Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 24, 1934, Page 5, Image 5

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A. Bush, Jr.
Marries In
At a quiet but impressive cere
mony solemnized in Klamath Falls
Friday night, Mrs. Faye Cornish De
Spain, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Cornish of Klamath Falls,
became the bride of Asahel Bush,
Jr., son of Asahel Bush of Salem.
The ceremony was read at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Gillenwatcrs
on Roseway drive by Rev. Robert
Lee Batrd of St. Paul's Episcopal
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bradley were
the only attendants. Following a
wedding trip to Reno the couple will
reside in Klamath Falls. Mrs. Bush
Is a popular member of the Klamath
Falls younger set. Mr. Bush is a
graduate of Amherst, where he was
a member of Phi Beta Kappa, na
tional scholastic honorary. He is
now connected with the Herald and
Klamath News. He Is the grandson
of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Bush and a
grand nephew of Miss Sally Bush of
Annual Christmas
Charity Ball To Be
Given By Spinsters
snr" HE Spinsters announce that they will sponsor their annual Christ
J III mas charity ball at the Marion hotel on Saturday night, December
III 22, with many out-of-town folk bidden to attend. Proceeds from
the affair will go toward renovating the Y.W.C.A. club rooms, which is
the project of the debs for the winter. Hie hostess group will entertain
at dinner in one of the smaller
dining rooms at the Marion pre
ceding the affair, with their es
corts bidden as additional guests.
Spinsters include Miss Margaret
Corey, Miss Priscilla Fry, Miss Mar
garet Burdette, Miss Jeanne Wilson,
Miss Louise Cook, Miss Kay Laugh
rlge. Miss Iris Jorgensen, Miss Jo-1
sephine McGilchrist, Miss Henriette
White, Miss Helen Worth, Miss
Cieo Ritner, Miss Peggy Goodfel
low, Miss Rovena Eyre, Miss Mar
garet Heltzel, Miss Roby Laughlln,
Miss Myra Belt, Miss Margaret
Wagner, Miss Kate and Miss Doro
thea Corey, Miss Margaret and Miss
Doris Drager and Miss Jean Doo
little. Patronesses who will assist in
making plans for the affair include
Mrs. George A. White, Mrs. Homer
Goulet, Mrs. C. S. Hamilton, Mrs.
Curtis B. Cross, Mrs. Frank H.
Spears, Mrs. Homer Smith, Sr., Mrs.
Margaret LeFurgy, and Mrs. Wil
liam McGilchrist, Jr.
Luncheon Held
At Over Home
Mrs. E. Over entertained at
luncheon at her home on South
14th street recently. The afternoon
was spent at playing several hours
of pinochle. The Thanksgiving mo
tif was carried out in the ar
rangements. Chrysanthemums and
early winter flowers were used
about the rooms.
Bidden to the affair were Mrs.
Ben Gisler and small daughter Ma
rie, Mrs. Bud Lakey, Mrs. E. Guth
erie, Mrs. Sid Lloyd, Mrs. Charles
Elliott, Mrs. Pearl Stewart, Miss El
len Bowman. Mrs. Pearl Richy and
baby Dorothy Ann, Bobble Over
and the hostess Mrs. E. Over,
Chi Delta chapter of Delphians
will meet at the home of Mrs.
George Lewis Tuesday morning at
9:30 o clock.
The International Relations sec
tion of the A. A. U. W. will meet at
the Salem Public Library Monday
evening at 7:30 o clock.
Here 'n
By Rovena Erre
the musicale given by Emlyn Griggs
last Saturday afternoon at the Vic
tor Griggs' home . . .. Emily looked
very grand in her frock of shell
pink embellished with beading . . .
and Mary Elizabeth Kells, who
sang, looked like a portrait In her
Empire blue frock. After the pro
gram talk buzzed and everyone
breezed about shaking hands with
everyone . . . and sipping tea. Mis.
O. O. Locke and Mrs. George A.
White sat at the serving table and
did the honors, both wearing stun
ning ivory lace tea gowns. Mrs. Da
vid Eason, with whom Emlyn stud
ies, and Mrs. Griggs, wearing black
velvet, scurried hither and yon see
ing that everyone was having a
time for themselves, Mrs. Paul Wal
lace wore a brown boucle model,
with a cape collar and a smart red
sailor . . .Mrs. Jack Elliott looked
awfully nice In green with white
laccy trimming . . . Mrs. R. L. Ed
wards wore a smart green ensem
ble . Mrs. C. A. Kells wore a
beige dress with a hand-drawn de
sign . . . Mrs La Moine Clark was
gowned in black lace.
JOTTINGS come from Gertrude
Winslow, daughter of the Walter
Winslows, in New York. She's
pending the winter season there
and having a grand fling studying
dramatics and dancing and doing
tome professional acting ... in ad
dition to making it a point to take
In all the new shows and stellar
musical events. Gertrude finished
at the University of Oregon last
June and was exceptionally active
in dramatics on the campus.
Ruthita Hoffnell. who Is spending
the winter at "the Post" In Manila,
P. I., with her uncle and aunt. She
had Just arrived home from a cruise
down In the southern Islands, when
the recent typhoon struck . . . and
how It struck I Houses and gardens
devastated . . . people hurt ... all
sorts of gory stories ... but Ruthita
and her hosts were spared and
pent hours looking out for people
who had been less fortunate. Ruth
ita may be home this spclng and
the whole band will be out to greet
her. She is the daughter of Hr. and
Mrs. E. M. Hoffnell.
The marriage of Miss Josephine
Nibler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Nibler of Woodburn, and
Walter H. Bell of Stayton Is of in
terest to Salem people. The cere
mony will be solemnized Monday
morning, November 26, In St. Luke's
Catholic church at woodburn.
The bride was graduated from
Woodburn high school and for sev
eral years has been employed at the
state capitol. The bridegroom is a
son of Mr. and Mrs. George H.
Bell of Stayton and was graduated
last year from the Willamette uni
versity School of Law.
The young couple will be at home
In Stayton after December 1.
Mrs. Inez Holbrook entertained
the members of the Lonesome club
at the Spanish Kitchen Thursday
evening. Twenty-five guests were
present and cards were In play.
Supper was served at a late hour.
Miss Juliet Glen
Opens Studio
Miss Juliet Glen, who is opening
a voice studio next Tuesday in the
First National Bank building, be
lieves Salem Is ready for its own
opera. Local opera is one of the
surprising developments of the past
few years in the United States.
Opera Intime, Chamber Opera, Ly
ric Opera, all of them have sprung
up in music loving communities.
A group of singers vocally ade
quate to handling a score and f
small orchestra enables the public
to hear the finest music with small
expense. It Is In the smaller cities
of Europe where the greatest sing
ers are developed and given oppor
tunity for expression to all who
sing well.
Salem, Miss Glen believes, has
the voices, the orchestra and the
spirit to Join in this national move
ment. Miss Glen will welcome any
singers who are interested in be
coming members of Salem's first
opera company.
The Presbyterian Aid society en
tertained at luncheon Wednesday
at the church with covers placed for
75 women. Mrs. E. A. Kenney pre
sented Mrs. C. A. Mulkey with 1
birthday gift. A program followed,
with Mrs. W. E. Kirk speaking on
the passion Play viewed abroad sev
eral years ago. Mrs. Ed Byers was
in charge of the luncheon and Mrs.
C. A. Lytle arranged the program,
The League and Ladies' Guild of
the American Lutheran church will
sponsor a dinner and bazaar at
the church Tuesday evening at 6:30
o'clock. All members and friends
rae bidden to attend.
The Royal Neighbors will meet
Monday night at the Fraternal tem
ple Monday nignc at tt ocioctc. An
interesting program has been plan
ned and all members are asked to
9 There
Spinsters opened their annual rum
mage sale down on State street
Friday . . . and thinking we might
find a bargain or so (they're right
up our alley . . . bargains, we mean)
we dashed over right after 1 o'clock
There was Jeanne Wilson, all deck
ed out In a color-splashed smock,
explaining how a smoking jacket
was really worth 60c as its only
disfigurement was a small moth
hole . , . Myra Belt displaying
formal gown of none too recent
vintage which was labeled 15c ,
but then it had possibilities .
Henriette White, coming back from
lunch and putting on her work
smock backwards . . . Dorothea
Corey, wearing a heavenly blue
sports dress and arriving just a lit-
the late, came in to do her bit. The
Spinsters are completely doing over
the club room at the Y. W. C. A.
and the proceeds from the Jumble
sale will go to provide new curtains,
etcetera and ditto.
CORNUCOPIAS were used as
centerpieces at the formal dinner
given at the Tea House by tne Har-
ry Collins, the Grover Bellingers,
the Phil Newmycrs and the J. E.
Laws the other night before the
Monday Night Dancing club's for
mal at the Castilian. Mrs, Bellinger
was charming In violet velvet ,
Mrs. Newmyer was In black .
Mrs. Law wore a sky blue
model with a court train . . . Mrs.
Collins was radiant in cream lace,
The dance was grand fun for ev
eryone concerned . . . Mrs. John
Brophy was gowned In a model of
silver lame combined with black
. . . Mrs. W. J. Busick had a smart
costume of black with sequin em
bellishment . . . Mrs. William Mc
Gilchrist, Jr., wore a silver and rose
lame model trimmed in brown velvet
. . . Mrs. Herbert Stiff wore a shell
pink costume as did Mrs. Carl Butte,
and very fetching it was, too, with
its feather boa trimming,
member of the deb set Is sporting a
handsome "shiner" . . . What capi
tal city bachelor has become a "pro
moter" . . . Don't ask us another .
Edited bj Boveoa
Sorority Groups To
Sponsor Gay Formals
On Saturday Evening
eOBWEBS of cellophane will transport Hazel Gioen into a most fan
tastic dance club this evening when members of Delta Phi so
rority entertain at their winter formal. Guests who, so far, have
heard nothing but faint rumors as
simply agog with curiosity. To carry
maids are using webs of cellophane
in all pastel shades on which will
be reflected amber lights.
Patrons and patronesses will in
clude Mrs. F. Alban Weil, professor
and Mrs. Charles Sherman, Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Unruh and Mr. and Mrs.
William McGilchrist.
Hostesses nre Misses Ruth Chnpmnn.
Lois Underwood. Margaret Hans. Janet
Well. Winifred Gardner. Martha Warren.
Edna Danford. Peircy Haight, Doris Un
ruh, Gwendolyn Hunt. Prances Stewart,
Witndft Landon. Jessie Pyron, Mary Mere
dith. Gwcn Gallaher. Esther Black, Helen
Benner. Beatrice HartunR. Bertha Bnb
cock. Gladrs Hansen. Dorothy Mlnnlck.
Neva Smith.' Dorothy Dlncle. Barbara
Crookham. Mary Jeanctte Earcent. Rose
mary Huffman, Louise McCalllster. Ro
berta McGilchrist. Shirley Stenner, Cath-
rln llcadrlck, Lois BuBrion. . Julia Ann
Hoover. Joan PMWpps, Betty Abrams,
Maisaret Ha user, Cathryn Johnson, Lil
lian Hart. Annette Jordan. Barbara
Halcht, Carolyn Hunt, CarroU Gardner,
Virginia Push.
Guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Dwlcht
Adams, Edward Frantz. Garfield Barnett.
Bert Rusk. Charles West. Carl Rhoda,
John Steelhammer, Ray Lafke. Bill Thome,
Primer Ramsdcll. Earl CarkSn, Don Er,
Denn Cndle. Harrison Winston, John
Welch, Earle Potter, Dwlttlit Aden, Gus
Moore, James Burdette, Arthur Smith, Ray
McKcy, A) Heumnn, Talbot Bennett,
Lowell Eddy, Joe Scott, Louis Stutt, Mnn
vllle Pettcys. David Moser, B1B1I McAdams,
Pamell Kupper. Charles Neville. Bill Snt
ten. Raph McCulIouKh, David Johnson.
Bill Schcrmerliorn, Bruce Eckman. Melvln
Vlken, Melvln Goode, Ross Gladden, Bill
Hansen. Guy Helnsorh and Vcrn Adams,
Beta Chi members have bidden
Capital Society To
Concentrate On The
Thanksgiving Holiday
-i-HE ensuing week will center
O III homes, with many out-of-town
III Thanksgiving festivities, AJinner parties win oe juuuweu Dy in
formal affairs, bridge, (lances ana
William Conncll Dyer will have as
college men. Phi Delta Theta Ira-
ternity brothers or their son, uiuy.
They will Include Bob Bergstrom
of Astoria, Jack Millney of The
Dalles, and Gordon Donneley of
Pendleton. Mrs. J. H. Koltcs of
Long Beach, Calif., will also be a
guest at the Dyer home.
Judge ana Mrs. Henry j. Bean
will entertain In their Court street
residence in compliment to Mr. and
Mrs. Prank Spencer of Salem ana
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Larson of Port
land and Mr. and Mrs. Hawley
Bean of Echo. -
Judge and Mrs. John L. Rand will
have as their guests Mr. and Mrs.
Irving Rand and daughter, Mary, of
Portland. Judge and Mrs. Percy R.
Kellv will honor Mrs. Ralph Caise
of Portland and Miss Lela Mitchell
of Eugene at dinner. Judge and
Mrs. J. U. Campbell will have the
Walter Patries and little Miss Joan
Patrle of Portland as their dinner
Major-Gcneral and Mrs. George
A. White will have as out-of-town
guests Mr. and Mrs. George Emtgh,
Jr.. of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Mil
ton L. Meyers and Mrs. Walter A.
Denton will entertain with a large
family dinner In their home on
Court street. The Homer Goulets
will also entertain with a family
dinner at their country place.
Golden Wedding
Sublimity Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Welter celebrated their golden wed-
dlnir anniversary at their homo in
Iowa 60 years ago and came to
Oregon 44 years ago. Present for
the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Nick
Heuberger, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Jo
seph Heuberger. sr., Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Gerspacher and family. Mr,
and Mrs. Steven Weber, Mrs. Han
nah Weidner, Marie and Joseph
weidner. In the evening ft recep.
tion was held for the following:
Rev. P. H. Scherbring, Mr. and Mrs.
Thco Heuberger, Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Heuberger. Mr. and Mrs. bimon
Boedigheimer. Mr. and Mrs. George
Silbernascl. Mr. and Mrs. Nick
Heuberger. Jr.. and son, Mr. and
Mrs. Trvin Schumacher and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Starr and
Vincent and Inez, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Hartman. Sr.. Mr. and Mrs.
Sylvester Sylbeinagel, Mildred and
Leonard Schumacher. Mrs. Hannah
Weidner and Joe Heuberger.
Mrs. Wayne A. Pettlt entertained
with a prettily arranged bridge
benefit in her apartments at the
Court Friday afternoon, tne pro
eppris to co to the American Legion
auxiliary. Mrs. Prank Jirak and
Mrs. William Taw won high score
Assisting Mrs. Pettlt were mem
bers of the Americanism committee,
including Mrs. A. S. Johnson, chair
man. Mrs. A. M. Johnson, Mrs
Christopher Butte and Mrs. Elbert
Those attending the affair were
Mrs. Prank Jirak. Mrs. C. W. Bart
lett. Mrs. Walter H. Zosel, Mrs. Ray
L. Binegar, Mrs. J. H. Brady, Mrs.
Earl Andrcsen. Mrs. Merle D. Travis,
Mrs. Arnold S. Johnson, Mrs. Prank
Zinn, Mrs. Carl Tultenberg, Mrs. J.
T. Delanev, Mrs. Olen Seeley, Mrs.
King Bartlett. Mrs. Oscar Cutler,
Mrs. Byron C. Lleuallen, Mrs. Glenn
W. Porter, Mrs. Austin Wilson, Mrs
Bryan H. Conley, Mrs. Mem Pearce
Mrs. William Taw. Mrs. F. N. Wat
ers and the hostesses.
Local members of PI Beta Phi
and their escorts are planning to
motor to. Portland Wednesday eve
nlng to attend the PI Phi Thanks
giving eve dance at the Portland
hotel. Mr. ana Mrs. George fcmign,
Jr.. will entertain Informally pre
ceding the affair in compliment to
the Salem folk.
Errc. Fbone 488,
to what the co-eds are planning art
out the "cobweb" motif, the sorority
their escorts to Castillian hall for
dancing. The affair will be formal
and will emphasize a sophisticated
motif of black and gold in decora
tions. Chaperones will be Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Wallace, Dean ana Mrs.
F. M. Erickson, Mrs. C. D. Ga
brielson and Mrs. F. A. Elliott.
Hostesses arc the Misses Clara Wrfcitt,
Lillian Oraham, Edith SI dwell, Anna Jo
Flemmlnit. Bet to Swift, Marguerite Clark,
Jrryme Opston, Marnaret Hunn, Isobcl
Morehouse, Marcla Brown, Esther Gib
bardr. Jane Fisher. Helen Purvine. Doro
thy Keeton. Lucille Brainard, Eleanor
Trlndle, Josephine Cornoyer, Prances El
lis. Dorothy Ohormley. Betty Hawkins,
Julia Johnson. Edna Savage, . Margaret
Savosc, Virginia Wassam. Margaret
Doece, Nellie Perrlne. Carol Flemmlr.B,
Nova Hedln. Ruth Blllinss. Vivian WIcl
mcr. Ruth Bunzow. Charlotte Litchfield.
Irmn Oehler. Mildred Walker, La Verne
Norton. Charlotte Schneller. Mcrvlne
Thurston. Aurcl llockett. Melba Belle Sav
age, Victoria Schneider. Ha Mills, Helen
Keudell, Jean Hollingsworth. Rosamond
Weston. Jane Bellcncer. Ina BeBnnctt,
Barbara Benson. Pauline Winslow, Helen
Burdlck, Charlotte Eyre, Dorothy McOec.
Dorothy Dalk and Caroyl Dradcn.
Escorts will include Karl Weisser,
Charles Verstcefr, Fred Smith, Harold
Hoyt. jnck Grant. Don Mills. Bob Hart.
Marshall Hartley. Bill Lemmon, Reo
YouriK, Kenneth Manning. Joe Harvey.
Bronk Williams, Vincent Harrlman. Don
BBurch. Randolph Kester. Floyd Waltz.
Kenneth Peterson. Ralph Barber. Paul
Carpenter. Frank Pembcrton. Ed Fronk,
Dick Miller. Max Taseart, Fred Harris.
(Additional Society on page 10)
about the hearths of capital city
folk arriving to participate in the
small Dunet suppers. Mr. ana Mrs.
their guests a group of Oregon State
Subscription Dance
At Marion Hotel
The Subscription club dance at
the Marion hotel next Saturday
night from 10 until 2 o'clock will be
the focal point for Salem society.
Several no-host dinners are being
planned and informal cheerio par
ties will precede tne anair. uut-oi-town
guests from Portland, Eugene
and other Willamette valley points
are being bidden to attend.
Miss Helen Saalfeld
Guest Of Honor
Mt. Angel At one of the largest
pre-nuptial affairs of the season
Miss Helen Saalfeld, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Saalfcld, was
honor guest at a shower Monday
evening at St. Mary's school dining
hall, which was colorfully decorated
with chrysanthemums and laurel
Cards were played during the
course of the evening with high
score honors in "500" being award
ed to Mrs. R. O. Appleby and the
draw prize to Mrs. Albert Ebner,
"Kootie" was also in play during
the evening. Miss Constance Conrad
received first prize and Miss Ger
trude Annen. the draw prize.
Hostesses for the affair were
Mrs. Otto Wellman, Mrs. Fred Goo-
ley, Mrs. William J. Kloft, Mrs. Leo
Barr. Mrs. Emil Woir. Mrs. Ber
nard Predeck, Mrs. Henry Saalfeld,
Mrs. William B. Annen, Miss Marie
Ebner. Miss Irene Butsch, Miss
Louise Butsch, Miss Roslyn Kron
berg. Miss Grace Smith, Miss Paul
ine Saalfeld. and Miss Henrietta
The wedding of Miss Saalfcld to
Joseph Berchtold will be held next
Tuesday morning at 0:15 o'clock at
St. Mary's Catholic church here.
Mrs. Claud Darby
Stayton A birthday dinner was
given in honor of Mrs. CInud Darby,
the occasion also being her wea
ding anniversary.
Covers were placed for the honor
guest, Mrs. Darby, Mr, ana Mrs.
Adrian Hermens and children,
Richard and Carlnne, Mr. and Mrs.
H. E. Barker and sons Herbert, Jr.
and Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. Will
Myers, all of Salem, Mr. and Mrs.
Mike Neitllng. Mrss Shirley Precle,
Miss Madelle Kappauf, Mr. and
Mrs. F. E. Studnlck. LaVcrna Dar
by, Edward Welter, Delbcrt Darby
and Roland Darby.
Dallas The Altruistic club of the
Pythian Sisters was entertained at
the home of Mrs. Irene Lynn wea
nesday evening. Mrs. Florence
Hunter and Mrs. Del Plaster were
hostesses for the event. Six tables
of "500" were In Dlay with Mrs. T.
B. Hooker winning first prize and
Mrs. A. P. Slnrr low. A late supper
was served at the close of the game.
Mrs. Vem Compton of Salem was
a special guest and members pres
ent were Mrs. W. D. Collins, Mrs.
Earl Burke. Mrs. D. P. Slater and
Mrs. Lulu Robinson, all of Salem
Mrs. Alzalda Smith. Mrs. Warren
Dunn, Mrs. Lloyd plaster, Mrs. Al
bert Bennett. Mrs. Hooker, Mrs. E
A. Wagner, Mrs. Starr, Mrs. Ed
Dunn, Mrs. Ray Oohake, Mrs. J. R
SIMcy. Mrs. Joe orlllin, Mrs. nai
eieh Mlddleton. Mrs. Andrew Ir
win, Jr.. Mrs. C. P. Helgerson. Mrs
Arnica Stockwell. Mrs. Fay Brown
Mrs. Merrltt Hart, Mrs. Gcv-e
Eberting, Mrs. C. P. Hyde.
Mrs. Eva Martin will entertain the
members of the Woman's Relief
Corps and their friends at the home
of Mrs. Bcrlha Ray, 328 Mission
street, Tuesday afternoon.
The Sons of Union Veterans and
auxiliary will meet for their regu
lar social evening and pot-luck sup
per on Monday evening at 6 o clock
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. War
ren, 10th and D streets.
The Business and Professional
Women's club will hold its monthly
meeting Tuesday evening at 6 :30 o'
clock in the clubrooms of the Ma
sonic temple. Dinner will be served
and Anne Shannon Monroe, Oregon
author, will speak on her new book,
"Walk With Me, Lad."
Chemcketans are urged to attend
the social planned for this evening
at 8 o'clock at the Salem Heights
Community hall. Motion pictures of
the Worlds fair and Yellowstone
National park will be shown by Dr.
David Bennett Hill as a part or
the entertainment.
Miss Donna Harlan
To Wed Frank Bashor
At Quiet Ceremony
0fi OI Uie most cuainiing evi:ir.a ui iiminu6...iiS j .....
marriage of Miss Donna Harlan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Harlan, and J. Frank Bashor, which will be solemnized at high
noon at the home of the bride's parents. Rev, H. C. Stover will read
the service in the presence of relatives and a small group of intimate
friends. The ceremony will be per-
fnvmpH hcfoi-R nn imm-ovized altar .
of chrysanthemums, autumn foli
age and tall cathedral tapers. Mrs.
Harris Lietz will sing "I ijove sou
Truly" and "Until" and Mrs. Billie
Herbster will play the wedding
The bride has chosen a smart
black tallleur trimmed with a rac
soon collar for her costume. She
will wear a small black hat and
suede accessories. There will be no
An informal receotion will follow.
Assisting about the rooms will be
MacDowell Club
Concert Dec. 11
The Salem MacDowell club will
clve its annual Christmas concert
at Waller hall on Tuesday evening,
December 11. The chorus, which is
directed by Miss Lena Belle Tar
tar, is composed of 45 voices. Its
Christmas program Is always one of
the most anticipated events 01 tne
year in capital music circles.
The "Chorus will be assisted Dy
Prof. T. S. Roberts and Miss Jean
ette Scott, violinist. The program
will be announced at a later date.
Woman's Guild
In Session Thursday
Hubbard The Woman's Com
munity Guild met in an all day
session with a pot luck luncheon at
the home of Mrs. S. L. Johnson in
Salem Thursday. The committees
for the annual bazaar which will be
held December 7 at the city hall
were appointed. Mrs. Neva Mac
Kenzie will be in charge of the en
tertainment features; Mrs. H. L.
Carl the refreshments: Mrs. Ira
Garland apron booth: Mrs. H. E.
Adams pillow slips; Mrs. A. J.
Smith fancy work ; Mrs. Marie
Clavnool countrv store and Mrs,
Julius Stauffer will be In charge of
the punch bowl. Mrs. W. I. Orr's
Sunday school class of girls will
conduct the candy oootn.
Independence Club
Observes Book Week
Independence Good Book week
was the inspiration for the book
review given before the Women's
club Tuesday, by Mrs. J. H. Hart
and which was greatly enjoyed. Mu
sic for- the program was under the
direction of Mrs. M. J. Buuer.
Hostesses were Mrs. G. F. Cohrs and
Mrs. C. D. Calbreath.
At the next regular meeting of
the club December 4, L. M. Gilbert
of the W.C.T.U. Farm Home wiU
be the speaker and entertainment
will be furnished by the Boy scouts.
The annual family dinner and
roll call of the Pythian Sisters was
held in the K. P. hall Thursday
evening, November 22, with covers
placed for 42. Following the dinner
the following program was given
Speech by Judge L. H. McMahan;
pep songs led by Mrs. Frances
Greenwood: whistling solo. Mrs
Carlson; Scotch songs and stunts
by Mr. and Mrs. Craig; gultnr solo,
Mrs. Mary Aplln; accordion solo,
Mrs. Frances Greenwood.
A gavel was presented to Centra-
lia temple No. 11, Pythian Sisters,
by Mrs. Lowe In behalf of her
(rrand mother. Mrs. Mary A. Mitch
ell, who Is the oldest living member
of Centralia Temple, No. 11. The
imvel was presented to Mrs. Mitch
oil's son, Jacob Le Roy, In 1905 by
the K. P. lodge of Tennessee and is
made from wood from Lookout
mountain. Mr. LeRoy is a charter
member of central lodge Knights
of Pvthlns of Salem.
The program was closed with pep
songs and a business session fol
Independence The announce
ment of the wedding of Ross Ncl
son to Mrs. Myrtle Cummings of
Corvallls comes as a surprise to his
many friends here. The wedding
haa been kept a secret for some
time. Nelson Is the manager of the
Isis theatre of this city. He is
son of the late Abraham Nflson
one of Polk county's pioneer fam
West Stayton Ruhy Comstock.
Hdest daughter of Mr. and Mrs
Fred Comitock. was mnrried to
William Walfcrr of J-!frr.son at
Vancouver. Wash.. Tur.'ulay after
noon. They will be at home in Cher
ry vine.
The A.A.U.W. Music Apprecia
tion clfuui will mcfrt at the studio of
Miss Frances Virpinie Molton. 993
Court street, on Tuesday night at
t.'iO ociock.
Club Dance
Of Interest to society next week
will be the formal dance given by
the Tillicum club in castillian hall.
Several smart cocktail parties are
being arranged to precede the af
fair. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Butte have in
vited a group of the club members
to their home. Among them will be
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Galloway, Mr.
and Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Weidmer, Mr. and Mrs, Wil
liam Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. John
Brophy, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
Gueffroy and Mr. and Mrs. Chaun
cey Crider of Dallas.
Mrs. Gardner Knapp and Mrs.
Farley Mogan entertained In com
pliment to the members of Alpha
Chi Omega alumnae at the home
of the former on Monday evening.
The hours were spent informally
with sewing for Chi chapter. Sup
per was served at a late hour.
"V'""B WJ"'""J
ra Wright and Mrs. Glenn Wil
bur. Directly afterward the couple
will leave by motor lor tne sou in-
ern Oregon beaches. After Decem
ber 15 they will be at home In West
Miss Harlan Is a popular member
of the capital s younger set ana at
tended local schools. Mr. uasnor is
former Oregon State student,
where he was affiliated with Phi
Gamma Delta, and later attended
Willamette university, where he
was a member of Alpha Psl Delta.
On Monday evening Mrs. John
Griffith, Miss Ruth Skinner, Miss
Marguerite Estudillo nnd Miss Aud-
reann Reynolds will entertain with
smartly arranged an air at
the home of the former in
compliment to Miss Harlan. Bridge
will be the diversion or tne
evening and at a late hour
pre-nuptial shower will honor the
nopular bride-to-be. unrysantne-
mums will decorate the rooms and
the serving table at the supper
Those bidden to honor Miss Har
lan include Mrs. Harris Lietz, Mrs.
Ralph Kinzer, Miss Pauline John
son, Miss June Jackson, miss irma
Weiser. Miss Honora Reldy, Mrs.
Glenn Wilbur, Mrs. T. Harold Tom-
llnson, Miss Hester Hlllpot, Mrs. W.
Edward Raffety. Miss Agnes moi-
san. Mrs. Billie Herbster, Miss Lau
ra Wrieht. Miss Georgia Nasn, Mrs.
E. E. Harlan. Miss Rnmona Estudil-
11, Miss Evelyn Shields, Miss Char
lotte Green. Miss Marie Patton, Mrs,
Raymond Busick and the hostesses.
Pi Beta Phi Fetes
Alumnae of PI Beta Phi enter
talned Wednesday at the home of
Mrs. EvcreLt May In compliment to
Mrs. Warren T. Smith of Los An
gcles, grand vice-president of the
Covers at luncheon were placed
for Mrs. Smith and Miss Lillian Da.
vis. Miss Ethel Frazier, M;ss Mar
caret King. Miss Ruth Holmes, Mrs.
Frank Dcckebach, Jr., Mrs. Walter
Fuhrer, Mrs. Edwin Keecn, Mrs,
Don Prltchctt, Mrs. Carl Ramseyer,
Mrs. Edward Sox, Mrs. James R.
Humohrcv. Mrs. Vern Miller, Mrs.
Dwight Qulsenbcrry, Mrs. Marion
Mulkey, Mrs. Wolcott Btiren, Mrs.
Raymond Bonesteele nnd the nost-
ess, Mrs. Everett May.
Miss Edna Bollman
Tells Betrothal
Dallas Miss Edna Bollman,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. A
Bollman of this city and bride-elect
of William John Peters or Bonnie,
was complimented Wednesday cve-
ninu when Mrs. Paul Bollman en
tertained with a miscellaneous glass
shower at her home.
Bridge was In play during the
evcnlnK. Betty JellneK was
presented with the price. A beauti
ful lace cloth covered the shower
table centered with yellow chry
santhemums flanked by tall yellow
tapers. Following the opening of
the Rifts supper was served by the
hostess who was assisted oy Mrs.
Almos LeFors and Mrs. L. A. Boll
man. Bidden were Miss Bollman Miss
Edith Dunn, Miss Dorothy Mlnnich,
Miss Dorothy Dunn, Miss Margaret
Slants, Miss Catherine Hawkins,
Miss Helen Shreevc. Miss Ruth Pc
tre, Mrs. Morris Walton. Mlsa Eve
lyn Llndahl, Miss Jelcnlk, Mrs. Le
Fors, Mi Mary Hllies, Miss June
Helms, Miss Arlle Mno Hartmnn,
Mrs. Bud Coon, Miss Frieda Mac
Blake of 8nlem.
The wedding will be an event of
December 31 and will take place In
Dallas Mrs. Al Cherry entertain
ed Tuesday evening at her home
when she complimented Miss Nao
mi Byron with a miscellaneous
shower. Miss Syron will be the bride
of Clifford Brown of Dallas In the
near future. Violin selections were
rendered by Mrs. Maude Crawford
during the evening and after the
gift were opened light refresh
ments were served.
Those present were Mrs. Charles
Guy, Mrs. Jersicfl Hanor. Mrs. Min
nie Morrison. Miss Olndys McKern,
Mrs. Ray Gohrke, Mrs. Marlon Sy
ron. Mrs. Forrest Martin. Mrs. Hul
da Smith. Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. Eu
gene Ilayl'rr, Mlsa Syron and Mrs.
Among the recint guests from
Salem to visit the El Cortcz hotel
In San Diego were Mr. and Mrs.
J. D. Rogers.
Mm. Donald A. Young spent Fri
day In portend.
All Next Week!
What We Monogram:
Sheets, Cases, Towels, Blankets, Shirts,
Robes, Pajamas, Scarfs, Neckwear,
Underwear, Handkerchiefs
Including Your Monogram
3 for $1
Here's a wonisrful
special on a national
ly advertised towel
direct from the mills.
MARTEX (look It Up
In any woman's ma
gazine) Is tho stan
dard of excellence In
towels . . and now
you have the oppor
tunity to purchase
them at a big saving
In price and get them
monogrammed free.
Rose, blue, orchid, maize, green, white, peach, red and black. All
are positively fast to washing .. .even to laundry bleaching. Re
member, any of tho above mentioned articles you buy next week
will be monogrammed free.
Special Note:
Buy your sheets, pillow cases,
towels, blankets, etc., etc., and
have them beautifully mono
grammed. All work guaran
teed. Sec samples in our win
dow tonight.