TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 19:i6 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON 15 Scientists Say There are Fifteen Million More Years Ahead for this World-Good News for the Installment Buyers: CapitaljJourneJ CLA&SlHhl) AllVbltlialNU . KAIfeS Per lint 10c Per Hue, S time -Z! Per line, b Uim 4Ur per 1 oiuiith S1.2A Minimum per ud 25 ceiiU. Ad may be placed teleiiliune but no alluwuitre for 'plume erruri. Wuni uili iniihi tfp In by 10 a.iii day of DUbllcutlnu. Circulation of the Capital Journal for the week ending April 18. 1936. Dully ave.ngc distribu tion 10,374 Net pd.O 9965 Member Audit Bureau at CifculallDt FOR SALK HOUSES 6-It. House. Paved St. Buscment, 1750, t'20 down, $20 per mu. b-i lioube. Paved street, babemem. S18O0. You can buy this Just like rent. JJslmgB wanted. Rich L. Henna nn, 167 fi. High. Dial 8632. all)2 LOOK BUY LIKE RENT This 4-i oom modern iK-ino with base ment, . furnace, fireplace, ouk floors, gnrne, only sioo down, bul, month. Price 11800. SEE AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! MORE USED CAR SPECIALS SPRING CLEAN UP They Must Go - - We Need Room 102H CHEVROLET SEDAN $165 1030 CHEVROLET COUPE. Rurnbls Scat 245 1026 CHEVROLET COUPE 60 1030 ESSEX COACH 115 19'je DODGE SEDAN 55 1926 BUICK SEDAN 65 1027 CHEVROLET CABRIOLET 85 1020 8TANDARD NASH SEDAN. Comp. overhaul 2fi5 1020 MASTER BUICK SEDAN 235 1030 NASH SEDAN W3 . - - AND MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM THE VALLEY MOTOR CO. Marion it Liberty TWO USED CAR LOTS - Phone 710 Center it Liberty 1' FOR SALE Miscellaneous REGISTERED WHITE COLLIE PUPS, $6 to 110. Rt. 6, Box 449. Ph. 42F11. c!03 REGISTERED Irish Terrier Pup. Ph. 3586. Cl02" LOST AND FOUND RADIO SPECIAL 11-tube Zenith, large console. Special S42.50. Terms 7.50 down S4 monthly. See Mr. Janz, Geo. C Will Music Store, Salem. o!03" W.H.GRABENHOHSTai CO., Realtors 134 S. Liberty Si. Phone 64 (id. a 102 92400. A 5 -room scml-modcrn house with built-) ns, gariiuc, close to Junior high. $2600. A 6 -room modern house with bullt-ius, garage. Good locution. P. H. BELL, 429 Ort-gon Bldg. Phone 6121 a 101 APPLES 26c, 35c, 40c und 60c box. at 118 per Ernest Anderson's, Orchard Heights road, l mile on waiiace roaa. uring NEW HOME Just completed. 5 nice looms, all mo dern, good location, giige, east front, paved street. Price 3;XS, terms. SEE THIS HOME BEFORE YOU BUY OK BUILD. I See W. H. G RABEN HORST &. CO. 134 S. Liberty St. a!02 I860. Small furnished house, toilet, lights, water, woodfmed, lot 45x120, paving paid. (150 down, 5-room hotsc In good con dition, 2 lots, close to bus it school, $1500. $500. Nice 5-room bungalow, oak firs, in living R. and bedrooms, base ment, furnace, fireplace, close to bus and school $2250. $250 down, 6-R. house at 360 Rich mond Ave. Basement, furnace, fire place $2375. $67 down, $33 per mo. 6-R. home nortliT Oak floors in Lvlng and din ing rooms. Basement, furnace, fire place $3350. $500 down, 6-R. modern home north. IN FINE CONDITION. Corner lot, close to school $3800 MONEY to LOAN Fire is Auto Ins. MELVIN JOHNSON - - 725 Court St. Phone 3723 alOl" We Clean and Mothproof mohair turn. Eubanks Upholstery, 454 Ferry. cllO For Awnings Call Eubanks 4724. cI19 FURNITURE, ranges, rugs, linoleum, radios. Moderate prices. Woodry Fur niture Co., 474 So. Com'l. ctf TENNIS shoes for boy or men 49c. Grecnbaum's, 246 North Com'l. cll7 BURBANK, Netted Gem. Earliest of All seed potatoes priced reasonable. Berry plants of all klnas. Weeks is Pearmlne, 2698 Portlana Road. Cll6 RIVER silt, sand for lawns, cemeter ies, 25c yd., at place Phone 124F3. G112 GAS. Bbl. lots 15'jC Fice delivery in lots. Lucky Corner S.S. Ph. 7069. clll TYPEWRITERS. Adding Machines. Cash Registers sold, rented, swapped. Expert repairs, reasons nl prices Roen Typewriter Exc 420 Court Ph 6773. c SAFE for sale, fireproof 285 Chemek eta. c SWISS Saanen goat milk Ph. 7124. c FOR SALE FARMS SACRIFICE SALE This 6- acre home with 3-room house, drilled well, bearing fruit, located 3 miles out on Pacific highway. Price $1600, all cash, See W. H. GRABENHORJ3T & CO. 134 S. Liberty St. b!02 LOST Saturday, bla-k velvet hat with triangular pin. Phone 5152. kl02 LOST: Shcil -rim glasses. Bush Pas ture. Reward. Helen Gray, Lausanne Hall. Willamette U. kl02 PERSONAL FREE! Stomach ulcers, gas pains, In digestion relieved quick. Get Free sample doctor's prescription Udgu at Capital and Perry's Drug stores. 1102 NEWELL WILLIAMS. Private Detec tive. Phone 8710. P. O HCOC 137. 1110" MISCELLANEOUS AUTOMOBILES '29 CIIEV. truck, semi-nailer. Enquire Kick Back service station, 4 miles north on Pacific highway. ql04 PRIVATE party will sacrifice $114 equity in 1034 Plymouth DcLuxe se dan. $00 cash or trad for light cur. Phone 107F23. q!04 TRADES - - TRADES 1926 27 BUICK COACH. New 6-ply tires. Original flnlfh Upholstery perfect. 1926 HUPMOBILE SEDAN. Tires 76','. Hydraulic four-wheel brakes. Real value. 1030 CHEVROLET TRUCK. A-l shape, newly painted. Prices are below market on above cars. Will take cows, chickens, horses farm imple ments or what have you? fSKIl CAR nivP'T. State Motors Inc. HUDSON -TERRAPLANL - PACKARD 525 Chemeketa at High Phone 8400 Open Evenings is Sunday q!02 CHEVROLET COACH Master 6. A-l condition. Owner, Route 6, Box 574. Salem. ql04 WANTED 1928 Chev. or Ford Sedan cheap for cash. 1600 Sa Cottage. q!02' '32 FORD Panel delivery, overhauled. Like new. 703 N. High St. q!02 WE Pick up dead and worthless hors es, cows, sheep, free. Pn 4869. ml03 REAL ESTATE CLOSE IN LOTS: Only 7 blocks from business district. $750 to $1000. W. H. URABENHOHST CO. 134 S. Liberty St. nl02 LABISH GARDENS Beautiful 6 acre tracts, 5 ml. north. Paved road. Some tracts have very fine Umber. Will sell on very easy terms and build to sut purchaser. Rich L. Rcimann, 167 S. High. Dial 8632 n!02' - - AGAIN - - $9.00 TO $99.00 USED CAR SALE OTTO J. WILSON SAYS TO SELL EVERY LOW PRICED CAR IN STOCK SO HANG MO HI I IKS! Model T Ford Coupe $ 9 Model l Ford pickup iv Franklin Touring, glacs enclosure 19 1D26 Essex Coach 29 1924 Studebaker Touring au 1925 Buick Coupe 49 1025 studehaKer uoacn 1026 Studebaker Coach 1925 Chevrolet Sedan ..... 1925 Buick Sedan 79 isfi Rutck Sedan 1027 Poritlac Sport Coupe 99 Several very Hoe late moaeis on display In Sedans, Cocahes, Coup es, Convertible Coupes and Road sters. See our stock before you buy. - - ASK FOR DOC or SAM Otto J. Wilson ' BUICK is PONTIAC Sales it Service 388 N. Com'l. Phone aaiom oioi. g PRICED TO SELL 10 Acres, all In cultivation, about 1 mile east. Good 8-R. house, electric lights and water systcn. Bnth & toil et. 42 marketable apple trees, 15 pears, IS large cherries, 12 small cherries. V, A. strawberries, barn. 2 poultry houses, garage, paved highway. Priced to sell. . ANOTHER ONE 50 Acres. Good 7-R. rouse, modern. Nice barn, silo, and if you want a nice country home here it is. Priced very low. See Mr. Sander, with jas. L, SEARS, Realtor, 118 S. High St. nl02 VIEW PROPERTY Overlooking Salem with fine view of river and hills. New 5-room house with basement, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, tile dralnboard, etc. Lawn nice ly landscaped with pooi. shrubs and ornamental trees. A little beauty for only $3100. Terms in reason. See Mrs. Ellis with . v. CHILDS it MILLER. Realtors 444 State St. Phone 6708. a EXTRA T-room house. 4 lots 50x100 ft. each, black soil, V block tt. school, l'i blocks to church. Offered for only $800. Can you afford to rent? Call Mrs. EKlf with CHILDS ii MILLER. Realtors 344 State St. Phone 6708. FOR SALE Miscellaneous FARMS FOR SALE ! 66 Acres. 6 miles wctt of Salem. 20 acres lull Bearing prunes, exceueiu, condition. Six-room nome. fireplace, hot and cold water. Electric service. About $2000 worth ol oak and fir wood. Might take good home in Sa lem. Only $4000. 65 Acres, beautiful dairy farm,, over 50 acres plowed, excellent soil, mod ern home, large dairy barn and outbuildings, between Lablsh Cen ter and Mt. Angel. One of the best buys in the Willamette valley. Priced at $8000. Liberal terms. See Mr. Walter with CHILDS St MILLER, Realtors 344 State St. Phone 6708. b WELL rotted barnyard fertilizer, de livered in sacks. Ph. 4964. Cl02 FARMS for Rent, Sale. Trade. Oregon Land Co. Woodburn, Ore. ' bl21 FOR SALE WOOD 16-IN. old fir $5. Ph. 9456. PIANOS-See Tallman Piano Stor. U ' S M.T6 S b"Sto. new "h ood. dry $5.50 cd. Phone 5037, eel03 big old fir $5 Cd. split 16-in. range nlanos to select from Also fine se lection Grands and Spinet Grands. We sell for less. Cl07 16-IN. OLD FIR $5.00 5616. CROOKED Finger hill grown non Irrigated No. 1 Burban seed and ta ble potatoes. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. cI12 15 CU. Ft. Phone 3586. Frlgldaire. Price $125. Cl02 DIRECTORY ' AUTO BRAKES 'v Mike Panek, 375 South Commercial, o BICYCLES and Accessories. Ramsdn 143 5. Lib, o EXCAVATING EXCAVATING of all Klcds. basements dug. dirt hauled or moved Dirt lor tale. Salem Sand it Gravel Co. 9408. o FLOOR SANDING W. W. MEE, 458 Mill I it. Phone 3837. 0113 FLORIST Breithaupt'a for flowers Dial 5904. o' House Cleaning Service Electrolux cleaning, waxing. rug shampooing, demothtng linoleum lay. lng. window washing. W. Engelhorn. Phone 6434. oll9 MATTRESSES WOOD SAWING Reasonable. Ph. 8290. ceil3 5 FINE acres with modern 7-room house, chicken house, clec., at city li mns on navcmenis. lor oniy j iqv. $2500 will handle. Would exchange for unimproved acreage. 54 Acres 1 mile from city limits, 30 acres In prunes, running water, some creek bottom soil, a few acres in hea- tlmber. Price $5500; $iouu win handle. S. M. EAULE VIUK DHUS. 208 N. High- Phone 9678 n!02 AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES USED CAR MART 235 S. Commercial St. 1035 1934 1933 1933 1931 1931 1930 1029 1929 1928 DODGE Touring Sedan , CHEVROLET Del. Cpe BUICK Del. Cpe DODGE Del. Sedan. 6 wheels CHEV. Del. Sedan. 6 wheels . CHEV. Del. Cpe. 6 wheels CHEV. Cpe. New paint PONTIAC Del. Sedan BUICK Sedan CHEV Sedan .$825 .$546 .$560 . $565 .$385 .$365 .$290 .$279 .$265 ..$165 HERRALL-OWENS CO. "Dependability" 335 S. Commercial St. - - - - - Phor May Day Festivities At Willamette Open With Track Contest (Continued from page 1) naslum. The high spot In. the program will be the coronation of Queen Wini fred I and the May dances at 2:30 p. m. Saturday. Unless weather con ditions prevent, the new Grecian May court will be used this year for the ceremonies and' dances. This is located to the northeast of the gymnasium. The program which will take place on the lawn tn front of the court will Include a selection by the string trio, Hortense Taylor, Margaret Savage and Dalbert Jep- whrn vmi buv an auto aBk your dealer about the $5 down. $20-montb payment plan of tne uenenciai lohd Society Phone u FIN AN CI AL 'LOANS' AUTOMOBILE LOANS LOW RATES - - EASY TERMS CONFIDENTIAL P. A. EIKER State Lin M-157. rl26 BORROW MONEY FROM US. Prompt service, low Interest rates, most con venient terms. CHILDS & MILLER, Mtge. Loans 344 State St. Phone 6708. r FIRST MORTGAGES ON REAL ES TATE. Invest your money where you can examine the security yourself or have some reliable person no so. uy a first mortgage on real estate. Come In and let us explain our convenient plan of investment. Loans onvhand: 5600 $ 73U 91UUU SIC-UU. CHILDS & MILLER, Mtge. lXianB 344 State St. Phone 6708. LISTEN Here is what you have been looking for. Modern home, electricity, hill site, timber, running water, spring, pond, etc. Ready for commeicial develop ment. Can have 40 or more acres up to 83. Place is free ol debt. Can be traded for good homo in Salem. See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS is MILLER. Realtors 344 State St. Phone 6708. n FINE Acre tract close in. fine build ing site, near school and store, $750. 9 A. good land, 3-R. house, out bldgs. Near small town $95i" Have cash buyers for 2 cheap resi dences. Wc want vour listings. PERRINE & MARSTEFS. n WOOD. Ph. 48F14. Smith it Rubens. SHED dry wood and eoM Salem Fuel Co. Trade it Cottage Phone 5000 ee FEDERAL Land Bank Farms, all counties of southern Ote Convenient terms. C. A. Barnes, l-eid salesman. 1B3 Oak St. Eugene, ore., or can at 216 Oregon Bldg., Salm or call 7127. nii3- FOR SALE POULTRY BABY CHIX for farm or home, ten varieties. Baby cocker is,- pullets, cus tom hatching. Phono 133F3, Lee's Hatchery. f"- WANTED HELP SALARY and Commission to one A-l salesman with car. Must be n produc er. Apply 9 a.m. 349 N. Com'l. Salem. I WANT TO TALK to ambitious men who want to qualify for positions servicing, repairing, and installing Electric Refrigerators and Air Condi tioning Systems. No experlencf neccs-sflt-v. but chosen aDDl cant must be mechanically inclined and willing to devote some spare timf in training For persona) Interview write REFRIG ERATION ENGINEERING INSTI TUTE. Box 67 Capital Journal. gl03 Exchange REAL ESTATE 130 A. 24 A. cult!., aM bottom land. Good buildings, fine water, good road. near Toledo, 18 cattle $5000, clear. Want ranch in valley. Jesse G. Campbell, 226 Oregon Bldg. nni02 STRAIGHT 6 money no commis sion Bcnlamln Franklin Home Loan. To build, modernize or refinance, tee Delano. 290 North cnurcn at. HAVE 6 money tor 'eai estate loans. Chas Hudklns Ph 9404 276 State r FOUR percent paid on savings, insured to $5000. Salem Federal Savings is Loan Ass'n. Guardian Bldg. pn. iu. nu Personal Loans By an Independent Salem Finance Co. Amounts to $1600 One to 20 Months to Repay Deal with an Indewndent Salem owned-and -ODera ted finance company where vour neeas win receive ve y consideration both before and after the loan Is made. No Delays - - - No Red Tape . General Finance Corp. Plrst NatT Bank Bldg. - Phone 8853 Licensed S-138 by State r OREGON WILL PLAY HUSKIES 2 GAMES University of Oregon, Eugene. April 26 Varsity baseball nines of the University or Oregon ana wasu Ington State college will battle for temporary leadership of the north ern division conference in their ser ies here on Howe field Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. Both teams came through their opening game with victories. The champion Webfoots edged out Ore gon State 4 to 3 at Oorvallls and the Cougars blanked Idaho 3 to 0 dt Pullman. Washington, tne mm league member, opens its play Wed nesday and Thursday against Idaho at Seattle. Howard Hbbson. new Oregon coach, plans to use Don McPadden. brilliant righthander and the cir cuit's outstanding chucker. In one of the Cougar tilts, with either Boo (Lefty) Millard or Cece Inman due to work the other game. McFadden pitched Oregon to Its opening vic tory and has yet to be defeated thl year. Andy Hurney, heavy hitting right- fielder, broke up the season opener with the Beavers by hitting a home run with two aboard in the eighth Inning. The Cougars defeated Idaho behind the three-hit pitching of Bob Kinneman, a sophomore, with Ed Ooddard and Jack Byram lead ing the batters. Both Eugene games will start at 3:30 o'clock on the newly-christened Howe field. Spec Burke of Portland will umpire. More than (5,000.000 of England';-. Mining Distress fund has been spent, (4,000,000 going for clothing and shoes. , LOANS wanted on fnrm and city pro perty Before borrowing Inqulr, at Hawkins & Roberta ' AUTOMOBILES EXPERIENCED housekeeper. Good wages. Olve age, references, etc. Box 64 Cayi t a 1 Jour n'JJJJJXXfff8r' WANTED Miscellaneous Mattresses re-made. Now cover 13.95. CAPITAL Bedding Co. Pb. 4069 0130 PAINTING Satisfactory painting. Ph. 8742. Burrell. olll PainlinK-PaperhanEinR .Painting - Papering - Kalsomlnlng. 'w.C. O'Neill, 740 D. Pa 3690. Ol09 ' PLUMBING PLUMBING and genernl repair wort Phont 6594 Graber Bros 154 South Liberty o THEO M BARR. Plumbing, heating sheet metal works 164 8 Commercial street. o PHOTO ENGRAVING Salem Photo Ecgravlng 147 N. Com'l a STOVES AND FENCE REPAIR itovea. ranges, circulators Sell new and rebuilt Itovea rangei and circulators Pence nnr fenc doiis R B Fleming 762 Chemeketa 0 TRANSFER and STORAGE LARMER Transfer Storage P 8131 o" WELL DRILLING DUST YOUR FRUIT Ray Jones docs custom work. Call Sa lem 3F5. 1H9 FOR RENT 2 ROOM Apt. Adults. 640 Leslie. J107 ROOM with garage, close in, reason able. 697 Knapp St. J 103 SMALL furn. Apt. 755 Ferry. J107 LARGE partly furnished house- Modern, hot water. heat, two fire nl aces. Beautiful grounds. Phone af ter S p. m. 8807, J.107 BEAUTIFULLY furnished S room house, fine district. $37.50. Ph. 6067, 2 ROOM Apt., steam heat, electric range. Frlgldaire. 555 N Liberty. J' 3-RM. furn. Apt. 879 N. Liberty. J103 YOUR CREDIT IS nOOD HERB because we specialize in loans up to $300. including AUTOMOBILE LOANS Plenty of time to pay as long aa 30 months Quick service. BENKr 1CJLAL LUftW tjuvltvi T Room 119 New Bllgfc Building 618 State St - - - Snlem. Oregon Phone 3740 8-122 M-165 f SLEEPING room 330 N Summer. Ph. 9620 after 6 p.m. J106 SLEEPING room for ladles. privileges. Phone 4P45. Kitchen J 103 2 OR 3 Rm. Apt. Hei. lights, water, 853 South Commercial J 103 State Motors Inc. , We Don't Need a SALE To Sell Our Cars WHY? OUR CARS have QUALITY - DEPEN DABILITY; are HONE.STLY RECON DITIONED and Alwavs Priced lower thnn SALE PRICES. 1935 STUDEBAKER PRESIDENT RE GAL DcLUXE COUPE. New car guarantee: actual mileage 6800 miles. Cost new $1795; Save money. FULL PRICE only (H173. 1935 FORD DeLUXE SEDAN. Original finish and interior spotless. Has very low mileage. This Is a new car in every respect. IA 1HHVN $193. 1935 BUICK DeLUXE SEDAN. Finish, upholstery like new. Brand new tires, has radio, owned by local bus- 1 lness man. Very low mileage. r,v DOWN SWII 1033 HUDSON TERRA PLANE. Refln Ifthcd, new tires, complete overhaul. Guaranteed. See this car today for real value. PAY HOHN SM.".. 1931 FORD SPORT COUPE. Paint and uphlontery perfect. Has V-8 wheels. A-l tires. PAY HOWS SOS. 1026-27 HUPMOBILE SEDAN. This car Is perfect. Traded to us by orlqlnal owner. Has new tires. Finish, uphol stery llko new. PAY MOWS Siis. 30 OTIIKKS TO CHOOSE FROM VISIT OUR USED CAR DEPT. and see the BEST 6'; Finance 'plan. TRADES - - LIBERAL TERMS State Motors Inc. HUDSON -TERRAPLANE - PACKARD 525 Chemeketa at High Phone 8400 Open Evenings Si Sunday ql02 INVESTMENTS Invest your savings at 6 to 6 percent on mat mortgage securities oe now kins it Roberts. MORTGAGE LOANS, t.n amount, on business and residence properties. Lowest rates. Abrams & Ellis, inc., Masonic Bldg. AUTO LOANS NEW LOW RATE WILLAMETTE LOAN CO. 513 Guardian Bid!?. M-159 AUCTIONS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, by an order of the County Court of Maiion County, State of Oregon, duly made and en tered on the 3rd day of April, 1936, was appointed admlfiMrator of the estate of Teresa E. D'Arcy, and that he has duly qualifier M wen. AO persons having claim against sala estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verififc as required by law, at the office of w D'Arcy, In the D'Ars Building, In the City of Salem, Maiion County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice, tc-wlt: April 1936. W. J. D'ARCY. Administrator of the estate of Teresa' E. D'Arcy, Deceased, April 7, 14 21, 28, May 6 P. N WOODRY Auctlou Market 1610 N Summer, will pay ctu-b or trade or sell on commission for anything you have to sell Phone j-1 -1-0. Auotlon every Saturday 1:30 P M.. t Business Opportunities ; FURN. 3-rm. cottage, EdgewatcrCourt Garage, refrigeration, no. in. aou or 2 rms. main nr. 391 N. Cottage. J10S' 8NEED Rt 4. Bos 210 Phone 36F3. 0117 VACUUM CLEANERS tlt, rent. Salem Hdw. Ph. 4906 ol!8 WINDOW CLEANING NEW DEAL WINDOW CLEANING CO Windows. Floors Woodwork. Tals PooiM 0837, PIANOS Phonograph and sewing; machines for rent H L 8 till Furni ture Co OFFICE room for rent 881 State St Phont 3713 T DREAMLAND furnished cottages Ga rane. $8 per month I' ROOM AND BOARD BOARD, rooms, m Mi CtlBl JJU7 USED CAR MART 235 S. Commercial St. TRUCK SPECIALS Hnun 1935 Ford L.W B. 750x23 tires ..$505 1933 Chev. L.W.B. 10-piy tires ,.$405 1032 Chev. 8.W.B. 10-pl tires ..$325 1031 Chev. L W.B. 10-ply tires $350 1930 Ford L.W.B. 10-p'jr tires ...$285 1931 Ford pickup, nc paint ,,.$285 1934 Chev. Panel, low mileage ..$486 HERRALL OWENS CO. "Dependability" 335 8. Commercial 61 Salem. a' FOR SALE or TRADE Blacksmith .hnn Elpct. enulot. n eood locality. Mrs. C. M. Tyson. Box 33 Brownsville. Ore. U103 LEGAI.S NOTICE ON FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, That the underslgnei, Rev. Edward D. Howard, admlnlsUntor with tne Will annexed of the estate of Ther esa Arnold, deceased, has filed In the county court of the State of Orenon for Marlon Coiinty us iinai, and that said Court has. by an Order thereof, designated Friday, the 28th day of May, 1936, at the hour of H0:00) o'clock In tn- forenoon of said day at the Counts Court Room In the Court House at saiem, ore son, as the time and place for hear- lng objections to said Final Account and the settlement or said estate, at which said time and place all per sons so objecting h.l appear and show cause, If any the"e be, why said account should now in all things be allowed and approver, the said es tate settled and closed and the ad mlnlstrator dischargen. REV. EDWARD D. HOWARD, Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Theresa Arnold, Deceased. Richmond t Fisher Attorneys for Estate April 38, May I 13 IS M LEGALS KING FU AD OF EGYPT PASSES, SDN SUCCEEDS (Continued from page 1) BTNOPSTS of Anmiftl Sf ulerrm of th COMPANY of DM VoliM. In hf S'Mfl of Town, on the 31st ny of D-crmhrr. IMS. rued tn thu Inumnf Cnmmtn nloner ot the State of Orcson. pursuant ' '": CAPITAL Amount of npitl itoek paid up Mu Mini Omomy Nona INCOME Total premium ineomt (or (he 7er ... S 3 435.4g6.3l Inter!, dividends snd renin received !tirln the retr 1-319 551 ( Income from other nouree . . received durlni the year HUfVH.at Total Inrnme 1 4.$33,S3l.at DlflBtTPSFMlTNTB P Id for losses, endowment!!. nnnulMci end surrender . . v&luei . . $ 13RI. 733.17 Dividend P1d l no!!er- h older durlnt the rear 316.933.63 Commisptlin and Urle paid dHnf the yar 3W.I84.0$ Text. license and feei raid durini (he year M.76MI Aronunt of all other eipen- .,. diturea i.a.7i.M ToUf expenditures .... I 4.5Bfl.318.8T ARIETTA Value of real eiuta owned. . , ,,, lt book vaiuei . . j.iib-iii Value ot Mock and honda ... owned (market value) 14.133.426.71 Loan on tnnrliaiee and collateral, elc. 627.W.77 Premium noiei and polle .,,.-. loans 1.053 "1 7T Cash In ben and oa hand" 101.B37.M Net uncollected and deferred premiums I1I.443.TI Interest and rente due and . accrued 309.166 6( Other aaseta (ne 46.480.33 Total admitted uH I34.4SB,M3 M Net reerveUAB"'1TIE8 133.330.105.77 OroM claim, for loma un- All other llaMlttl 1 038 113 04 Total tlebllltlei. except capita) 33.3e6.77I.M Surplua ai retard! poller ,-,-holders 1.103.361 63 Total I34.40,0M.6 BUSINESS W OREGON FOR THS YEAR Ciro'i premiums received ' durlni the var Fraternal useaimtnt . . . f '4 52 21 Mutual .. , , 3.313.53 Premiums and dlvldendi returned durlni the year 166 1$ Losses paid dunne the year 3J Nme of Company. YEOMEN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Same of President, A. H.J Hoffman, sme of Secretary. Oeo. F. Wall. Staluiory reildrnt attorney lor servlc InaurtDC OotunUalotw 4t tttcoo. sen; vocal solo by Burllfi Preston; Ode to the Olympics" which in cludes a trumpet solo "Call to the Colors"; the spear dance repre senting Finland, the sword dance representing England and the march of the nations. The final event will be the May pole dance. Last year s May queen, Frances Stewart of SUverton, will be mis tress of ceremonies for the corona tion. Other members or Queen Wini fred's court will be Esther Black and Ether Otbbard. princesses; Oalen Dean, king; Dwlght Aden and Kenneth Manning, escorts Beverly Beakey. Junior maid of honor; Lynn Lo Lockenour, crown bearer; Alcetta Gilbert and Lor raine Welling, flower girls; Earle Potter, Maurice Dean, Ralph Barber and Ross Gladden, quartet; Peggy Halght, BUI Thome, Margaret Hagg, Bert Rusk, Margaret Nunn and Max Taggert, court. Following the coronation and May dance, Little Theater, campus dramatic organization, will present two plays in the chapel of Waller hall. Cast of characters for the junior play Saturday night include Ran dall Kester, Martha Warren, Gwen Gallaher, Constance Smart, Mar jorie Thome, Al Tebault and Billy Utley. Principals in the production 01 "Elijah" include Kathryn Smullin, soprano; Helen Benner, contralto Kendall Teislnger, tenor, ana mau rice Dean, bass. ( BREVITY FAVORITE KENTUCKY CLASSIC Louisville. Kv.. April 28 (LP) A starting field of from 13 to IS with Brevity the one to beat that was how the Kentucky derby shaped up today, four days in advance of tts 62nd running at cnurcniu uowns. Joseph E. Wldener's Brevity, ' favorite in the future book during most of the winter, continues lo gain supporters and may go to the Dost Saturday an odds-on favorite He closed in the vlnter book at 8-5 The Derby lineup for Saturdav will be, pretty well established after today s workouts and tne running oi the Derby trial at Bimile. Nine ot the ten horses entered In the trial are eligible for Saturday's big race. In yesterday's workouts, Indian Broom, which set a world record foi a mile and a furlong when he beat Ton Row and Azucar, both Santa Anita handicap winners. At Tamo ran two weeks ago, traveled three furlongs In :34 1-5 seconds, indicat ing that he has lost none of his speed since being snipped nere iron. California. He is definitely dark horse for the bi raw. Stayton and Brooks Plav Wednesday PM Stayton The Stayton boys grade school softball team will meet Brooks on the Leslie Junior high school field in Salem Wednesday for the county championship. The Stayton girls will clash with Liberty squad for tne gins titie. Stavton boys won tne ciass ft title last Friday by shutting out Mt Anccl 2 to 0. Richard McRae. Stay ton pitcher, allowed no hits durino the contest. The Stayton lineup wa K. Kreitzer c. Miclke lb, McRae Jordan 3b. Lewis ss. Schmitt Harrell 2b, Leffler rf and Kreltzrr cf. Mt. Angel's lineup Bean p. The- c. Skonetznl lb, Oreisnaucr 3b, La tell If. Buchelt cf, Kronberg ss. kc hoe 2b. Wills rf. Clean-up Scheduled Hubbard Mayor Garfield Vogcr and the city council of Hubbard ha declared the last day of the month Friday, to be .community clcan-ur: dav. All trash and debris U. to be sacked and set on the curbing ai trucks will call for the refuse. Cleat un dav will be held but once th; spring, no second call being con sldercd. LANDS BIG TROUT Eugene, April 28 (Pr Rube Mont' Komery, fisherman and boatman, laid claim today to the trout fishing championship of the McKenzic river. Montgomery caught a 12 pound beauty measuring 33 Inches In length. He believed lt to be tne larg est rainbow trout ever taken out of the river. The prize was landed with a spoon. cials to the palace and Insisted on transacting state : business, but the gravity of his condition was clear when plans were made for Crown Prince Farouk's departure from Etagland tomorrow. Fuad, who celebrated his 68th birthday anniversary March 26, had been In indifferent health many months. He had never fully recov cred from hU serious illness of 1034 when numerous foreign specialists were summoned to the summer pal ace at Montazah. The troubled political situation la Cairo, Including the revival of the Wafd party strength, leading up lo recent street rioting, the interplay of British and Italian opinion, and the emphasis on military questions made it more difficult for the Egyp tian monarch to throw off the lin gering effects of his 1034 Illness. His death came at a time when Anglo-Egyptian relations had only recently progressed from the riot stage, caused by agitators, to peace ful negotiations for a treaty of aV llance. To the extent which his death now creates a certain Internal instabil ity in Egypt, it Is expected to have an adverse effect on British and Egyptian relations and may delay negotiations, The fact that Crown Prince Fa- rouk Is a minor, requiring a regency further complicates matters politically. The proper handling of the situa tion b.v British officials may, lt was pointed out by authorities, do much, on the other hand, to re-establish British prestige and further the Idea of Anglo-Egyptian cooperation, In official circles, the situation Is regarded as further complicated by the prevailing tensity In the Medi terranean. London, April 28 (fP) Egypt's new king Is the 16-year-old Crown Prince Farouk, whose teachers have described him as the "perfectly edu cated boy. The death of his father. King Fuad came on the eve of the prince's planned departure for Cairo from Kenry House, Kingston Hall, wnere he has been studying for entrance to the royal military academy at Woolwich, The crown prince was told of his father's death in mid-afternoon when the comptroller, Sir Ahmed Hassanheln Bey went to the prince' mansion. The six foot prince will rule under regency until he is 18 years old, his father having left a sealed en velope containing his choice for re gents. Good looking, affable, and usualy mature In appearance, Farouk has bpen carefully educated from childhood in keeping with his fa ther's maxim: "it Is nothing to be a prince, but li is something to be useful. The prince has been a resident of a large stone mansion with a per sonal staff. Farouk was not imme diately informed of his father's death, pending the receipt of offi cial word from Cairo. The new king reads widely and Is an ardent stamp collector, a good amateur photographer, and an all around sportsman. His favorite sports are boxing, swimming and polo. When Farouk was 13, King Fuad conferred on him the title "Prince of El Said" or Prince of Upper Egypt. Since then he has represented his father at many republic functions. Before leaving Egypt, he represen ted King Fuad at official celebra tions in connection with the Pro phet Mohammed's birthday anniver sary, the great festival in the Egypt ian calendar. His personal staff tn England in cluded a teacher of Arabic to in sure that he would not forget his native tongue. M'KAY AND KAHLE TIE FOR 1 ST PLACE Max McKay and Carl Ka'hle tied tor first place in the IS yard, 100 target event at -the Salem Trap shooters club meet Sunday. Each man broke 86 targets. Clarence Townsend, who won No. I button back once more, was a close second with 05. R. W. Nlles broke 24 out of 35 In the handicap while 0. O. Robertson placed first In skeet, 22 x 25. The results: 16 yard event, 100 targets Mc Kay, Kahle 96: C. Townsend 95, Gordon Hull 94, C. O. Robertson, W. H. Wolf, Ted Welty 91, L. White 84, P.'W. Carter 47; 60 targets K. Wain, S. J. Yates 46; W. Simon 43, R. . W. 'Nlles 41, J. Wilson, W. R. Graham 40; R. H. Hale 331, R. Welty 31; 25 targets L. Wain. H. Bosler 22; Tom Curry 21. R. Payne 21, Ed Nlles 18, Walter Qoughnour, F. Klnzer 16, Fred Lelse 15, Nick Perkins 11, Irvln Williamson, Nap Rocque, 7, McLaughlin 15, Ritchie 8, H. Gordon 5. Handicap, 25 targets R. W. Nilra 24, O. Kahle 23. C. Robertson 22, K. Wain 21, W. R. Graham. S. Yates 19,. Ted Welty 18, Ii. White 16. Skeet. 25 targets KODerison a. K. Wain 18, W. R. Graham, Ted Welty, C. Townsend 16, Hull 14. Doubles, H. Gull 16, C. Kahle 17, Robertson 14. Bobby Jones Gives Advice Golf Course Washington, April 26 WP The works progress administration today had the benefit of Bobby Jones knowledge of how golf courses should be constructed. The former champion discussed the construction of courses at length yesterday with Administrator Harry L. Hopkins. The WPA has built or improved some 600 courses during the last year. "We want to make these courses architecturally correct," said Hop kins. "That's why we asked Mr. Jones to talk with us and give us the benefit of his experience and England since last October, living In opinions." SIMPLE TO SEW SCIO BEATS SHAW Scio The town baseball team de feated Shaw 5 to 1 on the Scio dia mond Sunday afternoon. In the sea son's opener. Softball practices are expected to get under way In the near future. The softball team will enter the Albany league, according to present plans. Address the Fashion Bureau, Salem Capital Journal, 623 Mission St., San Francisco. Calif. No. 2742. Size- Name Address