.fUESDAT, XTJTJTXST 1, 1938 How Could Any Man Who Can't Even Get Along with His Wife Believe In a Universal Brotherhood? i tepitaliUournal . CLASSIFIED rlUVEItlMINO BAlKk Par Una to Per line. 1 times ! Per line. tlmre 4uc Per Una. I muutn ! Ulnlmiiro per id 25 cents. Ads way be pluced 0 telephone but o allowance for phone error. Want ads mmt be In h If e.m. day of publication. Circulation of tbe ; Capital Journal lor the week ending Aug. 1, 1838. Dally average distribu tion 10,156 Net paid 8.80S Ceaiber A.Sit Saree. at FOR SALE HOUSES WQSt SALK 0-rm. house, south Salem. Lfc,e coruur lot. $600 uown. Owaer fioaj ualnes at. aiB? LATE built fully modern, all hardwood floors, 8 bedrooms, snue north. 37BG WUlameise Heal fiiata 381 State. al8a ' OA TRADE Small hoiiae in West 8a- lam. Cheap. Phone 30ib. al87 KsTW 4-R. hae. unllntsned. ac. ot round, attic, city water and etec. MO: 150 down, $15 per mo. modern hse. Well located. $3200; 300 down, balance liae rent. ' Liatliiffi wanted Rich L. Rcimann, ' 167 S. High Dial 8633 al85 ATTRACTIVE BUYS Mies 4-room strictly modern house. hardwood Iloors, clow in, north. Price 02800 with one-half cash. ALSO 4-room house, nice yard with walnut trees, North. Price (900. part terms. SEE Cliliord Harold with CHILDS 6t MILLER. Realtors 144 State Bt. Phone e708. DANDY SMALL HOME early new. a bedrooms, hardwood floors. line built In kuclien. fireplace. Itmt paved. Oarage. All clear to you for only (2100: cash (400, balance like rent. SEE Mr. Walter with CHILDS & MILLER, Realtors 144 State St. Phone 6708. a DISTANT OWNER SAYS SELL her Salem home at greatly reduced price of OS00 with easy terms. Haa neat 6-room ' bungalow oak floors, fireplace, basement, furnace. North .ad East front wtth fine view of ' mountains. CALL Mrs. Ellis to see It. CHILDS As MILLEK. Realtors ,444 State St. Phone (708. a CHOICE East & North front, 8. Salem view lot, livable 3-rm. house on rear. MOO down. Owner, 47 N. Capitol. al90 f-RM. N. Salem home, only (3150. (000 down. bal. like rnt. 8ee owner, 11 N. Capitol street. a!87 IF YOU want to buy a home In Salem e easy terms, or small acreage, or a good fsrm or stock ranch. See our a oetore During. PERRINE t! MARSTERS 111 N. Liberty St., Siiem, Ore. 1100. North 33rd street. 4-room semi-! modern home. fiOxloo lot. No city 5 liens. - - PtQOO. On A street 1 story 6-room TJ bouse. Lot 63x95. Less than four I W blocks from school. 1 $9625. Richmond street near Cottage, A 8-room cottage. L t 50x100. Close to school. Wilt consider acreage for equity. IM00. North 1th street 8-room cot tage. Lot 43x160. Two blks. to school tt60. Statesman street, close to all scl-ools. 8!-room nume with creek frontage. Easy terms can be ar ranged. t000. Market street. A desirable 4 room bungalow. Lot 50x160. No city liens. $000. North 19th stieet. Modern 6 room cottage. Lot 60x100. Owner in cludes circulating heater. rugs, drapes, etc. none our Real Estate Department lit. 4109. Night calls 3fc48 6963 7184 - ? HAWKINS os ROBERTS, INC. Ottardian Building .-Salem. a 185 ' A GOOD INVESTMENT: 8-rm. house, Merits $18. Price $1UK $300 down, with some repairs this would spII for 9000. Valley Land Co. 370 stote alBM T'fOr'sALE FARMS TO CLOSE AN ESTATE acr. tract highly .mproved, good barn. larae chicken house. about 1U, acre fine coerrles. Close to any. worm sc-auu. will sen lor .uuu. Se It TODAY. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS & MILU-'R Reeltor. M4 State St. Phone (708. b" HrMS for snle In Willamette valley from 40 to 300 acres all Improved lal) payment down, balance in 30 yarn at lew than e interest. Agre tracts close to Salem. Desirable JBJSS in vnnous p.ri oi inr nty. .. P. H. BET' 429 Creeon Bldg. Phone 8-.31 bl85 ACRES 8 miles Sslem. About half cneme.. wamuM mnn iiiuvri inir tfn. (2250. Valley Land Co., 370'; late. b!85 (SPECIAL BARGAIN: 100 acres 1'4 ml. from town. 70 pcres In cultivation. 8 ffm. hote. elect-lclty. other bldfra. Price (45O0 Including Ciop, machinery, aai livestock. Valley Land Co.. 37014 (Mate. b!83 DIRECTORY BICYCLES d Accessories Ramsdn 143 S Lib o EXCAVATING CAVATINO of sll alrda baaements tug dirt hauled or mrved Dirt for gale Salem Sand 81 Oravl Co (408 o FLORIST Brelthauptl tor flower. Dial 5004 o . LOCKSMITH t B. Stewart. 231 Court Ph.7lg. 0204 MATTRESSES Capital Bedding Company Ph. 4080. o20( PLUMBING TREO M BARR Plumbing halting (fleet m.t.1 work. 1S4 t Cocomarr'' tract PHOTO ENGRAVING saaleao Photo Eneravlna 147 M ComT STOVES AND FENCE REPAIR cum. ranee, imitators Sell new end rebuilt neves ranees and eircuiatora Pence sne fene posts gt B naming 3U cneiregeta TRANSFER and STORAGE i Vasmeb i F WIN rrauafer Storage P 3131 .DOW CLEANING ; yrgw deai wrymow ri EAismo CO F N woodry tbe Auctioneer, psys window. Fleora, SroodwOTk. Tei jee.h oe trade f- am-', funuoire or : afcon. asti. efiwbat bare you? Pa. mo, 1 AUTOMOBILES YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND THE BETTER BARGAINS AT McKay's Dodge Coupe 28 Willys-Knight Sedan 29 Hudson Sedan 30 Reo Sedan 29 Chev. Sedan 30 Chev. Coach Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 333 Center Street - - - Phone 3189 - - 430 N. Commercial St. Open Sundays and Evenings q' FOR SALE HOUSES ; GOOD BUYS Eight-room modern residence with 16x30 living room, four large bed rooms, Den. OU burning (urnace. You should view the lovely land scaped grounds with its creek frontage. Location close U the State CapltoL The price and terms sre right. Sea our Mr. Severin. Close in. potential business location on South Commercial. This id rooming house property with good income and will show on excel lent return on the Investment ot 05000. See our Mr. Irish. Watch the trend of business development on Commercial and you will appreciate that $5150 Invested in the modern home across the street Irom Buslck's Market has great possibilities. e our Mr. Kingwell Here Is a neat, cocy five-room residence with basement and garage. All refinished. Dandy lot. Street paved. No Hens. Close to Grade, Jun ior and Senior High Schools. Only $3600. On easy terms. See our Mr. Young after 4:30 p.m. We have many desirable buys. We Invite your Inspection. Phone 4100 Night phones 3548 or 6953 for an appointment. HAWKINS & ROBERTS, INC. Ouarcllan Building - Salem. Oregt.n all FOR SALE Miscellaneous , WE buy used Sewing Machines. Bring them to 453 Court St. Ph. 6151. cioo SMALL RANGE, good oondltlon. Call 385 N. 17th St. C185 BREAKFAST suite, do'.ble bedsprlngs, cot. htghchalr, baby bed. stroller, child's rocker. Rt. 6, Boa 33, 13th St. cut-off. C185 LARGE used range (8.00, or 3 pigs and pay difference, 25j NorwaySt. C181 ORAVEN8TE1N applea. One mile Wal lace road. Tel. 8F11. Ptatt'a. C208 VENETIAN Blinds at com ot slore blinds. For details writ. C. N. Crocker Venetian Blind Mfg. Co., 1367 Jeffer- j son. Eugene, Ore. cl86 We are now bqpklng orders for our high-land grown Siappy canning peaches for delivery about August 18. Place your order early and be sure of getting your requirements of those luscious canning peaches. Pur itan Cider Works. West Sslem. c!91 DISTILLED White Vinegar for all pickling purposes. "Keeps your plck- 1" l"lBi. Pure appl; cider vinegar. Puritan Cider Works. West Salem. ... ... - c306 PIANOS at $48.00. $53 00 $55.00. 58.00, $63.00. $65.00. $68.00, $72.00, $73.00 $78.00. $83.00, $88.00. $05.00. $98.00 and up. arenas as low 1 1" Z.'Z.1ZL. " " " r;;V V V : Many others of like reductions in nrlce. Largest stock in the Northwest. Over 800 pianos to choose from. Terms aa low as (3.60 per month on 1 our acierrea rental plan, luv.m.i. Tallman Piano Store. 393 South 13th at Mill St. Open eveninfta. Portland Store. 1123 8. W. Washington street, near 12th street. cl87 GOAT MILK 15c auait Ph 7124 c WE BUY. SELL or Ex'W.nge anything tion Market. 1610 N. Summer St.. In Hollywood. Phone 8110 e TYPEWRITERS Adding Machines. CaBh Registers sold rented swapped Expert repairs, reasonable prlres Roen Typewriter Ere 420 Court Ph 8773 e PICKERING'S Tested tost Milk Bet ter health Producers M 'k Ph 4618 C185 IRRIGATED cukes, any size, canning beans, cheap. Here or del. Ph. 124F3 C300 FURNITURE ranges, rues linoleum, radios Moderate onoas Woodrv Fur niture Co.. 474 8 Conanerclal St e FOR SALE MVESTOCK OR TRADE fresh Cot for chickens. Also one to freshen soon Rt. 7, B:.. 57. el85 FOR SALE WOOD Wood Sawing Reasonab.e. 8290. ecail 5 per cord load. Cobhs Mitchell. 84D - i i. .r.... m -i. uo ' qgum """" ux wuuu. ail am r-rwiui,. ur,. Phone 48P14. Smith -Rubens. 18 IN. OLD FIR. S5.6C cord. Ph B4S8 eelOD WANTED HELP MEN for Peach Picking. L. Tounsend. I 71I"&2 Mission Bottom glW) WANTED: Neat, experienced local . , ,.k i-.h. to be furnished by tnia office'. You must furnish us wltn e.-l local reier- encea. Earnings should net you (76 week. Drawing account within reason. AddIv mornings. 349 N. Commercial, Salem. Mr, Bondell. g!85' WOMAN, Hsework, no cooking, nery stand, 265 Patterton Ave. Can glB7 WANTED: Women 35-45, intelllitent, well dressed, good mixer. Interesting position with nstlonsl organization. Write st once. Director 207 Westport, Kanaaa City. Missouri. glB7 WANTED: Womsn for general house work. Ph. 4638 or 7322 (185 GIRL wanted for general bouaework. go home nltea. Call 3313. (188 WANTED: 100 hop Dickers. Register now, 810 lit Nat l. Bsnk Bldg. Salem. gl88' NOW registering bop pickers for the early and late -hope. Wllllama Ac Tha cker Hop ranch, 4 ml. weat of Salem. Phone (814. 8 WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED TO RENT: Small house, two bedroom., adults, permanent. Suburbs preferred. Box 208 Cap. Journal. 1185 WANTED TO BUT: Shop. Dial 8632. Small Butcher 11881 WILL psy (500 down, modern I ot I rm. house tn or near ealem. writ, prle. and location. Box 205 Capita I journal. naa- WANTED: Work for ac Apt. Ph. 5804. lies I AUTOMOBILES $45 $145 $245 . $295 $275 ....$275 32 Chev. Roadster $345 34 Pymouth Sedan $575 34 Chev. Sport Sedan $565 35 Chev. Town Sedan $645 35 Chev. Sport Sedan $695 35 Graham Sedan $795. FOR SALE HOUSES REAL ESTATE PACIFIC HIGHWAY AUTO COURT AND FARM COMBINATION Thirteen acres of almost level land with 345 feet frontage on the Pacific highway. Just north of the Unoer-Pass. This Is. without question, one of the most attractive properties thls slde of Portland. If you are looking for a high clasa investment you should call our Mr. R. O. Severln with HAWKINS & ROBERTS, INC. Phone 4109 ... Night Phone 6U53 nil FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL country home, 40 per mo. Dial 8632. J 186 Furnished Single Housekeeping Room. 888 North Commercial. J 187 FURNISHED 3-rm. apt 355 N. Capitol. , $28. J190 FURN. house $20. 1810 8. High. Ph. 3308. J190 Beautiful English 6-rm. hse. 3303. J 190 3 -ROOM house in Court. 1248 Che- meketa. J' FURN Apt. Adults. 940 Leslie. J189 NICELY furnished Apia Laundry ser vice. Lights and water free. Phone 6288. J 186 MOD. house, newly decorated. Melvin Johnson. Ph. 3733. j MODERN furnished 3room eottsge In beautiful Edgewater Court. (25. Phone 8877. J 2-Rm. fur. apt. Phone 6E09. JIBS' Housekeeping rms. 380 Center St. 1185 MODERN two-room apartment. Rent (25. Phone 7983. . J18S MOD. 4 rra. apt. 843 Union. 1 ft 3 Rm. Apts. 460 N. 13th. J186 DREAMLAND furnished cottage. Oa. rage W per month I' PIANOS Phonograph, and sewing machines for rant a L Bun Furni ture Co 1 OFFICE room for rent 381 Stat. St Phon. 1718. J LOST AND FOUND LOST: Brown 4-year old stallion from r.ntiir nf K H TVrnlav. route S. Balem, Plense notify. k!87 LOST: Red dog. Huskie type, strayed from band concert. Reward. 1337 )Court St. kl86 MISCELLANEOUS WE PICK up dead and worthless hors es, cows, sheep, free. Ph 4&69. mlM REAL ESTATE 160 ACRE farm in Alsea Valley.. 8! acres under plow, some valuable ttnv ber. 17 head stock Including a cows. mtlklpg. 3 head young horses. AU crop inn mmr.n inirv. fricai asc-im-i mnr.Y ! terma. Thla farm haa comfortable 7- - foam house end two Urge barns. 20 Acres 11 miles 8. Salem. Poor house. very good barn, land can all be culti vated. For only 2U00 300 down. 8. M EARLE ViCK BROS. 208 N. High Phone 9878. n!87" PEW Choice Homes tot sale. See us Marcus J. Aachlm 180 N. Coml. St. Over Safeway Store nlSfl FOR SALE Many attractive locations farm land near Turner Turner Mem. ' orlal Home, trustee of Cornelia Davis " "--. -"Vri , rej D4xn ANYTHINO pertaining to Real EaUU rut. sell or Eachange, See N. 4. Llnd- i gren, 175 8. High. Ph. 88(0. nl88a ONE ACRE on pevlng. close in, 4-rm. new home, furnace, hwd firs., attrac tive shrubbery, family trulta and ber rlea. small barn, chicken house for 300 hens. This Is a BARGAIN at (3100. See us at on.-a about this. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 914 N. High street. nl88 CITY HOME WITH ACRE Nice ahade trees. pevd street, garden apace, city water, also well water for Irrigation. 5-room bungalow home with garage. Located near Englewood school. Prtc (2500. See W. H OPABENHOR8T e CO. 134 8. Llbe.ty Bt. nl85 23'.4 ACRES, fine aoli, 8-room stucco r;ouse, b-and new. i fclcken heusee, etc. On Santl.m river. 3 mile, from Jefferson. Senflee fo- (1750. Hurry E. A JENSEN 13i( Edgewater Klagwood Phone 8877 nlB3 REAL ESTATE WANTED TAKE ADVAN1AOE We would Invite you to Mat with our Real Estate Department your real e tste holdings. We have many Inquiries for select res tderleea of three to five bedrooms. Also msny Inquiries for mor. moderst. erlced homes. Whether It Is a reetd.nce. elty lot or cr.ag we would app-e-i.te your bua. Iness. HAWT'W" RCERTS. IKC Ouardiaa Building Sal. re, aals5' AUTOMOBILES Exchange REAL ESTATE EQUIPPED FARM FOR SALEM RESIDENCE 70 acres all cultivation, modern home, large barn, other bulldlnga, beautiful location, only 7 miles out, excellent soil, price includea team. bogs, poul try, all farm machinery Including tractor and baler. This la a wonderful small farm. Will take Salem residence aa part. Priced for all at only (12.000. SEE Mr. Walter with CHILDS & MILLEk Realtors 344 State St. Phone 8704. nn FINANCIAL LOANS AUTOMOBILE LOANS LOW RATES - EAST TERMS CONFIDENTIAL P A. EIKER State Lit M-15T MS3 STRAIGHT 6 money no commis sion Benlamln Prankim Home Loan To build, modernise or reflnanos. om Delano, 390 North Church Bt. r RKAL ESTATE FINANCIAL LOANS Personal Loans By aii Independent Bel. m Fln.nos Co Amounts to siouu One to 20 Month, to Repay Deal with an Independent Salem ownad-and-operated finance company where your needa wll. receive every consideration both before end sltsr the loan is made. NO DELAYS N" RED TAPE General Finance Corp. First Nat'l Bank. Bldg Phone SA53 Licensed B-188 By State r MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT to loan for farm, acreage end city loana Low In terest ratea. Prompt sat vice. CHILDS & MILLER, Mtge Loana 344 State St. Phone 6708 r Money to loan, city, farm prop. Also buy contracta, second mortgsgee Sa lem real estate, cspitoi -curiues Corp., 30S US. Bank Bldg, Salem. Or. rauo- AUTO LOANS NEW LOW RATI WILLAMETTE u AN CO. 813 Guardian Bldg M-189 Do You Want to BUY OR SILL 0 USED CART We'll finance any private sale be tween you and your friends where the balance la $300 ot less. And you can have a year or longer to repay. Phone or see Mr. Brandon, Beneficial Loan Society, second floor. New BUgh Bldg.. State and High Sts. Phone 3740 r INVESTMfNTS Invest your savints at $ to peroent on first mortsare aeauritieo See Hew. ai-is Hooerta r- morTOAOI LOANS busineas and residence propertlea Leat ratoa Ab rams ft Ellis. Inc Max.clc Bldg. AUTO LOANS Private money at lowe rate., 1 to 20 montha to pay. Roy H Slmmona. license M-162. First Nations! Bank Bldg.. Salem r LOANS wsnted on farm and city pro perty Before borrowing Inquire at Hawkins Roberta r LEGAL NOTiCK OF INTENTION TO 1M PROik SUMMER STREET FROM THE SOUTH LINE OP LESLIE STREET TO THE SOUTH LINE OP THE ALLEY IN BLOCKS 12 AND 13, IN UNIVERSITY ADDITION IN THE CITY OP SALEM, OREGON. NOTICE IS HEREBY OVEN, that the Common Council of the City of Balem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient, and hereoy declares its purpose and intention to Improve SUMMER STREET PROM THE SOUTH LINE OP LESLIE STREET TO THE SOUTH LINE OP THE ALLEY IN BLOCKS 111 AND II IN UNIVERSITY ADDITION IN THE CITY OP SALEM, OREOON, at the expense of the abutting and adja. cent property, except the street and alley Intersections, the expense of which will be assumed by the city of Salem, Oregon, by bringing said por tion of said street to the established grade, constructing Portland cemem concrete curbs, and paving said par tlon of said street with a aut Inch Portland cement concrete pavement, thirty feet In width, In accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the common councU on July 6, 1S36, now on file In the office of the City Re corder, and which are hereby refer red to and made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby de clares Its purpose and Intention to make the above described Improve ment by and through the Street Im provement Department of the City of Salem, Oregon. By orfer of the Common CouncU of the City of Salem, Oregon, the th day of July. 1U4. A. WARREN JONES, City Recorder, Salem, Oregon, Date of first public tlon July 25, 1B38. Date of last pub'VcaUor, Aug. (. l(n. W AUTOMOBILES We Repeat the Following: DO NT PASS UP This Exceptional Value AT Valley Motor Company A 1929 Chrysler Coupe Newly Painted Re-upholster4 Seat New Floor Mat flood Motor with Hi Rings Wind Wing, Servlcabl. Tlree Oeod Rc-drewed Top Strong, Solid Body Priced to Sell at $265.00 Valley Motor Co. Cantor Liberty Marlon at Liberty Phones: MM and 710 q 1S2 FORD Sedan SACRIFICE, till. Larson, aeroaa Salem Height, school. 01 as FINANCIAL LOANS REAL Estate Mortgages properly made are the safest Investment for your savings, we Ban several nigniy cured mortgage, on f'irm. city I acreao-e Dronertlea. Amounts aSOO to 91500. Net investor. 6 per eent to per oent. Evamlne security rouraalf. SEE US CHILDS MILLER Mtge. Loan. S44 SUt. Bt. Phone T0 LEGAL NOTICE OF SHERIFFS 1AXE On th 18th day ot August. 1N6. at the hour of ten o'clock A M., t the west front door ot the Court house in Salem, M.trion County, Oregon, I will sell at auction to the highest bidder for caaii the louow tnt- described real property located In Marion County, Oraaon, to-wit: All of LoU Ten, Haven, Twelve and Thirteen tn Sunnystde Fruit Farm No. Fourteen, as said Lota are shown and designated on tbe plat of said Sunnyiuit milt Farm No. 14 now ot record in the office of the Recorder ot Conveyances for Marlon County, Oregon, eon. talnlne 40.74 acres, beini located in the Southwest Quarter of Sec tion Twenty, In Township Eight South of Range Three West of the Willamette Meridian . . . Sltuat ed In Marlon County. State of Oregon, Together with the tene ments, hereditament, and appur tenance thereunto belonging ejr tn anywise appertaining. Bald sale Is made under execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon lor the County of Marlon to me directed In the ease of The Federal Land Bank of Spo kane, a corporation, Pialnttlt, vs Alfred I. Potter and Minnie Potter, husband and wife; Willamette) Val ley Prune Association. corpora tion; Ladd At Bush, corporation; Marlon-Polk National Farm Loan Association, a corporation, Defend ants. A. O. BURK, Sht-'iff of Marion County, Oregon, By Kenneth L Randall, Deputy. Wm- L. Beatty-E. C. Frestbye Attorneys for Plalntl'.f Julyl4-J.J-Auf.-4-U (Continued from moved to a point five mliee wast of Gaston, near Forest" Orove, where he established his home. The valley where he lived wag named (or Um and is still known as Patton valley. Matthew Patton, a brother of Wil liam Patton, had preceded him to Oregon In 1847 and settled Bear Newberg, He went to California Im mediately upon heating of Uw dis covery of gold on American river. There he became wealthy and re turned to Oregon to become a heavy stockholder in the Oswego Iron mines on the west aide of th Wil lamette river between Portland and Oregon Olty. Later be owned much property In the ' vicinity of what la may the Piedmont district In pwtland. The Patton Methodist Episcopal church and the Patton Old People's Heme are named for him. Mi. Patten hav ing given the property. Interstate avenue, running through thla dis trict, was formerly called Patton avenue. Two sons of William Patton. Rob ert and Matthew, accompanied him to Oregon. Robert Patton, grandfa ther of Mrs. Curtis, married Elisa beth Bennett who came to Oregon tn 1(51 from Indiana with her par. ents who settled la the valley of Panther Creek near Carlton In Yam hill county. Robert Patton and Mist Bennett became acgualnted there, but were married In The Dalle, where tbe Bennetta lived later. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Patton estab lished their home tn Cherry Orove In Patton valley. There were ten children born to this union of whom Etta L. Patton waa next to the youn gest. She waa married in 1(08 to Dr Hans Peterson. Ruby Cecelia, now Mrs. Ralph Curtis, waa bom to Dr. and Mrs. Petersen In Buxton. Oregon, la 1(08. She lived In Portlano moat of the time until 1(24 when aha moved to Salem to attend Willamette univers ity. Since that time she haa lived tn Marlon county. She waa married to Mr. Curtis in 1171. she l the mother of three children, ages I, and 7, ... Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Meyers left Sunday for a week's trip In Vancouver, B. C, and other north ern points. ... The Woman's Benefit association will meet at the K. P. hall Thurs day night at I o'clock. Mra. William Monroe Hamilton. Mrs, Carl Butt and Mlsa Betty pate AUTOMOBILES STATE MOTOR'S OFFERS 6 Finance to Used Car Buyers oe FORD OeLUXI COUPE. Run lea. 5O00 mile.. Not fi9t; broke In yet. New car guaranta. .puiu OI CHEVROLET COUPE. Haa new paint. Motor completely COOe- oi overhauled. Ousranteed. ONLY JtMnJ OA HUDSON SEDAN D.LUXI. Fender walls, trunk rack $3(1 ou New paint. Motor reconditioned. ONLY v0"" . OA HUDSON SUPER BIX SEDAN. Original finish, upholstery eons ou epotlee.. Very tow mlleae. ONLY ejiou n HUDSON COACH. New Urea. New paint. New Motor. $225 Oft BSSEX COACH. Original finish' good' 1 Qc aU Thla Motor Perfect la0 OA HUPMOBILE SEDAN DeLUXX. Fender walls, trunk reck, if 07c ov One of those famous century six Model 1 v 07 BUICK COUPE. Rumble Seat, finish like new, QK Sis tires. Motor Perfect .. 27 DODOS COUPE. New Urea. This Is a steal 95 Terms are Easy - - - Trades are Liberal 12 to 24 Months to Pay State Motors, Inc. PACKARD . HUDSON - - TERRAPLANE 525 Chemeketa St. at High Open Evenings and Sunders Phon. 8400 23 OIL COMPANIES MADE DEFENDANTS IN FEDERAL ACTION (Continued a federal grand Jury at Madison, Wis., as the outgrowth of an inves tigation ordered last May by At torney General Homer 8. Cum min ga. Individuals indicted Included: Bdward C. Seubert, president. Standard of Indiana; Allan Jack son, rice-president, Standard f In diana; Bdward J, Bullock, vice preslent, Standard of Indiana; Ira A. Smith, buyer, Standard of Indi ana; John A. Brown, president. So cony Vacuum; Charles L. Jones, vice president, Sooony Vacuum; Onarles A. AmoU, vice president, Beeony Vacuum; H. T. Aahton. man ager of Lubrlte division, Socony Vgcuum. Harry D. Frueauff, vice president. Cities Service Export; Frank R. Cos tea. director, Cities Service: H. H. B rendll. vice president. Cities Service Xxport; o. J. Tuttle, Tan Car Sales manager, Implre: D. W. Harria, general manager, Louisiana Oil; John A. Welch, sales manager, Louisiana Oil; Dan Moran, presi dent, Continental; Harry J. Ken nedy, vice president. Continental; L. T. Cramer, tank car buyer, Con tinental: Edward Karstcdl, former vice president, Continental; J. F. prase, president, OuU Oil. William V. Hartman, vice pres ident Oulf Oil; H. C. Meyer, Oulf OU; O. H. Carlisle, Oulf OU; Henry M. Dawes, president, Pure Oil; O. B. Watson, vice president. Pure OU; R. H. McElroy, Jr., tank car sales manager. Pure Oil; Dewey K. Cham- Hamilton left Tuesday for a stay at Seaside. Mss Hamilton will re main there for the duration of Aug ust. ... Dr. and Mra. Oarl Emmons have returned from a trip which took them to Mt. Rainier, Vancouver and Victoria, B. 0. ... Mlsa Doris Mackensie Is the house guest of Mr. and Mra. T. B. Mae kensle for the summer season. a a ' Leslie Ladles' Aid society will meet Wednesday afternoon at the country home of Mrs. Mason Bis hop. Cars will leave the church at 1:48 o 'clock. Miss uoeena joy wui give a talk on peace. Sllverton Mra. Lee Hasklns en tertained Monday at luncheon at the Hasklns home In South First street In compliment to Miss Flor ence Story, a teacher In the Sliver. ten system and whose nome is in New York. Colorful gladioli were effective In room and table decorations. Places war, laid (or Miss Story, Mrs. Ham Riches, Miss He Mae Davis. Miss Elaine Clower, Mra. Marshall Powell of Salem, Miss Muriel Bentson, Miss Stella Dybe vUt, Miss Oladys Fletcher and Mrs. Lee Hasklns, th( hostess. ... Haael Oreen Mr. and Mrs. Will raavla entertained informally re. cently with a dinner complimenting their two daughters and son-in- law. Mrs. Louise Dunnlgan and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ireland (Helen Davisi of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Ireland have only recently returned from Seattle where they went on their wedding trip, their marriage being an event of early July, Covers were placed tot tne nonor eueets. Mr. and Mrs. Slater, Mrs. Dunnlgan, Mrs. Richard Slater and daughters. Barbara and oniriey. Mra. Wllma Donaldson, Oeorge Dunnuran and th hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Will Davis. Laitaw in the week the pavisaa en texts tried for Richard Slater and Louis Donaldson or coquwe. wno joined their wives who have been gueeta at their parent's home for the past month. The Maters and Donaldsons are spenmng tne wna in Portland when they art attend rng Buyers Week. Sanford Davis. who (pent the past three months tier at his parents' home, haa left for Coquille where he will resume hU former position tn tne mercan tile (tore belonging to hit brother' in-law, Richard 81atr. Sidney Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Market and Mra Lloyd Marlatt and children, Billy and ProTenee. were dinner guests at the R. Farr home In Albany, AUTOMOBILES from past 1 berlaln, manager Tulsa division, Pure Oil; R. O. A. Van Der Wode, president, SheU Union Oil Corp.; Alexander Praaer, president, aneu; p. E. Lakin, general sales manager, Shell; E. W. Sinclair, president, Sin-' clalr. J. W. Carnes, vice-president, Sin clair; W. S. Rogers, prealcent, Tex- R. D. Cottlngnain, assistant to nresldent. Texas; P. C Scullls, vice- president, Indian Refining Co, sub sidiary of Texas; H. w uoage, vice- president, Texas; Edward L. Shea, nresldent. Tide water: rcoei nooin- son. vice-president, tide Water; J. W. Warner, position unknown, Tiae Water; R. O. Audrain, buyer. Tide Water; Jacob France, . president, Mid-Continent; Robert W. McDow ell, vice-president, Mid-Continent; Thomas Fltigerald, assltant to vice president, Mid-Continent. Frank Phillips, president. Phillips; H. E. Koopman, vlce-piesldent, Phil lips; A. M. Hughes, sriea manager, PhUUns: H. A. Gardner, tank car sales manager. Phillips; W. O. 8kel- ly, president, SkeUy; James Naale, In charge of wholesale sales, SkeUy; Edward B. Resser, prerioent, Bsrns- dall; I. A. 0'8haughncsey, president, Globe; Barnard L. Majewskl, vice president. Deep Rock: Keith Fran shier, petroleum editor. Chicago Journal of Commerce; Warren V, Piatt, nresldent Piatt's Oils ram and National Petroleum News; Clyde M. Hoggs, president, -Western Petroleum Refiners association; Arthur V. Bourque, secretary-treasurer. West- em Petroleum Refiners association. Three Olobe OU companies were named, Olobe of Oklahoma, Olobe of Illinois and Globe of Kansas. Also named were Deep Rock Oil Corp., Cities Service Export Oil Co.. Empire Oil and Refining Co, Louisiana Oil Refining Corp., Oulf Refining Co., Wadhanu Oil Co. The three trade papers nsmed in the Indictment were the Chicago Journal of Commerce, Piatt's Oil- gram and the National petroleum News, ACROSS L Stat, la Biasll I, Commemora tive aaeul disk IS. Oreantan Mt tl.mant 14, fcdlbl. sub- atanc. da rived from Csylon moss It Br th. side of Is. aurfsce a street II. Juicy 15. Symbol la Whers play St- IS 1M golf tl. E.t.Kt U. Printed or written documents tl. Certain 14. Auctions Is. Scan, of a:tloa 2. lrntau. 10. Bale! (2. Release on honor 21. Compasalon Ih. Self I'l. In a Una 21. Coa.i It. Advance la yeara 4a Action at law 1. K.t thlckir 4Z. fertalniue OS froas 41 1(0 square m.iere of land elutlen el Yesterday's Punle NlllMERlALnClHIEIF S BK N CJ3(0 F WlA NjE ot 6 PmumQiRHSlE K Bh itJREip SSs E Cats I. M U M & E. Ill I QP A 1 FT- ,.jULF. r O P" EMIdjIP. 1 N Kl2a uEtalMjiMoR jPP a L U GHgNIS U EfflHUM "E LIATaA taPIA R A N A!MlEDfL E G?PFiS ftr!llPUTlR!ElSlSEi5 4. PriMentAd Is 0 thsatsr 47. Tit one Inst ie an other 4H. Commonwealth 4. Ieava out M. Act 11. Kend forth si. Clumsy boat S7. Iflollze B. Vlvarttr 40. Arrow Si. Kxpiate S. Not hunV S3 Ke birds . Singing voire 4ft. Fence picket i- I- u. www w 27 g 24 ' 111 l"a!i S3izzzi?:fzzig i '-r-i r? I I I 1 ' I 1 I LJ I 11 I TUTTLE LENIENT WITH MANAGERS Los Angeles Aug. 4 OPlJack Lel- Ivelt. manager of the Los Angeles Angels and Bill KUleler, skipper of the Sacramento Solons both will be able to coach their teams In a game Wednesday night foUcwlng action of President W. C. Tutje of the Paci fic Coast league In lifting suspen sions from the managers. Lellvelt was suspended for 15 days last week in San DtekO while KlUe fer was banned Friday In Portland. Tuttle said he was unprepared to end the 30-day suspension of Jimmy Reese, Angel second baseman, who was one of the three men penalized by Tuttle In the San Diego fracas with Umpire Hollls Leake. Tuttle In timated that Reese might not serve full time. Arnold Stats, ending a five-day suspension, will be in the lineup when the Angels and Sacs tangle in a doubleheader tomorrow night it Wrlgley field. JOE MARTY LOSES BATTING AVERAGE Los Angeles, Aug. 4 Center Fielder Joe Marty of San Fran cisco lost 14 point in Coast league batting averages last week, and with them his hold on first place In the standings, official figures of the league statistician disclosed to day. He slipped to fourth place after leading the batters for IS successive weeks. Vlnce Monro, San Francisco catcher, displayed Marty at the top, advancing from second place de spite his loss of two points. Catcher Earl B nicker of Portland gained seven points and went from third to second place. Chick Outen. Mission receiver, with a seven point gain c'imbed from fifth to third position, and John Frederick, Portland right fielder, advanced a notch to fifth place by virtue of a gain of six points WALLA WALLA OR GIBSON TO BATTLE Seattle. Aug. 4 (Pv-Either the Gibson nine of 8eattle or the Amer ican Legion junior league from Walla Walla wUl play El Ray ot Portland for the northwest Jun ior league baseball title at Roseburg August 13 to 15. The Gibson team won both ends of a double-header with Vancouver here yesterday, to 1 and 13 to 0. Gibson's and Walla Walla play here Friday and Saturday (or the state championship. EI Rey won the Oregon title with a. 3 to a victory over Eugene sun day. MOLALLA WINS Aurora, Aug. 4-In the play-off game between Aurora and Molalla (or the league championship, play ed at Marquam Sunday afternoon, the score was to 5 In favor of Mo lalla, which gives the chsmplonshlp to the latter team. Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hiatt ' and daughter. Yvonne, with Mrs. Hlatt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Weddle, of Stayton. are spending the week at coast resorts. II. Domsstle fowla IS. Customary It. Score' U. aUgtclan's running talk SS. Crystalline precipitation from the clouds II. Mis circularly SL Three banded armadillo IS. Scarcer 37. Qofl of love 19. After song 10. Representative IL Fashions U. Landed or 'perry 1ft. Shield IV Vast 59. The herb ttllt 11. Side piece ef a blUTSi 48. Pemlnln name 4k UrvH sud denly 4. TU ut.d in a cartaln game 41. Clluped 50. Buffoon SI Invited 1.2. BiblUal tower U. Knrm.T v spelling ef anon 14. It Hun opera. U Kind or biscuit 15. Itodv Jnlnl s. Devoured . Tilt t Near OO WN L By 1 Malarial lever S. Speed contest 1 Segment of a curve I. Pertaining to the cheek 4. Square root or mi t. Finished . Insect I. Football tx"l tion: (to or. 1ft. Eplr poora 11. Accepts 12. Declare