! t- 10 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON FRIDAY. JUNE 10, 1336 ! ! 1 REDHEAD SHOW IS EXPECTED TO BREAK RECORDS Taft, June 19 With the weather man predicting perfect weather for the week-end, residents of north Lincoln county are planning on en tertalning the largest crowd tn iU history during the sixth annual Redhead Roundup, which will be staged at Taft next Saturday and Sunday. Street and bushier houses are being decorated in gala colors and committees are working overtime U) perfect last minute details of the celebration, which is expected to eclip.se all former local festivale by a considerable margin. A varied program, designed to appeal to both young and old, has been arranged by Sam Sloe urn, Roundup director, and includes a full two days entertainment. Highlights are the redhead bath ing beauty contest, wherein over 100 titian-tressed beauties will com pete for the valuable and handsome trophies which will be presented to the winners. A "Redskin Revue," an aboriginal prod 'Jetton by fifty SileLz, Coast and Umpqua Indian braves and maidens, the Tillamook Jubilee entertainers, under the di rection of Oeorge Natanson; dances, beach sports, a carnival, and many other interesting events, includ ing a number of read head contests. The Salem Cherrians will have charge of the coronation ceremonies for their roundup queen, which Is scheduled for Saturday afternoon. Redhead Roundup headquarters have been established In the Pines hotel. Members of the Taft-Nels-cott chamber of commerce, the 20 30 club of Lincoln beaches and the Devils and Devllettes, organizations sponsoring the roundup, will com prise the reception committee and will greet visitors as they arrive at the headquarters. Special prizes will be awarded to the most colorfully costumed civic groups who attend the celebration. A large bus, the "Redhead Round up Bathing Beauty Special." Willi leave romana at. a a. m., Sunday, carrying 36 tltian-haired misses who are entered In the bathing beauty contest. The bus will leave the East Side Commercial club and will make stops at each city en route. A few ats are yet available, and any red headed girl or woman is Invited to make the trip without charge. If she will enter the bathing beauty con fest. To do so. she should call the Club office. East 7155, and make reservations. FIRST CHURCH OP GOD North Cottage and Hood streets, L. Wesley Johnson, pastor. Sunday school as sembly at 0:45 a.m., Ljle Knox, Supt, Morning worship at II. sermon theme "Faith in a Crisis." Tt mixed quar tette will slug. Young people's meet ing st 7 p. m. Nell Csshlon. president. Evening service si 8 p.m.. sermon sub ject, "Uncertain Sound." Mid-week service Wednesday st p.m. father's and sons' banquet Friday at 8:30 p.m. at the church. Prog. am of music, toasts, and address by guest speaker. CALVARY BAPT18T South High and Ferry streets. Rev. Arno Q. Weln ger. pastor. Sunday services as fol lows: Bible school 8:48 a.m., W. F. Foster superintendent. Morning wor ship 11 am., sermon subject, "The Sealing ot Holy Spirit." Young peo ple's meeting 8:4ft p.m. Vesper prayer meeting 7:30 p.m. Evening worship 7 45 p.m. A gospel team composed of young men and womei- from the Western Baptist Theological Semin ary in Portland will have charge of the service. Tills meeting ts broad cast from 8 to 8:4ft pm. Mid-week service Werinendsy evening, 7:4fl p.m. 6 pec 1st business meeting ALLMNCR OOSPKL TABERNACLE OF THE C. A- M.A.. flftft Ferry St.. Rev. R. W. Breuler, pastor. Btble school S 46 am. Morning wcrship 11 a.m.. sermon. "Lord Teach Us to Pray." Fvsngellstlc service, 7:4ft pm. ser mon. "Promoting a Revival." Devo tional service every Tuesday, 7:4ft p. m. Studv on the "Demon World." nospel team practice Thursday, 7:48 p.m. FIRfiT BAPTIST Marion and North Liberty st. Brit ton Robs, minister. Bible school at 0:4ft a.m.. Fred Broer, Supt. Morning worship at 11 o'clock, sertnon. "A Joyous Experience." ,Ir. Intm. and Sr. B.Y.P l; at 7 p m Prayer meeting at the ssme hour. SrjentJ -T MS Your Week-Ends at Ik TILLAMOOK BEACHES S; $3-50 Foi 60-Day Round Trip Leav from Aalrm RUga Terminal dally al 5J a.m. 1:55 p.m. 5:15 p.m lllrael la TILLAMOOK tRICHTON GARIBALDI NIHALIM ROCKAWAY MANZANIT A MANHATTAN lawn1 tiia (a UtMtd Naikawta laatk $4.30 Phone Mtm 4151 OREGON MOTOR STAGES New Store Just I - f ' '' '"" '" ' " "' ',,,,111 in "" ' i' i 1111 ' 1 """" )HM ' I mm ' - ----- - - "TTZSr s - . , - j m ... .y - I''r: f, 7& i. 'o fT""rt r nil'INIllll ; llim'lM mmjin M 'j R ' f11' -.j--.' ' -' - . -f. 1 , - - . . service at 9 o'clock, sermon. "Com munism, Past, Present and Future." Mr. Ross will use a large chart at this service to Illustrate the sermon. Dally Vacation Bible school will start Monday morning. 8:30. All children nre Invited. Prayer meeting and Bi ble study Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF IaATTER DAY SAINTS Corner of Cottage and Chemeketa Bts. Sunday school 10 a.m. tiacrsment service 6:30 p m. Relief society Thursday, 3 p m. LESLIE METHODIST South Com mercial and Myers St., Dean C Poln dexter. minister. Church school ft 45 a.m. Morning worship II a m. Mes sage: "Finding Ood for Myself." Bp worth League at 7 P.m A group of Interested adults win aiscuss coop- eratlves. aa a Chrlstlsp basis of ac tion. The message fo- the evening service at, 8 o'clock will be: "Shall the Church Practtre It Preaching?" EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED N. Capitol and Marion St., Edwin Horstman. pastor. Sunday school 10 , German services 1C s.m. Chrls- tlsn Freedom." English service 11 a. .. "Imitators of God. EMMANUEL FULL GOSPEL MIS SION Yew Park hall. 12Mi and Ies- le Bts, upstairs. W. A Crumpacker. pastor. Sunday school at 10 a., m. Mornlns worship at 11 Starting Sun day evening revival meetings In big tent. 12th and Wilber St . Evangelist ft. G. Hammond, conducting. FIRST HERMAN BAPTIST North Cottage and D streets. J. F. Oathoff, pastor. Bible school P 4ft a.m., Sam uel Bchlrman, superintendent.. Morn ing service in itermsn c ii- noir anthem. "Unser Brhufc? und Schirm " Sermsn. "Oemelnscham mlt Oott." ("Fellowship with God 1. Evening service tn English at 7:30. Choir an them, "Our Dearest, Friend' Sermon, "Thai rhrlat nf the Mnnnt ' Prsver meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o' clock. AMERICAN LUTHERAN Church street between Chemeketa and Center streets. Rev. P. W. Erlksen. pastor. 9:46 a m. Sunday school. A. A. Krue ger. superintendent. 1 1 a.m. Morning worship connrmsnon service, con ducted by the pastor. Prelude, Air In D minor. Bsch. Ruth Bedford: solo. Come Unto Me. Coenen. Miss Louglne Brletrke: reception of new memoers: anthem. For God So loved the World. Stalner. Hie choir. Prof E. W. Hob son, director: offertory. Berceue. Dick son: beautiful Saviour by choir and congregation: sermon. C'-arge to Class and Congregation. Frldsv evening. June lPth. H p.m. una in Tnia eve. nlngt a socisl for members and friends. The men's meeting and the Luther League will serve strawberry shortcake and Ice creim 7 p.m. Luth er League devotional meeting. JAHONLEE MEMORIAL Methodist Episcopal North Winter and Jeffer son. Lynn A. Wood, m.rlster. Church school 0:4ft a.m. Mornhng worship 11 . Theme: "Jesus and tne eniur- Isn" Intermedlste League ft:an p.m. High school league :30 p.m. Warren BiRgerstatf. leader. Seplor Epworth league 30 pm. Saticv Brothers will give a program. Evening service 7:30 pm. Theme: "Nehemiah. the Build- r. ST. JOHNS EVANO. LUTHERAN Missouri Synod t lflth and A Bt.. H. W. Gross, psstor. Sunday school. P l. Service 10. THE CHURCH AT SALEM Upstairs 1 VOUrl OX-., . ninnro nnimrtn. tor Sundav. P:4ft am Bible school: 1 1 1 3 a ni worsnnp rnv"r r'i" nn. HjONEY available No CommiuieM low Interest Convenient TeriM D. W. tVRE. Manaarr Snlom llrancli otthp I hIIimI SIhV INalioual Ilnnk Hwi Vfhc. Portland Ihvgon I ttttAl Dipotii iMIA4 f. OTPHP Opened by Safeway Tieton, Wash., guest speaker. 3 p.m. bpecial service. Dr. George Wallace Scott. Scotch evangelist and singer, will spcak.6.30 p.m. oung people's lelloWBlilp. 7:45 p m. Or Scott's sub ject, "Good News for Salem." Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, serviced at 7:4ft p.m. THE TEMPLE BAPTIST N. 19th and Breyman streets Ernest H. Brown, pastor. Sunday school at 9.40 a.m. Wendall Cross. Supt. Morning service at 11 am., sermon. "What Shall I Render Unto the Lord7" In termediate and senior B.Y.P.T.C. at 7 p m. Evening servlcj at 8 p.m. ser mon. "Echoes from tht Association." Midweek services Thursday at 7:30 p.m, i ENGLEWOOD UNITED BRETHREN 17th and Nebraska street. R. C Mann, minister. Church school 0 30 a.m. Mrs. Anna Wolcolt, superinten dent. Morning worship 10:35 am Mr. Mann will speak on "Being In Christ." Anthem, "When I Awake." by Lorenz. Christian Endeavor, 0:4ft p. mi Evening song service and ser mon, subtect, "Resisting God." Dr. and Mrs. E. V. Lowery will sing. Mid week Bible study and prayer ser vice Wednesday, 745 p.m.. Wm. O. Hamel. leader. Daily Vacation Bible school for children under 13 years of age will hold Its first session Monday. 9 to 11:30 I m. GLAD TIDINGS MISSION 1310 S. 13th St, Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning worship 11 s.m. Salvation message 7;4ft pm. Young people's service Monday, 7:30 p.m. Praise and Prayer Wednesday. 7;4& p.m. Blbls lesson Friday. 7:45 p.m Eugene D. La ndon. pastor. FIRST EVANGELICAL Summer and Marlon Bts. Emoy W. Pettlcord, minister. Sunday school 9:45 am. John J, Rudin. supt. Worship at 11. Anthem "Oh Come to My Heaj-t, Lord Jesus." Sermon: "The Holy Bpirit Grieved." Benior high ai.d young peo ple's leagues at 6:30 p.m. Evangelistic services at 7:30. Gospe! aong service, tenor solo bv Prof. Wright. Sermon: "Messages from God to Man Jonah." Bible study and prayer service Thura day evening at 7:30. EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE Ferry and 13th Sta. Chas. G. Weston, pastor. Sunday school 9:48 a.m. C. A. Wilson, supt. Worship at 11. Evangel istic service 7:45 pm. Bro. Fenton special speaker at both services. Ser vices Tuesday and Thursday night at 7:45. Special meetings will start June 38 with Rev. Benjamin F. Smith, the "outlaw" evangelist, in charge. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCI ENTIST Chemeketa and Liberty Sta. Sunday school 9.4ft and 11 a.m. Ser vice 11 a.m.. 8 p.m. Subject: "la the Unlverae. Including Man Evolved by Atomic Force?" Testimony meeting 8 p.m. Wednesday. Reading room Mas onic temple 11 to 5 30 except Sunday. ROSED ALE FRIENDS Mllo Clifton Rons, minister. Sunday school 10 a.m. Mrs. Bert L. Hamilton "tipt. Worship at 11. Sermon : "Ha1!e1ula, What, a Saviour!" Intercessory prayer at 4 Christian Endeavor tn three group at. 7 p.m. Evangelistic service at 8 Report of Yearly Meeting. Sermon: "Remaining True o the End." SALEM HEIGHTS Mllo Clifton Roe, minister. Morning worship at 10. sermon by psstor. "On the Plain of Ono." Sunday achoo) at 11, Chester Skelton. Supt. FIRST NAZARENE Marvin O Johe psstor. Sunday schol 9 45 a.m. Frank Litwlller, supt. Worship at 11. Ser mrjibvTTPiEflRrirMrnn FOR If you are interested in ar ranging for a loan to assist you in purchasing a home, improving property or for re-financing an existing mortgage, consult this bank about your requirements. L. C SMITH, AmI. Manatw Organization Here at music by male quartet. John F. Frle sen music director. Young people's meeting 7 p.m. Evangelistic services at 8. Special music, sermon by Rev. Slmms. Vacation Blblt school starts Monday. June 32. at 9 a m. Mrs. A. J. Smith supervisor. A?es 8 to 14 yrs. Wednesday evening prayer and praise service at 8. NORTH HOWELL Special revival services conducted by Rev. Earl F. Crook of Eugene, will begin Sunday at 11 a.m. Meetings every evening ex cept Saturday at 8. Sunday school at 10 a m. James Richard, supt. Young people's service at 7 Sunday evening. CHURCH OF CHRIST N Cottage and Shipping St. C. T Springs, min ister. Bible study at 1C. preaching at 11 am. -Topic: "The Lost Coin." Ob servance of Lord's Supper. Evening services at 7:30. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Fratern al temple. Liberty at Center. Sunday 3:30 p.m. first meeting a Bible lecture followed by Bible studv on "Priest and Levltes In Type and Antt-Type." CHRIST LUTHERAN State at 18h St. Rev. Amos E. Minnemann, A M., pastor. German missionary ser vice at 9 30 a n. "Go nd Bring Them ' Children's dsv Missionary service 10:46, Mrs. Jacob Fox. supt . In charge. Picnic for congregation and Sunday school after services a-. Paradise Ial. PRESBYTERIAN Cbemeket and Winter Ss. Orover C- Blrtchet. D D.. pastor. Church school 9:30 a.m. J. J. Fltzslmmons. supt. worsnip at 1 1. Sermon: "How Great 1 Your God?" Anthem: "Light of the World" Solo by Miss Mildred Mulkev. "The Voice In the Wilderness." Christian Endea vor societies at 6:30 p.m. Worship at 7 30. Sermon "What Pops .leoi" t:-- ':'-7T vtz-V -ST ) h II 1H j ij YS Purity haTa FLAVOR! : V "" lalaijl 1 1 V "Mux be agd 3 monthj," ia iht Fed- tttlion, hti tompltxion and loin body V I ihI arl l i ral deaniiioa of "lagec beer." lent.' j t 14 ll ll 1 1 But Rainier goes be-ood ihi definiiioov Try Riioier for itipufe Savor; and ic ( l I "ll "Q I ) j Not only i it aged more than J months, hcalthfulneu. if your doiior igtttv Don't A J m' m 1 - - M ' -r hut i protected for pu'y "''l' y "beer," say "Rimitr." 1 , - lUimng, arlificw orm(, no ttlt- -mm 1 U iJ . J Entirety n.turai-perfectly pute-a RAINIER ' vw " ' ' y real and true gf beer. it p ' J7 C I K. SK 4 I And you can .dually L ifaai good- JflCCUlL CXflOXt "a AIDS SLEEP America's finest Beer VJM ,', t' (' fL j Leading phician uy mh beer aids is IN BOTTLES AND CANS I "v t,1 jA '1 cw tltrpitnmtit, afTiMeii, mdh ' J I V BRIVIKt Of HAJNIin BEIIt OLD STOCK All AND STOUI )..,. i,t , dILL DAVIS, Distributor, 2043 North Capitol St., Phone 5 741 13th & State St. (Care?" Anthem: "O Lamb of God, I 'Come." Solo by Mrs. Wm. Tschopp. Thursday evening 7:30 prayer meeting. KNIGHT MEMORIAL CONGREGA TIONAL Fery at 8, IPth St. H. C. Stover, minister. Morning worship at 11. Sermon "The UnfUi.shed House." Anthem "A Closer Wwlk With God." Ladles' chorus. "How Sweet. Is Thy Work." Sunday achoo! at 10 a.m. Roy Harland, supt. CHURCH OF CHRIST Court and 17th Stft. D. W. Daniels, pastor. Bihle school at 9:45 a.m.. Misr Jean Hawk ins, supt. Worship and observance of Lord's Supper at 11. Sola by Mrs. Daniels. Message "Carrying On." The unified evening service beginning at 7.30. Special music by Lou I Prlem and Mr. VanSlyke. Vocal solo by Harry Jenkins and chalk drawing by Louis Olmsteed Message: "The Righteous ness of Redemption." Christian En deaor meetings at 8:20. Services 7:48 p.m. Thursday In the bungalow. FtPST CHRISTIAN Center and High Sts. Guy L Drill, minister Church school 9:30 am. A. P. Speer. supt. Worship and communion at 10:45. Anthem by choir Solo by John Schmidt. "Fear Not, Ye. O Israel." "The Last Message of the King." ser mon by Dr. A. U. Michelson of Los Angeles. Afternoon service at 2:30 Solo bv John Schmidt. "The Holy City." Sermon bv Dr Michelson: "The Jews on Their March to Palestine in the Light of Prophecy." Christian En deavor at 6:45 pm. Services at 8. An them. Sermon by Dr. Michelson "A Jewish Judge and Attorney's Conver sion to Christ." Mondny evening at 8:15 "The Life of Christ" In moving picture. Mid-week meeting Wednesday c venlng at 8. WORKSHEET CLOSING DATE MADE JULY 3 Friday, July 3, has been et as the closing date for receiving work ihects for the 1938 agricultural con servation program. Unless a work sheet has been filed by a farmer by that date, showing what the erupt were on his (arm in 1935, he will be unable to qualify for a grant for carrying out soil conserving or soil building practices under this year& program. The date was set by the state committee late lat week while the memoes were in session at Corvalib going over the progress of the pro gram to date. Among the business transacted was the listing of aoun ty yields for seed flax under the special provisions applying to that crop. The state committee received un official reports from many counties showing a large sign-up of work sheets under the new program. In western Oregon particularly has the .si?n-up been heavy. Farmers in general arc following the advice of the extension men in getting work sheets in even though I hey were not lay zje If you like richer hiltev, tint SeigrinTg Seven Croao Blended Yk hiikey. The straight whiskey in this product i 4 yem old M'.'iCf. straight whiskey aod 66$j neutral ipitii-disulled from ttiia. Seagram-Distiller f.orft. Exfrulirt' t certain they desired finally to par ticipate In the program this year. Signing the work slice ts entails no obligation, but merely makes cer tain that grants may be claimed un der this year's program if earned. Best indications are that liming will be added as an official soil building practice in western Oregon. This addition to the orgiglnal list was recommended by the Oregon technical committee. Word has now been received by the state commit tee that the addition at a flat rate of $2.50 an acre has been approved by the division. This usually means final approval by the secretary. Liming was advocated as a basic practice necessry in many loclitles to the growth of legumes, a main objective of the conservation pro gram. It is believed that this en couragement may greatly stimulate the application, in regions wheie shipping costs have made it diffi cult for farmers to use even though needed. As soon as all work sheets are in, the ta.sk of setting the individual farm rates for the class I payments will fall upon the various county committees. Those rates will be computed from the approved pro duction figures on the work sheets when compared with the county av erage yield of principal soil deplet ing crops as supplied the committee by the AAA. 90 PROOF r-AlK-tSiyl. siraighi uhiskey id this product is 4 year old-:oct straight whiskey and 80 oeu- UJJ 101 fits -distilled from .ri.n. Offices: Sew York WALKER WARNS HOP GROWERS The hop Industry, never perma nently settled, will move away Irom Oregon unless steps arc tuken to develop It, Dean Walker of Inde pendence, state senator from Ben ton and Polk counties and large hop grower, believes. He urged vigorous and scientific research Into the entire hop Indus try and a well organized and order ly program to restore the market. Efforts should be made to improve the strain, Walker said, pointing out that foreign hops have been made seedless, and that Imported hops are selling for 30 cents a pound, including 24 cents tariff, while the Oregon product will only bring 10 cents. Senator Walker traced the shift- ing of the Industry from Virginia, where hops were first grown In America in the 160O's, to New York, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and now to the Pacific coast, where 1000 grow ers, most of them in Oregon, pro duce 98 per cent of the domestic crop. In nlti. nt lwr lYilitk-al troubles Spain has more auto, than a year a co. Code No. I 1 SFAfiR AIM'S . E. ft U II AJ1 1 1 JT. S CROHN Olrt 264C VO A Pint 7 CROWN 1 .20 265C A A rnl