s i fONBAY. NOVEMBER 30, 1936 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON If Ignorance is Bliss There Should Be a Lot of Happy People on This Earth Capital JJourna CLASSIFIED 4UVIiKIlBI.N) BAIL fi lint 10. Itt Hue, time Z3 Per Hue. 6 tlinrn 40c fwr line. I allium 11.23 Mlnlniiim per ed 28 eenu. Adi may be placed telephone but W allowance fcr pliune errors. Wunt uUt uiiifet te la by 10 a.ux 4sy of putillculifau. Circulation of the X Capital Journal for Lhe week ending rov. 21, 1838. Daily average distribu tion 10,580 . . Net paid, 10.03S Aicmbcr Audit Bursas el ,-' CutulBtleiu J For Sale Houses YOU cannot duplicate this in Salem; A strictly modem 7-r. hue. with lot of buili-ins, toot water heat, 4 bed 'rootna and sleeping porch, very weil construe ltd, East irout, corner lot 6ix 133 with fruit and nut trees. N. Salem. ' Prloe 36UO; 13U0 cash, . balance $25 , per mo. Listings wanted. Kich L. Belmann. 167 S. High. LUul 8632. a286" 4. CANDY modern bungalow, 6 rooms, new double garage, lot 100x100. Flue Ttew. 2700. Terms. ' Modern English style S rms.. on fine OlKhway, lot 50x250, with river front, Joins puiK. Close in. saauu. xerms. IX loom home, nearly 2 acres, tine View, faces 3 streets, Walnuts, ber ries, etc.. trees 400U. Terms. come 92000. bargain in new 2 bedroom cot- t lot 75xiio; 514&U. Terms. . JENSEN 1321 Edgewater St. Salem, Ore. Phone 8877 a291 COSY 6 -room modern house. Double plumbing. 3 bedrooms, basement, pos sesion at once. (3600. Cottage Realty Co. 262 N. Cottage. aiaHo KEYS ARE READY ' to one of Salem'a finest homes. All rooms newly decorated. 6 well arrang ed ..rooms and nook, plenty of bullt ' lne, closets, hardwood floors down- stairs, double set plumbing, fireplace, full basement, furnace and laundry trays, double garage. Fine corner lot on prominent street. Paving and walks m na paia. nice lawn, snruos ana flowers. Price $4700: cash tlOOO. bal. ilk rent. If you want a good home, a this today. 'CHILDS 4c MILLER. Realtors S44 State . St. Phone 6708. i-room house. Good location. South Salem. Walking distance from paper mill. S3000. Cottage Realty Co. 262 H. Cottage. R2861 500 DOWN. Modern stucco house at 8075 Myrtle Ave. 5 rooms and unfin ished upstairs $3375. $800 down. 5-room plastered house In , goo a condition. Basement, lunmwi t lots 1 700. $350 down. 6-room house north, bath, lltrhta. corner lot 1600. $9600. 6-room house on N. 18th In fine F condition. Basement, lurnace. cor- ner lot, paving & walks in. Terms, LVIN JOHNSON - - 720 uourt et. Phone 3723 anno" $8200. A Comfortable home. Just out aide citv limits. 6 rms.. basement, fur nace, trays and garage, fireplace. W will make the most attractive terms. It Is well worthy of your consideration f P H. BELL 429 OTfgon iag. Phone B121 A2BS" MOD. 6 rms. 3 b. rms. Double plumb ing. Well located. Near schools (North). Bichange for Suburoan home with few sc. N. or East. Income Property. Duplex. Wired for lac. range. Private baths. Exchange for Suburban or hse. $-rm. hse. 6 large lots, fruit. Exc. for acreage near Salem. (3000. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE Ml Stat St. Phone71l3 Salem, a SUBURBAN HOME ' 1 acres, paved road, 6 miles out. good room nome, large Darn, nen nouse, a-arane. woodhouse and laundry. 2 ac res filberts. 2 acres cherries, variety of other fruits. All furnishings Including new electric range frlgldaire and water , heater. Take all at only (4500. SEE Mr. Walter with CHILDS & MILLER. Realtors $44 Stat St. Phone 6708. . a 2 I RECTORY BICYCLES Ud Accessories. Ramsden, 143 S. Lib, o CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACE, Stove Repairing. Drain troughs cleaned & painted. Ph. 3858. o290 Alem Vacuum Furnace and Chlm mey Cleaners Co. Dial 7176. o298 EXCAVATING EXCAVATING of all kinds, basements dug dirt hauled or moved Dirt tor ale Salem Sand St Gravel Co. P408 FLORIST Srelthaupt's fort lowers. Dial 8904. o PAINTING tntiriff St PaDerlnar. Geo .Davis. H7204 O306 Also Kalsomlnlng. Reas Ph. 8147. o288 PLUMBING HEO M BARR Plumbing, heating, heet metal works 164 S. Commercial Mreet o PHOTO ENGRAVING AsJem Photo Engraving. 147 N. Com! RE-SILVERING J ral Glass St Mirror Co, 178 fl. Com 0292' ptcIbi. Phone 7656. STOVE OIL stTOVE oil for circulating heaters. Tru- (l Oil Co Phone 7069 o291 SEWING MACH. REPAIRS E. Leatherman T 8675: 1163 Waller 0 288 STOVES AND FENCE REP A IR stoves, ranges, cl rcula tors ell new end rebuilt stoves rsnaes and circulators Pence and fence posts K B Fleming. 262 Chemeketa fRANSFER and STORAGE CAREER Transfer Storage P 3131 o1 1 WOOO SAWING H BOENINO Ph. 9633. p30 ' WOOD Sawing Reasonable. Ph. 8290 , am Dl.t... Wiw4 B.ln. Dtl 11199 ; : I WINDOW CLEANING 'YEW DEAL WINDOW CI FANTNO CO Windows, Floors. Woodwork. Ph. $337 Automobiles THE HOUSE OF OTTO HOLIDAY SPECIALS IN ... A GIFT FOR THE ANOTHER CHRISTMAS SHOPPING SEASON IR HERE ... and What more pleading or more useful gift could be selected than a good USED CAR for the Entire l-anilly? . . . Come In anil view the fine selection we now have In stock. A Small Deposit will hold the car of 1936 FORD DeLuxe Sedan. Low mileage, tmntmnrtnMnn 1936 FORD DeLuxe Coupe. Low mileage, white sldewalls, radio and heater 665 1935 OldsmobUe 2-door Sedan. Built-in tsunk, low mileage, A-l condition 725 1935 FORD DeLuxe 2-dr. Sedan. Driven only 13,000 miles. Perfect condl IMS 1935 FORD DeLuxe Coupe. Low mileage. A fine Cr in every way $545 1934 FORD DeLuxe Coupe. Low mileage This car has been checked In our service department and OJt.'d 9445 1934 PONTIAC 4-door Sedan. 6-wheel equipped, O.Kd In every way... .1595 1934 DODGE DeLuxe Coupe. Perrect in every way. low mileage ooo 1932 BUICK DeLuxe Sedan, fl-wheel equipped. This car has had fine care. .8445 1932 CHRYSLER DeLuxe Sport Coupe, 6-wheel equipped, rumble seat . . . .1385 1932 CHEV. DeLuxe Coupe. 6 -wheel equipped. Here Is a Real Value at. .$385 1931 BUICK small series Sedan. Formerly owned by prominent local neoDle and has had wonderful care (385 1930 OAKLAND Sport Coupe. Reconditioned and re-painted 1216 1930 CHRYSLER 77 Sedan. 6-wheel equipped, hydraulic brakes $265 1929 CHRYSLER 65 Sedan. 6-wheel equipped, dydraullc brakes 1245 1929 FORD Coach, good running order (165 1928 BUICK Coach. Small series. A Real Value H5 1928 BUICK 4 -passenger coupe. Good condition (165 1927 CHRYSLER Coach, As Is 1926 MOON Sedan. As Is 1927 ESSEX Coach. As 1 1923 DODGE Pickup. As la OUR PRICES ARE REASONABLE - OUR TERMS ARE EASY ... IT OTTO J. BUICK BALES 888 N. Commercial Street For Sale Houses SPECIAL HOME BARGAINS (1000 wUl buy this 3-room plastered home with modern piummng, ugnts, garage, paved St. Near school, (400 down, bal, terms. (1800. Good five-room plastered home with basement, furnace, garage, lo cated near Washington school, (500 down. bal. (25 per month, (2750. Good five-room plastered home with basement and furnace, garage, corner lot. Located at 205 E. Lincoln St. (1200 down. bal. (14 per mo. Int. S'V SEE US FOR BARGAINS. W. H. ORABENHORST St CO.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 6466. a286a NEW HOME Immediate Possession This new modern up-to-date home just completed, located in Northeast Salem, new District, mahogany finish, tile bath, hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement, furnace, attic. Price 4200: (1200 down. bal. terms. W.H. ORABENHORST & CO.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 6468. a286 For Sale Farms 50 A. Practically all under cultivation Good Bigs.; lncl. livestock and mach inery, will trade equity for smaller place. Immediate possession. P. H. Bell. 429 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 8121. b286' 37 AC. Some cult., creek and spring. Irrigation. Old St new hse. Barn, Near schools and stores, siauo. Terms. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 381 State St. Salem. Ph. 7113. b' IMMEDIATE POSSESSION of a well located 10-acre tract, few miles N. of Salem on paved highway, small set buildings like new. Well wa- ter, electric lights, 3 acres berries. price (2700; cash (700, bal. terms. see Clifford Harold with CHILDS St MILLER. Reaiton 344 State St. Phone 6708. FIVE ACRE SNAP Located 9 miles out on Pacific high way. Bearing orchard, 8 -room house, good drilled well, electricity. Price (2000; (100 down, oai. zo per mo. See W. H. OBABENHOHST df CO. 134 8. Liberty St. b286 FOR SALE 5 r. mod, hse. Chicken C. brooder H.. gar. i. Family orchard. Price (2800. Terms. See owner. Dave Miller, route 7 Box 21. Park St. b287 SPECIAL Sheep and cattle farm. 660 acres at (10.61 per ac. Terms. About 25 ao. cult. Fenced with woven wire. Incl. 9 rm. modern hse. and 3 large barns. Excellent grazing land and some timber. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 881 State. Ph. 7113 Salem, b For Sale Miscellaneous DIAMOND ring, almost H kt.. plat, mtfl. (76 oulck. 679 N. Liberty. Apt. 6. coo RANGE, HEATING 8T0VE. Other ar ticles. 1015 South 26th. C288 TRAILER Hse. furn. (78. Terms. Call evenings. Dreamland Cottages. c288 WOOD range and large circulating heater. E J. Williams 1030 jerrerson St. C286 NEARLY new 1936 Frlgidalre. Master series. 6 cu. it. sacriiice loo. or equity. Terms. Phone 9611. C287 Barnyard fertilizer. Ph. 9341. CLEAN straw, no thistles. (5.50 del. St old fir knots. C. A. Petzei. route a. Box 179, Salem. Ph. 30F4. C288 GOAT MILK 15c quart h 7124 c APPLES 25c and up. 1 ml. Wallace Rd Pratts. Phone 8F11. c205 FOR SALE Good table potatoes (1.38 cwt. 57F2 Salem. Hay's warehouse Brooks. caua DELICIOUS home. made fruit cakes now ready. Mrs. E. F. Wright. 681 Cen ter. C302 TYPEWRITERS Adding Machine. Cash Registers sold, rented, swapped Expert repairs, reasonable prices Roen Typewriter exc. uoun rn ovs GOAT milk 15c qt. Ph. 3178. C288 FURNITURE ranges, ruga linoleum. radios Moderat orioea Woodry Fur- nit ure Co. 474 S Oommerdsl 8t e For Sale Livestock SMALL Din. Victor OlKn. Salem. 1. Box 410. eS87 For Sale Wood For DRY See. Browth. drv llftb. 16-in O F., 18-ln mill block nd planar wood call 6832. Fred E. wella. aeroi ALL klndi good dry wood 3354. ee31 4 FT. 2nd fir from large timber .4.50 delivered. Phone 4964. ae287' DRY wood. Phone 8775. DRY wood that li dry. Ph. 5274. ec-310 WOOD. P. 48P14. Smtth-Rubena. ec303 FOR all klnda of wood Ph. 8636. ee29S WOOD for sale. Phone 0327. 16-In. old fir 85.50; 2nd (5. Pb 9458. ee291 MILL WOOD and planer wood (5.50 a cord load Cobba-Mltcbell Phon. ?44 349 s 12th 'ee For Sale Poultry PEDIGREED Leghorn breeding cock- 7C 'reiis. Twin Oak poultry rarm. t. aul. Ore. f294 Wanted Situation PLAIN sewing. Phone Sft54k Automobiles J. WILSON OFFERS GOOD USED CARS ENTIRE FAMILY . . . your choice until cnruimas r, far above average In used (636 ( 65 " I 39 I 35 - - OUR SELECTION WIDB PAYS TO DEAL WITH US WILSON t SERVICE - - - - Automobiles You Can Buy aUsed Car Anywhere But the Better Cars Are At McKay s 38 ESSEX 8EDAN 8 45 30 FORD COACH (125 28 PONTIAC SEDAN $125 28 CHEVROLET COACH 8145 30 DURANT SEDAN 8165 30 CHEVROLET ROADSTER 8235 31 CHEVROLET COACH (325 31 HUDSON SEDAN $376 33 CHEVROLET COUPE $305 34 CHEVROLET COACH M75 36 CHEVROLET COUPE (675 38 CHEVROLET STD. SPORT SEDAN $675 33 LaSALL'E SEDAN , $950 36 LaSALLE SEDAN (1150 Better Cars - -Liberal Trades - McKay Chevrolet Co. 333 Center - - Phone 3189 - - 430 North Commercial Open Evenings and Sundays Wanted Situation MIDDLE aged woman wants house work or practical nursing. Mrs, A, Lowery, Rt. 1, Box 35, Dallas, Ore. h286 GIRL 16, would like to take care of children In evenings. Please call at 1176 Oxford street. n2S6 Wanted Help MAN to become contact man and In vestigator for national organization. Experience unnecessary. Good appear ance essential. No selling. Write 760 770 Madison Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. gilOO ADDRESS envelopes at home, spare time; substantial weekly pay. Exper ience unnecessary. Dignified work. Stamp brings details. Vogue Co., Dept. 1701, Jackson, Tenn. g2uu WOMEN. Earn Good money mailing our Catalogs from home. Everything supplied including stamps. No selling. Write, enclosing stamped envelope. Nationwide Distributors, 401 Broad way, n.y. gaae WOMAN for Gen. housework. Stay nights. Small salary. Room St board. 1455 North iatn. gaB Wanted Miscellaneous F N WOODRT. the Auctioneer, pays cash or trade for use', furniture or what have vou? Ph 5110 I" WANT Ranch, cash to (6000. Pasture and 50, or more acres cultivated St wa tered. State water cost St all details first letter. Ventura, Calif. Glover Realty Co. 1288 MADAM VERLANDA. Spiritualist med ium. She tells you anything you want to know. Do you need help? The most private and personal matters success fully handled. Advice given in an dus tnesa matters, family affairs, love f fairs, and tells you Initials of future companion, whether true or false, tells what business you are best adapted for, what part of the country is luck iest for you. This gifted lady Is now lo cated In your city and can be consult ed on all affairs of ltfe. and give names. Riverside Auto Park. 643 Edgewater St.. Cabin 3. West Salem. 1290 TOP Writes, old horses St cows, for fox feed. Phone 8138. 1286 WALNUT and Filbert meats, any quan tity, snytime. State cafeteria. nwi For Rent APTS. 266 S. Cottage. Mudd. J288 FTJRNI8HED apartment Dec. 5. Cloae to Stat, ground,. Call 262 Chemeketa 288' 1-Room furn. Apt. 888 N. Coml, 1288 Furn. Hie. 760 S. Com'l. Ph. 6408. J291' FOR RENT: 8-r. modern hae. (35 mo. Dunlex hue. (20 and $25 per mo. Rich L. Reimann, 187 S. Hlgri. Dial R32 3-rm. hae. West Salem. Ph. 7580. J288 MODERN furnished 5-room hou.e, ! blocka atatehousa. Inquire 411 N. Sum mer. J285 Sleeping Room. 372 N. Winter. 1290 SMALL bouae In Salem HelghU. Phone 112F12. 9 8 Rm. furn. 825. Ina. 1465 MlMlon. J287 MOD. furn. rm. Oentleman. Ph. 9520 J287 5-rm. hse. tnq. 1598 Court St J2B0 OFFICE room for rent 181 State 8t Phon 8711 I PIANOS Phonograph and sewing machine ror rent h k iun rurni tur Co V Room and Board ROOM, board, garage. 1445 Oak. )J306 Lost and Found LOST: 6 wka. old whit. nil. C. Pranke, BU 1, Bos lOW 1287 Automobiles HERE THEY ARE! 1936 Courtesy Cars We NOW have 5 Touring 4-dr. Sedans Trunk equipped . . . Radio . . . Heater and one with Dual high speed NOW!! $150 - TO - $260 REDUCTION Select yours tjarly . . . Your Old Car as down payment. New Car Rates on Balance Attention Contractors: 19SS V-8 DCMP TRUCK Completely equipped ... A-l Condition thruout 00 Valley Motor Co. Open Evenings and Sundays Q Center and Liberty Phono 3158 - - - Marlon and Liberty Phone 7910 BOND ST. CLAIR CT FULTON Automobiles -Written Guarantees - Low G.M.A.C. Terms Automobiles SACRIFICE 1936 Master DeLuxe Chev. Sedan, Radio, heater, other spec, eq- uinment. will take old car aa part or down payment. Finance bal. Call 8486 after 0 p.m. qztfj 1933 Terraplane sedan, good condition. Terms. 1560 State St. q287 FOR SALE or trade '27 mod. sedan. Good cond. Yew Park Garage. 695 so. 12th. q287 26 DODGE roadster. Good condition. 1526 N. Cottage St. q2B7 (385 CASH '34 Chev. Standard Coach. Box 396 Cap. Journal. q288 (386 cash. '34 Chev. standard coach. Box 395 Journal. q287 Personal PSYCHOLOGIST. Mrs. Martin. Well and favorably known In Salem. De pendable advice, pn. tttou now ior appt. 428 N. Church St. 1291 Miscellaneous WE Pick up dead and worthless cows, horses St sheep. Phone 4869. m286 Real Estate LABISH GARDENS For (100 down and balance like rent you can buy fine 3 and $ A. tracts close to Salem. 10c bus fare. Has some beautiful timber. Will build to suit purchaser. Rich L. Reimann, 167 o. High. Dial BB32. naeo- ONLY (375 CASH Fine corner lot 16th St Bellvue. Paved St. Water and sewer pipes in lot. Snap. Jesse G. Campbell, aae Oregon mag. nzoo- LOTS at a REAL SACRIFICE Four nice building lota located In 8. Salem on paved St. for (1000 caah If taken right now. See W. H. ORABENHORST A CO. 134 8. Liberty St. n288' Choice Lots On paved street. (500. Will nnance new homea up to 60 of cost on long term pavments. W. H. ORABENHORST CO. 134 8. Liberty St. BEAUTIFUL scenic home sites. King. wood Hata Restrictions, all clvle utili ties. (450 up. Terms (10 per mo. Several good city lota. Klngwood Park (150 up. (5 per month. C. A. Robertson rn rmri n- Financial Loans LOANS FOR PALL NEEDS Well lend you the caah you need quickly. Any amount up to MOO and vou can have a year or longer to re pay. Don't put off buying the things vou need or paying mow diiib. oee us for your cash needs. Room 119 Second floor New Bllgh Bldg B18 Btste at. pnone sii BENEFICIAL FINANCE COMPANY OF SALEM STRAIOHT 6 money no eommlt slnn Senlamln Prank. 10. Rom Loan To build, moderate or refinance see Delano z0 nnrxn unurrn o r- AtTTO LOANS Private money at tow rates, to 20 month tn nav. Rot H Simmons, license M-1B2. First National Bank Blda Salem r MONEY by ao Independent loca; eoitwrseo. on pianos, musical Instrument., au rmnhitM furniture, livestock .nt endorsed note. New Low Rate 1 to 30 months to repay. General Finance Corp. Phon. (188 Ue. 8-138. Salem. Ore 1st Natl Bank Bldg. Let your SAVINGS .arn FOUR PER rwwT TN8URED to PTVE THOU SAND SALEM Federal Savings k Loon Aaa a. UO Soutlt UMW. I- Automobiles Financial Loans AUTOMOBILE LOANS LOW RATES - - - - EASY TERMS CONFIDENTIAL P. A. EIKER State Lie. M-187. r294 LOANS wanted on farm and city pro perty Beror. borrowing inquir. at Hawklne At Roberta f AUTO LOANS NEW LOW RATE WILLAMETTE LOAN CO 513 Guardian Bide M-159 MORTGAGE LOANS r bualneaa and realdenc. propertlea. L-'reet rate An rama ft Ellla. Inc Maat,uc Bldg. r SOUND INVESTMENT: Good flrat mortgage real estate loana. larm and city propertlea. Net Investor 5' to 6 4. Amount. 8500 to (2000. Exam ine security yourself. CHILDS & MILLER. Mtge. boana 344 State St. Phone 6708. t STRICTLY high grade mortgage loans. Low Interest. No commission. lauu 81 BUSH TRUST COMPANY. r28T 5H. MONEY to loa-.i on good resi dence and business property. Chas Hudklns 275 Plate 8t r "Business Opportunities FOR SALE 8150 lunch, grocery. Good beer location. WHITE TAVERN eves. Salem-Dallas highway. U288 FOR SALE or trade Good milk route and truck. Phon. 3354. U290 Legal NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING In the County Court, of the State of Oregon, for the County of Manon. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF PEARL JACOBSON, De Ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the final account of Ruby Thacker, administratrix of the estate of Pearl Jacobson, deceased, has been filed In the County Court of Marlon County, Oregon, and that the 1st day of December, 1838, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.M, at the Court House of said County, has been appointed by said Court for hearing of objections to said final account, at which time any persons Interested in said estate may appear and file objections thereto In writ ing and contest same. RUBY THAOKER, Administratrix. KEYES df PAGE, Attorneys for Administratrix 306 U. S. National Bank Bldg. Salem, Oregon. Nov. 3-9-16-23-30 PRINK CALLISON OFFERED NEW JOB San Francisco, Nov. 30 (U.R George Malley was' named head coach of the University of San Francisco football team today to succeed Lawrence (Spud) Lewis. who resigned after his team defeat ed Loyola, 17-14 at Los Angeles yes terday. Malley, who served as Lewis' chief assistant, graduated from Santa. Clara university, where he was a star end. He had a tine record as coach of St. Ignatius high school, nrior to coming to San Francisco university as Lewis' assistant. Portland, Nov. 30 UP The Journal said today Prink CaUison, University of Oregon grid mentor whose Injury, hampered 1936 team had one of tne most unfortunate seasons In the school's history, had been offered the head coaching Job at the university of San Francisco. Spud" Lewis, San Francisco coach, resigned yesterday following his team's 17 to 14 victory over Loyola. Calllson also has been offered contract to stay at Oregon. The con tract, as well as that of Lon stlner, Oregon State mentor, Is subject to approval of the state board of educa tion next April. Calllson 's teams the past five years have recorded 28 victories and 19 de featsseven of the latter coming this year. Married Students Have Organization University of Oregon, Eugene, Nov. 30 Determined to prove coop- erntlvelv the old saving. Two Can live as cheaply as one," married students at the University of Ore' gon will form an organization to be known as the TC.A.C A.. U was an nounced by Howard Keler, Eu gene, a bridegroom of a little more than a week. The Initials of the group stand for "Two Can Live As Cheaply Assoc!- Automobiles The Unparalleled Acceptance of the New Studebaker provides us with some Outstanding Used Car Values! DEPENDABILITY A FACT THAT GREW OUT OF A WORD! GET USED CAR VALUE WITH CAREFREE MILEAGE . . . MODERN CONSTRUCTION AND APPEARANCE . . . SEE OUR STOCK BONESTEELE BROS., INC. 1936 STUDEBAKER DICTATOR 4-door Cruising Sedan with large trunk, low mileage. Has had excellent care. Equipped with Philoo DeLuxe Radio. Studebaker factory heater, dual accessories and lots of other accessories. This car offers a genuine value In a current model ...9945 1930 STUDEBAKER 6-pasa. Tudor Sedan. Two-tone Ambertan color, radio and heater Very low mileage. Studebaker Is forging to the front with an outstanding value, . . See this nearly new car ...9885 1938 STUDEBAKER Coupe. Like new; 15.000 miles. . , Radio, hot water heater $850 ... SPECIAL 1934 STUDEBAKER Dictator 4-door Sedan. Mileage 18.000. Mohair upholstery, finish is perfect, tires good, and runs like a charm. This Is our SPECIAL Now .9568 1934 DODGE Business Coupe. Top condition, low mileage, radio, neater. Dual spo.ugns, good runner, ueiiuxe accessories ....... 9370 SEVERAL OTHERS TO SELECT FROM THE MOST COMPLETE SELECTION OF USED CARS IN SALEM Bonesteele Chemeketa. at Liberty Rediscovers Secret Of Damascus Blade Utilized by Ancients Worcester, Mass., Nov. 30. (U.R) How his interpreta tion of a Syrian legend disclosed the long-sought secrets of the Damascus blade, famed for its hardness plus paradoxical flexibility, was told by an Ohio dent lst last night. The modern counterpart of the ancient sword-metal, was exhibited by Dr. W. Stuart Canes of Canton, Ohio, before the Worcester chapter of the National Society for Metals. The secrets, Dr. Carnes said, were SERVICE HELD FOR 4-H GROUP Chicago, Nov. 30 W) The Chicago Evening club was host last night at a religious service to an estimated 800 boys and girls, members of 4-H clubs here to attend the organiza tion's annual convention. The group attended In a body. It prvotded Its own music, a 45-plece band of the Hamilton county 4-H club of Iowa and the Jasper county quartet from the same state. Dr. Harold C. Phillips, pastor of the First Baptist club of Cleveland O., was the speaker. Edward F. Wil son, president of Wilson and Com pany, peckers, presided. Registrations for the convention reached 1,485 tonight with 44 states represented. Sessions will be held throughout the week at the Interna tional Livestock exposition and horse show and in loop hotels. Tomorrow night trophy winners In meat animal contests will be an nounced at a banquet at the Wilson company plant. Tomorrow noon four girl cooking champions will serve luncheon to the board of directors and members of the national com mittee on boys' and girls' club work. The sectional cooking champions included: Western section, Marie Meyer, of Portland, Ore. NEW FERRY BOAT WELL UNDERWAY The third vessel In the Marlon county navy Is now under course of construction In the county navy yard on trie banks of the Willamette In West Salem. The latest boat to be built by the Marlon county bridge crew Is for use as a free ferry at Wheatland and it is expected It will be finished by the first of the year. Work on the approaches at the ferry slips is ex pected to start in a few days so as to be completed before high water which is unusually late this year because of lack of rain. The latest boat will be distinctive In that It will have paddle wheels at the side and while It will operate on a cable will be so constructed It can run on Its own power and If the cable should break away can be manipulated with use of the paddle wheels either up or down wtream. The machinery la being made un der direction of Ben Hawkins, for many years foreman at the county shops. The boat Itself Is being built under direction of Albert Hen nles, bridge crew foreman. The other two boats In the Marl on county fleet are the ferries at Buena Vista and Independence, all the ferries being operated between counties. MOEN IN HOSPITAL Sllverton Al Moen, nn-in-law of the Ernest Motts, Is convalescing at the Oood Samaritan hospital In Portland from a major operation tion," although a less cumbersome name may be adopted when perma nent organization Is completed Kessler states. He will be Joined In organization work by Relnhart Knudson. whose marriage took place last summer. Both men mar ried fellow students on the campus. The objectives of the organization will be social, educational, and fi nancial, the leaders pointed out. The group will promote dances and parties: will appoint committees to study mutual problems such health, budgets and others; and will seek means of cooperative pur chasing of commodities. It was stated.. Automobiles Bros., Inc. Phon 4444 cj28S- gleaned from tablets recovered by Holy Land archaeologists. The leg end told of mysterious desert trips by members of a Syrian family who handed the process of Damascus blade creation to the eldest son of each generation, with the last of which the secret died. Following the legendary tale step-by-step, Dr. Carnes recounted how the artisan would take a giant Nubian slave on a midnight desert trek, and then with charcoal fire and bellows manned by the slave would heat his already forged blade. Slow heating until sunrise gave the proper tempering degree to the metal and this, the dentist, explain ed, was reached exactly by com paring the color with the center of the rising sun. Then the Artisan plunged the blade through the slave's heart, an action translated by Dr. Cames as sudden cooling in a liquid with the correct chemical constituents to give the unique qualities. Proper "air-tempering" followed as the maker swung the blade about his head with a muttered Incanta tion, the dentist said. According to the legend If the blade then would sever the slaves head without be ing knlcked a true Damascus blade had been created. Dr. Carnes, an amateur metallur gist, showed his recreation of the famed blades, testing flexibility by touching point to hilt then proving temper by shaving hair from his arm with the same blade. He developed the modern and less colorful process, Dr. Carnes said, by producing a tempering solution with constituents similar to blood and discovering the proper top-heat by comparison with the rising sun's intensity. Further tests df the metal's hard ness Included hammering pieces of It through sheet steel and by cut ting slices from steel spikes, with out harming the blade's razor-edge. ACROSS L Slight toft, of liquid 4 Steep rugged rock S. ftend out IS. Daughter of Cadmua IS. Healthy 14. Cereal 15. Be 'he matter with IS. Pliired a valu. on IS. Chiel axecu tlves of cities SO. Pish sauce 21. Crafly Zt insert . Unit ot work 26. Scotch Island 18. Kind of rheaa 29 Meaitnw 10. Lubricant 11 Unnkvlik animal IX Fold over oo 23 Entire!)- 34. Turkish Imperial atanrtard 1ft. Buys 34. Uenitn l the blue grass i'l. Perform... tS. Transgresxtrm 39. Large hundl. L Nols.tene Scluti&r. ot Saturdays Puol. AFARg5TRUwn A W5 MUNI CI PAL W APDO CCllRATllkAMA BESgSLgPgDR IVl5 E RB!lL IE F gRA CAPNjLAVAiii AL AR YEHOMOl 0& I J LCvEWBI KEglgF AH 14, l-eiaeninu 47. Rowing ImplS- menl 41 Hebrew measure 41 Thn Umerald Isle (0. Poiynefftan yam $1, Occupied U. Ski pv over wa ter, as a p 3 wm4 r i r if i" llli'3 lif Hf Wuul f 1 Uul. rmrr -77- -44 45 f; 7 ZZZZZZZZlIflZZ JEAN WILEY IS AID AT AUCTION University of Oregon. Eugene. Nov. 30 Jean Wiley, freshman at the University of Oregon, was one of the assistants at the Associated Women Students auction held on the steps of the old library Novem ber 34. Harry McCall. wielding an old. fashioned gavel over the auction stand, conducted the rale of lost and found articles collected In the University depot for several terms past, the proceeds of which went to the AWS. Two hundred and twenty-six sep arate pieces of merchandise with articles ranging In value, from a pair of white shoestrings to books. fountain pens, and Jewelry, were auctioned off to the highest bidders. Included among the books were English handbooks or revision, speech texts, English compositions. French, Germany, Spanish, and Italian books, English literature, bi ology, Shakespeare, nutrition, busi ness principles, a history of Amer ica, college reading prose, writing and thinking, hygiene, and physical education, and freshmen readings. Wearing apparel included rain coats, sweaters. Jackets, scarfs, hats, caps, gloves, and tennis shoes. Miscellaneous articles were um brellas, shoestrings, glasses, term papers, a. knitting bag, rulers, key rings, an architect's drawing set, a biology drawing, set, and notebooks. Miss Wiley, daughter of Mr. and . Mrs. H. A. Wiley of Salem, is a lib eral arts major at the university, and a pledge of Delta Delta Delta sorority. She was graduated from Salem high school. 1937 TOURIST TO BE GREETED Portland, Nov. 30 UP) The 1937 tourist to Oregon will be, decidedly, a marked person. The board of directors oi tne chamber of commerce approved In principle a plan to welcome out-of-state visitors next year. If It is carried out, the tourist will find the chamber and the forest service ready to provide him with Information, state police to greet him. Portland police to hand him information on the beauties and ad. vantages of Oregon, and hotel clerks, garage men and others trained in a special school of welcoming to gnake his way easy. Besides caring for the tourist, the board decided to continue promotion of a water-grade highway from The -Dalles to Portland, study the state initiative system with the Idea of reducing costs Imposed by It upon the voters, and endorsed John C. Page, acting commissioner, as U. S. reclamation chief. Study of the program for Improve ment of the upper Columbia, and development of the Idaho-Oregon-Nevada highway was suggested to committees, LYONS HAS SERVICE Lyons A candle lighting service at the Methodist church Thursday . night ended the day with thanks and praise. The service was under the direction of the local pastor and wife, Rev. and Mrs. Don Hucka bee. Mr. Huckabee presided at the organ while Mrs. Huckabee gave nu merous readings. The Clipfell fam ily favored with a song and Mrs. Clipfell and daughter, Pauline, sang several duets. I. Not ayateiiiav leally se lected or arranged 14. Congealed water 1L Spread, as ha 11. Vary It. Palm imU II Bearing Wfsntnns . Peruxt 15. Openings 26. Detergent 37, Short lor a metrir measure of distance IS. Accepted SS true SI. Plpnerltk Implement S. Oypxv pocket book 88. Omen 40. Kthereal 41. Cut with a single stroke 42. Part of a church 41 BngMih Shake spearean actor 44. Commit thtft 46. I -ante bird 41 HsfrnMne nam DOWN L Asiatic country 1 Fresh-water oorootst I. Words of more than thre ayllflbies 4. Spar In i 1 Knock i S lllffh mountain Flowering plant jHKS