12 THE CAPTTAL JOURNAL. SALEM. PTROOW FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1934 BEAUTY AND THE FEAST ill 1 I PRETTY BETTY GRABLE, who does her Christmas shopping and giving early, joins the popular "Give Grocery Gifts" movement by presenting Wheeler and Woolsey a well chosen basket of unusual foods. The famous comedians chorused: "Just what we wanted!" when they saw the delicious assortment. Like many others, Miss Grable considers the "Give Grocery Gifts" idea a smart solu tion to the vexing Christmas problem. Nuts Contain Many Valuable Qualities; Enhance Old Dishes Early in life I knew what a nut tree should look like be cause in kindergarten we cut out green, billowy tops which were pasted just above short slender trunks on sand brown landscapes. Tile nuts were put on with brown crayons mid would have been the pride of tiny nut grower for they were giants of their kind. Nuts are best used to supplement carbohydrate foods which ore hleh in starch and low In protein and f:t. Combine thorn with breads, muffins, cakes, sweets, vegetables and fruits, rather than milk, eggs, cheese or meat mixtures. Or, If you do use nuts and cheese toRether, for instance, add a starchy food ""o bal ance the cnniblnaUsa. Uw the cheese and net Kfefcnres for sand wiches or as a spread for ginger bread. Cereals are particularly good with nuts. Not only do the food values of one supplement those of the oth er, but each seems to enhance the flavor of the other. Add chopped nuts to readv-to-eat cereal for va riety In flavor ns well as Increased food value. Both cereals and nuts can be added to the usual Ingredi ents for quick breads or cakes. Freshen nuts by heating them In a buttered skillet for a few minutes. This Is a little secret which has much to do with fine flavor In nut cakes. , MOCHA NUT CAKE v run nlinrlcnlnx I rui Bimnr 3 ckbh (ficpnrntrrt) 8'i runs flour 'J li-nM'wm.i link tint powder 'j tmspoiiii snlt i cup niittiirnt 1 rnp rtrctif fcltmtcrt eat ten llpuspoon vanilla Crrnm nhnrtrnttiR, add sutrnr and heiil until flu! fr. Aikl ma yolks nd hen l thormmhly. Mm and sift (lour. Imklim powder mid null. Add to flniir mixture the miimrnls lirokrn Into small plrrrs and ndd to rrrnmcd mix hire nltornnti-ly with the dcciiffeliiiitrd coffre. Fold In M if fly hrntcn cr.n whites mid Hie vnnllln. llnkc In h hiittrrt citke pnn Ifl-lm-li pqunrr Is a end MjipI In a moderate oven (390 desrees F. i for one hour. FROSTING 1 cup brown minnr 4 cup RrnnuliitPtt MiB.ir H (entfioon sail H cup m rutin drcnffrlnatprt coffee In ftlslnn 2 run whltt'l Cook tlie nur.nr, unit and roffor Infu sion. Mirrlnu rmiMnull)-. until Minnra arn ill. -solved. Continue looklutt Without Ulr rinv lo a teinnrrature of 238 titvrten P. fsuf ibnll. Pour (lie syrup "lowly over the beaten eten whiten. 8et bawl of mix-tun- In hot ttnter nnd henl until firm eiioui:)i to spread on enke. COKN FI-AKK DROP COOKIF.S 4 cup butter '4 cup brown rub ft r cup white sugar 1 ci:r 4 cup pecans, broken '.-it cup shredded encoanut 4 cups corn flnkes Crcnm butter and sircars, add rttfr and beat well, stir In nuts, coconmit and corn flakes. Drop onto srofiscd rookie sheet, alinplnn with a round bowled table spoon, lliikn In a moderate oven (350 dearees V.) for about 10 minutes. Yield: 2',i dozen cookies. suc:aki;i imiji, nuts 1 )ounrt shrlled brazil tiuls 1 pound smear h cup water Tut the brazil nu(n Into a heavy fry Iiir pan with sucnr and water and cook until the syrup forms the hard ball test In cold water. Itemovo from tho flro and work with a spoon until the mtKnr Kr mi In (os and sepn rales from tho nuts. Remove half the suuar and continue cook I nit nuts with the other half. When the brazil nuts hnvc taken up this suuar, add (he remainder. Utile by little, until It has all been taken up by the nuts. EDUCATIONAL UNIT MEETS AT MONMOUTH Monmouth The association for childhood education. Polk county unit, met at the Monmouth Train ing school December 4, New members who were invited into the association at institute time, were heartily welcomed by the president. Miss Rum McClure. It is the Intention of the organization to study mental hygiene in its dif ferent phases as applied to the prj- Remova from the fire and shake In a sieve until the nuts which stick together are separated. POTATO NUT BALLS Add chopped pecans to seasoned mash ed sweet potatoes, form Into balls or croquettes Roll In corn flakes. then Into nllRhtly beaten etrit and again In corn flakes. Pry In hot. deep fat (about 380 degrees P.) until brown. Drain on brown paper or paper towel and servo hot. mary child and mucht ime was de voted to the discussion of the year's work. The next meeting which will be held January 8 will have a well known authority on the above sub ject as the principal speaker. Mr. Good of the Oregon Normal school appeared In two violin solos. Miss Clara Augusta Trotter sum marized her attendance at Harvard in an especially interesting talk in cluding many historical places she visited. ARNETT FAMILY LEAVES Dever Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ar nett and children have returned to their home in California after a visit of two weeks with relatives In this district. Arnett Is a brother of Mrs. William Hoefer of Dever and George Arnett of Plainview. Aumsville Mozart Tappin has joined the U. S. army and has been sent to San Francisco, Calif., for training. 1S1 with Wheat A Vitalizing Cereal ( Al'ITAl. JOURNAL WANT ADS SATISFY THE WANTS Economical Use one LEVEL teaspoonful to a cup of flour for most recipes. Dependable Scientifically made by baking powder SPECIALISTS to produce beBt results. KG BAKING POWDER Same Price Today as 44 Years Ago 25 ounces for 25c You can also buy An 11 10 ounco can for XOO XUll If ounce can for IS Doable -Tested Doable-Action mm Produce Features Salem's Leading Produce Depts. Friday and Saturday Specials BAHAMAS Golden Ripe Fruit, lb 5 Potatoes Yakima No. 2s, 50-lb. bag.. These Potatoes are extra fine quality and very smooth for No. 2a Grapefruit Ploridas Size 64 Finest Grapefruit grown! CHANGES $1J9 L ii'gc size Navels, half case. Now Is the time to get your Christmas supply of oranges PEAES doz. Here is something different from what you usually get. These cornice Pears are usually shipped, not sold here. Try a dozen of these wonderful pears! Cranberries creson nuv;.,. a ib JM- Avoeadoes Cut from young and tender beef Cut from choice young beef Tenrtor and juicy Schilling i'e p p c ! of fine pepper nq after the as yone. The fla vor lingers A bite h, Borden FRIDAY FROLIC COLUMBIA - DON LEE NETWORK FLAPJACK I " m ju, 29c I "raTXS" 9Q mdkm "" Kl fi to S lb. averaire N'ice and loan lOci 25c 1 1 r iViim" J''l:ir li&tt:T--"' CORN MEAL Eastern, 9-lb. bag CATSUP Ruby, largo 14-os. bottle HOT SAUCE Monte Rio, 3 cans CALUMET Bakinct Powder, lb. can y best t. In bulk the very best Pill Pickles Firm and Crisp New Crop Fresh Ground Beef No water or cereal 10c lb. Don't Forget It Pays to Buy at Pay'n Takit Because You Get Quality and Reasonable Prices OlcLdi: Boston says: IB-.- M umi vArw 1 OLD MR. BOSTON III IUHI. IRC, OlIIIUMI. I0IT0R, Mill. J'KEE: Send or Bar under Quidt absolutely . r Peacock, No. 10 bag Pancake Flour Blue Seal, No. 10 bag SYRUP Log Cabin. Med. size ran. Thompson Seedless, 4 lb. bag' JELLO Assorted flavors. 2 Pkgs Salad Dressing est" Feeds, full QW Van Cnmp-: Tomato, can.. Snowfiako, : lS&h& Food Libby's, an mnovalion in baby food. 3 cans. 2 &Q FOOD as I Calo. can jjj? 47c 42c ' 22c 11c Carnation Wheat A vitalizing cereal, rich anil Nourishing Large Pkg RINSO Washing Powder, 2 large Pkgs.. MATCHES A full 6-box cartoon The Baker :irl will appear n person K'vinp nit samples at ur store, corner Jonrt and Com mercial from 2 lo 3 p. m. and it D35 S. Com mercial St.. be tween 4 and 5 p. m.- Saturday. BAKER'S PRODUCTS Cocoa, Baker's nreakfiut, -b. can 9c Cocoa nut, Baker's Premium, '4 lb. Pkjr f)e Cocoanut, Baker's Southern Style, can 12e Chomhtr, Baker's Premium, 4 lb. cake I!)e Candy Bars, Baker's Chocolate, 3 for 10c Rcjr. Size Pkir, Swansdown CAKE FLOUR and a complete Cake Set (Totnl value $1.25 ALL FOR 89c Trie Family Circle Ask for your copy GROCERY PRICES ineeipp Hillsdale Broken Slices Large No. 2'o can Libby's 8-oz. Tidbits, can 6c 15c SUGAE FLOUR Pure Cane Fine Granulated 25 lbs- $1.24 10 is. 50c Blue Seal Hardwheat Every sack guaranteed 49 lb. sack $1.79 OYSTERS 2 21c PEANUTS ib-iQc Cake Set includes cake pan, mix- inc pan, 4 measuring spoons, SAT. TO MON. spatila, measurinR cup. cake tea- to w ,nCt tit. nwu jniuc Hiiu uuuii. UUUK. Peels Orange or Lemon New crop Snowdrift Sealed air-tight pail 22C lb. 3-lb. Pail Tifh rVr onem m kith. Am'I let ih barptt pta roo 49c Clams Warrington No. 1 can each WALDORF TISSUE fa A real value, roll S. 0. s. The perfect scouring pad, 8 for. BROOMS A ffti 4-sew, ee IVORY SOAP Medium bars, each. 24$ 24$ 21C m Coffee Airway always fi'esh 1 m 9Sc 39c 25c Two Stores 935 S. Commercial and Cor. Court nnd Commercial Chocolates HoMtlay Drlish;. 5-:h. box . Fancy Creams 2 lbs. Chocolate Drops 2 lbs i i a dbLLJLOLiU, ('nr. Court nnd Commercial n c c c C ) c