 times 40a per Una. I month SI .35 Minimum per ad 35 cent. Ads may Plced by telephone but bo allowance tor phone errors. Want ads must be In by 10 am. day of publication. Circulation of the Capital Journal for the week ending Jan. 16, 1937. Daily average distribu tion 11,007 Net Paid 10.664 For Sale Houses (ROOM modern house, hardwood floors, fireplace, tile floor In bathroom, hwement., garage, $'2b0 down, balance monthly. 6-room house, bullt-liu, basement, furnace, double lsundry trays, garage. S2U00. On both of these the paving will be paid In full and taxes paid to 1038. P. H. BELL, 429 Oregon Bldg. Phone 8121. a21 UNBELIEVABLY LOW PRICED Flrit-claMi residential district. A larg er house for a larger family. Comfort ible, roomy. Pipe furnace, double pluming. A Bargain at the price and i such easy terms. A home you'll enjoy. ROBERT P. BUDROW REAL ESTATE Rm. 12 Ladd-Bush Bldg. Ph. 6965. h21 SiOO DOWN. 5 -room house. 2 large bed rooms, in fine condition, basement, furnace, corner lot, paving and walks 1 In. Good location to schools, on bus 1 line 42500. 11450. Large living room, dining rooms, nice kitchen, 2 bedrooms, woodshed, garage. 300 down. Stucco house at 2075 Myr tle Ave. Largo living room, oak floor, I bedrooms, basement, pipe furn ace, fireplace, lawn and shrubbery 13375. 1300 down. Home at 1980 N. Church, lime living room, bedroom, nice kit chen, woodshed, garage. $1550. MONEY TO LOAN KELVIN JOHNSON - - 725 Court St. Phone 3723 a21 l-R.h ouse. West Salem, 41000. 4200 down. bal. SIB mo. -r. house. Norway St. 10004300 down. bal. 915 mo. -r house. Market St. Good buy 11650. 950 cash, bal. Mtg. If you want to Sell list with HAWKINS & ROBERTS INC. Phone 4109 a31 MOD. 8-rm. hse. Nice home, 1790 N. Capitol. Three new 5-room. Columbia Addition. Restricted district. Terms. H. C. Hummel, builder. Dial 0334. a22 HOMES 4 rooms and nook. S1750 b rooms and nook, C1550 5 rooms furnished, 91500 New 4 room and nook. 92500 Modern 4 rooms. 92500 See Mr. Wldener with Wm, Bllven, 215 Mnsonle Bldg. a31 For Sale Farms 96 A. 7 ml. from Salem. 5-room house, bath, ItghU. electric lights, large barn, bldgs. All new. 5 A. strawber ries, about H In timber 93500. H A. at Brooks, 0-room house, chick en house. 30x60. Large green house, barn. timber. GOOD Soli. 3 wells 42500. IIELV1N JOHNSON - - 725 Court St. Phone 3723 bai- 92 ACRES apples, prunes, filberts. 1 miles from Dallas. Good road 92750. Terms. Box 490 Capital Journal. b3l FOR BALE 14'i acres. 6 ml. from Sa lem: prunes, strawberries, nuts. 5 rm. house, good well, electricity. See own er. Rt. 4. B. 373. ' 22 For the Best Buys. See HAWKINS e ROBERTS. INC. For Sale Miscellaneous MALI COLLIE PUP for sale Cheap If taken at once, at 109 8. ComT. St., or Phone 6470. e21 Tuesday, 96th 1:30 p.m. ml. N E. Fairgrounds, on the SUverton road. Consign your furniture, machinery & Livestock, col. Ben Roth, auctlnoeer. c21 NEW publlo address system manu factured by national concern. De aimed for ear or hall use. Ttp inendoiia discount. Phone 4864. c33 DIRECTORY BICYCLES and Accessories Ramsden. 143 a. Lib, o' EXCAVATING Excavating of ail kinds, basement, dui dirt hauled or moved Dirt for sal, S-lrm Band ft Oravel Co M08 o FLORIST Brs'.ttcnipf, fort lowers. Dial 6904. o FLOOR SANDING y- H Ultg. Tel. 3837498 Mill. 088 LOCKSMITH t-ft. 8: -wart. 251 Court. Ph. TO 1 8. 027 PAINTING n navla. Ph. 7204. o39 PI.IIMRING 'SO. M BARB Plumbing. heating, abeet matal works. 164 8- commercial PHOTO ENGRAVING laiem Photo Engraving. 147 N. conn SEWING MACH. REPAIRS C. M. Leatberman. T. 8875. 1163 Waller. 028 3T0VE9 AND FENCE stores, ranges, circulators new and rebuilt stoves ranges JM circulators Pence snd fence posts R R an, aja rwt,. .hat. n TRANSFER and STORAGE them" Is no moving Job too smsll y too Urn for us. Wa also handle ramac, and itove oils, coal and brt- "". Phone 3131 for price,. ijb "JSJANSPER At BTORAOE. o ' ftfinn sawing WOOD SAWINO Reasonable. Ph. 8290 o4fl .S. B CROSS. Woodaawlnt. Pb " WINDOW CLEANING aw DEAL WINDOW CLEANING CO For Sale Miscellaneous BABY bumjy, HM. 1097 N. Capitol. C23 TOR SALE baled alfalfa, oats, vetch hav. straw lit., w h- ' . Aurora, ph. It Aurora. c23 QOOD used 450-17 tires, alio i.r baggage rack. Ina. Bllgh hotel. C24 ItWOSSKSSt'll ttsiiin 178.00 8-tube Uajrstlo cabinet, bal ance due 122.80. Terms. ,5.00 down 3.00 monthly. See Mr. Jans. UEO. C. WILL MUSIC STORE TRUCK load choice sweet navel orang es. 21-aOO-17-lSO to box. Place pack. Special while lot lasts aa.75 case, S1.40 case. Puritan Cider Work, West Salem. c21 POULTRY PertlllMr ckPd Wtn or without peet moss. Ph. 133F3. Lee's Hatchery. e. ALFALFA. Clover and Oata and Vetch ..... ... jn-i wii. rann, vara. coil Boysenberry Plants Strong plants; place order, now for Feb., March planting, 15c alngle, loo 25 or more. 185 per 1000. Call at 426 Grant St. SUverton. Prank Wilde. c30 TYPEWRITERS Adding Machines lean Registers sold, rented, swapped. Expert reostra. reasonable Drlces Rnen Typewriter Etc. 420 Court. Ph. 773. c' For Sale Wood DRY Wood, all kinds. Phone 7368. 865 Hood St. ee42 For all kinds of wood Ph. 8836. ee41 SPECIAL dry wood. 85.50. Ph. 3354. ee41 16" Old Fir 5.50. 2nd 45. Ph. 0456. ee36 Dry wood that 1, dry. Ph. 5274. ce29 ' 83.75. Ph. 4508. ee30 Tel. FENWICK 4537. Dry wood. ee29 WOOD Ph. 48F14. Smlth-Rubena. ee23 MILL WOOD and planer wood 85.50 a cord load. Cobbs-MltcheU. Phon, 7443. 349 South 12th. ee Wanted Help LADY to work in exchange for use of light housekeeping room. PHONE 5470 or call at 109 8. Coml. St. g21 WOMEN. Earn Good Money mailing out catalogs from home. Everything supplied including stamps. No sell ing, write, enclosing stamped enve lope. Nationwide Distributors, 401 Broadway. N. T. S21 ADDRESS envelopes at home, spare time; substantial weekly pay. Experi ence unnecessary. Dignified work. Stamp brings details. Vogue Co.. Dept. 3662. Jackson, Tenn. g21 Wanted Situation MIDDLE aged lady would like nurs Ins. Will help do the work. 640 N. Commercial. h21 WANTED: Position as Physlclsn's of fice assistant. Experienced In office methods, electro-therapy, laboratory and X-ray. Box 463 Med ford. Ore. h22 EXPERIENCED male Steno. Bkkpr. References. Box 492 Cap. Journal. h22 CHILDREN competently cared for by the hour or day. Phone 4483 h37 Wanted Miscellaneous N. WOODRY. the Auctioneer, pays cash or trade for used furniture or what have you? Fn. Olio. HERE IS ONE OF THE MANY BARGAINS LISTED IN THE CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING PAGE 1036 CTTEV. Coupe. This car was trad ed In by prominent local people on a new Bulck. The actual mileage on this car la only 2600 miles aeis Watch thla feature every day and take advantage eg the many Bar gains listed among the advertise menu. For Rent . mil .amir. aO. P. H. Kf.ll. 439 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 8131. jal Steam heated alp, rm. 833 Ferry. J33' 4-ROOM apt. Steam heat, elect, frig. New management. Monterey, 833 rerry ONE-ROOM rurnlshed Apartment, 160 Division. J33 4-ROOM modern house, 838, '""one 4397. ?2? rum. 3-rm. Apt. 593 H. Summer. J33 Fiirn. 1-rm. Apt. N. Com'l. 132 5-ROOM modern bungalow, M. Salem rnoulre 387 Mission. J33 sleepino room 33.50 wk., light and heat. 303 P. Winvcr. Warm Rm. Par, els. In. Ph. 3859. J23 FARMS FOR RENT, 8ALI AND TRADE Oregon Land Co. woodburn. Oregon. unnFRN a-room house 30. E. A. Jn- n. Phone 8877. J OFFICE room for rent, 381 Ststs fit. Phone 3713. PIANOS. Phonographs ana sewing machines for rent. H. L. Stiff Furnl; turn CO. ' ture Co. Room and Board 1 lame Front Rms. 315 a. Winter. 1126 . nn dii aoi tlmoiL Ph. 8336 - j29 ROOM-BOARD. Oarage. 1445 Oat U21 Lost and Found STRAYED white wire haired terrier, ZZU .nn bleeg marking,, male, 7; 1 mi- no. of Salem. Reward. Rt k32 7. Bl. rn. w SMALL Made male cocker spaniel, re ward. 1456 N. 18th. Ph. 8439. k21 ........eeeei Personal WOMEN Do you went a baby? Dr. H WW Elders' Suite 1308 Schneider BUI , t. Joseph. Missouri, has writ ten s treatise explaining his treatment for sterility due to functional weak ness. U you write him. he wm send It postpaid free of charge, to plain wrapper. FREE If excess acid causes you rflzfTTu tn Has Pains. Indiges tion Heartburn. GET free anipl doVtor " preemption. Udg a, at Capital Miscellaneous WE Pick up dead and worthless cows, horses and sheep. Ph. 4869. m37 Real Estate LABI5H GARDENS One to 5 a. tracts, about a ml. N. of city limits, 10c bus fare; 1100 down, balance like rent. Will furnish some lumber to build. Some tracts have fine timber. Rich U Relmann. 197 8. High. Dial 8632. n21 98 ACRES. 8-r. hse., large barn, other bldgs. 60 A. in cultl., 38 A. In timber and pasture, 3 ml. from paved rc-ad. on good gravel road. Price 3950; 9&0 down. 0 acres, 7 A. prunes, 1 a. strawberries, 7-r. new hse. but not fin ished. Elec.. nice barn, chicken hse, 2000. Some terms. 24 A., 13 A. fruit, 2 hses.. barn, chicken hse.. tractor with equipment. 3 cows. 00 chickens. Total price 30O0. Rich L. Relmann, 107 6. High. Dial 8633. n3f COWS ALFALFA HOOB 100 A. 35 A. cult.. 18 A. alfalfa. Springs, creek, timber, good bldgs.. cows, hors es, hay. Easy terms or take Improved tract as part. Lisv your property with me. Jesse O. Campbell . 338 Ore. Bldg. n31 SUBURBAN TRACTS Can give you nice selection either with buildings or unimproved. Small down payment and easy terms on the bal ance. Salem school dlst., bus service, electricity and paved streets. CHILDS tb MILLER Realtors 344 State St. Phone 6708. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 5 acres close In, all under plow, 5-room home, barn, 3 hen houses, excellent orchard, fine soil. Only 3 miles out. Price sue 50: cash (B00, bal. Ifl month ly. SEE Mr. Walter with CHILDS & MILLER. Realtors 344 State St. Phons 6708. n Exchange Real Estate SPECIAL Well built modern home, good location. Will trade clear and pay cash difference for downtown building. What have you CHILDS Se MILLER. Realtors 344 SUte St. Phone 6708. nn EXCHANGE 3 houses, value $14,000, Clear. Will trade for Income property In Eugene. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS MILLER. Realtors 344 State St. Phone 6708. nn For the Best Buys, See HAWKINS & ROBERTS. INC. nn Financial Loans SOUND INVESTMENTS: Make your savings earn more interest. Buy a first mortgage on real estate, the best se curity of all. Loans available 9300 to sooo. Net investors o vo o-. CHILDS tt MILER. Mtge. Loans. AUTOMOBILE LOANS LOW RATES - - - EASY TERMS CONFIDENTIAL P. A. EIKER State Uc. M-157. T43 100 .000 TO LOAN Personal and chattel loans, 1 to 30 months repaying privilege. Prompt service. ALSO unlimited funds for real estate loans. CHILDS & MILLER, INC. Lie. S-204 r STRAIGHT 6 money; no commis sion. Benlamln Franklin Home Loan, To build, modernize or refinance, see Delano, 290 North cnurcn Bt. LOANS FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY. Before borrowing elsewhere, consult our Loan Department. HAWKINS to ROBERTS. INO. Guardian Building Salem Financial Loans CASH FOR YOUR WINTER NEEDS Buy the things you need this Winter. Psy cash and save when you shop. We'll lend you the money. Come in and find out about our planwhat a friendly service this la how little It coat how easy It Is to repay on terms arranged to fit your budget. See us now. FREE Social Security Record book. Ask the cashier for your copy. S18 Stats St. Phone 3740 BENEFICIAL FINANCE COMPANY OF SALEM T CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBT Borrow from an Independently owned and operated Salem company where your problems will receive personal consideration both before and aftsi the loan Is made. Interest on unpaid balances 10 fees Quick, courteaous service. WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT i General Finance Corp. 301 First Natl Bank Bldg.. Salem. Ore. Phone 9168. Lie. No. m-isb. r- AUTO LOANS NEW LOW RATE WILLAMETTE LOAN CO. 613 Guardian Bldg. M-ISP. 1 5Uj MONEY to loan on good resl- aence ana dusidcm property. Chas. Hudkins 276 Stats St. MORTGAGE LOANS on business and residence properties. Lowest rates. Ab rams fe Ellis, Inc. Masonic bldg. r MONEY TO LOAN On Salem residential property under the W.H-A. plan, bong term loans wiw low monthly payments. No commis tnn Refinance or build a new boms. W. H.ORABENHORSTACO., Realtors 134 S. Liberty Ct. Phone wm, r- AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED Money to buy new or used cars. Pri vate money st very low rates. No red tape I to 30 monins to rvpay. ROY H. SIMMONS 301 Pint Natl Bank Bldg.. Salem. Ore, Phone 9158. Lio No. M-isa. r- Business Opportunities GOOD business for eldtrly couple. Ss lem store snd living rooms. Price 8300 Valley Land Co.. 370H Ststs. u20 sandwich and coffee nhop in good location on highway. Owner leaving first of month, will sacrifice. Full nrlee. 8255 with terms. DICK DAR- wtet.t, REAL ESTATE. 1988 N. Cap itol. Phona 351 1. U20 For the Best Buys. See HAWKZNfi 4 ROBERT, INO. Automobiles A. Better Used Car for Less Money at McKay's Liberal Trades Low G.M.A.C. Terms Better Cars - - - Written Guarantees McKay Chevrolet Co. 33 Center - Phone 3180 . - 430 North Commercial Open Evenings and Sundays Automobiles VALLEY MOTOR CLEARANCE SALE 1938 PORD DeLuxe Sedan. Trunk 8676 1936 FORD Tudor 57b 1935 FORD Fordor. . . Trunk ...8588 1934 FORD Victoria 8438 20 MODEL A FORDS 1928 to 1931 Any Body Style OPSI flUXDATS mnon A liberty Tat. 7810 fog brl-ailseoa-FultOB Business Opportunities STORE and Lunch Room. Good In come. All cash. Call for appointment. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 3B1 SUte Ph. 7113 u31 Automobiles - One Price Used Cars - -The Same Price to All No Price Juggling on our Used Cars. We advertise the prices of all our used cars and you can readily recognize the car you are interested In by the price being on the windshield of each indi vidual car together with the name of Its former owner. 1B34 Bulck small series sedan. This car has a nice built-in Truns, finish Inside and out almost Ilk new. Powered by Bulck's fa mous valve-ln-head motor. .$ex 1B36 Ford DeLuxe Tudor Sedan equip ped with overdrive gear. . . Hot water heater and many other extras 1D3S Ford DeLuxe Coupe. Ha, fine radio, heater and many extras to makn your driving more com fortable 1930 Chev. Coupe, this car was iraaea In by prominent local people on a, new Bulck. The actual mileage on this car Is only 3000 miles 615 103d Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe. If your choice is a i-iymouin you wm aurelv want to see this car before you buy. Price reduced to ; . .VMS 1034 Dodge DeLuxe Coupe, dual equip oed. The former owner took ex ceptional care of this car and you will, upon your personal inspec tion, agree with us that this car Is far above average, yet priced to sell at only ,...515 1934 Pontlac Sedan 535 1934 Ford DeLuxe Tudor Sedan.. 445 1933 Bulck DeLuxe 4-door Sedan a443 1031 Bulck DeLuxe 4-door Sedan S385 1930 Chev. Coupe. Extra good . . .8245 1929 Bulck 6 Sedan 276 1929 Bulck 8 Sedan 8245 1Q2Q TVwio-e D A. Sedan 1245 1930 Oakland Coupe. New paint. .8235 1939 Pontlac Coupe 185 1929 Graham light 6 Sedan 8195 1930 Pontlac Sedan 243 1928 Bulck 4-pass. Coupe 8135 1929 Chevrolet Coupe 8185 1929 Durant 6 Coupe 8135 1927 Bulck light 8 Sedan ........145 1936 Bulck Light 0 sedan siio 1939 Bulck light 6 Cpe. (Special) 8145 1928 Pontlac Sedan 105 1928 Pontlac Coupe 8115 1930 Studebaker 6 Sedan 8100 1928 Chevrolet Coach M 1938 Chevrolet Coach 7A 1827 Pontlac Sedan M 1925 Bulck Sedan 3& 1935 Olds Coach 35 1929 Ford Sport Roadster 8118 1931 M ftimon Sport coupe siff 1030 Bulck Sport Coupe 8316 Otto J. Wilson mnnt sales & service 888 N. Com'l. Ph. Salem 6451. q31 USED CARS 88 Lafayette Sedan, new tlree. radio. heater, new car guarantee. SS Dodge Sedan DeLuxe. aa good a, new. 88 Ford DeLuxe Tudor, t ply tires, radio, 7.000 miles. 35 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan, low mile age, hester. as Dodge Panel 33 Cher (4 door) Sedan 31 Chev Coach an Mnbl A Coum We have aeveral good buy, in cneap- r cars, come in ana iook mem over. WEEK-END SPECIAL Btudebeker Dictator Sedan (reposses sed) can be bought lor amount aue on note. Haab and Lerayette qn- Carter & Church Mot. Co, 388 If. Coml. at. Phone S734 POLICE CHIEF ILL IndependenceOscar Moore, who has Just retired from eight yean' active service as chief of police 01 Independence, Is In the veterans' ho. pltal for obeervation and possible treatment. Moore aervea in me Philippine Insurrection and the Spanish American war. He Is member of the local Veterans 01 Foreign Wars. CALLED TO OMAHA SUverton Mrs. F. W. Schrotder. daughter of the C. S. Bristol, left Thursday night for Omaha where the was called by the serious 111 new of her daughter-in-law. Mrs. Schroe. der has been with her parents, here for several months. Journal Want Ads Pay Automobiles Automobiles 1934 FORD Tudor 8435 1933 PORD Fordor DeLuxa ...8448 1932 FORD Tudor 8350 1932 FORD Coupe 8350 Center e Liberty Tel 8158 lor Bond . at, Clair Automobiles Personally Endorsed By Lynn Lambeth, Pres. of State Motors, Inc. 35 HUDSON DeLuxe Club Sedan. Radio and beater 8806 34 HUDSON DeLuxe Sedan. Radio and heater 8695 36 TER RAP LANE Pick-up. 6000 miles' $636 36 FORD DeLuxe Sedan. Sam as new 8636 34 HUDSON Coupe. Radio ate heat er. Low mileage 8505 38 PONTIAC Coupe. New tires. new paint S3s 33 HUPMOBILE DeLuxe Sedan. Fender wells $305 28 STUDEBAKER Dictator Sedan. A-l shape 8 95 37 WILLYS-KNIGHT Sedan, New paint, motor overhauled 8 05 MANY OTHERS State Motors Inc. HUDSON PACKARD Dealers 125 Chemeketa at High. Ph.- 8400 open Nights ana sunaav, q- Legal NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE County Court of the State of Oregon for County of Marlon. Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned, as Executrix of the es tate of Rebecca Mount deceased, has filed her final account in the of fice of the County Clerk of Clacka mas County, Oregon, and that Mon day the 1st day of March, 1837, at the hour of 10 In the forenoon of said day, in the Circuit Court Room of said Court has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections there to and the settlement thereof. Dat ed and first published January 25, 1937; last publication February 22, 1B37. GERTRUDE MOUNT, Executrix of the estate of Rebecca Mount, Deceased. W. L. MULVEV, Rooms 6-7, Barclay Bldg., Oregon City, Ore. Attorney for Executrix. Jan. 25, Feb. 1 15 22 Continuation of Curb Building from pee. 1 In adhering to a policy of a "cap- ltol group" building program, of which the new capltol Is the center, Lite vuiuiitaBiuia puiniira im- uiav cv tension of state-owned lands must be toward the north. The report further recommended that If no leg islative action Is taken, the city of Salem pass an ordinance restricting business activity In the capltol area, A request that the legislature look into the problem of a heating plant for the new capltol was put forward by the commission. It was pointed out that the heating plant which served the old capltol was not de stroyed and that it was capable of serving the new structure. The plant may not be sufficient to supply ad ditional buildings, however. The audit report of the commis sion showed that It irpent $113,602.72 up to December 1, 1036. The report was signed by J. A. McLean, chairman; T. H. Ban Held, Ernest C. Dal ton. J. H. Lake, George R. Lewis. O. A. Marshal. H. H. OHn ser, Robert W. Sawyer and Mrs. Oordon Voorhlea. MANCLA VERT ILL MillersburgT. N. Man la, pro prietor of'Manela's Wayside store, has received word that his brother. A. B. Manela, Is seriously 111 In Ysklma, Wash. Mrs. Manela Is re covering from an attack of influ enza. A church has been tnwroorated in California to operate a chain of laboteU and a baseball league. BUDGET AUDIT ASKED AS CURB ON MISTAKES (Continued from page 1) of the budget to correct other mis takes found as well as to verify var ious estimates. The request was made to the secretary of state who as signed his auditing staff to work to assist the legislative comrnittees. The move to precipitate Immediate action on the two so-called anti strike bills by the house had not de veloped today but the proposal to introduce the Identical bills In the senate was being pushed for culmi nation by tomorrow. The bills call ing for definition of picketing and the 30 day compulsory arbitration measure likewise were expected In the senate tomorrow. A bill directed against drunken driving was safely through Its first obstacle of the Oregon legislature today, passed by the senate after ex tended arguments. The bill, sponsored by Senator W. E. Burke, Yamhill county, provides that the arresting officer may use his own Judgment on evidence relating to the Intoxication of the accused driver. A section also giving him the authority to call a physician was tak en out by the senate committee on revision of laws. The measure is an amendment to the statute relating to drunken driv ing and deprives the, accused driver of the right to call a physician. The morning meeting of the senate also saw Senator Byron O. Carney's controversial unicameral resolution suffer a preliminary defeat. After the Clackamas county senator had moved that the resolution be with' drawn for revision, the senate voted to keep It In the resolutions commit tee. A measure giving the fish commis sion the right to set the seasons on commercial fishing on the Columbia river was passed after P. M. Francis- oovich, president of the senate, left the platform for the first tune to argue his bill. Four bills were Introduced In the morning session. Including one by Senator P. J. Stadelman providing exemption from taxation for equip ment and fixtures used in supplying water on a cooperative, non-profit basis. The house passed two bills be fore adjourning until afternoon These two measures approved by the committee on Irrigation and drainage would give the state engi neer the right to Issue permits for use of water without repayment of amount charged district under former law, and give state reclama tion commission the right to accept bond in case of loss of permits for Irrigation. Colds kept three representatives from the morning session, Daisy Be vans, Clackamas; Delbert Norton, Multnomah, and V. B. Staples, Mal heur. Two Joint memorials were adopt ed by the house, the first asking congress for early settlement of the Pacific coast maritime strike, and the second petitioning the state of California to remove their border Inspection. Prohibition of the sale or use of firecrackers or other fireworks ex cept for certain public gaUierings permitted by state board of health and the state fire marshal was ask in a bill Introduced by Representa tive A. K. Hlggs, Multnomah. This measure would prevent the present extensive use of fireworks by chil dren on July 4. Another measure sponsored by Hlggs was read for the first time, providing sanitary regulations for camp car and trail ers. Issuance of special teacher's per mlts by the superintendent of public instruction was provided in a meas ure brought into the house by Rep resentative Lyle D. Thomas, Polk. The report of the resolutions com mittee favoring creation of the of fice of lieutenant governor for Ore gon was adopted. A constitutional amendment al lowing for payment of $8 per day for 40 days for legislators instead of the present S3 and a measure to prohibit the use of and the demol lshment of all slot machines and pin ball machines in the state were slated for early Introduction, It wax revealed by Representative Hannah Martin. Marion, today. Mrs. Martin also plans to submit another bill to the legislature, by request, wmcn would provide compensation to the family or Floyd B. McMuiien, lor- mer Willamette university stuOnt. who was killed while helping fight the state capltol fire on April 36. 1935. A communication from the city council of Portland was read In the lower house during the morning sex Mon asking for home rule In regard to traffic rrgumnon in t-oruana. At the Library Of timely Interest to citizens of Salem should be the new complla tlon of Bummers entitled "Unlearn era! Le(nlatures." Just received at the 6alem Public library. Another phase of government, of current In terest, Is contained In Profewor 1 Menism'i -"Public Service and Spe cial TTalnlng." Dr. Meniam was one of ths members of President Roose velt's committee on reorganization of the federal fovemment. and it was that committee's recommenda tions which formed tht basis of ths president's message to congress this month. A partial list of newly-catalogued items Incorporated Into the library's collections is as follows: FICTION Brody Nobody Starve. Una Winds over th Campus. ftEFEKENCE SaTsce A Uit ol Refertnees ea the Fits Industry and 1U Reiitajd Industries. University Debaters Annual. ELTGIOM Ollkry Oettlns Help From fuilcioa. Hunter Out of tht Far Kant. ECONOMICS AND SOCIO LOOT Johns n Consumers Cooperatives. Htaly Bronner New Llsht an rtelin. tuency and Its Treatmnt. nOVEaNMENT Summers, eomp UtUcamsral leeeiaLa- tures. Mrrrlatm Public anrlea anil Hrwvial Train inc. BesrdEdueation under the Masts. Hitler The Nasi Party, tha atata and Belli ion. Thompson Oilture Under the Hssls. EDUCATION Rellly Horw to Find and Follow Tour Career. Burr s Aultt Ca Orsantxinc a Fra ternity. Walch An Outline of Oebatlns.aDd Da bs te Coaching. Grant 8ei Education in the High School. Orant Education in ex and Heredity. PHTMCft Dsrrow The of Physics. ART AND ARCHITECTURE Poorteuaar The Art ol the Book and Its Illustration. Moholy-Naiy The New Vision. Ledoux The Art of Japan. Matachaft The Gsrden Calendar. Practical Small Homes Third Edition. Bement Plsure Construction. Read Art and Industry. Ptcaioo Plcasiio. 1D30-193S. New York (city) Metropolitan Museum of Art Notes on Prints, Roths Movie Parade. SPORTS Knudsen A Text-Book of Oymnsstlcs. Lewis Bldins. LIT r RATI 'RE New Republic The New Republic An thology. leu-iBss. The Theatre Oulld Antholotr. Csnby Seven Years' Harvest. Hemon Maria Chapdelslne. Msurols- Les Silences du Colonel Bram ble. TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION The Lincoln His h way AuoclaUon The Lincoln Hisnwsy. McDowall Peaks and Frescoes. Hearn Kwsldan. Herskovlts and HerskovUs Rebel Des tiny. Iiely and Richards Four Centuries In BIOflRAPHT Adams The Letters of Mrs. Henry Ad ami. 1005.183. Tappan in the Days of Alfred the Oreat, Hushes A London Olrl of the Eighties. Miller I round No Peace. Continuation of Revenue Agent -from page 1 ber of the University Glee club and the Apollo club of Salem. He was a member of the Episcopal choir for a number of years and recently was elected Junior warden of St. Paul's. He was also a member of the Ob sidians of Eugene. Survivors Include three children, Miss Dorothy Estella Williams, i student at Oregon State college Winston Williams of Fort Lewis, Wa&h., and Thomas Lark in Will iams, Jr., of Maywood, Calif. A sis ter, Mrs. Mabel Bobbins of Milton. and two brothers, Sherwood and Raymond Williams, both of La Grande, also survive. Funeral announcements will be made later by the Clough-Barrick company. BUTTERFIELD8 TOUR Woodburn Postmaster and Mrs. H. F. Butterf ield left Saturday morn ing in their car for California points and will go as far south as Santa Barbara where they will visit at the home of thUr son. Vail Buttenield, They expect to be absent three weeks. Mlllersburg Larry Alexander, who is employed at the Democrat- Herald In Albany, Is recovering from a severe case of Influenza at his home In this district. ACROSS L Turn the head of a vessel towards the wind I. Kitchen utensU S. Article or apparel 11. Pertaining to ths mouth U. Ornament on the top of a spire 14. Kalian opera U. Small body aof land sur round sd by water 16. Dismayed 18. City In Ohio 10. Bar of wood or metal II. Fodder pit ta. Markets 17. Mountain Solution of Saturday's Puzzle P aVMpJ L- IP; V EPffiK'Ej PjTl iTiNKrai RONBBESOT S'NUjR'Erp. SlMOrNPlAlL'S A MlSDPSTPpKiEiD LIE NEtol:AKfEMpiy Erf dNi&tf ElSjE lAFETp noar ancient Troy 10. Una of an early Ksryp tlan race It. District in London It. Mont ancient, (acred, ana binding Roman n. amass 11. Arabian military commander IT. En em of cJaanllnea II. Small piece used In soldering II. Greek Island 41. City In China 41. Trim 4b. Signifies 41. Uorneahoer's tool M, Rncourage 14. Rrigion ha. Dcay M. Wild plum 17. Psrs of a watch or clock 1 z I3 Y W V 9 I" 27 23 2? ,iB-3o 31 ;3Z 33 34- 35 4f So 35 s7 tsa ,,sf SEDATIVE EASES SUFFERING POPE Vatican City, Jan. 35 UV-PODe ' Piua XL his pain slightly eased by poweriul new sedative, headed world wide celebrations today of the 19th centenary of the conver sion of St. Paul. Although sull suffering, the pope was said to have rested better than for the past few nights because of the new kind of drops given him to relieve his agony. Vatican sources said his doctors resorted to the new treatment be- . cause they felt he must have soma . rest if he is to stay alive. The nature of the drops was not disclosed. The aged pontiff heard mass in . his private chapel and sent his . blessing to the pontificlal ceremony in St. Paul's Basilica which was at- . tended by a number of cardinals. Vatican sources reported for the first time since his illness he asked for and was given a cordial to bol ster his strength for discussions . with prelates. REFUND OF TAX ; TO KAY MILLS Washington, Jan. 25 (JPt The names of 23 taxpayers in the Ore- . gon collection district appeared to day on the list of federal tax re . funds In excess of $500 for the fis cal year 1936, as announced by the Internal revenue bureau. Those receiving refunds, all a income taxes unless otherwise not ed, were: Mrs. Coldle 8. Adams, U27.TI: Harry L. Hart, (1,444.13; Ella Hirsch, residuary legatee, Clemen- tine Hirsch, ll.805.SS (estate); P. L. Jackson, $710.88; Adolph R. Ja cobs heirs, $505.83 (estate); John Kiernan, $3,875.18 (estate); Henry Lewis, $629.69 (estate); I J. and Mary C. Skaggs, $923.14; Terminal Flour -Mills company, $680.46; Mrs. Virginia Z. Wheeler, $1,262.16; Ralph E-. and Grace N. Williams, $997.74; Connell Brothers Company, Ltd, $862.40 (wheat processing); Crown Mills, $12,153.40 (wheat and cotton); D. Hecht and Company, $11,031.82 (wheat); Home Service Company, $523.32 (cotton); Kerr Olfford and Co., $2,414.72 (wheat): Strauss and Company, Inc., $838.13 (paper and jute); Terminal Flour Mills Co., $5.043 .29 (wheat) and Wil cox Hayes Company, $1,379.84, all of Portland. First National bank, Athena, $698.92; Thomas Kay Woolen Mill company, Salem, $692.13; Earl L. McNutt. Eugene, $12,285.39; Max Oberdorfer, St. Helens, $524.09; and Underwood Lumber Company, Inc. Lakevlew, $1.697.83. Russell Trades Farm Marlon H. 8. Russell has traded his place In town for Wesley and S. P. Stephens' Interest In the Ste phens Bros, ranch east of town. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Akin and son Leroy, who have been living on the place, have purchased a ranch between Ly ons and Mehama and have moved. Mr. and Mrs. Russell and family will move In the spring after making improvements on the place. A htt-sklp caused the death of Freddie, the last of the fire horses at Shreveport, La. I. Cast Indian palm S. That which slvea stsv billty Subntance which win not mix with water 10. Poem II. Urchin 17. Purpose 11. Transparent minora! 21. Nobleman 24. Mak muddy f. Pronoun 36. Vocal composition 17. Chilled. 25. Rounded roof 19. IndlKO plant 3L Period for which a thing lasts 14. In ths forward part 15. lota 40. Perceive 42. l.AVen 44. Irish expletive 4. Competent 47. Gas occurring in ths air 41. Proof reader's direction 41. Kvll . Ho. flwina can ton M. lltwerage M. Pigpen tt. Indefinite i amount It. Encamp DOWN L Feminine name t. tSMher of two con delta. lions I. Autumn 4. RtmsavaT 6. Udibls seed . Uoney set atdde for a specific uts gqPUlLENlT and Perry vms ow -