FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1934 THE CAPTTAT. JOURNAL. SAT.EM. OREGON LOCALS Miss Louise Campbell, returned missionary from China, will speak It the Calvary Baptist church Fri day evening at 7:30 o'clock. The public is invited. )HUl'a Wimpy UamD'gera N Cap. Three Oregon industrial workers were killed during the past week, the state industrial accident com mission reported. The report list ed 434 accidents. The dead were Henry Brandt, Portland longshore man; Lionel S. Baker, Wilark en gineer, and John L. Williams, Portland lineman. Love JewTr. Masonic Bldg. N Hi. j Maurine A. King has filed suit for divorce from Ted D. King alleging cruel and Inhuman treatment. . Thv were married July 9, 1934, but the wife says they have not lived together since August 10. their mar- ltal relations ending in Just a month after marriage. She asks $25 : a month as alimony in addition to suit money and attorney's fees. Entertainment, Wyoming Outlaws. ' Mi this week. Geo. & Al's Tavern. 5 293 i! Order to sell bonds beloning to ) the estate has been granted to i George H. Bell, executor of the es i tate of John Rtibens. ' Cash for used furniture. Ph. 5110. 295' Copy of the order by C. M. Thomas, public utilities commis sioner, granting permission to build a grade crossing over the Southern Pacific at Mill City, has been re ceived by the county clerk's office. Tills Is a new crossing necessitated b a change in the roadway there because of the altered location of the new inter-county bridge. Complete dinner 25c. State Cue terla. 82 Three fatalities and 484 accidents during the week were reported today to the state industrial accident com mission. The men killed were Hen ry Brandt, Portland, longshoreman; Lionel 8. Baker. Wilark, engineer, and John L. Williams, Portland, lineman. 6414. i95" Wanted used furniture. Ph. Henry Theodore Barr pleaded guilty In Justice court Thursday to violating the stale motor transpor tation act. He was fined $25 which was remitted, and Ban- paid costs. Rummage sale Prl. and Sat. 328 N. Commercial. Congregational ch. 292 For the reason that the fine would have come out of the American Le gion's charity fund. Justice of the Pace Hayden Thursday remitted a $25 fine imposed on "Pug" Ryan, wrestler, and put him on probation for six months. The Legion had posted Ryan's $100 bail when the wrestler was arrested for assault and battery alleged to have been committed on the referee during a recent bout at the armory. Improved lockheed dual cylinder hydraulic brakes. Roomier new style, safety all-steel bodies, air-glide ride, and a host of individual leatures. Dodge leads while others follow. Watch for announcement date. 292 Building permits on record Fri day at the office of the city build ing inspector were; Salem scnooi district No. 24, to alter a balcony, at Salem high school building, $276. Almo and Edna Pohle, to alter a warehouse at 444 Ferry street, $250. L. E. Bates, to repair a one-story dwelling at 2011 Maple avenue, $10. W. E. Arehart, to build a garage at 925 Union, $50. Mrs. c. Brother ton, to build a wood shed at 1595 South Capitol, $15. Good opening for dance hall, mo vie and rooming house. See W. C. Kahle, 475 State. 292 Motor vehicle accidents reported over night were: Minnie Davis Card, 332 North Church, and Harold Mi randa, 1985 Edgewater, at Cottage and state. R. E. Lee Steiner, state hospital, and an unidentified driv er, at 24th and Center. A. M. Chap man, route 3, and W. Carlton, state highway department, at Court and 12th. Boots' band, Mellow Moon Sat. 182 Jess Rupert pleaded not guilty in justice court Thursday to a charge of defrauding an inn-keeper and will have a trial Monday. He was released on his own recognizance. Dance Mellow Moon Sat. Boots Grant's versatile orch. Adm. 25c. 292 An order by Judge Lewelling au thorizes the banking department to compromise indebtedness of Chris E. and Mary E. Neltling with the Bank of Stayton. One note is for $193.33 and one for $785. A mortgage is involved. Compromise settlement is allowed for $450 cash, of which $45 is to be allotted to the commer cial department and $405 to the sav ings department. The mortgage is to be released as part of the settlement. Special for Saturday, Cyclamen and ponsettlas 25c each, ferns 10c, shrubbery 15c. Arthur Plant Flower and Shrubbery Mkt. 150 S. Com'l. 292 Good news for Asthma Sufferers No matter what you have tried, don't Ive up hops until you have tried '.BMO LAO. It quickly relieves those awful suf focating, wheczlns. choking sensations and enables you to breathe freely and easily nd sleep soundly at niKht. Sold on a money back r-uarantee. Price II. 25. CAPITAL DRUG STORE, State itnrt Liberty At regular road day proceedings of the county court today two sur veys were ordered approved. In one case a road was ordered vacated in part according to the surveyor's re port and one was ordered opened. The road ordered vacated Is near Sidney and the vacation was asked by Catherine Marlatt and others. The surveyor in his report approved only part of the vacation holding Quality NOT QUANTITY Our one desire ts to have you say...BIiti Weiobard is a fittt b Al llio Salter Dnklt pr o o Fysv ,WVi Bourboiskey ' aiii j': Windsor is one of America's largest selling whiskies because it's 100 proof because it's aged-in-wood because it's straight as an arrow and because k bas a really fine flavor at 7Se a PINT a really low price. Try itl Cd No. 177-C BNN MAyiANt CORP, A DMifcm rf NATIONAL DISTILLERS nui. OlUnn N York, N. Y. that vacation of parts of the road would be more damaging than ben eficial. The road applied for by C. A. Baker and others, a short stub road near Qulnaby was ordered built. The road Is about half a mile long. Turkey dinner Sun. noon, Dec. 9, St. Joseph's hall, 751 Chemeketa. 293 Henry Zorn, president of the Marlon county taxpayers league, has called a meeting of his organiza tion for the chamber of commerce rooms Saturday. In making ar rangements he did not designate the hour. Gift portraits to be sent to distant friends should be made now. "Cyn" Cronise Studio, Court & Com'l. 293 While John Collier, commissioner of Indian affairs, will meet with delegations from the Siletz and Grand Ronde reservations at Che ma wa, he will not be able to visit either of the other two reservations, according to officials at the Salem Indian school. Boots' band, Mellow Moon Sat. 192 Walter C. Wlnslow, Salem attor ney and past grand master of Ore gon Masons, will be the principal speaker at the 20th anniversary meeting of Albert Pike lodge No. 162 In Portland Friday night at 8 o'clock. Stewart L. Bliss past president of the Portland Retail Credit associa tion, will speak on "Functions of a Credit Association and the Place it Fills in Each Community," at the annual banquet of the Salem as sociation to be held in the Masonic temple building next Wednesday evening at 6:30 o'clock. Presidents of each civic club and service or ganizations will be Invited to at tend the dinner and to give three minute talks upon the objectives of the organization represented. Final plans for the dinner were discussed at the weekly meeting of the credit association Friday. Beta Chi Rummage sale Saturday, 191 South High. 292 Formal decree of divorce has been filed with the county clerk in the case of Iona E. Lightfoot against Elmer C. Lightfoot, with the maiden name of Lona E. Hockett being re stored to the plaintiff. Try Etzel's hamburger Theater Cafe. rarebit. 292 The estate of Erick Enoch Lind berg and Elizabeth Lindberg, hus band and wife, is appraised at $3,300 in an inventory filed in probate by Rudolph Bernlng, Henry Annen and Henry Homann. A marriage license has been ap plied for by David L. Cummins, 52, truck driver, 260 State street, and Lillian E. Hill. 29. housekeeper, 1220 Hoyt street, both Salem. Old time dance, Gervais Sat. 393 Decree of foreclosure has been signed by Judge Lewelling in the case of Gertrude Blanchard against William J. Cooper, executor of the estate of Dennis T. Griffin. Trunk & baggage del. Ph. 8111. 292 Marriage licenses have been issued at Vancouver, Wash., to Walter W. Smith of Portland and Mrs. Mabel I. Pack, of Salem; Herbert E. Smith and Mabel Hodgln, both of Dayton; Harold R. Harkins, 308 Ferry street, Salem, and Mrs. Ruth M. Martin, Great Falls. Mont.: Ole H. Jacob- (90) 10055 MARYLAND STRAIGHT PURE RYE WHISKEY CONTAINS 97.V4 CHOICE RYE ORAiH son, Mt. Angel route 1, and Mrs. Daisy Watts, Oregon City, and to Wlllard A. LaFlemme, Brooks route 1, and Mrs. Edith C. Burnett, of Brooks. Change your luck, eat at Horse shoe Luncheonette, 265 N. High. 392 The $25,000 damage action of Nora Bell against J. H. Best tor injuries sustained in an automobile accident near Gervais, was expected to reach the Jury this afternoon. The final argument was being made, this aft ernoon after recess. EUu Charity show, Dec. 12-13-14. 293 Coach R. S. Keene of Willamette university will attend tonight the annual banquet given members of the Camas, Wash., high school foot ball team. Camas high Is coached by Walter Ertckson, whose four years of playing on the Willamette squad gave him much favorable comment. Erlckson's team had a profitable season this year. Van- 666 ctaftck COLDS nd FEVER first day HEADACHES In SO minute couver high being among the teams defeated. Vancouver had not pre viously been vanquished by Camas for many years. Eckerlen's famous Crawfish. 292 Judgement has been filed with the county clerk in the automobile damage action of Helene Lang against Albert Given. Judgment is for $2850 general damages and $50 special damages. The case was heard by Judge McMahan, neither side demanding a jury trial. Boots' orch. Mellow Moon. Sat. 292 order declaring Judgment hereto fore entered for $1600 in favor of A. and Helen Oehler be held void. The estate of Ray Reeves valued at $5450 has been admitted to pro bate with H. C. Reeves named as administrator. Heirs at law are Edna Reeves, widow, Jefferson; H. C. Reeves, son, Albany, and D. D. Reeves, son, Salem. GRAY BELLE OX SATURDAY qK Otll SPECIAL OUC Old Fashioned Steak Read the Capital Journal Ads Answer In the case of United States National bank aganst A. Oehler and others has been filed by Anton Kulpas and wife, also de fendants, in which they ask for an lumpy Nerves Yield to the soothing action of this medicine. You will ear better . . . sleep better . . . fee) better . . . look better. Life will seem worth living again. Don't delay any longer. Begin taking it today. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND CHOOSE.... your companions wit'- care and for important lioli d?w events be sure Goetz Beer 's the one that provides the glow and cheer to the feast and through the day. Here is a rich mellow bev erage that fits in with holi days a delightful, stimu lating drink that is an apt companion to the big dinner. Served in Sc and 10c schooners gallons 45c Gallons 90c Quart A Pint bottles also Candy, Cigars, Cigarettes, Sandwiches and Chill Con Came PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE THE DUTCH MILL 897 N. Commercial H. G. Damon, Prop. WE CARTER TO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN XMAS GIFTS from THE MODEL BEAUTY PARLOR FROM NOW UNTIL XMAS WE ARE GIVING WITH EACH $4.00 OR $5.00 PERMANENT WAVE One large size bottle of Maro-OH Shampoo and 1 of our extra spe ..cia Hot Oils to be given within 2 weeks after permanent wave.. WITH EACH $3.00 PERMANENT WAVE Choice of hot oil or bottle Maro-OU shampoo The best part of your gift is like good wishesCan't be put In a package. This is our way of wishing our customers and friends A Merry Xmas H. A. LOVELL THR PAY FOR w s umm m r wmssTKiMV m ITS A FACT Old Farm goes farther. An ounce of this heavy-bodied rye does the work of an ounce and a half of ordinary rye. That's because it's real rye made by the famous Old Overholt distillers, and naturally ripened 16 months in wood. 90 A PINT imitt on PENNSYLVANIA STRAIGHT RYE WHISKEY PROTECTS YOtl THIS EMBLEM jg ' , r & jL .. 4 '--:v fmK . , Pk " Opt jcX i There's something about the fragrance and aroma of a Chesterfield that is pleasing . . and different caw the cigarette that's MILDKR e cigarette that tastes better- AGED-IN-WOOD STRAIGHT WHISKEY l jf )MLUttrr jt MrwToice Co, i ll) hi iinrtiitili in irni