Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 30, 1935, Page 5, Image 5

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    SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1935
Oregon women, always interested
in making their homes more com
fortable and attractive, and in hav
ing their families better fed, cloth
ed and cared for, are coming more
and more to rely on the home econ
omics staff of the Oregon exten
sion service for Information and
assistance In making these things
A total of 30,367 homemakers
were given assistance during the
past year through individual tet
ters, office calls, telephone call or
personal home visits, while thou
sands more have been reached
through circular letters, news arti
cles, bulletins, radio programs, meet
ings and other contacts, the annual
report filed by Miss Claribel Nye,
state leader of home economics ex
tension, shows.
An increasing desire on the part
of women throughout the state to
I help extend the home economics
extension program dy acting as lo
cal leaders for definite projects in
their communities is also reported
by Miss Nye. In addition to in
creasing the effectiveness of the
work in those counties having home
demonstration agents, it has been
possible this year for the first time
to provide one or more projects
for every county in the state, large
ly through the voluntary coopera
tion of these local leaders, Miss
Nye says.
Among the projects available dur
ing the year have been child care
and parent education, home food
preservation, meal planning and
table service, vegetable cookery, low
cost meals, use of eggs, milk and
cheese products, bread making, rec
reation leadership training, reno
vating and remodelling, economy
buying, economy dressmaking, gar
ment finishing, care and use of
sewing machines, coat making and
home crafts. An unusually large
number of requests for help with
housing problems were also handled,
Services of the audit division of
the secretary of state's office, hith
erto limited to state offices, boards
and commissions, under a law pass
ed by the 1935 legislature will be
available upon request to counties
cities, school districts, reclamation,
irrigation and port districts Secre
tary of State Earl Snell reminded in
a statement today.
Snell stated he had received many
requests for information regarding
the new law, now chapter 405, Laws
of 1935.
The secretary reported he had
been assured a number of cities in
the state would elect to receive its
benefits. The charge for such ser
vices will be on an actual cost basis.
Snell today also explained why
1 the recent legislature had enacted
even amendments to the motor ve
hicle laws changing the words "re
ceipt of registration" to "registra
tion card."
He declared this change would
result in a saving of $4,000 a year
because the change of words would
enable the state to take advantage
of a cheaper postal rate in mailing
the cards.
Campus Tales Heard
By Alumni of Old
University of Oregon, Eugene,
March 30 Dr. W. W. Allen of Mill
City, and of the class of '05 at the
university, is one of 128 alumni who
may relive their college days by
listening to camDUs tales from their
children who are now attending
school here, according to records
compiled by Robert K. Allen, alum
ni secretary.
Dr. Allen's children are Marian
and Robert Lewis Allen. There are
119 other children of alumni at
tending the University of Oregon, 6(
being girls and 59 men.
The class of 1909, with 15 alumni
as parents of present students is
best represented, with the classes of
1907 and 1910 tied for second with
14 parents each. Ten parents are
members of the class of 1911, and
eight graduated In 1908. The alum
ni represent classes from 1894 to
more recent years.
There are 90 men and 38 women,
SUverton Mr. and Mrs. Clay Al
len, Miss Emma Adamson and Mrs.
J. D. Drake spent Wednesday in
Portland where they visited Mrs.
Inez Miller, 80 years of age, who was
seriously injured a few days ago by
being struck by an automobile as
she was crossing the street. Her
family of six daughters and a son
have been called to be with her.
Irene Miller Schmiedecke is well
known here as the family were lo
cal residents for many years.
Hopmere Mr. and Mrs. John
Meithof entertained recently
group of friends at cards. Present
were Mrs. Leonard Pickens or inde
pendence, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Walt
ers, Homer and Marjorie Walters,
Mr. and Mrs. John Meithof of Clear
Lake, Mr. and Mrs. William Meithof
of Mission Bottom, Prank and Ray
mond Diem of Quinaby and frank
Meithof of Waconda.
Hopmere Mrs. J. C. Savage is in
a Salem hospital as the result oi an
auto accident on her way to Salem
during Sunday's windstorm. The car
in which she was rlaing with her
husband and his brother of Port'
land, was blown over while turning
a corner. The men were not injurea
West Salem Mrs. Anna Jensen
' and daughter, Mrs. L. B- Tripp, are
mitt ni at. thplr home on Edeewater
itreet. Samuel Harris, son-in-law of
Mrs. Anna Jensen, 15 still very ill
it his home on Oerth avenue, but Is
reported slightly better.
Letter In Spanish,
And Couldn't Read It
It was an official-looking letter
and secretaries in the office of Gov
ernor Martin hurried to open It.
But the haste didn't do any good.
The letter was all In Spanish. One
of the secretaries had to take It
home, pore over a forgotten Span
ish grammar to make the transla
tion. The letter invited the gov
ernor to send greetings for a radio
program to be broadcast from Mex
ico City.
, The Daughters of 1812 will place
a bronze marker In the chapel of
the little church at St. Louis near
Gervais which is over the burial
place of Marie Dorion, the heroic
and famous guide of the Astorian
land expedition. The ceremony will
be on April 7 at 2 p.m. and the pub
lic is invited to attend the program.
Mrs. George H. Root, president,
will preside and be assisted in con
ducting the ceremony by Father
Charles Kraus, pastor of the church.
R. J. Hendricks, who worked many
years on this bit of northwest his
tory, will make the address. The
marker will be dedicated by the
Most Reverend Edward D. Howard,
archbishop of Oregon in Portland.
Members of the American Legion
post at Woodburn will act os color
bearers and bugler. Mrs. W. H. Lott.
of McMinnville, state chairman of
historic spots, will unveil the mark
er and Mrs. J. L. Shumaker. of
McMinnville, state chairman cor
rect use of the flag, will lead the
assembly In the pledge to the flag.
Mrs. James Howard Huddleson, of
Portland, state chaplain .will also
assist in the ceremony.
Sales of motor vehicle fuels in
Oregon have shown an appreciable
increase so far this year over the
corresponding months last year, said
Secretary of State Earl Snell.
In December, 1934, 11,807,831 gal
lons were sold, an increase of 737,
378 gallons over the same month
In 1933 and giving the state $590,
391.58 in taxes, a gain of $36,868.93.
January sales totalled 10,445,825
gallons, a gain of 89.393 gallons,
with a tax revenue of $522,291.28.
which was $4,469.69 more than last
February showed 11.125.388g all
ons. an increase of 264,372 gallons
over February, 1934. Taxes came
to $556,319.41, an increase of $13,
213.63. For the first two months of this
year the sales totalled 21,575.213
gallons as compared to $21,218,547
in 1934. The state has received
$1,078,610.69 in taxes as compared to
$1,060,927.37 in 1934, a net gain to
the state's coffers of $17,683.32.
Newark, N. J March 30 (LP) The
three month strike of editorial em
ployes of the Newark Morning Led
ger ended last night through mu
tual agreement.
The settlement centered on an
agreement of the paper to reemploy
all strikers except eight men whose
discharge precipitated the walkout.
Status of this group will be deter
mined by a committee of three, Cir
cuit Court Judge Edward C. Caf
frey, a representative of the news
paper guild and a representative of
the publication's trustees.
P. W. Chappel, federal mediator
sent here by Secretary of Labor
Prances Perkins, chiefly was re
sponsible for the settlement. He
presented an agreement to strikers
and trustees yesterday and it was
satisfactory to both parties.
Quilt Prize Given
SUverton Mrs. Martin Waarvick
won the quilt offered as grand prize
for the series of card parties given
Wednesday evenings by members of
the Royal Neighbor and Modern
Woodmen lodges. The last party
of the series was held this week,
Scoring high for the evening were
Mrs. Ed Heald and Charles MyerS;
and low were Mrs. Chris Ncsheim
and Paul Johnson.
Mehama Hubert Wagner has re
turned home from near Maupin
where he has been employed during
the winter. Edgar Ledgerwood has
returned home from Gold Beach
where he has had charge of the fish
hatchery for several months.
SUverton Prom the SUverton
General hospital is reported that
Mrs. Clare Jarvis submitted to an
emergency major operation Thurs
day. Her condition is normal. Fred
Haskins of Scotts Mills was treated
for a broken right leg Thursday and
was taken to his home after a cast
was placed on the leg. Mrs. M. C,
Storruste was able to be taken to
her home Thursday. Her condition
Is satisfactory after undergoing a
major operation several weeks ago.
Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Bentley have moved into one of
the Wampole cottages, 356, East
Lincoln street, which they have
purchase from the Wampole estate,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Scbern, who
occupied the cottage, have moved
to the residence vacated by Dr. and
Mrs. H. W. Bladorn at 314, East
Lincoln. Dr. and Mrs. Bladorn
moved to the Nehl property, 784.
Harrison street.
Scotts Mills Levi Kellls of this
community has been drawn for fed
eral Jury duty in Judge McNary's
court in Por'la::d. The Jurors have
been notified to appear April 15
lor work.
Every faucet in a rural home
should be provided with garden hose
threads, said E. A. Taylor, deputy
state fire marshal, as a control
measure in case of fire.
"This applies to faucets located in
the house as well as those on the
outside," said Taylor.
"I remember fighting one farm
house fire where there was a large,
elevated tank of water nearby, but
we were unable to find a single fau
cet where we could attach even t
garden hose. As a last resort we
set up a water-bucket line from a
watering trough for stock. The pipe
line to the trough was so small
that we continually had to wait to
fill the buckets. After a hard fight
we saved the water tower and the
ground where the house had stood.
"Very few farm water systems are
constructed with an eye to relia
bility of operation in case of fire,"
Taylor declared. "Some farms have
this in mind when they locate their
pumping plants at a good distance
from other buildings, yet bring the
power feed wires first to an ex
posed place in the house itself,
where any fire would throw the
whole system out of order. Even
without water under pressure, a
small amount of water used intel
ligently early in a fire will ac
complish a great deal. For this
purpose the old-fashioned water
barrel and a couple of buckets, to
gether with a ladder, should be
kept in an easily acessible place at
all times."
Silverton John Bowman has pur
chased a half interest in the ser
vice station owned by Pete Soren
sen on North Water street. The
deal was completed Friday forenoon.
Bowman has been working lor the
firm for the past months.
Commissioners' Court
The following is iTie official
publication of the record of
claims before t h e Marion
county commissioners' courl
for the March term, 1935,
with the amount allowed, bills
continued, etc., according to
the records in the office of
he county clerk.
March Term, 1035
Miscellaneous Accts. Labor Chet
Bolter, $3.98: J J Hollett, $63.68; R
A Hooper, $61.68; Floyd Langston
$58.94; Geo Mahrt $45.76; John
Sacre $61.68; Nick Schab $94.68; A
C Shaw $63.68; O G Shepherd $61.68
L W Webber $63.68...
Road Districts No. 24 Hupert J
Mverhofer. labor, $3.99; Jos Zuber,
labor, $72.80.
Road District No. 27 1 Tom Bar
ry, labor, $33.91; Geo Hcckert, labor,
$3.91; O D Needham, foreman $64.28.
Road District No. 34 Stayton
Hardware Co. powder etc, $11; labor
Bill Berry. $2.98; Dick Berry, $4.97;
U S Berry $3.98; Joe Gordon $5.97;
Hugh Harris $2.99; A G Myers $3.98;
A R Myers $4.97; A Y Myers $1.99;
Eldon Myers $7.96; G D Myers
$35.94; Tom Qullhot $5.97; John
Roda $5.97; Selas Roda $7.96; Glen
Shelton $1.99; Ed Slscho $3.98; L F
Myers, foreman, $35.38.
Road District No. 30 Hill Top
GaGrage, bolts etc, $3.40; labor M
M Booker, $37.35; ' W M Booker,
$22.41; John Chastian $23.88; Harry
Christian $23.88; Chas Clester $23.88;
Emmctt Dorothy $45.77; Oliver
Johnson $23.88; J F Bewley, fore
man, $53.82.
Market Road No. 24 Labor Lyle
Beckner. $27.93; Kell Campbell,
$17.91; Roy Campbell $23.94; W R
Fowler $1.99; Arthur Holden $5.97
W G Pearmine. foreman. $59.8C
Market Road No. 54 Vernon Nye,
labor, $1.99.
Miscellaneous Accts. Labor M L
Salchenberg $15.96; R J Bettencourt,
$69.79; Rov Carter $1.09; Chas Ku-
bin $1.99; Ernest Kubin $6.99; W H
Carter $19.43; C C Jones $11.97
Theodore Fisher $43.35; J C Mor
ris $26.91; L E Henneis $95.76; E Z
Kaufman $45.77; Ed Overlund $11.06
Bertrand Iversen $98.76; J Scholl &
Son, tile, $5.85; labor Harry Becker,
$119.80; Grant Jones. $83.79; Harry
Becker $1.99; J H Miller $3.48; Gail
Wengenroth $39.80; Jas McCormich
$62.79; A E Burham $5.97; Grant
Hatfield $5.97; John McAllister
$5.96:Wm Mcllwaln $71.75; Ham
mond Lbr Co, shovels etc, $6; A B
Horner & Co, handles etc, $.30; W
J Stitt, sharp tools, $.09; labor E
Brown, $1.99; E J Richards, $58.30
Andrew Larson $.99; Roy Porter
$1.98; Wm Rauscher $20.93; Bernard
Wolf $1.49; Geo Wolf $2.99; J H
Wolf $11.42; Henry Steinkamp.
$68.76; D F Eastbum. sharp tools,
$2.60; H M Crane, labor, $18.90;
Leonard Walker, foreman, $59.80:
A B Hinz, hooks etc, $8.45; B F
Ricks, $11.98; N M Simpson, $11.94
Oakley, pick etc $1.50; labor Ed
Jos Rlngwald, $11.97; foremen W
W Westenhotise. $70.80: J L Cook,
$68.77: James Culley $63.84; T L
Davidson $119.60; P E Jensen $83.79
M M Magce $59.80; W A Rlggs.
$59.80; L. M. Van Cleave. $70.80;
labor J P Aspinwall, $72.13; Omer
Bartruff. $71.76: J F Bewley $14.95;
O D Binegar $71.76; F A Dutton
$68.77; John Griesenauer $37.74; Ben
H Hawkins $119.76; V J Hertz $71.76
Wm R King $71.76; Lester Mcll
waln $71.76: Raymond B Miller
$71.76; H Faulson $74; Anton Plan-
nard, $3.48; E J Richards $13.45
Dan Scharf $71.76; K D Snyder
$3.98; Lee A Welis $71.76: Frank
R Woelke $71.76; Clyde Woodruff
Misc. Bridge Accts. Labor Roy
Brenner. $58.30; Robt Bye Jr, $67.27
Antone Feskens $64.28; Don D Goode
$58.30; Theo Keunzi $67.27; Oreg
A Robl $22.42; Frank Schampier
$67.27; Phillip Fischer, foreman,
$20.97; J M Bones, labor. $11.97;
Clarence Zuber, labor. $46.34; A H
Hennies, foreman, $108.27.
Mill City Bridge Acct. Louis Dra-
pela, haul ties, $3; labor V P Barnes
$29.87; Harry Carter $27.18: R L
Cooper $22.40: T O Crec $23.59; A
Daly $54.97; Fred Ellsworth $26.28
W E Fearheller $1.19; J P Giefcler
$35.84; E L Graham $22.70; Val
Hinkle $54.97; Jos S McKlnney
$114.77; Frank Mitchell $8.36; Ted
Olson $54.07; H I Flymale $34.65;
C C Scott $114.77; G E Thomas
$54.07; A M Ward $22.70; C C Wil
son, $18.21; V W Mason, foreman,
$275.77; Cummings Transf & Fuel
Co, trucking. $36.
Alministrative Expense Acct. Ber
telson & McShane, printing, $89.66.-
Batllc Creek Crusher Acct. Atlas
Imperial Diesel Eng. Co, repairs,
$43.58; Burr Bros, oil, $50.40; Oscar
Hovcn, labor, $68.77; Arthur Mor
gan, labor, $90.75; T J Vandecoever
ing, labor. $71.76; Otto Hoven, fore
man, $99.75.
Stayton Crusher Acct, Bureau of
labor, inspect fee, $5; J H Mlssler,
bolts etc, $5.05; Mountain States
Power Co, power, $244.45; Schleis
Bros Garage, welding etc, $18.65;
Jacob Spanlol, pipe etc, $8.85; Stay
ton Hardw Co Inc. bolts etc, $9.54
labor Geo Brown, $73.25; D Het
rick $7.97; Bert Kelthley $73.25; C
D Stayton $73.25; Trevor Stayton
$73.25; C C Stayton, foreman, $108.61
Engineer's Office Acct. Commer
cial Book Store, pads etc, $1.05; Pac
Tel & Tel Co, telephone, $8.20
Gladys M Scott, stamps, $1; Gladys
M Scott, clerk, $75.00; H S Swart,
use of car, $74.70; H S Swart, co
engineer, $149.76; Henry Tymer Co
inc, pencils etc, $3.97,
Uucna Victa Ferry Acct. Brad-
field Smith Lbr Co, lbr, $4.25; J B
Chenowith, labor, $99.44; Salem
General Expense Acct. Capital
Hdwe Co, nails etc, $10.50.
Journal, publ claims, $12.80; Ore
gon Statesman, publ claims, $14.20.
Motor Patrol Acct. Austin West
ern Rd Mach Co, mold board etc,
$85.55; Feenaughty Mach Co, blades
etc, $23.70; A c Haag & Co, blades,
.82; w s McClain, repr curtains,
$1.50; Wm Predeek, welding etc,
$1.45; Paul Sowa, sharp teeth, $5.30.
New Equipment Acct. A C Haag
& Co, grader, $4882.11.
Stayton Pav. Plant Acct. A C &
Mary F Stowell, rent, $50.
Powder Acct. Bert Hulst, rent of
magazine. $1.
Tool House Acct. Ballou &
Wright, cut valve seats etc, $3.94;
Oregon Wash Water' Serv, water,
$2.48; Pac Tel & Tel Co, phone,
i.40; Robertson Heavy Hdw Co,
carb wheels etc, $3.93; Valley Mach
& &Weld Co, oxygen, $8.70.
Trucks Acct. Ball Bros, gas, $2.15;
W E Burns, pistons, $18.32: P L
Love, adj brakes $1.25; V E New
comb, repr tires, $2.75; Wm Wen
genroth. files etc, $1.15.
Miscellaneous Acct. Geo E Allen,
handles etc, $286.62; Ames Hdwe,
spikes etc, $3.44; A L Brougher,
tiles, $2.10; Colyear Motor Sales Co,
rings etc, $5.39; Frank Doollttle.
boots etc, $130.53; Doughton & Sher
win, bolts etc, $49.68; D G Drager,
bolts etc, $1.25; Frankie Dunagan,
timbers. $15; Ray L Farmer Hdw
Co, wedges etc, $58.81; Firestone
Serv Stores Inc, tires etc, $131.73;
Gabriel Powder & Sup Co, powder
etc, $521.90; General Petroleum Corp,
on etc. $119.74; Carl Hultenberg,
tires tubes, $108.07; Ira Jorgensen,
chain etc, $368.40; Geo Lawrence Co,
wire brushes etc, $28.63; Loggers &t
Cont Mach Co. gaskets etc, $107.39;
Lone Pine Gargare, gas, $.98; Man
gold Hdw Co. staples etc, $5.20;
Oregon State Hky Com, valves etc,
$69.45; Parry Lbr Co. lumber, $12.67;
Pohle Stavcr Co. spikes etc, $12.20;
Portland Gen Elec Co, electricity,
$33.62; Pure Iron Culv & Mfg Co,
iron, $27.08; Salem Insurance Agen
cy, ins prem, $716.93; Salem Iron
Works, screens etc, $113.50; Shell
Oil Co of Calif, gas, $952.89; Silver
Falls Tbr Co, lumber, $614.71; Chas
K Spaulding Log Co, lumber, $20.30;
Standard Oil Co of Calif, gas, $211.04
E G Syron, lumber, $28.41; Union
Oil Co of Calif, gas, $202.71; Val
ley Motor Co, gaskets etc, $19.08;
G E White, clerk, $18; Woodbury
Co, rope, $35.76; Chas Blake, labor,
$3.08; R L Hart, road viewer, $13.83;
gravel W P Collard, $162.50; Chas
H Hoyt, $3008.61; Ladd & Bush
Bankers. $204.10; McVcy Sand &
Grav Co. $461.25; Oregon Gravel
Co, $675.66; E L RIgdon, $337.67;
Fred Womack, $73.52: haul gravel
etc O A Boctticher Sr, $55.57; Otto
Boetticher Jr. $360.50; L M Case,
$884.30; M Crcnser $129.29; W J
Davenport $1025.82; G R Dickenson
$206.10; K Dickenson $44.92; Roy
Dickenson $217.65; Ed Gardner
$601.50; F T Gatchet $56.90; J A
Kapphahn $674.62; Clco Kcppinger
$602.70; P A King $846.14; Holley
Lewis $195.85: John Nag $471.90; E
L Rigdon $385.67; Fred Stewart
$381.80; L R Tweedie $249.51: A B
Wilson $155.49; J O Wilson $80.86;
State Industrial Acc Com, insurance,
$1805.83; H W Henningsen, labor,
$23.94; H W Pearce, labor, $23.94;
Fete Jones, labor, $5.97.
March Term, 1935
Poor Acct. Relief Mrs Rosanna
Aicher, $15; Golda May Anthony,
$20; Geo H Aschenbrenner, $10;
Erma Baker $15; Mrs E L Barton
$10; Ruth Berry $17.50; Mary Bet
ker $15; A Bieward $10; Emma J
Bigler $15; Mrs Mable Talbot, rel
of John Bircher, $15; American Red
Cross, rel of Chas P Boies, $15;
relief Hattle Bond $10; Pearl Bon-
ney $10; Boys & Girls Aid Society
S25; Geo Braugh $10; Mrs Amos
Brown $10; Mrs. M E Brooks $15;
Jeneva E Brown $15; Wm O Buch
anon $8; Frank L & Sarah A Burch
20; Anna Butterfield $15; Nellie
Cahill $15; Mrs Josle Campbell $7.50;
Mrs Elmer Chamberlin. rel of Elmer
Chamberlin, $15; relief Mrs. Effie
Cooder $15; Jas W Covey $15; Mary
E Cummins $15; Blanche Cupp $25
Clara May Davis $15; Clara I Dlm
ick $25; Llyssa Ellen Dodge $10; Lu
cinda Emerlck $12.50; Mrs Anna
Engclhart $10; Mrs Rose Farlow $10:
A R Ferguson, rel of self and wife,
$25; Leonard FleischmaA. rel of self
and wife. $15; relief Frank & May
Fowler, $15; Margaret Fuchs, $15
Florence L Graham $20; Carrie Gil
bert $15; Mrs Florence Graham $20;
W L Cobb, rel of Chas Grocning,
$10; Gladys F Hamel, rel. $15; J H
Harper, rel, $8; J F Bewley, rel of
Levi A Harris, $10; relief Grace
A Hart, $10; Mrs Hattle O Hart,
$20; Edna May Harvey $25; Geo &
Addle Hayes $15; Annette A Hicks
$20; Robert A Hodge $10: Effie R
Holland $20; Mrs Lola Huddleston
$20; Mary Jackson $15; Rosa Jor
dan $15; Sarah E Kephart $15; Mrs
J F Cook, rel of Roby Riser, $25
relief Katherine Kopf, $15; Mrs El.
izabeth rause $15; Beatrice Lander
$15; Ruth Larson $32.50; Orpha Lee
Loter $20; Emma Lundeen $15; Paul
Matt $5; Mrs Delia M Shaw, rel of
Harry Meeker, $25; Carl H John
son, rel of Chas A Miller, $10; Re-
gina Mortenbler, rel, $15; Bertha
More, rel, $5; Annabele Morley, rel,
$15; Mrs May Nelson, rel of Wm
Nelson, $10; R O Henderson, rel of
J H Nickerson, $10; Mrs Alvira
Northcutt, rel, $12.50; Mrs June
Nussear, rel, $25; Mrs Klrsti Odman,
rel, $20; Anna Ott, rel, $15; Mrs
Louisa Paquette, rel of self, Nora
Pluard and Josephine Joudoln, $25;
Wm H Parris, rel, $10; Mrs D A
Parsons, rel, $15; Anton & Agnes
paviioeK, rel, $25; B A Borrevik, rel
of Olea Pedersen, $15; Mrs Mathlas
Smith, rel of Wm Perkins, $15;
relief W J. & Rosina Peters, $20;
Chas Peterson $10; Anna Pugh $18;
Anna F Ratcliffe $15; May Ray
mond $15; Allots L Redfern, rel of
Luella Redfern, $20; W L Cobb, rel
of Grant Relfe, $12.50; relief Eber
Rember, $15; Mrs Annie Renlck, $15
Newll E Rhodes $10; Lucille Rogers
$15; Aitred Rose $15; Mrs. Joseph
J Ronaeau $7.50; Florence A Ros
sell $25; Anna Ruscher $20; Gene
vieve Ruscher $15; Henry L Sags-
void 10; Lucy M & Newton M Sewell
$25; Newton Shepherd $15; Nellie
Simpson $10; C O Slpes $15; Mrs
W R Slyter $15; Mrs Eleanor Stew
ard $10; Mrs Mary R Steward $20
Hulda Stripling $8; Murtis M Sy-
phert $10; Joseph M Terry $12.50
Addle Tupper $15; Savllla Waldron
$15; Fern A Wengenroth $20; Mrs
Anna L Wheeler $10; Mrs W H Wil
liams $10; Mary WIrtz $15; Mrs
June Woodward $20; Perry Wright,
rel of Wm Wright, $30; Andrew Yost,
rel, $15; Alleda Zuber, rel, $12.50;
Alma Zuercher, rel, $30; H F War
ren Co Com, maint free emp off,
$100; Eva Pillette, rel, $10; Dr. Ver
den E Hockett, co physician, $65.
Assessor's Office Acct. R Shelton,
deputy, $115; Paul Griebenow, dep,
$110; Eva Roberts, clerk, $100; Alma
Ackerman, clerk, $100.
Auditing Acct. Harry Roland
auditor, $100; L S Covert, oudltor.
Clerk's Office Acct C C Ward,
deputy, $115; W S Lamkin, dep
$115; J H Ward, dep, $110; A M
Presnall, dep, $100; H A Judd, dep,
$50; H C Mattson, dep, $50.
Dog License Fund Acct. H A
Judd, clerk, $50.
Court House Acct. A H Wyatt.
janitor, $70; W W Hill, janitor, $70;
Mark W Baker, Janitor, $70; J H
Kirsch, elev oper, $35; Alice Dahlen,
elev oper, $35.
Dlst. Atty's. Office Acct. Lyle J
Page, deputy, $175; Adaline Lank
tree, stenog, $50.
Health Officer's Acet. V A Doug
las, health officer, $100; Irma S Le
Riche, nurse, $110; Ethel Lermon,
clerk, $66.66.
Salem Justice Court Acct. Alma
Johnson, clerk, $75.
Juvenile Court Acct. Nona White,
probation officer, $109.72.
Recorder's Office Acct, Eva C
Lenhardt, deputy, $100; Myrtle E
Beecroft, dep, $100; Ava C Sund
borg, dep, $90; H C Schofield, dep,
Registration & F.lection Acct. H
C Mattson, clerk, $60.
School Supt's. Office Acct Cora
E Reid, assistant, $115; Wayne D
Harding, supervisor, $120.
Sheriff's Office Acct Florence
Wintermute, clerk, $78; Dorothy
Hiet, clerk, $78; Mrs Ethel Carson,
clerk, $45; Claire Hammang, clerk,
$34.50; Chas E Winslow, clerk, $64.50
Newell Williams, deputy, $124.72; B
R Smith, deputy, $119.72; W Rich
ardson, deputy, $109.72; L E Neet,
deputy, $114.72; A M Dalrymple,
deputy, $99.72; T J Brabec, clerk.
$110; H J Thomas, clerk $100; Lee
V Ohmart, clerk, $100; Robt Wag
ers, clerk, $100; B O Connor, clerk,
Treasurer's Office Acet W Y
Richardson, deputy, $115.
Miscellaneous Accts. Carl Ball,
scalp bounty, $3.50; H L Oldenburg,
relief of Cathrine Rhodes, $15; Le
roy Hewlett, salar,, $120; G B Smith,
relief of Theo M Vandyke, $16; O B
Smith, rel of Geo Scanton, $12; G B
Smith, rel of Peter DeGuire, $10;
G B Smith, rel of W M Craun, $13;
Verden E Hockett, rel of Mrs Wm
Alguire, $12; A H Mires, bounty,
$1.50; John Maulding, bounty, $4;
Henry Peters, bounty, $4; G D My
ers, bounty, $7; Kraps & Long,
printing, $120.15; Roy B. Davenport,
rel of Mrs N Hansen, $15; Verden
E Hockett, rel of S E Althardt, $3;
Arthur Johnson, bounty, $1.
Assessor's Office Acct. Nicholson
& Wiper Inc, bond, $15; E A Skel
ley, map, $10; O A Steelhammer,
cash adv for stamps, $4; Woodburn
Independent, printing, $106.
Circuit Court Acct. Blanche B.
Ferguson, reporter, $30; Hotel Argo,
meals for jurors, $14; Peter Pan,
meals for Jurors, $6.65.
Clerk's Office Acct Remington
Rand Inc, maint agreement etc, $112.
Coroner's Office Acct. The Drake
Bros Studio, photos, $14.25; Dr P A
Loar, exam, $5; H J Bratzel, report
er, $10; Dr R E Klelnsorge, exam,
$5; Dr H A Gueffroy, exam, $5.
Co. Court & Commissioner's Acct.
Capital Journal, publ claims,
$21.20; Oregon Statesman, publ
claims, $22.40; Roy S Melson, sal
ary, $120.
Court House Accl Blake Moffltt
& Towne, towels, $18.25; Brownell
Elec Co, lamps, $2.50; Building Sup
ply Co Inc, glass etc, $17.45; Capital
City Laundry, laundry, $1.73; Graber
Bros, repairs, $1.50; R E Northness,
washing windows, $46.88; Oregon
Wash Water Serv, water, $14.84;
Portland Gen Elec Co, elec, $154.10;
E L Welch, labor and parts, $7.50.
Del. Tax Foreclaaure Acct. Joseph
B Felton, labor, $116.
Dlst. Atty's. Office Acct. Lawyers
Coop Publ Co. law books, $8.50; U
S Natl Bank, rent, $25.
Health Officer's Office Acct Ab
bott Laboratories, medicine, $7.32;
Central Pharmacy, medicine, $24; H
R Crawford PM, postage, $6; V A
Douglas MD, trav exp, $37.50; Hend
rle Clinical Lab, lab fees, $16.66;
Irma LeRlche, trav exp, $37.50; Wm
Devin, vaccine, $54.55; Marlon Co
Dept of Health, maint, $64.25; Parke
Davis && Co, supplies, $9.73; John
Welch Dental Depot, supplies, $1.
Herd Inspector's Acct John Han-
rahan, assistant, $56.12.
Horticulturist's Acct. s H Van
Trump, horticulturist, $124.20.
Indemnity for BUvu, Dts, Cattle
Acct Arthur Gath, indem, $16.66;
H A Hahn, indem, $3.21.
Insane Acct Red Cross Pharm
acy, medicine, $17.28; Sanitary Serv,
Co Inc, removing garbage, $1; Dr
A D Woodmansee, extract teeth, $2,
Salem Justice Court Acct. Ber-
telson & McShane, envelopes, $13;
S C Catlin As R K Page, rent, $40;
Elliott Print House Inc, printing, $11
Fred E Mangls Agency, bond, $5.
Juvenile Court Acct. Nona M
White, cash adv for stamps etc,
Law Library Acct. American Law
Book Co, law books, $10; Bancroft
Whitney Co, law books, $7.50.
Poor Acct. Josephine Baumgart
ner, rent, $20: Jake Biersack, cut
wood, $5.97; Mrs W D Brlggs, cash
adv for expenses. $2.50; A L Brough
er, groc for Mrs Berkner, $7.47; Cap
ital Drug Store, medicine, $8.73:
Clough Barrick Co, burials, $76; Geo
W Croisan, ins prem, $3.03; Dough-
ton & Sherwln, ladder etc, $3.68; D
G Drager, cash adv for ticket, $2.80
Ekman Funeral Home, burial of A
Dahlen, $41; Gabriel Powder & Sup
ply, lumber etc, $79.35; R L Green,
use of truck, $50; Greenbaum's Dept
Store, clothing for poor, $114.05;
Hammond Lbr Co, groc for Mrs
Kahler, $10.07; Hogg Bros Appliance
St, motor brushes, $1.25; John P
Hunt, ins prem, $8; Labish Celery
Grow Coop, onions etc, $22; Anna
Laue, care of Rose Farlow, $15;
I W Lewis, medicine, $22.02; Miller
Mercantile Co, clothing, $3.59; H L
Oldenburg, board of poor, $228.64;
O A Olson, extract teeth, $6; A I O
Rcilley, labor, $0.35; J C Penney Co
Inc, shoes etc, $7.94; Salem Deacon
ess Hospital, care of Fred Baker
$42, Amelia Cottrell $42, John Glan
don $42, Ollie Olson $25.50, W S
Brown $42, R o Lee $42, Jacob
Gotthart $42, Mrs Anna Owens $42,
Earl Foster $42, J N Hornbuckle $42,
Jerry Guycr $42, J M Hoke $42,
S B Beesley $42, Walter Cowdell
$45.75, Mrs Maria King $12, Ed Fo
garty $42, Thos Osborne $42, Allen
rt.vie $45, Wm Fisher $8, E F Tur
pln $42, J J Delaney $42, Bert Yea
ger $31.50, Robt M Nusom $31.50,
Donlvan Esplln $35, Chas Genteel
$10.50, Margaret Lenon $36.50, Geo
Hayes $21. Ruby Smith $18.75, Juv
eniles, $25; Jas Plant, dig graves,
$18; Portland Gen Elec Co, elec,
$13.69; Salem Hardware Co, paint
etc, $15.90; Salem Mortuary, burial
of Ollie Olson, $35; Silver Falls Tbr
Co. lbr, $1.28; L D Simmons, labor,
$5.39; Chas K Spaulding Log Co,
lbr, $10.09; Mrs Paul Stavenau, care
of Robt G Hall, $35; Myrtle Stewart,
investigat, $5.63; Table Supply, groc
for Mrs J Thompson, $10; Edw G
Unger, burial of Mrs. Mayerhofer,
$35; Mrs Al Vanderbeck, groc for
P Lachapelle, $20; W A Wcddle,
burial of J Harman, $35; Woodburn
Hospital, care of Billle M Pace, $23;
Woodburn Water .Works, water,
$4.30: Woolpert & Legg, medicine,
$42.51; Helen Yockey & Dorothy
Pearce, rent of buildings, $20; gro
ceries etc Andys Handy Grocery,
$13.75; Asplnwall's, $22; Bentson's
Grocery $4; Bontrager's Dairy $12;
Broadacres store $9.50; Buslcks
$92.55; C & C Cash Store $10; Cap
ital Dairies $11.20; Caplan's $146.;
Carl & Bowersox $5; E D Carver
$13; Columbia Food Markets $32.50;
Curry's Dairy Inc $8.70; Davies
Grocery $6.50; East Hill Grocery
$10; Economy Grocery $14.95; Fosh-
ay Dairy $8.40; Ed Gilbert $10; Our
ney's Cash Grocery $29.75; Ham
mond Lbr Co $8; E H Harper $4
Harrison's Gen Store $9; Hazel Dell
Dairy Inc $16.40; Allen Hodges $7
Chas Krauger $9.50; Lemon's Mar
ket $2; Moses & Meitzler $2; Pearl
Love $5; Frank Masser $8; V L
Matsen Grocery $14; Fred Meyer
Sale mCo $20.50; A Nibler & Son
$6; Oswald's Red fe White St $8.50;
Pay N Save $15; Pay N Takit No 111
$24.95; Philippl's Gen Store $6; Pig-
gly Wlggly $22; Pogue's Grocery $7
Producers Milk Co Inc $2.80; C M
Roberts $5; Stanley Rogers Groc
$17.50; Safeway Stores $74.75; Salem
Sanitary Milk Co $12.60; J O Stand
ard's Grocery $12; G W Stand'sh
$3; Steusloff Market $6; Thurston's
Red & White St $18; A L Whitney
$11.75; medicine Albus Drug Store,
$4.75; Aurora Drug Store $5.40; Cap
ital Drug Store $62.18; Carson Phar
macy $16.05; Central Pharmacy
$46.63; Crown Drug Store $14.60;
Evenden Drug Co $5.40; Hubbard
Drug Co $12.15; I W Lewis $19.06;
Market Drug Store $1.20; Geo C
Mason & Co $2.70; Fred Meyer Sa
lem Co $34.25; Moore & Beers $8.16;
Wm Nelmeycr $8.75; Olsen Phar
macy $4.95; Opera House Pharmacy
$3.85; Perry's Drug Store $72.40;
Red Cross Pharmacy $43.15; Salem
Drag Co $20.35; Emll A Schaefer
$36.39; Edward Schoor $6; Silverton
Drug Co $.25; GeGrald B Smith MD
$27.50; South Salem Pharmacy $5.40;
GeGo W Steelhammer $40.27; Dr J
A Wondcrlick $.50; Woolpert &
Legg $29.81; wood J H Adams.
$4.50; John Bright, $3344.99; Salem
Fuel Co. $201.06; Varnol Sheets,
$18.75; Fred E Wells Inc, $120; Fred
Wood, haul wood, $60.86.
Co. Property Acct Mildred R
Brooks, stamps, $1; R L Hart, sur
veying, $7.94.
Recorder's Office Acct Mildred R
Brooks, stamps, $5; E B Field, clerk,
$16.50; Patton Bros, ink etc, $5.82.
Reg. & Elec. Acct. J H Kirsch,
painting, $1.09.
Rodent Control Acct Ames Har
ris Neville Co, rbx. $18,53.
School Supt's. Office Acct Dr
Bruce Baxter, exp re Institute, $5;
Eva L Campbell, exp re Institute, $5;
Mary L Fulkcrson, trav exp, $32.58;
J K Gill Co. retad tests, $26.91;
Wayne D Harding, trav exp. $36.84;
Ila Hoffer, clerical work, $18; A E
Simmons, Ink, $2.25.
Sealer of WtB. & Measures Acct.
J F Jones, scaler, $29.32.
Sheriff's Office Acct. A C Burk,
stamps, $10; Ross E Moores & Co,
tax receipts, $381.10; Unruh Knapp
Printing Co, stamps, $630; Newell
Williams, expenses, $1.25.
Surveyor's Office Acct a D Har
bowe, map, $3.50.
Wood Acct Geo W Casebeer,
foreman, $44.82; Chas Ouller, meas
wood, $20.46; W G Nlchol, foreman,
Dog License Fund Acct Aurora
Observer, publ notice, $1; Capital
Journal, publ notice, $1.05; Gervais
Star, publ notice, $1.30; Jefferson
Review, publ notice, $1.10; Mt Angel
News, publ notice, $1.20; Oregon
Statesman, publ notice, $1.15; Stay
ton Mall, publ notice, $1; Wood-
burn Independent, publ notice, $1.05;
Paul Marnach, invest sheep claims,
$47.42; sheep killed by dogs Jaye
Bleakney, $4.50; Chauncey H Bowen,
$12.50; Azel Elton, $14.50; J P Feller
disallowed; Wm A Gatchet, $18.50;
Hartley B cralg $15.50; H W Hen
ningsen $4.50; A B Hinz $44.50; Low
ell L Hirtzel $13.50; H E Hubbard
$9; Mrs A Lindsay $6; T Opris $0;
Andrew Schmidt $16.50; H O Tay
lor $4.50; J F Wchrum $4.50; Henry
Whitney, $11.
Miscellaneous Accts. Geo E Allen.
lamps etc, $59.76; U G Boyer, stamps,
J3U.U3; a o Burk, trav exp, $179.50;
Commercial Book Store, ink etc,
$20.70; Needham's Book Store, era
sers etc, $43.35; Pacific Tel & Tel
Co, phone, $138.15; Rahn McWhor-
ter Paper Co, tape etc, $0.03; H
Schellberg, labor, $10.46; Vlbbert &
Todd bell, eto, $39.05; State Ind Acc
Com Insurance, $192.24; Genevieve
Foster relief, $20; Mrs Maud Kime,
relief, $35; Mabel Lily Ross, relief,
$35; T A Qullhot, bounty, $1; Roy
B Davenport, relief of Alfred Howe,
$10: Roy B Davenport, relief of Mrs
N Hansen, $15,
Sheriff's Office Acct Clerks An-
geline Gottenberg, $39; Dororthy
koss, $28.50; Mrs Dallas Eckstrum,
$30; Jack Hepner, $39; Wm M Stone,
$39; Gayle R Finley, $39; Glen Sav
age, $48.75; John Kallak, $48.75; O
r west Jr, $36; Waldo G Hennen,
30; N B Purbrlck, $45: L Reasor.
$45; Wilbur Benson, $36; Carl Cord
ing, $36.
Miscellaneous Accts. Karl O Wln-
zer, bounty, $2; Verden E Hockett.
relle of Mrs F Cain, $13; Verden E
Hockett, relief of Frank Tooley. $5
Artnur D Welch, relief of Geo W
Heiser, $15; Verden E Hockett, exam,
$30. .......
Old Age
Pension Flora Abbot, $10: James
B Abbott, $10; Sylvester S Ackley,
$12.50; Frank Adams, $10; Silas L
Akins, $io; Berthold Alblker, $5
Franklin B Alford $5; Missouri E
Aitord $5; Leora A Alllngham $10
Lillian G Applegate $10; Frederick
W Arensmeier $8.75; Sophia M Ar
ensmeier $8.75; Dora A Arnold $5;
Wllford E Arnold $5; James R Ar
thur $10; Bert Babo $10; Lemlra S
Baker $8.75; William M Baker $8.75;
Edith M Banta $1$; Joseph Barber
$10; Evan E Barnett $10; Mllo Bar
nett $7.50; Lillie Barrett $10; David
M Bartlett $7.50; Melinda Barzee
$5; Elisabeth Bayley $15; Marcus
T Bayley $15; John J Becker $17.50;
Horace E Bell $5; Lena M Bellin
ger $10; George A Bennett $5; Wil
liam Beringer $10; Nelson Bliss $5;
Emma A Boatwrlght $8.75; Valen
tine Boatwright $8.75; Caroline
Boesch $8.75; Henry Boesch $8.75;
Clara Boje $5; Carline E Boles $10;
Clora Bondshue $8.75; Ernest J
Bondshu $8.75; Mary L Booth $8.75;
N S Booth $8.75; George L Bowman
$5: John Bowman $8.75: Katie Bow
man $8.75; Volncy B Boyd 412.50 H
John E Boyer $12.50; Lewis E Brad
ford $7.50; Emma Brasher $10; Mary
E Brassfleld $5; Aslak Brautl $7.50:
A W Brickley $5; Sarah A Brock
$8.75; John W Brock $8.75; John
Brooke $10; Fred D Brown $12.50;
John A Brown $8.50; Mary A Brown
$5; Marion H Bucll $7.50; Willis
E Bunn $10; Edwin Burnett $7.50;
John T Caldwell $7.50; Sam J Cal
nan $5; David Canoy $17.50; Mar
tha R Cardcn $10; Richard W Car
ey $5; Millie Carlson $10; John G
Carson $10; Elizabeth Chamlee $10;
Albert B Chapman $7.50; Eugene L
Church $7.50; Charles L Clapp $10;
Ella J Clark $10; Enos C Clutter
$12.50; Martha J Coffey $5; Frank
lin G Coleman $8.75; Martha A
Coleman $8.75; John B Colwell $5;
Charles D Compton $8.75; Mallnda
M Compton $8.75; Andrew J Cone
$10; Heman B Cone $7.50; Frank
H Cook $7.50; George W Cook $12.50
Jefferson N Cothren $7.50; Hattle
B Coulsen $5; Jessie E Coulsen $5
Rosle Crete $10; William R Cross
$12.50; John W Crouser $7.50; An-
tonette Crump $10; Mary E Cum
mlngs $10; Sebron C Davenport
$12.50; William T Davidson $12.50;
Cuthbert K Davis $6; Henrietta Day
$10; John F Day $5; Mrs N V Day
$10; Henry R DcGuli'e $5: Mary J
DeGuire $5; Peter DeOulre $12.50;
Jacob J Denzel $8.76; Minnie Dcn
zcl $8.75; Fredrick R Dewitz $17.50;
Sarah J Dickens $10; Oscar F Dick
son $5; Fredrick Dlcrks $8.75; Han
nah Dlerks $8.75; Isaac A Dixon
$8.75; M Alice Dixon $8.75; Jessie
J Doty $5; Elizabeth Drake $10
E J Drlscoll $10; William C Dun
can $10: Mary L Dunkle $10; Mary
Dunn $7.50; Thomas J Dunn $7.50;
Octave Duval $7.50; Charles H Ekin
$7.50; Maria J Ellis $8.75; William
Ellis $8.75; Frank Enz $12,50; Louis
Eppers $10; John B Erlckson $10;
Zarllda J Eskew $10; Catherine A
Evans $10; Sarah Evans $5; John
Feller $10; Mary Fielding $10; Val
entine Fisher $15; William B Flagg
$5; David W Forbes $5: John E
Forbes $10; John Fowler $15; Henry
P Frceland $5; Joseph Frohllch
$12.50; G Adam Frohmader $12.50:
Susan A Froman $10; David M
George $12.50; William P George
$12.50; B B Gesncr $12.50; Jim C
Olbson $10; Jennie D Ollbert $10;
Ira W Ollmer $10; Mary J Glnler
$10: James B Glpson $12.50; Sarah
E Given $10; John C Glaze $8.75
Sylvia J Glaze $8.75; Charles H
Glover $10; Mary F Goodcll $8.75;
William H Goodcll $8.75; Charles
Gordon $10; Martha Gore $10
Thomas C Oosser $7.50; Stanley
Granatzki $10; Grant Graves $8.75
Nannie Oraves $8.75; Emille Grem-
mcls $7.50; Rhoda M Oritton $10
Charles Groshong $10; Richard S
Oross $7.50; John W Haines $12.50;
John Hamilton $7.50; Anders C
Hansen $20; Marv A Harrington
$8.75; Michael J Harrington $8.75;
Eliza L Harris $8.75; William H
Harris $8.75; John F Harris $12.50:
Hiram E Hart $7.50; Addle Hartley
$5; Hiram A Hartley $12.50: Manly
Haskins $7.50; Abram Haverly $12.50
Mary Hawkins $10; Thomas Hayes
$10; Samuel A Henry $10; Francis
J Henson $10; Jacob P Hcrbst $12.50
Alice B Hlldcbrand $10; Emma E
Htnkle $5: James R Hobbs $7.50
James T Holtz $5; James B Hoss
$15; Stephan Hubcr $10; Thomas
Hunt $10; Isaac J Hunter $10
George R Hurd $10; Truman H Ide
$10; John W Inman $11; Henr
Isherwood $6.70; Daniel Z Jackson
$12.50; Minnie Jackson $5; William
T James $10; Minnie Jelderks $5
Helen Jenkins $7.50; Julius John,
son $7.50; Laura J Johnson $101
Augusta W Johnson $8.75 Peter J
Johnson $8.75; Thomas E Johnson
$12.50; William M Johnson $10)
Anna B Jones $10; Hans Jorgen.
son $5; Clarence C Jory $5; Hugbl
F Jory $10; C Ela Kavanaugh $5;
Humphrey J Kavanaugh $5; John
T Kearns $7.50; Leonora Kemptoq
$12.50; Eliza A Kepplnger $10; Re.
becca Kimsey $10; Nazaire Kittson
$17.50; Peter Klein $12.50; Jacob A
Koch $10; Joseph Komyate $10; Eli
zabeth Kracmer $10; Louis LaBunta
$12.50; George F LaFleur $10; Mar
grite LaFontaine $12.50; Louise Lairu
Derson $5; August Lambert $5; Ad
dison W Lane $7.50; George J Lan
genberg $5; Elmer G Lantz $12.50; ,
John E Larson $7.50; George Law
ton $10; Pauline Ledtke $5; Mary
E Ledward $10; Anna Lewis $10;
Mary Llghtfoot $5; John W Ltm
baugh $7.50; William B Lindsay $5;
Elizabeth V Lisne $10; William A
Liston $10; Mary J Littler $7.50;
William J Loffer $7.50; Martin
Loken $12.50; Eli B Lowe $10; Jack;
Lowry $5; Clara Lucas $10; James
E Lytle $8.75; Susannah Lytle $8.75;
Mary MacLachlan $7.50; William
Marcho $10; Genevieve Marsters $10
Elmert Martin $10; Mary E Martin
$7.50; Collin D Matheny $7.50; Lily
D Matheny $7.50; Ella Matteson $10;
Donald M Maxfield $10; William
McCalllster $10; Angle W McCon
nell $10; Mattie McDaniel $15;. Wil
liam J McDerby $7.50; Nettie 3
McFadden $8.75; Stephen A McFad
den $8.75; Eliza J McGee $10; Rob
ert McGllchrlst $10; Adell G Mc
Grath $10; Daniel G Mclnnis $5;
Sarah McKay $10; Edna C McLeod
$10; Herbert W McNeal $5; Lucretia
E McNeal $5; Phillip J McPoland
$5; Phoebe McTimmonds $12.50; Ru
fus B Miller $10; Charles Mitchell
$10; Ellen R Mitchell $10; Nathan
R Moon $7.50; Martha Moon $7.50;
Elizabeth Moore $10; Josephine N
Moore $7.50; John B Moorman $5;
Martha A Moorman $5; Olevia O
Moser $10; Charles A Mote $5; Oliva
J Moser $10; Alice D Myers $10;
Mahlon W Myers $10; George U
Neal $8.75; Isabelle L Neal $8.75;
Swan C Nelson $7.50; Zach Nernesa
$12.50; Sofie M Norgaard $10; John
Norton $7.50; William F Nutting
$10; Benjamin F Nye $12.50; Maud
Ohler $5; Colonel J Olmsted $10;
Benjamcn Olson $10; Ana L Olson
$5; Nels A Olson $5; Ole Olsen
Opesahl $5; Stephen E Osborn $10;
Susannah Ott $10; Benjamin ?
Padrick $10; Lincoln Paris $5; Char
les W Jarker $5; Hogue Parrish
$12.50; Arietta Payne $10; Edwin
Payne $12.50; James R Payne $5;
Robert Pearce $10; John W Pease
$12.50; Mary L Peck $12.50; Nancy
A Perkins $10; Eliza E Perrin $10;
Nels C Petersen $10; William L Pet
tit $7.50; Jessie Phillips $10; Celind
Picard $8.75; John A Picard $8.75;
Calvin Plesslngcr $10; William 0
Polka $10; Henry Pomeroy $10; Allco
Potter $10; Helen Potter $10; Mary
Ann Pottorff $10; Jane E Pratt $10;
Esther A Pritchard $10; Susie B
Prosser $10; Sarah R Ramsby $10;
Niels M Rasmussen $8.75; Ollie U
Rasmussen $8.75; George B Ratcliffa
$7.50; William Ray $5; Mary E Red
ding $7.50; Mary E Rees $10; Chris
topher C Reeves $17.50; Charles It
Reistad $12.50; Edward B Reynolds
$10: Fanny M Richards $10; Thoman
A Richardson $7.50? Hannah M
Rickard $5; Hiram M Rlcker $12.50;
George H Robblns $2.50; Eva Rob
erts $8.75; Harry C Roberts $8.75;
Charles C Robinson $10; James C
Rodgers $8.75; Rosle D Rogers $8.75;
Fred C Rouse $10; Eldridge V Ryder
$8.75: Sarah E Ryder $8.75; Amy
C Sanders $10; Frank Scharf $5:
Katherine Scharf $5; Charles B
Scott $12.50 David T Scars $5; Mary
Shaffer $5; Samuel Shaffer $5; Wil
liam A Sharp $12.50; John E Shave
land $15; Louisa O Shepherd $10;
Emamiel shllls $8.75; Hatllda J
SMlts $8.75; Amanda J Shuts $5;
James H Shuts $5; Alice I Shrum
$8.75: Francis C Shrum $8.75; Com
modore P Shrum $0; Fred Sievera
$7.50; James B Simpson $10; Monroo
Slyter $7.50; Anna E Smith $10; Ed
gar A Smith $10; Elva E Smith $10;
Horace A Smith $7.50; Annie Sour
ther $10; George A Silencer $12.50;
George W Stafford $7.60; John Stal
zer $8.75; Rose Stalzer $8.7514 And
rew J Stark $5; Anie Star $5; Henry
Slender $5; E Wallace Stevens $10;
James K Stewart $12.50; Rachel J
Stewart $10: Hczeklah W Stowell
$7.50; Kathern Stiatton $10; Albert
B Straw $12.50; Herbert C Strong
$7.50; Mary L Strong $10; Joshua
Suiter $5; John J Swanson $12.50;
Gerrit Sweinlnk $10; John A Swen
son $7.50: Hcnrv L, Talbot $8.75;
Iva N Talbot $8.75; Henry Tcsch
$8.75; Rcgiim Tesch $8.75; Georg
H Tharp $12,60; Ocorge R Thomas
$5; Katherine Thomas $10; Hiram
A Thompson $7,50; Mary A Thomp
son $7.50; Mike C Thompson $10.50;
John Uebel $7.50; Adelbcrt A Un
derhill $12.50; Anne Underwood
$10; Monc A Vandenburg $10; Nor- "
ton Vandorhoof $12.50; Charles
VauRhn $5: William H Vearrlcr
S8.50; Richard D Vlbbert $5; Peter
Wabcr $10; Malinda J Wade $10;
Virginia Walker $10; Emllv L Wal
lace $8.75; Samuel D Wallace $8.75;
Jackson M Waller $8.75: Mary L
Walter $8.75: Marv T Wargnicr $10;
Katherine Webb $10; Lewis N Webb
$12.50: Samuel K Webber $7.50;
Katherine Weissenfels $5; Mathlas
Weissenfpls $5; Pauline Welter $8.7S
Peter Welter $8.75; Emma Wengen
roth $12.50; Caroline West $5; Hugh $5; Lila L Whltchcr
$8.75: Charles H Whitcher $8.76;
John H White $10; Nancy J Whlto
$5; Dora Whltnev $10; Sarah M
Whitncv $10: Martha J Wiggins $5;
John N Williamson $7.50; Anna Wil
son $5; Owen Wilson $5; William
J Wlndes $10; John Wlrth $7.50;
Malisa T J Wood $10; Jennie Wool
ery $5; Ransom Woolery $5; Lucy
M Wray $10; W J Wright $10; Cal
vin L Young $16.50; James W Young
$7.50; Walter C Young, $10; A J
Johnson, clerk, $10; Jahn Henry
Evans, $12.50; John Franklin Thom
ason, $10; Remington Rand Inc,
typewriter, $54; U O Boyer, postage,
$25.06; Capital City Bindery, bind
ing, $5.25; Flsher-Braden, burial,
$35; Salem Deaconess Hosp., hosp
care, $141; Capital Journal, publ
claim, $14.40: Oregou Statesman,
publ claim, $15.80,