TWE C APTTAT, JOURNAL. RAT,EM. OREOOV -:- SOCIETY - CL UBS MUSIC -: dlted br ttown. Im. rhoaa 'US lAAlllitij'iiiAJiAiLlil .f. .1. .1. .. TJTT. :T . t" l TTT T T tTTTTTT .......... SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 193 1 Miss Roberta Mills Incentive For Many Smart Informal Affairs One of the most charming affairs of the early winter for capital city society was the informal tea given this afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock by Mrs. Henry A. Cornoyer and Miss Josephine Cornoyer in compliment to Miss Roberta Mills, whose marriage to Elliott Price of Portland will be an event of December 29. Miss Ha Mills greeted the guests at the door. The hostesses received in the drawing room with the honor guest. Christmas greens were used in decorating the living-room where (Mrs. Lewis Griffith, Mrs. Frederick Deckebach, Mrs. Walter L. Spauld ing, Mrs. Paul Johnson and Miss Caroyl-Braden assisted informally. The tea table was handsomely ap pointed with an exquisite lace cloth, tall red tapers and a great bowl of holly. Presiding at the urns the first hour were Mrs. C. A. Sprague and Mrs. Henry Crawford. The second hour Mrs. F. A. Elliott, aunt of Miss Mills' fiance, and Mrs. C. K- Spauld ing dispensed hospitalities. , Assisting in the serving were the Misses Margaret and Edna Savage, Helen Purvine and Julia Johnson. Miss Mills was honored at a de lightful affair last night when Miss Margaret Savage entertained a group of the deb set at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Craig on Court street. A kitchen shower honored the bride-to-be during the evening. Pastel chrysanthemums were ar ranged about the rooms and ccnt f ered the serving table. Mis. Dan Schreiber poured and assisting in the serving were Miss Dorothy Alex ander, Miss Josephine Cornoyer and Miss Edna Savage Those bidden to honor Miss Mills were the Misses Frances Ellis, Faye Cornutt, Barbara Elliott, Ruth Fick, Savila Phelps, Kay Skinner, Nova Hedin, Margaret Nunn. Edith Sid well, Clara Wright, Dorothy Alex ander. Josephine Cornoyer. Esther Gtbbard. Alice Speck, Jeryme Ups ton. Julia Johnson. Helen Purvine, Eleanor Trindle. Ha Mills, Rosa mund Weston, Edna Savage, Mrs. Lee Crawford. Mrs. Dan Schreiber and the hostess. Miss Margaret Savage. Monday Night Club To Dine The Monday Night dancing club will dine and dance at the Marlon hotel Monday evening, starting at 7:30 o'clock with many out-of-town guests bidden to attend. The affair will be one 01 tne smartest larmm events of the winter season in the capital. Christmas decorations will transform the ball room and grace the long dinner tables. Several Drominent folk will entertain at cheerio parties preceding the dance, among them the William Hamiltons. Members of the club include Mr. and Mrs. Carl Butte. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer C. Macdonald, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. May. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ham ilton. Fred Mangis, Mr. and Mrs. George Alexander, Dr. and Mrs. W. Wells Baum, Dr. and Mrs. Grover ' Bellinger. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bonesteele, Mr. and Mrs. John Bro- phy. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Busick, Mr. i"d Mrs. G. P. Chambers, Mr. and i H. V. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Henry V. Compton, Mr. and Mrs. George Croisan. Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Duncan of Bilverton, Mr. and f Mrs. Philip A. Eiker, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Galloway, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis John son, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Law, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McKay, Mr. and Mrs. William McGilchrlst, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Harry U. Miller. Dr. and Mrs. Burton A. Myers. Mr. and Mrs. Frank .O Myers. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Nelson, Dr. and Mrs. Phil Newmyer, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Ohling, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Page, Mr. and Mrs. Leo G. Page, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. 'Phillips. Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Pound. Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Roberts, Gen eral and Mrs. T. E. Rilea. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Scellars, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Slater, Mr. and Mrs. Le land Smith. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Willis E. Vincent, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson. Mr. and Mrs.-Elton Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. . . Jack Currle, and Mr. and Mrs. Ro ben J. Maaske. Fraternity Men Bidden to Dinner Delta Phi chapter house will be the scene of a 6martly arranged din ner this evening when active mem bers entertain in compliment to Kappa Gamma Rho fraternity men. The table will be festive in decora tions of winter flowers In a variety of shades. Those bidden Include Carl Felker, Harrison Winston, Jim Burdette, Franklin de Lespinasse. Lloyd Hein soth, Guy Helnsoth. Everett Gary. Seymotir Feathers, BUI Tull, War ner Crow, Ford Robertson. Fred Sanders. Malcolm Jones, Kenneth Manning, Edward Frantz. Dave Johnson, Gus Moore, Al Pletlla, Del. mer Ramsdell and Joe Scott. ... The Marion County assembly of the American Legion auxiliary will hold Its quarterly meeting at Stay ton Friday evening. December 14, at 8 o'clock. An important feature will bp the annual election of officers The degree team of the Capital unit, composed of all past president!, will have charge of the Initiatory services. The Sons of Union Veterans and auxiliary will hold Installation of officers on Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The ceremony will take place at the Woman's clubhouse on North Cottage street and all patri otic orders are invited. The Delta Phi Mothers will meet at the chapter house on Monday at 2:30 o'clock. A jelly and relish shower will fete the sorority. Mrs. E. E. Gilbert, Mrs. Fred Alban Weil and Mrs. Gordon Black will serve as hostesses. Daughters will be addi tional guests at the tea hour. MacDowell Club To Present Christmas Concert On Tuesday Tuesday night will be one of special importance to Salem's social and musical contingent. At that time the Salem MacDowell club will give its annual Christmas concert under the direction of Miss Lena Belle Tartar. Willamette University students have been invited to attend. The program will open at 8:30 o'clock in Waller hall with Prof. T. S. Roberts, eminent organist, and Miss Jeanette Scott brilliant young violinist, as the as sisting artists. The program has been announced as follows: i It Cannot Be A Strange Count rce Charles Repper Oblieato, solo. Jean Poarcy Slih No More. Ladles William Lester II Cantata: The Lady ot Sholotl (Tenny- aoni Wilfred Bendall Solos. Neva Mundlnger III Cnprtce Edward Johnson The Amielus Jules Massenet IV The Snow Sir Edward Ehtar Mae Waters. Doris Clarke, Margaret Rose crans. Claudlna Earnest. Sally Dorner. Ada McCalllster. Ila Holler. Mary Mtnio, Margaret Slmms Violin Ohlipatos, Jeanette Scott Dorothy Borrcgo Snow Son Fay Foster Rita Basley. Mabel Dotson. Elizabeth Johnson, Gene Belle. Dehlia Drynan. Lo eda Levens. Grace Brown. Doris Howard. Julia Query. Clnitdian Earnest. Mary HuchM. Orrtchen Rinehart. Gladys Ed car. Delia Locke. Marie Robertson, Mar tha Jane Hottel. Mnry Mtnto, Grace Sherman. Josephine Jean Penrcy A Snow LeBond Joseph W. Clokey Text from "The Kneeling Camel" by Anna Temple V Becond Concerto, Adnalo ma non troppo Max Bruch Jeanette Scott VI Ansels O'er the Fields.. Old French Carol In the Carpenter's Shop Fay Foster Holy Nicht Herman Prehl T. 8. Roberta At the organ O Little Town of Bethlehem. Grace Conant Obimnto solo. Margaret Slmms Violin oblieato. Jeanette Scott Stllle Nacht. Helllze Nacht Gruber-Reynolds T. 8. Roberts at the organ Club members Include Rita BaPley, Eva Beatty, Gene Belle. Rae Beldm. Grace Brown. Doris Clarke, Sally Dorner. Ma bel Dotson. Dchlta Drynan. Claudian Earnest. Gladys Edsar. Norlnc Fick, Hel ena Gilliam. Ila Holier. Martha Jane Hottel. Doris Howard. Mary Hughes. Elizabeth Johnson. Marearet Jorgenson. Mary B. Kells. NellicK teen. Lcoda Lev ens. Josephine Ltlburn. Delia Locke. Ada McCalllster. Elaine Mason. Mary Mtnto. Neva Mundinser. Jean Pearcy. Julia Query, Gretchen Rinehart. Marie Rob ertson. Margaret Rosecrans. Grace Sher man. Margaret Slmms. Elsa Ttiomns. Phyllis Tucker, Mae Waters and Bessie Wat kins. Golden Wedding Celebrated Friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Swartz, 2480 Cherry avenue, will be interested to learn that they are celebrating their golden wedding anniversary Sunday. Relatives will be guests for dinner and friends are being asked to call during the day. They have resided in Salem for the past 25 years. They were marnea in Chicago, 111., on December 8, 1884. Legion Auxiliary To Give Benefit Evlnclne much interest among society circles of the capital city is the card benefit being sponsored Wednesday evening, December 12. at 8 o'clock by the community service committee of the American Legion Auxiliary at the Entre Nous club house in West Salem. An effective Christmas motif will be used in decoration. Both pin ochle and bridge will be in play during the evening and refresh ments will be served at a late hour by the committee in charge. proceeds from tne anair win oe used toward community service work. Those wishing to make reser vation are asked to dial Mrs. A. H. Wilson at 3369. Both men and women are bidden to attend. The group In charge is headed by Mrs. A. H. Wilson and she Is being assisted by Mrs. Paul Ficke. Mrs. Elbert Bradford, Mrs. Prank Jirak and Mrs. Glenn Seeley. Among those making reservations at the present time are Mrs. Mem Pearce. Mrs. Glenn Porter, Mrs. Cvril Nadon. Mrs. O. E. Palmenteer, Mrs. A. N. Johnson, Mrs. Ear) An- dresen, Mrs. William Taw and Mrs. John Olson. . Simmons Home Scene Of Party Friday afternoon Mrs. Roy Sim mons invited her bridge club to her home for luncheon and several hours of cards. Bidden were Mrs. Wayne Loder and Mrs. T. A. Llvesley, special guests. Mrs. Palmer Macdonald. Mrs. J. J. Elliott. Mrs. J. H Cal'.a hm. Mrs. C. W Paulu Mrs James Young. Mrs. William Scandling of Portland and Mrs. H. G. Maiaon, The Guild of the American Lu theran church will hold Its Christ mas meeting in the church social rooms December 12 at 2:30 p. m. Election of officers will be a feature of the afternoon and the devotions will be led by Mrs. C. H. Glenn. A program, arranged by Mrs. L. J. Stewart, will include solos by Mrs. J. Albert Sholseth and readings by Mrs. Addle Curtis. Hostesses will include Mrs. O. A. Rogen, Mrs. O Jeff and Mrs Rose Hagedorn. . DeMolay commandery, Knights Templar, will enjoy another evening of entertainment Monday, Decem ber 10. At 6:30 o'clock a dinner will be served after which there will be special features and the Sir Knights will conduct their regular business meeting. They will Join their wives later in the evening for cards. L. F. LeGarie, Glen C. Nlles and George Todd are In charge of arrange ments. ... Mrs. Bertha Ray will open her home at 225 Mission street, Tuesday afternoon to the members of the Woman's Relief Corps and friends. The affair will start at 2 o'clock. W.C.T.U. Children's Home To Benefit Of general Interest is the gift shower for the Children's Farm Home to be held Friday, December 14, between the hours of 2:30 and 4:30 o'clock in the W.C.T.U. head quarters. A short program will be given and tea will be served. Mrs. J. J. Nunn is general chairman of ar rangements. Committee members include Mrs. Eugene T. Prescott, Mrs. Charles Fessenden and Mrs. James A. Remington, reception; Mrs. E. E. Roberts and Mrs. Rachel Ree der, refreshments. A list of gifts as suggested by the management includes for boys ties, mouth organs, carpenter tools, hand kerchiefs, knives, sweaters, belts, sox; for girls beads, sweaters fancy soap, print dresses, talcum powder, scissors, belts, material for fancy work or stamped pieces; for both boys and girls balls, jump ropes, blocks and toys, good books, games and magazine subscriptions. Gifts may be taken to the hall on South Commercial street or given tc any member of the W.C.T.U. Lodge Degrees To Be Conferred Members of Shaffer encampment, I. O. O. F., of McMlnnvllle are an ticipating an attendance of between 100 and 125 at their meeting next Monday evening. At this time the Royal Purple degree will be con ferred on three candidates. Twelve camps, Including Mon mouth, Albany, Salem. Silverton, Woodburn, Canby. Oregon City, HiUsboro, Tillamook, and three camps from Portland, the Univer sity, Golden Rule and Ellison have been invited to participate In the ceremonies. S. H. Harris of Brooks, grand pa triarch of the grand lodge and his entire staff, are expected to attend. Here 'n By Rovena Eyre INTERNATIONAL MARRIAGE of more than usual interest was sol emnized in Portland last Saturday night when Margaret Kail Ander son, daughter of Mrs. Thodora An derson, became the bride of Edimrdo Sarmiento, consul of Peru at Port land. The vows were read at the home of the brides aunt. Mrs. Syd ney Hoard by Rev. R. A'Court Simmonds of St. Mark's Episcopal church. Margaret Neal was the maid of honor and the best man was Prof. Rafael Vejarm, consul for Spain and consul for Ecuador. The couple left for California on their wedding trip following the re ception. . . Senor Sarmiento is the son of the Major General Fernando Sarmiento, commander-in-chief of the military expedition at Leticia, N. E. region of Peru. TIMELY TABLES in the Christ mas spirit were arranged at tne benefit sponsored by the Salem Garden club, the Philharmonic or chestra and the Unitarian church Monday in the Emerson room. . . Mrs. Karl Becke's table was like a scene out of old Holland with its miniature white church mounted on white cotton, green fir trees, an ice pond, playing children and a train of reindeers . . . Mrs. Donald A. Young's table was centered with unique miniature Christmas trees concocted out of Valenciennes lace with silver spangles. Placed on a mirror and surrounded with antique crystal pendants, It was striking. Mrs. Chester Cox devised Christ mas trees out of white tissue paper. They were ornamented with silver, placed on ft mirror and encircled by silver leaves . . . Mrs, Otto Paulus designed an old oak Yule log hold ing three large candles and made festive with mistletoe, holly and soft green moss . . . Marguerite Smith worked out the theme of ihe Jap- anese gardens, with tiny pine trees. which grow in Japan tne same m PROF. T. S. ROBERTS who will be assisting artist on the MacDowell club program Tuesday night at Waller hall. Prof. Roberts, one of the fore most organists on the Pacific coast, came to Salem in 1905 from Philadelphia, where he under Dr. David Wood and piano tvith Dr. Adam Geibel. He became connected ivith the Oregon State school for the blind soon afterwards. In 1918 Prof. Roberts was asked to take the position as instructor of pipe organ in the Willamette University music school. He also has his private studio on Marion' street, and the above picture shows him seated at the three manual Guenther organ in the Roberts residence. The studio is the scene of many brilliant musical events in the capital. Mrs. B.F. Dimeler New President At the meeting of the St. Vincent de Paul Altar snciety held Wednes day Mrs. B. F. Dimeler was elected president. Other officers include Mrs. C. A. Syring, vice -president; Mrs. David O'Hara. secretary; Mrs. Dan McLellan. treasurer. The 3roup will meet again the first Wednesday in January. On December 12 the group will meet at the home of Mrs. John Meyer, 1291 Maple avenue, for an afternoon of sewing. Tuesday night a card party will be given in the parish hall, with a bundle of rummage the only admission fee. Mrs. Kav Fetes O. T. Club The O. T. club met for luncheon Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ida Godfrey with Mrs. T. B. Kay as hostess. The table was at tractive with appointments of holly and red tapers. Following luncheon the matrons enjoyed several hours of bridge at Mrs. Kays home. Guests were Mrs. R. E. Steiner, Mrs. Clara Patterson. Mr J. W. Beverldge and Mrs. Homer Goulet. Club members include Mm. U. G. Shipley. Mrs. John Rand, Mrs Sey mour Jones. Mrs. Frank Spencer, Mrs. E. C. Cross. Mrs. C. H. Rob ertson, Mrs. George A. White. Mrs. R. P. Boise. Mrs. John Albert and Mrs. Russell Catlin. The past Presidents of the Wom an's Relief Corps will meet at the home of Mrs. Bertha Loveland, 405 South 25th street, Tuesday after noon. Following the regular business meeting an exchange of Christmas gifts will be made. 9 There they do in Oregon, playing on the "international" idea . . . Mrs. Wil liam Everett Anderson's contribu tion to the exhibit was a stunning Delia Robla wreath and a brass candelabra holding cheery red can dles. . . FASHION PLATES at the Sub scription club dance at the Mar ion .. . Mrs. Harry H. Hawkins In gold velvet with a short court train . . . Mrs. Dan Fry, Jr., in brilliant red . . . Mrs. Linn Smith in blue with silver sequin trim . . . Mrs. Wil liam Swindells of Dallas In white and Spanish tile . . . Mrs. Conrad W. Paulus, wearing chartreuse satin. CHRISTMAS IDEAS is the title of a yarn in this month's Sunset magazine and it leads off with a gift suggestion written by Kaye Goulet, daughter of the Romeo Goulds . . . and interesting photo graphs depicting the card table Kaye is telling her readers how to fashion. . . NEWS REEL fans at the Elsinore were recently thrilled to see Cadet Lt. Milton Taylor, son of the H Clay Taylors of Salem who is in his last year at West Point, cutting capers in his capacity as cheer lead er at the Notre Dame-Army game Milt ranks ninth in the corps and Is a member of the Honor Board, which is an elective position and filled by only 12 West Pointers. An other Salem boy makes good! QUESTION EYRE what promin ent Salem couple is seeing about passports, visas and luggage these days In preparation for leaving on an extended trip abroad late in the month? What tltian-halred Salem girl will leave for San Francisco to be married to the nephew of one of Oregon's U. 8. senators early in the new year? , y4 ti ,K v had been studying pipe organ Prize Painting On Exhibition The Portland chapter of the American Artists Professional lea ewe has forwarded to Salem for exhi bition with the State Art Museum association's group of paintings in the state house, one of the prize winning paintings during national art week. The painting is by J, Stephen Ward, entitled "Port Or- ford." Mr. Ward is not only well known in Oregon for his descriptive ability in placing Oregon's rugged coast scenery on canvas, but also entices the art lover by his portrayal of Oregon's beautiful flowers and land scapes. Mr. Ward is also well known in California, and his canvasses are much sought after. Salem is for tunate In having an opportunity to display this painting. It is new hanging in the corner of the ro tunda on the first floor of the siate house. Mrs. Harold D. March, port- land, a trustee of the art museum, secured the loan of the painting. Y. W. C. A. Starts Service Work The Y.W.C.A. is a busy place these days. Friday saw the first day s work on the Christmas serV' ice work under the direction of Miss Kaye Goulet. Girl Reserves from throughout the city will work under Miss Goulet in making tables for tubercular children at the state hospital. In all, 12 tables will be designed and made by these young folk. On Tuesday members of the Y.W board will meet for their regular board meeting, which will be fol lowed by a Christmas luncheon. Todnv Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher local Y. W. secretary. Miss Arlene Sholseth, president of the high school Girl Reserves, Miss Mary TTli7.nhpt,h Ross. Miss Lois Under wood, and Mrs. David Bennett Hill motored to Portland to auena a se.v sion for making plans for the slate r-nnference to be held in Forest Grove next spring. Representa tives from a large territory attend ed the meeting. ... W.H.M.S. Will Meet Wednesday Tha wnmtn'i Home Missionary society of the Jason Lee church will meet Wednesday ariernoon at t io o'clock in the fireplace room of the church. The Wcsleyan Service Guild ...III hatra r-haraa nt thf riPVntionS. the topic of which will be "Adora tion" Mrs. H. O. Humpnrey win speak on "Peace" and a short play. In xharM et MfC T. D MurTK Will be given. Miss Elinor Asptnwall and warren uiggcrMaii win ue piewim-u in musical numbers. At the tea hour Mrs- C. M. Roberts will preside. Mr. and Mrs. H. Steinbock were honored Thursday evening at a sur prise party given in the B'nal B'rith hall in celebration of their 37th wedding anniversary. Hosts for the affair were Mr. and Mrs. Mike Steinbock. Yuletide decorations were used throughout the rooms and dancing and cards were the diversion of the evening. At the supper hour Mrs. Steinbock was assisted by Mrs. Hy Sietleson, Mrs. H. Shustcrowitch and Miss Leah Rae Steinbock. Those present were the honored guests and Mr. and Mrs. A Gold stein. Mr. and Mrs. A. Volchok. Mr and Mrs. Hy Sietleson. Mr. and Mrs. H. Shusterowltch, Mr. and Mrs M Kay, Mr. and Mrs. D. Holtzman. Mr. and Mrs. J. Papkoff. Mr and Mrs. H. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. W Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. M. Kloresinen Mr. and Mrs. M. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. I. Saffron, Dr. and Mrs. H Brown, Mr. and Mrs. H. Weinstein. Mr. and Mrs. F. Muchnik, Mrs G. Shusterowltch, 6. Solomon, Irving Jacobsen, Miss Leah Rae Steinbock and Nathan Steinbock. Mrs. Ray Clark entertained In formally Thursday afternoon fetc ing members of the KCKT club. Tea was served at a late hour. Mrs. Hattie B. Cameron, depart ment president, auxiliary to the Sons of Union Veterans, Mary B. Lickel, department secretary, Ger trude Remington, department 1. and I- officer, Susie Botts, and A. M. Lausch motored to Portland Thursday evening where Mrs. Cam eron Installed the officers for the Owen Summers auxiliary No. 1. Tlie Missionary society of the First Presbyterian church will be entertained Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock In the church parlors. Ex-congressman W. C. Hawley will speak on "Peace." Mrs. R. A. Klein wilt be in charge of devotions and Mrs. Otto Wilson heads the hostess committee. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ashby are being felicitated upon the birth ot a daughter at the Salem General hospital early this morning. Mrs. Ashby will be remembered as Fae Driscoll. The ladies of St. Joseph's church will hold a dinner and bazaar Sun day, December 9. The bazaar will continue through Monday. Jacques Gershkovitch To Lift Baton On The Philharmonic Program Mozart's Symphony in D Major will be the outstanding number of the Salem Philharmonic orchestra program to be given at the armory next Friday evening, December 14, under the baton of Jacques Gershko vitch. Mozart, himself, directed the first performance of this symphony at Prague in 1787. It consists of three movements and surpasses in con ciseness and plasticity of form his three master symphonies, tne & uat Major, C Major and G minor. It is the third and most difficult sym phony to be played by the local group of musicians. The Brahms Academic Festival Overture Opus 80 of Johannes Bra hms, which opens the program, is based on German student airs and is full of light, Jolly moods but never lacking in artistic workmanship. Friday night's program will in clude the familiar Marche Militalre of Schubert and a group for strings only, as well as the delicate Silvia Ballet by Dellbcs a variety planned to please patrons of diversified tastes in classical music. Tickets have been placed on sale in all the surrounding towns and a large audience is expected to greet this splendid group of young mu sicians in their opening concert. ... Patriotic Orders In Session Thursday The Marlon county Veterans' asso ciation met Thursday in the First Christian church for an all-day meeting, with all patriotic orders well represented. The morning ses sion was called to order by the pres ident. C. W. Brant, and opened with the singing of "America" and the flag salute. The address of welcome by Mayor Douglas McKay was followed by a talk by Judge Miller B. Hayden. Talks were given by Colonel Carle Abrams, LeRoy Hewlett, O. J. Hull, Mrs. Marty Conley and others of the several orders, and readings were given by Mrs. Bertha Ray during the afternoon session. Violin solos were given by Mrs. Clarence Bowes, ac companied by Mrs. Lyman MacDon ald. ... Mrs. Uoben Maaske Luncheon Hostess Mrs. Robcn J. Maaske invited twelve prominent Salem matrons in for luncheon and contract bridge in her Fairmount hill residence Friday afternoon. The Christmas motif was used about the rooms and in thr tallies. The charmingly appointed small serving tables were centered with low baskets of holly and holly was also used about the drawing room. Those bidden were Mrs. William L. Phillips, Mrs. George Croisan, Mrs. W. J. Busick, Mrs. E. J. Scel lars. Mrs. George Alexander, Mrs. William McGilchrlst, Jr., Mrs. B. F Pound. Mrs. Herbert L. Stiff. Mrs Dan McLellan. Mrs. Harry Miller. Mrs. Floyd Miller, Mrs. Ervin Smith and the hostess, Mrs. Roben J Maaske. Mrs. Homer Egan Bridge Hostess Mrs. Homer Egan presided at a .smart afternoon of bridge Thursday inviting as guests members of her contrnct club. At the luncheon hour individual tables were centered with bronze and yellow chrysanthemums. High score honors for the after noon's play went to Mrs. Hollis Huntington. Covers were placed for Mrs. Roy Simmons, an additional guest. Mrs. Mrs. Hollis Huntington. Mrs. John Allan Carson, Mrs. Carl Nelson, Carson, Mrs. Karl O. Becke, Mrs. Paul Hendricks. Mrs. Wayne Loder, Mrs. Conrad Paulus. Mrs. P. D. Qui senberry. Mrs. Gus Hixson, Mrs, Clifford Farmer and the hostess, Mrs. Homer Egan. Beta Chi Maids Preside at Dinner Co-eds at the Beta Chi house will preside at dinner this evening hon orlng members of Kappa Gamma Rho fraternity before their annual Open House. A Christmas motif a red and silver color scheme will be used on the table. Ouests will Include Oarfleld Bar nett, Fred Harris, Jack Simpson, Jim Barnett, Frank Pcmberton, Ray Clarke, Don Burch. Bob Vogt non Bowman. Gardner Stout. Bob Marcy, Dan Baptist and Wendell Bralnard. Willamette Living Organizations Give Customary At Homes The highlight of society on the Willamette university campus for this week-end will center on the various fraternities which will entertain this evening at their annual Open House, pledges and underclassmen have been in a frenzy the past few days getting everything in tip-top shape so that they can properly impress all visitors particularly the fair-co-eds. Augmenting the open House event, sororities have invited fraternity members to their chapter houses for dinner earlier in the evening. Sigma Tau will greet guests from 8:30 to 9:30 o'clock. At the door will be Talbott Bennett and Donald Egr. John Ross will Introduce to the re ceiving line which will be composed of Dean and Mrs. Frank Erickson, Dr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Schultze, Dr. and Mrs. Roberton Moulton Gatke, Prof, and Mrs. Cecil Monk. Prof, and Mrs. E. S. Oliver and senior mem bers, including Ralph Barber, Bud Flint, Reo Young, Arthur Smith, Manvlile Uetters, Stuart Foster, Miss Marie Pillette Guest Of Honor Miss Dorothy and Miss Kay Pil lette honored Miss Marie Pillette, hrldc-elect of Virgil Danlson, with a iliower at the Pillette residence Fri day night. The guests were enter tained during the evening with tap dancing by little Colleen Kroner. Gifts were presented to the bride- elect In a wagon drawn by little Ronny Mcintosh. Supper was served by the hostesses, assisted by Bernice and Loucille Doerfler and Mrs. F. Manning. Guests were Mrs. John Meyers, Mrs. Fred Manning, Mrs. Floyd Mit chell, Mrs. A. Savage, Mrs. J. L. Tu cker, Mrs. Lee Doerfler, Mrs. B. M. Krechter, Mrs. Anna Shank, Mrs. B. Thomas, Mrs. M. Thompson, Mrs. Donald Kuhn, Mrs. Elbert Bradford, Mrs. E. E. Buckles, Mrs. Russell Bu ckles, Mis. Fred Kuhn, Mrs. O. Cot- terman, Mrs. D. C. Walberg, Mrs, Gordon Matheson, Mrs. Harry Kro ner, Mrs. J. Goodman, Mrs. H. Han sen, Mrs. Ronald Mcintosh, Mrs, Mary Orth, Mrs. Eva Pillette, Mrs. M. Ritchie, Mrs. Ross Goodman, Miss Agnes Myers, Miss Angela My ers, Miss Katherlne Myers, Miss Loucille Doeriler, Miss Bernice Doer fler, Miss Ruth Kuhn, Miss Agnes Brown, Miss Rose Krechter, Miss Florence Manning, Miss Margaret Thompson, Miss Evelyn Pillette and Miss Ann Pillette. ... Betrothal Told Friday Night Miss Erma Welsser announced her betrothal and the date of her mar riage to V. H. Richardson at i smartly arranged bridge party Thursday evening. The ceremony will be performed January 3. Miss Welsser, popular among the young er set, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Weisscr and Mr. Richard son Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Richardson. At the supper hour Miss Welsser was assisted by her mother, Miss H( !m Schultz and Miss Linda South. Guests bidden were Miss Muriel Bcntson of Silverton, Miss Helen Richardson. Miss Honora Reidy, Miss Linda South. Miss Pauline John' son. Miss June Jackson, Miss Au- dlranue Reynolds, Miss Fiances Baler, Miss Alive Duval, Miss Clec Amort, Miss Adele Amort, Miss Eva Kerbrr. Miss Ruth Skinner, Mlsa Clara Wright. Miss Mildred Hudson, Mss Genevieve Karst, Miss Anna Karst, Mrs. Frank Bnshor, Mrs, Glenn Wilbur. Mrs. Rudd Bentson of Silverton, Mrs. W. Richardson, Mrs. C. H. Glenn, Mrs. Melvin Mil lett. Mrs. Ralph Kinzer, Mrs. T. Harold Tomlin-son. Mrs. Eleanor Boyle. Mrs. John Fisher of Stayton, Mrs. Clnrk Jackson of Woodburn, Mrs. W. Edward Raffety. Mrs. Har m I'ltz and Mrs. J. F. WHssrr. RE OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT! JACK E. KOFELDT of PORTLAND will asain hold CLASSES in BALLROOM DANCING nt the MARION HOTEL EACH TUKSDAV EVENING High School Class 7:30 P. M. Adult Was, 9 P. M. Information call BARBARA BARNES STUDIO PIIONK 3535 CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR MILADY CHARMING New oil scalp plele restful With each of our artistic oil waves we are giving park) and With our DuarL Wave we are i giving I This Ik our way of saying Than! nd Welcome to the new ones, Mildred's Beauty Shoppe 423 Court Street Dial 5859 jjjjiuiistrtirtrttrtttertrrrr Louis Magin, Lowell Eddy and David Moser. Assisting in the serving will bs te Misses Clara Wright, Gladys Hansen Hansen, Marcla Brown and Margaret Savage. At the Kappa Gamma Rho house visitors will call between 8 and 9 o'clock. In the receiving line will be Prof, and Mrs. E. C. Richards, Prof, and Mrs. C. L. Sherman, Jack Simp son, Fred Harris, Garfield Barnett, Max Blgby and William Noel. The Misses Nova Hedin, Margaret Doege, Lois Underwood, Rosemary Huffman and Edith Sidwell have been asked to assist in the serving. Alpha Psl Delta will entertain from 7:30 to 8:30 o'clock. Al Pie til a will greet the guests at the door and in the receiving line will be Mr. and Mrs. Roy R. Hewitt, Prof, and Mrs. W. C. Jones, Prof, and Mrs. Herbert Ralie, Ed Frantz and Dwight Aden. Serving in the dining room will be the Misses Ruth Chapman, Elva Be non, Helen Keudell, Esther Black, Esther Gibbard, Margaret Hagg and Ruth Yocum. Sublimity The marriage of Miss Doris Champ, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Champ formerly of Stayton and Leonard Zuber, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Zuber, formerly of Sublimity was held Thanksgiving morning at St. Ignatius Catholic church In Portland. They will make ' their home in Portland where Mr. Zuzer Is In business with his father and brother. The Thursday club will be en tertained next Thursday afternoon by Mrs. F. A. Elliott, Mrs. C. K. Spaulding and Mrs. W. E. Kirk at 1445 State street The affair will start at 2:30 o'clock. Rainbow Girls To Be Hostesses Salem's younger contingent will dance at a benefit being sponsored by Chndwlck chapter, Order of Rainbow for Girls, next Saturday night at the Masonic temple The Christmas idea will be carried out in all the arrangements for the af fair. Miss Laneta Bellinger Is gen eral chairman of the affair and la Issuing an especial Invitation to all former Rainbow Girls to attend the affair. De Molay boys are assisting in the arrangements. The dance committee Includes the Misses Marguerite Smith, Florence Utter, Gcnevra Selander, Marjorle Knox, Helen Rodgers, Ruth Star rett, Eileen Lester, and Maxlne Gahlsdorf. The entertainment com mittee includes the Misses Alice Chandler and Dorothy Kiboce. Those In charge of the refresh ments Include the Misses Helen Kestlcy, Pauline Drager, Margaret Upjohn and Charlotte McKee. -vllss Arliss Thomas is in charge of the communications and the Missel Emlyn Griggs, Sedonia Keith, Mar ion Shlnn, Harry Mohr, Harold Jcpsen and Waldo Mills are arrang ing the Invitations and publicity. The clean-up committee will include the Misses Doris Taylor, Esther Vehrs, Edna Matthls. Marion Hultenbcrg and Jean Wiley. ... Mrs. Frances Bard Home from Abroad Mrs. Frances Bard returned to her home In Salem recently following a six months' tour In Europe, Includ ing France, Belgium and Germany. She has as her guest for the wintel season her niece. Miss Frances Levy of East Orange. N. J. ' Mrs. Victor R. Grigcrs has Invited the Junior Guild of St. Paul's Epis copal church to have Its no-host luncheon at her home on South High street Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. (Additional Society on page ! treatment. Com. facial (Including an electro manl- y A facial and a manicure, i You to customers of long standing i,.wMW V