SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1934 9 Life Is The Greatest Of All Riddles - All Of Us Are Compelled To Give It Up. CapitalJlJournd j Phone I 4681 "Cap" will call for your advertisement CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES: Rale per word: Olio Inser lion 2 cents: three Insertions 5 cents; one week 8 cents; one month 25 cents; minimum per ad 25 cents. Ads may be placed by telephone but no allowance for 'phone errors. Want ads must be in by 10 a. m. day of publication. Real Estate and Auto ads by 1 p.m. day previous to publication. FOR SALE HOUSES if ROOM modern houso, choice loca- t inn, uau xim "dd.t. WOMTC BARGAINS ! ft"300 Large five room plastered bun-! galow with full cement basement, furnace, garage, This property Is in excellent condition. Easy terms. Lo cated at 10GG Highland Ave. ir,oo Attractive five room plastered " bungalow, located at 1362 Plaza St West Salem. Lots of house for the money, easy terms. 4000. Large brick home, modern with hot water heat, hardwood floors, flrenlace. located at 345 Bellevue St. A WONDERFUL VALUE. 1000 down t685o! Attractive Court St. home 8 nice rooms, hot water heat, auto matic oil burner, large lot, double uaragc, close In. Prlco recently cut in half for IMMEDIATE SALE. Must be all CASH. SEE US FOR Bargains. v H GRABENHORST fc CO., Realtors i-u s Liberty St. Prior..) 6468. a28l' B75 LIVING room, bedroom, kitchen, nook, bath, toilet, garage and pav ing in good condition. 9100 down. too Cottage type home. 5 rooms, bath. Garage, paving, close to bus and school. $100 down. $1500. Bungalow, comb, living and dining room, basement, garage and paving. $150 down. ft'MOO Neat 5-room bungalow, mod ern'thruout, close to bus ond school 00 down. $1750 A fine 5-room stucco home, ex cellent location. Modern in every $1750.' English style home, oak floor In living ana uimng iwib, .v drain boards, large nook, bed room, bath and shower downstairs, 2 large bedrooms, toilet and lavatory up stairs, large lot, double garage. $7a0 MEL V IN JOHNSON, 725 Court St. Phone 3723 aj veva RAt.rc Beautiful English type home of hol low tile construction, stone-tone ex terior 7 large cheerful rooms. 2 sets Plumbing, 2 lots with several large oak trees. For sale at $6000, which is oiH'-nalt value, lerms can u miaii&cu CHILDS & MILLER. Realtors 341 State St. Phone 6708. ft FOR SALE FARMS 5 ACRES, all in fruit but neglected, lo Acres. Hazel Green, new house. Easy terms. n jo Acres, all In cultivation. Small house. 91750. Ensy terms. IJ inrne till Mri llltfS S120Q. TCmlS. Moiiev to Loan We write Insurance Uich L. Rclmann, 107 S. liitfn Phone 8632 b281 v utir irti wT?riM nnifn.T HOUSE 4 acres, walnuts set In, logans, good pasture, PINE STREAM, nice building spot with trees. 81800. SOCOLOFSKY & SON 1st Nat'l. Bank Bldg. b282 HERE'S YOUR CHANCE To buy a good 5 acres all In bearing orchard, small house, drilled well. lo cated only 314 miles out on Pacific liiKhwny, Prli 3 $1250 cash. See W. H. GRABENHORST 6s CO. 134 S. Liberty St. b281 FOR SALE Miscellaneous CANARIES. Choice singers from Reg. elock. White and colors. Ph. 3152. 635 Belmont St. c281 FOR SALE: Westinghouse Automatic Electric stove, cheap. Phono 4666. c283 ETjmTI.ANn NIIRSRRY Good healthy stock, fruit and nut trees. Snlesyard at 240 center ou. a. J. Mathls, prop. Phone 0820. c284 MAN'S BIKE $10. or pullets. Jack Ba ker. Rt. 3. BOX 51. C282 USED Furnace for sale or trade for wood. 765 S. Liberty St. cam kithhen cabinet. Axminster rug, chandelier. 583 S. 16th. C282J JOE'S Barber Shop. Haircuts 26c. c303 TIATRPTITS Ifin 30r 303 South Win ter St. C302 BAntns Fnn. sale $G9,50 7-tube Philco Midget ,..$21.50 $110 7-tubo Crosicy Cabinet ...$22.50 $157.50 11 -tube 1S34 all-wave Philco $79.50 $178 8-tube Edison cabinet ....$32.50 $124.50 10-tube 1934 Zenith ...$79.50 $308 10-tubc radio phonograph comb $70.50 Terms on any of above $o down, yc Monthly. Geo. C. Will Music Store. c281 DELICIOUS Apples 35c box, boxes. Gilbert Farm Co. Eola. LET US recover your davenport. New patterns, neat workmanship. EubanKs Upholster Shop. 454 Ferry. Pb 4724. WE SELL, rent, repair and swap cash registers, adders, typewriters. Type writer Ex. 480 Court. o' KOH LIVESTOCK ONE Fresh Cow, two springers, 519 N. Front. e283 ARRIVED Nov. 19. load of good farm chunks, mated and single horses, 1200 to 1000 lbs. Guaranteed as rep resented. S. Palmer, prop 1900 North Commercial, Barn on River St. e381 HORSES! HORSE9I HORSES! Hnv, on hand half a car load of horses, weights from 11 to n. age from 5 to 10. Some well mated teams and lots of single horses. WIU sell cheap to make room for new carload coming In. Can be seen at Kapphahn Construction Barn, Commercial at Belmont. C2B2 fresh COW. I hays no vise for her gC2 North 14th. C283 KOH SALE WOOD FOR GOOD WOOD call Burgoyne. Phoni 726J 865 Hood street. ee300 16.INCH old fir 5; 4-foot ash S4.75. Phone 9785. ee303 BONE dry mlllwood Reasonable. Phone 3274. ee300 Wood ran smith . 48F14. ee293 Guaranteed seasoned wood. Phone WOOD SAWING, phone 7437 Mccracken. Tele ec280 W'OOD: Planer trimmings and lecond troith Cobbs & Mitchell Co.. 349 8 th Bt. Phons 1443. FOR SALE WOOD DRY WOOD that Is dry. Ph. 113P.S3. CCHOi ALL KINDS wood and coal. Also vac uum furnace cleaning. OreKon rue) Co 14th and Mill Phone 4150. DRY WOOD, old fir second growth, screened hos fuel. Fred E. Wells. ee- SHED dry wood and coal. Salem Fuel Tol tinoo Trade & Cnttage ee FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED HELP WIN 92,250.00 Can you make 5 three letter words ustug the letters In the word "PARA MOUNT?" Rush your answer to Par amount Products, Inc., Dept. 6, Des Moines, Iowa, and you will get op portunlty to win $2260.00. g28 1 MAKE money copying names, address es for mall oredr firms, spare time, experience unnecessary, no canvass ing. Write. United Advertising, 1114 DeKalb Avenue, Brooklyn. N. V. g281 , ADDRESS envelopes at home, pare : time: 85 to 825 weekly. Exoerleuce un necessary. Dignified work. Send stamp for particulars. Hawkins, Dept. 012. Box 75, Hammond, Ind. g281 LADY COOK. Small confectionery. Must do good cook. Box 361 Capital Journal. g282 HAVE part time 1ob for man or wom an with car, supervising boy sales for leading woman's magazine. Must have best character references and give bond. Address, giving phone number, write Mr. Kralg. care Hotel Senator. WANTED SITUATION BIG furniture Auction Tuesday 1 p. m. 444 N. Winter. Russ Woodry, auc tioneer. Phone 3686. 1.2B2 WANTED Housekeeping. Experienced. Phone 61F13. h201 WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED to Rent, farm of 100 acres or more, prerer silverton or Ht. Angel district. Write, giving full particulars, location, rental, etc. Aaaress dox aou Capital Journal. 1281 WANTED: Walnut meats, anv auanil ty, anytime. State Cafeteria. 1208 TURKEYS wanted, live or dressed, Phone 13HF2. Lee's Hatchery. FOR RENT for RENT 324 acre stock and grain farm. CO acres spring plowed. 100 till able; 6 room house, barn 60x40. wov en wire fence, spring and well. School and cream route i miles aionmouui. Finn for sheen and turkeys. Lots of grass. 8350 cash. Guy Demlng, Mon- moutn, ore iff VAN OR 3 DEL ADts. 1710 No. Cnpltol. Three rooms modern furnished. J 1135 North Capitol St $32.50. 1840 Nebraska St., furnished $22.50. P H. BELL. 202 Oregon Bldg. Phone 8121 J281 FARMS FOR RENT 106 Acres, crop rent. 35 acres, clec. lights, city water. Falls City. Some crop. S150 per year. Rich L. Rclmann. 167 S High Phone 8G32 J281 LARKIN REALTY CO. 109 S. Commercial St. Phone 5470 10 Acres, S-room furnished house In cluding electricity for only $15. 2-room furnished Apt. close In. J281 FURNISHED house, N.- Capitol $18. Used furnace for sale cheap. 411 N Summer. J281 COUNTRY Home for rent. W, A. Roth, Route 6, J282 STORE"bullding 23x00 with largo liv ing room. Inquire 2585 Portland Rd. J282 FOR RENT 8-room house, 875 N. 20th. street, $25. Call 3181. J285 FOR KENT 7-rooms. modern. Fair mount Hill, furnished or unfurnished. CHAS HUDKINS. Phone 9404 J281 FOR RENT furnished modern house, $22.50. 1178 N. Commercial St. Ref, required. hMa ai ausn irusi. u. jqj COZY small bungelow, furnished, $15. 1235 North 16th. Phone 3940. J281 SMALL furnished Apt. 1411 State. J' FARMS for rent Sale Trade. Oregon Land Co, Pacific highway, Woodburn. Oregon. J283 DREAMLAND furnished oottagee. Ga rage 18 per mo. I" PIANOS. Phonographs and sewing machines Tor rent H. L. 8UIJ Furni ture CO. ROOM AND BOARD GOOD ROOM Ss BOARD Reasonable. 1H blocks from statehouse. 360 North Capitol JJ28" ROOMS, board, steam heat, near state house. Phone 9360. J ROOM, BOARD, garage $20. 1445 Oak. LOST & FOUND BROWN and White female wirehalr terrlor. Finder please call 31(8. Re- PERJJONAL X-TEX. America's foremost system of feminine hygiene. 1.98 and W.45 complete. Col Mrs Loomis, hotel 4120- Marion 1281 MISCELLANEOUS HOLLYWOOD Furnlturo Store to move, store ciooes uv . m282' REAL ESTATE , . . .,.,. dpii tv cn inn B. Commercial St Phone 5470 Salem's BEST Suburban W 4-room house, 8 acres In fruit, 1 acre filberts, deep well water, Some terms, '"' ?"' ". . snverton road, garage home, good burn orchard. This 5 . heautv soot, and for only 1950. mm 40 ACHE hill ranch ',, mne iroiii Coast hlghwny, good spring, and tlm S. MnriSuta if 500. Will sell equity ? Sri 4ooo. Sale 12U0 Exchange equity for uicui . it. Vattiss ntrnpnt Neat .J; V,." mAnth. 1wn OI S1UU UBfouiv S',S'h HiBh Phone 9678. n2Bl om&d nnmK HOMB Only 4 blocks out In good condition, hot water heat, nice basement, hard 5.T S, extra well built. Prlco A4000- giooo down, bal. terms at B S4UUU. siww m , month. SEE US AT ONCE. THIS PROPERTY 1S4 8. Percy o.. rvj - morti TN FOR CASH Fly? a"res located only 3(4 m llsa out on main Pacific highway, excellent o. cation 3-room house, garage. Price Wb&OTJCO, Realtor; 134 a, jjioetty 0". .,-,-i.Tll BnnHPt. ClOflB IH tlOm Sws jfc acre or more with w Eiec it.g-n, Ph ftlM n EXCH A NGE Real Estate - tin.i. glectrlcltr, Snd "hade, good W.S buildlngi. trearn. good eol .47 acres cultivation, v otj.o 'Us.rhif5 lariter will exchange for iomethini larger. Must be good. A TORKNER 1853 W. Capitol anasi Reputable Salem firms with guaranteed servi: m DIRECTORY AUTO BRAKES Utke Panok, 376 8outB Commercial, o AUTO REPAIRING Bran's Auto Service. 340 a. High, o BICYCLES LLOYD E. RAMSDEN. bllce accessor lee and bicycles. 143 8. Liberty. o' DENTIST DR. E. DAVIS, 201 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 7133. O303- ELECTRICAL SERVICE BOSLER Electric. 346 State St, Wir ing, motors, appliance, repairs, serv- ENGRAVING Salem Photo Engraving, 147 N Com'l. Phono 5887. o FLORIST Lutz Flowers. 1276 N. Liberty. Phone 9592 anytime. .. o3oa Brelthaupt'a. Dial 6904. MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING Company, 4009. PLUMBING PLUMBING and general repair work. Phone 0594. Graber Bros.. 154 South THEO. M BARR, Plumbing, heating, sheet metal works, 1S4 a Commercial street. EXCHANGE Real Estate FOR EXCHANGE A well located 7-room house with basement to exchange for a 4 or 5- Also a 6-room home and a close in timber acreage to exchange for a bet ter home. see Chas. Vick with W.H. GRABENHORST & CO.. Realtors 134 3. Liberty St. Phone 6468. nnasi- EXCHANGE r-nmfnrfnhl fl-room house on Fair- mount Hill, east front lot, large fir trees, fine view oi mountains mm city. Priced low at $6500. $4000 long time loan, low rate of Interest. Will accept smaller place as pare payment, i-n-m.ns a-. mii.LER Realtors 344 State St. Phono 6708. nn- AUTOMOBILES iaii c. h bv r or ,KT truclc. long wheel' base. A-l. Frank Ston, Woodburn, Oregon. qioJ Wl"iN sTS'FHEI .K USKn CARS 1932 Ford Coupe V-8 $435 1932 Ford Coach V-8, new olr wheel tires 475 1932 Ford Sport Roadster, 4-cyl- irificr nlr wheel tires 375 1933 Chevrolet Coupe, a real buy 545 1920 Chevrolet Sedan 235 Minn Riilnlc nonch 375 1926 Bulck 4-passenger 85 1929 Hupmoblle Sedan 6-cylin- dcr, 6 wheels 350 1928 Hupmoblle Sedan, 8 -cylinder 250 1932 Plymouth Coach 399 1929 Studebaker Sedan, fl wheels 265 1923 StudebaKcr uoupe an 1926 Franklin Sedan 195 1928 Dodge Coupe Uo TRUCKS 1920 Chevrolet l'(,-ton, stake body 175 1930 Dodge 3-ton Long wheel base, 34x7 duals 250 1929 Dodge 2-ton. Long-wheel base, 34x7 duals 450 1931 Ford l'i-ton truck 250 BONESTEELE BROTHERS, INC. 391 Chemeketa 4444 Salem, Oregon Visit our used car lot for real bar gains q2fli McKAV'S TIRF.n CARS Pontlac Sedan 76 Paige Sedan, new tires 85 Star 6 Sedan JB 30 Willys Sedan 225 29 Chcv. Coupe 245 30 Chcv. Sport Roadster 285 30 De Soto Sedan 295 29 Chrysler Sedan 345 31 cnev. uoacn w 32 Ford V-8 Coupe 7. 395 32 Chev. Coupe 445 32 Chev. Coach. Trunk 405 32 Chcv. Sedan 495 31 Bulck Sedan 485 33 Chcv. Conch 605 33 Chev. Sedan 586 TERMS - - Open Evenings and Sundays McKAY C. H RV ROLET CO. 333 Center Phone 3189. 430 N. Coml. VALLEY MOTOR CO. TTREn HARS AND TRUCKS 1934 Ford Spt. Coupe. 5000 miles $360 1033 Ford DeLuxe Coupe 545 1932 Ford Dc Luxe Coupe 445 1932 Ford B Model Coupe 385 1930 Pontlac Spt. Coupe 285 1931 Ford DeLuxe Roadster 205 1933 Ford DeLuxe Sedan 685 1933 Ford V-8 Coach 545 maa ForH V-B Poach, exchange motor lou loan Chevrolet Sedan 310 1928 Franklin Sedan 285 192B Hudson Q Sedan iua 1D2B Packard 6 Sedan 275 192S Hudson Q Sedan 85 19115 Dodge 4 Sedan 65 TRUCKS 1033 Ford S.W. Base $495 1932 Ford L.W. Base 425 1928 Ford, Dual tires 175 1929 Ford S.W. Base 165 1931 Ford Gravel dump 350 1929 Dodge Gravel dump 400 1927 Ford, dual tires 45 Marion & ijioerty Open Sundays. Tel 7910. 0,282 GOOD VALUES IN NEW and USED CARS '34 STUDE COMMANDER $1083 4 -door seuan, run less man 2000 miles. $175 off regular nrice. "34 STUDE DICTATOR 6 885 4-cioor seuan, run less man 3000 miles. '34 TERRAPLANE 6 DcLUXE ....000 urana new, never on snow room floor. Trunk and special paint lob. We have cut the mice $85. 30 PACKARD LIGHT 8 795 4-door sedan, orana new six ply tires, Original finish like near Perfect mechanically. '34 FORD 2-PASS. COUPE 626 Heater, 2 W.S. swipes, ior light, chrome wheels, eir wheel type tlro 33 CHEV. TOWN SEDAN 675 DeLuxe model. 8 wire wheels, trunk, mechanically A-l, Orlg inni finish like new '30 REO 4-DOOR SEDAN 450 rir.T.nv rtinrlM '30 HUPMOBILE 8 SEDAN $50 Kari-Keen trunk, new paint, Ulntnr nrnrhftll Iprl '30 DE SOTO 4-DOOR SEDAN ... 205 New paint, good tires. Many others from which to choose tag ana up STATU MOTORS INC. HUDSON STUDEBA KER PACKARD 62S Chemeketa Open Evenings and Sundays. USED TIRES We have the largest supply of Uned Tires In the County. ACME AUTO AND TRUCK WRKCKERS 430 S. Com'l. St. Salem, Ore. 0280 (BD WANT ADS read v'Zkzmm ; , arte. fry Journal want aqs A Phone Call Brings Immediate Response RADIATORS Radiator repairing and defining. J. O. pair. 4 jo outdo acroM. O RADIO SERVICE MOORE'S, 805 N. High. Ph. 71193. o290 STOVES AND FENCE REPAIR stoves, ranges, circulators. Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and circulators. Pence: posts. R. B. Fleming. 263 Chemeketa. TRANSFER LARMER Transfer. Storage. P. 3131. o WATER COMPANY OREGON-WASHINGTON Water Ser vice company. Office comer Com- mereiaj ana xraae street, duu link able monthly Phone 4101. WELL DRILLING 107a Highland Ave. AUTOMOBILES GUARANTEED RECONDITIONED USED CARS Priced for Quick Sale. Look them over. 1934 PLYMOUTH SIX COACH ..$595 Duplate Safety Glass. 1933 PLYMOUTH DeLuxe R.S. COUPE. Free wheeling, au tomatic clutch, air wheels . .$505 1933 DODGE Four-door SEDAN. .$695 Just like new. man nn Rrrrn six POTm-TVOR. SEDAN 02D lOafl RTTTHK RUMBLE SEATED COUPE $-395 1929 OLDSMOBILE BUSINESS coupe enaD TERMS - TRADES W. L. ANDERSON. INC. DeSoto and Plymouth Motor Care Salem Phone 7703 Oregon. q281' FIN ANCIAI, -LOANS LOANS: Money for real estate loans on city or iarm property. (HAH flODB Vtt Miller's Store Bldg. r284 FINANCIAL HELP For Your WINTER NEEDS if monev is needed to oav old bills, purchase fuel or clothing, consult us. These are typical needs for which we loan up to 930(1. uome in, write or -pnone BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY Room 119 New Bllgh Bldg. 618 State Phone 3740 Salem License No. 8-122 FEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS Room a Ladd & Bush Bank Bids. r3l8 AUTOMOBILE LOANS LOW RATES - - - LONG TERMS INVESTIGATE P A EIKER STATE LICENSE M-157. r288 fi tm -FARM LOANS 6 Plenty of money for well improved fnrnu It amply secured. Improve or buy now with cneap money ask iw booklet "Willamette valley Farms, Hawklnp ind Roberts tno fl CITY LOANS 6 Sft oer month Der B1000. dIus Interest. Modern homes, well toc&ted. Straight loans at slightly nignex raw. Hawkins s Roberts AUTOMOBILE AND CHATTEL LOANS 1 to 20 months to repay at lowest possible rates GENERAL FINANCE CORP. A local cnmorntlon 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phons 8658 License no a-iaa FOR FARM loans, both federal land bank and commissioner. Bee Delano, 290 North Church BS-XMAS MONEY SS It won't be long now. Shop early ah loans quick ana conuaenutu, No security or endorsers STATE T.OAN CO. 212 Ore. Bldg. Lie. by St. S-16S. r BUSINESS Opportunities WOODYARD, TRUCK, SAW, est. 4 yrfl. S30U. 3 Pump Station, lo gal. rent, equip- Dcd. atock. 8350. UKANT OU UOUIT Bt. UatU MODERN equipped restaurant on Pa cific highway near Salem. Nothing to buy, walk right in and start to work. Low overhead. 81500: $350 will handle, Dandy place for man and wife, Box 305 Capital Journal. U281 Continuation of Plot To Loot Prum Page One president and W. A. Pairley was named treasurer. The Abraham Lincoln Life insur ance Co.. has assets of $13,000,000 and outstanding policies totalling $70,000,000. State Insurance Com missioner Ernest Palmer, who took immediate charee of Its assets, an nounced it had lost no money and was in excellent financial condition, The state's attorney said Sanders confessed that ho was the tool of a gang that hoped to make away witn vinuauy an oi we company assets. - . Baiata, Barry and Karatz alrendy were charged with theft of $54,000 from the Amalgamated Trust and Savings banks of Chicago. Sanders and Van Derek had not been formally accused of a crime. The conspiracy was made possioie by the fact that the Abraham Lin coln company recently was reorgan ized under a new management, Sanders and Lindqulst were ap pointed at that time. Sanders con lessen, according to Thompson and Hcaly, that he plot ted with Karatz and others to buy controlling interest In the Insur ance company and In the Indian apolis banks with money obtained by cashing Bpurious checks on the Insurance company. They inaucea Van Derek, clerk In the Amalga mated bank, to help them. They had agreed to pay $400,000 for the company, and made a $25,000 first oavment. After gaining control of the com pany, according to Thompson and Hcaly, Sanders and his associates planned to flood the portfolios of the concern with stolen ronas, which they hoped to buy from crim inals at 10 and IS cents on the dol lar, selling them to the company at far value. The Indianapolis bank were to :L t irth. Ih. rinlMi hnnri v..w -v.. .scheme. (Continued from Page 5) Bob Anderson, Raj Bowman, Jack Simp son, Kenneth Wood, Gardener Stout, Frank Harris, Everett Qarry, Laurence Nunnencamp, Jim Dab, Dan Baptist, Leonard Rutherford, Ford Robinson, Don Ericsson, otto Wilson, Jr., Tyrus uiuwar, Kenneth Hansen, Malcolm Jones. John Robinson .Beymour Feathers, John Ross, Winlthrop Henderson. Binham Powell, Dick Lucke, BUI Noel, Harlan Moe, John Snell, Bob Rosa and Oeome Lloyd. Alpha Phi Alpha will preside at a beautifully appointed formal using blue and silver as a color scheme. The room will be decorated as an old fashioned garden with clever arrangements of moss, ferns ana wishing wells. The programs will be of blue and silver. Patrons and patronesses will be Professor and Mrs. E. S. 'Oliver, Philharmonic To be Presented Here On Friday, HE SALEM Philharmonic Symphony orchestra will open Its third season under the baton or Jacques Gershkovltch witn a concern on uvidnv. rifipember 14. Rehearsals are beine held regularly in preparation for the concert and a difficult program, including Mozart's Symphony in O Minor and Brahm's Overture, has been arranged. It has been the opinion of some tnat tnesev .: , . SSiSrS tn advanced for the.chestra over a nation-wide broad- young musicians, but one has only to attend rehearsals once or twice to realize the understanding tnese vntinor folk eive to the masters. They do not lack the ability or the enthusiasm but tney ao wck in struments. Through the kindness of the University or Oregon instru ments includinir the French horn. bassoon and English horns, have been loaned to the orchestra. It is hoped that a fund will be started soon by the local organization for the purchase of additional instru ments. Mr. nershkovitch will conduct the Portland Junior Symphony or- 25th Anniversary Celebrated Silverton One oi the most nhnrminir social affairs of the sea son with scores of friends and rel atives as guests, was tne surprise reception m honor or ine Mm wea dinir anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reiling Wednesday evening at the hall of cne pnnsn or ot. TJfliil's njit.hnlic church. Associate hostesses for tne event were Mrs. William Rue, Mrs. Otto Schwab. Mrs. Frank weyer, Mrs. a is stokx. Flolse Schwab. Mrs. Ross Jenkins. Mrs. Robert Welton of Mt. Angel, Mrs. Bam Klein ana Miss Rose Adelman of oervais. The laree hall was lovely in dec orations of white and shimmering silver. Silvery butterflies were used effectively among the tall baskets of white chrysanthemums. The buf fet table was centered witn a wiae bouquet of white chrysanthemums rinnVaH hu fall ivnrv taners held in -nthcrtrnl candelabra. A large while cake, placed on a silver plate, deco rated with silvered leaves ccmtira the bridal table with tapers in sll vir Jiolders and small bouquets of white flowers for each guest ar ranged effectively. Mrs. wiumm Rue made the cake, mock ceremony was arranged In which Dr. A. K V. Smith was tua minister. Henrv Zollner acted as best man. He was best man at the original wedding 25 years ago. Mrs. Schwab was brae s main, uui era of the wedding pan were Frank Cannard of oervais, Bobby McCullough, bearer of the double rinna which in reality were hand cuffs, Patty McCullough as flower girl and W. Stirber as custodian of the law. Additional guests at the bridal table were Mrs. tsmiin, mm. Cannard, Mr. Schwab and Father John Dunn. . ffiffc was nresented Mr. ana airs Reiling by Father Dunn from the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Reiling re sponded to the presentation. The guest group onerea luruiw vu.. gratulations. Thnmu Rellln? and Helen Bour knnTini. Kr married at Woodburn n,, hv resided in the Silverton community pracucany -" married life. They nave one uu n...i n nt Dnrtlnnri. Oue'nU IncliuM Mr. mid Mr. W1 inK. Mm. K. -l aannr. m,. '" "'" HftBslnif. Mr. nna m, dci, ind Mrs. Ohnrlcn Ullmnn. nil from Ml. . , ... if wnnlr cnnnara. Mt nd Mr. Perrr BeclT. W ma """, a.,... Mr nd un. William Lclth ol tlrrvnU. Mr and Mr. OHO Schl. Mr. ... ... anri Mr. Harvey smith. Mr- "d Mr. Ororae and Alfred. Pean ana uon.iu. if " -. n.. . .... Ariiinr tlratfr. AniirlF u. '..1 v k B. veatherlll, Mr, and Mri. W. Sllrter. Mr. and Mm. A. W Cole. a, Biher LarHiTt. Red Jen- klm. Mr. and Mr. Henrr D'"r' E"i stirber. Dr. ana Mri. u. v. " Rr . and Dr. A. E. Wrlaht man. Jr . Mr. and Mri. rred 3. Hadlaan. u. ..i t n itehnelder. Mr. and Mra Tonr DeSantU and Bob. Mr. and Mra. ' lI -A Mr and Mr,. In! T0f urcuiiouan ana a.".,ni. readal. Mr. ana Mrs. t.uii Lrcn,..., .... Am.n. Mr. and Mrs. T. J Miller. Mr. and MM. Pred J. Schwab. Violet Herlaatad, J. O. Faaaenatab. . b,-. v.V. M J Kreutt. Orvllli Schwab, Mri. A. L. DeRrke and Marnaret and Blta. Helen Lambert, jonanna wn,,. VnK .T.nkin.. Carl RelllDK. Fred Stir. ... trt A K. fttnlcx and Jerrr. Mr. ana Mr,. F. ja. r-owru. m....n,. Powell. Elolse Schwab, Mr. and Mr,. J. .. , uMrfh,,m. iff and Mra. Adelman, Oettau. Mr. and Mri. Bob Wei ton. Mt. Anael, Claire Kibbler and An. ,t,7n. Ratlin. Woodburn. Harmond Be. auln. r. Adelman. and Ho,e Adelman. o-trail. Mr. and Mra. Albert Bellini am ur .nrt Mr. flreenrT nelllnK Oi Wood burn, John and Joseph Oatflte and Mr. ana Mra. joaepn eiiii tn,,. M.. ar n Mlrkel. Mr. and Mra. D. Edner. Mr. and Mra. O. J. Oewald. Dr. and Mra. H. P. B. Sehlerbaum. Mr. net Mr. Charlet Bochler. Mr. and Mra Albert Buckler. Mr. and Mra. K. Sehar. t,ark Mr. and Mra. H ollner. A. D. Bour. bonnala. Harold Bourbonnala, Herman schwsb. Hru d. Brost. Mr. Anti, Mr nd Mrs. Lawrence Re lint. Woodburn. RoM L Keth 0crval8, Mr, ana Urs. a i. echmidt, scom miu. Professor and Mrs. W. C. Jones and Mrs. Charles Breck. Members lneludo the Misses Elva Behon, Margaret Howerton, Ruth Yocom. Helen Peterson, Ruth Johnson. Betty aalloway. Anoka Coates, Sydney Hannalord. Loratne SheldOD, Dorothy MacDoiiald. Betty Mao Donald, Rachel Yocom, Eleanor Yarnes, MarearHe Rudd, Winifred Pulman. Jean Mnrm. Piillur Bdvthe Qlalsyer. June DaUren, Pauline Sloper. Mildred Dinner, Josephine Anderaou. EsUier An derson. Lunelle Ohapin. Helen Knltht, UnMi 1-WiT.atin. T.nrn. ArikiilBOll. Edith OrOM. Louise Buck. Betty Taylor and Hilda Crawford. Tlmv hovt Invited &s escorts Al Pietlla, Paul Hauscr. Steve Anderson, Frank Ttp- mn Rnv Griffith. Don Reed. Lutnan Nye, Jay Putnam. Chester inakeep, Wayne DouKhton. Ed McWayne. BUI Bush. Jack Bush. Ned Tllden. Dick Welsgerber. Pete McCann, Olven Bowe. Louis Turner. BUI Mosher. Stewart Poster, Fred Burch, McEldo'wney and Vernon Rhode. Concert December 14 cast this evening at 9 o'clock. It will be the first concert of the winter season for the group. The Dcrsonnel of the Philhar monic orchestra includes tne ioi lowing: First violin, Dalbert Jep- sen. concert master: Irene Morley Frank, Barbara Powers, Margaret Savage, Marian Chase, Mabelle Lll burn, Dorothy Borrego, Eldon New berry, Maxine Good-enough, Ruth Hubbs, Elaine Steingrubbe, Jeanette Scott; second violin, Georgia Chllds, Elaine Sherman, itatnieen nroer, Ruthvn Thomas. Alice Chandler, Barbara Jones, Carol Potter, Patsy Schramm, Patsy Lee, Vinton Scott, Vernon Scott, Donald aeeicy, Wi nona Smith. Margaret ChadwicK, Marjorie McDowell. Viola, Mary Talmaage neaancn, Tyrus Hilway, Jay Teed; 'cello, Frank Tvler and Kenneth Robin son; bass, Esthcl Benner, Cecil Dea con; flute, Marjorie Broer ana Don ald Scott; oboe, Vernon Wisecarson and Raymond carl; ciannei, ljucy Klein and Julian Edwards; French horn. Cv Botts and Win Curry, bason, Violet Nelson; trumpet, Ev erett Gearv. Melvin Dunigan, Fred erick Broer, Oliver Glen; trombone, Bert Broer, R. jonnson ana joiui Laughlln; tympanl, Robert De prez drums, Jack Pollock; cymbals, Fla- via Downs. Mrs. Applewhite Entertains Club Kingwood The Laurel Social Hour club met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. A. L. Applewhite at her home on Cascade drive. At the business session a drawing of names for the unknown friend for the next vear was made, and it was de cided to hold brief dcvotionals to onen club meetings hereafter. Mrs. 1. b. Clcndon. Mrs. G. E. Vosburgh and Mis. E. A. Sharp were named to take charee of the annual Christ mas dinner, which is to be held De cember 18 at the home of Mrs. Bernard Benson on the Garden road and Mrs. A. L. Applewhite will be In charge of the entertainment on the same day. For the next meeting Mrs. Albert Beckman will entertain the matrons at the home of Mrs. Warren B. Baker with Mrs. J. B. Smith on the entertainment committee, Entertainment features for tne afternoon, presented by Mrs. L. B. McClendon, Included sketching of turkeys, the. best drawn by Mrs. D. A. Williams, a book game won by Mrs. J. B. Smith, readings bv Joyce McClendon, Mrs. Applewhite and Mrs. Mccienoon and musical novelty selections by Loren Vosburgh, in which he play ed two instruments and sang, At the coffee hour the hostess was assisted by Mesdames Comp- ton. Beckman and Baker. Guests present included Mrs. Ar thur E. Dalke and daughter, Joyce McClendon, Loren Vosburgh, Betty and Blllv Krcbs. Phyllis and Glen Gudorlan, and members present in cluded Mesdames Robert Hall, The odore Bernard, Edward Flnley, Car rie Jennings, Warren B. Baker, Eu gene Krcbs, Clarence A. Guerian, James B. Smith, Glenn L. Adams. Albert Beckman of Woodburn, Al E. Sharp, C. J. Jackson, David A. Williams, O. E. Vosburgh, h. B. Mc Clendon, Raymond Compton, E. W. Emmett and Avery L. Applewhite. a a Stayton Mrs. Celia Mcrti and Mrs. Agnes Reister were Joint host esses at the home of the latter Thursday evening for the young women's club. Four tables of "500" were In play with high score award, cd Mrs. Eleanor Stewart. Mra. Sally KilLtan received consolation. Tea was served by the hostess. GuosLs present were Mesdames Clara Dozlcr, Bertha Oehlen, Blanche, Scranton, Dor Dozler, Marie Dawes, Francis Betzel, Fran Walker, Alys Pooler, Arvilla Yoe man. Eleanor Stewart, Louisa Les ley, Marian Klecker, Ida Wourms, Sally Kllllan, Lucille Moorehead of Salem, Miss Hannah Bowley, Agnes Reister and cells Mens, Monmouth The Elkins' Women's club was pleasantly entertained by Mrs. J. V. Johnson at her rural home In the Elkins' community Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. h, N. Linderman presided over the lengthy business meeting which covered detail arrangements for 'the pie social to be sponsored by the club on the night of Decem ber 15, to provide funds for the operation of the hot lunches served at noon at the Monmouth training school. Mrs. F. Loughary, Mrs. R. O. Dodson and Mrs. Ira Ray were named as a committee to consult with a committee from the Luckia mute local, Farmers' Union, In re gard to graveling parking space at the school house. Mrs. J. v. jonn son was chosen secretary to supply the vacancy left by the resignation of Mrs. Dell Tedrow. The clubs quota of Christmas seals was taken in hand by the committee chairmen, as has been the custom of former years. The next meeting to be held early in December will' Include Yuletide features, and to which the presi dent, Mrs. Linderman, will be hostess. Miss Ina Fishback of Salem, a sister of Wednesday's hostess, was a visitor and members in attend ance included: Mrs. J. C. Wilson, Mrs. Percy Lamb, Mrs. Harold Elk ins, Mrs. O. R. Dodson, Mrs. A. F. Elkins, Mrs. Frank Loughary, Mrs. Ira Rav. Mrs. Joe Dunne, . Mrs. Lowell Fox, Mrs. Cleve Allen, Mrs. Fred SchoU, Mrs. L. N. Linderman, Mrs. Charles Bowman, Mrs. J. L. Nelson and Mrs N. A. Nelson. Dallas Announcement of the date for the wedding of Miss Jane Louzetta Holman and Harold Bev- ens of Newport was revealed this week when Mrs. Maniey Bevens en. terUtined with a dinner party In nnmnliment to Mrs. Douglas Wheel er and Harold Bevens, who cele brated their birthdays. The cere mony will take place on Thanks crfvinar dav at Newport. The table wa s attractively decorated with yellow chrysanthemums and fern. Covers were laid for Miss Holman, Mr. Bevens, Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. Agnes Stockwell and daughter Patricia and the host and hostess. Mt. Angel Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Schwab (Dolores Kruse) re turned from a three weeks' wedding trip to the south, visiting all the larger cities as far as Los Angeles. Mr Hehwnh Is associated in busi ness here with his father in the Pred Schwab Commission Co. and the voting couple will reside nere, where they have purchased a new home. Continuation of Purchase Building rrom Page One vicinity of where the Fry warehouse now stands. In fact. In a measure, the oia huUdins was the first state capitol in Salem. The structure was erected in 1856. The IcKislature started us ing a portion of it in 1857 and con tinued to use it umu mm wiwu tw present capitol was made available fnr its occuuancv during session times. The house used the tnua floor and the senate was on the sec ond floor. In nart of the second floor was a theater. The ground floor was used by the secretary or, state, trin state treasurer and by other state and some government of ficials. After the state abandoned use of Um structure the third floor was used for many years as a lodge hall with various lodges meeting there. In later years the upper part of the stricture has been used as a lodging house. For some years the ground floor was occupied by a grocery store, at the time one of the largest in Salem. . Mr. Bush also says the statement often made that the Holman build ing was the first brick Business block in the state is not correct. He says he believes it was the second. The first structure, he stated, was the Oriswoid building, Commercial and State streets now occupied by the Capitol hotel and a store building below. The Oriswoid building, he states was at first two stories high and in the second story was housed the newspaper owned and conducted by A. Bush. Along about 1861 the third floor was aded by Mr. Grls wold and at that time the structure looked practically the same as It does now. The records show that the Hol man building was assisgned to A. Bush and in 1878 was sold by the assignee to Oeorge H. and U H. Turner and Mrs. C. A. imvis, me Turners were founders of Turner, nnri Mrs. Davis was a sister. Transfer of the property now is try. outurowth of litigation in con- nection with the Davis estate and a mortnaae of $15,000 held on the pro perty against D. Samuels. Authority is given under a court order permit ting sale of the mortgage as a casn transaction. Thfl Drs. Prime who arc taking over the nronertv have not yet def initely determined Just what will be done with the property but it is un derstood there are plans to revamp and Improve it and make a modern structure out oi It. FIKKMAN MUSICAL Dedham. Mass. (LP) Between fire alarms, George E. Lovely of the Dedham fire department spends his time playing a harmonica. A year ago. Lovely was thrilling au diences in new Yorx, due. ne quit. the stage to Join the lire deport ment because he "gets a big kick out of fighting fires." RKMGION DRAMATIZED Durham, N. C. (LP) The develop ment of the religious life of the Hebrew people is the general theme of a scries of radio broadcasts Do ing given by the Religious Drama Guild of Duke university. OBITUARY Independence Kirk Scrafford. only son of the late Miirsholl Scrafford, died at the home of his mother on the Old Bcrairora piace innruij lomnnn utter a Iotih illness. Mr. Scral ford, who was seriously injured In ft fall about two years ago has been confined to his bed most of the time since, being cared for by his Immedi ate family. He was born In Buena Vis ta, April 30, 1876 and has lived prac tically alt his life in Polk county. He la survived by his mother, Mrs. Eliza beth Scrafford, two sons, Dale and Delrnar, and a daughter, Doris, of Sa . RADIO PROGRAMS SUNDAY, P.M. KGW 6-iO Kilocycles 2:09 Hoover Sentlneli 2:30 Radio Explorers Club 2:45 NBC 3:15 Eddie Elntt, pianlit 3:30 KBO 4:00 Martha Meara 4:15 Sarah Kreludler 4:30 Bakers Broadcast 5:00 NBC 8:00 Manhattan Merry -o-round 6:30 American Album 7:00 Hall of Fame 7:30 NBO Programs 10:00 News Plashes 10:15 Bridge to Dreamland 11:00 Studio 11:13 Bal Tabarln Orchestra SUNDAY, P.M. HEX 1180 Kilocycles 2:00 Orchestra 3:45 The Lutheran Hour 3:00 Catholic Hour 3:30 Varieties 4:00 Studio 4:30 Paul K. Hutchlnsoa 4:45 (Silent) 6:00 1st Ch. of Christ, Scientist 9:05 Book Chat 0:16 Portland Strlni Quartet 9:30 First Presbyterian Oholr 10:00 Rer. Willard H, Pope 11:00 Dance Frolic . SUNDAY KSLM 1310 Kilocycles 8:301:30 2:305:30 BIRTHS, DEATHS MARRIAGES K1RTHS .Tflfraiftnn Relatives here hare re ceived word this week of the arrival of a daughter November 17 at the home or Mr. ana bats, j&mes snactocs; (Muriel Thomas) at Oakland. Calif. The Infant has been named Patricia Ann, , , indQDenaenoe a aaugmer, sana Lorotta, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dotson at the home of the hitter's pnrents, Mr. and Mrs. A O. Byers November 12. Mrs. Dotson was formerly Miss Loretta Byers and was assistant in the dental office of Dr. M. J. Butler for a numoer oi years. Dotson is employed at the S. P. ware house. DEATHS Ross Clarence Dclmnr Robs of 810 Lincoln street, at a loenl hospital, at tho ago of 64 years 10 months 2 days. Survived by widow. Mrs. Laura Etta Ross; ono daughter. Mrs. Lorraine Kron, and ono granddaughter, Betty, both of Portland; mother, Mrs. Flora Ross; brother, Leon Ross, both mother and brother of Caro, Mich; and an other brother, Claude, in Lansing. Mich. He was a member of the Salem Woodmen of the World lodge. Funeral services will be held from the Ter wlllleer Funeral Home, 770 Chemek eta street, Monday, Nov. 26 at 2 p.m. Cannon In this city November 24. Charles Hawley Cannon, 78, Survived by five children, Mrs. Winnie Petty John, Chester Cannon and Mrs. Edna Spurllu, all of Salem, Mrs Alda Pet tyjohn of Oregon City, Storrle Cannon or Woodland. Wash.; grandchildren, Helen Pettyjohn Lamb of Salem, Lu- cne reiiofjuuii n-uuiuum ui uw Dorothy Cannon Wilbur, Donald and lionorc uannon ana wnnuy opuruu, vl Salem; great-grandchild, Nancy Lamb of Snlcin. Funeral services will be hold from Uio Chanel of W. T. Rlgdon com pany, Monday, November 26 at 3 p.m. with interment in Belcrest Memorial park. Pent? Mrs. Wllhelmlna Peetz. aged 00 passed away at the home of her son, Herman it. Peetz, at Turner on Thursday, Nov. 22. She Is survived by her son Merman k, ana me iouowing grandchlldren: Mrs. Harvey W. Por ker of Salem, Mrs, Frank Anderson Jr., of Oukland, Judgo E Pcctz of Oakland, Calif., Mrs. Clyde Betts of Vancouver, Helen and Betty Pcetz of Turner, amyi ana utrzoi rcecz oi rort- land, and five great-grandchildren. Services will be held from the Clough Barrlck chapel Monday, Nov. 26 at i:so p.m. interment wiu do u iub Belcrest Memorial park with Rev. Amos Mlnncmau officiating. Jackson At the home of a daugh n- nn FAiilr. U Mnunmlinp Oft ITnimlv A Jockson, 88, 'wife of Frank W. Jack son of South Dakota; mother of Ed ith A. Mlnturn, saicm, ana Harriet A. Booth of Portland: also survived hu nt oTB.illrhtlrirpii- 18 Kreat-arnnd- chlldren and three great, great grand children. Funeral services win oe neia Monday, Nov. 28 at 10:30 a.m. from the chupel of W. T. Ulgdon company. Rev. George C. Blrtchet officiating minister, interment X.O.O.F. cemetery. mil. T ihlr, .ltat Mmi OA Dalnh Ellin, late resident of Portland, fined 21 years. Funeral announcements lat er by W. T. Rlgdon company. Shaw Mrs. Emma Shaw, late resi dent of Court street, Salem, at the Home or a aaugmer, ,wirs. ijouis wiv Claln, Seattle, Thursday, Nov. 22. Sur vived by her daughter In Seattle, two grandchildren, five sisters, Mrs. R. Hartley Mrs R. E. Downing, Mrs, A. M. Taylor. Mrs. W. H. Pennington and Mrs. Grace Whlttlg; a brother. R, W. Craig. Funoral services will be held from the chapol of W. T. Rlgdon com pany, Monday, Nov, 26 at 1:30 p.m. ltov. Drover C. Blrtchet officiating. Interment Twin Oak cemetery, Turner. rvflni insure At the home of a daughter in East Salem, Charles Al fred DeSaussure. aged 85 years. Belov ed husband of Margaret, father of Mrs. Thomas ntuputricic ana m. William Soduman of Salem; Mrs. M. E. Meade or Grants Pass, Mrs. William Shuttle-worth of Chicago, Mrs. H. C. Hcckerleg of Oakland, Cal., Charles A. of lionan, Mont., George, Leo and Ro bert E. DeSaussure. all of San Fran cisco, Funeral services Sunday at 2 p. m. Sunday irom me aaiem nauriut.rjr, 546 North Capltolslreot. MAKKIAflR I.H'KN.SFS Dallas Clifford A Brown. 21, farm hand and Naomi H. Syron, 19, house keepor. both ofDalhxa. lem. Funeral services will be held from the Keoney funeral home Sun day afternoon at 2 o'clock, OH C All IIOI.MKN Woodburn Funeral services for Os car llolmen, 60, killed In Portland Friday night when struck by an au tomobile, will be held from the Bcech-lor-Klllan chapel Tuesday, the hour yet undecided. Burial will be In the Belle passl cemetery. Besldns bis mo ther, Mrs. O. N. Holmcn of Woodburn, a brother, J. O. Holmen and ft sister, Mrs Minnie Johnson of Lyie, Wash., survived. H ATT IK A. MKVBR Sliver ton Mrs. Battle Albertlna Meyer died Saturday morning at tho fnmlly farm home. Born in Taylor Falls, Minn.. April 26, 1877. Came to Oregon with her sister In 1004 and was followed a year later by her par ents, John and Mary Hemnungscn Williams. Was married Dec. 7, 1B05 to L. H. Meyer. They lived for four year near the power plant in Silverton and for the last 25 years on the farm In Paradise valley. Survived by widower; daughter, Althea Meyer; son Ludwlg; two sisters, Mrs 8. P. Moberg of Hcotts Mills and Mrs. Oust live Moberg of Taylor Falls, Minn.: two brothers, 8am Williams of Molatla and Alvin of Hubbard: niece, Mrs. Severt Punruo of Silverton and ft nephew, Al Hem nilngsen of Silverton. Funeral services Monday at 2 p4n. at Trinity Lutheran church with Larson and Son in charge, flev. Carl Foss will officiate and Interment will be In Evans Valley cemetery.