Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 07, 1934, Page 5, Image 5

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    FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1934
the c. apttat; .tottrnal. r'at;em. oregon
Society, Clubs and Music
Mrs. La Verne Winkler and Miss
Helen Yockey entertained at the
home of the former Thursday In
compliment to the Salem Zonta
club. The evening was spent In
formally and supper was served at
late hour.
Next Tuesday evening the Zontlan
board meeting will be held at the
new Capital Journal building. On
December 20 the club will hold a
Christmas luncheon at the Marion
hotel and on December 29 Mrs. Mar
garet Rosecrans will entertain the
group. Her sister, Mrs. Paul Todd
of Tacoma will exhibit a collection
of madonnas at that time.
Those present for the affair
Thursday night were Miss Hazel
Cook, Miss Dorothy Pearce, Miss
Alene Phillips, Dr. Helen Pearce,
Mrs. Margaret Rosecrans, Mrs. Belle
Nlles Brown, Mrs. Mabel Brownell,
,Miss Nellie Schwab and the host
esses, Miss Helen Yockey and Mrs.
La Verne Winkler.
Knights Templar
To Entertain
DeMolay Commandery Knights
Templar will entertain with an in
teresting affair at the Masonic tem
ple Monday evening. A turkey din
ner will be served at 8:30 o'clock,
followed by an Informal program. A
short business meeting will be held
and this will be followed by an eve
ning of cards. A feature of the eve
ning will be the honoring of the
presen tand past commanders. L. F.
Le Garie, Glen C. Nilcs and George
Todd are In charge of the arrange
ments. Mrs. George King
0. E. S. Hostess
Mrs. George King, worthy matron
of Chadwick chapter, O. E. S., en
tertained last niRht at the Masonic
temple for the O.E.S. officers, pres
ent and past grand officers, chair
men of committees and their hus
bands and wives.
Contract was in play in the lounge
rooms during the evening. Honors
went to Mrs. Charles Pratt, Mrs.
Herbert Hauser, Mrs. D. X. Beechler,
Rex W. Davis, J. O. Russell, and Ira
Darby, Mrs. Mary Johnson and Mrs.
Bessie Edwards won the contest
game prizes.
Sixty-five enjoyed the affair. The
Christmas motif was carried out
with great baskets of holly and red
candles In green holders.
"At Home" To
Fete Couple
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh E. Hope of
Portland have invited guests to their
home At 3129 Southeast Crystal
Springs boulevard Sunday afternoon
for an At Home in compliment to
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Darling (Ma
rian George) of Woodburn. Calling
hours will be from 3 to 6 o'clock.
Salem phone 7953
All Operators Arc
'Come with me to Australia
discover the
world for Your
self .... with
Take a radio voyage to
Sydney . . London ...
Paris . . . Rome in fact
any place you want to go.
that brings you the thrill
of tuning in foreign and
domestic short-wave
stations, grim calls to
police cars, aviation
signals, voices of ama
teur operators. This G-E
All-wave Radio "brings
them in" with rich life
like tone realistic,
as you would hear them
in the studio. It's built
exclusively for those who
recognize and demand
the best.
All -wave Radio
Imperial Furniture Co.
dlted bl
A charming event of Monday will
be the dinner dance being sponsored
at the Marlon hotel by the Monday
Night Dancing club. The Christmas
motif will be carried out in the ta
ble appointments and in the decor
ations about the ball room.
Marion auxiliary, V. P. W., will
hold Its regular meeting Mon
day evening in Miller's hall t B
o'clock. Plans will be made for the
annual Christmas party and other
Important business. All members
are urged to attend.
Chemeketa Players
In Elks Show
Contrast of interesting personali
ties and development of character
form the groundwork of the laugh
provoking comedy, "The Alarm
Clock," which Chemeketa Players,
Inc., is preparing for the Elks
Christmas chairty fund for the
"forgotten kid," and which will be
given on the stage of the Elks tem
ple December 12, 13 and 14.
It seems, according to the story
worked out by Avery Hopwood, au
thor of the play, that Bobby Bran
dn, New Yorker, who has experi
enced most all the thrills of life, is
just about on the verge of a break
down. Among his affiliations is a
charming, beautiful, sophisticated
woman of the world who is married
to a United states senator, but who
adores Bobby. She thinks that
what Bobby needs Is "family life,'
and. unknown to Bobby, Invites his
country cousins from upstate to
come and visit him. ine iirst act
depicts the arrival of these rural
personalities and the second and
third reveal what New York does
to them.
Hopwood has provided sparkling
lines for the characters, while the
complications that develop are rich
in humor and irresIstaDly lunny.
Chemeketa Players, Inc., have pro
vided a capable cast, which Is un
der the direction of Clifford Wayne
Music by the Elks orchestra, skits,
and features will provide entertain
ment between acts. This whole
ovenine's entertainment is to pro
vide funds to remember Salem's
"forgotten kids" Christmas time.
Children's Party
Event Saturday
On Saturday from 3 to 5 o'clock
there will be a children's party at
the First Congregational church.
This party Is given by Mrs. J. R.
Simonds to members of the second
and third grades in the Sunday
school because of the perfect attend
ance record on Sunday. Christmas
games, songs, stories and decora
tions will be included in the pro
gram. Members invited are Mary Clas-
gens, Ruth Anderson, Barbara Hoad-
iey, Patricia Schneider, smtia umes,
Marie Newman, Jack Slater, Eric
Carlson Robert Charlton, Jackie Ri
ckets, Allan Bellinger, Keats Oliver,
John Glllls, Evans Boise and Danny
Fry, Jr. Miss Esther Long is the
teacher of the class.
The O.N.S. club will hold a pot
luck supper at the Jason Lee church
Monday evening starting at 6 o'clock.
Now ... at the height of the enter
taining season! Our Regular $3.50
Oil Permanent
Wave, in-
all eluding oil
State Licensed Graduates!
Model M-81 ... An nil-wave
superheterodyne. Four bands of
reception. Dynamic Loudspeaker
Dual-ratio Tuning Control. Sen
sitivity Control. Square Air
plane-type Dial. Tone Control.
Automatic Volume Control.
Cabinet! Semi-modern j two
ton oriental wood veneers.
Install G-E ALL-WAVE An
tenna for superior reception.
Come in and hear Ibis
amaiing radio.. .TODAY!
for Shampoo, wTgSti
Finger - jfe'j?J
2 Wave &
menlary " j
Bovena CfM, fboDi 48U
Nineteen members of the Modern
Teachers' Study club attended the
regular monthly meeting on wea
nesday evening.
Many interesting and useful
Christmas suggestions were given
by Anna Bell Ulen. Mrs. Ulen has
been an art Instructor in the Mon
mouth Normal for a number of
In honor of Miss Barbara Diels-
chneider of McMlnnville, bride-elect
of Karl Jacobsen of Portland, Mrs.
Gordon Baker and Mrs. Jack Spence
of McMlnnville invited a group of
maids and matrons to luncheon and
an afternoon of cards Friday. Am
ong Salem folk attending were Mrs.
Harry H. Belt and Miss Myra Belt.
The Jacobsen-Dielschneider nuptials
will be an Interesting event of De
cember 15.
Mrs. Conley Opens
Home for Parties
Mrs. Bryan Conley, Marion aux
iliary national home chairman, V.
P. W., gave a sliver tea and benefit
card party at her home Wednesday
afternoon and evening. The rooms
were beautiful with large baskets
of green foliage and chrysanthe
mums. The holiday idea was car
ried out in the table appointments.
Mrs. Ben Woelke and Mrs. Kirk
Simpson poured.
Mrs. Belle Nadon arranged the
Those attending the tea were
Mesdames Mem Pearce, P. W. Wat
ers, Leon Brown, Elizabeth Skewis,
Sylvia Furlough, Effie Mudd.
Blanche Fournier, Dorothy Baker,
Rita Wolfe, Lydia Floer, Eva Rush,
Opal Neiswander, Helen Olsen, Belle
Nadon, Edith Mudd, Martha Hru
betz, Maud Chitenden, Mary Woel
ke, Margaret Simpson and Effte
At the evening card party Mrs.
Vera Ostrander had high score for
"500", M. S. Brunnell for bridge and
Mrs. W. H. Rush for pinochle. Re
freshments were served.
The committee assisting Mrs.
Conley for the affairs were Mrs. C
Fllver, Mrs. W. H. Rush, Mrs. Cyril
Nadon, Mrs. Russell Mudd and Mrs.
Effie Wetsel.
Attending the party were Mr. and !
Mrs. Frank Hrubetz, W. H. Rush, H '
Fournier, Phil Shobar, Cyril Nadon. !
H. Sim, Ben Woelke, Ward Wolfe,;
M. S. Bunnell, Russell Mudd, Mrs
Maud Chitenden, Mrs. L. Davis, 1
Karl Nyberg, Roy Remington, C
Floer, Vern Ostrander, Effie Wetsel.
Miss Elsie Lewis and the hostess,
Mrs. Conley.
The Salem Dakota club met Wed
nesday evening at the W.C.T.U.
hall for dinner and an informal
program. Short talks and story
telling were enjoyed and the Salem
Song Men were presented in sev
eral musical numbers.
ni i
In Thii Eify, Letter Writing Contest For
School Boys and Girls On
586 PRIZES, 1st Group
1293 Prizes For Students Up
Through 8th Grade
293 Duplicate Prim lor Mother! ol
Winning Students
Just write a short Inter of 200
words or less, on "Why Bread is
Good to Eat 4 Times a Day," (To
find out "what to say" in your
letter, ante us for the free printed
helps that tell why doctors say
bread is good to eat 4 times a day.)
That's ail you do! Just write a
short letter. Something you do
often. Remember, only boys and
girls around your own age are
entering this contest. Nothing to
buy. Just send in your letter before
midnight, Monday, December 10,
to "Bread Energy for Vitality"
Judges, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
How to Win
To win a big cash prize, be sure
to mention this reason in your
letter: Bread U our outstanding
enerpy food. And auk tis for a free
copy of the printed helps that tell
you the other important reasons
why bread is good to eat 4 times a
day. Ask us, also, for a copy of the
simple rides, and an entry blank
Read all this printed material.
Then sit down and write your
letter in your own words. And be
sure to send it in!
No advantage will be given to
"flowery" wordings or fancy
"booky ' writing. Prizes will be
awarded for the letters that give
the best reasons and explain in the
most interesting Wav "Why Bread
Is Good To Eat 4 Times a Day.
Don'tpass up a worth while cash
prize! 2o86 boys and girls many
your own age will win. But un
less you fry, you can't win. Re
member, if you win, you win a
Mrs. Perry
Bridge Club
Mrs. Kenneth Perry presided at
a charmingly appointed bridge par
ty Thursday evening complimenting
maids and matrons who are mem
bers of her bridge club.
Clever decorations carrying out a
Christmas motif, combined with bas
kets of holly and green foliage, were
used about the rooms.
Those bidden were Miss Maxine
Qlover, Mrs. Garlen Simpson, Miss
Dorothy Bell, Miss Wilma Giese,
Miss Peggy Good fellow, Mrs. Ver
non Perry, Mrs. Chandler Brown,
Mrs. Treve Jones, Mrs. Deryl Myers,
Mrs. Clayton Foreman and Miss
Kreta Janz.
Mrs. Victor R. Griggs will enter
tain members of the Junior Guild
of St. Paul's Episcopal church at a
no-host luncheon Tuesday.
Miss Maxine Ross, who is a stu
dent at the Seattle Pacific college,
was a recent guest of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Leland Ross.
For Milady Charming
With eacb of our Artistic oil waves we are giv
ing a new oil scalp treatment. Complete rest
ful facial (Including pack) and an electro manicure.
With our Duart wave we are giving
our way of saying Thank You to
Welcome to the new ones.
Mildred's Beauty Shoppe
428 Court Street Dial 5859
An Orchard in One Tree
An apple tree with 4 varieties
in one tree. A cherry with three
varieties In one tree. A pear
with three varieties in one tree.
A tree with almond, apricot,
plum and prune.
These trees are ideal for the
small lot. A full line of fruit
and nut trees including figs,
nectarines, almonds, quinces,
Give Gifts That Grow
Fearcy Bros. Nursery
162 No. Commercial 2 doors N. of Hishop's
Clothing Store
2586 PRIZES, 2nd Gioup
1J.93 Prizes for High School
Students in 9th through 1 2th Grade
1293 Duplicate Prises for Mothers ol
Winning Students
prize for your mother, too! Start'ripltt away on
your letter. And don't think your letter won't
be good enough, it may eanily H-in a big jrizc!
Sponsored in Salem by
Master Bakers
Silverton Matrons
Entertain Tonight
Silverton Mrs. Charles A. Reyn
olds and Mrs. George W. Steelham
mer are entertaining at the Reyn
olds home Friday evening in compli
ment to Miss Margaret Wells who is
to be a December bride.
Miss Wells is the daughter of Dr.
and Mrs. Joe Wells, now of Corval
lis, and for a number of years resi
dents of Silverton.
Thirty or more young friends of
Miss Wells are the invited guests.
Monmouth Mr. and Mrs. C. S.
Hamilton of Salem, Mis Cassie
Stump and Miss Agnes Campbell
were members of a dinner party ar
ranged for by Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Smith Monday night at their coun
try home in the Valley View section.
The young people of the Jason
Lee church are sponsoring a bazaar
at the church this evening, starting
at 7:30 o'clock. The circus idea will
be carried out In the decorations
and program. The public is invited
to attend.
Silverton Mrs. Linnie Simeral
returned to her home in Salem
Wednesday after a week's visit at
the Silverton home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Pnlmer on James avenue.
Ingredients of Vlcks
VapoRub in Convenient Candy Form
a facial and manicure. This Is
customers of long standing and
Chinese Lily Bulbs
2 for
Regal Lily Bulbs,
. 25c up
dozen .
Flowering Cherries. Four va
rieties flowering crab apples.
Second Prize J200
Third Prli $100
5 Prix S25 each
h thru Slh)
10 Prizes $10 each
(9th thru IBIh)
100 Prim $5 each
300 Prizes $2 each
(119lh thru 41 8lh)
S75 Prizes $1 each
(419lh thru 1293(d)
Sam prise girrn in Imth
Mother nr guardian, f ,i-'in.
ntng art'flfri t, rrrrira iii,jJI
cat prisma.
To insure that the young
people of America, and tlinir
parents, know the trttlli
about bread, our outstanding
e,ncr$y JimmI. and the import
ant purt ployed by bread
and other delicious, wholesome-
baked wheat products
in the Round diet the ncien
lilic. facts as Hcw-pod by
Icadingnutrition authorities
The younger contingent is Inter
ested in the announcement that the
Chadwick chapter, Rainbow Order
for Girls, will sponsor a benefit at
the Masonic temple Saturday, De
cember 15, with all members of the
debutante set and their escorts in
vited to attend
The Lonesome club met at the
Spanish Kitchen Thursday for an
informal evening of cards. Supper
was served at a late hour.
must be chosen the per
fect gift. . . . It's easy
when you make your se
lection at Pomeroy and
Keene's. We strolled in
the other day and saw a
good baker's dozen of
things we want and we'll
drop none - too - subtle
hints up until Christ
mas about the things
we're pining for . . .
matching cigaret cases
and lighters in sophisti
cated black or pastels
. , . feminine compacts
in Siviss enamels or with
jewel designs . . . fasci
al a t ing Renaud's per
fumes . . . hook ends for
our pet, editions ... a
vcw Baltimore Rose tea
service . . . bracelets,
earrings and necklaces
the Queen of Shcba
would have gone for in a
big way!
Poroy and
says Vogue . . . and at
the Smart Shop you can
get the newly patented
Perfect Hat Rest. . . . It
retains the lines of your
hats and does not ruin
the crown as the old type
did. . . . Coming in sec
tions, it's ideal for tra
veling . . . and if you're
in doubt as what to get
Aunt M chit able for
Christman it will be iust
the PROPER thing.
They come in paslcl col
ors with a washable
svrdc finish . . . all for
only 7!(?.'
The Smart Shop
is abroad in the land and
IES must be provided.
In the bake shop at the
Model Food Market you
will find an amazing ar
ray of the most delicious
cakes, cookies, pies, pud
dings and breads to
simplify the task of hol
iday entertaining. , . .
And if you're in a gvan
dry as to v:hat to give,
investigate the alluring
baskets all done up in
cellophane and Christ
mas gadgets, full to the
brim with Oregon fruits,
appetizers, candies and
everything else that goes
for holiday cordiality.
They'll pack them to or
der, ton . , .
The Model
Food Mnrket
Sewing Club
Hazel Green The Nemo Sewing
club held its first December meet
ing t the Maurice Dunigan home
with Mrs. Maurice Dunigan and her
mother, Mrs. Fred Chapman of
Spokane as hostesses.
President Mae Tuve presided over
the business session and plans were
(Additional Society on Page 7)
Rovena Eyre Phone 4128
must be carefully cho
sen. You are certain to
please him if you select
from Bishop's grand col
lection of masculine
wearables. . . . Ties,
socks, dressing gowns
and smoking jackets,
gloves, handkerchiefs all
nicely mon ogrammed,
studs and everything to
go with his dinner jack
et . . . and countless oth
er articles . . . useful and
SO good-looking. Jvst
what the well - dressed
man should have! Bish
op's gay Christmasy be
tinselled windows hold
many a treat for all yon
"Wonder - what - tn-get-him-ers"
. . .
so we're telling you
about the splendid and
unusual lamps they're
showiing at the Imperial
Furniture Co. Quaint
chintzy bridge lamps
with pine bases . . mod
crnistic models in metai
. . . and some beauties
that can be adjusted to
three variations of light
Boudoir lamps, too
should lake the light for
a moment . . . just what
every woman craves for
her dressing table. A
new collection of hand
carved walnut. Chinese
Chippendale what -nols,
wall brackets, hanging
shelves and coffee tables
deserve HONOR A HLPJ
MENTION on our list of
Christmas suggestions.
The Tmperi!l
Furniture Co
should get wise and ex
change pictures this
Christmas with their
best girls, suitors, Dad
and Mother and the rest
of the family. Call Joan
Jesten for a sitting. Her
portraits are grand.
Ringlet Ends
S Complete
Castle Permanent Wavers Co.
$07 1st Natl Bank Bldt366S
Read the Capital Journal Ads
when you have as good
luck as we had at Ship
ley's yesterday. . . . With
a new shipment of
"hankies" we found
those sheer handspun
linens, some with sha
dow hems, floral prints
in lawn, others in solid
colors with applique and
hemstitched hem, and
for the children, gay
prints with gnomes and
fairy-tale creatures, all
in intriguing folders.
Strands of.pearls,
matching ensembles of
lapis, jade and other
semi - precious stones,
rhinestone bracelets and
clips . . . and the piece de
resistance for the iiovng
movie addicts Mickey
Mouse bracelets and
necklaces. The rest of
our shopping was in the
baa when we saiv a
whole array of velvet
party baas, rough leath
er hand and sports bans
. . . and the ever-practical
zipper affairs which
the vounger set like so
might have worn the
dressing robe we saw at
Miller's this morning to
court and been the belle
of the ball! With its high
Queen Elizabeth collar,
it's fashioned of ivory
satin, lined with gold
and handsomely stitched
in gold thread. It's re
gal! In the lingerie de
partment they have so
many to choose from. . . .
Robes created from
with gay embroidery
and long fringe. . .RAB
BIT'S WOOL, warm and
com for the student . . .
in two-toned effects . . .
with the grace of im
ported tea gowns. . . .
Then there are Balbrig
gans. smartly tailored,
and nightie' with lace
insertions that make
them the very essence of
467 Court St.
I'hone 8419