1 EXCLUSIVE NEWS DISPATCHES WILLAMETTE VALLEY NEWS by si-ectal coruesi-oxdknts Wednesday, januarv 24, im POLK SHERIFF TELLS OF NEW TAX PAYMENTS Dallas Statements will be mailed to every taxpayer as soon as the rolls are turned Over to his of (ice by the county as-srsor, according to Sheriff T. B. Hooker, who has complied a digest of tlie new tax laws enaeU'd by the general and special session of the legislature. Under tlie now law it is to the advantage of the taxpayer to pay all his taxes on or belore March 15 and If this is done a 3 per cent re bate will be granted, he points out. If three-fourths ol tlie taxes are paid there will be a 2 per cent re bate and one per cent for half the full taxes. No rebate is received for the first quarter alone but interest will be saved on the amount. "First quarterly installments will become delinquent if not paid on or before March 15 and Interest at the rate ot two-thirds of one per cent a month will be charged on the first installment if payment Is not made on or before that date," states Sheriff Hooker. "The second installment will become delinquent if not paid on or before June 15, the third on or before September 15 and the final installment on or before December 15. This applies only to the 1934 tax roll." An attempt was made at the spe cial session to remedy the present bill a.s It relates to the mechanics of collection but nothing was done, lie continues, leaving three sepa rate and distinct methods 01 col lect nut taxes. These are; 1 The law passed at the last regular session which went Into ef fect July 1, 1833, and applicable to the 19:io taxes and all years prior and providing for the payment in 10 semi-annual payments. 2 The present law effective as to 1931 and 1932 taxes wnereoy payments are made in halves, due May 5 and November 5, of each year and, (3 The new law effective as to the 1933-34 taxes whereby payments will be made in quarters. While some confusion is bound to exist and time needed to explain the details to the taxpaying public, Sheriff Hooker saw it will be his endeavor to aive the bent possible service and he welcomes any in quiries relative to the subject and will do his best to explain the new law thoroughly. Mrs. Boyd Hostess Clear Lake Women Clear Lake ITic M. W. A. met at the home of Mis. Cecil Boyd. The lesson was given by the president, Mrs. Massey. Those present were Rev. and Mrs. Leining. Mrs. J. C. MrParlan. Mrs. V. Boyd, Mrs. I Charles Berliner, Mrr. Theo. Stolk, Mrs. Lmqulst. Mrs. Eek Duioit, Mrs. David Sohlay, Mis. Amos Smit.lv, Mrs. Keeney and the hostess, Mrs. Cecil lioyd. Guild Entertained At Miller's Home Wood burn Mrs. Henry D. Miller entertained St. Mary's Episcopal guild Tuerday afternoon at her farm home near town. After a short busi ness meeting with Mrs. H. L, Gill presiding the members devoted their time to sewing. Refreshments were served at the dining table which was centered with a huge bowl of vio lets. Daffodils, iris and wall flowers were piared about tlie rooms. Spe cial guests were Mrs. George Her bert Swift and daughter Jean Clare of Salem, Mrs. Ed Johnson of Los Angeles and Miss Carol Kallak. Santees Entertain , .Monmouth Mr. and- Mrs. J. P. Santee cnteitaiued with a buffet supper and informal evening Sun day ninht in their home on Ecolla street. Guests bidden by the host were Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Whiteside and Weslon Whiteside of Corvallis; Mr. and Mrs. F, M. Roth and Ker mit Roth: Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Jenson and Arne Jenson; Mr. and Mrs. Al Ired T. Allen. Miss Leon Baker, Har old Santee and Donald Santce. CATARACT IIKMOVKI) West Salem Mrs. John E. Thom as of Ednewater street underwent an operation for removal of cataract from one eye a few days ago She Is getting along nicely. The other eye will be operated on later when she has become strong enough to bear it. VOl N(l PKOI-I.E GChSTS Fux ViilL.-y Mri. Perkins was lnjdU'.ss to a group of jouiig people Friday evening. The evening w.te spent in plawng cair.es. Those present wvif smiley Homer, Edward and Gene Howe, Strlla Hammon, 1-ot aine, Kiaiu us and Clarence Jmi'-iwnili. Dell WillianiMm. Jerry I.von.s. Ra Welter, EMai Swan, Lois. Lee, Jim ami J .nine Perkins. t MV S1.E SLCtESS Mill Cn;. A ery siicees.sf ui candy sale, und. r tiie a;u-piccs of (lie Jun ior Woman's club was held at the Hammond Lumber company stoic Tuesday afternoon. qt II. TING IX 4 Hi nut Lyons Plans are being made for an all-day rlub mceiing at the com munity chin Thur.Miay. Quilting and curtain making for the clubroum Will be ill order. Broadaeres Miss Justine Hunt, a teacher in the Donald school has been ill at her home with flu. There have been several cases here Urn winter. Wood burn Mrs. Ed Johnson of Los Angeles is a guest at the home of her brother-in-law and sister. Mr and Mrs. Herbert L. Gill. Mrs. John son arrived In Woodburn Monday alter viMllng relatives in Washing ton and Portland. Silverton Guests at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Renwuk from Friday until Tuesday were Mrs. Charles McLeod and son Earl. The McLcods attended the funeral serv ices of the late Dr. Blacks by Monday. Friends Of Yost Extend Greetings Silverton Andrew Yost. A resident of Sllverton for many years, is re ceiving congratulations on tiie oc casion of his 77th birthday anniver sary Tuesday. Yost is a native of Switzerland and came to the United Slates in March. 18R3. Lying fur a time In New York and later for a number of years In Ohio preuous to his residing in Silverion. Yost has a son, Carl, living in Stevenson, Wash. His birthplace was Krcsville, Switzerland. , IMPROVE GROUNDS AROUND CLUB KALL Sllverton Hills Much activity Is going on around the community hall wilit tlie men members taking ad vantage of an off-day from their farm work and meeting in groups to improve the grounds and build -inc. Two projects have been taken care of this week in the furnace being completed with the air shafts for ventilation and cement drainage de pressions being put in to save the basement rooms of the hall from flooding in rainy weather. The membership will be hnsts to the visitation committee of tlie Sll verton chamber of commerce Satur day nincht at the regular session of the club with the visitors in charge of the program hour. Mrs. Anna Hadley is president and Mrs. Bessie Tschantz secretary of the club. MISSION BOTTOM PTA Mission Bottom Talks by the county P.T.A. president, Mrs. Moun tain and the county secretary, Mrs. Bradley, president of tlie Aumsville PT.A., C. L. Martin, and Principal Mountain, also of Aumsville, were features of the program for the Mission Bottom P.T.A. Other numbers on the program were: Song, school children: humor ous skit, "The Morltorium," Mrs. A. L. Lamb and A. N. Parsons; recita tions and readings by Betty Vtesko. Dorothy Townsend and Charlotte Martin; piano solos by Miss Abbott and Dunne Felton, Miss Abbott and one of her students; vocal duet, Mr. Martin and Mr. Tappan accom panied by Mrs. Lowe; musical read ing by Mr. Tappan; solo by Gwen Martin; song by Charlotte Martin, Frances Gildow andn Dorothy Pot ter. It was announced that the offic ers would serve refreshments at the 1 February meeting. Refreshments were served to about 80 members and guests by Mrs. A. L. Lamb, Mrs. T. R. Jeldcrks and Mrs. A, N. Par sons. Aumsville A group from Aums ville P.T.A. attended the P.T.A. ses sion at Mission. Bottom and also helped put on the program. Those going were Mr. mid Mrs. T. C. Mountain, Mr. and Mrs, C. L. Mar tin. Mrs. A. E. Bradley. Mrs. D. A. Lowe. Charlotte Martin. Frnnrp.i 'ldow D()Io,hv Pottcr- n,iUi s'- 11 il, uiuii.uu ijuc ana viuzari lap pin. Gilkeys Honored Rivervlew A surprise birthday party was given at the home of Mr and Mrs. Merle Gilkey Thursday niejit in honor of Mr. Gilkey's birtliday anniversary. Games were played until a late hour, followed by refreshments. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Goar, Mr. and Mrs. jnc Prokop. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. David Sprague and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zeller, Mr. and Mrs. Jeann Kelly. Otto Yunker. Lloyd. Carol and Veloris Crenshaw, Mildred Gardner, and tlie host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Gilkey. Divorce Is Sought Albany Estella Jacobs Is asking for a divorce from Lester C. Jacobs in circuit court here, alleging cruel and inhuman treatment as grounds ior action, me Jacobs were married at Lemmon. S. Dak.. October 9, 1912 and the two have six children. Tlie plaintiff alleges that the defendant is not contributing to the family's support. IIIKIIIDAV CELEBRATED Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Clair Hum phrey ente trained with a dinner Sunday in compliment to their ;mall daughter, Betty, whose birth day is the coming week. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnson, Miss Mildred Berry, Hugh luiMHi. all of Lyons, and the h.wts. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Hum phrey and Bettv. P.T.A. WILL MEET Victor point The Januarv Par ent-Teacher meeting will be held at the school house Friday nliiht. A busbies session, short program and lunch arc scheduled for the meet ing. Lyons Mr. and Mrs. J. H. John ston and sou Hugh and Miss Mil dred Berry spent Sunday at the Claire Hampshire home nt Shaw. The occasion was the first birthday anniversary ol little Hetty Hamp shire, granddaughter of the Johu- stons. sure Nflwtmiflf thrtnsaiHt-; nf people will fHlymi th..t th,- h As i h. M KfsT WAY I.. KH nd 11 :l,r wtt'Uk-lwii HII.I. SL(H.t) 1 Ali. u- I s mid twu kJ.ishm ot water rvtxy few I - wandrf nl little tatM irivr foil such Bivr.lv r. itt rrlirt von ,-.u, t nhl un try tm m -iiMi'iitc m.-l h uls Ixfuw Ihvt1 i he three tlnPnnineWMiv to br.'k up rxM, Wash ptis.'is in 'ni strm, Cdr. k Uvn and rav a ..v ;i. I..- ,. iii. I-'iKht i ll roM urmia Al I A 1 ( l.VC I . I h.. jvr ol.t Roe m mtv ami Irrl like a iw-w prison Cel rid ot t-.tUI t!u in vr-i f.i-tri w..v A- ilttigjrt NSI I 'C CASCARA IllLii. O QUININE Jr break T I mmii H in a da if 1 LODGES OFFER JOINT AFFAIR Sllverton Installing officers ep. 1 urate ly and serving supper later In : the hall dining room Jointly uas the ord.-r of program Monday ninht of the Neighbors of Wood.raft and the Woodmen of the World. For the women. Mrs. Maude Hill man acted as installing officer with the following officers being placed: Mae Hlginbotham as G. N.; Tressa Scott, P. O. N.; Lulu Seeley. Attd.; Vera Ottoway. clerk; Elsie Smieral, banker; Ida Pitney, Adv.; Beryl Riches, magician; Neda Benson, C. of G.; managers. Mabel S tor lie. Mil lie Warner and Wynola Ottoway; Hag bearer, Goldie Down, and cor respondent, Rebecca Barber. A. C. Barber, with A. W. Greeu as first assistant, was the installing of ficer fur the W. O. W. officers that included R. C. Scott, C. C; A. W. Green. P. C. C: C. E. Huinbotliam, A. D. Z.; A. C. Barber, clerk; B. Fen- eide, banker; A. W. Larson, Esc.; Ed Yotuig, watchman; S. W. Allen, sentry; "and as managers, A. W. Green, S. A. Pitnev and R. O. Allen. ROOSEVELT PROJECT INTERESTS PUPILS Rickreall Mrs. Rose Pence, critic teacher in the grade school, m ho lias given much of her leisure time to making a huge success of the chil dren's school orchestra which she formed about two years ago, is now planning the organization of a be ginner's class in violin, Mrs. Pence will instruct the class and the more advanced violin pu piis will supervise the practice per iods, thus passing on to others the help they themselves have received. According to Mrs. Dew. critic tea cher, the pupils of the primary room are Interested in earning money to send to President Roosevelt for his birthday, which occurs on January 30, to be used in maintaining his Warm Springs sanitorium In Geor gia. Stolk Is Honored By Card Evening Clear Lake A card party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theo Stolk in honor of Stolk's birth day anniversary. Lunch was served at a late hour. Those present were M.. and Mrs. Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ba ker, Mr. and Mrs. John Bain and family. Mr. and Mrs. Oral! Garner and two sons, Mr. and Mrs. Lot ton Girod and two sons, Mr. and Mrs. Eck Dutoit, Mrs. James O'Neal and daughter Frances, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Deim and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lick and two children, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Pitzel and family, Marie Sherman. Eftie Bain, Henry Stolk and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Stolk. Droadacres Guests Broadaeres Among the visitors at Broadaeres are Mr. and Mrs. Wiilmm Meehan from Vancouver, B. C, who are visiting relatives and looking alter property interests. Mr. and Mrs. Lcicy and daughters from Portland, who were guests of Mrs. Leicy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Keitel. The Misses Laura and Stella Christens on, who tame from Portland to visit their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Whitney, and s. W. Zelmer, former mail carrier on route No. 1, but now re tired, who came out to attend the Broadaeres Sunday school and Mr. and Mrs, Glen Losey and son of Portland, who are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Lusey. Also Eurl Dehut from Woodburn, who visited his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Losey. Water Closes Mill Mill City The Hammond mill here was forced to cease sawing op erations Monday. January 22, on ac count of high water. However, the loading crew continued working so as to get out shipments. If the water goes down some tlie mill will again .start up Thursday morning. School Plans Sing Hazel Green The young people of the Sunday school will hold an old fashioned sing at the Guy Loo ney home. There will be preaching services next Sunday at the church. Rev. Wortman has arranged has trips to Hopewell so that Hazel Green church services will be held consecutively on the two last Sun days in each month. VICTIM OF AI'TO Broadaeres Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Whitney aud their daughter, Mrs. T. H. Johnson were called to Port land to see Mrs. Whitney's si.ster, Mrs, Ethel Chris tenson, who was .seriously injured when she was struck by an automobile, she is in he Good Samnrltan hospital. Barbara Stanwyck In Shopworn' With ZAZC PITTS Allh JOAN MI.ONDKI.L MADCK KVANS LOWELL SIIKKMAN AND WELLESLEY GOES CO-ED it 1 i j. ffc if- -- Wcllcsley college at Wellealey, Mass., now hu a man student! Tha lon male at th famous girls' school is Apoitolos Athannatsiou, a young Greek who Is taking a special course in the art department b tort starting excavation work at Antioch. Htro Athannasiou ia shown with three girl students. Left to right: Lucreco Hudgins, Atlanta, Ga., Margaret 8. Eaton, Bridgeport, Conn., and Jean Brownall, Pittsfield, Mass. (Associated Press Photo) CLEAR LAKE CHURCH MAY HOLD SERVICES Clear Lake The election of Sun day school and church officers was held with the following results: V. B. Boyd, trustee for three years; George Brown, parsonage trustee; W. P. Collard, class leader with So phie Garner assistant; Mrs. Roy Smith, church treasurer; Lunelle Ciutpin, church and Sunday school pianist. Sunday school officers are: W. P. Collard. superintendent, re-elected; Mrs. Lizzie Massey. assistant sup erintendent; Neva Smith, secretary, re-elected; Hazel Clement, treasur er; Maxin Beckner, librarian. Prospects of church being held ev ery Sunday at 9:45 o'clock in the near future, are bright. Concluding Bridge Party Is Offered Monmouth The concluding bridge party of a series was held with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hagmeier and Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Wolverton hosts at the Wolverton residence on Jackson street. Honor at cards were won by Mrs. E. C. Cole and H. W. Morlun. Bidden for the evening were Dr. and Mrs. V. V. Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Gillette, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Fred ORourke, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Dewey, Mr. and Mrs, H. W. .vforlan, Mr. and Mrs. Carl DcArmond, Mr. and Mrs. James Gentle, Mr. and Mrs. George Cooper, Mrs. velma Johnson Pearson, Grange Will Meet Chemawa The regular meeting of the grange for January will be held Thursday. Tlie Red Hills grange will be guests at this meet ing and will occupy the chairs. Re ports on Pomona grange activities will be heard and many other top ics of interest and Importance will be discussed so all members are ask ed to be present. Mrs. H. W. Bow den requests members to bring pie or cake which will be servei by a committee under her direction alter the meeting. RETURN TO S A I.EM Aumsville Mr. and Mrs. H. Mc- Collum who have had charge of the Aumsville garage the last three months, have moved back to Sulem, aud Elmer Webb of Turner has tak en cliarge. He will do mechanical work. Mr. Webb will drive back and forth to Aumsville daily. I AMomfOwned Theate" lOUYWOOj 1'rom the ComopnlKan M.i;a xine stonr, "Ohwurltv" by Rl'PKRT HIX.IIKS Also Comedy, News and "The Gypsy Fiddler" COMING SI NDAY! 3 DAYS PADDY Today Are ,'ind ill Ei'l Dime Thurs. Wfjy Kites CHESTER MORRIS if ' ittgg'jajmnsw i THE NEXT BEST THING 1 4 STRANGER DISTURBS PEACE IN WOODBURN Woodburn Considerable dLrturb ar.ee was caused on the streets near Dr. Donnelly's office late Tuesday afternoon wben a stranger was brought in to the doctor with a bad ly cut lower lip. Stories are rather voi;ue as to the actual facts but the man, whose name was not learned, was brought here by "Spud" Mur phy, according to reports, who im mediately leit. His car was driven to town by another party, and an op erator's license in the car bore tlie name of Jack Coy. The stranger ob jcrted strongly to modieal attention and proceeded to rai: a roughhousc until the patience of those trying to assist lum wur, exhausted and a state police officer was sn for who took hun to a hospital at Salem. He will likely be brought bark to Woodburn t ar.;Ter to the ehnre of beini? drunlc and disorderly on a public street, . Halladays Hosts In Son's Honor Monmouth A dinner and an eve ning of informal entertainment was iveu by Mr. and Mis. S. C. Halla day in compliment to their son Glenn on his natal day. Coming for the ocr:iMon were the honor guest, Glenn Halladay of the University of Oregon v here he is majoring in economics; Miss Pau line Morian who is studying mu.sic at Linfield college; MUs Juanita Nelson, teacher at Timer, Ore.; Miss Beth Snodgrass, student at the Ore gon Normal school; Orv.U White of the University of Oregon and Gor don Ebber of Iha rVottn;il school. MRS. FORRESTER HOME West Salem Mrs. Frank Forres ter, who had been a patient at the Deaconess hospital for over three weeks following a serious foil, was able to be brought to her home on Senate street. She is convalescing slowly. Miss El vert a Mint on is as sisting in caring for her. TRrSTEE IS C HOSEX Shaw The men of the Immacu late Conception parish held a par ish meeting Sunrl;iy following the late mas3 for th1 puipcse of elect ing a trustee. Charles Nannemann was elected. Trustees no-- In of fice are Charles N.ir.nemar.n, John Amort and Joseph M,'"!V'?:i. CiaaE fAC3MTlNNT! GIRDLE the GLOBE? - ....... , WILLIMitl FRANCES DEE PAIPH IN lK..hT RACEJS"0N" Sllverton Interest is Increasing in the eonjerlure of Silverton post master prospect:;. A candidate that has not said much as to his plans previously has announced himwlf as an open candidate with much preparation already completed, in a political way. This is Henry Aim, for 11 years active In tlie business firm of Julius Aim and Sons, as one of the sons. Aim states that his business asso ciates have been back of him solidly in his campaign and that communi cations and recommendations have been highly In his favor. Reber Allen, present incumbent, was appointed under a democratic administration, though he is a re publican. His present term expires February 6, 1934. Much influence has been brought to bear toward his re-appointment by his many friends. Other candidutes who liave made an open effort for the position are George Cusiter and Ernest Palmer. Reports have been naming a possi ble dark horse from the present rinks of the pos toff ice force as be ing in line. OFFICERS DRILLED IN LODGE RITUAL Woodburn Mrs. Myrtle B. Peter son, associate grand conductress and deputy for the worthy grand mat ron. Order of the Eastern Star. Will visit Evergreen chapter officially on March 12. This announcement was made at the regular meeting of the chapter Monday evening. Alter the close of chapter the new officers were drilled in the ritualistic work in preparation for the visit of the grand officer. Plans were made to hold a pot luck supper preceding the February 12 meeting and Mrs. K. A. Beers. Mrs. Lillian Bttney, Mrs. Etta Hall and Mrs. Lois Proctor were appoint ed as the committee on arrange ments. The supper will be held at 6:30 o'clock. Albany Man Heads Linn Jersey Club Albany Robert L. Burkhart of Albany was re-elected president of tlie Linn-Benton Jersey Cattle club at the annual meeting of the club held here Saturday. Other officers alerted were Willard Brown, Oak vi lie, eecretary-treaMirer; C. L. Brush. North Albany, vie1 president and F. E. Push of Shedd, member of the board of truces. The annua! Linn-Benton Jersey cattle show will be held in Albany sometime in June, it was voted. Surprise Offered Silverton Misses Silverton The Misses Nellie and Letha Cavender were complimented in a surprise party at their home on Fisk street when a group of friends met with Mrs. Zimmerman hi charge. The guests served sup per and enjoyed an evening of cards. Bidden were Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Solic, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zimmer man. Miss Lois Zimmerman, Miss La Verne Herrick, Miss Ina Harold, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Itenwick. the Misses Jean and Catherine Tomt son. A. . Strand and Mrs. George Cusiter. Krenz Line Chief Victor point The Victor Point Silverton Telephone company held its annual meeting at the Victor Point school house Saturday after noon. Principal business was elec tion of oflicers for 1934. President W. F. Krena; vice-president, Clar ence Jones; secretary -treasurer, Ivan Darby. New directors elected were E. L Charlesworth and John Brewer with Theodore Fisher and J. O. Darby those remaining in of fice. No line assessment was levied. BIRTHDAY OBSERVED West Salem Mrs. K. K. Clark was hostess at a dinner party at the par sonage on Edgewater street given in honor of their daughter. Miss Mary Jeanett Clark's birthday anniver sary. Covers were placed for Miss Clark, Rev. K. K. Clark, Miss Cath erine Applewhite, Miss Mary Jeanne Otey and the hostess, Mrs. Kimball K. Clark. WITH THiS DAREDEVIL NEWSREEL Starts Tomorrow mm Rehearsals Start On School Benefit Hubbard "Here Comes Charlie", a three-act comedy will be present ed by a grcup of the alumni ot the school as a benefit toward stage ac cessories such as curtains. The play will be directed by Mrs. Neva Mc Keii2ie. Marie de Lespinasse will take tlie part of Charlie which Is a shortening of Charlotte. Others as signed parts are Tava Deetz, Hazel Ingals. Orva Barrett. Anna Knight. Tony Painter, Jack Mooinaw, Rollle Bldgood, Roy CI ay pool and Ben Miller. Rehearsals were begun Mon day evening. The play will be pre sented in the new gymnasium, the first play to be produced there. SILVERTON FORUM WILL MEET TONITE Silverton Henry Aim, president of the Silverton chamber of com merce has announced a meeting of the forum for Wednesday evening of this wetk. A banquet will be held and Lieutenant Walter Lansing of the state police will be the guest speaker of the program. The only prospect for business discussion promises to be concerning the local CWA situation. The visitation committee includes Guy W. DeLay, Ernest Starr, R. Fish and Dewey Allen. They have arrang ed a program to be given at the Sll verton Hills community hall Satur day night in conjunction with the regular session of the club. The personnel of the senior high school play, "Mama's Baby Boy." the Four Norsemen as fingers. Mrs. W. P. Scarth as vocal soloist and Henry Aim, a speaker representative, will appear as social entertainers. Birthday Observed At Sherman's Home Clear Lake A birthday party was held at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman in honor of their daughter Rose Marie's 15th birthday. Games were played throughout the evening. Lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. Sher man, assisted by Mrs. Arthur Bak er. Those present were Effie Bair, Nellie Clement, Orail Smith, Ada Mae Smith, Pearl Jones. Grace Pit zel, Hemette Porter, Lois Lick. Rob ert Clement, Bruce Jones, Harry Robertson. Marie Schmaltz. Rex Dutoit, Donald Clement, Francfci Porter, Emmett Porter, Homer Ze linski, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baker. Ray Lick, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman and the honored guest, Rose Murle Sherman. Sixty New Bridges Erected In County Albany Sixty new bridges, ccst ins $14,407.04 were built by Linn county during VJ'S3, according to a report made by Elmer Hoist, county bridge foreman, the Linn county court members announced. Ninety three bridges were also retired and with re-building approaches and painting bridges the total expendi tures for bridges was $16,403.43. Class Has Social Hubbard Tlie members of the Young People's clais of tiie Feder ated church had a party at the city hall recently with a social hour, games and refreshments as the pro gram for the evening. Approxi mately 40 attended. The group was cnapcroocd by Rtv. and Mrs. W. I. Orr. Anna Knight and Irene Higginboilicm were in charge of the event. BENEFIT IS PLANNED Mill City The S. B. A. lodge will hold a benefit card party at the I. O. O. P. hall Friday evening after which a free lunch will be served. Colds That Hang On Don't let them get a strangle hold. Flglit germs quickly. Creomulslon combines 7 mnjor helps In one Pow erful but harmless. Pleasant to take. No narcotics. Your own Uruuttlst is authorised to refund your money on th pot tf your cough or cold is not rrlirrcrt by Creomul'-.iin. adT.) HELD OVER! Wed. and Thurs. Follow the Crowds! To See the Biggest Film Sensation In 10 Years! tt-O-M'i ARISTOCRAT OF THt JCKIW Tht Caifr MARII DlkSSLIK JOHN SARRYMORI WAliACI tlliY JCAN HA HOW UONtt tARTMOl 111 TRACT I0MUN0 LOWI tlUII tURRI LaaW Mati nee Today and .T..15C I Com, 1 ) f I f TWO SEWING CLUBS ARE ENTERTAINED Hazel Green The Misses Harriett and Dorothy Dutiiiran entertained recently with a combined social and business meeting for members of the two 4-H sewing clubs. Tlie Haimy Hour club, which ia comprised of tlie division 2 members has completed project No. 3 and a number have commenced on other work. Tlie Busy Bee club which Include those sirls taking division No. 1 pro ject are also fast completing their work. Following the business session. group sinking was enjoyed and at the ta hour the nostesses servea refreshments to Alice Montandan, Daisy Rutherford, Gvneva Van Cle ave, Caroline and Cecelia Caspar, Shirley and Beatrice Johiuon, Ma rie and Katherine Montanuon, Genivere Snyder, Hilda Slottum, Lillian and Yushle Yo&hikal, Helen Ziehnskl, Charlotte Massie and Ber nice Lehrman. Tlie boys' and girls' 4-H club lea ders. Clifton Clemens and Mrs. Ju lius Slottum, attended the county meeting In Salem at which time Miss Helen Cowgtll, state club work. er from Corvallis. was the speaker. JANUARY BIRTHDAY DATES CELEBRATED West Salem Tlie Coville club en tertained at the T. J. SlUpter home with a birthday party honoring Miss Mary Jeanette Clark. Miss Violet Wallace and Miss Catherine Apple white whose anniversaries occurred January 17, 10 and 21. The evening hours were spent in the playing of games and with vo cal and Instrumental music follow ed by the serving of refreshments. Those present were me nonor quests, Miss Clark, Miss Wallace and Miss Applewhite, and Miss man Maens, Miss Josephine Tandy, Miss Lilian Shinier, Miss Barbara Le Whipple. Miss Mona Vosburgh, Miss Irene Moored. Miss Margaret Austin and George Tandy. Willard Wells, LeRoy Wells. Reginald Vosburgn, Winston Gosser, Robert Mather, Percy Weatherbv and Ralph Barnes. Oregon Described In Noted Magazine Silverton Oregon members of th National Geographical group arc be ing notified by letter that tiie Feb ruary issue of the magazine will have a generous section devoted to the scenic beauties of Oregon in ft pictorial survey of the state and an article by the well known Oregon writer, Amos Burg. The notice fur ther states that 24 pictures will be In color plate and 39 in monochrome. The magazine is published in Wash ing! cn. D. C. Divorces Granted Albany Four divorces were grant ed in circuit court Tuesday by Judge L. G. Lewelling. All were default caes. Divorces were given Alphena irom Dr. J. E. Bridgwater; J. S. irom Ursula Stevens. Rosemary from Ro bert P. Chri.sten.sen and A. M. fron Myrtle Smith. Help Kidneys Up Aitfhu, Ncrvoainmii, K)x.-um&tlc A fains. btitrntM. Burn in. Kmirtln;, 9 lichinir. er Acklity try the cr'iarmntMd Due Wr' Proscription Cystrx(Siss-tex) Piotfa w Must fix you up or moa& L.NUSTOMTE 300 SEATS 15C V DARING ALL (or 5 LOVE AND LOOT' THE HERBERT MARSHALL J MARY eOLAND lONEL ATWILlgl Coming Thur., Fri., Sat. FIGHTING for FORTUNE. LIFE AMD LOVE... ZANB JS JeSJS. AFarOTiMltfffcfw. whh RAHftOlH SCOTT II0ITH AILIM MAIIT CAIIT lUSTtl ClAltl NOAH IIIIT RATMOND HATTOH d MONTI IIUI si jriibli5 1 i "M