SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 29. 19M THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON 11 There Is A Higher Power Than A King -The Ace. CapitalJlJourna CLASSll 1LD AUVLHTlMMi HAILS Per line '. !0c per U nt;, 3 time We Per line, 6 Unit 40c Per Due, 1 month $1.25 Ml n I in urn pur ud 5 cent. AdJ I may be placed bj telephone but ! no allowance for 'pliuiic errors. want ana must w in uy iu a.m. day of publication. 'f FOR SALE HOUSES ". tfJUOO. A 4-room modern house with : bulll-lns and break last nook, hard Wood floors, fireplace, basement, dou ble trays. (2175, A 4-room mod jern house with flrcpiucc. nook, bullt--Jlus. bB8ement, garage. P. H. BELL, 420 Oregon Bide. Phone 8121. a52 HOUSE ijNicc 5-r, modern BUYS house for 92750. house for (2500, 9800; lagans und n I most new 3-R. houses, close In, O. W. JOHNSON Phone &Q2Q a53 Terms. nGood 6-n. modern dandy comer lot. 1 1 Acre, 12 cherries, other fruit, good house, 2 poultry for $2000. SEE JAS. D. SEARS or 132 S. High St. 8-RQOM house 0 blocks from new nign scnooi, eiuuu; suou aown, mi 1 terms. 206 N. Cottugc bt. n52 ABSOLUTE SACRIFICE This 7-rm. modern. Eng style home on cor. lot in exclusive residential district. Must be sold In Immediate future. Modern kllimcn with nook and tile drain boards, double garage m conjunction with house, plumbing up and downstairs, hoy fuel burner attachment with furnace, sewing rm., iirepiace, naruwooa lira trice voauu; $850 down. SEE THIS TODAY. IT WON T BE HERE TOMORROW. R. a. Johnson with W. H. GRABENHORST Sr CO., Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 6468. a52' HOME BARGAINS $4000 buys this modem 6-rm. home on lot auxil9 located close to bus line and both grade- and Jr. htsh schools. Plrcnlnce. hnrdwood firs.. " furnace, laun. trays, enrage, fruit trees, an in goon coiioiiiou. 44000 buys this 6-rm. modem home on Fulrmount hill on lot with shade trees. Fireplace, hnrdwood fir nook, furnace, laun. trays, double garage, an in good condition. See R. A. Johnson with W.H. GRABENHORST & CO.. Realtors i a a. utterly St. Phone 6468. a53 $1500. Nice bungalow, living room. fireplace, kitchen, nook, bath, 2 bedrooms, paving pd. Terms. $190 down. English type home, oak noors m living and dining rooms. 4 bedrooms, buscmcnt. furnace, fire place, garage, paving pd. $1900. $200 down, 5 -room bungalow, close to Richmond school, oak floor In liv ing r., nice fireplace, oascmcnt. fur nace, nice lawn Sz shrubbery $2600. $500 down, ti-R. modern English type home in N. oaiem, basement, lurn ace, fireplace, good location $3950. MELVIN JOHNSON - - 725 Court St. Phone 3723 n52 NEAT and NEW 4 rooms and bath, corner lot, paved street. Price $1050, cash $300, balance 15 month, per cent interest. 3-rrh. house, garage and woodshed, cement foundation for another house. . Price $700; cash $150, bal $12 mo. 6 ooe unuora naroia wun CHILDS & MILLER Realtors 344 State St. Phone 6708. SUMMER STREET HOME Always a good Investment. Neat 6 room- home modern in every detail Owner is moving to country, hence low- price or $4U00 offered, shown by appointment only. t Call MRS. ELLIS with CHILDS As MILLER. Realtors 344- State St. Phono 6708. ' SNAP: 3 bedroom house, close In, cor ner lot, paved and paid. Easy terms. H. P. GRANT 529 Court St. a52 BEAUTIFUL 8-room modern home, 2 ac. fruit, nuts, berries. Lovely shade trees, basement, furnace. Elcc. water system, garftBe, chicken house, barn. About Vi mi. from cltv limits. S4B00, JENSEN REAL ESTATE. 1313 Edge water, Snlem Ph. 4522. fl52 FOR SALE Miscellaneous DELICIOUS apples 35c box and up. Gilbert Farm Co.. Eoia. Phono 5730. c58 T i RESTAURANT fixtures, sell cheap. W Box 352 Capital Journal. c53 GENERAL ELECTRIC 8-lube radio ta ble set. like new. Sold new $79.50. Need $25 cash at once. 695 N. High . St. cm POULTRY fertilizer for flowers and lnwn, straight or with Pent moss. Tei ephone 133F2. Lee Hatchery. c57' OATS and vetch hay. itood Quality . Mrs. Hackett. Phone 7F33. Salem, 6 miles north on Wallace road. c54 COCKER Spaniel pups Hanson Ave, Rt. 3. Box 32. 3rd house on left. c52 VETCH HAY $12 ton. 1 ml. N. Brunk's Corner. . L. Newton. cm BURROUGHS Adding Machine. $99, 999 99 capacity, desk model, adds per fect. $35. Roen. 420 Court St. c BALED ALFALFA. J. Hiigsdale, Rick re nil CM DIRECTORY AUTO BRAKES Mike Panck, 275 South Commercial, o" BICYCLES and Accessories. Ramsden 143 S. Lib. o' EXCAVATING .- EXCAVATING of all icir-ds. basements dug. dirt hauled or moved Dirt tor sale. Salem Sand Si Gravel Co 9408. o FLORIST Brelthaupt's Dial 5904 MATTRESSES Mattresses rc-madc. New cover $3.95. CAPITAL Bedding Co. Phone 4069. o76 PLUMBING PLUMBING and generil repair work Phone 6594 Grader Bros 154 South Liberty o- THEO M BARR, Plumbing, heating. sheet metal works 164 S Commercial street. o RADIATORS Radiator repairing and cleaning J C. . Bftir. 236 State St. o' STOVES AND FENCE REPAIR stoves, ranges, circulators .Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ramies and circulators Pence nnc fenc posts R B Fleming 262 Chemeketa. o' LARMER Transfer Stomge P 8131 o TYPEWRITERS Sale, Repair and Rent Also Adding Macti nes MnKe Rnoos Slumps una 8eU NEEOHAM'S BOOK STORE o58 WINDOW CLEANING NEW DEAL WINDOW CI.FANING CO Windows, PloorL Woodwork. Tele- enow 8337. o'j AUTOMOBILES Outstanding Values in Used Cars! 1029 11)29 11120 1028 1928 1928 1927 1927 1926 1925 Chryajer Coupe Durum Sedan PoiUIhc Cabriolet Durant Couch Oldsmoblle Coupe Pontine Coach Star Touring Pontlac Couch' Pontine Coupe Oakland Touring SALEM Home Of CHRYS 435 North Commercial - - . Wc Wait Sixty Years for This Saturday but McKAY'S has Bargains Every Day ! O. K.d USED CARS A beauty and has new rubber, paint guaranteed used car that looks and This Is n real bargain. Motor has upholstery and at the low prlco si r.wp.vrfnT.F.T sir.nAxr Has been carefully cleaned Inside finish and carries the famous O.K. 32 CHEVROLET COUPE If you want a coupe you will bo proud of Its appearance QQE 00 and performance. Guaranteed and reduced for quick mlevJJJ JJ 30 REO FLYING CLOUD This Is a wonderful buy. New paint, Motor, rubber and QQ OO Inside finish in splendid condition fjJKJJ JJ 34 CHEVROLET COACH lnal finish, nearly new tires and Only one at this special price 24 r.MT7.VT?rT.T?.T MA.QTT?.R Big, roomy, comfortable, dependable. Like new m every jvSy S (ill respcot. Backed by "an O. K. that counts." Sale price. .. vvv FOR SALE Miscellaneous I HAY for salo. Oat, vetch, alfalfa hay, McLaughlin Hop raricn, 2 ml. North of independence, Ph. Independence 27F2 GOATS Milk delivered dnily. Ph. 7124. c55 SAFE for sale, fireproof 285 Cbemek eta. e FLOWERS for all occasions Adams. FOR SALE FARMS 5-A. close to Salem, 5-R. plastered house, bath, lights, basement, fur nace, electric pump, good soil. $2950; $250 down. 49 A. l',i ml, from Jefferson, cult, 5-R. house, small out bldgs., excel lent soil. $3200; $320 down. 52 A. 15 ml. from Snlem, 26 cult, river bottom, 16 A. timber and pas ture, 5-R. house, barn, hog house, $3250; $325 down. 110',i A. 3'a ml. from Monmouth. 95 cult., 10 A. prunes, 10 A. pasture & timber, 7-R, house, oath, hot and cold water, pressure system, barn, large strawshed, chicken house 16x 72. $52.50 per A. MELVIN JOHNSON - - 725 Court St. . Phone 3723 b52 CHEHALIS SILT LOAM Fifty seven acres less than half mile from Kclzer school, three miles from Salem. This land Is level, all In culti vation and Is wonderfully adapted for walnuts, filberts or truck gardening. Subdivision possibilities very attract ive. . . . $6000.00 . . . $2500 cash will handle this property. HAWKINS it ROBERTS Salem, Oregon b54 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FRESH and Springer Cows. N. Front & Columbia. e52 FOR SALE WOOD BIG 2nd Gth. 4-ft. bone dry $5. Old fir $5.50. Phone 7148. ec54 GUARANTEED wood, all kinds. Old fir $5.50. B54 S, Com'l. Phone 3046. ee53 16" OLD FIR, 2nd growth and ash and maple. mixed $5.50 Ph. 6037. ec53 16-IN OLD fir $5.50. Ph. 9456. eeOB WOOD All kinds. CaU 5616. Get what you buy. Tom & George. ee60 WOOD Sawing Reasonable. Ph. 8200. ee68 GUARANTEED DRY second growth. Phone 7860. ee59 16" OLD growth fir $5.60. Ph. 3378. ee56 16 INCH sceond growth fir Cobbs and Mltchcl CO. U49 S. 12th Ph 7443 ee' SHED dry wood and coal Salem Fuel Co Trade & Cottage Phono 5000 ee WANTED HELP LADY to work for the use of apart ment. Phone 6470 or call at Capitol Hotel. g52 MAN to do farm work. Do not aonlv unless experienced and Industrious. Call 3435. g54" ADDRESS, Mail circulars at home for firms. Earn up to $20 weekly. Stamp ed envelope brings details. Midwest Company, 512 East Central, Wichita, Kansas. g52 WANTED Men with sales experience to handle building material in and around Salem. A factory man will ac quaint you with our line. Ten min utes of your time may prove to you that we have what you are waiting for. Monday morning at 9 o'clock, apply C. J. Karlik, Nelson Bros. g52 GIRL with stenographic and baBic bookkeeping schooling, not self sup porting, small wage, excellent oppor tunity for experience. Write Box 374 Capital Journal, g53 EXPERIENCED cook to get evening meal for family oi three, can 3oi7. g&2 EXPERIENCED young man to direct girls' orchestra. Write Vale Morgan, 510 N. 2nd St., Corvallls. Ore. g33 STEADY profitable work for Indus trious man with car. Wonderful op portunity, good pay. No investment. Investigate. McConnon's Food Pro ducts. Write Dept. D, P. O. Box 4003, Portland, Oregon. go2 WANTED SITUATION WANTS office work. Telephone 9574. n&4 EXP. faithful housekeeper wishes pos, Kind iamiiy, exp. child nurse. Also good cook, take charge of gentleman's home. Exc. refs. Good wages. Box 545. Roseourg, Oregon. n&3 YOUNG woman desires housework in or near Salem. Box 388 Capital Jour nal. h53 MIDDLE aged woman will keep house for one or two people. 1090 Shipping. n&3 FATHER with small son 8. wants to work for board and roon Phone 5453. I960 North Cnpttol. h52 WANTED Miscellaneous HIOHEST corn-belt prices for carloads broke or range horses mules and cotts. Pirr! Chandler Horse Ac Mule Market, Charlton, Iowa. 162 AUTOMOBILES 1035 11)35 103fi 10114 1931 1931 1931 1930 1929 1029 Plymouth Coupe Dodge Sedan Plymouth Coupe Chevrolet Coupe Chrysler Coupt Ford Coupe Pontlac Coach . Durant Sedan Oldsmoblle Coupe Durant Coach AUTO CO. LER it PLYMOUTH -. - Phone 4673 and motor. A fully ta4S Oil runs like new if Aiy.vrv comulcto overhaul, new So 1 S (Ml ol awv and out. Has original Rr 0D Tag lAA',uV SEDAN (Standard) Is fully guaranteed. A.)S I II 1 vvvU GTT.nAM WANTED Miscellaneous WILL take cedar fence posts as part or full payment on a used cur. State Motors Inc. 154' WANTED to rent, house with 3 or four bedrooms, walking cllsmnco of 19th and Slate. 335 So. 19. , WANT to rent small unfurnished house with large lot oi small acreage in or near Salem. Ad alts. Will give reference. Phone 8555. 152 FOR RENT FIVE room house. West Salem, fur nished or partly furnished. 1272 3rd St.. West Salem. J54 FURNISHED room. 980 Parrlsh St. MODERN bungalow, three bedrooms. n. iiu iviycrs oi. jo4 SLEEPING or light housekeeping room, wo n. cnurcn, J54 6-ROOM house, partly furn. $10 mo. 1010 Elm. West Salem. J52 3-ROOM Apt. new, complete with fireplace. 295 N. Summer. J52 CHOICE modern, furnished 3-room apartment, garage, $32,50 Ph. 8877. J 1 ROOM apartment, pvervthlnc fur. nished. Private entrance, 666 South summer. j63 APT. and rooms. Capitol Hotel. Tele phone 6470. J75 5-ROOM modern furnlthed home close In. For lease one year. Call 6112 or erra. 153 5 OR 6-room furnished house, garage. Call 8200. 153 6-ROOM modern, 3 bedrooms. Rent $28. Harold. Phone 6708. J51 MODERN 6 room house. Inquire 360 South 16. 152 6-ROOM furnished house, well locat ed. 600 S. Church. Tel. 7370. J52 HOUSEKEEPING room. 260 Center St. . 154 ONE and two-room apartments, clean, iviiauimuiB raies. nortn uom merclal. J64 HOUSE. G. L. Adams. Phone 82F12. J53 HEATER three-room furnished apart ment, 607 N. Capitol. J52 7-RM. house. Mrs. Marcus Ph. 9670, J OFFICE room for rent. 381 State St. fnona 3713. j DREAMLAND furnished cottages. Ga rage. $8 per month. j Apt. Ph. Emma Murphy Brown. 8763. J PIANOS. Phonographs and sew) no machines for rent. H. L Still Furni ture Co. j REAL ESTATE b2 A, stocked and equipped, large 3 rm. house, elcc. Good barn, chicken house, 2 A. strawberries 1 A. loauns. Just off Pac. Hgy. $1200. This Is a BUY. 8 A. very close In and strictly modern new nouse, lurnace, n replace, hdw. firs., tile dralnboard, double garage, about half In cherries $4500. Will consider city home. 14 A., small house old barn, creek and spring piped to bouse, 4 A. log ans, some walnuts, prunes and red rasp., very line son. owners too old to operate $2250. 20 A. New house all modern except basement, chicken house $5500. Want modern city home. 5 A. clone In, 3-rm. house, elec. To trade for Portland. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 214 N. High Street n52 OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS BUT ONCE For Sale by Owner. Am forced to sell. NO AGENT'S COMMISSION TO PAY To reduce prices: Financier, double your money on the Old First National Bank Property at 129 N Commercial. SHlcm. Ore. (No trade-ins). MUST GO AT ONCE to highest bidder. No reas onable offer refused. Make us a Bid. Riaht reserved to rejret bids. Bids close Saturday 10 o clock p.m., March 7. Specifications and Free Inspection on Request. Address all communica tions to P. O. Box No. 504 Salem, Ore. n54 4 Rooms and nook, new strictly mod ern. Extra room with fireplace In basement. $3500. Eaay terms. S-rm. house, modern but basement, $25 down, $25 per month. 5-room house modern but basement, $1300: $300 down, balance like rent. 6-room house on fine view loc. $1400; your own terms. Listings wanted, Rich L. Relmann, 167 S. High, Dial 8632. n52 IMP. ACREAGE. G. L. Adams. Tele phone 82F12. nS3 VACANT lot in Compton, Cal., good location, paved St. Exchange for Sa lem lot. 3 Fine acres close tn with 6-room plastered house. Elec. lights, water system, chicken house barn and ga rage. All for $1900 1 COO down, bal. like rent, 4 -Room house and one acre clow In for $1000: $100 down, bl $10 a mo. 5 Fine acres on Garden Road Oood plastered house. Elec lights. Water system. Reduced to $3f00. Trade for 3lrn bous to $2500 8. M. FARLF -GEO F VICK 208 N. High - Phone 9678. b82 AUTOMOBILES HONESTLY REPRESENTED USED CARS HONESTLY PRICED When you raid about a used car in one of our ads, you can expect to find thai car exactly as It Is described. In our used ear department. And you will find , the price plainly marked on the price tag. Thatto the way we do bulims. You can put your con fidence In a firm that conducts business that way. 37 Hudson 6 Sedan Run less than 2000 miles $200 Discount 35 Studebaker President 8 Business Coupe. Regal model, 2 fender wells, safety glass, over-drive free wheeling. Heater & lots of other extra eq uipment. Priced $100 under Book 35 Packard 120 Sedan $1095 Very low mileage. Trunk & trunk rack. Safety glass. New car service & guarantee. 34 Studebaker Dictator 6 . $695 Custom DeLuxe Model. Trunk. General Jumbo tires. Heater. 34 Hudson 8 R.S Coupe $675 Low mileage. Brand new tires. Radio. 34 Ford DeLuxe Sedan $535 An extra good one. Ra dio equipped. 34 Chevrolet Master Sed'n $550 Reconditioned as need ed to give satisfactory service. Good tires and paint. 32 Buick DeLuxe Sedan $495 Model 67. 2 fender wells, trunk. Overhauled. New paint. 34 Ford Pick-up $435 Very low mileage on this one. 33 Terraplanc 8 Coupe $395 29 Hudson 6 R.S. Coupe $325 27 Packard Light 6 Sedan $225 27 Hudson 6 Sedan $225 30 Ford Tudor Sedan $195 29 Essex Challenger S'd'n $165 27 Hupmobilc Sedan $165 27 Nash 6 Sednn $125 27 Pontiac 2-Dr. Sedan $65 6 FINANCE PLAN STATE MOTORS, INC. Hudson Terraplane Packard High & Chemeketa Sts. Open Nights & Sundays AUTOMOBILES -Dependable 1035 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe $625 1034 Ford DeLuxe Sedan $535 1934 Terraplano Sedan $545 1934 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan $5B5 1933 Dodge DeLuxe 6-wheel Sedan $615 1933 Dodge DeLuxe Sedan $560 1932 Ford DeLuxe Sedan, 6 wheels $365 1932 Plymouth Sedun ,.,$385 1932 Plymouth Sport Coups $376 HERRALL-OWENS CO. "DEPENDABILITY" 235 S. Com'l. St. - - - Phone 351 or 4711 Open Day and Night REAL ESTATE LAIiKIN REALTY CO. 109 S. Com'l. St. - Phone 5470 WHAT YOUB MONEY BUYS HERE: 911000 Oood 6-room home. $2000 1 BIO A. 5-rm. Mod. 92300 7 A. Bldgs.. fruit. S1800 5 A. Bldgs., Elec. $1500 3',-, A. Bldgs.. close In. SI BOO 22 A. Bldgs. BARGAIN BOY. 91200 8 A. No. bldgs. IDEAL 9 800 10 A. Paving. No Bldgs. WE OIVE LIBERAL TERMS WE WILL WRITE YOUR PIRE IN SURANCE. n52 ROOM AND BOARD BOARD, rooms 593 So Com'l MISCELLANEOUS WE Pick up dead and worthless horses, cows, sheep, free of charge. Phone 4869. m74 ELECTROLUX cleaning service. Tele phune 8763. m59 KEAL ESTATE WANTED IF YOUR PROPERTY IS FOR SALE Our Real Estate Department will be pleased to servo you. Wo have Inquiries for business and residence properties. Also for close In acreage and farms. HAWKINS & ROBERTS, INC. Guardian Building Salem, Oregon ' na57 WANTED: Listings on houses and small tracts. Have a client with $2000 cash and others that want property. Yours may be Just what Is wanted. JAS. D. SEARS or G. W. JOHNSON 132 S. High St. Salem, Ore. na53' WANTED GOOD DAIRY FARM We havo a client who owns three houses on suburban tract, fairly new, good rentals, some fruit. Will ex change for good Dairy farm with stock and equipment, Assume mortgage up to four or five thousand on a good equipped place. Suhmlt what you have to: H. E. WALTER with CHILDS & MILLER, Realtors 344 State St. Phone 6708. na Exchange REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 7 room modern home, oil burner, oak floors, double garage, corner lot, both streets paved and paid, close to Jun ior school. Priced for qiuck sale $6000 or will accept good home In Eugene. CHILDS Ss MILLER. Realtors 344 State St. Phone 6708. nn ULTRA modern 5-room house with 1 acre fruit, nuts, barrios. 7 miles out. School bus passes. This is beautiful. Only $4000, Consider trade for city property. Nice home about 1 1-3 Ac. Beautiful view. Very close in. Trade for valley or Mcdford acreage. 560 Ac. saw timber $6000: trade up to $3000. JENSEN REAL ESTATE 1313 Edgcwater. Ph. 5422 Salem. nn52 WILL TRADE Seattle residence, rent ed for creek lot or residence here. Phone 8422. nn52 AUTOMOBILES OUT TO WIN AMERICA ON VALUE ALONE 32 Chrysler 6-sedan. like new... $550 27 Chev. coupe, R. S, new paint $145 26 Pontlac coupo $75 26 Stude coupe $75 Chev touring, like new $55 29 Nash sedan $265 32 Chev sedan, like new $385 26 Stude sedan $65 28 Buick sedan $245 and many more to choose from CARTER & CHURCH MOTOR CO. Nash and Lafayette Dealers 365 No. Com'l Phone 3734. q53 Valley Motor Co. USED CAR Money Back Guarantee 1930 A Ford Coupe. A nice one.. $265 1030 A Ford Rds. New paint, good rubber, mechanically perfect $265 1035 V-8 Coupe $540 1934 V-8 Coach $500 1933 V-8 Coupe. Renewed and guaranteed $425 1934 Master Chevrolet Coach. Re newed and guaranteed .,..$546 1931 Dodge Sedan $346 1932 V-8 Coach, new paint $385 1930 chev. coupe $300 The Valley Motor Co. Marlon & Liberty Center Ac Liberty Two USED CAR Lots Phone 7910 q SEE Jim St. Clair at Valley Motor Co, lor that used car. Ph. 7910. q52 WHEN you buy an auto ask your dealer about the $5 down. 820-month payment plan of the Beneficial Loon Society. Phone 8740. a FINANCIAL LOANS WANTED: To loan money on farm, acreage or city property. Have one amount of $8000 to loan on business property, low interest tate. See us for prompt sorvlce. CHILDS & MIULEK. Mtge. Lioans 344 State St t-hone 6708. r AUTOMOBILE LOANS LOW RATES EASY TERMS CONFIDENTIAL P A. EIKER State Lie. M-157. r0 FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Invest your money at home where you can examine the security yourself We have a number of highest secured first mortgages netting Investor 6 semi annually. Amounts $600 $750 $1000 $2000. We collect th interest for you. SEE US FOR SOUND INVESTMENTS CHILDS St MILLER. Mtg. Loans 344 State St . Phone 6708. r flAVB 0 rnoney lor reai estat loam Chas HudKin Ph B(M 276 state r- YOUn CREDIT IS GOOD HERE oecause we specialize tn loans up to $300. including AUTOMOBILE LOANS Plenty of time to pay lona as 80 months Quick service BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY Room lid New Bhgfc Buiidina 618 Statr 8t folfm Oregon Phone 3740, 8-123 M-166. f I AUTOMOBILES Used Cars FINANCIAL LOANS lUIIVDTUTUTa Invest your savings at 6 to 0 percent kins Ac Roberts. r AUTO LOANS NEW LOW RATE WILLAMETTE LOAN CO. 612 Guardian Bldg. M-169 Personal Loans By an Independent Satem Finarmt Co. Amounts to $1500 One to 20 Months to Repay Deal with an independent Salem owned-and-operated finance company where your needs will receive eve-y consideration both before and after the loan la made. No Delays ... No Red Tape General Finance Corp. First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phons 8653 Licensed 8-138 by State r SEE F G Delano for Federal Housing Loans 290 N Church Bt r LOANS wanted on farm and city pro perty Before borrowing Inquire at Hawkins St Roberts. r Automobile Loans Private money for automobile loans at new low rates Personal Attention -No Delay You Keep Your Car ROY SIMMONS First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 8653 Licensed by ths State FOURTVercent pam ji savings, In sured to $5000. Salem Federal Savings Si Loan Assn. Guaralun Bldg Ph 3B01. r52' AUCTIONS F. N. WOODRY Auction Market, 1610 N. Summer, will pay cath or trade or sell on commission for anything you have to sell. Phone .i-1-1-0. Auotlon every Saturday 1:30 P M.. t . LEGALS NOTICE CREDITORS No. 9175 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OP OREGON For Marion County. In the Matter of the Estate of SARAH ELIZABETH PROBERT, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has oeen appoint ed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, Ad ministrator of the estate ol Sarah Elizabeth Probert, deceased, and has qualified as such. All persons who have claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the. same, duly verified, as requlied by law, to the undersigned at the office of Page and Page, attorneys, Ladd & Bush Bank Building. Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication ol this notice, which is the 15th day of February, 1836, and the last is the 14th day of March. 1936. SAMUEL HAROLD PROBERT, Administrator of the Estate ol Sarah Elizabeth Probert, deceased PAGE Si PAGE Attorneys for said Estate, Ladd ic Bush Bank building, Salem, Oregon. Feb. 15, 22, 29, Mar. 7. 14 FEARS COMPILED AS DEAN'S HOBBY Austin, Tex., Feb. 29 (IP) Fear- collecting is the strange hobby of Dr. W. F. Gidley, deun of the Uni versity of Texas collene of pharma cy. He has 230 fears, ranging from the simple to the unpronounceable variety, classified and defined. I Gidley found nearly every psrson i has a particular fcur phobia In technical terms. So he began col lectin? them. A phobia Is defined as any insane dread or fear. Persons are afraid of drafts of air, stars, cats, miciuncs, walking. cancer, mirrors, gaiety demons, red, worms, snakes, pains, fish, drugs, sinning, lice, cold, strangers, num ber "13," and work. To be a "phobia" the fear must be abnormal. Dean G; a ley's list in cludes aichmophobia, ir.sane fear of sharp-pointed objects; anglophobla, dislike for the English, anthropho bia, dread of human society; batho phobia, fear of depths, and batra chophobia, dread of frogs. Others are bibliopnobia, fear of books; bogiphobia, fer of specters and spooks; brontopnobia, fear of thunder; ceraunophobla, fear of lightning; cleithrophuoia, fear of being shut up In a closed place; and colorophobla, aversion to color. Feltons Are Hosts Mission Bottom Mr, and Mrs, Frank Felton entertained members of their 'card club ana their chil dren at their home here recently. Two tables of "500" were In play during the evening. Supper was served at a late hour. Covers were pL.ced for Mr. and Mrs Julian Dc Jardln, Don, Maxlne and Elaine Do Jardin, Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Brun dldgCi Nelta, Hubert and Patricia Brundidgc, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mahoney, Steven, Pat and Terry Mahoney, Duanc and Velle Felton, and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Felton. Pupils Kept Busy Gates Among the practical un dertakings of the primary pupils di rected by their teacher, Mrs. Lloyd Glrod. are a store where they play at burying various kinds of cereals and other common foods of vitamin; quality and the making of creative calsomlne pictures for their home; room decorations. The picture wort j is done individually. , SLOAN SHOT 3 TIMES IN BACK THEN IN BELLY (Continued from page 1 Burr is, attorney for the defense, to raise question as to doubt of any of the competency of the autopsy tes timony. He stated later he would enter a general objection to any such testimony going ln! the rec ord. However; he said 'nis morning ne was not prepared o state what form his objection would take. Dis trict Attorney Trindie doubted if such an objection would have any validity. Burrts questioned Dr. Pemberton as to what effect embalming had on the body and the physician stated it nad a tendency to harden the ar terles, to reduce their elasticity. He also stated that the mortician with drew as much of the blood as pos5i Die trom the circulatory system. Burrts also renewed his attack on the competency of the testimony of ootn or the autopsy physicians. Not, he stated, on their qualifications as physicians but based on their lack of knowledge of this particular sit uation. He declared that questions ne nad advanced on cross-examina tion revealed that they did not have this particular knowledge as pro pounded in his questions. The court refused to throw out the testimony on tnis ground, the prosecution nut ting in a question to show that the physicians were not appearing as experts duc giving information which was the general knowledee of all physicians and surgeons in the community. When Judge McMahan overruled the objection to the competency of tne testimony of the autopsy sur geons, he also overruled the objec tion of Burris to their testimony to the effect that the three shots which penetrated Sloan's back were the first shots fired, and that the shot which penetrated his abdomen which physicians say caused his death, was the fourth shot fired. The state contends that when this shot was fired it also made the powder burns on the left sleeve of the shirt and undershirt worn by Sloan, the state contending that these powder bums were so situated as to show Sloan had his left hand over his abdomen trying to protect himself and that the hand could not have been used for choking Kyle as he alleged had occurred. Dr. Pemberton reiterated the stand taken by Dr. Fortmiller that in his opinion the three shots in the back were fired first and the shot in the abdomen fired last. .-He expressed the opinion that Sloan would have lived from 10 minutes to 10 hours if he had sustained only the shots In the back. The phot in the abdomen which severed the aorta he said caused Instant death, or death as Instantaneously as it can be affec ted. Much discussion was had as to dif ference rt pressure from the aorta and pulmonary circulatory system, the physician stating that normally there would be four of five times more pressure in the aorta. Farley Mogan, state police officer, yesterday afternoon reported on re sult of tests made with the gun and a sheet as to how close the gun was to Sloan's body when it was fired. Mogan reported the tests showed that the three shots in the back were made when the gun was directly against the body. The shot in the abdomen, he said, could not have been fired with the gun more than an inch away from the body. Attorneys reached an agreement by stipulation today that the bloooj sheet found on the bed would not be put Into the evidence as a phy sical offering but expert witnesses in shape of Drs. Menne and Hunter from Portland could give testimony as to information they found from the sheet and Its condition. Dr, Menne mounted the stand this morning and Dr. Hunter was ex pected to be reached this afternoon. The state then expected to conclude Its case wllh Joe Murray, ballistic expert from the state prison, to take the stand. A few witnesses might oe briefly recalled after Murray, said Prosecutor Trlndlc. Testimony of Dr. Menne as to the bloody sheet had for ite object to show that the bloodstains on the sheet were a result of coughing on the part of Sloan and that the blood came from his lungs, the lungs be ing punctured from the shots in the back. The expert testimony was to reveal from the shape of the blood stains that they were caused fiom coughing and not just from a flow of blood. Similarly shaped blood stains on the floor, on a lace cover ing on a table top near the bed, ail figured in. The top of the table wa.s broken, a piece hanging from It by a sliver and the state will attempt to show that after Sloan had been shot In the bark he made his way dizzily and half conscious from the bad, that he fell over the table and broke It, leaving the tell-tale trace of coughed up blood stains on -.the table cover. The state will then at tempt to show that Sloan reached In his pocket with his right hand and pulled out his cigarette lighter In an effort to light the lamp. He held this lighter tight In his grasp when found after death, The state will then attempt to show that Kyle again fired, this time Into Sloan's abdomen which caused Instant death and he fell over on the bed on his face. The state will use the experts to deduce these theories from their deductions as ?hown fiom blood conditions, the prosecut or stated. Joe Murray, the prosecutor stuted, was expected to show that not only five shots were fired from the gui.. but that an effort was made to fire a sixth shot but the cartridge failed Continuation of Premiership From Page One residence their headquarters asked Sekomlzu to remove what the revo lutionists thought was the premier's body, the secretary did so fully aware that the body was that of some one other than the premier. "When I saw the body," Sekomlzu told the news agency, "I realized that it was that of Col. Matsuo who had married the premier's younger sister. "Matsuo and Okada had very similar voices. The rebels appeared convinced that the body was that of Okada. I cannot tell you now where the premier was during the outbreak." CONGRESS TOLD TO FOREGO PAY Lawrence, Kan., Feb. 20 (IP) Wil liam B. Felts, 70, pensioned Spanish American War veteran, believes that all aspirants to public office should be willing to pay to serve. And he backs his belief with a promise, to pay $250,000 to serve as representative from the 2d Kansas district. U. S. Guyer, republican, Kansas City, Kan., now represents the district. Felts recently sent his declaration as an independent candidate with the $250,000 clock to Frank J, Ryan, secretary of state. Ryan returned the declaration with the statement that an independent cannot run un less he presents a petition from the voters of his district. Felts replied ho could get the petition and has set about doing it. Felts writes and publishes his own poetry although he has made no money from such ventures. His most prolific piece is entitled, "Get tysburg Monumentum." It Is 356 pages long. The money to back up his belief that office holders should pay to serve was provided by his brother, Col. James O. Felts, wealthy auc tioneer of Winona, Kan. "If office holders in key positions were made to pay for the honor," Felts said, "tills country would get a better class of public servant. In stead, our general run consists of persons who cannot earn their own living." WINE MARKETS SLOW TO OPEN Washington, Feb. 29 (tP) Amateur manufacture of wine and heavy tax es explain a small decline in wine Imports from Spain last year and the failure of Argentina and Chile to find a market here, trade author ities believe. More than 25,000,000 gallons of wine were estimated produced last year in the basements of American homes. Hundreds of thousands who learned to make wine during "bone dry" days have continued the prac tice even when wine can be pur chased at every corner grocery. In 1033 Spain shipped 478,000 gal lons of wine to the United States, and in 1034 only 350,000 gallons. Pre repcnl predictions that the wines of Argentina and Chile would find markets here have not been fulfilled. Importers blame the home manu facturers, the tariff and the Inter nal revenues for the unfavorable-im-port situation. They are seeking re duction In Internal revenues, and also hope that the negotiation of a United States-Spain reciprocal trade agreement might lead to lower tar iffs. A third possible remedy would bo an advertising campaign for import ed wines. "Buy American" campaigns are said to have made the United States conscious of Its own wine industry. The "bootlegger." who flourished in the prohibition era, is still a factor although of waning Importance In the present wine trade, as his eva sion of tariffs and taxes may enable underselling of legal products. 37 YEARS' SERMONS WILL BE RECORDED London, Feb. 29 (LP) William Wil liams, of Linn hurst, claims to be the world's champion ' ae.nion tas ter." He has heard more than 3,000 In the past 37 years. Tnat means he has had approximately 12,000,000 words of good advice, counsel and assurance served up to him. Williams has kept a faithful rec ord of the sermons. He has a list of preachers' names, date? and texts. Of the sermons he has heard, 846 were from texts In the Old Testa ment and 2,282 from tin- New Testa ment. The most popular choice by preachers who preaJied from the Old Testament was the Book of Psalms, from which texts were taken. Isaiah comes next with 124, and Ocnesls third with 65. Preachers from the New Testa ment mainly favored St John's Gos pel, from which 368 texts were ta ken. St. Matthew comes second with 343, and St. Paul's Epistle to the He brews third with 166. Only one preacher preached fiom Obatllah, and only one from John's Second Epistle. to go off. The fifth shot, the stale contends, went through the tamp chimney. The lamp is In evidence showing a broken chimney.