Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 31, 1935, Page 10, Image 10

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    THURSDAY, JANUARY 81, 1935
Western pine beetles destroy each
year In the pine regions of Ore
gon and Washington eight times
as much timber as do forest xires,
according to the records of the
U. 8. forest service on beetle de
struction for the five years end
ing with 1933. In the same area,
beetles and windfall together de
stroyed annually over one billion
board feet, which Is considerably
more pine timber than is cut by
; the sawmills.
In 10.11 bettles ktUed almost a
. billion feet of ponderosa pine tim
ber in Oregon and over one hund
red million feet in Washington;
in 1032, one and one half billion
feet in Oregon and over a quarter
billion feet In Washington, owing
to the intense cold of the winter
of 1932-33 Insect losses fell off
substantially for 1933. For the
three years ending with 1933 the
beetle kill In ponderosa pine has
: totaled nearly three billion board
feet in Oregon which is an an
nual average of almost a billion
feet or a loss of roughly 13 per
cent per annum against the total
stand of ponderosa pine timber,
In Washington the loss has to
taled over a half billion feet for
; three years, an average loss of 1.2
per cent per year. The sawmill cut
of ponderosa pine In 1933 was
681,000,000 feet for Oregon and
233,000,000 feet for Washington.
The research program . .of the
Portland offloe of the U. 8. bureau
of entomology shows three peaks
of bark beetle damage .ln IS years
in Oregon and Indicates that
drought periods affecting the vital
) ity and growth rate of trees are
favorable for Insect epidemics. It
has also been determined that cold
winters are effective in checking
' the spread of the Insects.
The main beetle damage Is done
In counties of Oregon and Wash
ington where stands of ponderosa
: pine predominate. Klamath, Lake,
Deschutes, Crook, Grant, Jefferson
and Wasco counties In Oregon, and
, Yakima, Okanogan and Perry, coun-
ties in Washington have been chief
sufferers. Portions of Klamath
county have been hit by three suc
cessive outbreaks of the bark beetle.
The first period from 1911-1923
brought heavy losses on all areas
and first called attention to the
' Commissioners' Court
The following Is tTie official
' publication of the record of
claims before the Marion
'' county commissioners' court
' for the January term, 1935,
" with the amount allowed, bills
continued, etc., according to
the records in the office of
, the county clerk.
January Term 1935
Road District No. 12 Olcn Haynes
labor, $13.93.
Road District No. z4 Frank Kloc
kcr, labor, $4.97; Chas Van Handel,
labor, $1.99.
Road District No. 24 Harry Prunk
labor, $3.98.
Road District No. Si Mao Scan
Ian, labor, $1.99.
Miscellaneous Accts. E Z Kauf
man, labor, $6.46; O Q Shepherd,
labor, $23.02.
Road District No. 204 Owen
Crane, labor, $7.96; L M Van Cleave,
toreman, $83.79.
Road District No. i7J4 Labor-
Tom Berry $29.92; Geo Heckert,
$47.88; Ray Heckert, $1.99; Clyde
" Larscn, $1.99; John Neuenschwan-
der, $1.99; R R Piper, $1.99; Fred
Smith, $37.89; Wm Webster $1.99
O D Needham, foreman, $65,78.
Road District No. 34 Labor A O
Myers, $8.45; Eldon Myers, $2.98; G
, , D Myers, $.99; Selas Roda, $1.99;
L F Myers, foreman, $8.22; Dick
Berry, $7.96; Wm Berry, $9.95; John
Blanchard, $7.08; Mac Schanlon
$7.96; Albert R Myers, foreman,
Road District No. 36 Hill Top
Garage, oil etc, $14.12; W M Booker,
labor. $59.76; Harry Christian, labor.
$59.76; Jack Dale, labor, $5.97; Em
mett Dorothy, labor, $9.95; J F Bew-
ley. foreman. $74.74.
Road District No. 49 O A Albln,
labor, $1.99; S F Ogdcn, labor, $1.99;
P. W. Owre, foreman, $7.47.
Road District No. 67 Labor H M
Crane, $2.98; Vernon Smith, $5.46;
Milton Brown, $15.65; W J Stltt,
$12.18; Ira Hyzer, $6.71; S G God
den $108.63; M L Salchenberg $19.95;
R Weathers $3.90; W J Dltter $1.73
I J Boedlghcimer $2.60; John Allen
$4.97; Norval Carter $4.97; E A Tay.
lor $1.99; W H Carter $8.97; W W
Carter $11.96 Merle Beckner $7.1
R L Beckner $19.95; Hermon Biers
$3.08; Walter Coonse $3.98; F T
Diem $7.98; F W Diem $3.98; Geo
Ector $3.98: Ed Martin $5.97; Chas
L Media $3.98; W Panther $3.t
C W Prlckett $3.98; A J Punzel $3
Fred Stolk $1.99; Root Cole $68.77;
Lester E Case $14.92: Victor Duffy
$9.95; John Oearln $11.97; Arthur
Jette Jr $9.95; Joe Larson $7.96:
Bernard McNamee $7.96; H P Myers
$12.93; Floyd Thomas $6.96; Emlle
Van Damme Jr $13.93; J L Cook
$76.24; O O Ennls $11.94; O A En-
nls $9.95; Fred Hasklns $14 93; Low.
ell Hertzcl $5.98; Levi Kellli $17.94
Almond Rich $4.49; Hubert Wlabel
$13.93; James Cullv $72.29; Albert
Albln $11.94; Chas allies $3.98; John
Ollles $5.97; Spencer Ogden $11.94;
Barthol Schatb $11.94; E J Burbee
$3.98; Oottlob Frlta $7.98; Lester
Heman $8.97: J T McKlllop $1.99;
Chas Foumal $1.99; Burley Lovett
$19.90; Ellis McDougall $.49; Geo
Rnmp $.99; Joe Zellner $1.49; P E
Jensen $99.75; Harry Becker $9M:
Grant Jones $95.76; R O Amort
lumber. $.96; Labor R O Amort
$9.97: Jav Blrakney Jr, $3.9$: Mar
tin Doerflcr $3.98; Ward Llghtheart
$.49; Chas Mulkey $3.98; Geo Fark
hurst $1.99: John Relnhart $3.98:
41 Schafer $2.99; Al Tlppner $7.98;
E Klmscv $75.79: Bert Butter
field $15.83; C J Crosby $IM; Grant
seriousness of the beetle problem.
Roughly, 8 per cent of the pine Um
ber stand was killed during this
period. The second epidemic last
ed during the period of six years.
1924-1929, and killed an additional
10 per cent of the stand. The third
wave of bark beetles struck during
the four year period from 1930
1933, taking an additional 7 per
cent of the timber. These succes
sive outbreaks have so depleted this
particular portion of the Klamath
district that in many areas logging
has been rendered unprofitable.
More than 8,000 different animal
brands are on file with the division
of animal Industries of the depart
ment of agriculture, reported Di
vision Chief W. H. Lytle, whose of
fice keeps track of the methods
used by livestock owners to Iden
tify their property.
Since the Inauguration of the
system of filing the brands In 1015,
the office has checked every regis
tered mark to make sure It Is un
like any other. Cattle, horse, sheep,
goat, hog, fox and poultry brands
are Included in the files.
Fire brands are used most on
larger animals, but many other
methods are now In use. A liquid
paint brand that has a corrosive
action on the skin is being devel
oped for use on short-haired an
imals, Tatoo brands are used on
the webs of the wings of poultry.
Sometimes the toe-webs are punch
marked. Fire brands are submitted on a
burned blitter. others are made by
tracing in order to get the brand
in a form for filing.
Statute Has Inquiry
From Cronemiller
The state forester's office has
been wondering about enforcement
of this law of a neighboring state:
"Every person, firm or corpora
tion operating a conveyance through
or over forest, brush, range or grain
areas, shall be equipped In each
compartment thereof with a suitable
container or receptacle for the dis
position of lighted tobacco, sigars,
cigarettes, matches, firecrackers or
other Inflamable material."
State Forester Lynn Cronemiller
wrote to ask If the law were being
enforced as to Its literal Interpre
tation. "That certainly Is imposing
a task on a lot of individuals if it
in followed to the letter," he said.
Hatfield $5.97; D W Henderson
$33.83; Ernest Smith $31.84; Wm
Mcllwain $74.75; E W Cannoy
$19.89; Wlllam Noot $25.87: Vernon
Nye $1.99; Kenneth Plengc $1.99;
Mill City Service Sta, brake fluid.
$.40; Labor Elmer Asche, $3.98; A
Decker $3.9B; Ray Decker $1.99;
Howard Farmen $1.99; Win Fearhel-
ler $9.95; Darren Hayward $7.96;
Orvllle Hayward $15.92; Elmer
Klutke $5.97; Chas McEwen $6.96;
Bert Mombert $1.99; Chas Reed
$6.96; Lancet Stewart $10.94; Louie
Slotfcl $8.95; John Trask $11.94;
E J Richards $23.92; Mike Lanln
ger $21.89; Wllbcr Lesley $8.95; Har
ry Porter $9.95; Lyle Shelton $8.95;
John Thoma $5.97; D F Eastburn,
sharp tools, $1.25; Labor Ed Pow
ers, $16.16; Tony Steinkamp $5.97;
Henry Steinkamp $59.78; H L Hen
drlckson $1.49; L W Oakley $1.49;
Ncal R Olson $7.98; N M Simpson
$4.97; Lee Smith $3.99; Theo Fish
er $62.79; L E Hennles $99.75; M M
Magee $63.15; Leonard Walker
$83.77; W W Wcstenhouse $49.85
Jos Zuber $59.83; J P Asplnwall
$74.75; Omer Bartruff $74.75; O D
Blnegar $74.75; Frank Dutton $74.75
John Grlcsenauer $95.31; Ben H
Hawkins $124.75; V J Hertz $74.75;
Earl Horning $76.78: Harry E Horn
ing $74.75; Wm R King $56.81; Geo
McCall $1.99; James Mccormick
$56.81; Lester Mcllwain $74.75; Ray
mond B Miller $71.76: Hans Paul
sen $74.76; Tony Penka $68.77; E J
Richards $44.85; Dan Scharf $74.75;
O G Shepherd $38.87; Lee A Wells
$73.25; Qall Wengenroth $49.83:
Frank R Woelke $74.75; Clyde
Woodrruff $74.75: Robert Bye Jr
$53.81; L M Doerfler $8.96; Antone
Peskcns $53.81; Marlon P Fischer
$32.89; Don Goode $41.85; Albert
Hennles $53.81; Carl R Jones $53.81;
Theodore Keunzl $53.81; Greg A
Robl $56.80; Frank Schampler $53.81
Geo Thomas $44.84; Clarence Zuber
$41.85; Phillip Fischer $132.80; Al
bert Horning $59.80; W A Rlggs
$68.77; Pete Jones $7.96; Jack Doyle,
fence, $14.
Mill City Bridge Acct. Tom Lll-
lebo, paymt on contract, $7279.42; V
R Lewis, labor, $5.39; Melvln Raines,
labor, $6.55.
Administrative Expense Acct,
BclMson MoShnnc, printing, $23;
Capital City Bindery, prtg, $41.80;
B B Herrlck, map, $2.25.
Caterpillar Accts. A O Haag &
Co, blades, $29.88.
Battle Creek Crusher Acct. Barr
Bros, oil, $86.40; Salem Bargain
House, lamp, $1; Oscar Hoven, labor
$69.51; Arthur Morgan, labor, $2.99
T V VBndercoeverlng. labor, $47.84:
Otto Hoven. foreman, $103 74.
Stayton Crusher Acct, J I Case
Co, bolts etc. $44; Howard Cooper
Corp, repair parts, $22; Mountain
States Power Co, power, $250.
Schlels Bros Garage, welding $14.85;
Slayton Switchboard Assn, phone
calls, $1.81; George Brown, labor,
$61.29; D Hetrlck, labor, $17.95; Bert
Kelthley, labor, $61.29; Trevor Stay
ton, $61.29; C D Stayton, labor $61.29
O C Stayton, foreman, $108.01
Engineer's Office Acct. Commer
clal Book Store, pencils etc $.85;
Needhams Book Store, pencils etc,
$3.39; Pacific Tel is Ttel Co, tele
phone, $10.95; Gladys M Scott, clerk,
$75; H S Swart, use of car, $63.36;
H 8 Swart, Co. engineer, $149.75.
Burna Vista Ferry Acct B A
Snyder, labor, $99.69.
Gasoline Acct. Goodyear Rubber
& AM) Co, hose, $5.08.
General Eipenie Acct. Capital
Journal, publ claims, $18; Oregon
Statesman, publ claims, $19.30.
Mill Creek Flood Control Acct
Emit A Schaefer. tape etc, $2.
Motor Patrol Aeeta. Adams Motor
Service, pulling grader, $1.50; Hub
Chcago (IP) Europe and America
share research honors trail the
United States In utilizing electricity
in Its homes but lead us In em
ploying vapor lighting electricity,
an American Invention.
This opinion was expressed by
Samuel O. Hlbben, director of
Westlnghouse Lamp Co., New York,
at a recent meeting here before
a group of prominent lighting en
gineers, electrical men, and the
Western Society of Engineers, at
the Chicago Lighting institute.
Hlbben based his conclusions on
observations made during a study
of lighting conditions abroad. Al
though Europe apparently enjoys
a slight edge over America in num
ber of discoveries which led to the
practical development of electricity,
she lags far behind in its use, even
more so in home lighting and con
venience, he said.
The sodium vapor lamp invented
and patented by American scien
tists In 1917, lights miles of high
ways In Europe, although It was
not until 1032 that a glass was 'de
veloped that could withstand the
etching effect of sodium vapor.
In spite of this America Is first
beginning to study thoroughly Its
economic practlblllty.
The most recent development Is
a new type of mercury vapor lamp.
It is more efficient than the tung
sten filament lamp givuig more
light for the same amount of wat
tage consumed. The vapor lamp.
It was pointed out, Is more effi
cient in operation and color.
First Installation of the new mer
cury lamps were made In the main
exhibition hall of the Ford build
ing at A Century of Progress. The
light of combined colors of these
lams give an Illumination remark
ably like thnt of daylight.
"Britalns use gas lighting exten
sively and this condition," Hlbben
says, "Is largely responsible for
their trailing us in the use of elec
trical lighting."
The predatory animal population
of Oregon Is on the Increase, says
the state department of agriculture,
despite the fact that 11,958 coyotes.
760 bobcats, 29 cougars and 85 bears
were taken between Jan. 1, 1931 and
Oct. 1, 1934.
bard Garage, spark plugs. $.65.
OU Acct. General Petroleum Com
Oil. S1U4.35.
Powder Acct. Bert Hulst, rent of
magazine, $1,
Road Roller Acct. Buffalo Soring
neia Holier Co, rods etc, $34.84. -
Shovel Accts. Bucyrus Erie Co.
shaft assembly, $329.07; John A
Roebllngs Sons Co. rope, $28.39.
loot House Acct. Oregon Wash
Water Serv Co, water, $2.10; Paci
fic Maeh Tool Steel Co, steel,
$33.65; Pacific Tel is Tel Co, tele
phone, $10.35; Valley Moch & Weld
Co, oxygen, $4.35.
Truck Acct, V E Newcomb. repair
tube etc, $5.25; Mike Panek, adjust
brakes, $7.35; W G Shaw, globes etc,
Miscellaneous Accts. Geo E Al
len, shovels etc, $264.76; Ballou is
Wright, rings, $7.73; Bochsler Hard
ware, water bags, $1.90; A L Brough
er, axe handles etc $1.40: E H Bur-
roll, lenses etc, $8.10; Eugene Chick,
sharp tools, $2.55; Dltters Gen Store,
files, $1.50; Frank Doollttle, casing
etc, $2.90; Doumuon Sherwln,
brush hooks, $4.50; D G Drager,
cash adv for frght, $11.31; D F
Eastburn, sharp tools, $1.25; C H
Ernst Hardware, nails etc $6.33; Ray
L Farmer Hdw, shovels etc, $75.89;
Firestone Serv Stores Inc, tires etc,
$150.81; Oabrlcl Powder & Sup Co,
powder, $589.28; Greens Wellng Shop
repair curtains, $8.95; R L Hart,
roadvlweer, $19.36; Ira Jorgensen,
Iron etc, $180.19; E C Lau, cement,
$30.40; Geo Lawrence Co, plugs "to,
$35.32: Logger Cont Maeh Co.
belts etc, $142.32; Fred J Miller,
roadvlewer, $12.22: J H Mtsslcr.
sharp tools, $16.65; Murphy Gardner
Lbr Co, lumber, $5.62; Oregon State
Highway Com, repair parts, $4.08;
Pohle Staver Co. spikes etc, $11.70;
Portland Gen Elec Co, electricity.
$34.65; Salem Auto Wrecking Co,
hood hooks etc, $.60: Salem Hard
ware Co, rope, $12.48; Salem Iron
Works, sprockets etc. $20.43; Salem
Steel is Supply, belt, $52.62; J Scholl
is Son, blades etc. $8.30; Shell OU
Co. gasoline, $403.02: Sliver Falls
Tbr Co, lumber, $1208.70; Chas K
Spauldlng Log Co, lumber, $4.38
standard OH Co of Calif, gasoline.
$417.85; Stayton Hardware Co 'Inc,
shovels etc, $13.26; Tony Steinkamp,
plank, $1.44; H S Swart, cosh adv
for llo plates, $34; Union oil Co of
Calif, gasoline. $1362.67; Valley Mot.
or Co, tube etc, $24.26; Louis Wels
senfels, welding etc, $2.85; Wm
Wengenroth, grease etc, $1.60; a E
White, clerk. $24; Woodbury Co,
saw etc. $142.37: Walter Zimmer
man, grind tools, $3.15; Oregon
Statesman, publ of notice, $3.76;
Chas K Spauldlng Log Co, lumber,
$14.05; Gravel W P Collard. $670.47:
W O Hill, $154; Chas H Hoyt $1599 13
McVey Cand is Gray Co, $262.50;
Oregon Gravel Co $28.24; E L Rlg-
don $1403.44; James Tomasek. $2.90;
Hauling gravel Otto Boettlcher 8r,
$746.76; Otto Boettlcher. $420.29; L
M Case $817.30: M Crouser $124.36;
W J Davenport $569 96; O R Dick
enson $202.72: Roy Dickenson $209.13
Ed Gardner $775.80; J A Kspphahn
$770.59; Cleo Kepplnger $542.76; P
A King $697.17: Holly Lewis $203.10;
John Nag $197.70; E L Rlgdon
$2008.17: Fred Stewart $351.40: L R
Tweedle $342.03; A B Wilson $121.38;
Oregon Statesman, publ claims,
$26.40; Fred Womack, gravel, $143.30
Labor Chas Ennls, $13.93; L Bet-
tencourt, $2.98; John Crolsan $995
Harry Evans, $3.98: Robert Jtldson
$5.97; E C Wlllard 13.98; R J Bet
tencourt $84.37 Thos Stephenson
$9.95; F M Rosenbalm $5.97; Leo
Elser $7.96; A 8 Hedges $7.96; 8 R
Horsley- $7.96; Nell Prince $9.95:
(Earl 8tandley $7.96: Arthur J Ber-
Haugen $1.99; E Z Kauman $16.41;
P Mouer $1.89: Bryan Potter $1.99;
W N SJovangen $7.96; Flyod Stal
ger $4.97; Bertrand Iversen $91.76;
C M Arney $12.93; Gerald Butter
field $11.94; R E Chretien $14.92;
Dan P Connelly $13.93; James Coop
er $11.04; Earl Feller $16.91; A J
Fessler $14.92; Pete Jones $16.66;
John Kinns $15.91; A J Lortz $7.96;
O W Penrod $14.92; Paul Perkett
$16.91; Allen Peterson $13.92; James
Platz $16.91; Fred Richardson $5.97;
Ray Stratton $10.94; Joe Welter
$16.01; W G Wolfe $13.92; Oscar
Baker $9.95: Waldo Crabb $7.96; A
R Darr $7.98; A Grobll $8.95; James
Shaw $9 05: A Spelbrlnk $15.96; Joe
Gordon $7.06; A G Myers $9.95; A R
Myers $1.99: A Y Myers $7.96;E1
don Myers $7.96; G D Myers $35.94;
Tom Qullhob $9.95; John Roda $7.96
Silas Roda $11.94; Glen Shelton
$17.91; Ed Slscho $1.99; Ray Heck
ert $9.95; Clyde Larsen $11.94; John
Neuenschwander $9.95; R R Piper
$13.93; Kenneth Plenge $19.89; Wil
liam Webster $9.95; E C Willis $43.89
William Allls $11.94; Ward Bueck
$11.94; Wm Crabtree $11.94; Lee
Dickson $3.98; H Humphreys $9.95;
Dan Kintz $31.92; Charley Lee $9.95;
Tony Mlkels $11.94; Charley Porter
$11.94; Jack Ryland $11.94; Joe
Schmltz $9.95; E R Wolfklel $11.94;
A C Bates $5.97: Edward Burghart
$6.96; P B Collins $20.39; Robert
Colvln $10.94; Edward Doerfler
$11.97; Henry Dokkins $10.94; Lester
Ellis $8.45 H A Flux $10.94; John
Heinert $12.93; Ernest Kadau $1.99;
Joseph Kline $1.99; Adrian Krom-
wall $12.93; Anton Marthaller $3.98;
John Masser $6.96; Vernon McAl
lister $25.65; T W McClean $3.98;
Wesley Mix $597; Joe Ogle $12.43;
Archie Pardee $24.87; Chas Parson
$8.45; Chas Pilgrim $14.92; Harold
Porter $5.97; Walter Rak $.99: Wal
ter Richter $7.71; Everett Service
$3.98: Lloyd Van Nuys 52.08: Joe
Wcltman $10.44; Bernard Wolf $3.98
Andrew Wunder $10.94; Ernest Zu
ber $7.21; Ben Bclden $11.94; Jo
seph Bishop $8.95; Glenn Bowman
$9.95: H M Crane $6.96; E O Erick
son $.99: Carl Gibson $12.93; E M
Hatch $10.94; L L Hollonhore $11.94;
Carl Llnderman $11.94; G E New
man $12.93; Leo Odenthal $10.94;
G A Perrln $2.98; Fred Rainwater
$8.95; Harry Rashcl $14.92; C D
Shellenberger $9.95; Lawrence Smith
$8.95; H M Snoddy $15.92; R F
Sphoon $0.95; T J Sprlnkel $16.91;
Harry Stewart $37.90; Seymour
Stewart $8.95; A R Thomas $9.95;
Wayne Barber $20.89; W E Bcvens
$7.96; H S Brlggs $13.93; Mack Cal-
nvan $11.94; A E Epperlcy $1.99;
Guy E Epperly $1.99; T T Gentry
$11.94; Nelson Gilmour $11.97; Ar
thur Johnson $13.93; Earl Johnson
$13.93; R B Moses $15.92; N S Nave
$5.97: Paul Nlenke $15.92; Claude
Overholser $13.93; Guy Robnctt
$5.97; G P Rogers $14.92; Hal Rus
sell $15.92; N M Simpson $23.88; B
Starr $1.99; Grover Stevens $11.94
Eldridge Tamerls $14.92; C E Trud-
geon $13.93; E E Wells $5.97; A E
Wlcderkchr $15.96; Bill Basel $29.92;
Dan Bind $5.96: Roy Blad $11.93;
Pete Grles $11.93; Lawrence Heu-
bergcr $1.99; Joe Koenlg $3.98; John
Kramer $8.95; Nick Kramer $11.1
Bernard Lambrecht $14.92; Andrew
Larson $3.98: James Meyerhofer
$7.98; Linn Phillisp $5.97; Ed Rle.
ger $12.03; Joe Robl $11.93: Harold
Shott $6.96; W W Smith $9.94; Wes
ley Starr $12.93; Tony Von Handel
$11.93; Ed Zimmerman $15.96; Ber
nard Zuber $7.96; Clem zuber $1.99
J J Hollett $45.76: R A Hooper
$45.76; Floyd Langston $26.85; Geo
Mahrt $47.75; John Sacre $43.77;
Nick Schab $54.76; A C Shaw $7.96;
L. w. Webber $45.78; Geo Gent
January Term, 1935
Poor Acct- Relief Mrs Rosanna
Alcher, $15; Golda May Anthony,
$20; Geo H Aschenbrenner $10; Er-
ma Baker $15; Mrs E L Barton $10;
Mrs Stella Bean $10; Ruth Berry
$17.50; A Blerward $10; Emma J
Blgler $15: Mrs Mabel Talbot, rel of
John Blrcher, $15; American Red
Cross, rel of Chas P Boies $15;
Relief Hattle Bond, $10: Pearl Bon-
ney $10; Boys is Girls Aid Soc, $25;
Geo Braugh $10; Mrs Amos Brown
$10; Mrs M E Brooks $15; Geneva
E Brown $15; Wm G Buchanon $8
Frank L & Sara A Burch $20; Anna
Butterfield $15: Nellie Cahill $15
Mrs Josle Campbell $7.50; Mrs El
mer Chamberlain $15; Mra Effle
Cooder $15; James W Covey $15;
Mrs Edith Cratsenberg $15; Mary
E Cummins $15; Blanche Cupp $25;
Clara May Davis $15; Clara I Dlm-
Ick $25; Ulyssa Ellen Dodge $10:
Mrs Anna Engelhart $10: Mrs Rose
Farlow $10: A R Ferguson, rel of
self and wife. $25; Leonard Fletsch-
man, rel of self and wife. $15; Mar
garet Fuchs, relief, $15; Florence L
Furman, rel of self and husband $20;
Carrie Gilbert, rel. $15; Mrs Flor
ence Graham, rel, $20; W L Cobb.
rel of Chas Groening; J H Harper,
rel, $8; J F Bewley, rel of Levi A
Harris, $10; Relief Grace A Hart,
$10; Mrs Hattle G Hart $20; Edna
May Harvey $25; Geo and Addle
Hayes $20: Annette A Hicks $20;
Robert Hodge $10: Effie R Hol
land $20; Mrs Lola Huddlcston $20
Mary Jackson $15: Rosa Jordan $15;
Sarah E Kephart $15; Mrs J F Cook,
rel of Roby Riser. $25; Relief
Katherlne Kopf, $15; Mrs Elizabeth
Krause $16: Ruth Larson $32.50:
Orpha Lee Loter $20; Emma Lun-
deen $15; Paul Matt $5: Mrs Delia
M Shaw, rel of Harry Meeker, $25:
Carl H Johnson, rel of Chas A Mil
ler $10; Reglna Moffenbler, rel, $15;
Annabele Morley, rel. $15; Mrs May
Nelson, rel of Wm Nelson, $10; R G
Henderson, rel of J H Nlckerson,
$10; Mrs Alvira Northcutt, rel,
$12.50; Wm H Parrls, rel. $10; Mrs
D A Parsons, rel, $15; Anton and
Agnes Pavllcek. rel, $25; B A Bor-
revlk, rel of Olea Pedersen, $15;
Mrs MatVaa Smith, rel of Wm Per
kins, $15; W J and Roslna Peters,
rel, $20: Chas Peterson, rel, $10; An
na Pugh, rel, $18; Anna F Ratcllffe,
rel. $15; May Raymond, rel, $15; Al
lots L Rcdfem, rel of Luella Red
fern, $20; W L Cobb, rel of Grant
Relfe. $12.50: Relief Eber Rember,
$15: Mrs Annie Renlck, $19; Cath-
rlne L Rhodes $15; Newll E Rhodes
$10; Lucille Rogers $15; Mrs Joseph
J Rondeau $7 50; Alfred Rose $15;
Florence A Rossell $25: Anna Rus.
cher $20; Oenevleve Ruscher $15:
Henry L Sagsvold $10; Lucy M and
Newton M Sewell $25; Newton
Shepherd $15; Nellie Simpson $10;
C O Slpes $15; Mrs W R Slyter $16;
Mrs Eleanor Steward $10; Mrs Mary
R Steward $20; Hulda Stripling $8:
Murtls M Syphert $10; Joseph M
Terry $12.50; Allle Tupper $15; Sa-
vUla waldron $15; rem A Wengen
roth $20: Mrs Anna L Wheeler $10;
Mrs. W H Williams $10; Mary Wirtz
$15; Mrs June Woodward $20; Per
ry Wright, rel of Wm Wright, $30;
Andew Yost, rel, $15; Alleda Zuber,
rel, $12.50; Alma Zuerchcr, rel, $30;
Lucinda Emerick, rel, $12.50: Frank
and May Fowler, rel, $15: H F War
ren, Co Corns, matnt free employ
off, $100; Dr Verden E Hockett, Co
physician, $65.
Assessors Office Acct. R Shelton,
deputy, $115; A W Jones, deputy,
$115; Eva Roberts, clerk, $100; Alma
Ackerman, clerk, $100.
Clerk's Office Acct. C C Ward,
deputy, $115: W 8 Lamkin, deputy.
$115; J H Ward, deputy, $110; A M
FresnaU. deputy, $100; H C Matt
son,' deputy, $50; H A Judd, dep
uty, $50.
Dog License Fund Acct. H A
Judd, clerk, .$50.
Court House Acct. A H Wyatt,
janitor, $70; L H Hobson, janitor.
$70; W W Hill, Janitor, $70; J H
Klrsch, elev oper, $35; Alice Dahien,
elev oper, $35.
DIst. Atly's. Office Acct. Lyle J
Page, deputy, $175; Adaline Lank-
tree, stenog, $50.
Health Officer's Acct. V A Doug
las MD, health officer, $100; Irma
S LeRlche, nurse, $110; Ethel Ler
mon, clerk, $66.
Salem Justice Court Acct. Alma
Johnson, clerk, $75.
Juvenile Court Acct, Nona White,
prob officer, $109.69.
Recorder's Office Acct. Eva C
Lenhardt, deputy, $100; Myrtle E
Beecroft, deputy, $ioo; Ava c suna
borg, deputy, $90.
Reg & Election Acct. H C Matt-
son, clerk, $50.
School Supt's. Office Acct Cora
E Reid. assistant, $115; Wayne D
Harding, supervisor, $120.
Sheriff's Office Acct. Newell Wil
liams, deoutv. $124.69; B R Smith,
deputy, $119.69; W Richardson, dep.
$109.69; A M Dalrymple, dep, $114.69
L E Neet, dep, $109.69; H Wm Thiel
sen, dep, $99.69; T J Brabec, clerk.
$100: H J Thomas, clerk, $100; Rob
ert Wagers, clerk, $100; John Kal
lak. clerk, $100: Lee Ohmart, clerk,
Treasurer's Office Acct. W Y
Richardson, deputy, $115.
Co. Agent's Office Acct. Oregon
State College Ext Serv, cash adv for
expenses, $1000.
Poor Acct. Gladys F Hamei. re-
lief, $15; Ball Brothers, wood, $888.68.
Indigent Soldiers Relief .Acct.
Rov B Davenport, rel of Alfred
Howe, $10; Roy B Davenport, rel
of Mrs. N Hansen. $15; Carl B Gil
lis, rel of B W Walchcr, $15; Carl
B Gillis. rel of C F Brown, $15;
Samuel S Yoder. rel of P J DeGuire,
$20; Samuel S Yoder, rel of Burley
Leavitt, $18: Samuel S Yoder, rel
of Louis Covey, $20.
Scalp Bounty Acct. P T Etzcl,
bounty, $1.50; Geo Tate, bounty,
Co. Agent's Acct. Mae weicn,
stenoz. $62.50.
Assessor's Office Acct. a A steei-
hammer. cash adv for stamps, $3
Tvrewrlter Exchange, ribbon, $1;
Paul Grlebenow, clerk, $100: Clara
Roberts, clerk, $10.50.
Circuit Court Acct, J L Buslck
&Son, groceries, $10.08; R A
Hlndman, room rent, $6; Oregon
Motor Stages, use of stage, $5; Peter
Pan, meals for Jurors, $4.45; Salem
Deaconess Hosp, care of witness, ?w;
The Sna. meals for jurors, $7,
Clerk's Office Acct. capital Ulty
Bindery, cards, $1.10; Remington
Rand Inc, malnt of maenme, $35;
Homer H Smith Ins Agcy, prem on
bond, $50: Thlelsen Fowland Print
Co, printing. $7; unruh Knapp
Print Co, rubber stamp, $150.
Coroner's Office Acct. Klaslc
Photo shop, pictures, $1.75; Dr V
A Douglas, exams, $15; vr a. n
Hobson, exam, $5; Prof Chas H
Johnson, chem analysis, $7.50; Dr
P R Pembcrton, exam, $5; Dr F T
Burke, exam. $5.
Co. Court & Commissioners Acct.
Capital Juornal, publ claims,
$18.20; "Oregon statesman, printing,
$4; Oregon Statesman, publ claims,
$20.40: Roy 8 Mclson. salary, $125;
J E Smith, salary. $125; Tnatcner
Print Co, letterheads, $16.50; G E
White, clerk, $3.
Court House Acct. Anderson sup
ply Co, wax, $1039; Brownell Elec
tric Co. conduits etc. $33.90: Capital
City Loundry, lndry, $1.27; Merrill
D Ohling. ins prem. $6.40; uregon
Wash Water Serv Co, water, $14.04;
Otis Elevator Co, elev maint $14.40;
J C Penney Co Inc. towels, $8.88;
Portland Gen Elcc Co. electricity,
$152.43: Salem Insurance Agency,
ins prem, $25.40; Weller .Hdw is
Paint Co. bolts etc. $14.32.
Del. Tax Foreclosure Acct Jo-
senh B Felton. prof services, $48.
Dist. Attys. Office Acct w n
Trlndle. trav exp, $14.16.
Emergency Acct. Ralph Billings
Secy, share of exp O C Land
Grant Com. $55.
Health Officer's Acct. Abbott Lab
oratories, supplies, $6.91; H R Craw
ford PM, postage, $7; V A Doug
las MD, trav exp, $37.50: Hendrlc
Clinical Lab, lab service, $16.66; ir.
ma S LeRlche, trav exp, $37.50;
Marlon Co Dept of Health, malnt,
$64.25; Parke Davis Co, supplies.
Herd Inspector's Acct Dr Fred W
Lange, asst Inspector, $123.37; A W
Simmons, asst lnsp, $95.87.
Horticulturist's Acct. S H Van
Trump, horticulturist, $119.65.
Ind. For Slau. DIs. Cattle Acct
R H Clark. Indemnity, $7.50; L D
Roberts, Indemnity, $1750,
Jail Acct Dr Dale X Beechler,
extract teeth, $7.50; A O Burk,
board of prisoners, $193.95; Red
Cross Pharmacy, medicine, $6.14
Sanitary Service Co Ino, remov gar
bage, $1.
Salem Justice Court Acct S C
Catlln & R K Page, rent, $40; W E
DeLong, trav exp. $11.37: Dr Edgar
8 Fortner, prof serv C w Flsk, $5;
M D Hayden, stamps, $1.50; Thlel
sen Rowland Print, printing, $10.50.
Outside Justice Court Acct Ho
mer H Smith Inc Agcy. bond. $5.
State Vi Lowry Blanche B Fer
guson, reporter. $9.75.
Juvenile Court Acct Nona White.
stamps ete, $4.35.
Law Library Acct Bancroft Whit
ncy Co, books, $7.50; Lawyers Co
operative Pub Co, books, $10; West
Publishing Co, Pacific reporter, $9.
Poor Acct Acme Auto es ttk
Wreckers, rim, $4.50; Ames Hard
ware, pipe etc, $7.13; Aurora Drug
Store, medicine, $3.85; E L Baker,
rent, $40; Jacob Bartnik, labor etc,
$60.10; Josephine Baumgartner, rent,
$20; Chester Beckman, wood, $4.50;
Beechler KUlan Inc, burial Kempski,
$41; Jake Blersack, cut wood for
Mrs Berkner, $5.97; Capital Drug
Stor, med, $43.05; Capital Journal,
publ notice, $2.70; Caplan's Cash
Grocery, groc, $3.93; Carson Pharm
acy, med, $5.94; E D Carver, med,
Central Pharmacy, med, $57.35;
Mrs Dora Chiles, care of Eulalla
Sarty, $5.81; City of Siiverton, elec
tricity for can, $15 J!; Clough Bar-
rick Co, burials, $111; T W Creech,
med, $1; Crown Drug Store, med,
$5.40: Doughton is Sherwln, globes
etc, $3.04: Evenden Drug Co, med,
$1.77; W E Gardner, shingling,
$22.18; R L Green, use of truck, $25.
Salem Deaconess Hospital, care of-
Lela Graham $5, Mauiita Graham
$5, Eva Graham $5, Fred Baker
$46.50, Amelia Cottrell $46.50, Eliza
beth McAfee $46.60, John Glandon
$46.50, Ollle Olson $46.50, W 8
Brown $46.50, R O Lee $46.50, Jacob
Gotthart $48.50, Anna Owens $46.50,
Mark T Ray $46.50, Earl Foster
$46.50, J N Hombuckle $46.50, Eu
lalla Sarty $52, Jerry Guyer $46.50,
J M Hoke, $46.50, Mrs Floyd Bickell
$4.50, Percy- Hughes $19.50, Elmer
McKee $42.50, S B Beesley $54, Ruth
Dlsbrow $11.75, A J Vick $35, W H
Mawery $6, Bert Babo $12, Geo De.
Witt $17, Frank Rose $4, Ray Hun.
ter $1, Jas B Pemberton $38, Shir
ley B Trotter 834, Ramon J Wool-
ery $21, Caroline West $38, Ray
Smith $4, Walter Cowdell $23.25,
Mrs Maria King $6, Ed Fogarty
$4,50, Alfred Lucas $3, Paul Weiss
$11.50; Hammond Lbr Co, groc for
Mrs Kahler $10; Hubbard Drug Co,
medicine, $22.40; Frank E Hubb-
slns, ins, $4.50; G W Johnson is Co,
cvlothing, $24.36; Frances Keene,
use of car, $15; Mrs Helen Lamb,
use fo car, $15; I W Lewis, med.
S113.74; Alvis Love, use of car, $15;
N C Lowe Mortuary Inc, burial B
Baldwin, $35; Market Drug Store,
med, $11.25; Geo C Mason is Co,
med, $1.25; Peter McDonald, med,
$.85; Fred Meyer Co, med, $4.09;
Mountain States Power Co, elec for
can, $2.97; Wm Neimeyer, med, $8.10
H L Oldenburg, board of inmates.
$282.96; Opera House Pharmacy,
med, $1.35; Oregon Statesman, publ
notice, $3; J C Penney Co Inc, cloth.
ing, $7.66: Perry's Drug Store, med,
$83.17; Jos Plant, dig grave, $6
Portland Gen Elec Co, elec, $29.04;
Red Cross Pharmacy, med. $9: Har
old Rosebraugh, foreman. $23.49
Salem Drug Co, med, $17.05; Salem
Gen Hosp. care of Chas Henry,
$48.50; Emll A Schaefer, med, $35.97;
Serve Rite Grocery, .groc for R L
Hodge. $5; Silver Falls Tbr Co, wood,
$6; Siiverton Drug Co. med,
Gerald B Smith, med. $7; Smith
Drug Store, med, $1.65; Southern
Pacific Co, rent of dwelling, $1;
Chas K Spauldlng Log Co, paper.
$1.70; Mrs Paul Stavenau. care of
Robt Hall, $35; Geo W Stcclham
mer, med, $15.51; Mrs Al Vander-
beck, froc for P Lachapelle, $10;
Janet Well, use of car, $15; Woolpert
& Legg, med, $45.45; Aspinwalls,
groc, $11; Ball Bros, wood, $2.25;
Bentson's Grocery, groc, $8; Blngs
Cosh Store, groc, $4; Bontrager's
Dairy, milk, $11.20; Broadacres
Store, groc, $9; C & C Cash Store,
groc, $9; Capitol Dairies, milk, $21.80
Caplan's, groc, $108.95; E D Carver,
groc, $9.65; Columbia Food Market,
groc, $73; cootes Red is white
Store, groc, $12; Curly's Dairy, milk,
$7.30: Davies Cash Grocery, groc,
$9; A DeJardln, groc, $6; Ditter's
Genl Store, groc, $17; East Hill
Grocery, groc, $10; Economy Gro
cery, $10.50; Foshay Dairy, milk,
$4.20; Al Gaub, wood, $4; Gurneys
Cash Grocery, groc, $19.25; Gottfried
Halter Dairy, milk, $1.80; Walter
Harris, wood, $4; Harrison's Genl
Store, groc, $8; Allan Hodges, wood,
$3.50; Geo Huber, milk, $3; Lem
mon's Market, groc, $2; Macleay
Genl Store, groc, $6; Frank Masser,
groc, $12; Paul T McClellon, groc.
59.50; Fred Meyers Grocery, groc,
$6.75; A Nlbler Is Son, groc, $11.50;
Oswald's Red ts White Store, groc,
$11.50; Payn save, groc, $44.80;
Henry Penrod, wood, $12.25; Phllip-
pl's Genl Store, groc, $7; Piggly
Wlggly, groc, $29.25; Fogue's Groc
ery, groc, $2.80; Pooler & Klecker,
groc, $2.50; Producers Milk Co Inc,
milk, $4.40; Red is wnite store,
groc, $58.50; Rodgers Grocery, groc,
$8; Safewya Stores, groc, $113: Sa
lem Sanitary Milk Co. milk. $11.07;
O M Smith, groc, $12.46: A E Spen
cer, milk, $2.40; J G Standard's
Store, groc, $12; Steusloff Market,
groc, $8: A L Whitney, groc, $11.25.
Co. Property Acct Ivan G Mar
tin. prof serv, $50.
Recorder's Office Acct Mildred
R Brooks, stamps, $2.50; Capital
City Bindery, bind books, $238; R H
Crawford PM, stamps, $2; W C
Dyer Ins Agcy, bond, $15; E B Field,
clerk, $3; H O Scofleld, clerk, $75;
Tpyewrlter Exchange, typwrtr, $308.
Refund of Fee Acct Leo H Tnun
refund, $.76.
School Supt's. Office Acct W H
Burghardt, bond, $5; Capital Jour
nal, publ notice, $.85; Mary L Ful-
kerson, trav exp, $40.32; Wayne D
Harding, trav exp, $11.02; Kraps &
Long, outlines, $71.40: Fred M Lob
dell, booklets, $7; Oregon States
man, publ notice, $.95; Cora E Reld,
conduct teach exams, $9.
Sealer of Wt. Meas. Acct J
F Jones, sealer, $31.85.
Sheriff's Office Acct W H Burg
hardt bond, $300; A O Burk, cash
adv for box etc, $12; Hollywood
Radio Shop, tubes, $9.60; Ross E
Moorea it Con Inc, printing, $6;
Needham'a Book Store, tpyewritr,
$65.75; Remington Rand Inc, add
maeh, $72; B R Smith, cash adv
for meals, $1.89; Alvin B Stewart,
keys, $1.50; Thatcher Printing Co,
receipts, $10.80; Unruh Knapp Print
Co, stamps, $15; Glen Savage, clerk,
$100; L Reasor, clerk, $61.29; K
King, clerk, $61.29; N B Purbrick,
clerk. $58.06.
Surveyor's Office Acct Eugene
Dtetzgen Co, Ink, $8.75; B B Her
rlck, stamps, $1; Homer H Smith
Ins Agcy, bond. $25.
Treasurer's Office Acct. Bertel-
son is McShane, printing, $8.70;
Ladd & Bush, box rental, $6: Homer
H Smith Ins Agcy, bond, $250.
Wood Acct Geo W Case beer, tore
man, $2739; W G Nlchol, foreman,
Dog License Fund Acct. U G
Boyer, stamps, $13; Paul Mamach,
cal led lie, $78.15; Sheep killed by
dogs T W Beamish, $4; O O Can
non, $8; Olen Cannoy, $8; R E Chit
tenden $24; F T Etzel $4; J C Jones
$8; J R Linn $4; R 8 Montgomery
$8; Elmer 8 JhUippl $36; E S Fhil-
Ippl $8; E M Rleger $11; G H Toelle
$76; Fred Wourms, $4.
Miscellaneous Accts. U G Boyer,
stamps, $68.19; Building Supply Co
Inc, plaster etc, $44.21; A C Burk,
use of cars, $170; Commercial Book
Store, staples etc $14.90; Needham's
Book Store, pencils etc, $21.65; The
Pacific Tel is Tel Co, telephone,
$137.65; Western Union Tel Co, tele
grams, $11.19; State Ind Aco Com,
ins, $76.78; Genevieve foster, relief,
$10; Mrs Maude Kime, relief, $17.50:
Mabel Lily Ross, relief, $17.50; Glad
ys F Hamel, relief, $7.50; James B
Cox, scalp bounty, $1.25; John Roda,
scalp bounty' $1.50; Commercial
Book Store, steel cases, $108.10;
Kubli Howell Co, Acme frames etc,
$258.20; Verden Hockett, exams, $30;
R D Byrd, exam, $5; Dr L A Steeves,
Old Age
The following is the official pub
lication of the record of payments
from the Old Age Pension Fund
during the month of January, 1935,
as allowed by the Old Age Pension
Commission according to the . rec
ords in the office of the County
Clerk. All pension payments arc
for the month of December, 1934
Flora Abbot, $10; James B Ab
bott, $10; Silvester S. Ackley. $12.50:
Frank Adams, $10; Mary E Adams,
$10: Silas L Aklns. $10; Berthold Al-
blker, $5; Franklin B Alford. $5;
Missouri E Alford $5; Leora A Al
llngham, $8.75; Lillian G Applegate,
$10; Frederic W Arensmeier $8.75:
Sophia M Arensmeier $8.75; Dora A
Arnold $5; Wilford E Arnold $5
James R Arthur $10; Bert Babo $10;
Lemira S Baker $8.75; William M
Baker $8.75 Edith M Banta $10;
Joseph Barber $10; Evan A Barnett
$10; Milo Barnett $7.50; Llllle Bar
rett $10; David M Bartlctt $7.50;
Melinda Barzee $5; Elizabeth Bay-
ley $15; Marcust T Bayley $15;
Grace F Beaman $5; John J Becker
$17.50; Horace E Bell $5; Lena M
Bellinger $10; George A Bennett
$5; William Berlnger $10; Nelson
Bliss $5; Emma A. Boatwrlght $8.75;
Valentine Boatwrlght $8.75; Caro-
line Boesch $8.75; Henry Boesch
$8.75; Clara Boje $5; Caroline E
Boles $10; Clora Bondshu $8.75;
May L Booth $8.75: N S Booth
$8.75; George L Bowman $5; John
Bowman $8.75; Katie Bowman $8.75;
John E Boye $12.50; Lewis E Brad
ford $7.50; Emma Brasher $10; Mary
E Brassfield $5; Aslak Brautl $7.50;
A W Brlckley $5; Sarah A Brock
$8.75; John W Brock $8.75: John
Brooke $10; Elizabeth Z Brown $10
Fred D Brown $12.50; John A Brown
$8.50; Mary A Brown $5; Marlon H
Buell $7.50; Wilis E Bunn $10; Ed
win Burnett $7.50; John T Caldwell
$7.50; Sam J. Calnan $5; David
Canoy $17.50; Martha R Carden
$10; Richard W Carey $5; Willie
Carlson $10; John G Carson $10;
Elizabeth Chamlee $10; Albert B
Chapman $7.50; Eugene L Church
$7.50; Charles L Clapp $10: Ella J
Clark $10; Martha J Coffey $5;
Franklin G Coleman $8.75; Martha
A Coleman $8.75; John B Colwell
$5; Charles D Compton $8.76; Mai-
lnda M Compton $8.75; Andrew J
Cone $10; Heman B Cone $7.50;
Frank H Cook $7.50; George W
Cook $12.50; Jefferson N Cothrew
$7.50; Hattle B Coulsen $5; Jesse
E Coulsen $5; Rosle Crete $10; Wil
liam R Cross $12.50; John W Crou
ser $7.50; Antonette Crump $10;
Mary E cummlngs $10; Warren H
Cummlngs $10; Sebron O Daven
port $12.50; WlUlam T Davidson
;i:.60; Allen J Davie $10; Cuthbert
K. Davis $5; Henrietta Day $10;
John F Day $5; Mrs N V Day $10;
Henry R DeGuire $5; Mary J De
Guire $5; Peter DeGuire $12.50;
Jacob J Denzel $8.75; Minnie Den-
zel $8.75; Fredrick R DewHz $17.50;
Sarah J Dickens $10: Oscar F Dick.
son $5; Fredrick Dlerks $8.75; Han
nah Wi erics $6.75; Isaac A Dixon
$8.75; M Alice Dixon $8.75; Jessie
J Doty $5; Elizabeth Drake $10;
E J Driscoll $10; William C Dun
can $10: Mary L Dunkle $10: Mary
Dunn $7.50; Thomas J Dunn $7.50:
Octave Duval $7.50; Charles H Ekin
$7.50; Maria J Ellis $8.75; Wlllam
Ellis $8.75; Frank Enz $12.50; Louis
Eppers $10;' John B Erlckson $10;
Zarilda J Eskew $10; Catherine A
Evans $10; Sarah Evans $5; John
H Evans $12.50; John Feller $10;
Mary Fielding $10; Valentine Fish
er $15; William B Flagg $5; David
W Forbes $5; John E Forbes $10;
John Fowler $16; Addle M Frank
lin $18; Henry P Freeland $5; Jo
seph Frohllch $12; O Adam Froh-
mader $12.10; Susan A Froman $10;
David M George $13.50; William p.
George $12.50; B B Gesner $12.50:
Jennie D Gilbert $10; Lucy A Gil
bert $10; Ira W Gilmer $10; Mary
J Qlnter $10; James B Glpson
$12.50; Sarah E Given $10; John
O Glaze $8.75; Sylvia J Glaze $8.75;
Charles H Glover $10; Mary F Good-
ell $8.75; William H Goodell $8.75;
Charles Gordon $10; Martha Gore
$10; Frank O Gosha $5; Thomas C
Gosser $7.50; Stanley Oranatzkl $10;
Grant Graves $8.75; Nannie Graves
$8.75; Emllle Gremmels $7.50; Rhoda
M Grltton $10; Charles Groshong
$10; Richard 8 Gross $7.50; John
W Haines $12.50; John Hamilton
$7.50; Anders C Hansen $20; John
L Harman $10; Mary A Harring
ton $8.75; Michael J Harrington
$8.75; Eliza L LHarrls $8.75; Wil
liam H Harris $8.75; John F Hs.r-
hls $12.50; Hiram E Hart $7.50
Addle Hartley $5; Charles L Hartley
$5; Hiram A Hartley $12.50; Manly
Hasklns $7.50; Abram Haverly $12.50
Mary Hawkins $10; Thomas Hayes
$10: Samuel A Henry $10: Francis
J Henson $10; Jacop P Herbst
$13.50; Wlllam R Hicks $12.50; Alice
B Hlldebrand $10; Emma E Hlnkle
$5; James R Hobbs $7.50: James
T Holts $5; Fatlma Homing $5;
Jacob R Horning $5; James B Hoss
$15; Stephan Huber (10; Joseph
Hughes $5; Thomas Hunt $10; Isaac
J Hunter $10; George R Hurd $10;
John Hybner $8.75; Truman H Ida
$10; John W Inman $11; Daniel Z
Jackson $12.90; Minnie jacason so;
Wlllla mT James $10; Minnie Jel
derks $5; Helen Jenkins $7.50; Edea
E Jewell $12.50; Julius Johnson $7.50
Laura J Johnson $10; Augusta W
Johnson $5; Peter J ohnson $5;
Thomas E Johnson $12.50; WlUlam
M Johnson $10; Anna B Jones $10;
Hans Korgenson $5; Clarence C
Jory $10; C Ela Kavanaugh $5;
Humphrey J Kavanaugh $5; Leon
ora Kempton $12.50: Eliza A Kep
plnger $10; Rose H Kimball $6; Re
becca Ktmsey $10; Nazalre Kittson
$17.50; Peter Klein $12.50; Ferdinand
Klutke $5; Jacob A Kosch $10; Jo
seph Komyate $10; Elizabeth Krae-
mer $10; August G Kufner $7.50;
Louis La Bunte $12.50; Gordon M
Laflar $7.50; George F LaFleur $10;
Margrlte LaFontalne $12.50; Louise
Lamberson $5; August Lambert $5;
Addison W Lane $7.50; George J
Langenberg $5; John E Larson $7.50
George Lawton $10; Adelaide Lavler
$10; David Ledgerwood $10; Paulina
Ledtke $5; Mary E Ledward $10;
Anna Lewis, $10; Mary Llghtfot $5;
John W Llmbaugh $7.50; Wlllam
B Lindsay $5; Elizabeth V Llsne
$10; Wlllam A Llston $10: Mary J
Littler $7.50; William J Loffer $7.50;r
Martin Loken $12.50; Ell B Lows
$10; Jack Lowry $5; Clara Lucas
$10; James E Lytle $8.75; Susannah
Lytle $8.75; Mary MacLachlon $7.50;
William Marcho $10; Genevieve
Marsters $10; Elmer Martin $10;
Collin D Matheny $7.50; Lily D
Mathcny $7.50; Ella Matteson $10;
Donald M Maxfield $10; William
McCalllster $10; Angle W McCon
nell $10; Mattle McDanlel $15; Net
tle s McFadden $8.75; Stephen A
Mct-aaaen $8.75; Eliza J McGee $10;
Robert McGUchrlst $10; Aden G
McQrath $10; Daniel G Mclnnla 1
$5; Sarah McKay $10; Edna Mc
Leod $10; Herbert W McNcal $5;
Lucretla E McNeal $5; Phillip J
McPoland $5; Phoebe McTunmpnds
$12.50; Rufus B Miller $10; Charles
Mitchell 10; Ellen R Mitchell $10;
natnan it Moon $7.50; Martha
Moon $7.50: Elizabeth Moore $10:
Josephine N Moore $7.50; John B
Moorman $5; Martha A Moorman
$5; Olevla -G Moser $10; olive J f
Moser $10; Charles A Mote $5; Alice
D Myers $10; Mahlon W Myers $10;
ueorgo L Neal $8.75; Isabelle L
Neal $8.75; Swan O Nelson $7.50;
Zach Nerness $12.50; Sofie M Nor
gaard $10; ohn Norton $7.50: Wil
liam F Nutting $10; Benjamin F
Nye $12.50; Maud Ohler $5; Bcn
jamen Olson $10; Anna L Olson $5;
Nels A Olson $5; Ole O Opersahl $5;
Stephen E Osbora $10; Susannah
Ott $10; Benjamin F Padrlck $10;
Lincoln Paris $5; Charles W Parker
$5; Hogue Parrlsh $12.50; Arietta
Payne $10; Edwin Payne $12.50:
James R Payne $5; Robert Pcarce
$10; John W Pease $7.50; Mary L
peck S12.50; Nancy A Perkins $10:
Eliza E Perrln $10: Nels C Petersen
$7.50; Wlllam L Pettit $7.50; Jessie
Phillips $10; Cellna Picard $12.50;
Calvin Plessluger $10; William C
poma $10; Alice Potter $10: Helen
Potter, $10; Mary A Pottorff $10;
Jane E Prott $10; Esther A Prltch
ard $10; Susie E Prosser $10: Niels
M Rasmussen $8.75; Ollle L Rss-
mussen $8.75; WlUlam Ray $5: Marv
E Redding $5; Mary E Rees $10; i
Christopher C Reeves $17.50; Char
les S Relstad $12.50; Edward B Rey
nols $10; Fanny M Richards $10;
Thomas A Richardson $7.50; Han
nah M Rlckard $5; Hiram H Rlcker
$12.50; George H Bobbins $12.50;
Harry C Roberts $12.50; Charles O
Robinson $10: James D Rodgers
$8.75; Rosle D Rodgers $8.75; Daniel
w Ross $10; Fred C Rouse $10; Amy
O Sanders $10; Frank Scharf $5;
Katherlne Scharf $5; John Schle
huber $10; Charles E Scott $12.50;
David T Sears $5; Mary Shaffer
$5; Samuel Shaffer $5; WlUlam A
Sharp $12.50; John E Shaveland
$15; Louisa O Shepherd $10; Eman
uel Shllts $8.75; MatUda J Shuts
.79; Amanda J Shllts $5: James
M Shllts $5; Alice I Shram $8.75;
Francis o Shrum $8.75; Commodore
P Shrum $10; Fred Slevers $7.60;
james a Simpson $7.50; Monroe
Slyter $7.50; Anna E Smith $10:
Edgard A Smith $10; Elva E Smith
$10; Horace A Smith $7.50; Annie
Souther $10; George A Spencer
$12.50; George M Stafford $5; John
Stalzer $8.75; Rose Stalzer $8.75;
Andrew J Stark $5; Annie Stark $5;
Henry Stender $5; E Wallace Stev
ens $10; James K Stewart $12.50;
Rachel J Stewart $10; Hezeklah W
Stowell $7.50; Kathern Stratton $10;
Aioert straw $12.50; Herbert C
Strong $7.50; Mary I Strong $10;
Joshua Sutter $5; John J Swanson
$12.50; GeiTlt Sweinlnk $10; John A
ctwenson $7.50; Henry u Talbot
$8.75; Iva N Talbot $8.75; Henry
Tesch $8.75; Regina Tesch $8.75;
George H Tharp $12.50; George R
Thomas $5; Katherlne Thomas $10;
John F Thomason $10; Hiram A
Thompson $7.50; Mary A Thomp
son $7.50; Mike O Thompson $10.50; r
Jesse L Tooley $12.50; John Uebel
$7.50; Adelbert A Underhill $12.50;
Anne Underwood $10; Monte A Van- .
denburg $10; Norton Vanderhoof
$12.60; Charles Vaughn $5; WUliam
H Vearrier $8.50; Richard D Vlb
bert $5; Peter Waber $10; Mallnda
J Wade $10; Daniel M Wagner .
$12.50; Virginia Walker $5; Emily
L Wallace $8.75; Samuel D Wal
lace $8.7$; Jackson M Walter $8.75;
Mary L Walter $8.75; Mary T. Warg
nler $10; Katherlne Webb $10:
Lewis N Webb $12.50; Samuel K
Webber $7.50; Katherlne Welssen
fels $5; Pauline Welter $8.75; Peter
Welter $8.75; Emma Wengenroth
$12.50; Hugh Westenhouse $5; Ltla
L Whltcher $8.75; Charles H Whit
cer $8.75; John H White $10; Nancy
J White $8; Dora Whitney $10;
Sarah M Whitney $10; Martha J
Wiggins $5; John N Williamson
$7.50; Anna Wilson $5; Owen Wil
son $5; Wlllla mJ Wtades $10; Mal
isa T J Wood $10; Jennie Woolery
$5; Lucy M Wray $10; W J Wright
$10; Calvin L Young $16.50; James
W Young $7.50; Walter C Young
$10; Volney B Boyd $6.25; Enos O
Clutter $12.50: Elmer O Lantt $12.50
Mary E Martin $7.50; Caroline West
$5; U O Boyer stamps $25.06; Cap
ital Journal publ claim $15.60: Hall
Ringo Funeral Parlors burial $82;
A J Johnson clerk $70: Oregon
Statesman, publ claim $15.80; Salem "
Deaconess Hospital, hosp care $170;
Salem Mortuary, burial, $41.